Meituan distribution launched the winter rider recruitment, invested 100 million yuan, opened 300,000 new positions

Entering the winter, takeaway consumption and transportation demand continued to grow. On December 12, Meituan takeaway launched the winter rider recruitment, invested 100 million yuan, opened 300,000 rider positions, continued to expand employment supply, and provided support for ensuring winter takeaway consumption.

It is reported that the winter rider recruitment investment will be mainly used for recruitment incentives in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, as well as in areas with tight transportation capacity such as Northeast China and North China, including measures such as upgrading the "Bole Award", and riders can get up to 10,000 yuan for recommending new people. Offline, Meituan will also increase resource support for partner recruitment, and link human resources agencies in the region under the guidance of local governments to expand the coverage of recruitment information. For workers who want to increase their income part-time, Meituan further improves the "part-time model" of the special delivery site. The webmaster will provide distribution guidance. Part-time riders can also flexibly adjust their work rhythm according to personal needs, so as to achieve a balance between life and work. In order to help new riders master delivery skills faster and increase income, Meituan Takeaway has launched a "three-piece novice set" for new riders, including "rider hand-holding", "novice care sheet" and "novice disclaimer card". At present, more than 30,000 old riders have joined the "master group" to provide one-to-one training for new riders. The online learning platform has also developed more than 120 class skill courses for riders to learn. For rider career development, Meituan has launched rider online learning platform, webmaster training program, rider transfer mechanism, rider university and other projects to help riders career development to a higher level. At present, more than 420,000 riders have participated in the "webmaster training program".

The rider is resting in the inn

In order to strengthen the rider’s winter distribution guarantee, Meituan has invested 1.70 billion yuan in winter distribution subsidies to carry out winter care activities across the country, and has built more than 38,000 rider stations across the country in conjunction with all sectors of society, which is convenient for riders to rest and obtain supplies at any time. The emergency mechanism of "severe cold protection" has been activated. In special weather such as blizzard and strong wind, it provides assistance such as delivery time and bad review elimination, and dynamically adjusts the distribution radius to shorten the time riders are exposed to the outdoors. At the same time, riders are equipped with commonly used medicines in winter. In addition, in accordance with the national unified work deployment, Meituan actively participates in the occupational injury protection pilot in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other seven provinces and cities to provide riders with insurance premiums and more comprehensive work safety.

Meituan takeaway rider service department said that winter is a critical period for takeaway delivery, and it is also the focus of distribution security. Meituan takeaway will continue to increase the recruitment of riders, do a good job in logistics for riders’ winter delivery, and strengthen the capacity guarantee of winter takeaway consumption.

In response to the labor fluctuations in the takeaway and distribution industry, Zhang Chenggang, director of the China New Employment Form Research Center and associate professor of the School of Labor Economics at Capital University of Economics and Business, said that the labor supply and demand situation in the takeaway and distribution industry has always been in a dynamic balance. Winter is the peak season for takeaway consumption, and the demand for transportation capacity expands. However, the labor market will be in short supply before the year, especially in northern and first-tier cities due to weather and population mobility. The manpower gap will be more significant. Increasing recruitment efforts by takeaway platforms and cooperative enterprises will help alleviate the labor problem. Overall, the takeaway and distribution industry is flexible and mobile. Both "labor difficulties" and "labor surplus" are short-term phenomena in some regions. They can be effectively solved through market self-adjustment. The outside world should view this rationally.

Jackie Chan’s retro look on the cover of "Revolution of 1911" is not a "star film"

Jackie Chan on the cover of the magazine

    The film will be released nationwide on September 23. Jackie Chan, the film’s director and star, appeared on the cover of the September issue of "Bazaar Men" a few days ago. The retro shape is matched with the background of war explosions, echoing the theme of "100 Years of 1911".

    In an interview with reporters, Jackie Chan confessed to making "Revolution of 1911" because "many young people only know Harry Potter, and they need to be reminded to remember history." He insisted on making the film an epic masterpiece. "We are making a historical film today, not a star film."

Say origin

Many young people only know Harry Potter, and I want to remind them to remember history

    A hundred years ago, the Revolution of 1911, the situation, during which heroes emerged, a series of historical events aimed at *** the world and saving the Chinese nation from danger appeared one after another. The epic masterpiece "Revolution of 1911" originated from the previous cooperation between Shanghai Film Factory and Jackie Chan. During the discussion, the two sides collided with the topic of "Xinhai". After some explanation, Jackie Chan immediately decided to devote himself to this film.

    Speaking of the beginning of the film’s preparation, Jackie Chan bluntly said that he was in awe of history. "I believe that through this drama, more people will understand the 1911 Revolution and the pursuit of democracy by that generation. There is less and less mention of the 1911 Revolution, the Huanghuagang Uprising and even Huang Xing, and the new generation can easily forget history. Many of them only know Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings. We make this kind of historical theme in the hope of reminding young people and hoping that they will reread history. So I put aside other things and make this movie!"

Say partner

The division of labor is different, Zhang Li takes the car and I drive

    As a native of Hong Kong, Jackie Chan confessed that he was "very unfamiliar with the centenary of 1911, and I don’t understand many things". The addition of director Zhang Li has greatly increased the confidence of director Jackie Chan, and the two are co-directing the film.

    How is the division of labor between the two? Jackie Chan revealed that in the process of early conception and specific shooting, he has the voice over and dominance on historical issues to his partner Zhang Li, and he is responsible for co-ordination and overall operation. Regarding the first collaboration between the two directors, they were tacit and seamless. Jackie Chan said figuratively: "He drove, I took the car, and he drove as he said. At the fork in the road, I said I should take this line, so take this line."

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Rain in Qingming Festival remembers the past.

On April 4th, during the Qingming Festival, the drizzle continued, infiltrating every inch of land and our hearts. On this special day, we deeply cherish the memory and recall the warmth and beauty of the past. Let those lost times be relived in the rain, and let our hearts be comforted in memories.

Upstream journalist Zhou Benshuai Zou Fei Gan Xia Yi Qian Bo Li Li Photo Report

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News observation: "quantity" and "quality" rise together, and the consumption of new energy vehicles in China is getting better and better

CCTV News:Data show that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said on March 26th that the new energy automobile industry in China has gradually entered the market-driven stage. In the new development era, vehicle enterprises will not add new production capacity until the existing base reaches a reasonable scale. While promoting the accelerated development of the new energy automobile industry, it pays more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand.

The proportion of private consumption of new energy vehicles increased from 47% to 78%.

Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in 2021, new energy vehicles will be driven by both market and policy. Compared with the initial period of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the proportion of private consumption has increased from 47% to 78%, and the proportion of private consumption in non-restricted cities has increased from 40% to 70%. While the degree of marketization is increasing year by year, it is necessary to make overall arrangements for the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry.

Lin Nianxiu, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission:Guide industries to gather in areas and main bodies with good development foundation and full capacity utilization, and focus on building internationally competitive industrial clusters in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Chengdu-Chongqing and other regions. (In addition, vehicle enterprises should highlight the key layout, rely on the development of existing production bases, and no new production capacity will be distributed until the existing bases reach a reasonable scale.

China strengthens clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles.

Lin Nianxiu said that China will also strengthen the clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles, and investigate and deal with illegal behaviors such as unapproved construction, zero-batch construction, and construction while approving. At the same time, standardize the merger and reorganization of vehicle enterprises, and vigorously promote the withdrawal of backward enterprises and ineffective production capacity.

By the end of the first quarter, the cumulative promotion is expected to exceed 10 million vehicles.

It is reported that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. New progress has been made in key technologies of new energy vehicles, positive progress has been made in sodium ion batteries and modular power exchange, and the computing power of artificial intelligence has reached the international advanced level. At the same time, new energy vehicles still have some shortcomings in terms of quality and safety, low-temperature adaptability, etc. The integrated development of electrification, intelligence and networking needs to be continuously deepened.

Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology:In 2021, China enterprises obtained more than 30,000 patents related to new energy vehicles, accounting for 70% of the global total, and saw new achievements in comprehensive income. By the end of 2021, the cumulative consumption of new energy vehicles was about 1.6 trillion yuan, driving the output value of upstream and downstream industrial chains to about 4.8 trillion yuan, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 100 million tons.

We will continue to strengthen top-level design and optimize supporting policies.

Lin Nianxiu said that the steady growth of the automobile industry has provided strong support for reviving the industrial economy. In particular, the development of new energy vehicles in China has achieved new breakthroughs and become a new bright spot for the high-quality development of the automobile industry. However, problems such as blind investment and disorderly development of new energy vehicles still exist to varying degrees. In the future, we will continue to strengthen the top-level design, continuously optimize supporting policies such as scientific and technological innovation, industrial layout, tax incentives, and infrastructure construction for charging and replacing electricity, and pay more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand while promoting the accelerated development and growth of the new energy vehicle industry.

Why choose baseball? Why not choose baseball?

In an era full of knowledge, in an era when sports are just needed as students, in an era when children grow up and in an era of constant exploration, sports have become an indispensable product.

And what kind of exercise can make us understand teamwork and team spirit while exercising ourselves?

Children in China, to a great extent, have strong personal abilities, but they are not first-class in teamwork.

In this competitive era, good health is essential. Cultivating a good sport can not only broaden one’s mind, but also cultivate one’s body and mind.

Baseball, a sport full of teamwork, strategy, and self-breakthrough, has become popular in various countries and is on the rise in China.

In the process of training, children need to work together and do their own work well. In anticipation, in the heart of winning, under excellent strategies and in strong psychological quality and concentration, everyone can work together to win the game.

Strength, endurance, speed and willpower are all the foundations of children. In growth, different abilities give different strengths. The advantage of exercise is that children’s minds are cultivated everywhere, and their will is also honed, so that children can have a good psychological quality from an early age.

In baseball, a batter’s correct hitting posture, such as kicking from the back, turning, pulling the arm and swinging the wrist, tests the strength of the players’ legs and arms and the flexibility of the middle part of the body, hands and feet. A base guard can also exercise and test a child’s sensitive quality from accurately taking the ball to the base.

On the court, what is needed is not only good psychological quality, but also excellent technical experience, such as shooting and hitting collisions, stealing bases and touching and killing. Only with good experience can we make the right choice in an emergency.

Cultivate good psychological quality and excellent solutions.

A good sport requires not only a sense of competition, but also a "humble" attitude towards life and opponents at all times. Humility does not mean forbearance, but learning to respect.

On the court etiquette, children will learn to bow and bow when they leave the court, salute each other before and after the competition, raise their hands in the hitting area, and the coach and students will instruct them to take off their hats. Through the infection of sports etiquette, children will gradually develop their self-cultivation and demeanor in the sports field in their lives.

At present, baseball is played in more than 100 countries and regions on five continents. No matter in the United States, or in neighboring Southeast Asian countries such as Japan, Taiwan Province, South Korea and the Philippines, it is the sport with the highest participation among teenagers. Baseball and baseball gloves are the most anticipated birthday gifts for children.

"Happy people use their childhood to cure their whole lives, while unfortunate people use their whole lives to cure their childhood."I think everyone has heard this sentence.

  • Children learn about the world from their relationships with their families, and baseball is a sport."the movement to go home". In baseball, home plate means home.
  • With a stick, a ball and a pair of gloves, children and parents can build a bridge of communication. You throw the ball, the child catches the ball, and the child throws the ball and you play.There are no barriers between children and parents. On the court, you are teammates, talking on an equal footing and learning from each other. Get to know each other again and establish communication in a more relaxed way.
  • When the child’s inner voice is heard and the safe harbor is slowly established, it is difficult to create a gap between you.

Baseball is different from others. Basketball is tall and football is strong. Baseball is tall, short and thin.Different people in different positions, turning their own characteristics into specialties, are masters in the baseball field.

  • Because of this, baseballSuitable for both men and women.It is a very undifferentiated sport.
  • And it is very suitable for Asians, because it has no physical collision and is very skillful, just like the Japanese baseball team has a high world ranking.

Baseball is the most polite gentleman’s sport. The first lesson of baseball training is often about the etiquette of baseball: bowing and bowing before and after entering the stadium, saluting and paying tribute before and after the game, peer mistakes, not teasing and teasing, but companionship and encouragement.

Children will gain in the process of learning baseball.Humility, gratitude, grace and self-cultivation, transform into a humble and polite little knight.

Zhang Baoshu, who is currently the head coach of MLB Baseball Development Center, once said:"In my 13 years of professional baseball experience, my teammates and coaches are the smartest people I have ever seen in my life."

  • This is not difficult to understand, because baseball is a game about solving problems. The game field is unpredictable, and the opponent’s one move and one style must be mentally reacted and then quickly think about the solution.
  • To be an excellent baseball player, you need not only sports skills, but also a flexible mind and the ability to judge quickly.
  • Extend to the whole life, isn’t it? You need to constantly solve the problems that life throws at you. From this perspective, baseball is a good guide not only at the moment of learning baseball, but also for personal growth career.

Look at this god-level reaction speed.

The optimism of Americans and the perseverance of Japanese must benefit from the shaping of national character by baseball. Baseball is a worldwide sport. Although there are relatively few people playing it in China, it will definitely be a trend in the future.

From a practical point of view, baseball is far less competitive than other sports, and it is relatively easy to make achievements.In MLB, the top baseball organization in the United States, seven people from China have been successfully signed. Comparing football and basketball, the ratio is really high.

For parents who want to send their children abroad to study in the future, cultivating their children to play baseball from an early age can also help them better integrate into the local culture. Why not do it?

These are five reasons to choose baseball.

I hope that through baseball, children can have a wonderful childhood and become intelligent and humble people who focus on their feet and look to the future.

  • Chasing for winning or losing, I think, ignores the existence of "people". Utilitarianism, consequentialism and failure are heroes. As long as you lose the game, it means losing everything.
  • Just like a gambler who puts all his chips down, a game will decide life and death.
  • This is very exciting, and it seems to define a certain meaning for what it does, but the pressure is huge and it is easy to collapse. This is obviously a very fragile system.

  • Growth does not mean that winning or losing is not important. Winning is a very important goal as the cornerstone of the team’s existence, but winning is not the goal, but becoming stronger is.
  • Winning or losing is only the final result, and even sometimes winning or losing can be a means to become stronger.

  • I used to think that if you put pressure on them, you have to force them, control them, and eventhinkYou can control winning or losing, but the fact feedback is absolutely delusional!
  • Black swans are everywhere in complex systems, and there are very few things we can control in this world, at least winning or losing is beyond our control.
  • If you read the Art of War carefully, you will find that "its core idea is not the method of warfare, but the method of not fighting; Not the method of victory, but the method of invincible;Not because I defeated my opponent, but because my opponent didn’t do well and lost himself. "
  • The only thing we can control is ourselves. If we do well and become stronger, we will naturally win the game.

Digital Economy Empowering and High-quality Development The 5th International Financial Science and Technology Forum opened in Chengdu

At present, financial technology has become a new kinetic energy of the economy, and it is one of the indicators to measure the economic development level of various countries. How financial technology can empower high-quality economic development has also become a hot topic of global concern.

On November 5th, the 5th International Financial Science and Technology Forum opened in Wenjiang District, Chengdu. More than 150 top guests from the world’s political, industrial, academic and research circles once again gathered in Chengdu to analyze the new direction, new track, new trend and new path of China’s economic, financial and technological development around the theme of "digital economy enabling high-quality development". The forum will inject financial power into promoting high-quality economic and social development through more than 10 activities.

The Red Star reporter learned that this two-day forum was sponsored by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu Local Financial Supervision Administration and Wenjiang District People’s Government of Chengdu, and hosted by the School of Finance of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and China Institute of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics International Joint Laboratory of Financial Technology, and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Sichuan Key Laboratory of Financial Intelligence and Financial Engineering.

Vision: Financial Technology Helps Digital China Construction

Today, China’s economic strength has achieved a historic leap, and its total economic output ranks second in the world.

High-quality development has become the primary task for China to build a socialist modernized country in an all-round way, and we must persist in putting the focus of economic development on the real economy.

After several rounds of discussions, the participating experts agreed that financial technology, with its characteristics of integration, accuracy, intersection and openness, has become the key to providing financial support, inciting the capital market and technological innovation, effectively serving the development of real economy and digital economy, helping to strengthen advanced manufacturing industry, realizing high-quality economic development and speeding up the construction of a "manufacturing power" and "digital China".

2022 is a year in which China’s digital economy is fully developed. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, China’s digital economy turned to a new stage of deepening application, standardizing development, and universal sharing.

Experts attending the meeting said that, based on this background, this forum is held under the new development pattern of digital economy empowerment. Global financial experts jointly review the process of financial technology innovation, discuss the present situation of financial technology development, and look forward to the wonderful prospect of technology in helping financial service entities, preventing financial risks, and building a digital China and a green China, which is of great significance for forming a wider, wider and deeper opening-up pattern.

Four highlights: groundbreaking technology gives birth to new formats

This forum is carefully prepared and boldly innovated on the basis of previous sessions, and this year presents four new points of view.

The first highlight is that a series of pioneering financial technology systems and platforms were released for the first time at the opening ceremony on November 5th, including AI engineering KubeAI platform, Quant Plus quantitative analysis platform, enterprise risk intelligent identification and early warning system, etc. This is the first time that Southwestern University of Finance and Economics has shown the technical "hard power" of financial universities to the industry, which will bring new products, new models and new formats to the financial technology industry and help enterprises to transform digitally.

The second highlight is that the 5th Chengdu August 80 Global Financial Technology Product Design and R&D Competition officially started, and the competition teams of eight top universities in the world gathered in Chengdu again. The competition will further deepen Industry-University-Research’s cooperation, focus on "new finance and economics" talent training, innovate and standardize the contents of the competition, and innovate the talent training methods.

At the same time, at the Digital Economy Empowerment Financial Technology Innovation Forum held on the same day, the founders of financial technology companies such as Bingjian Technology, Daoke DaoCloud and Kuanbang Technology started a dialogue, focusing on the promotion of enterprise credit evaluation by artificial intelligence technology, AI empowerment investment and other topics to explore the new direction of digital economy development.

In addition, on November 6th, a headmaster’s forum will be held, which will be changed from a closed meeting to an open meeting for the first time. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics will set up a platform to invite the principals and deans of 16 mainstream universities in China to discuss and share new modes, new experiences and new methods of talent cultivation in universities.

Red Star Journalist Wu Huayu According to Wenjiang District

Editor Chai Chang

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What are the use of face recognition technology?

In recent years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, especially human face recognition technology, is increasingly widely used in daily life. After entering the 21st century, China Electronic Technology has developed rapidly in just decades, and it is inseparable from the promotion of scientific and technological talents. From human beings enter the steam era, then go to the electrical age, human beings have begun to develop rapidly, and science and technology enters the era of large bombings. Technical application makes us live more fast, efficient, intelligent.

Today mainly introduces people’s face recognition technology, face recognition system has a wide range of applications: face recognition, face recognition, banned tarthen system, face recognition monitoring management, face recognition computer security, face recognition photo search , Face recognition, registration, face recognition ATM wit, video alarm system, face recognition prison intelligent alarm system, face recognition RFID intelligent customs clearance system, face recognition public security criminal pursuit of intelligent alarm system and so on. If the Alipay brush is paid, the "safe city" built by the public security is arrested in the escape criminals, brushing the face into the community, etc. is the application of face recognition technology.

Scope of application: park, factory, supermarket, community square, conference center, sports venue, school, hospital, residential area, commercial street, large-scale farm market, etc. Important parts, hotels, restaurants, catering, entertainment venues Monitoring recording purposes for indoor and outdoor surveillance of the lobby entrance, elevator and other major channels.

Face capture and tracking

Face capture refers to a frame in a frame of an image or video stream and separating portraits from the background and saves it automatically. Portrait tracking refers to the use of portrait capture techniques that automatically tracks it when the specified portrait is moving within the range of the camera.

Face recognition alignment

Face recognition is divided into two comparisons and search formulas. The verification is that the portraits of the captured or the specified portrait have been logged in the database. Remember that a certain object is determined to be the same person. Searching comparison means searching for searching for a specified portrait from all portions registered in the database.

Face modeling and search

The system can model the portable data of the library to extract the characteristics of the face and save it into the database (face feature file) to the database. When performing a face search (search formula), the specified portrait is modeled, and it will be identified compared to the templates of all people in the database, and ultimately list the most similar person according to the compared similar value. List.