The ultimate villain of "Ip Man 2" was exposed 20 years ago. He was a Donnie Yen student

Ultimate bigBoss and Donnie Yen PK

Donnie Yen falls to the ground

Glaring with Samuel Hung

  The latest stills of the Chinese kung fu giant "Ip Man 2: The Legend of the Grandmaster", which will be released on April 29, have been released on the 12th. In the film, the British boxing champion "Tornado", who plays the villain ultimate big boss, has been exposed for the first time. The strong and domineering boxing champion "Tornado" is played by British action actor Darren Shahlavi. Twenty years ago, he studied boxing with Donnie Yen. Twenty years later, the master and apprentice met in the ring, which makes people feel the wonder of fate.

Arrogance on stage and humility off stage

  British action actor Darren Shahlavi plays Ip Man’s fiercest opponent, the boxing champion "Tornado" in the film. In the film, director Ye Weixin’s request to him is "must be arrogant and arrogant, even if it is exaggerated!" So Darren Shahlavi, who has a fierce face, is almost domineering and powerful throughout the film. Coupled with fierce punches, it does not lose the notoriety of "the ultimate villain". However, Darren, who is arrogant on stage, is a British gentleman off the stage, and he is very humble to director Ye Weixin, Hong Jinbao and Donnie Yen. In order to facilitate shooting at any time, even within a few days when the temperature on the set dropped sharply, he still wore only shorts, walked around the set naked, and often pulled the spring alone to keep his muscles in the best condition, which was praised by Brother Hong.

Master Hong Quan died tragically at his hands

  The boxing champion "Tornado" does not have many scenes in the film, and can only be regarded as the fourth male at most, but the first scene since his appearance has left a deep impression, and the opponent scene with Hong Zhennan, the Hong Boxing master played by the eldest brother Hong Jinbao, is particularly exciting. In order to survive, Master Hong originally helped to prepare for the Huayang Boxing Tournament, but he was repeatedly insulted by the boxing champion. After his apprentice was severely beaten by the boxing champion, he finally could not bear to challenge on the stage, and thus staged a wonderful drama of Hong Boxing against Western boxing. However, due to his old age and lack of physical strength, Master Hong was repeatedly punched by the boxing champion. In order to preserve the dignity of Chinese martial arts, Master Hong refused to concede defeat and was finally killed in the ring by "Tornado". This scene was rated as the "most touching scene" in the whole film at the opening ceremony of the University Student Film Festival.

Mentors and disciples reunite after 20 years

  For most Chinese audiences, Darren Shahlavi is still a newcomer, but for the male protagonist Donnie Yen, it is an old acquaintance. According to Donnie Yen, as early as 20 years ago, he went to Europe to offer Chinese martial arts courses and teach European kung fu fans to learn boxing. Darren Shahlavi, who was super obsessed with Chinese kung fu, was one of Donnie Yen’s students. The two also took a group photo. Twenty years later, Ye Weixin invited Darren Shahlavi to participate in "Ip Man 2". After several days of shooting with Donnie Yen, he took out the photo of the year to "apprentice". The two people in the photo still looked like "kung fu boys" and put on a kung fu posture. Donnie Yen remembered that the super opponent in the "ring" today was actually a student from 20 years ago. However, the students regained their strength and were no match for the teacher. "Tornado" finally lost to Ye Wen in the battle of "dignity".

Meituan distribution launched the winter rider recruitment, invested 100 million yuan, opened 300,000 new positions

Entering the winter, takeaway consumption and transportation demand continued to grow. On December 12, Meituan takeaway launched the winter rider recruitment, invested 100 million yuan, opened 300,000 rider positions, continued to expand employment supply, and provided support for ensuring winter takeaway consumption.

It is reported that the winter rider recruitment investment will be mainly used for recruitment incentives in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, as well as in areas with tight transportation capacity such as Northeast China and North China, including measures such as upgrading the "Bole Award", and riders can get up to 10,000 yuan for recommending new people. Offline, Meituan will also increase resource support for partner recruitment, and link human resources agencies in the region under the guidance of local governments to expand the coverage of recruitment information. For workers who want to increase their income part-time, Meituan further improves the "part-time model" of the special delivery site. The webmaster will provide distribution guidance. Part-time riders can also flexibly adjust their work rhythm according to personal needs, so as to achieve a balance between life and work. In order to help new riders master delivery skills faster and increase income, Meituan Takeaway has launched a "three-piece novice set" for new riders, including "rider hand-holding", "novice care sheet" and "novice disclaimer card". At present, more than 30,000 old riders have joined the "master group" to provide one-to-one training for new riders. The online learning platform has also developed more than 120 class skill courses for riders to learn. For rider career development, Meituan has launched rider online learning platform, webmaster training program, rider transfer mechanism, rider university and other projects to help riders career development to a higher level. At present, more than 420,000 riders have participated in the "webmaster training program".

The rider is resting in the inn

In order to strengthen the rider’s winter distribution guarantee, Meituan has invested 1.70 billion yuan in winter distribution subsidies to carry out winter care activities across the country, and has built more than 38,000 rider stations across the country in conjunction with all sectors of society, which is convenient for riders to rest and obtain supplies at any time. The emergency mechanism of "severe cold protection" has been activated. In special weather such as blizzard and strong wind, it provides assistance such as delivery time and bad review elimination, and dynamically adjusts the distribution radius to shorten the time riders are exposed to the outdoors. At the same time, riders are equipped with commonly used medicines in winter. In addition, in accordance with the national unified work deployment, Meituan actively participates in the occupational injury protection pilot in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other seven provinces and cities to provide riders with insurance premiums and more comprehensive work safety.

Meituan takeaway rider service department said that winter is a critical period for takeaway delivery, and it is also the focus of distribution security. Meituan takeaway will continue to increase the recruitment of riders, do a good job in logistics for riders’ winter delivery, and strengthen the capacity guarantee of winter takeaway consumption.

In response to the labor fluctuations in the takeaway and distribution industry, Zhang Chenggang, director of the China New Employment Form Research Center and associate professor of the School of Labor Economics at Capital University of Economics and Business, said that the labor supply and demand situation in the takeaway and distribution industry has always been in a dynamic balance. Winter is the peak season for takeaway consumption, and the demand for transportation capacity expands. However, the labor market will be in short supply before the year, especially in northern and first-tier cities due to weather and population mobility. The manpower gap will be more significant. Increasing recruitment efforts by takeaway platforms and cooperative enterprises will help alleviate the labor problem. Overall, the takeaway and distribution industry is flexible and mobile. Both "labor difficulties" and "labor surplus" are short-term phenomena in some regions. They can be effectively solved through market self-adjustment. The outside world should view this rationally.

Games have an "unexpectedly" new value

  Editor’s note:

  In recent years, the rise of online games has attracted great attention from all walks of life. Mr. Fang Zhenghui’s article "Games have" unexpectedly "acquired a new value. Rational and emotional are intertwined, and memories and prospects are accompanied by each other. It is like a spring breeze to read, and it is deeply beneficial to read it carefully.

  The happiness of childhood accompanies the game, and the process of growth accompanies the game. The author starts from the colorful childhood memories to talk about the game, which seems to be tranquil and peaceful, but also deeply "unexpected". He analyzes the relationship between virtual world games and real world life, and the impact of games on people’s lifestyle, spiritual world, and cultural concepts. Then he reveals with an insightful perspective: in the general trend of Chinese enterprises "going global", online games have established camps and fought overseas with their unique civilian and capital advantages, and have broken out into a world. In fact, they have become the bearers and disseminators of Chinese culture. As an important part of the digital economy, games and the real economy promote each other and develop together, and become the embodiment of a country’s hard power in science and technology and soft power in culture.

  Perhaps as the author said, today’s "games" are no longer the entertainment products that can be ignored, nor are they just for urchins, but "unexpectedly" have a new value.

  An old artist, Mr. Ying Ruocheng, once told an interesting story when recalling his childhood: One year during the Spring Festival, when a large family had dinner, he quietly hid in an unknown corner and wanted to see if everyone was in a hurry to find him and then came out to give people a surprise. As a result, no one looked for him. He fell asleep in the corner until he woke up hungry and found that the building was empty and there were only remnants left on the table – everyone forgot about him. Mr. Ying Ruocheng humorously said: Don’t think how important you are, no one takes you seriously. When you heard this story, you couldn’t help but laugh and think about it. Many people will remember the funny thing in childhood when they played games and didn’t care to go home for dinner. A few years ago, the phrase "Mom calls you home for dinner" became a popular Internet celebrity phrase, and the touchpoint that initially resonated was to evoke the memory of people playing and playing in childhood and forgetting to go home!

Games have an "unexpectedly" new value

  The joy of childhood accompanies games, and the process of growth accompanies games. What we don’t understand when we are young is that we grow up little by little through the role substitution and imitation in games. Times change, thanks to the development of electronic science and the Internet, the relationship between virtual world games and real world life is strong, and the impact on people’s lifestyle, spiritual world, and cultural concepts may be far beyond our imagination and cognition. The degree of "surprise" can’t be overstated as "shock".

  Our understanding of online games has gone through several stages of continuous change, and it may also be regarded as a stage of continuous development and improvement of games: at first, the game was relatively simple, entertaining, relaxed and enjoyable, relieving stress, chatting for entertainment, and a little bit of control, which is beneficial and harmless; after that, the game became more and more rich and complex, making full use of the magic of sound, light and electricity technology, integrating life, culture, thought, emotion, history and reality, carrying a certain function of education and dissemination, and began to evolve into a cultural and social phenomenon, which attracted much attention and caused some controversy; then, with the update and iteration of Internet technology and business model, online games have leveraged the rich soil of the Internet to become an industry with great potential and promising prospects; in the general trend of Chinese enterprises "going global", online games have become an industry with their unique folk and capital The advantages of setting up camps overseas, struggling to make a difference, and in fact becoming the bearer and disseminator of Chinese culture, the mission significance is revealed; today, game technology also widely radiates to aerospace, medical and health care, smart cities, film and television creation and other fields, its industrial value is no longer limited to the cultural and entertainment industry. As an important part of the digital economy, it promotes and develops together with the real economy, becoming a manifestation of a country’s hard power in science and technology and soft power in culture.

  Today’s "game" is no longer the entertainment product that can be ignored, nor is it just the specialty of urchins, but "unexpectedly" has "power and value that can no longer be underestimated". Recently, the research group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences released a research report, defining "game technology" as a technology cluster that realizes large-scale application in video games for the first time, with the main purpose of enriching and improving human interaction experience; game technology has become a natural incubator and test field for the innovation and development of many cutting-edge technologies, accumulating a large number of unique technical capabilities; game technology provides a unique scientific and technological contribution rate to our country’s chip industry and important infrastructure such as 5G, and has become one of the important sources of promoting scientific research and innovation development. The report points out that emotional value judgments about games are not conducive to our true understanding of the whole picture of games and the technology behind them. Reviewing game technology from the perspective of scientific and technological innovation will not only help the whole society to re-understand the value of technological innovation contained in the game industry, but also better play a key role in the development process of digital integration.

  The report refreshes our understanding of "games" in concise, clear, accurate and powerful language. This research report has a clear awareness of problems and social concerns. It is not only the result of rigorous academic research, but also reflects a strong humanistic spirit. It is clear, easy to understand, credible, and has considerable persuasive and infectious power. It has brought us many "unexpected" inspirations and thoughts.

  Just a year ago, some media also criticized online games as "spiritual opium", causing an uproar in public opinion. Colleagues and friends can often be heard complaining about children’s addiction to online games, and there are many who think that it should be "completely banned". When the public talks about games, the feelings of contempt, unease and even anxiety reflect the reality that game technology has rapidly expanded and penetrated into people’s lives. This is a normal reaction. However, the statements and practices of some senior "players" are "unexpectedly" calm and representative: games have been around since ancient times and have been evolving, and now they are just electronic and online. Games have a strong social function. For today’s generation of online natives, rejecting and rejecting games makes it impossible to communicate with others. Just like our childhood was forbidden to play, which goes against nature and growth laws, and easily causes loneliness and closure. For online games, it is better to guide them than to block them. Play games with your own children, let the children contact and feel normally, and guide the children to recognize and distinguish the pros and cons of games and high and low technology during the interaction process, so as to gradually improve the children’s independent judgment ability and play the functions of game puzzle, fitness, competition, and communication. In this way, the children will not be addicted to mobile phones, and will also enhance the parent-child relationship. Maybe it is not easy to do this, but cognition determines behavior.

  Technology has always been a "double-edged sword". When humans take advantage of the benefits brought by an innovative scientific and technological achievement, it is in principle impossible to rule out the occurrence of adverse changes. The significance of the rule of law, supervision, and rules is to make necessary constraints and demarcate boundaries, so as to incentivize and protect innovation, promote scientific and technological progress and social development, rather than giving up and putting new technologies in the cold. It is not easy to develop new technologies, and it is also not easy to solve the many problems that arise after technological development. But it is better to have problems than not to have any problems at all. After all, civilization moves forward in solving bit by bit problems, and development is the last word.

  Game technology relies on the support and promotion of content. When games full of Chinese cultural symbols go overseas, they have inadvertently become the messenger of spreading Chinese culture and enhancing exchanges and integration – which is also an "unexpected" joy. According to the data of the global survey report on China’s national image conducted by some institutions in recent years, the young group has a more positive and objective impression of China than the middle-aged and elderly group. The reason behind this is that the young group has no stereotype of China and is less influenced by ideological factors. Second, they have relatively diverse information channels to understand China. They obtain information more through the Internet and social platforms, and their understanding of China is also more diverse and closer to the objective reality of China. It can be said that games have played an important role in it, and there is still a broader development space in the future. Its far-reaching impact is unpredictable.

  In recent years, the overseas market of China’s self-developed games has continued to grow, and the revenue growth rate is higher than that of the domestic market. Many games have entered the top of the global best-selling list, and the international competitiveness has been significantly improved. While attracting players, games with the core of Chinese culture have also become a cultural weapon for differentiated competition in overseas games. Values and worldviews are the soul of the game. Only when the game has rich and valuable cultural connotations can it move the audience from the depths of emotion and make them loyal players. Therefore, for game designers and producers, it is not only necessary to stand at the forefront of game technologies such as multiplayer networking, real-time communication, and holographic images, but also to enhance the content of Chinese culture. To tell Chinese stories well, it must be truly melted in the blood and rooted in the heart. It is not something that can be easily labeled, and players will not buy it. In this regard, we still have a lot of shortcomings to make up for, a lot of homework to do, and a long way to go.

  In the process of Chinese culture going global, there are both intentional flowers and unintentional willows. The same sky and the same land are full of color and color, so as to reflect the magnificent atmosphere of Chinese culture’s tolerance and accumulation. We are optimistic about the irreplaceable role of games in international communication. Confucius has a famous saying, "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy". The game is a thing, and its magic that makes all kinds of people enjoy it is rarely matched. This alone gives us reason to believe that in the feast of cultural going global, no matter how various roles change, games are indispensable; when technology and art are two-way, and technology and culture are deeply integrated, games will definitely bring us more surprises and surprises.

  (Author: Fang Zhenghui, a senior media professional)

Hechi, Guangxi: Activating online celebrity Elements to Make Network Civilization Shine.

  Online celebrity Gewei in Hechi and the 3rd Gepo Festival in Simeng Township, donglan were held in Simeng Sports Park recently, which was the third online celebrity Gewei held since the opening of online celebrity Chuangchuang Camp in Hechi, attracting more than 10,000 people from all counties (districts) in the city.

  In recent years, the Information Office of Hechi Municipal Committee has taken the initiative to give full play to its functional advantages, with the help of the internet, taking strengthening the construction of network celebrities as the focus and innovation point to promote the construction of network civilization. By building the "online celebrity Creation Camp", the online celebrity House was established, and the "online celebrity Song Fair" was held to unite and unite the online forces such as online celebrity and Media V, tell the story of Hechi well, spread the sound of Hechi well, shape the image of Hechi well, and gather positive energy for the development of Hechi.

  Be a good "online celebrity" housekeeper and carry forward the new trend of social civilization

  "This time in online celebrity, there should be a competition for the hegemony of the Zhuang King of Songs", "Our’ Twilight Plan’ public welfare activities can take photos of local longevity elderly people for free" and "Longevity elderly people can’t hold activities to replenish food and prolong their lives" … The curtain of the cultural tourism brand activities of "March 3 Hechi Carnival in Guangxi" has not yet been opened, and the Hechi online celebrity Creation Camp has already become lively.

  The Network Information Office of Hechi Municipal Committee insists on the Party’s management of the Internet, and incorporates the construction of network celebrities into the main points of the work of the Network Information Committee of the Municipal Committee. As a concrete measure to promote the network civilization work in the whole city, it continues to strengthen the role of network celebrities, and strengthen the contact and friendship of network celebrities through special investigations, seminars and exchanges, and build concentric circles online and offline. We have organized and carried out a series of online theme publicity activities, such as "Hechi online celebrity Hechi Beauty", "Yunshuo Magnificent and Charming Hechi" and "Shaking the New Hechi", focusing on the development of cultural tourism, rural revitalization, online public welfare and other fields, and created thousands of new media works to promote the new trend of online civilization. Up to now, Hechi online celebrity database has collected more than 150 online celebrities with more than 50,000 fans, including more than 10 online celebrities with more than 1 million fans.

  Be a good housekeeper and bridge the gap for the development of positive energy. Since 2023, more than 30 people, including Xiaojiang Media and Hechi Tribe, have been recommended to participate in e-commerce gatherings, cultural tourism promotion and other activities to help Hechi cultural tourism promotion, agricultural product sales and charity, so that online celebrity and the activists can achieve a double harvest of "flow" and "realization".

  Be a good "online celebrity" guide and encourage social responsibility.

  Hechi City has played a leading role in the organization of the Party Committee of the Internet industry, and strengthened the ideological and political guidance for famous online celebrities and enterprises. The Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee and other departments have successively conducted lectures in Internet companies such as Lida E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd. and Yizhou Forum, constantly rallying ideological consensus and enhancing the political identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity and emotional identity of online celebrities to the Party.

  The "Hechi City Network Civilization Proposal" was issued to the whole city to guide the local media and network celebrities to consciously fulfill their social responsibility obligations. Hechi tribe, Zhuang township Xiao Mo and other media and network celebrities created and launched more than 1,000 high-quality works such as "Is this the taste of Hechi # Guangxi # Returning to Hechi for the New Year #", and Xiaojiang Media’s online public service advertisement "Even though there are 2020 difficulties, there are still 2021 kinds of persistence (dedicated to you who persist during the epidemic)". Internet celebrities such as Tan Lianqiao and Xiao Fan have devoted themselves to online public welfare undertakings. Online public welfare projects such as the "Neem Flower 1+1 Education Project" in Du ‘an and the "Partner Program" in Dahua Wild Lily have benefited children in mountainous areas, and online public welfare has continuously infiltrated people’s hearts.

  Hechi City encourages social responsibility by guiding network celebrities to give full play to their own characteristics and advantages, which has laid a solid foundation for promoting Hechi, promoting Hechi and revitalizing Hechi with the help of the Internet.

  Do a good job of "online celebrity" stylist and set an advanced typical benchmark.

  Hechi City has always attached great importance to the excavation and tree selection of celebrities in the positive energy network. It has set up a column of online celebrity Creation Camp on, organized reporters to conduct an exclusive report on positive energy online celebrity, launched more than 10 daily series of positive energy reports by online celebrity, such as "Mini Brother in Luocheng", and planned to launch a series of video works "New Life in Singing", a folk song with unique Hechi characteristics, to tell the daily stories of online celebrity in Hechi, spread the good voice of the Internet, and guide the cyberspace to form a positive atmosphere.

  Hechi City pays attention to the demonstration and guidance of network celebrities. By taking activities such as "Five Hundred" and "Strive to be a good netizen in Bagui" as the starting point, and taking the New Media Federation and online celebrity Creation Camp as the positions, it has done a good job in selecting typical trees for netizens. In recent years, it has recommended more than 20 network celebrities such as Gao Dongfeng and Hu Liufang as "good netizens in Bagui" models, moral models, the most beautiful people and good people around them. In addition, in recent years, phenomenal online celebrity, such as Waina, Wu Enshi and rural Xiaojing, have emerged in Hechi, becoming the flag pole of Hechi "online celebrity".

  In this year’s "V Viewing the New Countryside and Seeing the Changes in Hometown-Hechi New Media Entering Donglan Simeng Public Welfare", online celebrities, light and shadow sculptors and other public welfare organizations took photos of the birthday girl and more than 10 pairs of long-lived elderly people, leaving a precious mark on the old people’s half-century caring for each other. With the flashing of flashing lights, moving and sweet smiles were captured one by one, making the atmosphere of the whole event happy and romantic.

  Nowadays, the celebrity of positive energy network in Hechi City is gradually becoming an "important online force" for Hechi to further promote the construction of network civilization, becoming a disseminator of positive energy, a recorder of the times, a watcher of fairness and justice, and a promoter of social progress. (correspondent class teacher Wu Jianping Guangming Daily, all-media reporter Zhou Shixing)

Rush to the hot search! Break out! The concept of gold rose sharply

Overnight, "Kimi fever" swept through A shares, and the praise was endless.

In early trading today, the concept of Kimi continued to soar. Many stocks had a daily limit of "one", and the AI application side collectively surged. After 10 o’clock, the AI application side began to fall back, and the three major indexes weakened. But overall, the AI ? ? application is still the biggest hot spot in the morning. At the close of the morning, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.21%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.42% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 0.49%.

AI application is active

This morning, the concept of Kimi continued to soar.Huace movie and televisionUshered in a 20% daily limit,Zhangyue technologyZhongguang natural selectionAnd other stocks also have a daily limit of "one".

A few days ago, Kimi intelligent assistant raised the length of lossless context to 2 million words, which attracted market attention. According to industry insiders, as the gateway to GMartificial intelligenceThe basic technology of (AGI), lossless long context, has always been a research hotspot in the industry. The evolution of model architecture in history is essentially to improve the effective and lossless context length. The breakthrough of Kimi intelligent assistant in this field will undoubtedly promote the generalization ability of AIGC model and provide empowerment for more vertical industries. Many brokers believe that Kimi intelligent assistant is expected to become a benchmark product in the AIGC field, and its 2 million words lossless long text generation ability will help enterprises achieve high-quality and efficient content production.

There has been a lot of good news in the AI field recently. On the evening of March 20th, Cheng Yixiao, founder and CEO of Aauto Quicker, said at the company’s 2023 annual performance conference call that after the company launched the AI strategy in 2023, it would step by step promote the research and development training of self-developed large models and accelerate the scene landing of large models. For Wensheng video, Aauto Quicker has promoted special research and development at the end of last year. Cheng Yixiao said that this is a huge opportunity for the short video ecology. In the future, Aauto Quicker will combine the generation model with producer tools, and constantly help creators to lower the threshold of creation and improve the quality and efficiency of short video production.

On March 20,BaiduMap announced that the number of users of its "AI Guide" has exceeded 100 million, providing more than 10 million conversations every day. On March 21st, intelligent cloud held a Qian Fan product launch conference, and released three large lightweight models, namely ERNIE Speed, ERNIE Lite and ERNIE Tiny. The parameters are from large to small, which are suitable for fine-tuning as a base model in specific scenes, giving consideration to the model effect and reasoning performance, and being equipped with a low-computational AI accelerator card for reasoning, which is suitable for low-cost and low-delay applications.

AI hardware side,Memory chipThe plate is active,Dawei stockDeminliWait for the stock to soar.

On March 21, driven by the strong demand for AI storage hardware,micron technology, incAnnounced a third-quarter performance outlook that exceeded expectations. The outlook for total revenue and earnings per share far exceeded analysts’ expectations, and the share price of US stocks soared after hours.

Milky WaysecuritiesIt is said that the track belongs to a high-growth and strong cycle industry, and the current time is a new starting point for the next cycle of the track. In AI, demand recovery superpositiondigital economyUnder the background of rising demand for storage power, we are optimistic about the investment opportunities of listed companies related to the domestic storage industry chain.

Gold conceptRise sharply

Recently, it has continued to strengthen. This morning, it rose again,Dengyun stockZhongrun resourcesJingui silver industryWaiting for the top increase. "Gold" rushed to the forefront of the hot search list in the morning.

In the early morning of March 21st, Beijing time, the Federal Reserve announced that it would keep the federal funds interest rate range unchanged between 5.25% and 5.5%, which was in line with market expectations. This is also the fifth consecutive time that the Fed has kept interest rates unchanged since last September.

After the release of the interest rate resolution, the three major stock indexes of the US stock market and the spot gold price rose rapidly, and the spot gold price once exceeded $2,200 per ounce in intraday trading.

Galaxy futuresprecious metalResearchers believe that the rise in international gold prices is due to the fact that the recent US macroeconomic data is not in line with expectations, and on the other hand, Fitch downgraded new york.bankThe market risk aversion caused by rating has warmed up. At the same time, central banks continue to buy gold and constantly raise the gold price center. Therefore, the international gold price has stepped out of a round of rising market under various favorable factors.

What is a digital video camera?

What is a digital video camera?

  Digital Video camera is DV, which is the abbreviation of Digital Video. Translated into Chinese, it means "Digital Video". It is a digital video format jointly developed by many famous home appliance giants such as Sony, Panasonic, Shengli, Sharp, Toshiba and Canon. However, in the joint development of a digital video format. However, in most cases, DV stands for digital camera. According to the purpose of use, it can be divided into: broadcast-grade models, professional-grade models and consumer-grade models. According to the storage medium, it can be divided into: magnetic tape type, optical disk type, hard disk type and memory card type.

Development course of digital camera

  It has been 16 years since the first digital camera was born in 2011. During these 16 years, digital cameras have undergone tremendous changes. The storage media range from DV to DVD to hard disk, with a total pixel of 800,000 to 5 million, and the image quality ranges from standard-definition DV(720×576) to high-definition HDV(1920×1080).

The first DV camera was born in 1995.

  In July, 1995, Sony released the first DV camera DCR-VX1000. Once released, DCR-VX1000 was widely adopted by TV journalists and producers all over the world. This product uses Mini-DV format tape, adopts 3CCD sensor (3 1/3 inch, 410,000 pixel CCD), 10x optical zoom and optical anti-shake system, and the price at the time of release is as high as 4,000 yuan. DCR-VX1000 is a major change in the history of imaging. Since then, civil digital cameras have entered the digital age.

Sony DCR-VX1000, the first DV camera

The first DVD camera was born in 2000.

  In August 2000, Hitachi introduced the first DVD camera DZ-MV100. At that time, this product could only be recorded by DVD-RAM. Hitachi first brought DVD as a storage medium into a digital camera, and used an 8cm DVD-RAM burning disc as a storage medium, which got rid of the inconvenience of DV tape and was a major innovation after DV camera. However, at that time, not many people paid attention to this product. DZ-MV100 was only sold in Japan, and it was hard to find a trace in the domestic market. It was recognized that DVD cameras should be widely promoted by Sony three years later.

The first DVD camera DZ-MV100

In 2004, the first micro hard disk camera was born.

  In September, 2004, JVC launched the first batch of 1-inch micro hard disk cameras MC200 and MC100, and the hard disk began to enter the field of consumer digital cameras. The capacity of the two hard disks is 4GB, and the video images taken are compressed by MPEG-2, so users can flexibly change the compression rate to extend the shooting time. The adoption of hard disk media makes it extremely convenient for digital cameras to exchange information with computers. Both MC200 and MC100 and several subsequent 1-inch micro hard disk cameras can flexibly replace micro hard disks. By June, 2005, JVC released the Everio G series with 1.8-inch high-capacity hard disk camera. The maximum capacity reached 30GB, and the volume was well controlled, and the price remained at the level of similar DV cameras.

The first micro hard disk camera JVC MC200

In 2004, the first HDV 1080i HD camera was born.

  In September 2003, Sony, Canon, Sharp and JVC jointly formulated the HD camera standard HDV. In September 2004, Sony released the first HDV 1080i high-definition camera HDR-FX1E. The recording resolution of HDV reached 1440×1080, and the horizontal scanning line was doubled compared with that of DVD, and the definition was revolutionized. HDR-FX1E, including the HDV cameras introduced later, used the original ones.

The first HDV 1080i HD camera HDR-FX1E

In 2010, the first 3D camera was born.

  Up to now, the 3D revolution has all revolved around Hollywood blockbusters and major sports events. With the advent of Panasonic HDC-SDT750 3D camera, this technology is one step closer to home users. Panasonic HDC-SDT750 is the world’s first 3D camera. After the launch of this camera, we can capture every unforgettable moment of life with 3D lens in the future, such as children’s first step, university graduation celebration and so on. Panasonic released the HDC-SDT750 3D camera on July 28th, 2010. The official price is RMB 11,998 (excluding 3D lens). It is designed with dual lenses and equipped with Panasonic’s high-end series of 3mos image sensors. (What is a 3D camera? )

The first 3D camera Panasonic HDC-SDT750

Working principle of digital camera

  The basic principle of digital camera is simply the transformation and transmission of optical-electrical-digital signals. That is to say, the light signal is converted into current through the photosensitive element, and then the analog electric signal is converted into digital signal, and the information obtained after processing and filtering by a special chip is restored to be the dynamic picture we see.

  The photosensitive element of digital video camera can convert light into charge, which is converted into digital signal through analog-to-digital converter chip. There are two main types: one is widely used CCD (Charge Coupled Device); The other is CMOS (complementary metal oxide conductor) device.

  Characteristics of digital camera

  High-definition analog cameras record analog signals, so the image definition (also called resolution, resolution or resolution) is not high. For example, the horizontal definition of VHS cameras is mainly 240 lines, and it is best to mention that Hi8 models only have 400 lines. DV records digital signals, and its horizontal resolution has reached 500~540 lines, which can be comparable to professional cameras.

  The bandwidth of chroma and brightness signal of DV is almost six times that of analog camera, and the bandwidth of chroma and brightness is one of the most important factors that determine the image quality, so the color of the image shot by DV is more pure and gorgeous, and it has reached the level of professional camera.

  The signal recorded on the lossless reproduction DV tape can be transcribed countless times, and the image quality will not be degraded at all, which is beyond the reach of analog cameras.

  Small size and light weight Compared with analog cameras, the size of DV cameras is greatly reduced, generally only about 123mm×87mm×66mm, and the weight is greatly reduced, generally only about 500 grams, which greatly facilitates the users’ size is only 74.7mm×61.9mm×26.9mm and the weight is only 90 grams, which is even lighter than most mobile phones.

Digital camera classification

  I. Classification according to the purpose of use

  1. Broadcast-grade models:

  These models are mainly used in the field of radio and television, with high image quality and comprehensive performance, but with higher price and larger volume, they have the highest definition, the largest signal-to-noise ratio and the best image quality. Of course, the price of several hundred thousand yuan is not acceptable to ordinary people. For example, Panasonic AJ-HPX3100MC and other models.

Classification of digital cameras-broadcast-class models

  2, professional models:

  These models are generally used in professional TV fields other than radio and television, such as audio-visual education, and the image quality is lower than that of broadcast cameras. However, in recent years, some high-end professional cameras have surpassed the old models of broadcast cameras in many aspects, such as performance indicators, and the price is generally between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of yuan.

  Compared with consumer models, professional DV is not only cooler and more eye-catching, but also much higher in configuration, such as the use of lenses with better quality performance and the larger size of CCD, which is more prominent in imaging quality and adaptability to the environment. For friends who pursue image quality, the surprise brought by the improvement of image quality can’t be measured by money at all. Such as Sony’s HXR-NX5, the price is around 34,000.

Classification of Digital Cameras-Professional Models

  3. Consumer-grade models:

  This type of camera is mainly suitable for home use, and it is used in non-business occasions with low image quality requirements, such as home entertainment, etc. This type of camera is small in size, light in weight, easy to carry, simple in operation and cheap in price. It can be used to make VCD and DVD of personal family in occasions with low requirements, and the price is generally in the order of several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan. Such as Sony’s HDR-XR160E.

Classification of digital cameras-consumer models

  If we subdivide the home digital cameras, they can be roughly divided into the following categories: entry-level DV, mid-range consumer-grade DV and high-end quasi-professional DV products.

  Second, according to the classification of storage media

  1, tape type:

  Refers to the digital video camera with Mini DV as the recording medium, which was first developed by more than 10 manufacturers in 1994. Record high-quality digital video signals through a 1/4 inch metal vapor deposition tape.

  2, CD-ROM:

  Refers to the DVD digital camera, the storage medium is DVD-R, DVR+R, or DVD-RW, DVD+RW to store dynamic video images, which is simple to operate and easy to carry, and there is no need to worry about overlapping shooting during shooting, let alone wasting time to rewind or play back, especially it can be played immediately through the DVD player, which saves the trouble of post-editing.

  DVD media has the highest security and stability among all media digital cameras at present. It is neither as easy to wear and tear as tape DV, nor as demanding as hard disk DV for shock prevention. The disadvantage is that the price of DVD is slightly higher than that of tape DV, and the time for recording is relatively short.

  3, hard disk:

  Refers to a digital video camera that uses a hard disk as a storage medium. It was first introduced by JVC in 2005, using micro hard disk as storage medium.

  Hard disk cameras have many advantages, and large-capacity hard disk cameras can ensure long-term shooting, so that you will not have any worries when traveling. When you get home, you can transfer the shooting materials to the computer, and you no longer need the complicated and professional video acquisition equipment as in the era of MiniDV tape camera. You can easily export the materials just by connecting with the computer through USB cable, so that ordinary family users can easily experience the fun of shooting and editing video films.

  Like CF card, micro hard disk is smaller than DVD, and its service time is the most impressive among many storage media. However, due to the short time of hard disk DV, there are still many shortcomings, such as poor shock resistance and so on. With the further decline of prices, the number of people in need will inevitably increase in the future.

  4. Memory card type:

  Refers to the digital video camera using memory card as storage medium, such as the popular "X Easy Shooting" product. As a transitional simple product, it is rare in the market now.

  Three, according to the type and number of sensors.

  1. Sensor types: CMOS and CCD.

  CCD: Charge Coupled Device image sensor, which is made of a high-sensitivity semiconductor material, can convert light into charge, which is converted into digital signal by an analog-to-digital converter chip.

  CMOS: Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, like CCD, is a semiconductor that can record light changes in digital cameras.

  At the same resolution, CMOS is cheaper than CCD, but the image quality produced by CMOS devices is lower than CCD. So far, most consumer-grade and high-end digital cameras on the market use CCD as sensors; CMOS sensors are used in some cameras as low-end products, but some high-end products also use special CMOS as light sensors, such as several high-end CMOS models of Sony.

  2. Number of sensors: single CCD and 3CCD.

  The number of image sensors is the number of CCD or CMOS sensors of digital cameras. Most digital cameras use a single CCD as their sensors, while some middle and high-end digital cameras use 3CD as their sensors.

  Single CCD means that there is only one CCD in the camera and it is used for photoelectric conversion of brightness signal and color signal. Because a CCD completes the conversion of brightness signal and chroma signal at the same time, the captured image can not meet high requirements in color reproduction.

  3CCD, as its name implies, is a camera using three ccds. We know that if light passes through a special prism, it will be divided into three colors: red, green and blue, and these three colors are the three primary colors used in our TV. Through these three primary colors, all TV signals including brightness signals can be generated. If a CCD is used to receive each color and convert it into an electrical signal, and then an image signal is generated after circuit processing, a 3CCD system can be formed, which can display the primary colors of the image almost intact, and there will be no color error caused by camera deduction.


  If you want to see more digital camera products, please click the following link:

  Complete collection of digital cameras: //

  Complete collection of high-definition cameras://


How to eat pineapple "sting" without being "hurt" by it!

  It’s the season to enjoy pineapple at will, and its sweet fragrance is everywhere in fruit shops and mobile fruit carts on the street, which is irresistible! However, many people have had this experience: pineapple will "sting"! Not only will its coat and crown on its head prick hands, but its flesh will also sting its mouth! Our oral cavity will be strongly stimulated, resulting in tingling, acidity and itching of oral mucosa and gums. What’s more, it suffers from bleeding, inflammation, redness and swelling around the mouth and lips. This is why people often soak pineapples in salt water first — — Reduce the intensity of its "sting mouth".

  Why do pineapples sting?

  Because pineapple is so "smart", in order to prevent humans and other creatures from eating it, it not only wears a barbed armor, but also hides three heavyweight weapons in the flesh.

  The first heavy weapon: calcium oxalate needle crystal

  Calcium oxalate needle crystal is the physical killing means of pineapple. Under the microscope, the bundle of calcium oxalate needle crystal wrapped by pulp tissue cells is like countless dense needles. They have a very powerful characteristic: they are insoluble in water. So it is not easy to be dissolved by our saliva!

  When we chew pineapple pulp, we will destroy the tissue cells of the pulp because of the grinding of teeth, which is equivalent to opening the door to these invisible sharp needles that originally locked them. Once these sharp needles are released into the mouth, they will mercilessly "plunge" into any mucosal tissue they touch. With our continuous chewing, calcium oxalate needle crystals can be "pushed" into our tongue, inner wall of mouth, throat and gums, which are soft, delicate and have no resistance.

  The second weapon: bromelain

  This enzyme can be extracted from the pulp, peel and even stem of pineapple. Little friends who often cook must be familiar with this enzyme, because it is an important "second party" of tender meat powder. The common tender meat powder is either papain or bromelain.

  Proteases, as the name implies, can decompose protein. On the one hand, bromelain will activate the "PAR" protease "alarm" in oral epithelial cells and free nerve endings, and after being activated, it will awaken the nerve pathway that can trigger itching. On the other hand, bromelain itself does destroy the protein of our oral mucosa — — It is achieved by decomposing and "cutting" the connective proteins between cells.

  In this way, the defense network of oral mucosal cells is "relaxed" and the barrier protection is weakened, which makes it easier for some pathogens to take an opportunity to trigger inflammation or immune response.

  Knowledge small link:

  In fact, many fruits and vegetables contain both calcium oxalate crystals and proteases, such as papaya, spinach and figs. When we eat these fruits and vegetables, we won’t have obvious irritation, because the calcium oxalate crystals they contain are not needle-shaped, but oval or dumbbell-shaped and other non-lethal irregular shapes, so they won’t hurt our oral mucosa.

  But kiwifruit is an exception. Calcium oxalate crystals in kiwifruit pulp are also needle-shaped, and kiwifruit also contains cysteine proteolytic enzyme. Therefore, when we eat kiwifruit, we will feel tingling more or less. Therefore, kiwifruit is also a kind of fruit that can "eat people", but it is not as fierce as pineapple, probably because its weapons and equipment are not as good as pineapple.

  The third weapon: organic acids

  The sour taste produced by organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid and quinic acid contained in pineapple not only stimulates our taste receptors, but also stimulates the pain receptors in the oral cavity. Combined with the first two weapons of pineapple, the lethality is self-evident.

  The "killer" to conquer pineapple

  How many have you learned?

  In order to conquer the killer of pineapple and make it a delicious dish for human beings, our ancestors summed up several stunts for us:

  1. Salt water soaking: This is the most common treatment method, which is said to "destroy bromelain". However, this principle is controversial and unsolvable, because sodium chloride in table salt is not a heavy metal salt, so it can’t denature protein. At best, some organic acids in pulp can be dissolved in water by soaking in salt water, thus reducing the stimulating effect of organic acids. Moreover, it is a bit salty to be sweet — — A small amount of salty taste can increase the taste buds’ perception of sweetness, which makes us feel "Wow! So sweet and beautiful! "

  Of course, some people support that salt can reduce the activity of bromelain, and tell us through laboratory research data that different concentrations of salt water can really improve the problem of pineapple sting to varying degrees. When the concentration of saline increased significantly (from 0% to 3.5%, and then to 7% and 10.5%), the activity of bromelain decreased gradually. But what is the principle, it seems that it has not been verified.

  2. Pepper salting: This is a classic way to eat in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan. It is sweet, sour, salty and spicy, and it is very delicious. As for whether the pain caused by spicy taste overwhelmed the acupuncture pain of pineapple in the end, or whether capsaicin and salt together inhibited the activity of bromelain, it is hard to say. I really expect someone to study this topic well to solve my confusion.

  3. Heating: As a protein afraid of heat, bromelain can’t continue to show off at high temperature. When pineapple pulp is heated above 60 degrees Celsius, bromelain will be inactivated and calcium oxalate needle crystals will be dissolved to some extent. This is also the reason why pineapple pulp in delicious foods such as pineapple goo old meat and pineapple rice won’t make us feel stung. However, after heating to this temperature, the crisp, tough and cool taste of the pulp may be discounted, and interested friends can try it.

  However, there must be some friends who refuse to heat the pineapple and are too lazy to soak it in salt water. So, how can you enjoy the delicious pineapple and relieve the pain of your mouth? The following two items are for reference — —

  1. Make a quick decision: don’t eat slowly for a long time, and don’t give pineapple black weapons a chance to kill you fully;

  2. Rinse your mouth in time: rinse your mouth immediately after eating pineapple to reduce the residence time of calcium oxalate needle crystals and bromelain in your mouth. If you like, you can rinse it several times, and the effect will be better. Text/Liu Suiqian (popular science worker, clinical nutritionist, member of China Nutrition Society)

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  The Altay Mountain Ice and Snow Tourism Belt, which is dominated by Altay region, is located in the northernmost part of Xinjiang. Altay is known as the "origin of human skiing", and the snow season can reach 7 months throughout the year, which is very suitable for carrying out ice and snow sports.

  Starting from the snow season in 2021, Peng Chao, a senior snow friend from Beijing, rented a wooden house in Hemu Village, deep in Altai Mountain, Xinjiang, as the team’s work site in the next few years. The team mainly carries out skiing equipment evaluation and popular science skiing knowledge, and is well-known among domestic skiers. Peng Chao said that Altay region is located in the world’s ice and snow resources ‘ Golden latitude ’ All the natural advantages of other international ski resorts are available here. During his stay in Hemu, he and other members of the team promoted the knowledge of avalanche risk avoidance and advocated the concept of safe and sustainable mountaineering and skiing.

  This is a photo taken on January 12, 2023 at Hemujikplin Ski Resort in Altay, Xinjiang (photo of drone).

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency (photo by yue hu)

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Salt the wound! Messi was ridiculed by C Ronaldo fans: Is this the best in the world? C Ronaldo is GOAT

Last year’s FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 left a deep impression on everyone. In FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, there is no doubt that the biggest winner is the Argentine team. The Argentine team went all the way back without being optimistic, and finally won the championship in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. After winning the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship, the whole Argentine team was very happy, and Messi was undoubtedly the happiest.

Messi was called the king of the ball by the fans, but he lacked a World Cup champion in his career. Now Messi finally made up for this regret and he became a well-deserved king of the ball. Messi is recognized as the king of the ball, and some fans are definitely uncomfortable in their hearts. These fans are Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans, because Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have been competing for many years. Unexpectedly, Messi defeated Cristiano Ronaldo and became the only king of the ball.

Although Messi has been called the king of the ball, there will be ups and downs in Messi’s performance on the court. Recently, in the Champions League, Bundesliga overlord Bayern Munich beat Paris Saint-Germain 2-0 at home and eliminated Paris 3-0 to advance to the quarter-finals. Paris striker Messi missed the Champions League quarter-finals for three consecutive years and has missed the Champions League honor for eight consecutive seasons. After the game, C Ronaldo fans ran to Messi’s social media to leave a crazy message mocking: Is this the best in the world? C Ronaldo is the GOAT.

Seeing Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans mocking Messi, everyone felt it was unnecessary, because Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are both great football superstars, and they have achieved each other. Although Messi now has one more World Cup champion than Cristiano Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo has never given up. He also hopes to win the World Cup like Messi four years later. It is also because of Messi’s existence that Cristiano Ronaldo can make continuous progress.

Both Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have entered the end of their careers, and how many years they will play in the future is unknown. It is very likely that both of them will choose to retire. Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have left very good memories for everyone. Even if they both retire, fans will miss them and will look at their highlights of the game.

Although Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans are not satisfied with Messi, Messi’s achievements are real, and Messi is now considered as the king of the ball. In this case, Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans should take it easy. I hope Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans can live in peace, and everyone expects these two fan groups to continue to support their beloved idols and cheer for them.

The city’s fresh technology shares WiFi, which is a new choice for intelligent and convenient service in stores.

Founded in 2018, Wuhan Xianshi Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology-driven company. Its business segments include shared charging treasure, shared charging pile, unmanned container, life service, aggregate payment business, cloud computing and other industrial fields. With independent development capability, strong technical team, customer service team and rich experience in operation and promotion management, we are committed to the research and development of Internet technology and artificial intelligence equipment.

The city’s fresh technology sharing WiFi pays more attention to landing operation, which means that your customers are the end customers. All you have to do is push the ground, invite the merchants to settle in, and open the Wi-Fi code for the merchants (replace the Wi-Fi in the store). Paste the Wi-Fi code corresponding to the merchant according to the number of tables in the merchant’s store.

The business entry system is also divided into shares, which is quite attractive to developers or platform operators. Entering this area is completed by developers, because developers promote business entry with a share of profits.

For the platform operator, as long as the customers in the store scan the code to link WiFi successfully, you will get a profit, and this part of the profit is calculated automatically. Your profit is settled by Tencent’s traffic, and the following will form the effect of automatic operation. When others connect WiFi, you will get a profit, and the system operator will just enjoy the profit.