Wofeng Technology GaussMind: How strong is the outbound marketing robot?

In the early days of Internet popularization, some people said, "You never know if the computer is a dog." With the development of artificial intelligence, it is hard for you to guess whether the phone is a robot. In daily life, many calls like the above are made automatically by robots. Compared with the mechanical hearing when the keys are guided before, with the iterative update of technology, the voice of outbound marketing robots is getting closer and closer to real people, and even many outbound marketing robots are recorded by real people, which is difficult to distinguish by sound.

Real-life calls are big, and multi-scene applications are effortless.

In order to create a smooth and natural dialogue experience, Wofeng Technology’s AI outbound robot team has made a number of technical adjustments to the robot’s voice:

Special interactive requirements such as interruption, silence, waiting and restatement in the process of communication are configured in a targeted manner to make the dialogue smoother.

03 intelligent noise reduction

By optimizing the ASR acoustic model in various ways, the influence of environmental background sound and channels of different devices on speech recognition in practical application scenarios can be effectively reduced, and the dialogue clarity can be improved.

The technically optimized human outbound robot can be used in various scenarios of enterprises to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency:

01 Intention clue screening

The task of clue screening has the characteristics of high repeatability, high accuracy and difficult training. Wofeng Technology connects the AI outbound robot to the enterprise CRM, and transmits the clues in real time to make outbound calls to help enterprises realize the screening of potential customers. The outbound robot will configure reasonable outbound call time, outbound call strategy and outbound call technique according to the business model to ensure the clue conversion rate.

02 outgoing private domain drainage

According to different business objectives, such as live broadcast and drainage, old customers’ repurchase and promotion, new customers’ operation, etc., different outbound calls are created, carefully polished from sentence length, process connection, tone speed, timbre volume and other aspects, and recorded by real people, so as to strive for humanized user experience and promote drainage marketing.

03 great promotion activity marketing

With the emergence of pain points such as high traffic acquisition cost, low reach range and limited customer precipitation, enterprises seek new solutions. Outbound robots can make batch outbound calls for historical customers or registered members during the promotion period, record user portraits during the outbound call, preset various words, label different people and generate reports, which is convenient for accurate marketing later.

For many enterprises, satisfaction return visit is the key task to reflect their after-sales service, and business opportunities can also be tapped in this process. However, due to the large number of users, the requirements of satisfaction return visit and the difficulty of business opportunity mining speech training, enterprises create work orders through various channels (online/inbound, robot/manual), and after the work order is completed, they automatically create AI outbound call tasks through work order triggers to make a return visit, so as to ensure that user problems are properly solved.

Eagle Big Coffee Talk | Professor Tang Shiqi: Retinal image AI helps health risk assessment

Faced with the aging population and the rising prevalence of various chronic diseases, reasonable and scientific health risk assessment and management are helpful to better control personal and overall medical expenses and protect personal health interests to the greatest extent.

In recent years, the advantages of retinal image AI in health risk assessment have been shown. What advantages does it have? What value can it bring to the physical examination center and related departments?

At the Frontier Innovation and Wisdom Forum of the 9th 301 Discussion on Health and the 11th Summit Forum of Directors of National Physical Examination Center,Professor Tang Shiqi, deputy director of Health Management Branch of Chinese Medical Association, president of Hubei Health Management Society and academic leader of Health Management Center of Wuhan University People’s Hospital.Make a wonderful share with the title "Retinal Image AI Helps Health Risk Assessment".

In her speech, she pointed out:"Apart from the loss of life, there is nothing more frightening than the loss of vision. It is suggested that fundus photography should be added to chronic disease screening, eye health should be included in chronic disease system, fundus examination should be paid attention to, and the threshold should be moved forward to realize early detection and diagnosis of chronic diseases. "

The transcript of the speech is edited as follows:

Thank you very much for your introduction. The topic I share with you below is "Retinal Image AI Helps Health Risk Assessment". I will share it with you from four aspects, namely, the current situation of fundus diseases, retina as the best health assessment window, assessment of various diseases through retina, and the application of artificial intelligence products of retinal images.

Present situation of fundus diseases

"The 14th Five-Year National Eye Health Plan" listed fundus diseases as the key eye diseases in the next five years for the first time, and proposed early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment to reduce the blindness rate of diseases.

The burden of fundus diseases is heavy. There are more than 40 million patients with fundus diseases in China, and the distribution of medical resources is still uneven. At present, as the most important blinding eye disease in China, the clinical status of fundus diseases can be said to have a long way to go. This is also the main reason why our country has made fundus diseases a new disease in the National Eye Health Plan of the 14th Five-Year Plan released this year.

our countrydiabetesThe prevalence rate has reached 10%~13%, among which the prevalence rate of diabetic retinopathy in diabetic population is as high as 15%~43%. Then the risk of blindness in diabetic patients is 50~80 times greater than that in non-diabetic patients.

hypertensionIt is a common cardiovascular disease. The incidence rate in China is 5.11%, and about 70% of patients have fundus diseases. With the development of the course of the disease, changes such as hemorrhage, hard exudation, lint spots and the like appear in the fundus, and papilledema may occur in severe cases.

Age-related macular degeneration.For those of us over 50 years old, about one in every six people has macular degeneration. Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration are of great significance to protect central vision and prevent blindness. Therefore, it is recommended that people over 50 years old have a routine eye examination every year.

Fundus lesion caused by high myopia.There are about 70 million people with myopia greater than 600 degrees in China. It is recommended to screen the fundus every six months to one year.

Therefore, we should promote the shift from blindness prevention to universal eye health, move the screening threshold forward, and improve the screening of diseases. At the same time, we should pay attention to the early screening of fundus diseases, expand the screening work and avoid irreversible blindness.

It is the best window for retinal health assessment.

There are very important structures in the fundus, including the optic nerve, retina, retinal arteries and veins, macular area, etc., and this is the area examined by the fundus.

Many fundus diseases have no obvious symptoms in the early stage and are difficult to be detected. However, the early stage is often the right time for treatment. Once missed, the lost vision may not be well recovered. 80%~90% of fundus diseases can be screened by taking a photo of fundus.

In addition, medical practice has proved that in addition to ophthalmic diseases, manyCardiovascular, neurological, endocrineOther diseases have obvious or even characteristic changes in the retina.

Evaluation of various diseases through retina

First of all.Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy by retinal image AI. An SCI article published by Shibei Hospital, Jing ‘an District, Shanghai shows that artificial intelligence has high sensitivity and specificity in detecting sugar webs and proliferative sugar webs (the sensitivity and specificity of detecting sugar webs are 90.79%, 98.5%, AUC=0.946;; The sensitivity and specificity of detecting proliferative sugar net are 91.18%, 98.79%, AUC=0.950). It is feasible to carry out screening of sugar net based on artificial intelligence in community hospital outpatient department.

AI auxiliary diagnosis system for retinal diseases.This article of Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University was published in the sub-issue of The Lancet, and its SCI impact factor was very high, reaching 24.519. Studies have confirmed that this "comprehensive intelligent diagnosis expert of fundus diseases" developed by Eagle Pupil Airdoc can identify 14 common fundus abnormalities, with an average AUC of 0.955, and it performs well in the screening of various fundus abnormalities.

Retinal image AI to judge ischemic cerebrovascular disease.This is also a paper published in Science Bulletin, a journal sponsored by China Academy of Sciences, with an impact factor of 11.78. The results verified by the team of Peking University Medical School and Tongren Hospital show that (the model) plays a positive role in early detection of high-risk groups of cardiovascular diseases, guiding active intervention, monitoring and evaluating the intervention effect.

The traditional evaluation method of ischemic cerebrovascular disease has many collection indexes, so it needs invasive collection. The blood test takes a certain time, 2~4 hours, so the calculation is complicated and it is difficult to popularize. The new evaluation method based on China’s cardiovascular risk prediction model is retinal image +AI deep learning algorithm, which only needs fundus photography, non-invasive collection, and the detection time is 1 minute, and the report can be made directly in about 1 minute.

Retinal image AI can also evaluate Alzheimer’s disease.The retina is a part of our brain tissue. The degeneration of cranial nerves is also reflected in the subtle changes of retina. Taking CAIDE≥10 copies as the classification standard for high-risk groups (CAIDE dementia risk score is a risk assessment tool for the general population), the retinal AI algorithm is superior to the traditional invasive and complex dementia assessment, that is, it can be assessed by taking retinal photographs.

Retinal AI can also evaluate anemia.Retinal photographs of patients with anemia are usually pale or pale in background, pale in optic disc, and mild edema. The veins are pale. According to the model of retinal artificial intelligence, the AUC of anemia is > 0.9.

Application of retinal artificial intelligence products

Eagle Eye’s products are very good. It has multi-dimensional products and services. First of all, their artificial intelligence auxiliary diagnosis software can screen fundus diseases and lesions, make auxiliary diagnosis and assess the health risk of systemic chronic diseases, and has comprehensive qualifications, including the first three types of ophthalmology certificates in China, including the second, third and CE certificates.

Has excellent performance. The accuracy, specificity and sensitivity are leading in the world, and it is suitable for all mainstream fundus cameras in the market, including Canon and Topcom.

In addition, there is an authoritative endorsement. Carry out the world’s largest real-world research, with the results published in The Lancet magazine; Won the Wu Wenjun Prize twice, the highest award of artificial intelligence in China.

Eagle Airdoc’s fundus camera has the advantages of pupil-free, full-automatic, self-help (no operator required) and no professional darkroom. It is a self-developed domestic camera with high cost performance.

But also provide operational support services. Performance support, training support, follow-up of positive cases, and review by superior medical institutions, the Internet and hospitals.

(For the physical examination center), the retina image AI of Eagle Pupil Airdoc has seven values:

First,Upgrade the ability of eye examination.It can be used for auxiliary diagnosis of fundus diseases and risk assessment of systemic chronic diseases.

Second,Improve the standardization of diagnosis and treatment.It is a registered product, with standardized report, stable state, authenticity and reliability.

Third,Increase the efficiency of effective physical examination centers.

Fourth,Improve academic ability.It can quantify and multi-dimensionally empower scientific research, and artificial intelligence can improve the probability of project application, and expand clinical research opportunities of multi-departments and multi-diseases.

Fifth,Make up for the shortage of ophthalmologists.Automatic shooting, without doctor’s operation, AI-assisted diagnosis of liberation ophthalmologist. Nurses can easily operate it, and it is suitable for in-hospital examination and external examination.

Sixth,It is convenient to check in many occasions.The equipment is small, easy to operate, intelligent and fast, and it can be used in the out-of-home medical examination vehicle, which is suitable for large-scale screening.

Seventh,Historical comparison and continuous management.Realize automatic historical comparison of multiple inspections.

To sum up, apart from the loss of life, there is nothing more frightening than the loss of eyesight. It is suggested that fundus photography should be added to chronic disease screening, eye health should be included in chronic disease system, fundus examination should be paid attention, and the threshold should be moved forward to realize early detection and diagnosis of chronic diseases. A photo of the fundus, early knowledge of the disease.

President china portrait photography society and his party visited Meitu Company for a discussion.

Recently, Mr. Yan Taichang, Chairman of china portrait photography society, Mr. Han Yuezhi, Vice Chairman of china portrait photography society and Chairman of Post-production Professional Committee, Mr. Liang Jiande, Vice Chairman of china portrait photography society and Chairman of Cosmetic Modeling Professional Committee, and their delegation visited Meitu Company for exchange and discussion. Also present at the visit and discussion were Xu Chunsheng, Chairman of Platinum Jue Travel Photography Culture Group Co., Ltd., and Pan Baofu, founder of Extraordinary 6+1 Photography Group. Zheng Minglie, Chairman of Wiener Digital Printing Art Industrial Park, He Songlin, Senior Vice President of Meitu Company, Chen Jianyi, Vice President of Products and Xu Qingquan, Head of Meitu Yunxiu, accompanied him to visit and attend the symposium.

In the exhibition hall of Meitu Company, Chairman Yan Taichang and his party learned about the development history, company strategy, corporate culture, product innovation, core technologies and honors of Meitu Company in detail, and experienced the software and hardware products of Meitu, such as Xiu Xiu, Beauty Camera, Wink, Meitu Skin, etc. On the spot, they paid attention to and recognized the innovative products and leading imaging technologies of Meitu Company. During the introduction of Meitu’s corporate strategy, Chairman Yan Taichang and his party learned deeply that at present, Meitu, based on its image core competence, digs more scenes at the C-end, while focusing on the B-end market with SaaS and related businesses as its main focus. Based on Meitu’s continuous investment in scientific and technological innovation, accumulated grasp of the public’s aesthetics over the years, and understanding of the needs of a large number of users, Meitu Yunxiu, a one-stop intelligent retouching solution for the commercial photography industry, is launched. In this regard, Mr. Yan Taichang said that the imaging technology mastered by Meitu can solve the technical problems existing in the portrait photography industry in a targeted manner, and help photographers, retouchers and enterprises to improve retouching efficiency with the help of artificial intelligence technology, and help the standardization construction and digital transformation of the industry.

At the symposium, the two sides had an in-depth sharing and exchange on the current situation, pain points and future development direction of portrait photography industry. With the consumption upgrade of portrait photography industry, all enterprises are facing new opportunities and challenges. Both sides said that since the formal strategic cooperation was reached, through multi-field and high-level in-depth cooperation, more and more photographers and enterprises actively embraced the digitalization of portrait photography, and jointly explored and developed the digital economy with Meitu Yunxiu. "Technology" and "digitalization" are the key words for the development of portrait photography industry. Focusing on china portrait photography society’s leading role in the industry, Meitu Yunxiu will give full play to its technical advantages in the field of imaging technology, actively promote the continuous deepening of cooperation between the two sides, focus on overcoming the shortcomings of the industry, rely on image AI technology, jointly promote the high-quality development of portrait photography industry, and serve high-quality post-retouching to help portrait photography. Help the upstream and downstream industries to realize all-round digital transformation and upgrading. The head photography brands and later brands who participated in this symposium all said that intelligent retouching technology can actually help enterprises reduce costs and improve efficiency, and imaging technology is playing an increasingly important role in portrait photography ecology. Therefore, we should work together to seize the opportunities of digital development, promote the development of new businesses in various fields of the industry, create new formats, explore new modes, and make greater contributions to the digital transformation of portrait photography.

The person in charge of Meitu Yunxiu said that as one of the important strategies of Meitu’s B-end layout, Meitu Yunxiu is committed to promoting the high-quality development of portrait photography industry and serving high-quality post-retouching. Relying on the continuous breakthrough and innovation of imaging technology, Meitu Yunxiu will launch the first multi-terminal adaptation mode in the industry, flexibly adapt to complex equipment and network environment, and provide better and more convenient intelligent retouching services for enterprises and retouchers, helping enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

Since the two sides reached a strategic cooperation in 2022, based on the multi-dimensional cooperation between online and offline, the two sides have achieved a lot. As a strategic partner of china portrait photography society, Meitu Yunxiu will give full play to its advantages in imaging technology and artificial intelligence, further deepen cooperation with china portrait photography society, promote the digital and intelligent development of portrait photography industry, and comprehensively help accelerate the development of digital economy of portrait photography industry in China.