Zhao Liying took her son out to the mall, and the mother-son interaction showed warmth and caused heated discussions

Zhao Liying takes her son out to the mall

The different reactions of Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, Zhao Ruth and Yang Ying after the big screen at the concert became a hot topic on the Internet. Many netizens especially praised Zhao Liying, believing that she was the most natural when she smiled. This true side won the love of everyone.

Zhao Liying takes her son out to the mall

In addition, witnesses shared the scene of Zhao Liying accompanying her son to think about going to the mall. Zhao Liying was dressed in a simple T-shirt, trousers, and a baseball cap, looking very casual. When leaving the mall, the nanny opened the door for the mother and son. While waiting for the vehicle, Zhao Liying’s face was slightly tired and her skin was a little oily, but she always interacted gently with her son, and the scene was very warm. Think of following her mother closely, showing the close relationship between mother and son. Then, when the vehicle arrived, Zhao Liying carefully helped her son to get on the bus together, and the scene of full motherly love was impressive.

Zhao Liying took her son out to the mall, and the mother-son interaction showed warmth and caused heated discussions

These warm moments of daily life not only allowed fans to see the authenticity and warmth of celebrities as ordinary people, but also aroused widespread praise for Zhao Liying’s gentle image as a mother. Everyone said that such scenes are indeed full of warmth, and people can’t help but feel the happy atmosphere of the family.

Zhao Liying took her son out to the mall, and the mother-son interaction showed warmth and caused heated discussions

Hainan Island Film Festival Women’s Film Forum helps women’s films thrive

1905 movie network news On the evening of December 12, 2018, the first Hainan Island International Film Festival Women’s Film Forum was grandly held in Sanya. Renowned director Zhang Jiarui, film industry expert Yu Li, two well-known actors Mingdao and Ye Qing, and filmmaker Shen Tingzhao came to the scene to exchange ideas. Under the theme of "Constructing a Women’s Film World View from Zero", aiming at the development of women’s films, from the perspectives of creation and market, specific suggestions were put forward on how to create an excellent Chinese women’s film.

The first Hainan Island International Film Festival aims to "screen all year round, screen all over the island, watch movies by the whole people, and the whole industry chain". It has set up a variety of activities such as film screenings, forum summits, national filming attraction promotion exhibitions, and the 2019 new film promotion conference in the Chinese film market. It strives to create an international, academic, popular and never-ending international film festival.

In view of the fact that in recent years, many films focusing on women’s lives have been produced in the international film industry, such as films with female characters as the leading role, which have not only been recognized by the critics, but also achieved good box office results in China. At the same time, domestic filmmakers have also dedicated such films as "Carnival" and other realistic works focusing on women.

In this context, the first Hainan Island International Film Festival specially set up a women’s film forum, which was guided by the State Film Bureau, sponsored by the Hainan Provincial People’s Government, and jointly implemented by the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the People’s Government of Sanya City, the Hainan Provincial Film Bureau, and the Hainan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles. It was organized by Hainan Island International Film Festival Co., Ltd., and implemented by Hainan Xiting Cultural Investment Co., Ltd., Jiazhuo (Beijing) Cultural Media Co., Ltd., and Beijing Yingchuangshi Cultural Media Co., Ltd.

Women’s films refer to films that focus on women’s lives and have a female perspective. The five guests invited to the forum conducted in-depth discussions on women’s films from various perspectives, including the history of women’s films, the comparison between Chinese women’s films and foreign women’s films, and the creation of current Chinese women’s films.

Zhang Jiarui, a director who has written and other women’s films, said that his creation is deeply influenced by his mother and director Xie Jin. His films talk about women’s pursuit of "freedom" and "love", which is often more powerful than men. This pursuit and persistence are often more powerful than men. Ms. Yu Li, a well-known scholar who has studied the film industry for many years, pointed out that recent women’s films reflect contemporary and urban nature, as well as female ideology.

Ming Dao and Ye Qing shared their observations on women around them from the perspective of actors, calling on women of any age to be more sincere and clear about themselves; producer Shen Tingzhao believes that women’s films in the past were more about the pursuit of freedom, while in recent years they have more reflections on the current situation of women’s survival and the choices they face. Finally, regarding the future of women’s films, several filmmakers all expressed their expectation to see more in-depth, real, and life-related women’s films with vitality.

The first Hainan Island International Film Festival Women’s Forum responded to the film festival’s theme of focusing on women and gathered filmmakers from all walks of life to put forward many valuable opinions for the creation of Chinese women’s films. At the same time, all parties are expected to work together to expand the establishment of "Women’s Film Week" during the next Hainan Island International Film Festival. It is believed that with the joint efforts of the forum and the film festival, creators will continue to bring more excellent female films to the audience.


Behind the scenes of Di Lizheba’s coronation: brilliant moments and gorgeous transformations

Bright moment, gorgeous metamorphosis: Di Lizheba’s crown crowned behind- the-scene full record[1. Star-studded: Di Lizheba, the bright queen on the stage]

In the vast sea of stars in China’s entertainment industry, there is a shining actress whose name is picturesque and dreamlike – she is Di Lizheba. This beautiful elf from Xinjiang has won the love of countless audiences with her unique exotic style, excellent acting skills and deeply rooted characters. Recently, a news thread about her, "Di Lizheba’s crown is crowned behind- the-scene", like a meteor piercing the night sky, instantly attracted the attention of the public.

[2. Coronation Moment: The Peak of Glory, Much Attention]

In the frozen frame of time on August 27, 2024, a high-profile event was grandly opened under the spotlight. On this day, Di Lizheba dressed in clothes and walked lightly to the center of the stage that symbolizes honor and dignity. There, a dazzling crown is waiting for its owner, and it will witness another brilliant milestone in Di Lizheba’s acting career.

In this carefully prepared coronation ceremony, every detail revealed the recognition and respect of Di Lizheba’s artistic achievements by the organizers. The stage set was gorgeous, like a dream palace, with lights shining brightly like stars. And the crown was made by an internationally renowned jewelry designer, inlaid with countless precious gems, each of which shone brightly, just like the wonderful moments Di Lizheba left on the road of acting.

[3. Behind-the-scene reveal: behind-the-scenes stories, moving moments]

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg presented to the public on stage. The real splendor is often hidden in those unknown behind-the-scenes. In "Di Lizheba’s Crown Coronation", we are fortunate to get a glimpse of the moments before and after the coronation of this charismatic Muse. Those real and moving pictures make us more deeply feel her dedication to art and dedication.

The camera first takes us into Di Lizheba’s dressing room. There, she sits quietly in front of the mirror, letting the professional team create her makeup. Her expression is focused and serene, as if she has entered the role ahead of time. At this moment, she is no longer a star under the spotlight, but an actress who is about to accept a sacred mission, full of anticipation and awe.

Later, we followed the camera backstage to witness Di Lizheba’s interaction with the staff. She warmly shook hands with each staff member to thank them, and her smile was warm and sincere. Although she was about to take to the stage of much attention at this moment, she did not forget the people who paid silently behind the scenes. This humility and gratitude undoubtedly added to her coronation.

When the coronation came, Di Lizheba slowly walked to the center of the stage in the warm applause of the audience. At that moment, her eyes were firm and bright, as if to tell the world that she was ready to meet the new challenge and shoulder the responsibility of this glory. When the bright crown gently fell on her hair, the audience boiled, and at this moment, the gorgeous transformation of Di Lizheba was completed.

[4. Future Outlook: Di Lizheba, the road of performing arts sets sail again]

The crowning of the crown is an affirmation of Di Lizheba’s past achievements and an expectation of her future potential. Facing this new starting point, Di Lizheba said: "I know the weight behind this honor, it is both an encouragement and a spur. I will use this as motivation to continue to perform every role with my heart and give back to all the fans and viewers who support me."

In the days to come, we have reason to believe that Di Lizheba will be active on the film and television stages at home and abroad with a more mature and confident attitude, using her talent and charm to write more brilliant chapters of her own. And that shining crown will become a shining imprint that will never fade in her acting career, illuminating her path forward.


The crowning of Di Lizheba’s crown behind- the-scene not only shows her brilliant moments on the stage, but also reveals her hard work and persistence behind it. This is a gorgeous metamorphosis and a solemn declaration of the future. Di Lizheba, the queen who bloomed on the stage, will embark on a new acting journey with even firmer steps and continue to write her legendary story. Let us look forward to more surprises and touches that Di Lizheba will bring us in the future.

Responsible editor:

Donnie Yen Hong Jinbao gathered! "Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist" won the highest score in the same period

1905 movie network news China’s first film documentary depicting the 60-year trend of kung fu movies, showing Chinese filmmakers fighting with their lives against Hollywood in an all-round way, creating a golden age of kung fu movies with one punch and one kick. Since it officially landed in major theaters across the country on August 28, it has received praise and recognition from many netizens. At the same time, it has also won a high score of 8.3 points on Douban, becoming the highest score on Douban in the same period.

"Worth watching" "The action is too fierce, it hurts to watch" "The editing is very comfortable" "The soundtrack is very good, I want to know the name of the song at the end"… This film, which gathers the strongest kung fu lineup of Chinese movies, shows the optimistic and unyielding spirit of Dragon Tiger Martial Artist, and can still move and inspire young audiences to this day. Recently, the film launched the theme song MV "Live Like The Last", which sang the life of Dragon Tiger Martial Artist with a relaxed style, and once again touched countless netizens.

Heroes are not allowed to see bald heads! The theme song sings the mental journey of the dragon and tiger martial artist

The theme song "Live Like The Last" was written by Ling Kong (UK) and Chen Shuai, composed and produced by well-known music producer Cui Bo, and sung by sportsman singer Xu Jun. When mentioning the inspiration for the song, Cui Bo, music director of Perfect Youth OST, said that after watching the movie and communicating with the director, he thought he should try to tell a slightly sad past with a cheerful melody to show the fearless optimism of Dragon Tiger martial artist.

The director once revealed in an interview that during the filming of this film documentary, he hoped to make some filming records of the lives of the Dragon and Tiger martial artists today, but they were all rejected. Later, he learned the answer from other industry seniors: Dragon and Tiger martial artists worked hard for the movie when they were young, but now they are old, full of injuries, and their lives are not as good as before, so they don’t want to let others see their painful side, "Dragon and Tiger martial artists believe in a saying: Heroes are not allowed to see white heads."

And the film’s theme song "Live Like The Last" also records this mood: "When I was young, I tried to prove myself and resist the world." "When I grew up, I smoothed the edges and avoided the world’s conflicts." "They say this is life, a fighter when young, a coward when old. Tears and laughter, bitterness and sweetness, enjoy the moment, only this life." The group of Dragon and Tiger martial artists once had a glorious journey of tears and laughter, bitterness and sweetness, which is also in this song in the movie.

The ups and downs are all joking! Dragon Tiger martial artist’s tenacity and unyielding spirit impresses young people

With the theme song of this relaxing melody, the picture of the MV is also wonderful: the camera unfolds from Hong Kong, China under the bright night. From the 1960s to the 1980s, it was the most prosperous era of Hong Kong action movies. A group of people who worked hard for movies and asked for the future without hesitation – Dragon Tiger Martial Artists, also walked into the "battlefield" of life at this time. With the real kung fu of a hard bridge and a hard horse, and the dream of "wanting to make a good movie", they suffered a lot of pain and walked on the edge of adventure countless times. They used countless blood, tears and broken bones to play the glory of Hong Kong movies. Now, looking back on the past, their eyes still shone brightly. In their opinion, they regarded every day as the last day of their lives, cherished every minute and lived every second, and life should be like this.

Everyone who watched the movie was moved by the spirit of the Dragon Tiger Martial Artist, and they left a sincere response on the Internet: "The story is told lightly, and only they understand the sadness and blood and tears behind it." "After watching it, blood and sadness coexist, and tears cannot be stopped." "Someone must always remember these people who created an era." "Thank you to the former Dragon Tiger Martial Artists for bringing us the best martial arts dreams of our youth with their sweat and blood!"

The new version of Huawei Cloud Stack was released heavily, empowering government and enterprises to move towards deep use of the cloud.

Today (December 22nd), Huawei Cloud Stack Strategy and New Product Launch Conference with the theme of "Deep Use of Cloud by Government and Enterprises, Release of Digital Productivity" was held online. Huawei Cloud put forward three key measures to empower government and enterprises to move towards deep use of cloud, and released a new version of Huawei Cloud Stack 8.2.

Digital pioneers accelerate towards "deep use of the cloud"

In the past few years, the penetration rate of cloud services of enterprises in China has greatly increased, and it has become an industry consensus to carry out digital transformation of the industry based on the cloud. With the gradual deepening of digital transformation, how to further play the value of cloud and empower business innovation has become a top priority. A group of digital pioneers have taken action to accelerate the move towards "deep use of the cloud" and bring a new round of digital leap.

Zhang Pingan, CEO of Huawei Cloud, said: "Deep use of cloud is bringing a new round of innovation impetus to the industry. Huawei Cloud insists on depositing the latest cloud native technology, Huawei’s own digital transformation experience and excellent practices of global partners on the cloud, which is open to all customers and available at any time. At the same time, join hands with the Legion and partners to create scenario solutions for customers and provide consulting, application integration and other services to help enterprises use the cloud in depth. "

Three major measures to boost government and enterprises to use the cloud in depth

Huawei Cloud Stack is Huawei Cloud’s cloud solution for large-scale government and enterprise customers, and it is also an important starting point for Huawei Cloud to promote the deep cloud strategy of government and enterprises. As a cloud infrastructure deployed in customers’ local data centers, Huawei Cloud Stack takes into account security compliance and continuous innovation of cloud services to create a safe, reliable and efficient hybrid cloud.

In order to help government and enterprise customers cope with the common challenges of deep use of cloud, Shang Haifeng, president of Huawei Cloud Stack, put forward three key measures around "making technology easy to use, making scenarios simple and making experiences reproducible" to help government and enterprise move from business cloud to deep use of cloud and release digital productivity.

Shang Haifeng, President of Huawei Cloud Stack

First of all, build the best digital base of the industry and make the technology easy to use. By strengthening technical adaptation, we will continue to cooperate with Huawei Cloud Stack and ICT products, recommend the best product combination for government and enterprise customers, and reduce the difficulty of selection. At the same time, continue to enhance the key capabilities of cloud native disaster tolerance, security and application modernization, so that users no longer pay attention to the underlying technology and lower the development threshold. In addition, by transforming the methodology and tools of AI development, application integration and data governance into production lines, the complex processes are standardized and visualized, and at the same time, the industry experience is transformed into API through aPaaS, which can be directly called by other industries.

Secondly, the industry scenario scheme is standardized to make the scenario simple. In view of the diverse application scenarios of government and enterprises, Huawei Cloud Stack adheres to the strategy of taking industry scenarios as the core, continuous operation and ecological two-wheel drive. Cooperate with eco-partners, make the hardware, cloud service combination, networking, configuration and application into standardized solutions, simplify the scene, and continuously precipitate the processes and tools such as migration, optimization and operation and maintenance, so as to standardize the continuous operation process.

Finally, continue to precipitate excellent practices so that experience can be replicated. Huawei has precipitated its own digital transformation experience and best practices of cloudization in various industries into professional services, so that more industries can benefit from it. At present, more than 70 professional services in 8 categories have been launched, which run through all stages of cloud construction, cloud access, cloud use and cloud management. At the same time, more than 500 high-frequency government and enterprise applications have been deposited in the Huawei Cloud Stack area of the cloud store, and an application distribution platform more suitable for government and enterprises has been continuously built.

The new version of Huawei Cloud Stack 8.2 is released: intelligent evolution, creating a new benchmark for deep cloud use.

Based on the understanding of the common needs of government and enterprises for deep cloud use, Huawei Cloud released a new version of Huawei Cloud Stack 8.2, creating a new benchmark for deep cloud use and releasing digital productivity. The new version will bring three major upgrades:

First, strengthen the base and upgrade the resilience: further enhance the ability of cloud-side collaboration, including efficient collaboration in application, data, resources, management and other dimensions to meet the requirements of flexible deployment of applications in different regions and organizational levels; Providing full-stack cloud services from IaaS and PaaS to database and AI is highly available, and the application can realize double activity in the same city and disaster tolerance in different places without modification. In terms of security, a security cloud brain +7-layer security defense line presets more than 200 types of security data and provides more than 100 security disposal plans to make 99% of security incidents closed in minutes.

Second, innovation on the cloud, intelligent upgrade: AI training, intelligent hub, industrial Internet and other capabilities have been put on the ground, helping innovation on the cloud and realizing intelligent upgrade. Through key schemes such as urban intelligent hub and Pangu mine model, intelligence is integrated into the main scene of urban governance and the main process of industrial development; At the same time, artificial experience is transformed into industry intelligence to realize scale application and continuous iterative optimization in industry scenarios.

Third, deepen the industry and upgrade the scene: continue to deepen the industry scene, release the scene schemes such as mining industry Internet, financial distributed new core, financial integration, and urban digital twin, and continue to deepen the industry and upgrade the scene.

Find technology for the industry and go deep into the scene to create value.

At present, for government affairs, finance, transportation, energy, manufacturing and other industries, Huawei Cloud Stack has released more than 30 baseline scenario solutions, continued to go deep into industry scenarios, and become a fellow traveler in the intelligent upgrade of the industry.

In the field of urban governance, Huawei Cloud Stack provides urban intelligent hub solutions, realizing intelligent perception, intelligent disposal and intelligent distribution of urban events based on AI, and improving the efficiency of urban governance. Facing the future, it will also provide urban digital twin solutions, fully empower innovations in water conservancy, environmental protection, transportation and other industries, and stimulate new vitality of the city. In Futian District, Shenzhen, manual distribution has been replaced by intelligent distribution, and the processing efficiency of each order has been accelerated from the original average of 4 minutes to 50 seconds, with an accuracy rate of over 90%.

In the field of smart mines, Huawei Cloud Stack provides industrial Internet solutions, realizes massive equipment access, and improves production efficiency through industrial big data platform fusion analysis. At the same time, through the Pangu mine model, a large number of samples and mining industry knowledge are pre-trained, and artificial experience is transformed into industry intelligence. Hongliulin Mining Industry of Shaanxi Coal Group realized the "holographic perception" of fully mechanized mining face by building the industry’s first mining industry Internet, which increased the intelligent mining rate to 97.7%, reduced the number of underground workers by 47% and improved the maintenance efficiency by 30%.

In the field of smart finance, Huawei Cloud Stack provides a new core solution for financial distribution, which helps financial customers realize the distributed transformation of core business through super-large-scale cloud native infrastructure, GaussDB distributed database, and integrated deployment of IaaS and PaaS. The new-generation distributed core system of Postal Savings Bank provides an average daily processing capacity of 2 billion transactions for more than 600 million individual customers of the whole bank, doubling the online transaction processing efficiency and increasing the batch processing efficiency by 33%.

In the field of smart finance, Huawei Cloud Stack provides financial integration and financial big data solutions. At the meeting, Hu Yuhai, vice president of Huawei Cloud Stack, and Shaanxi Finance, Hubei Finance and Jiangsu Finance jointly released the White Paper on Best Practices of Financial Digitization to jointly promote the transformation of financial digitalization.

The White Paper on Best Practices of Fiscal Digitization was released

Huawei Cloud Stack has served more than 4,800 government and enterprise customers around the world. According to relevant IDC report data, in 2022, Huawei Cloud Stack won the first place in nine areas, including infrastructure in government cloud, China, financial cloud infrastructure and government big data, and continued to lead the industry.

Facing the future, Huawei Cloud Stack will continue to build the best digital transformation base of the industry, join hands with customers to move towards deep use of the cloud, release digital productivity, and provide a steady stream of power for social and economic development.

Original title: "The new version of Huawei Cloud Stack is released heavily, empowering government and enterprises to move towards deep use of the cloud"

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Focus on forward-looking technology, and the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference will let a hundred flowers blossom.

The 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held in Shanghai from July 6 to 8. The main exhibition of the 50,000-square-meter Expo covers four sections: core technology, intelligent terminal, application empowerment and cutting-edge technology, involving large models, chips, robots, intelligent driving and other fields. There are over 400 exhibitors, over 50 excellent start-ups, and more than 30 new products are exhibited for the first time. The number of exhibitors and exhibition area are the highest in history.

Layout of the new track of the future industry, large models have appeared.

Enter the key words of the work in the computer, such as "thick painting, illustration, girl, cuteness", and then choose different painting styles, and you can generate a beautiful painting in just over ten seconds. During this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the reporter experienced the first AI painting experience activity launched by Netease Fuxi, Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee and Donghao Lansheng. This technology relies on the picture generation model developed by Netease Fuxi-"Danqing", which is also a 100% domestic model.

Picture generation model "Danqing", courtesy of Netease Fuxi.

According to the staff, the large model is trained based on native Chinese corpus data and Netease’s own high-quality picture data. After strict text and picture review, the model has good Chinese understanding ability while ensuring data source compliance and generated content compliance, and the works created can better meet Chinese aesthetics. In addition, the big model also supports users to give multiple rounds of modification suggestions across multi-modes such as words and pictures until satisfactory picture effects are generated.

"The big model is not a fireworks show, but an advanced productive force. This wave of AGI revolution is a brand-new meta-revolution. The big model is of great significance for industrial development. With the big model, enterprises have ushered in a new opportunity and realized an’ end-to-end’ value realization. " On the 7th, Xiao Yanghua, director of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science and professor of Fudan University, co-hosted the theme forum "The Infinite Charm of AI Generation and Vertical Language Model" in Shanghai Pudong New Area Youth Federation, Daguan Data and Youkede.

The "Cao Zhi" big model of philosophical data was released. View data for the picture

At the forum, Chen Yunwen, Chairman and CEO of Daguan Data, officially released the "Cao Zhi" model of Daguan Data. As a vertically specialized large-scale domestic language model, this big model has the characteristics of long text, verticalization and multi-language. By connecting multiple models and knowledge maps in parallel, it supports the functions of automatic writing and multi-language translation of long texts in multiple languages, and enables all-round scenarios such as long document writing, machine translation, semantic analysis review, knowledge question and answer, text-to-SQL, etc., which can be deeply optimized and customized according to the needs of copywriting in different industries and fields. Whether in finance, government affairs or industry, Cao Zhida model can provide accurate and effective solutions for copywriting.

As a domestic strategic partner of Cao Zhi’s big model, UCloud’s AIGC computing base also made a wonderful appearance. Benjurry Ben, Chairman and CEO of UCloud, delivered a keynote speech on "Neutral and Secure Cloud Computing Helps the Development of Big Model", introducing its technical products, engineering capabilities and ecological construction in the field of AIGC.

The panoramic view of Youke AIGC solution made a wonderful appearance. You ke de gong tu

With profound technical accumulation and comprehensive system engineering capabilities, Youke has launched a series of products and solutions covering data centers, computing platforms, management platforms, network services, application services and ecological interfaces. The open, secure and customized AIGC solution allows customers to utilize existing server resources, and enjoy the flexible expansion of public cloud conveniently, so as to reduce costs and increase efficiency at the IT level. And through the data center hosting area, it can provide users with exclusive cabinets, servers, networks and storage resources that are completely physically isolated. Combined with complete security schemes and expert services, it ensures the smooth operation of users’ large models.

Benjurry Ben said that he will continue to explore the greater development prospects and broader development space of AIGC with the "Cao Zhi" big language model through the neutral and safe computing base. We will jointly improve the ability of enterprises to apply large models in privatization and promote the process of landing large models at the enterprise level.

Panoramic insight report of exhibitors at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference released by Digital Library Technology. Digital library technology for the picture

At this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Database Technology released a brand-new conceptual product atlas-"ISTARI". The on-site staff introduced to the reporter that "istari" is a conceptual product that integrates UPG and large model exhibited at the conference of Digital Library Technology, and it is a new generation of industrial panoramic map platform that can present dialogue and interaction. Based on this small dialogue window, the data dimensions of industries and products and related companies are at your fingertips.

It is reported that the digital government solution is the main push of database technology, in which the industrial monitoring brain platform can carry out real-time monitoring and comparative analysis on industrial scale, industrial environment and other aspects, and through the multi-chain integration of supply chain, innovation chain, policy chain and talent chain, statistics and analysis of relevant upstream and downstream entities, policy orientation, etc., the business environment and investment and financing data can be integrated, and industrial ecological projection can be realized on the big screen through data visualization display. Assist policy implementation and project landing. At the same time, through the full-scene industrial map capability and big data mining analysis means, we will build a data base for investment promotion, empower nearly 50 investment promotion methods such as industrial chain investment promotion, enhance the full-scene data service capability of investment promotion, and vigorously promote the high-quality development of the industry.

Leo Liu, founder and CEO of Digital Database Technology, said at the "Smart Data Smart Way-Data Intelligence Forum" that since the establishment of industrial chain system by Digital Database Technology, enterprises have continuously upgraded iterative data products to better build industrial chain system and serve the real economy, and launched ——UPG(Universal Product Graph), an upgraded data product based on SAM industrial chain system. In the future, based on UPG unified product atlas system, all kinds of relationship lines will be further expanded, and finally the digital transformation will be effectively empowered.

Robot +AI: Towards a new era of embodied intelligence

At present, the industry generally believes that the next wave of artificial intelligence is embodied intelligence. As the carrier of artificial intelligence entering the physical world, embodied intelligence combines artificial intelligence technology with robot entities, giving the "brain" a body that can be controlled, perceived, interacted and acted, and bringing great convenience and benefits as an important partner and assistant of human beings.

At the opening ceremony of this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, a universal humanoid robot GR-1 released by Fu Liye Intelligent in the first show of major innovations has aroused widespread concern in the industry. The robot is 1.65 meters tall, weighs 55 kilograms, has 40 degrees of freedom, the maximum peak torque of joint module can reach 300NM, the walking speed can reach 5KM/h, and the load is 50 kilograms.

According to the staff, this robot has a highly bionic trunk configuration, anthropomorphic motion control, fast walking, agile obstacle avoidance, steady uphill and downhill, anti-impact interference and other motion functions, combined with cognitive intelligence, can cooperate with people to complete actions, and has great potential in many application scenarios such as industry, rehabilitation, home, scientific research and so on.

Fu Liye’s intelligent GR-1 universal humanoid robot debut. Fu Liye Intelligent Photo courtesy

As the next generation ontology of AI with body intelligence, humanoid robots are expected to lead AI into the "era of body intelligence", and will also promote the development of special robots to general robots. Gu Jie, founder of Fu Liye Intelligent, believes that, just like the development trend from desktop computers to personal computers to mobile phones, universal humanoid robots will gradually become the mainstream of the industry in the future. At present, the hardware foundation of universal humanoid robot is basically laid, and the application wave driven by large model is coming.

Unmanned loading robot. Photo courtesy of Netease Fuxi

"In the field of construction machinery, this unmanned loading robot can quickly adapt to different models, and can automatically perform actions such as moving, accelerating and decelerating, shoveling and unloading. The full bucket rate of shoveling operation is over 95%, and the residual rate of unloading hopper is below 5%. The shoveling efficiency is close to that of the master." In the exhibition area of artificial intelligence, the staff mentioned that this unmanned robot was jointly developed by Netease Fuxi and China Construction Eighth Bureau. It is a highly intelligent and fully automated main construction machinery based on the scene of mixing station.

"The concrete mixing station is the basic supply of the construction site, and it needs 24 hours of uninterrupted operation, and a lot of dust and particles will be generated during the operation. Therefore, mixing stations often face the problem of difficulty in recruiting workers. " The staff said that taking the mixing station with two machines and 180 units as an example, the standard configuration is 2 loaders +4 drivers. However, after the replacement of the unmanned loader, only one driver is needed to handle 1% of the special conditions at the scene, and in other 99% cases, the unmanned automatic feeding operation can be realized.

At present, the unmanned loading robot has been applied to the intelligent concrete mixing station of Hutong Railway, and batch delivery will be realized this year, so that construction workers can bid farewell to the dangerous working environment and achieve high safety and high quality work.

Accelerate the innovative application of AI in the industry and help achieve the goal of "double carbon"

How can artificial intelligence and big data technology help reduce carbon and promote high-quality development?

Q-Truck, 2023WAIC "Treasure of Town Hall". People’s Daily reporter Ge Junjun photo

Q-Truck, a driverless commercial vehicle with intelligent power exchange displayed by Xijing Technology, is the "treasure of town hall" in 2023WAIC. The staff introduced: "In terms of carbon reduction, after calculation, Q-Truck completely uses green electricity in actual production and operation scenarios, and bicycles can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 50 tons per year, which is equivalent to planting 4,545 trees per year by bicycles, and the annual planting area of bicycles is 113,400 square meters."

Q-Tractor。 Photo courtesy of Xijing Technology

This year, Xijing Technology’s new energy unmanned tractor Q-Tractor was launched in the world in 2023WAIC. This product can be adapted to multiple scenes such as airports, factories and logistics centers, with deeper scene interconnection, more humane driving experience, highly derivative application scenarios and higher-order automatic driving, and can be used in logistics transportation fields such as small cargo transportation and luggage traction. The maximum load of Q-Tractor is 40 tons, and it can realize all-weather transportation for 7×24 hours, which is more stable, smooth and convenient, with "zero pollution and no emission". The relevant person in charge of Xijing Technology expressed the hope that with the help of WAIC, we can help more users to effectively reduce the cost of global production factors and create a green, intelligent and resilient global smart logistics.

"Smart Help Double Carbon, Traces to Follow" 2023 Smart Trend Forum. Photo courtesy of Schneider Electric

At present, the digital economy has become an important pillar of national economic growth. How to accelerate the integration of digital and real industries and move towards green and low carbon with key technologies has become an important issue to achieve high-quality development. Zhang Lei, vice president of Schneider Electric and head of digital service business in China, said at the 2023 Smart Trend Forum: "Artificial intelligence technology is the driving force to promote the leap-forward development of science and technology, industrial optimization and upgrading, and the overall jump in productivity. However, under the general trend of digital integration, the key to the potential of new technologies such as AI lies in their industrialization and large-scale application."

In order to accelerate the innovative application of AI in the industry, Schneider Electric recently set up an AI innovation laboratory in Beijing, and the AI innovation laboratory in Shanghai will soon be established.

Zhang Lei said that in addition to advanced models and algorithms, the key value of AI technology lies in combining practical application scenarios to meet industrial needs. To this end, Schneider Electric is accelerating the creation of an incubator for AI innovation applications. Its AI Innovation Lab is committed to exploring the application innovation of "entity industry+technology ecology +AI" and exploring the application of AI technology in asset and process optimization, infrastructure management, demand management and new energy management, empowering the digitalization and sustainable development of major industries.

"Future car" is about to sail to the "fast lane" of commercialization.

Starting from Shentao Road, Jinqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shanghai, turn left to Jianqiao Road … The whole journey is 2.8 kilometers, which takes about 15 minutes. On July 8, during the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the "Driver-free Intelligent Networked Car Show" in Shanghai Jinqiao Demonstration Zone was opening up the autopilot experience to the global audience.

This is the first time that the first batch of enterprises in Pudong New Area have obtained the "driver-free test license" to test their vehicles on the road. AutoX Antu and Neolithic Unmanned Vehicles became the first batch of "unmanned vehicles" enterprises to obtain the license for road test of driverless intelligent networked vehicles issued by Pudong New Area Government.

"Every car travels an average of 80-100 kilometers every day to conduct a safe driving test in driverless mode." Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai’s first self-driving open demonstration application road in the central city, has a wealth of application scenarios in the central city of super-large cities and has become the best testing ground for artificial intelligence technology. Lin Tailai, vice president of AutoX, said: "We need to realize the commercialization of completely driverless taxis in large urban areas on a large scale, reduce the cost of intelligent upgrading of automobiles through large-scale mass production, and realize the sustainable development of commercialization and marketization."

"In solving the’ last mile’ with the highest cost and lowest efficiency in logistics distribution, the cost reduction ratio of each unmanned delivery vehicle can reach more than 60%." Huang Hantao, director of the government affairs department of Neolithic Academia Sinica (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd. said: "After receiving the notice of innovative application test, we can speed up the test in Pudong and develop three business models: unmanned retail, unmanned distribution and unmanned urban service. I believe that in the future life scene, there will be more and more unmanned equipment like Neolithic unmanned vehicles on the road. "

The perfect diary goes to the left and the plum blossom goes to the right. Where will the wind of the beauty industry blow in 2022?

Image source @ vision china

Text | Fat Whale Headline

In the beginning of 2022, HARMAY, a new retail brand of beauty products, completed nearly $200 million in C and D rounds of financing. During the same period, WOW COLOUR, a beauty collection store brand, also announced at its annual meeting and 2022 strategy conference that it had won another $100 million in A+ rounds of financing; "B+ Oil Tank" announced the completion of a round of strategic financing, which indicates that the new beauty retail species that broke out in 2020 is still the "toon" in the eyes of capital.

Several families are happy and worried. In contrast, the new domestic brands of beauty products are caught in "collective anxiety". Perfect Diary, as the benchmark of new domestic products, bears the brunt. Its share price dropped from $25 at the beginning of 2021 to less than $5, and its market value evaporated by nearly 80%. According to Amoy data, during the period of double 11 last year, the sales of many cutting-edge brands such as Perfect Diary, Flower Xizi and Orange Blossom generally declined by more than 30% compared with the same period last year.

In fact, not only in the beauty industry, but also in the fields of coffee, tea, shoes and clothing, the discussion about "new consumption is going downhill" is endless, and new changes and transformations are quietly coming.

2018-2020 is the "honeymoon period" for the accelerated development of new domestic brands of beauty products, with the influx of hot money; Amoy incubates and supports new brands; With the rise of new traffic platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok, a group of cutting-edge brands, who are well versed in traffic and content marketing, rely on the fast product iteration ability and the pricing strategy of "big brand replacement" to quickly create explosive items, which are in full swing in the e-commerce channel.

Along with the highlight, there are still constant doubts, including burning money for growth, emphasizing marketing and neglecting research and development, and serious homogenization of products. According to Perfect Diary Financial Report, the net loss of Q3 Company in 2021 was 360 million yuan. Although the loss range has narrowed compared with 640 million yuan in the same period last year, the high marketing expenses are still criticized, accounting for nearly 70% of the revenue.With the increasing cost of traffic, online growth has fallen into a bottleneck, and the enthusiasm of the capital circle for this model has gradually faded.

To make matters worse,International brands have completely outflanked the new domestic brands in terms of price, marketing methods and talents.. Since double 11 in 2020, the international big brands have concentrated on the lowest discount in history, providing a special "price line" for the China market, and some brands even have a 2-3 discount combined with buying and giving; Marketing gameplay has increased the efforts to launch KOL, online live broadcast rooms and private domain channels, and even the previous "disdainful" launch mode such as taobao guest promotion has begun to be adopted by the top management; In terms of talents, a new round of enrollment expansion of local talents has been launched, and the proportion of local talents in middle-level and key positions has continued to rise, so as to be closer to the China market and its Z-generation young people.

This series of "grounding gas" practices has also multiplied the brand potential accumulated by international big names for a long time, and the market share has been expanding.According to the latest financial report data, the sales of L ‘Oreal, Estee Lauder and Shiseido all achieved double-digit year-on-year growth in 2021. Among them, the financial report of L ‘Oré al Group pointed out that in 2021, it achieved double-digit growth in the China market, which was twice the average growth rate of the beauty market. Estee Lauder Group also stressed in its financial report that the performance of the Asia-Pacific region, especially Chinese mainland, has increased significantly.

It is worth mentioning that these international groups are optimistic about the growth prospects of cosmetics in China in the medium and long term, and further strengthen the layout. For example, L ‘Oré al will land its headquarters in North Asia in Shanghai; Estee Lauder adjusts its organizational structure, and China directly reports to the international president; Shiseido expects China’s income to increase by 16% in 2022 (statement+7%).Many signals show that the international giants are "ambitious" for the China market.

In addition,In the past few years, the "old brand manufacturers" who encountered strong challenges from new brands are also regaining their favor and welcoming the second expansion of revenue and profits.Taking Polaiya as an example, in the past two years, with the large single product of ruby essence and double anti-essence, it has successfully opened up an incremental customer base in the fields of affordable anti-aging, anti-aging, anti-oxidation and sensitive skin care, forming a word-of-mouth effect; And from the second half of 2020, Caitang, a make-up brand, achieved a revenue of 120 million yuan that year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 84% in the first three quarters of 21 years, becoming the second largest incremental business point besides the main brand of Polaiya.

The "rejuvenation" of international giants and local brands, in addition to TAs being more proficient in the operation of new marketing models, stable funds, R&D and manufacturing systems, long-term accumulated brand assets, and omni-channel layout capabilities are the cornerstones under the iceberg, enabling increased exposure to quickly translate into sales and stable repurchase.On the other hand, the proud DTC mode and private domain operation of many new brands have not effectively solved the problems of "loyalty" and "repurchase". According to the data of Dolphin Society, the repurchase rate of Yixian e-commerce has remained at around 40% in recent years, and it has hardly improved, and it has fallen into the dilemma that "if you don’t continue to spend money to buy traffic income, it may double down".

With online competition becoming a red sea, it tends to be homogeneous, and more brands begin to turn their attention to offline. For the brand,The significance of stores has gone beyond the scope of retail channels, and it is an important way to connect real consumers, express their own differences and build brand-specific content.; At the same time, with the application of digital means and the continuous iteration of consumer demand, the offline format has also given new vitality.

From the initial department store channel, to the traditional CS/KA channel, and then to the new beauty collection store at that time, the application of digital tools and technologies has become an important starting point for improving retail efficiency and changing user experience.Through the use of small programs, live broadcasts and other means, as well as the opening of the membership system, the seemingly single offline contact has been transformed into a rich online and offline consumer network, and the private domain attribute of the store can also help the brand reach consumers more accurately and establish deep links. At the same time, digitalization also goes deep into product selection, inventory management, logistics and distribution, etc., improving operational efficiency in an all-round way and releasing new imagination space for consumers to get unexpected experience in beauty consumption.

Social aesthetics+multi-format experience is becoming a new growth point of offline space.With the Z generation becoming the main force of beauty consumption, the behavior and characteristics of TAs have greatly influenced the direction of change in beauty channels, such as preferring undisturbed self-service shopping, preferring early adopters, being willing to pay for face value and trends, and pursuing immersive interactive experience.These have become an important force to promote the rise of beauty collection stores.

Throughout the current popular beauty collection stores, all efforts are made in space quality and scene aesthetics, such as the industrial style of Huamei and the design style of "one store, one theme", the INS girlish style of WOW COLOUR, and the future technology style of B+oil tanks.Stores themselves are very social topics, which bring consumers a deeper interactive experience and stronger brand awareness, thus driving the emergence of consumer behavior.

besidesThe beauty collection store, represented by Huamei, is extending users’ stay time and increasing the repurchase rate by expanding business and ecology.. In Huamei, you can buy not only beauty products, but also coffee, snacks, drinks, pet products, small household appliances, etc. In fact, Huamei is not only a retail distributor, but also an investor. According to the statistics of China Investment Network, Beijing Huamei Lexiang Technology Co., Ltd., the main company of Huamei, has invested in nearly 10 new consumer brands, mainly in 2021, involving skin care, health care, fragrance and other sub-tracks.In the increasingly fierce competition, it is considered to be an important source of differentiated competitiveness for beauty collection stores to use their sensitivity to trends and their ability to select products to explore and even empower new niche brands first.

If the expansion of categories is not without doubt, thenDigging deep into the service value of beauty is another path of overlapping experience.Lan Tingyuan, project director of L ‘Oré al China Consumer Center, said when talking about the trend in the next 5-10 years,Future products will not only be products themselves, but also need some combination with instruments or medical beauty, even with data and services.

In this regard, beauty brands and traditional department stores/CS channels have innate genetic advantages. For example, Estee Lauder will provide offline SPA services such as frozen platinum, black diamond luxury energy and platinum energy storage for members of different levels; Sephora stores provide diversified services such as hairdressing centers, professional service counters and professional beauty consultants; The offline counter of high-end makeup in Mao Geping will design a makeup trial area for consumers, and be equipped with a professional BA to make up half a face for customers to present the product effect.These offline services can greatly promote the distance between brands and consumers and build brand fan stickiness.

In the past two years, the beauty shop in department stores has been continuously expanded, which has been welcomed by beauty brands and customers.Take Hangzhou Wulin Yintai as an example. By the end of 2021, 18 high-end beauty brands had opened 21 beauty salons, including La Prairie, Mystery of Hailan, CPB, Sisley, helena rubinstein and Fresh. These beauty salons usually have an area of 10㎡-25㎡, allowing consumers to enjoy quiet, high-end and private professional skin care. At the same time, different brands of beauty care are different in techniques, instruments, special products and projects.Become a sharp weapon for brands to maintain high-end customers and enhance brand added value.

Hangzhou Wulin Yintai La Prairie brand beauty house

However, the offline expansion of Zhang Zhilu has not been smooth sailing, especially under the influence of the epidemic, many brands have delayed their plans to open stores. In the past 2021, in addition to Sephora’s accelerated expansion plan, nearly 40 new stores were opened, which is about twice the average annual growth rate since it entered China in 15 years. Compared with the target, the opening rhythm of new beauty collection stores has been greatly reduced. According to the statistics of interface news, the total number of WOW COLOUR stores in China at the end of 2021 is about 135, which is half of the peak of 300, which is contrary to its goal of laying out 1,000 offline stores within three years. Black hole once proposed the rhythm of opening 20 stores in 2021 and aiming for 50 stores in 2022, but so far there are only 14 stores.Behind the competition for high-quality offline space, there is still a need for strong financial strength and stable profitability.

It is worth mentioning that the new domestic brands do not have a strong sense of existence in this offline battle. Yixian e-commerce, where Perfect Diary is located, has laid out offline stores since 2019. By the end of November last year, there were 280 stores. However, according to the founder, affected by the epidemic, one-third of the stores have repeatedly closed, opened and closed, and will implement a more cautious store expansion strategy in the future; Tangduo opened 10 stores from September 2020 to the end of November 2021, "each one is very cautious"; Hua Xizi still has no offline stores and counters.It is not an easy task for new domestic brands that are native to the Internet and have limited profit margins, involving the location of offline stores, supply channels, service experience, and the control of personnel operating costs.

Under the double dilemma of online and offline, many founders of new domestic brands said that this is the most difficult moment. If we can survive this "life and death test period", it is likely that a number of new local international brands will be born, but in which direction should we break through?

Brand going out to sea has become a unanimous choice under domestic pressure.According to the statistics of China Business Daily, more than 20 domestic cutting-edge beauty brands are actively exploring overseas markets. Among them, Hua Xizi, relying on the characteristic advantages of oriental aesthetics, is particularly firm on the road of going to sea. In the past two years, she has made intensive brand voices around the achievements and cases of going to sea.

Hua Xizi is very good at using social media and the power of local talents to explore foreign markets. For example, at the end of 2019, the cooperation with the Japanese blogger "@ ????" triggered a hot discussion among Japanese netizens on Hua Xizi, and related topics once climbed to the seventh place in the Japanese Twitter hot search list; In 2021, TikTok "Micro online celebrity" @meredithduxbury, which found 200,000 fans, released a makeup tutorial video using Huaxizi products. The content exposure rate exceeded 5 million, and it gradually entered major international markets such as North America and Western Europe. At the beginning of this year, the evaluation video of domestic makeup flower Xizi pushed by Jeffree Star, an American top beauty blogger with 10 million+fans and sharp "poison tongue" on Youtube, once again boosted the popularity.

Now Huaxizi has opened official website in English and Japanese, successively opened logistics in Japan, the United States and Europe, and laid out many overseas mainstream social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, among which the number of TikTok fans has exceeded 200,000, which is growing rapidly.

butDomestic brands often go out to sea with the export of national strength and culture, just as the popularity of Korean cosmetics in China in that year was inseparable from its highly binding Korean culture and leveraging traffic dividends.At present, the gathering places of domestic brands of beauty products are more in Southeast Asia and Japan, which are more suitable in makeup habits, fashion trends and culture. However, for the European and American markets with high entry threshold, great skin difference and more intense competition, the space that can be developed at present is still limited.

It is a relatively wise and cost-effective way to keep and strengthen the brand mind of a certain subdivision efficacy/ingredient/category.Taking the skin care track as an example, iResearch data shows that consumers’ demand for effective skin care is increasing, and the driving effect skin care products continue to increase at an average annual compound growth rate of nearly 30%; According to the survey data of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, more than 70% of the people think that they have sub-health skin conditions, and they can solve skin problems in a targeted manner, and they are more likely to be favored by consumers with exclusive ingredients and formulas.

For example, Winona, with its natural plant ingredients and medical background, has become the first brand of sensitive muscle skin care in China, and has achieved a certain dominant position in the blue ocean of dermatological skin care products. Run Baiyan and Kuadi, owned by Huaxi Bio, have formed the appeal of not losing big names in medical meiquan by virtue of their exclusive advantages in the patented technology of hyaluronic acid components; The core of Lin Qingxuan’s shelling of Chanel some time ago lies in the dispute between users’ minds about the ingredient of camellia. Although netizens have different opinions, they have at least gained a free publicity position in strengthening Lin Qingxuan’s cognition and association with camellia.

If the above two strategies are more short-and medium-term strategies, it is a long-term doctrine that is difficult but must be adhered to to to effectively improve R&D and product strength and precipitate brand equity.At present, the leading new domestic brands are already making changes, such as Perfect Diary gradually upgrading the R&D team, and the proportion of R&D expenses has increased from 0.4% in 2018 to 1.3% in 2020; Hua Xizi hired Li Huiliang, deputy general manager, chief technology officer and core technician of Huaxi Bio, to be responsible for brand research under the brand. In the past year, the number of patents of Hua Xizi’s parent company reached 106, including 28 invention patents, and the number of new patents reached 50.

Although there are still many gaps compared with international beauty brands, this R&D competition has already started. Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and it is expected that the consolidation of R&D foundation will make generate’s user thinking and product iteration ability, which new domestic brands have always been good at, have greater potential energy, rather than "floating on the surface".

Supreme Law: The construction of smart courts will also actively pay attention to the application of ChatGPT technology.

Beijing, March 10 (Reporter Huang Yuling) On the 10th, the Supreme People’s Court held the fifth activity of the series of all-media live interviews on the interpretation of the Work Report of the Supreme People’s Court in 2023. Regarding the recent wave of artificial intelligence triggered by ChatGPT around the world, Chen Qiwei, deputy director of the Supreme People’s Court Information Center, introduced the latest situation of the construction and application of artificial intelligence in the court.

Chen Qiwei mentioned that the Supreme People’s Court has always attached great importance to the application of artificial intelligence technology, and courts all over the country insist on using technology to promote the quality, efficiency and power changes of court work. In 2014, the people’s courts built the world’s largest trial information resource library, realizing the real-time aggregation of court case data in the country every five minutes. At present, more than 300 million cases have been aggregated. These massive judicial big data resources covering structured cases, file images, trial audio and video, and documents have laid a good foundation for the application and development of judicial artificial intelligence. Up to now, the overall framework of judicial data platform and smart court brain has been formed, and its service capacity has covered 98% of the courts in China (3,470). Since 2022, the total number of services has exceeded 600 million. According to the practical experience in various places, the whole-process intelligent assistant case handling supported by the application of judicial artificial intelligence can effectively reduce the routine work of judges by more than 30% and improve the trial efficiency by more than 20%.

Chen Qiwei said that after ChatGPT came out, it attracted wide attention from various industries. The construction of smart courts is also actively paying attention to the possible changes brought about by the application of this technology. At the same time, as a vertical application of judicial artificial intelligence, the construction of smart court has its own characteristics, such as stricter requirements on the seriousness and accuracy of answering questions, and compared with ChatGPT’s open application from digital space to digital space, judicial artificial intelligence needs to pay more attention to the support of physical space to physical space. For example, it is necessary to use judicial artificial intelligence to actually support the automatic classification and cataloging of electronic files, and it is necessary to realize the automatic generation of trial transcripts by means of accurate positioning of speech roles and adaptive multilingual models during the trial. These technical problems are also very challenging.

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