Google and Apple shut down map traffic data ahead of a potential Israeli attack

Google Maps shuts down real-time traffic in Israel technology news, Beijing time on October 24th, informed sources said that at the request of the Israeli military, Google’s map and navigation app Waze will shut down real-time traffic conditions in Israel and the Gaza Strip.At present, Israel is considering launching a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.

A Google spokesperson responded in a statement: "In response to the evolving situation in the region, as we have done in previous conflict situations, we have temporarily disabled real-time traffic and busyness information as a matter of community safety."Google said that while Google Maps and Waze will not display real-time traffic conditions, drivers using the navigation system will continue to receive estimated arrival times based on real-time traffic conditions.

But Google removed real-time congestion data for Israel and Gaza at the request of the Israel Defense Forces because real-time traffic information could reveal the movements of Israeli forces, according to people familiar with the matter. Google took a similar action in Ukraine last year after the conflict broke out between Russia and Ukraine, disabling real-time vehicle and pedestrian traffic data.

According to Israeli technology website GeekTime, Apple’s Maps app has also complied with the Israeli military’s request.No longer displaying real-time traffic conditions in Israel.

Israel has called up more than 300,000 reservists after a surprise attack by Hamas earlier this month. The Israeli military has hinted at a ground invasion of Gaza, a move that has been criticised by world leaders for the potential civilian casualties. US President Joe Biden said he asked about "alternatives" to a ground war during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week.

As of press time,An Apple spokesperson has not yet commented, nor has the Israel Defense Forces.(Author/Xiao Yu)

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China’s accelerating L3 commercial smart driving has become an important car purchase decision for consumers.

  Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the Technical Guide for Highway Engineering Facilities to Support Autopilot (hereinafter referred to as the Guide), proposing the overall framework and main technical indicators for highway engineering facilities to support Autopilot, which will be implemented on December 1 this year. The industry pointed out that the Guide released that China is stepping up efforts to support the development of smart car industry from the perspective of infrastructure construction, and plans to solve the bottleneck problem of intelligent networked automobile industrialization development through the "China Program" of vehicle-road-cloud integration. All-media reporters noticed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently pointed out clearly that China’s autonomous driving technology is gradually being promoted, L3 level is gradually being commercialized, and L4 level is exploring demonstration applications. haveIt shows that the proportion of intelligent driving function in Chinese consumers’ car purchase decision is increasing rapidly.

  The Guide better supports the demand for automatic driving of vehicles from the perspective of infrastructure.

  The Ministry of Transport pointed out that research and practice at home and abroad show that the practical process of autonomous driving technology can be accelerated by moderately improving the intelligent level of highway infrastructure and providing auxiliary information for autonomous vehicles according to their cognitive and behavioral characteristics.

  The release of the Guide will guide the formation of a technical system that adapts to China’s management characteristics. It is reported that the Guide takes into account the characteristics of China’s traffic and environment, adopts a technical framework combining "end-edge-cloud" and establishes a technical system for highway engineering facilities to support autonomous driving. Through the information processing and interaction of "edge", edge cloud and central cloud are formed, which provide data support for road section level, provincial (regional) level and Ministry (national) level management platforms respectively. The technical system fully considers the characteristics of the management system, which is convenient for rapid popularization and application and related construction.

  The Ministry of Transport also pointed out that it is not easy for highway engineering facilities to support autonomous driving. In the process of determining technical indicators, the Guide fully considered the actual situation of existing highway engineering facilities. Under the overall technical framework of highway engineering facilities supporting autonomous driving, it analyzed and studied the role and influence of highway engineering facilities supporting autonomous driving, and put forward functional requirements, performance requirements and layout requirements for supporting autonomous driving.

  In recent years, China’s intelligent networked automobile industry has developed rapidly. According to the figures of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 17 national-level test demonstration zones and 7 national-level test demonstration zones have been built nationwide.Pilot area, 16Pilot cities for coordinated development of infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles. Up to now, China has opened more than 20,000 kilometers of test roads, with a total test mileage of more than 70 million kilometers.

  The commercialization of high-order autonomous driving is accelerating.

  In 2025, the newly added output value will exceed 1 trillion yuan.

  All-media reporters have noticed that many national departments have made important instructions on the development of autonomous driving many times recently. At the 2023 World Intelligent Networked Automobile Conference held on September 21st, Xin Guobin, a member of the Party Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, revealed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is deepening the pilot demonstration of intelligent networked automobile access and on-road operation, accelerating the demonstration application of "vehicle-Lu Yun integration" at the city level, and forming a number of characteristic demonstration projects with the participation of domestic and foreign market players. "The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will work with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other departments to speed up the pilot of intelligent networked vehicle access and road traffic, and support the commercial application of L3 and higher autopilot functions. At present, the preliminary preparations for this work have been basically completed and entered the final release process. " At the Global Smart Car Industry Conference held on September 28th, Wu Feng, Director of Automobile Management Department of Equipment Industry Division I of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, further revealed the above information.

  According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in 2022, the sales of new intelligent networked passenger cars equipped with assisted automatic driving systems in China reached 7 million, up 45.6% year-on-year, and the market share increased to 34.9%. In the first half of this year, the sales volume of new passenger cars with combined driving assistance reached 42.4%, an increase of nearly 10% compared with the same period last year. At present, many car companies are ready to mass-produce L3-class vehicles.

  "At present, the global intelligent network.Investment in technology research and development continues to increase, and autonomous driving technology is gradually maturing. L2-class assisted driving has achieved scale application and function expansion, L3-class is gradually commercialized, and L4-class is exploring demonstration application. The "China Scheme" of car-Lu Yun integration is the key to solve the problem of intelligent networked car industrialization.

  According to the data of the National Intelligent Networked Automobile Innovation Center, by 2025, the new output value of China’s intelligent networked automobile industry will exceed 1 trillion yuan.

  L3′ s intelligent driving heats up, driving the industrial chain to have multiple daily limit.

  "The latest research shows that smart driving has shown signs of breaking the ice in the factors that are important for car purchase decision-making, accounting for a substantial increase. This provides a lot of product applications for autonomous driving companies, mass production on the train, and opportunities to achieve good user word-of-mouth closed loop and commercialization closed loop. "Su Tan, general manager of the Smart Car Business Department of the Intelligent Driving Business Group (IDG), believes that intelligent driving has become a key factor in the core car purchase decision, "especially in the range of 150,000-250,000 and the price range of 250,000-300,000.In automobiles, the penetration rate of core intelligent driving is increasing very fast, almost doubling in two years. "

  It is a glimpse of this trend. The reporter noticed that Internet companies and start-ups such as Huawei, Xiaoma Zhixing, which have been deeply involved in the field of intelligent driving for many years, have intensively landed high-end technologies for intelligent driving on mass-produced new cars in recent years. For example, the new M7, which has been highly concerned recently, has won 50,000 units in just 25 days. One of its biggest selling points is that it is equipped with Huawei ADS2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which can realize high-speed and urban advanced intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps. According to the data released by Yu Chengdong, the managing director of Huawei, the terminal BGCEO and the chairman of smart car solutions, 70% of MAX customers have installed Huawei’s ADS advanced smart driving package. In addition, it is also accelerating the landing of intelligent driving to achieve "hegemony" with Huawei. At present, Baidu Apollo’s high-level intelligent driving system has taken the lead in the new car of Dongfeng Lantu, and then the Extreme Yue 01, which cooperates with Geely, will also be available.

  The reporter noticed that due to the continuous warming of the concept of intelligent driving, many stocks in the A-share sector have recently taken turns to rise, and even batch daily limit has appeared. October 9, the first trading day after the A-share festival,Shares are particularly active, among whichIndustrial chain stocks performed brilliantly, asking the manufacturers of the new M7.One word daily limit, another model partnerDaily limit, parts supplierDaily limit

  Lu Jiamin said that L3′ s representative function is high-speed and the city NOA is gradually getting on the bus. Driven by the three core factors of policy, technology and cost, the turning point of intelligent driving is gradually emerging. At this stage, the focus is on intelligent key vehicle enterprises and intelligent industrial chain core component enterprises. "At the same time, driven by the three core factors of policy stimulus, intelligent catalysis and inventory cycle switching, we are optimistic that the sales volume, profitability and valuation of the automobile sector are expected to continue to improve from 23Q3. Optimistic about industrial chain stocks with smart driving technology as the core selling point. " Some institutional analysts believe that with the further acceleration of the landing of smart drivers, relevant listed companies may enter.Redemption period

My gym is closed! There is no shortage of fat, can you get the money back?

  Beijing, Nov. 8 (Xinhua): My gym is closed! There is no shortage of fat, can you get the money back?

  "Swimming and fitness, get to know it", we can always hear the call of "kindness" in the streets and near the subway station.

  However, the gym is like a "love rat". Before you get a card, you are obedient. After you get a card, you just ignore it. If you are not careful, you may "disappear" without a trace.

Data Map: Young people gather in the gym to train in full swing. Photo by Zhong Xin

  "My gym suddenly closed."

  "Come on, turn around, do high-temperature yoga sit-ups, spin pilates, and soak medlar in a thermos; Come on, take a deep breath, swim a few meters in fun run in the morning, and paddle a dumbbell rowing machine. Don’t give up until you reach your goal. "

  The lyrics of Calories can be said to be a true portrayal of contemporary people’s fitness.

  In order to realize "vest line", "A4 waist" and "peach hip" … … Many people "send" money into the gym, hoping to achieve an S-shaped figure and eight-pack abdominal muscles.

  But now, many people find that the gym has quietly closed before losing a layer of fat. He Yuan, who went to college in Changsha, Hunan, encountered this situation.

  He Yuan said, "Before, Changsha Star Burning Olympic Sports Gymnasium held an activity, saying that it was a full refund after the card was issued, and it was returned in ten times and ten months. I got the card in June. Now I have only returned 6,700 yuan, and 12,000 yuan has not returned, and the gym is closed. "

  In the face of substantial discounts in the gym, He Yuan is not without doubt. "I asked many times at the time, and the coach said that the boss was hard in the background. When running private classes, too, private education has been selling for performance, and stressed that nothing will happen, and it will be heart-warming when talking. " What’s more, He Yuan felt that spending a lot of money didn’t produce any effect.

Data map: People exercise in the gym. China News Service reporter Yin Liqin photo

  Zhang Lin, who lives in Wuhan, Hubei Province, also suffered from the closure of the gym and the fact that the money could not be refunded. "Before, I gave two two-year cards to the elderly at home at the Jijian Swimming and Fitness Club on the second floor of Poly Huadu in Yangjiawan, Wuhan. I swam three or five times a month, and the fitness equipment was basically unused. Less than a year now, the gym is closed and I want a refund. The boss said that I have no money and I have to go through the bankruptcy process. "

  "Recently, many gyms have closed down, mainly because the market environment is not good. Now it is common for four or five gyms to appear in two kilometers in Fiona Fang, and the competitive pressure is growing." Xiao Zhu, a gym coach in Beijing, told reporters. According to the report of Forward-looking Research Institute, the fitness industry is currently experiencing a middle-aged crisis, and more than 60% of traditional gymnasiums are facing difficulties in operation and face losses or even closure.

  Prepaid card "pie" becomes "trap"

  There are quite a few consumers who have experienced similar cases with He Yuan and Zhang Lin. According to the "Analysis of Complaints Accepted by the National Consumers Association in the First Half of 2019" published by the China Consumers Association, there were 7,738 complaints about fitness services, and the number of complaints increased by 72.6% year-on-year. "The main reason for the large increase in complaints about fitness services is that merchants run away after prepaid cards, causing group complaints."

  The White Paper on Fitness Industry in 2018-2019 also shows that in 2018, a total of 3,099 gymnasiums were closed, with a closing rate of 4.36%, and 528 gymnasiums were closed within one year after their establishment.

  In 2019, Haosha, a brand with a history of 20 years, became a landmark event. Due to the failure of capital operation, almost all the 160 stores and 300,000 members of Haosha Fitness were closed or transferred, and the employees and member consumers of Haosha Fitness became the buyers.

People exercise in the gym. China News Service reporter Yin Liqin photo

  At present, Shi Hongliu, the chairman of Haosha International, and Shi Hongyan, the legal representative of Quanzhou Haosha Fitness Club Co., Ltd. have all been listed as untrustworthy by the court, involving more than 1.2 billion yuan.

  "In order to recover the huge investment in the early stage as soon as possible, traditional gyms tend to choose the business model of oversold annual cards (prepaid cards): after the new store landed, it set a higher retail price and launched a low-priced annual card, which formed a large number of advance receipts, and then expanded the new store with the advance receipts, thus falling into an inertia cycle.

  "Buy one year and get half a year", "50% discount card purchase", "mega promotion" and "rebate". In recent years, in order to compete for customers, various preferential activities have emerged one after another in gyms. Once the annual card is issued, some netizens said that the coach will be screaming around you that the movements are not standard and you can’t train, so you can buy private lessons.

A coach commented in Weibo.

  "The oversold annual card model is a bet between the gym and customers. The bet is that customers who apply for annual cards will not come to the gym often." A gym coach said that the advance payment quickly brought huge cash flow.

  There are even criminals who temporarily rent the platform, use the guise of "new store is about to open" or "renovation and upgrading" in the gym, and use low prices or card preferential activities to fool consumers into buying pre-sale cards. Once they receive funds, they will quickly roll up the money and run away.

  "Advance payment is not a profit. Advance payment is used to fill the upfront investment, and it also pays for future membership services, personnel salaries, equipment maintenance and other costs." An industry analyst said that due to high operating costs, blind expansion and other reasons, once the capital chain breaks, it can only be closed.

  Can I get the prepaid money back?

  He Yuan recalled, "One month before closing, it was in the cashback period. As a result, the gym said that the funds were not enough and they would receive it together next month. If only I had paid more attention to it at that time. " Zhang Lin, who ran a member’s gym, was in arrears with the rent of more than 330 thousand yuan and was sent a collection notice by the mall.

  Looking at it comprehensively, consumers need to pay more attention to whether the gym rent is paid in full, whether the staff salary is paid on time, whether the funds can be turned over, etc., to judge whether there are business problems. But once the enterprise closes, how to deal with the advance payment? There are relevant provisions in the law.

  For example, Article 107 of the Contract Law stipulates that if a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or fails to meet the contract obligations, it shall bear the liabilities for breach of contract such as continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses;

  Article 53 of the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests stipulates that if an operator provides goods or services in advance, but fails to provide them in accordance with the agreement, it shall fulfill the agreement or return the advance payment according to the requirements of consumers.

A "shared fitness cabin" in a residential area in Lanzhou. China News Service reporter Yang Yanmin photo

  "These two laws are still in the category of civil and commercial law, and the mandatory restrictions on operators are not enough." Yan Bing, director of Beijing Yuntong Law Firm, told reporters that gyms are basically small and micro enterprises, and it is difficult to find people whether they are closed down or running away. Unless it is in the name of opening a gym, it is a fraud in criminal law to collect money and run away.

  Qiu Baochang, a member of the Expert Committee of the China Consumers Association and a lawyer of Beijing Huijia Law Firm, suggested taking precautions, setting up a special account or condominium account for advance payment, setting up a deposit, and regularly announcing the use of advance payment to consumers to ensure consumers’ rights and interests. (He Yuan and Zhang Lin are pseudonyms in the text)

  (Author: Xie Yiguan)

Digital video: the net repayment of financing is 6,954,300 yuan, and the financing balance is 759 million yuan (03.

K figure 300079_0

According to the information of digital video financing and securities lending, on March 18, 2024, the net repayment of financing was 6,954,300 yuan; The financing balance was 759 million yuan, down 0.91% from the previous day.

In terms of financing, 18,503,100 yuan was bought in financing on that day, 25,457,300 yuan was repaid in financing, and 6,954,300 yuan was repaid in net financing. In terms of securities lending, 300 shares were sold, 7,000 shares were repaid, the margin of securities lending was 1,516,400 shares, and the balance of securities lending was 7,885,300 yuan. The balance of margin financing and securities lending totaled 767 million yuan.

Disclaimer: This article is based on big data production, for reference only, and does not constitute any investment advice. Therefore, the operation risk is at your own risk.

Five people climbed the mountain and were trapped in the deep mountains, and firefighters walked for 4 hours to rescue them.

Jingchu. com (Hubei Daily)(correspondent Jing Ning Shi sent Xu Xunhua) Spring is warm and busy, but the safety issue cannot be ignored. On March 9, a family of four in Huangshi and another 12-year-old girl accidentally got lost and were trapped in the deep mountains while climbing the mountain. Fortunately, firefighters rescued them in time.

At 18: 12 on March 9, the command center of Huangshi City Fire Rescue Detachment received an alarm for help, saying that a family of four got lost while climbing the mountain on Father and Son Mountain in Yangxin County, and was in urgent need of rescue. After receiving the police, the Prince Fire Rescue Station and Baihua Road Fire Rescue Station rushed to the scene for rescue.

That night, firefighters contacted the police on the way to the scene and learned that the trapped people were a family of four, and their parents took a pair of children. When they went down the mountain, they lost their way because of the wrong mountain road. In addition, the sky was getting dark and their physical strength was exhausted, and they immediately called 119 for help.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, the commander immediately ordered the establishment of a search and rescue team to carry emergency supplies to prepare for hiking up the mountain for search and rescue. On the way to the mountain for search and rescue, the firemen met a pair of parents who came to look for their children. Upon inquiry, they learned that their 12-year-old daughter was accidentally separated while climbing the mountain and got lost alone in the mountain. So far, there were five trapped people in the mountain.

Because it is getting late and visibility is reduced, the drone can’t determine the specific location of the trapped person, so firefighters have to rely on shouting and lighting to communicate with the trapped person and continuously narrow the scope of search and rescue. After two hours of search and rescue, the 12-year-old girl will be successfully rescued in a dense forest, and through inquiry, it is found that another family of four trapped is not far from the little girl’s trapped point.

On the way to search and rescue, there are many thorns on both sides of the road, accompanied by complicated road conditions such as steep mountains. In order to ensure the personal safety of the little girl, the on-site commander assigned a firefighter to stay in place to take care of the little girl, and the rest continued to search and rescue the trapped family of four.

After more than an hour of rescue, the firemen successfully rescued the other four people, and returned to join the left-behind people in the same way to escort the five trapped people down the mountain. At 21: 55, firefighters successfully took the trapped person down the mountain and handed it over to the public security department.

List of must-play games in 2022. What stand-alone games can’t be missed this year?

This content comes from @ What is worth buying APP, and the opinions only represent the author himself | Author: Lone Star Tears

The year 2022 has come to an end, and this year’s games have also been sold. Generally speaking, it is a relatively calm year. The top-quality games like 3A masterpieces have emerged one after another, and there are many transplanted games on various platforms. If you are a steam player, it’s really fun. The following is a list of stand-alone games that must be played this year. Please check it out.

Best of the year, I didn’t expect to be able to play in March until December. I thought the interest in the wilderness could be compared but it was postponed, so Hidetaka Miyazaki won another award of the year and won! To tell the truth, the Elden ring that has been polished for so long is also worthy of the name. The game experience of the open soul world is not weaker than that of the wilderness. Well, the bug numerical balance has also been fixed, and we can look forward to the launch of DLC.

The God of War was expected by many people before its launch, but after its release, its reputation was uneven, mainly because the black people in the west were too correct to ruin the game experience. More importantly, bilibili UP sent a 30-minute video denouncing the boring plot for ruining the game. When the firepower was so fierce, it had to be the last time "The Last Survivor 2" was released.

Putting aside the boring correctness, this sequel continues the regular gameplay of the last one, with high-definition image quality and semi-open world design. The degree of innovation is not much, the monster repetition rate is high, and the plot pit is not filled enough. It’s a bit like the feeling of a large DLC in the last one, but it’s still fun, and it’s a qualified 3A masterpiece anyway.

After the release of Plague Legend 2, the word-of-mouth rose linearly, and the previous work received rave reviews. This work brought a novel experience to the players, much better than Ares 5. Well, it’s no problem to rank second in the year, although this IP is quite new, but the game industry is always talking about strength.

The plot follows the previous one. This time, I fled in the picturesque French scenery. Each character has unique skills, and the rats are even more shocking. Chinese dubbing and beautiful soundtrack add gameplay, and later it changed from historical color to magical color. The conversion is a bit true, but overall, it is fun and must be played!

This year, two new year’s treasure dreams were sold. At the beginning of the year, Arzeus and November Zhu/Zi got a good evaluation unexpectedly. As long as they are not too shoddy, fans will accept this series of treasure dreams. Both of them adopt the open world gameplay and take risks in a world full of treasure dreams. This novel experience is still very good. From the sales volume, it can be seen that fans really take this set.

It’s a must-play, but it’s only for fans or players who like this kind of pet collection. In addition, these two works are exclusive versions of switch, and you have to have a switch to play.

It’s a pretty good independent boutique game. The gameplay is against games such as Hades and action Roguelite. Every death will inherit new features, which is reflected in the game that the characteristics of future generations are strengthened. Each future generation has different skills or attributes. Experience new equipment and new skills in the brush, and you can’t stop playing for a few minutes or more. Compared with the previous work, this second generation has richer level design, more diverse occupations and skills, and a variety of upgrade systems. You can explore and try it again and again, and it is an excellent work in general.

A boutique stand-alone jrpg game produced by an independent game developer with a humble budget is simply a horizontal version of the game. The score on the game website is as high as 9.7 points. No matter the plot, music, art or gameplay are carefully polished, the overall play is a kind of cool feeling of playing PSP clearance games when I was a child, which is very nostalgic! This game is considered as a dark horse this year. Although it is unpopular, its quality is extremely excellent. Support it and you must play it!

Follow-up: This year, some games, such as The Lost Light 2, The Desperate Horizon to the West and Sniper Elite 5, are also high-quality games, but they are not listed due to the limitation of space. With the support of some domestic games, Taiwu Huajuan and most of them are quite good-quality games produced this year. The transplanted fun games include Triangular Strategy, Two-person Tour, and Exotic Record of Goddess 5.

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and welcomes rational exchange and harmonious discussion among value friends ~

Salt the wound! Messi was ridiculed by C Ronaldo fans: Is this the best in the world? C Ronaldo is GOAT

Last year’s FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 left a deep impression on everyone. In FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, there is no doubt that the biggest winner is the Argentine team. The Argentine team went all the way back without being optimistic, and finally won the championship in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. After winning the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship, the whole Argentine team was very happy, and Messi was undoubtedly the happiest.

Messi was called the king of the ball by the fans, but he lacked a World Cup champion in his career. Now Messi finally made up for this regret and he became a well-deserved king of the ball. Messi is recognized as the king of the ball, and some fans are definitely uncomfortable in their hearts. These fans are Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans, because Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have been competing for many years. Unexpectedly, Messi defeated Cristiano Ronaldo and became the only king of the ball.

Although Messi has been called the king of the ball, there will be ups and downs in Messi’s performance on the court. Recently, in the Champions League, Bundesliga overlord Bayern Munich beat Paris Saint-Germain 2-0 at home and eliminated Paris 3-0 to advance to the quarter-finals. Paris striker Messi missed the Champions League quarter-finals for three consecutive years and has missed the Champions League honor for eight consecutive seasons. After the game, C Ronaldo fans ran to Messi’s social media to leave a crazy message mocking: Is this the best in the world? C Ronaldo is the GOAT.

Seeing Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans mocking Messi, everyone felt it was unnecessary, because Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are both great football superstars, and they have achieved each other. Although Messi now has one more World Cup champion than Cristiano Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo has never given up. He also hopes to win the World Cup like Messi four years later. It is also because of Messi’s existence that Cristiano Ronaldo can make continuous progress.

Both Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have entered the end of their careers, and how many years they will play in the future is unknown. It is very likely that both of them will choose to retire. Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have left very good memories for everyone. Even if they both retire, fans will miss them and will look at their highlights of the game.

Although Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans are not satisfied with Messi, Messi’s achievements are real, and Messi is now considered as the king of the ball. In this case, Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans should take it easy. I hope Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans can live in peace, and everyone expects these two fan groups to continue to support their beloved idols and cheer for them.