"Liangjiang Made" Wenjie M9 is officially listed, and orders have exceeded 50,000

On December 26, the Q Jie M9 jointly built by Sailis Automobile and Huawei was officially launched. According to reports, the current reservation of this model has reached 54,000 and will be delivered in batches on February 26 next year.

The M9 is a large SUV based on a new platform, providing two power forms: extended range and pure electric, with acceleration times of 4.3 seconds and 4.9 seconds respectively.

In terms of battery life, the extended-range 52-degree battery version has a comprehensive battery life of 1402km under CLTC conditions, and a pure electric battery life of 275km; the pure electric version is equipped with Huawei’s "Giant Whale" 800V high-voltage battery platform, charging 150km in 5 minutes, and the battery life under CLTC conditions reaches 630km.

As Huawei’s most expensive flagship model at present, the M9 is equipped with a number of Huawei’s latest technologies, such as Huawei’s megapixel smart projection headlights, Huawei’s Tuling chassis, and Huawei’s AR-HUD system.

In terms of high-end intelligent driving, the entire vehicle is equipped with 27 sensors, including a newly designed 192-line lidar, enabling a high-end intelligent driving experience that can be driven nationwide by the end of 2023.

It is reported that the Sailis Automotive Smart Factory, which produces the M9, is located in Longsheng New Town, Liangjiang New District. It is built with super international leading standards and integrates advanced technologies such as AI vision and big data to achieve 100% automation of key processes. It can achieve 0.05mm-level blue light accuracy identification, more than 600 key point detection, and 100% quality monitoring and traceability. It also realizes the world’s leading application of super-large 9000T die-casting technology, achieving the highest degree of integration in integrated die-casting components.

Sailis is the first partner of Huawei Hongmeng Zhixing. In 2022, the sales volume of the Q Jie brand series built by the two parties reached 75,000, once becoming the fastest growing new energy brand in China.

The listing of the new M7 has exceeded expectations, with orders exceeding 100,000 in just over 2 months, and according to the plan, 23,000 will be delivered in December this year, and over 30,000 will be delivered monthly next year.

He Liyang, president of Cyrus Automotive Co., Ltd., said that Cyrus Automotive is rapidly increasing its production capacity and will make every effort to allow users to experience the charm of the AITO M9 as soon as possible, with the confidence to set a new industry record.

It is inevitable that the real estate market will pick up in the first half of the year, such as "land king"

Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhu Zhixin China Net Rui Wang photo

> > > State Council Office’s Press Conference on the Current Macroeconomic Situation [Record] < <

   The State Council Press Office will hold a press conference on the afternoon of August 7, 2009, inviting Zhu Zhixin, vice director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Ding Xuedong, vice minister of finance, and Suning, vice governor of the People’s Bank of China, to introduce the current macroeconomic situation and take questions from reporters.

   The Beijing News reporter asked at the press conference that the real economy is still in a difficult stage, but the prosperity of real estate has worried many people. For example, a new "land king" was shot on Guangqu Road in Beijing a while ago, including the developers themselves. I feel crazy and hard to understand. What do you think of the current situation of the real estate market? Is it necessary to make policy adjustments?

   Zhu Zhixin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, replied that the real estate market can be judged in one sentence in the first half of the year: the real estate market continued to pick up in the first half of the year. I use three figures to illustrate: first, the investment in real estate development was 1,450.5 billion yuan, an increase of 9.9% over the same period last year; Second, the sales area of commercial housing was 341.09 million square meters, an increase of 31.7%; Third, the housing sales prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities in June rose by 0.2% compared with the same period last year. Overall, the real estate market is in the process of recovery.

  Zhu Zhixin said that when it comes to the continued recovery of the real estate market, the journalists present here think about it. A very important change may have taken place in the real estate market at the end of last year and the beginning of this year. In the process of warming up, there will also be some hot issues in some aspects, which is inevitable. I think we should promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

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Development and Reform Commission explains in detail three reasons for macro-policies in the second half of the year.

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Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: Statistical data accurately determines that macro policies are in line with reality

Editor: Zhang Renhe

Exploring culture: What is culture and how to identify whether there is culture or not?

Culture refers to the values, belief system, behavior norms, artistic creation, language, customs and traditions shared by a society or group. It is the product of human evolution and social development, which helps to shape the identity and thinking mode of individuals and groups.

Identifying whether a person has a culture is not simply about whether he has a high degree of education or extensive knowledge. The embodiment of culture depends more on a person’s ideological depth, values, interpersonal communication and behavior. Here are some ways to identify whether a person is literate or not:

Breadth and depth of knowledge: A literate person usually has a wide range of knowledge, not limited to a certain field, but also can deeply understand and think about what he has learned.

Open mind and curiosity: Educated people usually have open mind, are willing to accept new ideas and ideas, and are curious about different cultures and concepts.

Art and aesthetic consciousness: Culture and art are closely related, and literate people usually have a certain ability to appreciate and understand art forms such as painting, music and literature.

Language expression ability: A literate person usually has good language expression ability and can express his views and thoughts in accurate and vivid language.

Social consciousness and code of conduct: Educated people usually have high social consciousness, can respect others, abide by social code of conduct, and actively participate in social activities.

In a word, literacy is not only knowledge, but also a way of thinking, a code of conduct and an understanding of the world. By observing a person’s knowledge, way of thinking, artistic appreciation, language expression and social behavior, we can preliminarily judge whether he has culture or not. However, culture is a complex concept, and everyone’s understanding and expression may be different, so we should keep an open mind, respect diversity, and have positive exchanges and dialogues with others.

The amount involved is 53 million! Spanish prosecutors sued Barcelona for bribing referees.

According to the Spanish newspaper El Paí s reported on the 11th, on Friday, local time, Spanish prosecutors formally sued Barcelona La Liga for sports fraud and commercial corruption, involving 7.3 million euros (about 53 million yuan).

The accused included two former club presidents, Sandro Rosell and Josep Bartomeu, who were suspected of bribing former Spanish Football Association officials to gain partiality in the match.

After learning this news, Barcelona’s arch-rival Real Madrid Club immediately announced that it would hold an emergency board meeting to decide how to respond to the incident.

Laporta, current president of Barcelona.

In February this year, many Spanish media reported that Barcelona was in big trouble, and Spanish prosecutors were investigating its commercial corruption and violation of fair competition.

Sure enough, on Friday, local time, Spanish prosecutors formally sued Barcelona, accusing the latter of colluding with Jose Negreira, former vice chairman of the Spanish Football Association’s referee technical committee, involving a total amount of 7.3 million euros.

The referees’ technical committee is usually responsible for assigning referees for various competitions of the football association, selecting which referees will enforce the law in which post, and selecting referees to participate in international competitions.

Spanish "National News" report screenshot

According to the prosecution’s report, based on an oral secret agreement, two former presidents of Barcelona, Rosell and Bartomeu, remitted about 7.3 million euros to the consulting company owned by grella from 2001 to 2018, in order to seek "favoritism" in the penalty and result of the competition.

Rosell, Bartomeu and two other former Barcelona executives were charged with commercial corruption, unfair management (using partners’ money for illegal purposes) and forging business documents. Once convicted, they will go to jail.

It is worth noting that laporta, the current president of Barcelona, has not been charged. He served as the president of Barcelona from 2003 to 2010, but denied any illegal acts.

Team coach Harvey revealed in an interview that he had already communicated with laporta. "This is the responsibility of the management. He told me not to worry, we just need to focus on football."

Spain’s El Pais pointed out that this investigation originated from a tax inspection, and Negreira told the Spanish tax authorities that Barcelona paid the money in order to have a "neutral" penalty in the competition.

He also said in an interview with Spain’s radio Searle that he would never be partial to Barcelona when assigning referees. His job is just to help the club as a consultant and tell them how players should behave in the face of various referees.

Previously, Barcelona officials had a similar statement, saying that the club only paid an "external consultant" who provided them with "technical reports related to professional referees" and called it "a common practice of professional football clubs".

However, the Spanish prosecutor still considers the amount of 7.3 million euros suspicious because it is nowhere to be found in the club’s articles of association and has not been approved by the shareholders’ meeting.

The Associated Press (AP) analysis believes that it is indeed a routine operation in international football to obtain referee technical reports, and clubs can purchase or prepare relevant information from external companies.However, it is not a routine operation to provide large sums of money to insiders of Spanish referee law enforcement agencies to obtain reports.

Up to now, Barcelona Club has not issued the latest statement on this matter. However, an anonymous club executive told Reuters that the club had "anticipated" the accusation. "This is only the preliminary investigation and hypothesis of the prosecution, and the judicial investigation has just begun. The club will fully cooperate, but we have never bought any referee and never tried to influence the decision of any Football Association official. "

In response to the corruption scandal in Barcelona, the first to take action was its arch-enemy Real Madrid Club. The latter announced on the 11th that the board of directors will be held on March 12th local time.

Real Madrid fan magazine "Madridista Real" reported that the board of directors of Real Madrid may choose to "sever relations" with Barcelona Club, and may even decide to appear as a private prosecutor in future court trials.

Three minutes learn the wire to withstand the current estimation, knowing this is called electricity

Work temperature is 30 ° C, and the amount of carrier flow under the long-term continuous 90% load is as follows:

1.5 square millimeters – 13A

2.5 square millimeters – 26A
4 square millimeters – 32A

6 square millimeters – 47A
16 square millimeters – 92A

25 square millimeters – 1220A

35 square millimeters – 150A

Current conversion power:



So on and so forth.

For example, if the carrier traffic is 14A, it is: 220W × 14=3080W, then 1.5 square copper wire power is 3.08 kW.

Long-term current allowed by national standard:

4 square is 25-32A

6 square is 32-40A

In fact, these are the theoretical security values, and the limit value is more than these.

The maximum power allowed by the 2,5 square copper wires is: 5500W.

4 square 8000W, 6 square 9000W is no problem.

40A’s digital meter is normal 9000W absolutely no problem. The 12000W of the machine will not be burned.


Copper wire wires allow long-term current:

2.5 square millimeters (16A ~ 25A)
4 square millimeters (25A ~ 32A)
6 square millimeters (32A ~ 40A)

for example :

1. Each computer consumes approximately 200 ~ 300W (about 1 to 1.5a), then 10 computers need a 2.5-square millimeter copper wire power supply, otherwise a fire may occur.

2, the large 3 air conditioner consumption is approximately 3000W (about 14a), then one air conditioner requires a separate 2.5 square millimeter copper wire power supply.
3, the current housing outlet is generally 4 square millimeters of copper wire, so the home appliances open at the same time must not exceed 25A (ie 5500 watts), some people replace the wires in the house to 6 square millimeters copper wires are useless. Because the wires entering the meter are 4 square millimeters.
4. Early housing (15 years ago) The import line is generally 2.5 square millimeter aluminum wire, so the home appliances open at the same time must not exceed 13A (ie 2800 watts).

5, household appliances that are relatively large consumption are: air conditioner 5a (1.2), electric water heater 10a, microwave oven 4a, rice cooker 4a, dishwasher 8a, drying machine 10a with drying function, electric heater 4a.

Among the fire caused by the power supply, it is due to the heat of the hair, so all the joints must be welded, and the contact devices that cannot be welded 5 to 10 years must be replaced (such as socket, air switch, etc.).


Copper wire wire cable traffic standard cable flow oral estimation:

Take the next two o’clock in nine, and go to the next time.

Thirty-five take three o’clock, double bunom group is five.

The conditions have changed, and the high temperature is 10% off copper upgrade.

The number of tube is two or three four and eight seven six folds.


This mouth is not directly pointed out to various insulated lines (rubber and plastic insulation lines), but "cross-section is multiplied in a certain number" to be represented.

"Two five-point multiply by nine, go to the next time," said that various cross-sectional aluminum insulation lines of 2.5mm2 and below are about 9 times the number of carriers of the cross-section. Such as 2.5mm2 wires, the carrier flow is 2.5 × 9=22.5 (a). The multiple relationship between the carriage of 4mm2 and more wires and the number of cross-section is row, the line number is row, the multiple is successively reduced by 1, i.e., 4 × 8, 6 × 7, 10 × 6, 16 × 5, 25 × 4.

"Thirty-five Take Three Fiveth, Double Bunction] Say", it is said that 35mm2 lead traffic is 3.5 times the number of cross-section, ie 35 × 3.5=122.5 (a). Wire from 50 mm 2 and above, the multiple relationship between the amount of carrier flow and the number of cross-section becomes a set of two two lines, and the multiple is 0.5. That is, 50, 70mm2 wire has a total of 3 times the number of cross-section; 95, 120 mm2 lead traffic is 2.5 times the number of cross-sectional area, and push it according to the secondary.

"Conditions have changed, high temperature nine fold copper upgrades". The above mouth is the copper core insulation line, which is determined under the condition of 25 ° C in ambient temperature. If the aluminum core insulation line is in the area where the ambient temperature is higher than 25 ° C, the wire carrier flow can be calculated according to the above-mentioned oral calculation method, and then hits it again; when used is not an aluminum wire but the copper core insulation line, Its carrier flow is slightly larger than the same size aluminum wire, and can calculate a carrier flow than the aluminum wire in the above-mentioned oral method. For example, the flow of 25mm2 copper wire can be calculated according to 25 mm2 aluminum wire.


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