Father’s Day stars collectively show off their fathers: Chen He and Zhang Xinyi’s father kill Xiao Fresh Meat in seconds

  China News Service, June 20. Yesterday was Father’s Day, and many celebrities took photos on Weibo to celebrate.

  Li Bingbing posted a group of photos of her father, and hilariously posted eyeliner and red lips to her father, and netizens left messages to ridicule: "Ask for lipstick color number", "try to die, be careful of being forced to marry", "too similar, it must be biological".

  Actor Chen Shu posted photos of his father when he was young, with the caption: "Obviously he is responsible for his appearance, but his dancing skills are outstanding. Hard work, hard work, you must do your best. Dad has set an example for me by doing it." Users praised him, saying: "Dad is really a male god with an explosive appearance."

  Actor Chen He posted a photo with his father, with the caption: "The 2.0 version of beauty and IQ!" netizens left comments to joke: "Your father is much more handsome than you", "You are definitely not your biological", "Are you the father who stole Hu Ge?"

  Actor Guan Xiaotong posted a photo of herself and her father on Weibo. "He will protect me, spoil me, make me breakfast, make dumplings," she said emotionally. "Sometimes he will be strict with me, control me, set rules for me~ But no matter what he is, who he is, he is my father." Users sent blessings: "Be mercilessly happy and happy."

  Singer Ah Sa also posted a photo of himself and his father. The two in the photo look and look alike. A user commented: "Dad Sa is so trendy and handsome."

  Singer Wang Feng posted a photo of his father’s military uniform on Weibo, and wrote: "Dad, I miss you! If only I could still be naughty in your arms… Happy Father’s Day." A user posted a consolation: "It’s a pity that your father didn’t see your musical achievements, you are his pride."

  Zhang Xinyi also posted a photo of his father’s military uniform on Weibo. Users left a message saying: "Kill the current little fresh meat in seconds," while others joked: "At first glance, I thought it was Yuan Hong," "a cherry mouth exactly like yours."

  Jiang Xin posted old photos of her father’s youth, and was identified by netizens as "like Wang Baichuan".

It is inevitable that the real estate market will pick up in the first half of the year, such as "land king"

Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhu Zhixin China Net Rui Wang photo

> > > State Council Office’s Press Conference on the Current Macroeconomic Situation [Record] < <

   The State Council Press Office will hold a press conference on the afternoon of August 7, 2009, inviting Zhu Zhixin, vice director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Ding Xuedong, vice minister of finance, and Suning, vice governor of the People’s Bank of China, to introduce the current macroeconomic situation and take questions from reporters.

   The Beijing News reporter asked at the press conference that the real economy is still in a difficult stage, but the prosperity of real estate has worried many people. For example, a new "land king" was shot on Guangqu Road in Beijing a while ago, including the developers themselves. I feel crazy and hard to understand. What do you think of the current situation of the real estate market? Is it necessary to make policy adjustments?

   Zhu Zhixin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, replied that the real estate market can be judged in one sentence in the first half of the year: the real estate market continued to pick up in the first half of the year. I use three figures to illustrate: first, the investment in real estate development was 1,450.5 billion yuan, an increase of 9.9% over the same period last year; Second, the sales area of commercial housing was 341.09 million square meters, an increase of 31.7%; Third, the housing sales prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities in June rose by 0.2% compared with the same period last year. Overall, the real estate market is in the process of recovery.

  Zhu Zhixin said that when it comes to the continued recovery of the real estate market, the journalists present here think about it. A very important change may have taken place in the real estate market at the end of last year and the beginning of this year. In the process of warming up, there will also be some hot issues in some aspects, which is inevitable. I think we should promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

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Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: Statistical data accurately determines that macro policies are in line with reality

Editor: Zhang Renhe

China Youth Daily is concerned about how to treat the "usefulness" and "uselessness" of culture.

For drinking tea, it is obvious that ordinary white porcelain bowls can meet the demand, but why do we prefer porcelain tea set with fine workmanship? When writing, the arm rest is used to prevent the arm from being stained with ink. Obviously, as long as it has the function of putting the arm, why do we pay attention to its material and the carving on it? When we are moved by the beautiful artistic conception of an ancient poem, when we are fascinated by the exquisiteness and elegance of a handicraft, what do we get from it? What can those humanistic details and artistic values bring to our lives? Or, is culture "useful" or "useless" to our life?

The "uselessness" of culture is also "great use"

In the dialogue session hosted by Bai Yansong at the 15th Cultural China Forum, Pan Lusheng, chairman of China Folk Writers Association, pointed out that "useful" means "practical" and "useless" means aesthetic "useless". Material and spiritual use and life use are both useful and practical, while useless is also useful and even useful.

Pan Lusheng introduced that in Lin ‘an City in the Southern Song Dynasty, the palace culture, the literati culture and the street culture were integrated, which formed the idea of "craft for practical use", and also created a life style of unity of practicality and aesthetics in the Southern Song Dynasty. During this period, the weaving technology was superb, and the fabrics made were dense and light as cicada’s wings. Not only were there various types of yarn, Luo, Qi and Ling, but the silk reeling and embroidery techniques were also superb. The gardens in the Southern Song Dynasty are like three-dimensional landscape paintings with pavilions and winding paths, which contain the spiritual complex and aesthetic artistic conception of literati. From the clay figurines of children in the Song Dynasty in Zhenjiang Museum, to the Children’s Plays in the City in Taipei Palace Museum, from the white porcelain children’s pillows in Dingyao in the Palace Museum, to Song Jin’s Paintings of the Hundred Immortals in Cleveland Art Museum in the United States, all of them reflect the aesthetics and interest of life in which humanities and art are combined with street life.

In contrast, in today’s fast-paced diet and fragmented culture, modern people no longer seem to have an attitude of attaching importance to life aesthetics, and traditional crafts no longer pursue use value. In this context, should we learn from the ancients and return to the "elegant life" way of the Southern Song Dynasty?

"The handicraft tradition of the Southern Song Dynasty is historical and contemporary, which runs through the traditional Chinese aesthetic spirit, lifestyle and cultural taste." Pan Lusheng said. Therefore, he proposed to develop a new economy of Song rhyme culture, take people’s life needs as the guide, enhance cultural life experience, and study how elegant lifestyle can be integrated into today’s life, so that people can gain a sense of cultural identity.

Pan Lusheng believes that, on the one hand, by reviving traditional crafts, we can explore how to better inherit and utilize traditional craft and cultural resources at present, inject the culture of Xixiang into education and cultural communication, and serve people’s spiritual and cultural life. On the other hand, through the development of cultural industry with cross-industry barriers, traditional craft culture can be transformed into the resources of contemporary Song Yun cultural industry, creating higher economic value, thus better serving people’s material and cultural needs.

"Cultural pension" is worth looking forward to.

On the aesthetic level of life, the "usefulness" and "uselessness" of culture may be a philosophical proposition, but in the medical field, the "usefulness" of culture is indispensable. According to Zheng Xiaoying, academician of the Academy of Sciences of developing countries and director of the Peking University Population Research Institute, culture is even more "useful" than science and technology.

Zheng Xiaoying said, "Everyone’s ultimate wish is to grow old healthily and say goodbye to the world happily. This is by no means a problem that can be solved by relying solely on science and technology or medical means, but a realm that must be achieved through the combination of culture, art and technology. In this sense, the infiltration of culture is more important than the development of science and technology. "Zheng Xiaoying believes that" medical art education should be integrated into medical education so that every doctor can accumulate deeper artistic accomplishment and cultural heritage. "

Zheng Xiaoying pointed out that cultural blessing is also needed to deal with the problem of population aging. She introduced that with the intensification of the aging process, the life expectancy of China’s population is also increasing rapidly. However, most of the increased life expectancy is unhealthy, that is, life expectancy with disabilities. Among the disabled people in China, 53% are elderly people. To solve the problems of these elderly disabled people, we need the support of science and technology, but more importantly, we need the support of culture. "Let them be happy and enjoy the benefits brought about by the reform and opening up to the maximum. This is not a problem that can be solved by a simple assistive device."

At the same time, Zheng Xiaoying emphasized the concept of "cultural support for the aged", which is a way to support the aged on the premise that the material needs of the elderly are basically guaranteed, on the basis of meeting spiritual needs, on the basis of communicating emotions, exchanging ideas and having a healthy body and mind, and on the purpose of publicizing individuality, advocating independence and enjoying the spirit of happiness and pleasure. "Cultural pension meets the spiritual needs of the elderly. For the elderly without children, this pension model is particularly important." Zheng Xiaoying said.

How to realize the mutual integration of science and technology and humanities

Undoubtedly, the integration of culture, art and technology can make people’s lives better. So, as an individual, how should we start from ourselves and realize the integration of technology and humanities? This is also a question that Wang Yuming, an academician of China Academy of Engineering and an expert in fluid sealing engineering technology, is often asked.

Wang Yuming laughed and called himself a "science man". "However, although my main business is mechanical engineering, I am not" mechanical "culturally. He is a student of Mr. Ye Jiaying, a consultant of the Chinese Poetry Society, the director of the Poetry Working Committee of colleges and universities, and the president of the Tsinghua University Lotus Pond Poetry Society. It can be said that he is a person who perfectly balances "poetry and distance".

When answering the question "how to realize the mutual integration of science and technology and humanities", Wang Yuming believes that in terms of values, science and technology and humanities and arts are both pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and they are essentially interlinked; In the mode of thinking, both of them need logical thinking and inspiration epiphany thinking, which can promote each other. The same is true of many masters of science and technology (such as Einstein, Yang Zhenning, Qiu Chengtong, Gu Yuxiu, Qian Xuesen, etc.). However, the most important thing is to have a "pure heart" in both scientific research and literary creation.

On the "Use" of China Culture from the Outside

The Chinese culture has a long history, and the "useful" culture not only created the fashion life of the ancients, but also injected spiritual strength into solving modern social problems, and also brought about an impact on the civilized development of neighboring countries.

In the dialogue session, Cheng Yonghua, former Japanese ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to People’s Republic of China (PRC) and executive vice president of China-Japan Friendship Association, introduced the "use" of Japanese culture to neighboring countries. He said that China’s culture had a profound influence on the Korean Peninsula, Viet Nam and Japan. Take Japan as an example. The Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties were the historical peaks of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges. During this period, ancient Japan sent 19 groups of envoys to China to study, with a maximum of 600 people at a time. In addition to sending envoys, a large number of international students also came to China from ancient Japan. Many of them stayed for many years, and some even stayed in China to work as officials in Chang ‘an until they died and were buried in Chang ‘an. In 645 AD, the ancient Japanese carried out the "Dahua Innovation" movement, abolished the monopoly regime system in big noble, and established an ancient centralized state with reference to the rules and regulations of the Tang Dynasty in China. During the Song Dynasty, more and more Japanese people came to China to study. Jian Zhen, a monk in the Tang Dynasty, traveled eastward to preach the precepts to Japan and was honored as the ancestor of Japanese Buddhist legalists. The Tang Zhaoti Temple complex built by him and his disciples in Nara, Japan, embodies the architectural characteristics of the Tang Dynasty and is the largest and most beautiful building in Japan’s existing Tianping era. Japanese characters are also born out of Chinese characters. At first, there were only languages but no characters in Japan. In asuka period, Buddhist classics introduced into Japan along with Buddhism made Chinese characters penetrate into Japanese life. The first Chinese characters were used by ancient Japanese as phonography, but they were troublesome in the process of use, so heian period invented katakana and hiragana with reference to the radicals and cursive scripts of Chinese characters. In addition, the present Japanese court music-gagaku,It is also music from the Tang Dynasty in China.

Cheng Yonghua said that Sino-Japanese exchanges have a history of 2,000 years. Today, Japanese young people are still attracted by China’s rapid economic development and technological innovation, and feel that "they should go to China to see more and communicate more".

Whether it is "practical" or "useless", the China culture of the same strain needs and deserves to be passed down and carried forward by contemporary people. As Pan Lusheng said, culture is a nation’s overall lifestyle and value system. If the ancients’ fashion is integrated into contemporary life, we may be able to create a pioneer culture with temperature, connotation and taste in the new era.

Social Interaction in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges

With the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous change of society, the future projects and post planning are also constantly changing and developing. The following are some projects and job plans with potential and development in the future:

  1. Artificial intelligence (AI): With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, AI jobs will become one of the hot jobs in the future, including machine learning engineers, natural language processing experts, data scientists, intelligent robot developers and so on.
  2. Blockchain technology: With the continuous development of blockchain technology, the demand for related positions will also increase, including blockchain engineers, blockchain developers and blockchain security experts.
  3. Renewable energy: With the enhancement of environmental awareness, renewable energy will gradually replace traditional energy, and the demand for related positions will gradually increase, including solar energy technical engineer, wind technology engineer and biomass energy technical engineer.
  4. E-commerce: With the popularity of the Internet, e-commerce will become an important business model in the future, and the demand for related positions will also increase, including e-commerce operation manager, e-commerce product manager and e-commerce marketing specialist.
  5. Big data analysis: With the development of the Internet and the Internet of Things, big data analysis will become one of the hot jobs in the future, and the demand for related positions will also increase, including data analysts, data scientists and big data architects.
  6. Life science: Life science is an interdisciplinary field, including biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, biopharmaceuticals, etc., and the demand for related positions will gradually increase in the future.

These are just some projects and job plans with potential and development in the future. The future job market will become more diversified and rich, and it is necessary to constantly learn and update knowledge and skills to adapt to the changes in the future workplace.

  1. Artificial intelligence related projects and posts: With the continuous development and popularization of artificial intelligence technology, there will be more and more artificial intelligence related projects and posts. For example, artificial intelligence engineers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, etc.
  2. 5G related projects and jobs: With the continuous promotion and application of 5G technology, 5G related projects and jobs will gradually increase. For example, 5G engineers, wireless communication engineers, network planners, etc.
  3. New energy-related projects and jobs: With the deepening of environmental protection concept, new energy-related projects and jobs will gradually increase. For example, new energy engineers, photovoltaic engineers, wind power generation engineers, etc.
  4. Cloud computing and big data related projects and jobs: With the continuous development and application of cloud computing and big data technology, there will be more and more related projects and jobs. For example, cloud computing engineers, big data analysts, data mining engineers, etc.
  5. Projects and posts related to human life sciences: With the deepening of human research on life sciences, there will be more and more related projects and posts. For example, genetic engineers, bioinformaticians, biomedical engineers, etc.
  6. Cross-border integration projects and jobs: With the continuous intersection and integration of various technologies, some new cross-border projects and jobs will gradually emerge. For example, Internet of Things engineers, intelligent manufacturing engineers, smart city planners, etc.
  7. Human health-related projects and posts: As people’s attention to health continues to increase, related projects and posts will gradually increase. For example, health managers, sports rehabilitation teachers, nutritionists, etc.

It should be noted that the future development trend and project demand may be affected by many factors, such as technological breakthroughs, policy changes, market demand, etc., so career planning needs to be constantly followed up and adjusted.

The next venture outlet direction

According to the current trend and the future development direction of technology, I think the next venture outlet may be:

1. Artificial intelligence: With the continuous development of big data and cloud computing technology, artificial intelligence will gradually become the mainstream technology, and more startups will focus on the research and application of artificial intelligence in the future.

Personally, I think that the future entrepreneurial outlet will be the specific application of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has made remarkable achievements and has been widely used in various fields, such as health care, finance, retail, manufacturing and so on. In the future, with the continuous improvement of technology, artificial intelligence will further penetrate into our daily life and various industries, such as smart homes and smart cities. Therefore, enterprises that will devote themselves to the development and application of artificial intelligence will become the next venture outlet. The application of AI technology will also bring more opportunities and challenges.

2. Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality Technology As a developer of artificial intelligence, I think the next venture outlet will be the specific application of artificial intelligence. Although artificial intelligence technology has been very hot in the past few years, its application field still has a lot of room for expansion. Especially in the era when the Internet of Things and cloud computing are booming, artificial intelligence is widely used in various fields such as operation and management systems, and its application scenarios are becoming more specific and diversified.

For example, in the field of intelligent manufacturing and industrial control, artificial intelligence can help enterprises optimize production processes, improve production efficiency and quality, and reduce costs. In the financial field, artificial intelligence can be applied to risk control, fraud detection, investment decision-making and other aspects, and can achieve high-precision and efficient data analysis. In addition, artificial intelligence also has a wide application prospect in medical care, education, transportation and other fields.

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is the future development trend and new venture outlet. With the advancement and maturity of technology, more and more artificial intelligence startups will emerge in the future. Technology is developing rapidly, and more startups will pay attention to the development and application of virtual reality technology in the future, such as games, education, medical care and other fields.

Application of blockchain technology In today’s digital age, the application of blockchain technology is more and more extensive, which can be used in finance, logistics, medical care and other fields. It has the characteristics of decentralization, high security and high credibility. More enterprises will use and explore it in the future, so the application of blockchain technology is one of the next entrepreneurial outlets.

3. Blockchain: Blockchain is a decentralized technology, which can be applied to various fields, such as finance and supply chain management. In the future, more startups will pay attention to the application of blockchain.

From a technical point of view, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and blockchain all have great potential and market space, but from the current market situation, blockchain is still in its early stage, its application is not extensive enough, and more technical optimization and exploration of application scenarios are needed; The application scene of virtual reality is relatively narrow and the audience is relatively limited; Artificial intelligence has been widely used, but it still needs further development and improvement.

Therefore, I personally think that the next venture outlet may be the development and application of Internet of Things technology. With the rapid development of Internet of Things technology, more and more devices and facilities will have the ability of data collection and transmission, which will give birth to a large number of data analysis and application requirements. At the same time, the Internet of Things will also give birth to a large number of emerging formats, such as smart home, smart city, smart medical care, etc., all of which have great market and commercial value. Therefore, the next few years will be the golden age of Internet of Things entrepreneurship, and various innovative applications based on Internet of Things technology will appear like mushrooms after rain, becoming the next entrepreneurial outlet.

In short, the future entrepreneurial enthusiasm is not limited to the above three areas. With the continuous progress of technology, we can foresee more new entrepreneurial opportunities.

What is the concept and meaning of big data?

"Big data" is a data set with a particularly large volume and data categories, and such data sets cannot be captured, managed and processed by traditional database tools. "Big data" first refers to data volumes? Large refers to a large data set, usually in 10TB? However, in practical application, many enterprise users put multiple data sets together, which has formed PB-level data volume; Secondly, it refers to the large variety of data, which comes from a variety of data sources, and the types and formats of data are increasingly rich. It has broken through the previously defined structured data category, including semi-structured and unstructured data. Secondly, the speed of data processing is fast, and the real-time processing of data can be achieved even when the amount of data is huge. The last feature is the high authenticity of data. With the interest of new data sources such as social data, enterprise content, transaction and application data, the limitations of traditional data sources have been broken, and enterprises increasingly need effective information power to ensure their authenticity and security.

Data collection: ETL tools are responsible for extracting data from distributed and heterogeneous data sources, such as relational data and flat data files, into the temporary middle layer, cleaning, converting and integrating them, and finally loading them into data warehouses or data marts, which become the basis of online analysis and data mining.

Access to data: relational database, NOSQL, SQL, etc.

Infrastructure: Cloud storage, distributed file storage, etc.

Data processing: NLP (NaturalLanguageProcessing) is a subject that studies the language problems of human-computer interaction. The key to natural language processing is to make computers "understand" natural language, so natural language processing is also called NLU (NaturalLanguage Understanding), also known as Computational Linguistics. On the one hand, it is a branch of language information processing; on the other hand, it is one of the core topics of artificial intelligence.

Statistics: hypothesis test, significance test, variance analysis, correlation analysis, t-test, variance analysis, chi-square analysis, partial correlation analysis, distance analysis, regression analysis, simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, stepwise regression, regression prediction and residual analysis, ridge regression, logistic regression analysis, curve estimation, factor analysis, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis, fast clustering method and clustering method

Data mining: Classification, Estimation, Prediction, affinity grouping or association rules, Clustering, Description and Visualization, complex data type mining (Text, Web, graphics, video, audio, etc.)

Prediction: prediction model, machine learning, modeling and simulation.

Results: Cloud computing, tag cloud, diagram, etc.

To understand the concept of big data, we should first start with "big", which refers to the data scale. Big data generally refers to the amount of data above 10TB(1TB=1024GB). Big data is different from massive data in the past, and its basic characteristics can be summarized by four V’s (Vol-ume, Variety, Value and Veloc-ity), namely, large volume, diversity, low value density and high speed.

First, the data volume is huge. From TB level to PB level.

Secondly, there are many types of data, such as weblogs, videos, pictures, geographical location information, and so on.

Third, the value density is low. Take video as an example. During continuous monitoring, the data that may be useful is only one or two seconds.

Fourthly, the processing speed is fast. 1 second law. This last point is also fundamentally different from the traditional data mining technology. Internet of Things, cloud computing, mobile Internet, Internet of Vehicles, mobile phones, tablets, PCs, and various sensors all over the globe are all data sources or ways of carrying them.

The girlfriend’s anger can only cheer frogs to fire, a humidifier that makes people love

Author: Science and Technology BB

Recently, my mood is really bad, and I don’t say a pile of things. I recently girlfriend, I can’t move it, I will have a flame mountain every time I go home.

Know the mountain, I have a tiger, I am biased towards the mountain! (Don’t go back, how can I come, I haven’t understood it, I maybe it is possible.

The fire is really big, how is the Sichuan hot pot? It is not a level, this is spell damage, which is far better than physical damage.

Cause: She is estimated by the fire because the weather is dry, blowing air conditioners at night, causing the body’s moisture loss, thus causing anger. In order to give the ancestors to reduce the fire, I also had a pain, and I bought a big humidifier. Using a humidifier, the dry environment in the home is really a lot, and the girlfriend is significantly smaller. Since there is an effect, it is ready to arrange to the ancestors. In order to let her in the dry weather, they are not lacking in the loss of moisture, drinking water must be necessary (buy a cup), can be in the humidifier in the humidifier, A card frozen mini humidifier (from the product test).

Demand: Humidifier, small, and portable in the office. Second, the value is not bad, otherwise not only can’t destroy the fire, it is easy to enter the oil. Humidifier is used, and cost-effective. (Satisfied, there is basically nothing)

The humidifier is mainly divided into two types of household humidifiers and industrial humidifiers.

One is an ultrasonic humidifier, one is a pure humidifier.

The chevan frog humidifier belongs to the ultrasonic humidifier category, which can disperse 5 microns water molecules, so that the skin enjoys the benefits of the benefits, one gesture to meet daily humidity demand, two rain forests are booming moisture summer air-conditioned room, winter heating dry, accompanied 365 days a year.

This humidifier has a leather handle, which is convenient to carry two spray ports. Two add water methods, which can directly open the top cover for humidifier, plus water, of course, you can also add water from the top. Add water, you can do not open the water, the open water is a little suitable for the bottle to slowly pour it, prevent water flow splash.

The package accessory manual, the data cable, and the water-absorbent (itself can be used for a long time can be replaced) is still very thoughtful, it does not need to be purchased again at least in a short time.

The chevy humidifier built into a 2000mAh built-in battery, and it can be done for 7 hours or so, and it can be inserted, and the charging hole is Micro-USB design, the back of the humidifier. If it is a Type-C port applicability will be higher.

The humidifier is turned on, click Open a single hole spray mode.

The humidifier is turned on, and the double hole spray mode can be opened if you double-click.

The humidifier top cover can be separated, convenient to water storage, the upper cover is the main functional area, and the water tank can be appropriately added according to the scale.

The water absorbers on the humidifier can be swapped, and the inside is a filter element, dirty can be replaced, always maintains hygienic, effectively inhibits the hyperplasia of bacterial viruses.

The water tank also comes with rice wheat stone, which can be fixed at the bottom of the humidifier, and countless fine small holes on the rice stone can also filter the impurities in natural water. The humidifier uses water dispenser filtration, and there is bacteriostatic silver ion and The water absorbing filter has a good antibacterial effect under the action of double protection.

This product is suitable for tap water, do not use pure water, distilled water, if the water soluble essential oil can be placed, because his fog is KHz microporous atomization piece. Atomized water without white powder, its atomization piece is also specially treated, and the anti-corrosion is done.

There is a non-slip mat design at the bottom, which can make the humidifier to be more secure and will not slip freely.

The key next to the key is a timed switch, and the length of the humidification can be set with you, and you can set 1H / 2H / 4H, no operation, after 12h, the machine will shut down by default. Meet your different needs.


This humidifier positioning is portable, easy to take place, suitable for office, small square room. Simple design style, whether as humidified tools, or as a room for the room, is a good choice.

My girlfriend has had a small humidifier in the house with a small humidifier, and the skin is moist. Of course, my happiest is that my girlfriend is a lot, no longer with sleep. NS.

This small humidifier, color value and function are very good, I have a deep heart.

This is still very nice if you have a demand.

Recommended index: five stars

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