Meituan distribution launched the winter rider recruitment, invested 100 million yuan, opened 300,000 new positions

Entering the winter, takeaway consumption and transportation demand continued to grow. On December 12, Meituan takeaway launched the winter rider recruitment, invested 100 million yuan, opened 300,000 rider positions, continued to expand employment supply, and provided support for ensuring winter takeaway consumption.

It is reported that the winter rider recruitment investment will be mainly used for recruitment incentives in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, as well as in areas with tight transportation capacity such as Northeast China and North China, including measures such as upgrading the "Bole Award", and riders can get up to 10,000 yuan for recommending new people. Offline, Meituan will also increase resource support for partner recruitment, and link human resources agencies in the region under the guidance of local governments to expand the coverage of recruitment information. For workers who want to increase their income part-time, Meituan further improves the "part-time model" of the special delivery site. The webmaster will provide distribution guidance. Part-time riders can also flexibly adjust their work rhythm according to personal needs, so as to achieve a balance between life and work. In order to help new riders master delivery skills faster and increase income, Meituan Takeaway has launched a "three-piece novice set" for new riders, including "rider hand-holding", "novice care sheet" and "novice disclaimer card". At present, more than 30,000 old riders have joined the "master group" to provide one-to-one training for new riders. The online learning platform has also developed more than 120 class skill courses for riders to learn. For rider career development, Meituan has launched rider online learning platform, webmaster training program, rider transfer mechanism, rider university and other projects to help riders career development to a higher level. At present, more than 420,000 riders have participated in the "webmaster training program".

The rider is resting in the inn

In order to strengthen the rider’s winter distribution guarantee, Meituan has invested 1.70 billion yuan in winter distribution subsidies to carry out winter care activities across the country, and has built more than 38,000 rider stations across the country in conjunction with all sectors of society, which is convenient for riders to rest and obtain supplies at any time. The emergency mechanism of "severe cold protection" has been activated. In special weather such as blizzard and strong wind, it provides assistance such as delivery time and bad review elimination, and dynamically adjusts the distribution radius to shorten the time riders are exposed to the outdoors. At the same time, riders are equipped with commonly used medicines in winter. In addition, in accordance with the national unified work deployment, Meituan actively participates in the occupational injury protection pilot in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other seven provinces and cities to provide riders with insurance premiums and more comprehensive work safety.

Meituan takeaway rider service department said that winter is a critical period for takeaway delivery, and it is also the focus of distribution security. Meituan takeaway will continue to increase the recruitment of riders, do a good job in logistics for riders’ winter delivery, and strengthen the capacity guarantee of winter takeaway consumption.

In response to the labor fluctuations in the takeaway and distribution industry, Zhang Chenggang, director of the China New Employment Form Research Center and associate professor of the School of Labor Economics at Capital University of Economics and Business, said that the labor supply and demand situation in the takeaway and distribution industry has always been in a dynamic balance. Winter is the peak season for takeaway consumption, and the demand for transportation capacity expands. However, the labor market will be in short supply before the year, especially in northern and first-tier cities due to weather and population mobility. The manpower gap will be more significant. Increasing recruitment efforts by takeaway platforms and cooperative enterprises will help alleviate the labor problem. Overall, the takeaway and distribution industry is flexible and mobile. Both "labor difficulties" and "labor surplus" are short-term phenomena in some regions. They can be effectively solved through market self-adjustment. The outside world should view this rationally.

The flag football officially entered the Olympics, and it is urgent to build the first national team!

"I’m happy to see the news. Even if I can’t catch it myself, my younger brothers and sisters still have a chance to get on the stage of the Olympic Games!" Tang Chenbo of the Waist Flag Rugby Team of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology excitedly shared the good news that he and his friends welcomed. Recently, the Organizing Committee of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games proposed to add five major events, namely baseball and softball, cricket, stick tennis, squash and waist flag rugby. According to the latest news,The International Olympic Committee was voted by the plenary session, and these five major events officially became the new events of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games..

Waist flag rugby

Officially entered the "Olympic era"!

On October 15th, Tang Chenbo’s team and seven other Shanghai university flag football teams participated in the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai City Amateur Football League and the "Yundong Yangpu Xiuwai" University League Flag Football Open. On the same day, the news that "flag football entered the Olympics" was a hot topic for these college players after the game.

In recent years, China Rugby Association has promoted local rugby associations, firmly grasped the competition and popularized the "two ends", and promoted the sustained and healthy development of rugby in China. Now, this sport has once again ushered in a new historical opportunity. "The entry of new projects into the Olympics will not only usher in a large number of new audiences, but also usher in new players and new teams. In the future, the players who represent China in the Olympic flag rugby project are likely to be among them. " Ding Ye, secretary general of Shanghai Rugby Association, said.

The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology team won the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai City Amateur League Rugby League and the "Yundong Yangpu Xiuwai" University League Waist Flag Rugby Open Championship.

Why can the "waist flag" enter the Olympics?

The huge stadium, heavily armed athletes and two huge teams on the field ….. these should be many people’s impressions of rugby. However, on the same day, in the waist flag football field in Shanghai Sport University, the reporter looked around and there were no big helmets, thick armor and other slightly bulky protective gear. Only young teenagers wearing shorts and sports T-shirts run, dodge, pass and catch the ball in a sports field the size of a 5-7-a-side football field. The most eye-catching thing on the field is the two long belts tied around each player’s waist.

"The threshold is low, the rules are simple, and the demand for venues is not so high. At the same time, the risk of injury is reduced, and the competition experience is not diminished. Regardless of boys and girls, height and thinness, and novice Xiaobai, you can find your own role and feel the fun of flag football." When it comes to the characteristics of this sport, Zhuang Hengli, a physical education teacher at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a few treasures. His words explain why flag football can become a new member of the Olympic Games.

In recent years, the word "slimming" is often associated with the Olympic Games. Especially after the International Olympic Committee President Bach took office, the Summer Olympic Games broke through the restrictions of 28 major events, and the host also had more initiative in setting events, at the same time, it made room for the Olympic Games to attract young people to join sports.

The 2028 Olympic Games landed in Los Angeles, USA, and the flag football, which is in the same strain as American football, became one of the main events of the Los Angeles Olympic Games early. As a non-contact, zero-equipment, small-venue football competition form, flag football has no requirements for the number, age and physical quality of participants, even if it is based on zero sports, it can quickly integrate into the team and can realize mixed teams of men and women to compete in the same field. According to the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, there are more children playing flag football in the United States than traditional football, and at the competition level, there are about 20 million flag football players in more than 100 countries, and the players’ participation is balanced.

As IOC President Bach said earlier, the new project should make the Olympic Games younger, closer to city life and more gender-balanced. These, the flag football are all matched.

Why is Shanghai qualified to be a "new starting point"

It is understood that the National Football League (NFL), one of the four major professional sports leagues in North America, is the main promoter of flag football entering the Olympic Games. As early as two years ago, Jia Hengxuan, general manager of NFL China, once revealed that "the entry of the waist flag into the Olympics is progressing smoothly". Now that the dust has settled, it is urgent to lay out and build a "national team selection channel" as soon as possible if China rugby is to make a difference in Los Angeles in 2028. In Jia Hengxuan’s words, "The development of Shanghai rugby is ahead of the whole country, and it is very suitable as a new starting point for China rugby to impact the Olympic Games."

The NFL thinks that Shanghai can be the "starting point" because it has the best rugby soil in the country. There are many data that can prove this "soil". From 2020, the first national flag rugby community activity was organized by Shanghai Rugby Association (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Rugby Association") and called on all member units to develop together. This new outdoor sports mode of sports+socialization, which is widely sought after by young people and commercial brands, has rapidly warmed up all over the country, attracting tens of thousands of young people to participate. At the peak, there were 500 flag football communities in China to popularize flag football and organize events in various places.

The number of teams participating in organized amateur adult equipment leagues in China has increased from 8 in 2014 to nearly 80 in 2023. At most, there are more than ten football teams equipped in Shanghai.

There are more than ten national top-level college flag football teams active in amateur competitions of the Education Commission and the sports system in Shanghai all the year round. In recent years, with the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the flag football has officially become the content of the public welfare distribution class of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to serve the schools in the city. There are countless non-governmental training institutions operating in the market. As early as 2018, data showed that more than 8,000 primary school students in Shanghai were trained in rugby courses at least once a week; In the Super Bowl every year, nearly 10 million China viewers watch the live broadcast of the event on TV and new media platforms, among which Shanghai fans account for the majority. In addition, Shanghai is also the most representative American football town-there are not only many clubs, but also a set of scientific management models, which regularly organize training and competitions.

The year-round folk games have become the core of revitalizing this football hotspot. In the past two years, Shanghai Sports Bureau has promoted rugby to the highest level of Shanghai amateur league-league events. The rugby amateur league, which is created by the Football Association, includes four categories: equipment, flag, English and touch. Only the flag football events are subdivided into: U6U8U10U12U14U16 college group, open men’s group, open mixed group, open women’s group, inter-school group, etc … Even during the epidemic period, more than 30,000 adults and teenagers participated in the games in Shanghai.

In recent years, the competition system and stage of Shanghai rugby have been further enhanced and enlarged. Shanghai sports management department brought rugby into the city amateur league, and the government set up a platform to promote and popularize rugby with high-quality resources. All kinds of rugby fans with different genders, different ages, different cultural backgrounds and different sports foundations participated in it. As the main body of the competition, the Shanghai Football Association has attracted the "assist" of the NFL, the top professional sports league, with its authoritative and professional style of running the competition, which can be said to be the joint efforts of many parties to jointly nurture the "soil".

Colleges and universities are the springboard, and competitions are the starting point.

There are less than five years before the Los Angeles Olympic Games. If Shanghai, as a major rugby town, is the axis, then the national colleges and universities are undoubtedly the most suitable platforms and springboard for the future national flag rugby team to excavate, cultivate and select talents.

It is understood that as early as 2008, the NFL began to organize university flag rugby league in Beishangguang, and nearly 40 universities including Tsinghua, Fudan and Guangzhou University participated at that time. Nowadays, flag football is still one of the most popular sports for college students. In Shanghai alone, at present, more than 10 colleges and universities have their own flag football teams, and most of them form teams by recruiting new students, training regularly and selecting the best-the flag football team of Shanghai Sport University, one of the teams participating in the day, was selected from the community in the school, which has more than 200 members in total, one fifth of whom are girls; University of Shanghai for Science and Technology is the earliest university in Shanghai to develop the flag football project. Its team has a complete training system: it is equipped with professional coaches, and the players train for about three hours three times a week, including physical fitness, tactics and other special trainings, as well as mock matches.

Tailor-made events for college students are one of the most effective ways to attract more students to "embrace" the flag football. According to reports, this "Yundong Yangpu Show Out" college league series invited eight college flag football teams from Shanghai to participate for the first time, namely Fudan University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Electric Power University, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai Universities of Applied Sciences and Shanghai Sport University. Members of these college flag football teams have a "big stage" to show themselves and their teams, compete on the field and communicate off the field, and everyone’s enthusiasm is naturally more and more sufficient. It is also more suitable for universities to support such an event: Shanghai Sport University, the venue of this event, has given strong support-the trophy of the event is called "Green Tile Bowl", which originated from the Green Tile Building in Shangti University. From 1956 to today, this building has witnessed the inheritance and competition of generations of upper body people. As the earliest sports institution of higher learning established in New China, Shanghai Sport University has a profound cultural heritage, and takes it as its mission to serve the sports power and rejuvenate the country through science and education. Holding the competition here will further promote the development of "integration of sports and education" in regional universities. The "Shanghai Olive Association" also hopes that the tradition of "Green Tile Bowl" can be established and continuously developed into a cross-regional event, which will affect the Yangtze River Delta region.

"Our vision is that,Make full use of Shanghai’s unique rugby soilTaking colleges and universities as a springboard, we selected talented and enthusiastic young players who trained together for a long time, participated in high-quality competitions, even went abroad for higher-level guidance, and learned from international excellent teams, and finally became a truly competitive elite team of flag football. "Ding Ye said.

For China flag football, which has been bred among the people for many years and has a certain foundation, now that it has a real goal, it’s time to speed it up!

Text: Yao Qinyi

Source: Shangguan News


Why choose baseball? Why not choose baseball?

In an era full of knowledge, in an era when sports are just needed as students, in an era when children grow up and in an era of constant exploration, sports have become an indispensable product.

And what kind of exercise can make us understand teamwork and team spirit while exercising ourselves?

Children in China, to a great extent, have strong personal abilities, but they are not first-class in teamwork.

In this competitive era, good health is essential. Cultivating a good sport can not only broaden one’s mind, but also cultivate one’s body and mind.

Baseball, a sport full of teamwork, strategy, and self-breakthrough, has become popular in various countries and is on the rise in China.

In the process of training, children need to work together and do their own work well. In anticipation, in the heart of winning, under excellent strategies and in strong psychological quality and concentration, everyone can work together to win the game.

Strength, endurance, speed and willpower are all the foundations of children. In growth, different abilities give different strengths. The advantage of exercise is that children’s minds are cultivated everywhere, and their will is also honed, so that children can have a good psychological quality from an early age.

In baseball, a batter’s correct hitting posture, such as kicking from the back, turning, pulling the arm and swinging the wrist, tests the strength of the players’ legs and arms and the flexibility of the middle part of the body, hands and feet. A base guard can also exercise and test a child’s sensitive quality from accurately taking the ball to the base.

On the court, what is needed is not only good psychological quality, but also excellent technical experience, such as shooting and hitting collisions, stealing bases and touching and killing. Only with good experience can we make the right choice in an emergency.

Cultivate good psychological quality and excellent solutions.

A good sport requires not only a sense of competition, but also a "humble" attitude towards life and opponents at all times. Humility does not mean forbearance, but learning to respect.

On the court etiquette, children will learn to bow and bow when they leave the court, salute each other before and after the competition, raise their hands in the hitting area, and the coach and students will instruct them to take off their hats. Through the infection of sports etiquette, children will gradually develop their self-cultivation and demeanor in the sports field in their lives.

At present, baseball is played in more than 100 countries and regions on five continents. No matter in the United States, or in neighboring Southeast Asian countries such as Japan, Taiwan Province, South Korea and the Philippines, it is the sport with the highest participation among teenagers. Baseball and baseball gloves are the most anticipated birthday gifts for children.

"Happy people use their childhood to cure their whole lives, while unfortunate people use their whole lives to cure their childhood."I think everyone has heard this sentence.

  • Children learn about the world from their relationships with their families, and baseball is a sport."the movement to go home". In baseball, home plate means home.
  • With a stick, a ball and a pair of gloves, children and parents can build a bridge of communication. You throw the ball, the child catches the ball, and the child throws the ball and you play.There are no barriers between children and parents. On the court, you are teammates, talking on an equal footing and learning from each other. Get to know each other again and establish communication in a more relaxed way.
  • When the child’s inner voice is heard and the safe harbor is slowly established, it is difficult to create a gap between you.

Baseball is different from others. Basketball is tall and football is strong. Baseball is tall, short and thin.Different people in different positions, turning their own characteristics into specialties, are masters in the baseball field.

  • Because of this, baseballSuitable for both men and women.It is a very undifferentiated sport.
  • And it is very suitable for Asians, because it has no physical collision and is very skillful, just like the Japanese baseball team has a high world ranking.

Baseball is the most polite gentleman’s sport. The first lesson of baseball training is often about the etiquette of baseball: bowing and bowing before and after entering the stadium, saluting and paying tribute before and after the game, peer mistakes, not teasing and teasing, but companionship and encouragement.

Children will gain in the process of learning baseball.Humility, gratitude, grace and self-cultivation, transform into a humble and polite little knight.

Zhang Baoshu, who is currently the head coach of MLB Baseball Development Center, once said:"In my 13 years of professional baseball experience, my teammates and coaches are the smartest people I have ever seen in my life."

  • This is not difficult to understand, because baseball is a game about solving problems. The game field is unpredictable, and the opponent’s one move and one style must be mentally reacted and then quickly think about the solution.
  • To be an excellent baseball player, you need not only sports skills, but also a flexible mind and the ability to judge quickly.
  • Extend to the whole life, isn’t it? You need to constantly solve the problems that life throws at you. From this perspective, baseball is a good guide not only at the moment of learning baseball, but also for personal growth career.

Look at this god-level reaction speed.

The optimism of Americans and the perseverance of Japanese must benefit from the shaping of national character by baseball. Baseball is a worldwide sport. Although there are relatively few people playing it in China, it will definitely be a trend in the future.

From a practical point of view, baseball is far less competitive than other sports, and it is relatively easy to make achievements.In MLB, the top baseball organization in the United States, seven people from China have been successfully signed. Comparing football and basketball, the ratio is really high.

For parents who want to send their children abroad to study in the future, cultivating their children to play baseball from an early age can also help them better integrate into the local culture. Why not do it?

These are five reasons to choose baseball.

I hope that through baseball, children can have a wonderful childhood and become intelligent and humble people who focus on their feet and look to the future.

  • Chasing for winning or losing, I think, ignores the existence of "people". Utilitarianism, consequentialism and failure are heroes. As long as you lose the game, it means losing everything.
  • Just like a gambler who puts all his chips down, a game will decide life and death.
  • This is very exciting, and it seems to define a certain meaning for what it does, but the pressure is huge and it is easy to collapse. This is obviously a very fragile system.

  • Growth does not mean that winning or losing is not important. Winning is a very important goal as the cornerstone of the team’s existence, but winning is not the goal, but becoming stronger is.
  • Winning or losing is only the final result, and even sometimes winning or losing can be a means to become stronger.

  • I used to think that if you put pressure on them, you have to force them, control them, and eventhinkYou can control winning or losing, but the fact feedback is absolutely delusional!
  • Black swans are everywhere in complex systems, and there are very few things we can control in this world, at least winning or losing is beyond our control.
  • If you read the Art of War carefully, you will find that "its core idea is not the method of warfare, but the method of not fighting; Not the method of victory, but the method of invincible;Not because I defeated my opponent, but because my opponent didn’t do well and lost himself. "
  • The only thing we can control is ourselves. If we do well and become stronger, we will naturally win the game.

China version of chatGPT is here. Does it matter to you? Learn about it and don’t regret it!

China version of chatGPT is here!

Does it have anything to do with you?

Don’t argue yet, it really matters!

"chatGPT", translated into Chinese: "Chat!"

"China chatGPT", hehe,

Chinese chat, you should always be able to!

Tell me something professional:

ChatGPT is a language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology launched by OpenAI company in the United States. It can learn and understand human language and have a dialogue. You can also interact according to the context of the chat, and really chat and communicate like human beings. I can also write emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, codes and so on.

ChatGPT uses the Transformer neural network architecture, and has the ability of language understanding and text generation. Especially through connecting a large number of corpus training, ChatGPT has the ability to know astronomy above and geography below, so as to communicate with human beings without barriers.

Do you understand? In fact, it is an upgraded version of man-machine dialogue such as "Xiao Du", "Xiao Yi" and "Xiao V".

It’s just that chatGPT is more advanced and smarter. To put it bluntly: it is better to speak human words!

As for "China version of chatGPT", it is through the study of Chinese language that we can deeply understand the essence of Chinese culture and make China’s words clear and thorough! Then the question comes: What impact does "China version of chatGPT" have on our lives?

"China chatGPT"
It is a milestone for the development of artificial intelligence technology. China is at the global leading level in the field of natural language understanding and related AI technologies, and its application in various fields such as words, pictures, videos and music has initially formed market benefits.

With the continuous development of digital technology, breakthroughs have been made in the fields of digital infrastructure, digital software design and top-level digital applications. Virtual idols, virtual anchors, virtual teachers and other virtual human industries relying on AIGC technology have ushered in favorable development, thus constantly releasing the IP value of virtual people and enabling them to gain new development momentum.

The virtual community is not only used in games, but will run through all aspects of daily life in the future!

Imagine: you want to go to the government to do business, and you are at home. You can enter the government administrative center in the virtual community through digital virtual people to communicate with the staff! Of course, the other party is also a virtual person (digital twin), and all procedures can be signed digitally. And you just sit at home, and you can accomplish what you usually need to do with a pommel horse.

Is it a bit like the scene in The Matrix? This is not magic at all. With the development of science and technology, virtual reality only enhances our feelings.

And its strong learning and cognitive ability will help our lives to change qualitatively. There will be no doubt about this! Isn’t the Internet and e-commerce all precedents?

"China version of chatGPT" is very powerful. Through self-study and analysis, its work handling ability will be extremely shocking! This will lead to, you may lose your job!

See!Customer service personnel, data analysts, translatorsIt is the most likely job to be robbed by ChatGPT in the near future.

Interestingly, when someone asked ChatGPT about this issue, ChatGPT replied: "Some repetitive and highly standardized work will probably be replaced by automation and robots!" ChatGPT also said: "Humans are still creating new jobs and needs, and technology will also create new job opportunities! Therefore, human beings and artificial intelligence will coexist, not replace each other! "

Listen, how well it is said! How modest!

Actually, yes"China chatGPT"There is really no need to worry too much. The artificial intelligence represented by ChatGPT may replace most simple and repetitive routine work, which is the general trend. The more functions of artificial intelligence are to improve work efficiency, assist and serve human beings to live with higher quality.

It suddenly occurred to me,

Chairman Mao’s poem "Spring and Snow in Qinyuan";

Cherish Qin Huang Hanwu, slightly lose literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, slightly less coquettish. A generation of tianjiao, cheng jihan, only knows how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle. The past is gone, count the romantic figures, and look at the present!

People are always smarter than AI technology, and innovative ability, empathy and critical thinking are all manifestations of human intelligence, which is unmatched by many advanced artificial intelligence.

The application of electronic connectors wins in the era of Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

The new rise of science and technology has also created the heyday of an era. With the growth of the global population, it has promoted the progress and development of industry invisibly based on the need for convenience. The problem of food and clothing for modern people has been basically solved, and the experience brought by science and technology has become people’s spiritual food, bringing more fun and convenience to life.

Looking at the past, no matter from the industrial field or the consumer electronics field, the thinking and manufacturing power of the Internet is relatively backward, and the consumption power is weak, so the application scale of electronic connectors is very different from the present situation. With the opening of the Internet, the new promotion of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things has greatly changed the life around us.

Intuitive changes that can reflect the development of science and technology are constantly being popularized in life, and the application of smart home makes people sigh! Smart refrigerators, smart TVs, smart washing machines, smart speakers, smart lighting, smart air conditioners, smart door locks, intelligent curtain, etc., with the empowerment of the Internet of Things, have the ability to connect to the network, and have gradually become the new focus of the development of the Internet of Things in 2019.

The application of electronic connectors wins in the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

In the field of consumer electronics, whether it is smart home, service robot or smart wear, with the development trend of intelligence, the application of electronic connectors has increased dramatically, showing an unprecedented good trend, which is a new height for the past.

The application of electronic connectors wins in the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

According to authoritative statistics, the development of the Internet of Things is growing at an annual rate of 25%. It is estimated that by 2024, the market scale of the Internet of Things is expected to exceed 2.2 trillion yuan. Secondly, the application of the Internet of Things is more extensive, and it penetrates deeply in many industries such as electric power, transportation, industry, medical care, security and so on. In this new field, it will be a new blue ocean for the electronic connector market!

These are some of Xiaobian’s opinions. Readers can also discuss with Xiaobian what they think later.

Chen Gen: the big country competition, competition management

Wen | Chen Gen

In the era of a large change in the past 100 years, artificial intelligence serves as the core technology of the new round of technology revolution and the industry revolution. For the importance of global development, artificial intelligence technology determines that the international leadership of the big country is almost one inevitable. However, the uncertainty of artificial intelligence development has also exacerbated the difficulty of technical risk management, bringing new challenges for global governance.

First, the high productivity of artificial intelligence also means high fortification.Wealth accumulation and speed and international strength contrast will have a more obvious partial wild, that is, the rich country is rich, the strong country is more strong, and the poor country is the stronger, the weak country weakens, resulting in more wealth unevenness and unfair Incorrectization, more conflict with conflict and conflict and terrorism, this is a greater uncertainty and governance of global governance.

Second, artificially intelligent high execution also means high destructive power.If the new weapons and network viruses, there is an endless body condition that has the human body conditions and the unknown tired action, which will bring benefits to the implementation tasks of various countries, but may also be used by some forces, thus giving international Society has brought serious safety hazards, and may even bring disasters to the entire human society.

Finally, the high intelligence of artificial intelligence also means high political. Advanced artificial intelligence gives the technical owner’s outstanding additional advantages, robotic industry, gene sequencing, automatic driving, intelligent finance, smart city, big data processing, natural language processing, image identification, intelligent military system and other artificial intelligence, Change the country’s core competitiveness and economic and social and industrial structure, thereby changing the power structure in many fields.

Because of this, as a big country as the development and application of artificial intelligence, China and the United States play an extremely important role in artificial intelligence, and both parties have unique advantages that other countries cannot copy.How to prevent or reduce artificial intelligence technological advances on the negative impact of global sustainable development and strategic stability requires the work of China and the United States.

In fact, competition in the field of artificial intelligence is not an absolute zero and game, and there is a cooperative development and mutual benefit between parties. China is relatively leading in experimental research and results, and the United States is more leading in basic research and cutting-edge technology exploration. There is a broad cooperative space in both parties.

To this end, China and the United States should be in-depth thinking, work together to launch a formal dialogue on the application of artificial intelligence in safety and economic sectors.Promote the transparency of artificial intelligence research and development, driving its beneficial results to achieve reasonable allocation in a global scale, to minimize the competitive situation that may lead to catastrophic conflicts, and promote the formation of reasonable, benign competition and cooperative relations.

As Kissinger said, China and the United States are the most capable of impacting world progress and peace in technology, political experience and history, and solving the important issues in both parties in cooperation will be China and the United States. Common responsibility for peace and progress.