MPE smart bed joins hands with Xiaodu whole house intelligence to create a sleep micro-scene solution

On October 17, the Baidu World Conference 2023 was successfully held in Beijing. At the Whole House Intelligent Big Model Application Forum, MPE Smart Bed & Xiaodu Whole House Intelligent officially reached a strategic cooperation.

Xiaodu whole house intelligence is built by Baidu’s artificial intelligence brand "Xiaodu", with advanced AI and smart home technology, based on DuerOS, integrated into ERNIE Bot, with leading voice technology and large model capabilities, and is one of the leaders in the field of whole house intelligence.

What is a smart bedroom?

In the field of "whole house intelligence", there is no room with the highest demand for intelligence than the bedroom. Just because it is impossible for people to operate the central control when they are asleep, the bedroom needs "wisdom" more than other places in the home.

The core of a smart bedroom lies in whether it can perceive the environment, determine which plan to run in the current scene, compare, analyze, and make decisions about external information, and actively adjust the micro-scene plan based on human needs.

The MPE smart bed, the creator of sleep micro-scene integration, joined hands with Xiaodu Whole House Intelligence to give the answer.

Sleep micro-scene integration creator

As the pioneer of smart beds, MPE has been building a "smart bedroom ecosystem based on one bed", which fits well with Xiaodu’s whole house intelligence. After MPE’s self-developed AI voice technology is connected to DuerOS, it can control the whole house through voice. Through voice technology and large model capabilities, it can achieve word-for-word accurate recognition, control the core appeal, and give solutions; it can also automatically adjust the preset mode in various micro-scenes by sensing the environment:

It was getting late, and when you were ready to go to bed and enter the bedroom, the bedroom curtains had been drawn, and the air conditioner had already made the room "neither hot nor dry";

?Relax and read a book before going to bed, gently shout "leisure mode", and adjust it to a suitable angle;

When you start to get sleepy, you can shout "deep sleep mode" softly, MPE will adjust the smart bed to level, and all electrical appliances will enter sleep mode;

After a while, you will enter a deep sleep and start to snore. The head of the MPE smart bed is raised to an appropriate angle to reduce the duration of snoring and ensure sleep quality;

When getting out of bed at night, the bedside light is lit, and the soft light is enough to see objects and ensure safety.

At the wake-up time you set, open the blackout curtains little by little, raise the head of the bed, and play music. After a good night’s sleep, you wake up gracefully and naturally.

Know what you need, everywhere

With the improvement of large model capabilities, the future home will be smarter, and the bed, as the most important component of the bedroom, has an irreplaceable role in the smart bedroom scene. MPE always believes that from "smart" to "smart", the most useful way is to let the smart bedroom understand what you need, adapt to the situation independently, and provide a high-quality sleeping environment.

In the future, MPE smart beds and Xiaodu whole-house smartphones will continue to create a warm, personalized, and intelligent life for users, transforming the bedroom into the future and creating an extremely comfortable smart sleep experience.

A number of new regulations will be implemented in July: full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  Zhongxin. com, July 1 ST, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies were implemented, car dealers were not allowed to increase the price of cars, and the acceptance of ID cards in different places was fully implemented … … A number of new regulations will be implemented today, which will soon affect all aspects of people’s lives.

  A number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today.

  According to the decision of the the State Council executive meeting, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today. In terms of tax reduction, the value-added tax rate was reduced from four to three, and the 13% tax rate band was abolished, forming a three-band structure of 17%, 11% and 6%. The pilot policy of pre-tax deduction of personal income tax for commercial health insurance will be extended to the whole country, and the expenses of individuals purchasing qualified commercial health insurance products are allowed to be deducted before tax according to the maximum annual limit of 2,400 yuan.

  In terms of fee reduction, we will further clean up and standardize the deposit in the field of engineering construction, clean up and standardize the government’s non-tax revenue surcharge in the field of energy, temporarily exempt the two supervision fees of banking and insurance, and reduce the radio frequency occupation fee.

  Simplify the handling of tax administrative licensing matters

  The Announcement on Simplifying the Procedures for Handling Tax Administrative Licensing Matters will come into effect today. The "Announcement" clarifies five measures to degenerate and optimize the procedures for handling tax administrative licensing matters, including simplifying the acceptance of documents, providing agency forwarding services, simplifying application materials, realizing the appointment of consulting services, and improving the delivery methods of documents.

  81 airports opened the "military priority according to law" channel.

  The Civil Aviation Administration and the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission jointly issued a notice to open the "military priority according to law" channel at 81 civil aviation airports nationwide from now on, and encouraged other airports to open as appropriate according to their own conditions, so as to provide thoughtful and efficient services for military personnel in check-in, security inspection and boarding.

  All coal mine safety production work in China will implement the new standards.

  The State Administration of Work Safety and other departments jointly issued the Notice on Vigorously Promoting the Standardization of Coal Mine Safety Production. The "Notice" puts forward a number of requirements, including organizing new standards publicity training, creating an incentive mechanism for standardization work, and coordinating and promoting standardization construction.

  Full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  From now on, the Ministry of Public Security has fully implemented the "three systems" of accepting resident identity cards in different places, reporting the loss and claiming them for loss. The Ministry of Public Security pointed out that public security organs should issue resident identity cards within 60 days from the date when citizens submit the Registration Form for Acceptance of Resident Identity Cards in Different Places. In areas with inconvenient transportation, the processing time may be appropriately extended, but the extension time shall not exceed 30 days; Where conditions permit, the period of making and issuing certificates can be shortened according to the actual situation.

  Handling ordinary passports and underpaying 40 yuan.

  The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice to reduce some administrative fees, which is expected to reduce the burden on enterprises and society by 2.6 billion yuan. The "Notice" stipulates that starting from today, the fees for citizens’ entry and exit documents, the cost of motor vehicle driving license, the cost of temporary entry motor vehicle number plate and driving license, the compensation fee for soil and water conservation, the actual (trial) inspection fee for pesticides, and the protection fee for integrated circuit layout design will be reduced. According to relevant standards, ordinary passports are reduced from 200 yuan to 160 yuan.

  Since July, the new regulations on automobile sales have been implemented, and it is clear that dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price. The picture shows the data map. Photo by Zhang Yun, a reporter from China News Service

  Car dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price.

  The Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce will be implemented today. The measures have made clear provisions and requirements for increasing the price of automobile sales, providing three-guarantee certificates, and indicating the source of accessories. It stipulates that dealers are prohibited from raising the price of cars in all forms, and dealers must clearly indicate the prices of cars and accessories, and must attach certificates with the car when picking up the car.

  According to the "Measures", it is no longer necessary for automobile brands to authorize the sale of automobiles, and two modes of authorized sales and unauthorized sales are allowed to be parallel, and new automobile sales forms such as automobile supermarkets, automobile stores and automobile e-commerce will blossom.

  Travel tax increases

  The tax ceiling for various types of vehicles has generally increased since today. The annual tax standard for large buses will be adjusted from 480 yuan to 660 yuan, for medium buses from 420 yuan to 660 yuan, for small buses from 360 yuan to 660 yuan, and for ordinary cars from 180 yuan to 360 yuan. At the same time, the tax targets have also been adjusted, and all kinds of buses that were originally tax-free will also pay taxes at the same standard as private cars.

  Strengthen the "seller’s responsibility" for securities operating institutions

  The Measures for the Administration of the Suitability of Securities and Futures Investors will be implemented from now on. The core requirement of the Measures is to strengthen the requirement of "the seller is responsible" for securities, funds and futures operating institutions, so that the operating institutions must bear the obligations stipulated by law while obtaining operating income, ensure the equality and unity of rights and obligations, effectively prevent one-sided pursuit of economic interests, and promote high-risk securities and futures products to investors with insufficient risk tolerance, resulting in damage and influence on the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

  Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  The "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Chinese Medicine Law" has been implemented today, with five highlights: (1) the important position and development policy of Chinese medicine are clarified; Establish a management system that conforms to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine; Increase support for the cause of Chinese medicine; Adhere to both support and standardization, and strengthen the supervision of Chinese medicine; Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  50,000 domestic cash transactions need to be reported.

  The Measures for the Administration of Reports on Large-value Transactions and Suspicious Transactions of Financial Institutions issued by the Central Bank will be implemented today. The Administrative Measures adjusted the RMB reporting standard for large cash transactions from "200,000 yuan" to "50,000 yuan", and the reporting standard for large cross-border transactions denominated in RMB was "200,000 yuan", and for the first time, non-bank payment institutions were included in the scope of responsibility.

  New invoice regulations: only the name of the enterprise can be filled in for office invoicing, and it cannot be reimbursed.

  According to the announcement of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, starting from today, the purchaser must provide the corporate taxpayer identification number (i.e. "tax number") or the unified social credit code when issuing corporate invoices, otherwise it will not be used as a tax voucher to handle tax-related business. The announcement also requires that when the seller issues an invoice, it should truthfully issue an invoice that is consistent with the actual business; When the buyer obtains the invoice, it shall not request to change the name and amount.

  Mobile phone pre-installed software must be uninstalled.

  The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Preset and Distribution of Application Software for Mobile Intelligent Terminals will be implemented today. According to the regulations, production enterprises should restrict the sales channels, and should not install application software in mobile intelligent terminals without the consent of users, and all software except basic functions can be uninstalled. The application software of mobile intelligent terminal involved in charging shall strictly abide by the relevant provisions such as clearly marked price, express the charging standard and charging method, and express that the content is true, accurate and eye-catching, and the fee can be deducted only after being confirmed by the user.

  Encourage and support the provision of disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled.

  The Regulations on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons will come into effect today. The regulations clearly stipulate that the state shall take measures to provide basic rehabilitation services for the disabled and support and help them integrate into society; Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability; The state encourages and supports organizations and individuals to provide disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled, donate to the cause of disability prevention and rehabilitation for the disabled, and build relevant public welfare facilities; The provision of rehabilitation services for the disabled shall protect the privacy of the disabled and shall not discriminate against or insult them.

  The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

  The Measures for the Management of Soil Environment in Polluted Plots (Trial) will be implemented today. The method points out that according to the principle of "whoever pollutes will treat it", the unit or individual that caused soil pollution should bear the main responsibility for treatment and restoration. In principle, the treatment and restoration project should be carried out at the original site. During the treatment and restoration, measures should be taken to prevent secondary pollution to the plot and its surrounding environment. The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

Lang Ping returned to his alma mater to reminisce about his student days, and the "iron hammer" kicked off the volleyball teenager in Chaoyang District.

On the afternoon of June 12th, Beijing Chen Jinglun Middle School was very lively. Lang Ping, an outstanding alumnus of the school, returned to her alma mater and recalled her unforgettable school days with her primary school brothers and sisters. On the same day, the special office of "Olympic Games Chaoyang" volleyball campus was unveiled, and the volleyball league of "Lang Ping Class" and "Lang Ping Cup" of Chen Jinglun Middle School was announced.
"Chaoyang cannon" became attached to volleyball at school.
For the children of Chen Jinglun Middle School, today is definitely a memorable day, because Lang Ping, as their senior, will return to his alma mater, which makes the children extremely excited. They ask each other, "Has the senior arrived?" "Will Director Lang come to see us play volleyball?" The children discussed excitedly, and they also prepared flowers and songs to welcome Lang Ping. At two o’clock in the afternoon, Lang Ping walked to the school auditorium amid the cheers of teachers and students. There were warm cheers on campus, and Lang Ping waved to the children and teachers happily.
Lang Ping returned to his alma mater and was warmly welcomed by teachers and students of Chen Jinglun Middle School. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo
Lang Ping, who returned to her alma mater, was very relaxed, and it was hard to hide her excitement when she recalled the story with her alma mater. She said, "I am very excited and excited to return to my alma mater today. I am proud of my alma mater, and this is where my dream began. I am here to thank my physical education teacher and thank Teacher Meng. "
As a teenager, Lang Ping was a junior high school student in Chaoyang Middle School (predecessor of Chen Jinglun Middle School). She recalled: "My home is very close to school, and I am very excited to go to school every day, because every classmate will run and play basketball on the playground during recess. I am particularly looking forward to joining the school sports team. " At first, Lang Ping practiced track and field events, but because she was too thin, the teacher suggested that she practice basketball. When she arrived at the basketball team, the teacher still thought she was too thin and suggested that she try playing volleyball. Lang Ping said: "In this way, I went to Mr. Meng, who introduced me to the rules of volleyball and other knowledge. Teacher Meng said that you can bounce well and you don’t need to collide in the volleyball match, so it doesn’t matter if you are thin. You can also play volleyball if you are thin. " In this way, Lang Ping had an indissoluble bond with volleyball at school.
Later, Lang Ping participated in the volleyball competition in Chaoyang District on behalf of Chaoyang Middle School at that time, and gradually became famous. People gave him the nickname "Chaoyang Cannon". Speaking of this nickname full of power, the children who listened attentively to Lang Ping’s sharing laughed, and Lang Ping himself couldn’t help laughing.
In today’s activity, the school also invited Lang Ping’s class teacher and classmates at that time. At that time, the head teacher was already white-haired. Lang Ping took a few quick steps and stepped forward to hold the teacher’s hand tightly.
Lang Ping and his classmates from his alma mater took selfies. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo
Ma Yuhong, another teacher in Lang Ping, recalled how hard Lang Ping was when she was a student. She said, "Lang Ping went to school before self-study in the morning. Every day, she practiced serving in front of the east wall of the big playground." The student who loves volleyball left a deep impression on Ma Yuhong. She thinks that the child doesn’t know pain and fatigue when practicing. "Before self-study in the morning and after two classes in the afternoon, Lang Ping must have run to the playground and practiced the ball, so that his pants were covered with dirt."
When Lang Ping was a student, she not only loved sports, but also studied subjects. Ma Yuhong recalled: "I remember Lang Ping’s handwriting was very good, and later I knew that she was practicing her own handwriting. Moreover, she always learns "Xu Guozhang English" after class, and her classmate Liu Wei also recalls that Lang Ping knew what she would do in the future, and then she studied English so seriously. " In Ma Yuhong’s impression, Lang Ping has always been a student with a clear goal, and he will persist in doing it after identifying the goal.
Schoolmates face to face with Olympic champions
When Lang Ping returned to his alma mater, the students naturally would not miss the opportunity of face-to-face communication with the Olympic champion, and everyone threw questions at Lang Ping. A junior one boy is learning to play volleyball. He is curious about which technical link is the most important in the competition. Lang Ping said that every technical link in volleyball, including cushion, passing, defense, serving, spiking and blocking, is very important. "I feel very lucky, because I am the main attack, and everyone is watching my final decision. But in front of me, teammates are padding the ball and passing the ball … So volleyball is a project that emphasizes teamwork very much, and any technical link is very important. " Lang Ping told this little classmate that she thinks the most important thing is to actively and enthusiastically participate in sports, because in sports, she can enhance deeper friendship and stronger team spirit with her teammates, which is the most enjoyable.
A student presented a gift to Lang Ping. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo
Some students asked how to overcome setbacks in physical training. Is there a trick? Lang Ping shared that taking part in all physical exercises or other studies will definitely not be smooth sailing. "I didn’t know when I played ball that I would go to the national team and be able to play in the Olympic Games. So it doesn’t matter if I fail. I’ll come again next time. With this encouragement to yourself, this road will be very happy, and every progress and growth can be realized. "
Today, the first "Lang Ping Cup" volleyball league of Chen Jinglun Middle School kicked off, and Lang Ping kicked off the ball for the young players at the scene. On the court, the children serve, save the ball, pass the ball, smash it … and play it like a model.
At today’s event, Chen Jinglun Middle School awarded Lang Ping the certificate of "Outstanding Alumni" and the Lang Ping Alumni Hand Model Admission Certificate. At the same time, the school set up "Lang Ping Class" and awarded "Lang Ping Class".
"Double Olympic Chaoyang" will train more outstanding volleyball reserve talents.
Today, Chaoyang District Education System "Special Office for Key Sports (Volleyball)" was listed in Chen Jinglun Middle School. Yang Beibei, deputy head of Chaoyang District, said in his speech that as early as 2015, Chaoyang District had taken the lead in setting up a volleyball management center and volleyball association in Beijing. The listing of the "Special Office for Key Sports (Volleyball)" in Chaoyang District’s education system is a concrete measure to implement the special action of "Olympic Games in Chaoyang", which will further promote the vigorous development of volleyball in Chaoyang and cultivate more outstanding volleyball reserve talents.
Chen Jinglun Middle School set up "Lang Ping Class". Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo
Yang Beibei said in his speech that he especially supported Chen Jinglun Middle School to set up "Lang Ping Class" and "Lang Ping Cup Volleyball League". In the new journey of running a school in the second century, he vigorously promoted patriotism and the spirit of women’s volleyball, so that the spirit of "motherland first, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle and never give up" took root and developed in Chen Jinglun Middle School.
Beijing News reporter Wu Tingting
Editor Chen Jing proofreads Jia Ning.

On the new urbanization and the development of real estate market: both "city" and "house" must be people-oriented

  On March 11th, He Jian (first from left), deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Sichuan Province, and representatives from the same delegation discussed that the key to new urbanization is the citizenization of agricultural transfer population. Photo by our reporter Li Jinglu

  On the afternoon of March 11th, Huang Hongyun, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce, believed that housing enterprises needed to strengthen product innovation. Our reporter Li Shugui photo

  (Reporter Lin Huocan, Cui Wenyuan, He Wei, Liu Chang, Wu Bingze) The government work report pointed out that urbanization is the only way to modernization and the biggest domestic demand potential and development momentum in China. In the process of promoting new urbanization, how to deal with the stable and healthy development of the real estate market? The reporter of Economic Daily interviewed the delegates and members attending the two sessions of the National People’s Congress. They believe that only by adhering to "people-oriented" can new urbanization and real estate market achieve win-win development.

  Encourage agricultural transfer population to buy houses in cities.

  According to the government work report, this year, China will further promote new urbanization, focusing on three tasks: urbanization of agricultural transfer population, promoting the construction of urban affordable housing projects and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, and strengthening the management of urban planning and construction.

  "Real estate enterprises should seize the opportunity brought by promoting new urbanization and share the market brought by the urbanization of agricultural transfer population ‘ Cake ’ 。” Chi Fulin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of China (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, said that by 2020, China’s urbanization rate may exceed 60%, which is expected to bring about 3.3 trillion yuan of new consumption, and housing consumption will become an important part of new consumption.

  Hu Baosen, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of the board of directors of Jianye Group, said that at present, China’s real estate market is clearly divided, and the pressure of real estate destocking in third-and fourth-tier cities is relatively high. However, from the perspective of urbanization, a large number of agricultural migrants will settle in third-and fourth-tier cities, which will bring huge housing demand. In this sense, new urbanization will become the only way to realize the stable and healthy development of China’s real estate market.

  In order to further encourage the vast number of migrant workers to buy houses in cities, many places have shown "real tricks" to help the agricultural transfer population accelerate the process of citizenization.

  Fan Ping, deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Enterprise Management Center of Sichuan Jinxing Clean Energy Equipment Co., Ltd., said that as early as 2014, Meishan City, Sichuan Province launched an initiative to encourage migrant workers to buy houses in cities. For example, the "3+2" housing subsidy policy is implemented, that is, the government subsidizes 300 yuan per square meter of rural residents’ housing purchase, and enterprises give preferential treatment to 200 yuan.

  "This subsidy policy has played a very positive role in stimulating farmers’ enthusiasm for buying houses in cities." Deputy Fan Ping said that the process of "destocking" in Meishan City is accelerating, and the destocking cycle has been shortened from 21 months at the end of April 2015 to about 14 months at present.

  Open the conversion channel between commercial housing and affordable housing

  With the acceleration of new urbanization, all localities should not only accelerate the transformation of shanty towns and villages in cities, but also solve the housing security problem of a large number of rural migrants.

  However, it is not difficult to complete the task of providing affordable housing through government self-construction. Deputy Hu Baosen said that at present, there is a certain gap between the government-built policy housing and the needs of the people, while the commercial housing at the forefront of the market can better grasp the needs of the people in terms of apartment type, area and site selection.

  Therefore, opening the channel between commercial housing and affordable housing, and the government repurchasing commercial housing as affordable housing, has become an important exploration to promote the construction of affordable housing projects in cities and towns and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

  Ni Qiang, deputy to the National People’s Congress and mayor of Haikou City, said that at present, there are plenty of public rental housing in Haikou City, but the people’s application enthusiasm is not high and the inventory is large. The government has cancelled the construction of public rental housing and switched to a two-way conversion channel between affordable housing and commercial housing to digest the inventory of affordable housing and commercial housing.

  "We are fully implementing the monetization subsidy policy for public rental housing, expanding the scope of public rental housing protection to non-registered population, and including urban lower-middle and low-income families with housing difficulties, newly employed employees, migrant workers and migrant workers into the scope of public rental housing protection." Deputy Ni Qiang said that in order to further intensify the destocking, Haikou City carried out the reform of the household registration system, making it clear that foreign household registration personnel over the age of 18 can apply for affordable housing such as price-limited commercial housing and low-rent housing if they have lived in Haikou City for more than 8 years.

  Zheng Xincong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, said that Quanzhou has issued an implementation plan to open the transition channel between commercial housing, affordable housing and resettlement housing. Some counties in Quanzhou are moderately repurchased by the government as affordable housing such as resettlement houses.

  "We gradually pay equal attention to physical security and monetary subsidies, and encourage those who meet the conditions of public rental housing to rent first-hand commercial housing. The municipal finance will give 30% rent subsidies, and encourage those who meet the conditions of price-limited housing to buy first-hand commercial housing, and the municipal finance will give subsidies." Deputy Zheng Xincong said that Quanzhou has also established a docking sales platform for commercial housing and households without housing. According to the principle of voluntariness, the housing provided by development enterprises at a price lower than the market price (85%) is included in the unified platform of government affordable housing and sold to the workers without housing in sanitation, public transportation, taxis and other industries.

  Increase the proportion of monetized resettlement in shed reform

  According to the government work report, 6 million shanty towns will be renovated this year, and the proportion of monetized resettlement will be increased.

  He Jian, deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that by 2020, Sichuan Province should basically complete the goal of transforming urban dilapidated shanty towns. "We will make every effort to promote monetized resettlement according to local conditions, and strive to achieve a monetized resettlement ratio of over 50%". Moreover, in the renovation of dilapidated shanty towns, the government will increase financial input, raise funds through multiple channels, ensure that local government bonds are given priority for related construction, and promote the implementation of security factors such as land and funds. At the same time, it will also accelerate the government’s purchase of shed reform services.

  "The implementation of monetized resettlement will not only meet the wishes of the masses, but also improve the production and living conditions of the people in need in a short time and improve the resettlement efficiency." Zheng Weiyong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Zhongxin Town People’s Congress in Daozhen, Guizhou Province, said. In order to carry out the relocation project of ecological immigrants, Zhongxin Town plans to relocate 218 households this year, and 200 households are willing to implement monetary resettlement. Deputy Zheng Weiyong suggested that in the process of monetary resettlement, in addition to giving farmers reasonable resettlement funds, they should also work closely with the financial sector to increase the credit line, solve the mortgage problem and provide them with necessary loan support for buying houses in cities.

The external network is hotly discussing the China artificial intelligence satellite special police, and it is ready to be tested.

China’s Xinhua News Agency announced that China is going to explore and study an asteroid’s capture and capture action, and return the obtained related substances. This is the first time that humans have captured planetary matter with space technology.

Recently, China Xinhua News Agency announced that China Aerospace Agency is ready to start the crawling work on an asteroid named HO3, which was named in 2016. This time, China will send its own automatic unmanned spacecraft called robot. This unmanned spacecraft satellite system will explore the whole satellite-comet model, and one of its tasks is to explore this asteroid numbered HO32112016.

Its main way is different from that of other countries. It will not land on the surface of an asteroid, but will revolve around it, run synchronously with the asteroid, and finally get closer and closer. After approaching the asteroid, use your own intelligent robotic arm to grab a certain part of the asteroid. In this case, a real unmanned space operation will be formed. China’s chief designer also conducted relevant discussions and discussions on people from Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. China will begin to implement this plan soon.

Nasa and other countries have explored asteroids. For example, Japan explored an asteroid in 2021 and 2022. However, they usually use satellites to orbit asteroids or asteroid observation detectors.

However, it is the first time to realize common orbit operation around asteroids and finally get close to them, and use intelligent arms to dig on asteroids instead of landing on them. This requires extremely high control system, remote control system.

According to NASA, this asteroid is far away from the earth. So in theory, it should not be regarded as a pure satellite of the earth, but in fact it is also an asteroid relatively very close to the earth. NASA also thinks that it is really a good idea for China to choose this asteroid HO32112016 for this job.

However, this method uses its own intelligent unmanned spacecraft and intelligent mechanical arm to grab around the outside of the asteroid while rotating, which is very difficult to implement. For numerical control and remote control technology, once a mistake occurs, the satellite may hit the asteroid. Lesa once enjoyed this way, but for Lesa, his spokesman, engineer Robert Hills, said it was impossible to achieve it easily, and it was far more difficult than launching the probe to an asteroid and starting it again like the Japanese way.

Why did China take this completely autonomous way to crawl around the asteroid from a distance, which humans have never done before? China holds advanced technologies in some fields in the field of aerospace. I also want to show this technology to more people. Let you know that I can realize this technology of grabbing from a distance that you can’t even think of.

That is, China launches an unmanned spacecraft first, and he revolves around this asteroid first, getting closer and closer. Close to a certain extent, you have to keep running at the same speed as the asteroid, stretch out the robot arm and grab the dust from the asteroid while moving, then put it in your storage cabin and fly away. Then explore its parent comet, number 416410490106, and finally return to Earth.

I think China is crazy now. They say the United States is crazy, but in fact China is crazy. You always create such difficult movements. Do you really want to explore human space exploration to the limit?

This technology is too difficult. If China wants to land on this asteroid named HO3 in 2016, it is not difficult, and so can its lander technology. Since China can land on Mars and the moon, he can also land on an asteroid, just like we do in Japan, but the problem is that if he doesn’t do this, he will stretch out his robotic arm to catch the asteroid in the process of synchronization with the asteroid.

This is a demonstration of China, do you understand? Let you feel how powerful his control ability is, and he said that this is an unmanned mode. My God, this is really a difficult move. Are China people really willing to take this risk? A fully automatic satellite detection robot like this also needs millions of dollars.

I think China’s model is a little too perfect. If this model is successful, China has created a real pioneering work of mankind. It is in space that an unmanned autonomous robot satellite, or mechanical detector, volleys at an asteroid to grab its material. I’m afraid that many countries will plagiarize this method in the future, so it will reduce the second landing, the second take-off and landing, and a lot of fuel will allow him to continue to perform new tasks.

That’s a good idea, but you know this running algorithm and automatic artificial intelligence algorithm. It’s too difficult. If China really succeeds, no matter how much material you get back, it will be the miracle of the first unmanned AI algorithm.

Recently the United States is developing AI. The intelligent robot controls the F16 fighter to demonstrate the AI capability of the United States. Experts in China say that the United States is 30 years ahead of China in this field. If China realizes the simultaneous orbit capture of asteroids and robots of automatic unmanned spacecraft this time, then I want to know who is 30 years ahead of who. So, China’s unmanned automatic control technology and algorithms far surpass those of the West and the United States. I think that if this new technology of China is really realized, it means that China’s unmanned AI space intelligence algorithm is perfect and can be copied.

Salt the wound! Messi was ridiculed by C Ronaldo fans: Is this the best in the world? C Ronaldo is GOAT

Last year’s FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 left a deep impression on everyone. In FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, there is no doubt that the biggest winner is the Argentine team. The Argentine team went all the way back without being optimistic, and finally won the championship in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. After winning the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship, the whole Argentine team was very happy, and Messi was undoubtedly the happiest.

Messi was called the king of the ball by the fans, but he lacked a World Cup champion in his career. Now Messi finally made up for this regret and he became a well-deserved king of the ball. Messi is recognized as the king of the ball, and some fans are definitely uncomfortable in their hearts. These fans are Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans, because Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have been competing for many years. Unexpectedly, Messi defeated Cristiano Ronaldo and became the only king of the ball.

Although Messi has been called the king of the ball, there will be ups and downs in Messi’s performance on the court. Recently, in the Champions League, Bundesliga overlord Bayern Munich beat Paris Saint-Germain 2-0 at home and eliminated Paris 3-0 to advance to the quarter-finals. Paris striker Messi missed the Champions League quarter-finals for three consecutive years and has missed the Champions League honor for eight consecutive seasons. After the game, C Ronaldo fans ran to Messi’s social media to leave a crazy message mocking: Is this the best in the world? C Ronaldo is the GOAT.

Seeing Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans mocking Messi, everyone felt it was unnecessary, because Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are both great football superstars, and they have achieved each other. Although Messi now has one more World Cup champion than Cristiano Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo has never given up. He also hopes to win the World Cup like Messi four years later. It is also because of Messi’s existence that Cristiano Ronaldo can make continuous progress.

Both Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have entered the end of their careers, and how many years they will play in the future is unknown. It is very likely that both of them will choose to retire. Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have left very good memories for everyone. Even if they both retire, fans will miss them and will look at their highlights of the game.

Although Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans are not satisfied with Messi, Messi’s achievements are real, and Messi is now considered as the king of the ball. In this case, Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans should take it easy. I hope Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans can live in peace, and everyone expects these two fan groups to continue to support their beloved idols and cheer for them.

IOT Card and Industry 4.0: The Future Trend of Intelligent Manufacturing

In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet of Things technology, IOT card has become a topic of great concern. As a special SIM card, IOT card can transform various items into IOT devices that can be connected to the Internet, giving them the ability of wireless communication. In this paper, we will discuss the reasons why IOT card is a hot topic, as well as its application and development trend.

First, why has the IOT card become a hot topic?

IOT card has become a hot topic for the following reasons:

The rise of smart home: With the gradual popularization of the concept of smart home, people’s demand for smart home equipment is also growing. IOT card can connect smart home devices with the Internet, thus realizing remote control and data sharing, which greatly facilitates people’s lives.

Application expansion of Internet of Things: Internet of Things technology has been more and more widely used in smart cities, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent transportation and other fields, and the IOT card, as an important part of Internet of Things equipment, has attracted more attention.

Advantages of low cost and power consumption: IOT card adopts low-power wide area network technology (LPWAN), which has the advantages of low cost, low power consumption, low bandwidth and long-distance transmission. This means that IOT cards can be applied to a wider range of fields and further promote the development of the Internet of Things.

Second, the application of IOT card

The application scope of IOT card is very wide, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Smart home: IOT card can connect all kinds of smart home devices to the Internet, such as smart door locks, smart lighting, smart home appliances and so on. These devices can realize remote control and data sharing through the Internet, which is convenient for people’s lives.

Smart city: IOT card can connect all kinds of devices in the city to the Internet, such as smart bus, smart parking, smart street lamps and so on. These devices can realize intelligent management through the Internet, and improve the service level of the city and the quality of life of residents.

Intelligent medical care: IOT card can connect all kinds of medical equipment to the Internet, such as telemedicine and health monitoring. These devices can be implemented through the Internet.

Realistic on-site monitoring, telemedicine, etc., to improve the efficiency and quality of medical services.

Intelligent transportation: IOT cards can connect transportation equipment to the Internet, such as intelligent vehicles and intelligent traffic lights. These devices can realize intelligent management through the Internet and improve traffic efficiency and safety.

Intelligent manufacturing: IOT card can connect industrial equipment to the Internet, realize intelligent management of industrial equipment, and improve production efficiency and quality.

Third, the development trend of IOT card

The future development trends of IOT cards mainly include the following points:

Large-scale application: With the gradual popularization of Internet of Things technology, IOT cards will be more widely used, which will further promote the development of Internet of Things.

Industry consolidation: The industrial chain of IOT cards will be gradually integrated, and enterprises in different links will cooperate more closely, thus realizing the standardization and scale of IOT card production.

Improvement of low-power technology: the core technology of IOT card is low-power technology, and the future IOT card will pay more attention to the improvement and application of low-power technology.

Improvement of security: With the increasing application of IOT cards, the security of IOT cards will become an important issue. In the future, the IOT card will strengthen the security guarantee and improve the trust and satisfaction of users.

The combination of AI and IOT card: The combination of artificial intelligence and IOT card will bring more innovative applications, thus further promoting the development of IOT technology.

IV. Conclusion

In a word, as a key component of the Internet of Things, IOT card has a wide range of application scenarios and broad development prospects. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, I believe that IOT cards will be more widely used in smart homes, smart cities, smart medical care, intelligent transportation, intelligent manufacturing and other fields in the future. At the same time, the industry consolidation of IOT card, the improvement of low-power technology, the improvement of security and the combination with artificial intelligence will also become important trends in the future development of IOT card.

[This article was originally issued by the official Qingyi IOT Card, and the source of reprinting needs to be noted]

Data: Win11 market share is close to 10% Microsoft is still expanding the upgrade

According to the Survey data in November, Windows 11 is gradually approaching to achieving two-digit market share. The company is based on the latest data of 60,000 Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. There are currently 8.6% of the computer running Windows 11, 3.8% higher than last month.

Windows 10 version 21H2, this latest version of the operating system starts to be launched on PCs that are not qualified to use Windows 11, this version also appears in the view of Adduplex this month. By the end of November, its market share is 3.7%, and is currently in Windows 1022 (11%), Windows 10 20H2 (31.8%) and Windows 10 21H1 (36.8%).

Microsoft has repeatedly expressed that it will accelerate Windows 11, which in facts also show their attitude, Win10 is already in the past, and Windows 11 is their focus.

"Based on the active promotion update experience and user feedback we have seen so far, we advance the promotion of the promotion than our previous expectations, and now make Windows 11 upgrades more widely provided to eligible Windows 10 devices," Microsoft WINDOWS service and delivery executive John Kelps said.

It is worth mentioning that Microsoft has indeed expanded the WINDOWS 11 push, as long as your device meets the standard, you can upgrade free.