Father’s Day stars collectively show off their fathers: Chen He and Zhang Xinyi’s father kill Xiao Fresh Meat in seconds

  China News Service, June 20. Yesterday was Father’s Day, and many celebrities took photos on Weibo to celebrate.

  Li Bingbing posted a group of photos of her father, and hilariously posted eyeliner and red lips to her father, and netizens left messages to ridicule: "Ask for lipstick color number", "try to die, be careful of being forced to marry", "too similar, it must be biological".

  Actor Chen Shu posted photos of his father when he was young, with the caption: "Obviously he is responsible for his appearance, but his dancing skills are outstanding. Hard work, hard work, you must do your best. Dad has set an example for me by doing it." Users praised him, saying: "Dad is really a male god with an explosive appearance."

  Actor Chen He posted a photo with his father, with the caption: "The 2.0 version of beauty and IQ!" netizens left comments to joke: "Your father is much more handsome than you", "You are definitely not your biological", "Are you the father who stole Hu Ge?"

  Actor Guan Xiaotong posted a photo of herself and her father on Weibo. "He will protect me, spoil me, make me breakfast, make dumplings," she said emotionally. "Sometimes he will be strict with me, control me, set rules for me~ But no matter what he is, who he is, he is my father." Users sent blessings: "Be mercilessly happy and happy."

  Singer Ah Sa also posted a photo of himself and his father. The two in the photo look and look alike. A user commented: "Dad Sa is so trendy and handsome."

  Singer Wang Feng posted a photo of his father’s military uniform on Weibo, and wrote: "Dad, I miss you! If only I could still be naughty in your arms… Happy Father’s Day." A user posted a consolation: "It’s a pity that your father didn’t see your musical achievements, you are his pride."

  Zhang Xinyi also posted a photo of his father’s military uniform on Weibo. Users left a message saying: "Kill the current little fresh meat in seconds," while others joked: "At first glance, I thought it was Yuan Hong," "a cherry mouth exactly like yours."

  Jiang Xin posted old photos of her father’s youth, and was identified by netizens as "like Wang Baichuan".

What is a digital video camera?

What is a digital video camera?

  Digital Video camera is DV, which is the abbreviation of Digital Video. Translated into Chinese, it means "Digital Video". It is a digital video format jointly developed by many famous home appliance giants such as Sony, Panasonic, Shengli, Sharp, Toshiba and Canon. However, in the joint development of a digital video format. However, in most cases, DV stands for digital camera. According to the purpose of use, it can be divided into: broadcast-grade models, professional-grade models and consumer-grade models. According to the storage medium, it can be divided into: magnetic tape type, optical disk type, hard disk type and memory card type.

Development course of digital camera

  It has been 16 years since the first digital camera was born in 2011. During these 16 years, digital cameras have undergone tremendous changes. The storage media range from DV to DVD to hard disk, with a total pixel of 800,000 to 5 million, and the image quality ranges from standard-definition DV(720×576) to high-definition HDV(1920×1080).

The first DV camera was born in 1995.

  In July, 1995, Sony released the first DV camera DCR-VX1000. Once released, DCR-VX1000 was widely adopted by TV journalists and producers all over the world. This product uses Mini-DV format tape, adopts 3CCD sensor (3 1/3 inch, 410,000 pixel CCD), 10x optical zoom and optical anti-shake system, and the price at the time of release is as high as 4,000 yuan. DCR-VX1000 is a major change in the history of imaging. Since then, civil digital cameras have entered the digital age.

Sony DCR-VX1000, the first DV camera

The first DVD camera was born in 2000.

  In August 2000, Hitachi introduced the first DVD camera DZ-MV100. At that time, this product could only be recorded by DVD-RAM. Hitachi first brought DVD as a storage medium into a digital camera, and used an 8cm DVD-RAM burning disc as a storage medium, which got rid of the inconvenience of DV tape and was a major innovation after DV camera. However, at that time, not many people paid attention to this product. DZ-MV100 was only sold in Japan, and it was hard to find a trace in the domestic market. It was recognized that DVD cameras should be widely promoted by Sony three years later.

The first DVD camera DZ-MV100

In 2004, the first micro hard disk camera was born.

  In September, 2004, JVC launched the first batch of 1-inch micro hard disk cameras MC200 and MC100, and the hard disk began to enter the field of consumer digital cameras. The capacity of the two hard disks is 4GB, and the video images taken are compressed by MPEG-2, so users can flexibly change the compression rate to extend the shooting time. The adoption of hard disk media makes it extremely convenient for digital cameras to exchange information with computers. Both MC200 and MC100 and several subsequent 1-inch micro hard disk cameras can flexibly replace micro hard disks. By June, 2005, JVC released the Everio G series with 1.8-inch high-capacity hard disk camera. The maximum capacity reached 30GB, and the volume was well controlled, and the price remained at the level of similar DV cameras.

The first micro hard disk camera JVC MC200

In 2004, the first HDV 1080i HD camera was born.

  In September 2003, Sony, Canon, Sharp and JVC jointly formulated the HD camera standard HDV. In September 2004, Sony released the first HDV 1080i high-definition camera HDR-FX1E. The recording resolution of HDV reached 1440×1080, and the horizontal scanning line was doubled compared with that of DVD, and the definition was revolutionized. HDR-FX1E, including the HDV cameras introduced later, used the original ones.

The first HDV 1080i HD camera HDR-FX1E

In 2010, the first 3D camera was born.

  Up to now, the 3D revolution has all revolved around Hollywood blockbusters and major sports events. With the advent of Panasonic HDC-SDT750 3D camera, this technology is one step closer to home users. Panasonic HDC-SDT750 is the world’s first 3D camera. After the launch of this camera, we can capture every unforgettable moment of life with 3D lens in the future, such as children’s first step, university graduation celebration and so on. Panasonic released the HDC-SDT750 3D camera on July 28th, 2010. The official price is RMB 11,998 (excluding 3D lens). It is designed with dual lenses and equipped with Panasonic’s high-end series of 3mos image sensors. (What is a 3D camera? )

The first 3D camera Panasonic HDC-SDT750

Working principle of digital camera

  The basic principle of digital camera is simply the transformation and transmission of optical-electrical-digital signals. That is to say, the light signal is converted into current through the photosensitive element, and then the analog electric signal is converted into digital signal, and the information obtained after processing and filtering by a special chip is restored to be the dynamic picture we see.

  The photosensitive element of digital video camera can convert light into charge, which is converted into digital signal through analog-to-digital converter chip. There are two main types: one is widely used CCD (Charge Coupled Device); The other is CMOS (complementary metal oxide conductor) device.

  Characteristics of digital camera

  High-definition analog cameras record analog signals, so the image definition (also called resolution, resolution or resolution) is not high. For example, the horizontal definition of VHS cameras is mainly 240 lines, and it is best to mention that Hi8 models only have 400 lines. DV records digital signals, and its horizontal resolution has reached 500~540 lines, which can be comparable to professional cameras.

  The bandwidth of chroma and brightness signal of DV is almost six times that of analog camera, and the bandwidth of chroma and brightness is one of the most important factors that determine the image quality, so the color of the image shot by DV is more pure and gorgeous, and it has reached the level of professional camera.

  The signal recorded on the lossless reproduction DV tape can be transcribed countless times, and the image quality will not be degraded at all, which is beyond the reach of analog cameras.

  Small size and light weight Compared with analog cameras, the size of DV cameras is greatly reduced, generally only about 123mm×87mm×66mm, and the weight is greatly reduced, generally only about 500 grams, which greatly facilitates the users’ size is only 74.7mm×61.9mm×26.9mm and the weight is only 90 grams, which is even lighter than most mobile phones.

Digital camera classification

  I. Classification according to the purpose of use

  1. Broadcast-grade models:

  These models are mainly used in the field of radio and television, with high image quality and comprehensive performance, but with higher price and larger volume, they have the highest definition, the largest signal-to-noise ratio and the best image quality. Of course, the price of several hundred thousand yuan is not acceptable to ordinary people. For example, Panasonic AJ-HPX3100MC and other models.

Classification of digital cameras-broadcast-class models

  2, professional models:

  These models are generally used in professional TV fields other than radio and television, such as audio-visual education, and the image quality is lower than that of broadcast cameras. However, in recent years, some high-end professional cameras have surpassed the old models of broadcast cameras in many aspects, such as performance indicators, and the price is generally between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of yuan.

  Compared with consumer models, professional DV is not only cooler and more eye-catching, but also much higher in configuration, such as the use of lenses with better quality performance and the larger size of CCD, which is more prominent in imaging quality and adaptability to the environment. For friends who pursue image quality, the surprise brought by the improvement of image quality can’t be measured by money at all. Such as Sony’s HXR-NX5, the price is around 34,000.

Classification of Digital Cameras-Professional Models

  3. Consumer-grade models:

  This type of camera is mainly suitable for home use, and it is used in non-business occasions with low image quality requirements, such as home entertainment, etc. This type of camera is small in size, light in weight, easy to carry, simple in operation and cheap in price. It can be used to make VCD and DVD of personal family in occasions with low requirements, and the price is generally in the order of several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan. Such as Sony’s HDR-XR160E.

Classification of digital cameras-consumer models

  If we subdivide the home digital cameras, they can be roughly divided into the following categories: entry-level DV, mid-range consumer-grade DV and high-end quasi-professional DV products.

  Second, according to the classification of storage media

  1, tape type:

  Refers to the digital video camera with Mini DV as the recording medium, which was first developed by more than 10 manufacturers in 1994. Record high-quality digital video signals through a 1/4 inch metal vapor deposition tape.

  2, CD-ROM:

  Refers to the DVD digital camera, the storage medium is DVD-R, DVR+R, or DVD-RW, DVD+RW to store dynamic video images, which is simple to operate and easy to carry, and there is no need to worry about overlapping shooting during shooting, let alone wasting time to rewind or play back, especially it can be played immediately through the DVD player, which saves the trouble of post-editing.

  DVD media has the highest security and stability among all media digital cameras at present. It is neither as easy to wear and tear as tape DV, nor as demanding as hard disk DV for shock prevention. The disadvantage is that the price of DVD is slightly higher than that of tape DV, and the time for recording is relatively short.

  3, hard disk:

  Refers to a digital video camera that uses a hard disk as a storage medium. It was first introduced by JVC in 2005, using micro hard disk as storage medium.

  Hard disk cameras have many advantages, and large-capacity hard disk cameras can ensure long-term shooting, so that you will not have any worries when traveling. When you get home, you can transfer the shooting materials to the computer, and you no longer need the complicated and professional video acquisition equipment as in the era of MiniDV tape camera. You can easily export the materials just by connecting with the computer through USB cable, so that ordinary family users can easily experience the fun of shooting and editing video films.

  Like CF card, micro hard disk is smaller than DVD, and its service time is the most impressive among many storage media. However, due to the short time of hard disk DV, there are still many shortcomings, such as poor shock resistance and so on. With the further decline of prices, the number of people in need will inevitably increase in the future.

  4. Memory card type:

  Refers to the digital video camera using memory card as storage medium, such as the popular "X Easy Shooting" product. As a transitional simple product, it is rare in the market now.

  Three, according to the type and number of sensors.

  1. Sensor types: CMOS and CCD.

  CCD: Charge Coupled Device image sensor, which is made of a high-sensitivity semiconductor material, can convert light into charge, which is converted into digital signal by an analog-to-digital converter chip.

  CMOS: Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, like CCD, is a semiconductor that can record light changes in digital cameras.

  At the same resolution, CMOS is cheaper than CCD, but the image quality produced by CMOS devices is lower than CCD. So far, most consumer-grade and high-end digital cameras on the market use CCD as sensors; CMOS sensors are used in some cameras as low-end products, but some high-end products also use special CMOS as light sensors, such as several high-end CMOS models of Sony.

  2. Number of sensors: single CCD and 3CCD.

  The number of image sensors is the number of CCD or CMOS sensors of digital cameras. Most digital cameras use a single CCD as their sensors, while some middle and high-end digital cameras use 3CD as their sensors.

  Single CCD means that there is only one CCD in the camera and it is used for photoelectric conversion of brightness signal and color signal. Because a CCD completes the conversion of brightness signal and chroma signal at the same time, the captured image can not meet high requirements in color reproduction.

  3CCD, as its name implies, is a camera using three ccds. We know that if light passes through a special prism, it will be divided into three colors: red, green and blue, and these three colors are the three primary colors used in our TV. Through these three primary colors, all TV signals including brightness signals can be generated. If a CCD is used to receive each color and convert it into an electrical signal, and then an image signal is generated after circuit processing, a 3CCD system can be formed, which can display the primary colors of the image almost intact, and there will be no color error caused by camera deduction.


  If you want to see more digital camera products, please click the following link:

  Complete collection of digital cameras: //product.pconline.com.cn/dv/

  Complete collection of high-definition cameras://product.pconline.com.cn/dv/c11107/


One death and five injuries were caused by a serial car collision in Belgium.

On the morning of January 29th, local time, a serious accident happened on Temploux E42 highway in Belgium, involving two heavy trucks and three cars. Five people were injured and one died in the accident. After the pileup, one of the trucks rolled over and caught fire. Another car was stuck under the truck and the driver was killed. Firefighters have rushed to the scene. (CCTV News)

The flag football officially entered the Olympics, and it is urgent to build the first national team!

"I’m happy to see the news. Even if I can’t catch it myself, my younger brothers and sisters still have a chance to get on the stage of the Olympic Games!" Tang Chenbo of the Waist Flag Rugby Team of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology excitedly shared the good news that he and his friends welcomed. Recently, the Organizing Committee of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games proposed to add five major events, namely baseball and softball, cricket, stick tennis, squash and waist flag rugby. According to the latest news,The International Olympic Committee was voted by the plenary session, and these five major events officially became the new events of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games..

Waist flag rugby

Officially entered the "Olympic era"!

On October 15th, Tang Chenbo’s team and seven other Shanghai university flag football teams participated in the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai City Amateur Football League and the "Yundong Yangpu Xiuwai" University League Flag Football Open. On the same day, the news that "flag football entered the Olympics" was a hot topic for these college players after the game.

In recent years, China Rugby Association has promoted local rugby associations, firmly grasped the competition and popularized the "two ends", and promoted the sustained and healthy development of rugby in China. Now, this sport has once again ushered in a new historical opportunity. "The entry of new projects into the Olympics will not only usher in a large number of new audiences, but also usher in new players and new teams. In the future, the players who represent China in the Olympic flag rugby project are likely to be among them. " Ding Ye, secretary general of Shanghai Rugby Association, said.

The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology team won the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai City Amateur League Rugby League and the "Yundong Yangpu Xiuwai" University League Waist Flag Rugby Open Championship.

Why can the "waist flag" enter the Olympics?

The huge stadium, heavily armed athletes and two huge teams on the field ….. these should be many people’s impressions of rugby. However, on the same day, in the waist flag football field in Shanghai Sport University, the reporter looked around and there were no big helmets, thick armor and other slightly bulky protective gear. Only young teenagers wearing shorts and sports T-shirts run, dodge, pass and catch the ball in a sports field the size of a 5-7-a-side football field. The most eye-catching thing on the field is the two long belts tied around each player’s waist.

"The threshold is low, the rules are simple, and the demand for venues is not so high. At the same time, the risk of injury is reduced, and the competition experience is not diminished. Regardless of boys and girls, height and thinness, and novice Xiaobai, you can find your own role and feel the fun of flag football." When it comes to the characteristics of this sport, Zhuang Hengli, a physical education teacher at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a few treasures. His words explain why flag football can become a new member of the Olympic Games.

In recent years, the word "slimming" is often associated with the Olympic Games. Especially after the International Olympic Committee President Bach took office, the Summer Olympic Games broke through the restrictions of 28 major events, and the host also had more initiative in setting events, at the same time, it made room for the Olympic Games to attract young people to join sports.

The 2028 Olympic Games landed in Los Angeles, USA, and the flag football, which is in the same strain as American football, became one of the main events of the Los Angeles Olympic Games early. As a non-contact, zero-equipment, small-venue football competition form, flag football has no requirements for the number, age and physical quality of participants, even if it is based on zero sports, it can quickly integrate into the team and can realize mixed teams of men and women to compete in the same field. According to the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, there are more children playing flag football in the United States than traditional football, and at the competition level, there are about 20 million flag football players in more than 100 countries, and the players’ participation is balanced.

As IOC President Bach said earlier, the new project should make the Olympic Games younger, closer to city life and more gender-balanced. These, the flag football are all matched.

Why is Shanghai qualified to be a "new starting point"

It is understood that the National Football League (NFL), one of the four major professional sports leagues in North America, is the main promoter of flag football entering the Olympic Games. As early as two years ago, Jia Hengxuan, general manager of NFL China, once revealed that "the entry of the waist flag into the Olympics is progressing smoothly". Now that the dust has settled, it is urgent to lay out and build a "national team selection channel" as soon as possible if China rugby is to make a difference in Los Angeles in 2028. In Jia Hengxuan’s words, "The development of Shanghai rugby is ahead of the whole country, and it is very suitable as a new starting point for China rugby to impact the Olympic Games."

The NFL thinks that Shanghai can be the "starting point" because it has the best rugby soil in the country. There are many data that can prove this "soil". From 2020, the first national flag rugby community activity was organized by Shanghai Rugby Association (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Rugby Association") and called on all member units to develop together. This new outdoor sports mode of sports+socialization, which is widely sought after by young people and commercial brands, has rapidly warmed up all over the country, attracting tens of thousands of young people to participate. At the peak, there were 500 flag football communities in China to popularize flag football and organize events in various places.

The number of teams participating in organized amateur adult equipment leagues in China has increased from 8 in 2014 to nearly 80 in 2023. At most, there are more than ten football teams equipped in Shanghai.

There are more than ten national top-level college flag football teams active in amateur competitions of the Education Commission and the sports system in Shanghai all the year round. In recent years, with the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the flag football has officially become the content of the public welfare distribution class of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to serve the schools in the city. There are countless non-governmental training institutions operating in the market. As early as 2018, data showed that more than 8,000 primary school students in Shanghai were trained in rugby courses at least once a week; In the Super Bowl every year, nearly 10 million China viewers watch the live broadcast of the event on TV and new media platforms, among which Shanghai fans account for the majority. In addition, Shanghai is also the most representative American football town-there are not only many clubs, but also a set of scientific management models, which regularly organize training and competitions.

The year-round folk games have become the core of revitalizing this football hotspot. In the past two years, Shanghai Sports Bureau has promoted rugby to the highest level of Shanghai amateur league-league events. The rugby amateur league, which is created by the Football Association, includes four categories: equipment, flag, English and touch. Only the flag football events are subdivided into: U6U8U10U12U14U16 college group, open men’s group, open mixed group, open women’s group, inter-school group, etc … Even during the epidemic period, more than 30,000 adults and teenagers participated in the games in Shanghai.

In recent years, the competition system and stage of Shanghai rugby have been further enhanced and enlarged. Shanghai sports management department brought rugby into the city amateur league, and the government set up a platform to promote and popularize rugby with high-quality resources. All kinds of rugby fans with different genders, different ages, different cultural backgrounds and different sports foundations participated in it. As the main body of the competition, the Shanghai Football Association has attracted the "assist" of the NFL, the top professional sports league, with its authoritative and professional style of running the competition, which can be said to be the joint efforts of many parties to jointly nurture the "soil".

Colleges and universities are the springboard, and competitions are the starting point.

There are less than five years before the Los Angeles Olympic Games. If Shanghai, as a major rugby town, is the axis, then the national colleges and universities are undoubtedly the most suitable platforms and springboard for the future national flag rugby team to excavate, cultivate and select talents.

It is understood that as early as 2008, the NFL began to organize university flag rugby league in Beishangguang, and nearly 40 universities including Tsinghua, Fudan and Guangzhou University participated at that time. Nowadays, flag football is still one of the most popular sports for college students. In Shanghai alone, at present, more than 10 colleges and universities have their own flag football teams, and most of them form teams by recruiting new students, training regularly and selecting the best-the flag football team of Shanghai Sport University, one of the teams participating in the day, was selected from the community in the school, which has more than 200 members in total, one fifth of whom are girls; University of Shanghai for Science and Technology is the earliest university in Shanghai to develop the flag football project. Its team has a complete training system: it is equipped with professional coaches, and the players train for about three hours three times a week, including physical fitness, tactics and other special trainings, as well as mock matches.

Tailor-made events for college students are one of the most effective ways to attract more students to "embrace" the flag football. According to reports, this "Yundong Yangpu Show Out" college league series invited eight college flag football teams from Shanghai to participate for the first time, namely Fudan University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Electric Power University, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai Universities of Applied Sciences and Shanghai Sport University. Members of these college flag football teams have a "big stage" to show themselves and their teams, compete on the field and communicate off the field, and everyone’s enthusiasm is naturally more and more sufficient. It is also more suitable for universities to support such an event: Shanghai Sport University, the venue of this event, has given strong support-the trophy of the event is called "Green Tile Bowl", which originated from the Green Tile Building in Shangti University. From 1956 to today, this building has witnessed the inheritance and competition of generations of upper body people. As the earliest sports institution of higher learning established in New China, Shanghai Sport University has a profound cultural heritage, and takes it as its mission to serve the sports power and rejuvenate the country through science and education. Holding the competition here will further promote the development of "integration of sports and education" in regional universities. The "Shanghai Olive Association" also hopes that the tradition of "Green Tile Bowl" can be established and continuously developed into a cross-regional event, which will affect the Yangtze River Delta region.

"Our vision is that,Make full use of Shanghai’s unique rugby soilTaking colleges and universities as a springboard, we selected talented and enthusiastic young players who trained together for a long time, participated in high-quality competitions, even went abroad for higher-level guidance, and learned from international excellent teams, and finally became a truly competitive elite team of flag football. "Ding Ye said.

For China flag football, which has been bred among the people for many years and has a certain foundation, now that it has a real goal, it’s time to speed it up!

Text: Yao Qinyi

Source: Shangguan News


Five group honors with the highest gold content in football! Will the Saudi Premier League be on the list?

Five group honors with the highest gold content in the football world.

Fifth place, five major league champions. Including Premier League champions, La Liga champions, Bundesliga champions, Serie A champions and French champions. The Premier League is the hardest to win in recent ten years, but it doesn’t mean that the winning team is the strongest, such as leicester city in the 15-16 season. La Liga, however, has the highest level of technical flow. No matter whether it is Real Madrid or Barcelona or even Atletico Madrid, it has the strength to compete for the Champions League before, so it was crowned as the top three in the Western Conference. The three teams also won all La Liga titles in the past 20 years. The last time other teams won the prize dates back to Valencia in 2004. The Bundesliga is the most stable, Bayern has won 11 consecutive championships, Ligue 1 and Serie A Om Tang Nuo, but the attention is slightly lower. Messi and Robben won the most prizes in the five major league titles, with 11 seats. Messi’s 12 seats should not be a big problem. It is worth mentioning that Cristiano Ronaldo wants seven seats.

Fourth place, champion of the America’s Cup, Europe and South America are the two best places for football on earth, and America has no weaknesses. This is also a fact. Many people will say that the America’s Cup has been held too many times, so it has no gold content. This is a misunderstanding, and it may be a double standard. First of all, every year in the Champions League, some people think that the gold content is the highest. There is one more America’s Cup, but it has been devalued by some people. What can it be if it is not a double standard? Secondly, there are not many America’s Cup. It will be held normally in 2015, and the centennial America’s Cup in 2016 will be held normally in 2019. In order to keep pace with the European Cup, 2023 will be held in 2021 in advance. Apart from the centennial America’s Cup, the math football teacher doesn’t know much. As for the level, there is not much difference with the European Cup. Anyway, there are often dark horses killed halfway and finally won the championship. Italy, the former European Cup champion, was swept 3-0 by Argentina, the America’s Cup champion, and it can also be seen that this is the case. Normal people know that.

Third place, the Champions League trophy. It’s too big to be a cup, and the level of competition in the Champions League is very high. If it’s hard to say, it must be difficult. It’s hard to win the championship for the teams in the five major leagues and other European leagues. Many teams even qualify for the competition. But it’s simple to say, as long as you are in the giants and the various fronts are extremely luxurious, anyway, the Champions League will be held every year, and you will come back next year if you don’t win this year. For a team like Real Madrid, it’s like cutting leeks. It’s not who is strong, but everyone is strong and profound. Ten people with a giant baby can win the championship. Besides, everyone is at the top level, so if you want to win the Champions League, the platform is very important. Many people have never worked hard for a lifetime, such as Luo, but some people are lucky to stay in Real Madrid and run cups every year. In fact, leaving Real Madrid is just like that. Like Ramos and Pepe. Heng Tuo is the player who has won the Champions League the most times, with a total of six times. No one has ever come before and touched porcelain. Of course, the gold content of the Champions League can also rank third. After all, the economic level is there, but it must be said that the highest is indeed kilometers away. Otherwise, the wind support of the six Champions League has long been the first in history, which is as funny and timid as James thinking that he is the leader when he wins a championship.

Second place, European Cup. The European Cup is the second largest event in sports, but it is not necessarily how high the level of competition can be and how horrible the difficulty of winning the championship can be. Otherwise, it will not always be a dark horse, the third place in the group will not be able to win the championship, and the European and American Super Cup will not be defeated by the America’s Cup. However, its influence and commercial value are really good, and its gold content ranks second, which is barely enough.

The first place, of course, is the World Cup. It is almost impossible to eat grapes to say that the World Cup has no gold content. Under the background of sour grapes and the hopeless resurrection of Mu Rongfu, first of all, the World Cup is held every four years. How many four years can a person have in his life? Besides, athletes have not yet. Those who have participated in six World Cups and participated in more than a dozen competitions in the Champions League. Secondly, is the World Cup really just for 32 teams to play for a month? The top 32 players who can enter the finals are all kicked in from the qualifiers, and no one has the privilege except the host. For example, the top 40 players in Asia need to play in groups first, and the top 12 players will be decided, and then the top 12 players will play in groups to decide four and a half places. This round trip involves all teams in almost all countries and regions in the world, and it will take three or four years, but it is really funny that some people say that there is no gold content. Finally, everyone who knows football knows that only one athlete can be as full of energy and go all out as playing the World Cup in other events, and all teams on the World Cup stage, even if their strength is weak, can burst into amazing fighting capacity. As for the influence of the World Cup, needless to say, it may be second only to the Riyadh victory in the Saudi Super League.