Ruan Jingtian’s word-of-mouth "reversal" work, "Removing the Three Evils in the Week", is worth a look!

1905 movie network feature The high-scoring suspense action movie starring the director, screenwriter,,,,, was released nationwide on March 1.

The film was widely praised during its premiere. Douban’s score rose all the way to 8.4 points, making it the highest-scoring film released in the mainland in 2024. Some media even said that "The Three Evils in the Week" is expected to become the first box office black horse after the Spring Festival in 2024. So what’s the point of this movie?

With allusions, profound connotations

The title of the movie "Removal of the Three Harmies in Zhou Chu" is cleverly adapted from the allusions of the same name found in "Shishuo Xinyu" and "Jin Shu · Zhouchu Biography". According to the literature, the young man Zhou Chu was burly and powerful, but he ran rampant in the countryside and was hated by his neighbors. After Zhou Chu killed the tiger and the dragon alone, he himself turned his prodigal son back and corrected his evil, so far all three evils have been eliminated.

The gangster Chen Guilin (Ruan Jingtian, played) in the movie is determined to imitate Zhou Shu, one person to eliminate the three gangsters, and remove the top two on the wanted list one by one, until the curtain call of his life of self-redemption is completed. It can be described as the contemporary "Zhou Chu eliminates the three evils".

The historical allusion is a legend of killing people, while the film focuses on the stranger life of a killer, who attempts to use killing to find the value of life. Chen Guilin’s motivation is to "leave his name behind", but during the journey he gradually found his true self and realized spiritual freedom.

The film explores the reaction of "greed, hatred and delusion" from the perspective of absurd self-salvation, which not only brings a sense of genre film, but also has a strong social warning significance.

Heavy metaphor, detailed and in-depth

Among the hot words mentioned in the public opinion comments on the whole network of "Zhouzhou Removal of the Three Harmful", there was also a hot movie last year. Compared with the straightforward "malicious" of "All-in-One", "Zhouzhou Removal of the Three Harmful" has more metaphors in the film.

The English title of the film is "The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon", which literally translates to pigs, snakes and pigeons. These three animals are also symbols of the three poisons of ignorance, hatred and greed mentioned in Buddhist texts. In the film, pigs, snakes and pigeons are also used to represent the three most wanted criminals.

The so-called "pig" refers to the movie’s protagonist, Chen Guilin, who always wears a watch in the image of a pig, representing ignorance and a dark and unintelligent heart. At the beginning of the movie, he is arrogant after the murder, and it is not until he is told that he is terminally ill and has less than half a year to live that he begins to reflect on "what kind of life to choose." Chen Guilin’s evil is his obsession, his obsession with finding and proving the meaning of his existence.

The image represented by the snake is the character of the second evil "Aberdeen" Xu Weiqiang in the movie. He has a tattoo about the snake on his body, which symbolizes hatred, intolerance and fierce violence. In the first appearance of the film, through the contrast of a smile and a rage, a short scene created a very full image of Xu Weiqiang.

The pigeon represented Lin Luhe, the third evil in the movie, and there was a pigeon tattoo on his back, which referred to unbridled greed. In the movie, he didn’t just do evil alone, but organized a criminal gang, established an organization "New Mind House" to play tricks, cheat everywhere, and play with the common people.

What kind of grievances and entanglements exist between these three wanted criminals, how will Chen Guilin’s pursuit story unfold, and how will the strong confrontation end?

Mixed styles, unique types

In terms of film style, "Removing the Three Evils in a Week" combines three styles: film noir, Hong Kong-style gangster film, and desktop grotesque film. The director’s mastery blends together a variety of styles and types, forming a distinct feature of this film.

Themes, "Zhou Zhuan get rid of the three evils" from the Hong Kong crime theme developed, from the root of it with a certain Chinese traditional martial arts color, Chen Guilin in the film is like a walking rivers and lakes knight, get rid of violence and good, for the people;

But at the same time, the movie also pays tribute to the classic Westerns. People like Chen Guilin are also criminals who have committed heinous crimes and will eventually face the fate of punishment. Just like the cowboys in Westerns, although they use violence to suppress violence and eliminate criminals by violent means, civilized towns cannot tolerate violence, so they are doomed to be exiled to the more barbaric and distant west.

Under the aesthetics of violence, "Removing the Three Evils in a Week" tells a story about the values of the outlook on life. Killing is not for profit or revenge, but out of the obsession of outlaws with their own value, with a strong fatalism.

"Removing the Three Evils in a Week" takes a character in the mud as the protagonist of the film, respects his motives, and gives him the opportunity to be "reborn". I believe that after watching this movie, the audience will not feel gloomy, but can get full and high-spirited strength.

Nicholas Tse’s version of Bujingyun leads to laughter

Nicholas Tse walked the red carpet alone

  The popularity of "Kung Fu Panda" has once again plunged Chinese audiences into the contradiction of disappointment and expectation of domestic animation. Under such circumstances, the appearance of "The Story of the Wind and Cloud" on the 19th is undoubtedly timely. Yesterday, the film’s investors held a grand and ingenious premiere celebration in Shanghai Circus City, launching the national publicity offensive of "The Story of the Wind and Cloud" with a high profile. The film’s voice actors Nicholas Tse, Ren Xianqi, Tong Zirong, Han Xue, Jiang Xiaohan and others came to the scene to promote their "voice" animated film. Stars such as Patty Hou and Hero joined the film as guests.

  ■ Movies

  Story: Difficult to understand if you are not a "fan of the situation"

  The film is based on the classic comic "Wind and Cloud" by the famous Hong Kong cartoonist Mr. Ma Rongcheng. The story takes place between the first and second parts of "Wind and Cloud", and the new villain is added to tell the story of Wind, Cloud and Nameless to stop the ambition of arrogance and trigger the dramatic changes in the martial arts.

  The film is two hours long, from beginning to end, with a compact plot and first-class sound effects. But I don’t know if the screenwriters are too confident in the "mass base" of "Wind and Cloud" comics and film and television dramas. The plot of "Wind and Cloud" is jumping and the plot is not coherent. After the movie meeting yesterday afternoon, many reporters on the scene said they did not understand it. "I haven’t seen the Wind and Cloud series, and it took 30 minutes to figure out who the main characters in the film are with whom."

  The "Wind and Cloud" comic was imaginative, but in the animated film, it was not clearly displayed. For example, many reporters felt that they could not understand the process of Nie Feng’s infection with unicorn poison. As for the new villain, Pride, the audience was not disgusted. "There should be a decent villain in the cartoon itself. In the first movie, Xiongba died, and of course another one should come out. It can be seen that the adapters have also worked hard, but the character of Pride is too clear, which has diluted the personality of Feng and Yun a lot."

Fan Bingbing’s tears welled up as the ending of "New Shaolin Temple" and Andy Lau became a mystery

Fan Bingbing laughed with tears

    On January 19, the movie will be released nationwide. Directed by Chen Musheng, the film has attracted Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Fan Bingbing, Nicholas Tse and other superstars to join. Fan Bingbing, the star of the play, has recently exposed a set of stills, teary-eyed, full of sadness and confusion. She plays Yan Xi, who has gone through the pain of happy love and suffering, and has cooperated with Andy Lau three times to become a husband and wife, becoming a major attraction of the show, and the emotional ending of the two is to be revealed after the film is released.

    In "New Shaolin Temple", Fan Bingbing can be described as suffering and hard work. In the cold winter, he was thrown into a water tank by Nicholas Tse, who was "ruthless and vicious" in the play. He experienced several hours of immersion in cold water, and his relationship with Andy Lau also withstood tests and struggles. There are many breakthroughs in the role. Speaking of his role as Yan Xi, Fan Bingbing said: "If this play is compared to a person, then my role should be equivalent to the heart. She took on the softest and most touching part. The director also gave us a lot of space during the filming, allowing us to have our own room to play, and we can more fully devote ourselves to the role. Thank you very much to the director." Director Chen Musheng also recognized Fan Bingbing’s performance, saying that her role is the only one in the whole drama that has not been cut. This character is very important, and every appearance is equivalent to giving Andy Lau a shot. "For the three collaborations with Andy Lau, Fan Bingbing expressed his happiness," Brother Hua has always been imitated and never surpassed. He is very charismatic, whether as a senior or a big brother, his professionalism is worth learning. I feel like he has a rechargeable battery installed on the set, with endless energy and vitality. In the crew, he is more like a big brother, taking care of everyone and being very friendly. " For always working with Fan Bingbing, Andy said with a smile that it was a good opportunity given by God. He said that every time he played his woman, it would be more difficult, and he worked with Fan Bingbing three times to achieve a sense of family.

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A Cai Moments · Yang Qiang, Wu Haishan | Is artificial intelligence ushering in the best era?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed for more than 60 years since its birth. In recent years, AI has become a hot spot in academia and industry around the world. Start-up companies are surging, huge investments are emerging, tech giants are constantly up the ante, and scientific research, capital and talent are moving closer to AI. So, some people will inevitably ask, have we ushered in the best era of artificial intelligence?

The Challenge of Good Times

Looking back today, 2017 may be an important node in the development of artificial intelligence in China. In 2017, "artificial intelligence" was written into the government work report of the National People’s Congress for the first time. Premier Li Keqiang said that it is necessary to fully implement the development plan for strategic emerging industries and accelerate the research and development and transformation of new materials, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, and fifth-generation mobile communications. Artificial intelligence has also been hotly discussed by deputies to the National People’s Congress and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

At the same time, at the 2017 Wuzhen Go Summit, AlphaGo defeated the world’s No. 1 Go champion Ke Jie with a total score of 3:0, which attracted the attention of the whole people. "Whether artificial intelligence has completely surpassed human beings", "Will artificial intelligence replace human beings" and other issues have also become hot topics.

It was also from that year that artificial intelligence was surging. Overnight, it seemed that all companies had become artificial intelligence companies. Capital and talent quickly poured into the field of artificial intelligence. "Artificial intelligence" became one of the hottest and most sought-after words in the technology, academic and corporate circles. Major Internet companies have vigorously promoted artificial intelligence research and development. Tencent founder Pony Ma has also publicly stated that if he can only invest in one field, starting from his own industry, he is most concerned about the AI industry related to information technology. Internationally, tech giants such as Google and IBM have been researching artificial intelligence for more than a decade, and some research results have entered commercial applications in recent years.

From these perspectives, artificial intelligence can be said to have ushered in a very good era, but there are also problems behind the excitement. For example, this boom is more driven by the industry and investment community, while the academic and basic research fields have not revolutionized, and the talent gap has not been really solved.

At the same time, AI still faces many challenges in practical application and implementation, especially data issues. The various types of data required for AI research are scattered in different enterprises, and the ideal "big data" that people often say does not exist, but the actual situation is that there are a large number of "small data" and "data islands"; in addition, data security, privacy, compliance and other issues have always existed. In 2018, the European Union officially implemented the strictest data protection regulation in history – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and on January 21, 2019, Google became the first US technology company to be heavily punished under this law, fined 50 million euros… These problems make the implementation and development of AI look less good.

Deeply empowering industry

In 2019, Premier Li Keqiang talked about artificial intelligence for the third time in the government work report. It is worth noting that this year, the Premier specifically proposed in the report to build an industrial Internet platform, expand "intelligent +", and empower the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

At present, the innovative achievements of artificial intelligence have been applied in various fields, promoting technological progress, efficiency improvement and business model change in all walks of life. Among them, the financial industry is one of the most promising AI application fields, and AI + finance is the top priority of "intelligence +".

On the one hand, the information construction of the financial industry started earlier, and the industry attaches great importance to the standardization and standardization of data collection, so it has a large amount of accumulated data, which provides a solid foundation for the application of artificial intelligence; on the other hand, taking banks, insurance, securities companies as an example, the main business of the financial industry is based on large-scale data development, a large number of cumbersome data processing work, the urgent need for automation and intelligent change to liberate manpower; in addition, financial inclusion and scene-based innovation, also need new technical means to provide support, and the combination of artificial intelligence and finance undoubtedly provides more possibilities for financial innovation.

The author takes the practice of WeBank in the field of AI + finance as an example to introduce. Starting from demand, returning to business value is the core of self-researching AI. WeBank is an Internet bank serving small and micro enterprises and the general public. The most difficult part is the high service cost caused by the large number of scattered and large, lack of collateral, and imperfect guarantee system.

Therefore, the AI team of WeBank applies "AI + service" to actual business links. For example, three application systems are created based on the three major engines of "natural language processing engine", "voice engine" and "vision engine" – "intelligent nuclear system", "intelligent customer service system" and "intelligent quality inspection system", covering the whole process of business consultation, identity verification, data review, operation and lending. At present, through this set of AI robot combination boxing, we allow customers to complete all the online from consultation to application to borrowing, without offline account opening or paper materials, to maximize the solution to the problem of difficult and slow loan processes for small and micro enterprises, and to help enterprises innovate and develop.

The launch of the new national asset management regulations and the inclusion of the Chinese market in the MSCI index have had a profound impact on China’s asset management industry. WeBank is also making efforts in the field of "AI + asset management". It is currently developing alternative data based on satellite remote sensing image data, drone image data, mobile location data and public opinion text information. It can create an AI-driven asset management platform through artificial intelligence technology, which can not only monitor the macro economy in real time, but also predict the trends of listed and bond-issuing companies and different industries. Build an AI + Alternative Data-driven ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) index, so as to provide investment decisions for asset management companies, fund companies, rating companies and other fields.

In the face of data silos and privacy concerns, where does AI go?

As mentioned above, the complexity, isolation, privacy and security of data are the key factors that plague and restrict the deepening development and application of AI, including the financial industry. How to solve these data problems, break down data silos, and establish true "big data" while better protecting data privacy and security has become a problem that must be solved in the current development of AI.

The author believes that in the face of these problems, we can have a new way of thinking – federated learning (Federated Learning), whose purpose is to protect user privacy and data security. Federated learning, as the name suggests, is to build a virtual "federal state" to unite large and small "data islands". They are like a state in this "federal state", which not only maintains a certain degree of independence (such as trade secrets, user privacy), but also can jointly model and improve the effect of AI models without sharing data.

Essentially, it is a distributed encryption machine learning technology where all parties involved can build models without disclosing the underlying data. This is also a win-win machine learning method. It breaks down the data dimension walls on the top of the mountain, revitalizes large and small "data islands", and connects into a win-win AI continent.

In the field of finance, federated learning can be used to analyze potential fraud; in the field of insurance pricing, it can accurately analyze the attributes of users in more dimensions. For enterprises, the application of federated learning can save costs more effectively, and it can also make user classification more accurate. In addition, for some very sensitive data scenarios, such as the medical field, different hospitals can also share sensitive medical data through federated learning technology.

The future AI new generation of machine learning algorithm framework should be based on privacy protection, security compliance, reasonable interpretation, and transparent reasoning mechanism to ensure the healthy development of artificial intelligence. The development and practice of federated learning provides new ideas for the industry. Of course, the construction of AI ecology and the construction of big data also requires different enterprises, scholars, and research institutions to join forces, share technology, share data, and unite forces to jointly solve data silos and user privacy issues.

AIFuture: Basic research still requires continued efforts

So, what is the current development of AI in China, and what are the future prospects? Ma Songde, former vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and many other experts and scholars have said that China’s application of AI will be the largest in the world, and the prospects are very good, but continued efforts are needed in basic research.

The author believes that in recent years, China’s AI map has been "dots" one by one, but it has not been able to form a "face". In other words, a deep AI application ecosystem that can open up the industrial chain has not been established, and there is still a lack of system level and infrastructure building.

At present, the industry’s understanding and application of AI is more limited to the single-function product level. For example, an enterprise introduces AI assistance in certain process links, such as human-machine interaction and facial recognition, but such an enterprise cannot be said to be an artificial intelligence enterprise. The entire industry should have a deeper understanding of AI, so that AI can drive the optimization of the core decision-making system of the industry, and maximize the advantages and revolutionaries of AI.

It is hoped that in the future, China’s AI colleagues will pay more attention to basic research and work together to truly drive the development and implementation of core, in-depth, and industrialized AI.

This article is a special column of Yicai Moments, representing the author's personal views only

Foshan Zhiji LS6 hot promotion, the highest discount of 10,000! Not to be missed

Recently, the preferential promotion channel in Foshan, car home has brought you a popular model-a limited-time special event. It is reported that this medium and large SUV model is currently in the process of price reduction promotion, and the highest discount amount has reached 10,000 yuan. The most surprising thing is that the minimum starting price is only 219,900 yuan, which makes this high-end model more intimate. If you are interested in Zhiji LS6, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Zhiji LS6 is a stylish and dynamic SUV. Its front face design uses a large area of chrome decoration and streamlined lines, creating a strong visual impact. The air intake grille adopts a unique star-shaped design, which complements the overall style of the car body and shows the brand’s personality and fashion sense. The body lines are smooth and dynamic, and the roof adopts suspended design, coupled with the unique C-pillar design, which further highlights the aesthetic feeling of the whole vehicle. The side of the car body is also equipped with large-sized wheels and wide tires, which further highlights the sporty feeling of the car. In terms of interior, Zhiji LS6 adopts a luxurious and comfortable design style, equipped with a large central control screen and a full LCD instrument panel, so that drivers can better control the situation of the whole vehicle. The whole vehicle adopts intelligent driver assistance system and safety configuration as standard, providing drivers with a safer and more comfortable driving experience.

Zhiji LS6 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4904*1988*1669mm and a wheelbase of 2950mm. The body lines are smooth, showing a dynamic and steady style. The front tread is 1698mm, the rear tread is 1707mm, the front tyre size is 235/50 R20, and the rear tyre size is 255/45 R20. The matching of tires and rims makes the whole body more atmospheric. The lines on the side of the car are simple and smooth, showing the sense of fashion and sports of Zhiji LS6.

The interior design of Zhiji LS6 is very exquisite, using high-quality materials and advanced technology to bring comfortable driving experience to drivers and passengers. The steering wheel is made of genuine leather, which makes it feel comfortable. At the same time, it supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for the driver to adjust to the most comfortable position. The size of the central control screen has reached 26.3 inches, and the display effect is very clear. It supports the voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning, which is convenient for drivers to operate. The front seats are equipped with heating and ventilation functions, the driver’s seat also supports the memory function of electric seats, the auxiliary seats support the functions of front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the second row seats support backrest adjustment. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion, which increases the flexibility of space. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C and USB interfaces, which are convenient for passengers to charge.

Zhiji LS6 is an electric SUV with excellent power performance. The maximum engine power reaches 231 kW and the maximum torque is as high as 450 N m.. This makes it show excellent performance during acceleration and driving. At the same time, Zhiji LS6 also has an efficient electric drive system, which can provide a smooth and quiet driving experience. In addition, Zhiji LS6 also adopts advanced battery technology and intelligent charging system to bring users a longer cruising range and a more convenient charging experience. In a word, the engine performance of Zhiji LS6 is excellent, which can meet the user’s demand for driving performance and comfort.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that she spoke highly of the appearance and sense of science and technology of Zhiji LS6. The design of Zhiji LS6 is really attractive, full of modernity and avant-garde. In addition, Zhiji LS6 also has excellent performance and advanced technology, which is one of the reasons why it has attracted much attention. No matter in appearance, performance or technology, Zhiji LS6 has demonstrated its strength and charm. We look forward to more car owners driving the Zhiji LS6 in person and feeling the surprise and fun it brings.

My gym is closed! There is no shortage of fat, can you get the money back?

  Beijing, Nov. 8 (Xinhua): My gym is closed! There is no shortage of fat, can you get the money back?

  "Swimming and fitness, get to know it", we can always hear the call of "kindness" in the streets and near the subway station.

  However, the gym is like a "love rat". Before you get a card, you are obedient. After you get a card, you just ignore it. If you are not careful, you may "disappear" without a trace.

Data Map: Young people gather in the gym to train in full swing. Photo by Zhong Xin

  "My gym suddenly closed."

  "Come on, turn around, do high-temperature yoga sit-ups, spin pilates, and soak medlar in a thermos; Come on, take a deep breath, swim a few meters in fun run in the morning, and paddle a dumbbell rowing machine. Don’t give up until you reach your goal. "

  The lyrics of Calories can be said to be a true portrayal of contemporary people’s fitness.

  In order to realize "vest line", "A4 waist" and "peach hip" … … Many people "send" money into the gym, hoping to achieve an S-shaped figure and eight-pack abdominal muscles.

  But now, many people find that the gym has quietly closed before losing a layer of fat. He Yuan, who went to college in Changsha, Hunan, encountered this situation.

  He Yuan said, "Before, Changsha Star Burning Olympic Sports Gymnasium held an activity, saying that it was a full refund after the card was issued, and it was returned in ten times and ten months. I got the card in June. Now I have only returned 6,700 yuan, and 12,000 yuan has not returned, and the gym is closed. "

  In the face of substantial discounts in the gym, He Yuan is not without doubt. "I asked many times at the time, and the coach said that the boss was hard in the background. When running private classes, too, private education has been selling for performance, and stressed that nothing will happen, and it will be heart-warming when talking. " What’s more, He Yuan felt that spending a lot of money didn’t produce any effect.

Data map: People exercise in the gym. China News Service reporter Yin Liqin photo

  Zhang Lin, who lives in Wuhan, Hubei Province, also suffered from the closure of the gym and the fact that the money could not be refunded. "Before, I gave two two-year cards to the elderly at home at the Jijian Swimming and Fitness Club on the second floor of Poly Huadu in Yangjiawan, Wuhan. I swam three or five times a month, and the fitness equipment was basically unused. Less than a year now, the gym is closed and I want a refund. The boss said that I have no money and I have to go through the bankruptcy process. "

  "Recently, many gyms have closed down, mainly because the market environment is not good. Now it is common for four or five gyms to appear in two kilometers in Fiona Fang, and the competitive pressure is growing." Xiao Zhu, a gym coach in Beijing, told reporters. According to the report of Forward-looking Research Institute, the fitness industry is currently experiencing a middle-aged crisis, and more than 60% of traditional gymnasiums are facing difficulties in operation and face losses or even closure.

  Prepaid card "pie" becomes "trap"

  There are quite a few consumers who have experienced similar cases with He Yuan and Zhang Lin. According to the "Analysis of Complaints Accepted by the National Consumers Association in the First Half of 2019" published by the China Consumers Association, there were 7,738 complaints about fitness services, and the number of complaints increased by 72.6% year-on-year. "The main reason for the large increase in complaints about fitness services is that merchants run away after prepaid cards, causing group complaints."

  The White Paper on Fitness Industry in 2018-2019 also shows that in 2018, a total of 3,099 gymnasiums were closed, with a closing rate of 4.36%, and 528 gymnasiums were closed within one year after their establishment.

  In 2019, Haosha, a brand with a history of 20 years, became a landmark event. Due to the failure of capital operation, almost all the 160 stores and 300,000 members of Haosha Fitness were closed or transferred, and the employees and member consumers of Haosha Fitness became the buyers.

People exercise in the gym. China News Service reporter Yin Liqin photo

  At present, Shi Hongliu, the chairman of Haosha International, and Shi Hongyan, the legal representative of Quanzhou Haosha Fitness Club Co., Ltd. have all been listed as untrustworthy by the court, involving more than 1.2 billion yuan.

  "In order to recover the huge investment in the early stage as soon as possible, traditional gyms tend to choose the business model of oversold annual cards (prepaid cards): after the new store landed, it set a higher retail price and launched a low-priced annual card, which formed a large number of advance receipts, and then expanded the new store with the advance receipts, thus falling into an inertia cycle.

  "Buy one year and get half a year", "50% discount card purchase", "mega promotion" and "rebate". In recent years, in order to compete for customers, various preferential activities have emerged one after another in gyms. Once the annual card is issued, some netizens said that the coach will be screaming around you that the movements are not standard and you can’t train, so you can buy private lessons.

A coach commented in Weibo.

  "The oversold annual card model is a bet between the gym and customers. The bet is that customers who apply for annual cards will not come to the gym often." A gym coach said that the advance payment quickly brought huge cash flow.

  There are even criminals who temporarily rent the platform, use the guise of "new store is about to open" or "renovation and upgrading" in the gym, and use low prices or card preferential activities to fool consumers into buying pre-sale cards. Once they receive funds, they will quickly roll up the money and run away.

  "Advance payment is not a profit. Advance payment is used to fill the upfront investment, and it also pays for future membership services, personnel salaries, equipment maintenance and other costs." An industry analyst said that due to high operating costs, blind expansion and other reasons, once the capital chain breaks, it can only be closed.

  Can I get the prepaid money back?

  He Yuan recalled, "One month before closing, it was in the cashback period. As a result, the gym said that the funds were not enough and they would receive it together next month. If only I had paid more attention to it at that time. " Zhang Lin, who ran a member’s gym, was in arrears with the rent of more than 330 thousand yuan and was sent a collection notice by the mall.

  Looking at it comprehensively, consumers need to pay more attention to whether the gym rent is paid in full, whether the staff salary is paid on time, whether the funds can be turned over, etc., to judge whether there are business problems. But once the enterprise closes, how to deal with the advance payment? There are relevant provisions in the law.

  For example, Article 107 of the Contract Law stipulates that if a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or fails to meet the contract obligations, it shall bear the liabilities for breach of contract such as continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses;

  Article 53 of the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests stipulates that if an operator provides goods or services in advance, but fails to provide them in accordance with the agreement, it shall fulfill the agreement or return the advance payment according to the requirements of consumers.

A "shared fitness cabin" in a residential area in Lanzhou. China News Service reporter Yang Yanmin photo

  "These two laws are still in the category of civil and commercial law, and the mandatory restrictions on operators are not enough." Yan Bing, director of Beijing Yuntong Law Firm, told reporters that gyms are basically small and micro enterprises, and it is difficult to find people whether they are closed down or running away. Unless it is in the name of opening a gym, it is a fraud in criminal law to collect money and run away.

  Qiu Baochang, a member of the Expert Committee of the China Consumers Association and a lawyer of Beijing Huijia Law Firm, suggested taking precautions, setting up a special account or condominium account for advance payment, setting up a deposit, and regularly announcing the use of advance payment to consumers to ensure consumers’ rights and interests. (He Yuan and Zhang Lin are pseudonyms in the text)

  (Author: Xie Yiguan)

Haiyuan, Ningxia: Deciphering the Ecological Password of Increasing Potato Income

  On August 10th, there was a soaking rain in Hongyang country, Haiyuan County, zhongwei City, Ningxia.

  Yang Hongqin, a villager in Anbao Village, walked out of her yard. She looked at the moon mountain covered with green mountains and sighed that the rain has been getting better and better in recent years, and it rained almost once a week recently. When the vegetation is lush, small animals such as ground squirrels, pheasants, rabbits and so on are "hidden" by thick vegetation.

  At one time, the soil on the slope couldn’t hold any moisture, and the 5-inch-long weasel could see clearly from the hillside. It was a time when one side of the soil and water couldn’t support one side. Cao Yuhu, the "shopkeeper" of Yang Hongqin’s family, was playing weasel with the villagers on this barren slope at that time. Although it was interesting, the life was sad.

  There is little rain, and potatoes, which are the "protagonists" of mountain people’s diet, are sometimes never harvested, not to mention wheat and beans. This year, in the 15-mu potato field in Yang Hongqin’s home, the roots are half a person’s height, and the purple and white potato flowers are arranged neatly.

Yang Hongqin works with all kinds of fresh vegetables in her garden. Zhang heshe

  "The thicker the potato vine, the bigger it is, indicating that the potato grows better. In recent years, the rain has been good, and the soil here is mainly black loessial soil and calcareous soil. The rainfall is mainly concentrated in July, August and September. The precipitation law is consistent with the potato tuber expansion period, which is very conducive to potato yield increase. " Pang Shenggang, secretary of the Party branch of Anbao Village, introduced.

  Although October is the potato harvest season, at this time, Pang Shenggang’s tone is firm: potatoes will definitely be harvested this year. Some potatoes dug out of the ground not long ago are big.

  In the past two years, Hongyang Township has built a potato seed breeding base in Machang Natural Village, Anbao Village, to realize self-propagation and self-sufficiency of high-quality virus-free seed potatoes. Looking at Hongyang Township, the whole township takes potatoes as the leading industry, and has built nearly 6,000 mu of potato first-class seed potato promotion demonstration zone, with a total of 58,000 mu of potato planting, an increase of more than 10,000 mu over last year.

  The increase of potato income is inseparable from the integration of new technologies and the promotion of new varieties, but it is also inseparable from the weather. Potato is a dry crop, but there is also a demand for rain. With less rain, the yield of potato is low, and the yield is naturally affected. In recent years, Hongyang Township has continuously promoted the potato industry. In addition to being suitable for planting potatoes, the increasing rainfall year by year has also increased the confidence of Hongyang people in planting potatoes.

Under the moon, grass grows and warblers fly. Zhang heshe

  Xihaigu is short of water, and Hongyang Township is no exception.

  Once, it was the collective memory of the villagers that the rain could not be stored and the soil erosion was serious. A flood in 1989 was firmly "nailed" in the memory of Yin Xuefeng, deputy head of Hongyang Township. The flood poured down the mountain, reaching the deepest point of 2 meters, which made many farmers’ water cellars "overflow". After the flood, except for the washed-out crops and silted rivers, the hills are still desolate.

  When will this bitter day end? The change began around 2003, when the villagers were told to close the mountain to prohibit grazing and not to put sheep on the mountain. Since October 2002, all cities and counties in Ningxia have started to close grazing. By 2003, the whole region had closed mountains to close grazing, and 3.8 million shepherds had been released "down the mountain", and domestic animals and sheep had been kept in captivity.

Under the moon, grass grows and warblers fly. Zhang heshe

  At first, some villagers didn’t understand that after so many years, who can change the soil and water in this area? However, the power of time proves everything.

  Over the years, Hongyang Township has returned 50,000 mu of farmland to forests, managed 13.6 kilometers of rivers, and continued to implement the policy of grazing prohibition and enclosure. Through specific measures such as changing sloping fields into terraces and keeping water from going downhill, the ecology will be restored. The villagers gradually discovered that the once barren hills and slopes were covered with vegetation, and the ecological migration was also taken over by nature. The most intuitive embodiment is that the rainfall is increasing year by year, and the average rainfall in previous years is 300— 400 mm, since 2016, the rainfall has become more abundant, reaching 750 mm in 2019, forming a unique regional microclimate, leaning against Nanhua Mountain in the north, and the mountains and rivers in Hongyang Township are flying.

  Cao Yuhu and Yang Hongqin took off the "hat" of the poor households who set up the card through policy assistance and hard work, and built a new house in 2018. Today, more than 70 sheep and 15 acres of potato land are the stable sources of income at home. Cao Yuhu works odd jobs in the village with the welding skills learned in the skills training class organized by the village. Three children grow up and go to school outside, and their lives are full of flavor. "Now let’s drive the sheep up the mountain. I won’t do it. I can’t bear to part with such a beautiful mountain." Yang Hongqin said.

  Duan Fuqiang, Party Secretary of Hongyang Township, said, "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. Through persistent ecological restoration, the improvement of the ecological environment that the people really feel directly drives farmers to increase their income. In the future, we will continue to lead the masses to a well-off society and live a better life by improving the ecology. " (Correspondent Zhang Heguang Daily, all-media reporter Zhang Wenpan)

Green financial point "green" into "gold"

  Core reading

  Green finance has great potential in supporting environmental improvement, coping with climate change and saving and efficient use of resources. In recent years, Chongqing has always adhered to the concept of "two mountains", focused on developing green finance, established a "Yangtze River Green Financing" green financial big data integrated service system, promoted a long-term mechanism for the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and built a green development system. With the implementation of innovative reform measures, economic benefits and ecological benefits have gradually become prominent.

  "The crops in the field are not growing well, and the villagers rely on the mountains to eat mountains and stare at the trees on the mountains." Talking about previous years’ experience, Xie Changlin, a villager from Hongan Village, Lantian Township, Chengkou County, Chongqing, shook his head.

  Seeing the environment getting worse day by day, the government decided to carry out ecological relocation. But there is no money in hand, how can you move out? After learning the situation, Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank developed a new mode of rural property mortgage financing after investigation, and handled "beautiful countryside Housing Loan" for local farmers. With money, farmers transform and decorate their houses, and some people also open farmhouses to attract summer tourists around them and have a tourist meal at their doorstep.

  From the declaration and creation in early 2019 to the final approval of the green financial reform and innovation pilot zone in August this year, Chongqing’s green development has continuously taken new steps. By the end of September 2022, the balance of green loans in the city reached 497.233 billion yuan, 2.8 times that of the beginning of 2019, up 40.2% year-on-year, 32.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans in the city; Green loans accounted for nearly 10% of the balance of various loans, a significant increase of 4.5 percentage points compared with the beginning of 2019; The balance of green bonds exceeded 35.7 billion yuan, 2.7 times that of the beginning of 2019.

  Look at the benefits — —

  Inclusive effect, green finance and ecological civilization blend and help each other

  From garbage incineration power generation to sewage treatment, from comprehensive improvement of waterfront coastline to energy-saving and environmental protection transformation, from green transportation industry credit to beautiful countryside housing credit support & HELIP; … In recent years, green finance has become the key development direction of major banks in Chongqing.

  Fengdu County, located in the hinterland of the Three Gorges reservoir area, is rich in wind energy resources and attracts many wind power projects. The outstanding characteristics of green projects are long term and low income, especially the need for long-term credit funds. "I didn’t pay much attention to wind power a few years ago. With the development of green finance, banks are now rushing to invest. Green finance means quality assets for our bank. " The relevant person in charge of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Company told the reporter.

  In Lianhuashan Wind Farm in Fengdu County, a fan stands on the rolling hills, and the long fan blades are constantly turning. At the beginning of this year, the third-phase wind power project of Lianhuashan and Wudongyan invested by Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank started construction. It is planned to be connected to the grid for power generation by the end of this year, with a total installed capacity of 80,000 kilowatts and a total investment of 600 million yuan. It is estimated that the annual power generation will be 160 million kWh, which can supply green power energy to 80,000 households every year, save 47,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 123,000 tons.

  "We will persist in developing clean energy and build Fengdu into a ‘ Green battery ’ 。” Deng Qinghua, director of the Development and Reform Commission of Fengdu County, told reporters that with the support of green finance, Fengdu will attract investment to introduce a number of clean energy projects, continuously optimize the energy supply structure, and strive to build a clean energy demonstration base in Chongqing by 2035.

  Look at the practice — —

  Form a mechanism to solve the problem of project identification

  "It’s hard to imagine that we were still worried about project funds last year." Standing in the ecological tea garden in Dingshi Town, Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Luo Li, the project leader, was filled with emotion. In April, 2021, the project was still in the stage of development and construction, with a large initial investment, and "poor money" became an insurmountable hurdle. Just when there was nothing to do, Chongqing Bank took the initiative to find the door and provided credit support.

  "Identifying green projects is not an easy job. In the past, several indicators needed to be identified manually, which was very inefficient. " Tian Pan, the account manager of Chongqing Bank, told the reporter, "Now there is ‘ Yangtze River Lvrongtong ’ The system can automatically calculate the environmental benefits of the project, and the efficiency is greatly improved. The ecological tea garden project was pushed to us by the system. "

  The "Yangtze River Green Financing" in Tian Pankou is a green financial big data comprehensive service system created by Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank. "We work with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment to formulate the evaluation criteria for green projects (enterprises). Based on this, we embed the intelligent identification function of green financial standards in the system and release the identified green financing demand information to financial institutions in a timely manner." Han Xintao, deputy director of the Financial Research Department of Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank, told the reporter, "With this system, in the past, enterprises were looking for banks, and now banks are looking for enterprises."

  At present, the "Yangtze River Green Financing" system has been connected to all branches under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Business Management Department of the People’s Bank of China and some district and county governments, and connected to nearly 100 financial institutions, helping the city to form a long-term mechanism of "government recommended projects+green smart identification+system push projects+independent docking of banks". By the end of September, 2022, the system had collected and launched 1,860 green projects (enterprises) at the municipal, district and county levels, among which nearly 1,000 projects were successfully connected with banks.

  Look at development — —

  Transformation and upgrading, building a green development system

  "I didn’t expect that pollution rights can also be loaned, and the interest rate is more favorable than general loans." After successfully obtaining the pledge loan of 100 million yuan from Chongqing Bank for emission rights, the relevant person in charge of Chongqing International Composite Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "International Composite Materials") could not help feeling.

  International composite materials is a "green factory" in the glass fiber industry assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. By introducing advanced waste treatment technologies at home and abroad, pollutants are effectively controlled. After learning that the enterprise has the capital demand to expand the scale of production and operation, the credit staff of Chongqing Bank took the initiative to come to the door to match the emission pledge loan product, which changed the emission right of the enterprise from a "sleeping asset" to a "flowing fund", promoted the enterprise’s energy conservation and emission reduction, and helped improve the ecological environment.

  "The specific connotation of green finance in different regions should be combined with the actual situation of local industries." Huang Yingjun, a professor at the School of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, believes that "Chongqing is one of the six old industrial bases in China, facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and always emphasizes promoting the coordinated development of green industries and green finance."

  In recent years, Chongqing has made great efforts to innovate mechanisms to promote financial institutions to accelerate the "low-carbon" allocation of financial resources, promote the rapid growth of the scale of green finance, and help the real economy accelerate the green transformation.

  Relying on self-regulatory organizations in the financial industry, Chongqing advocates financial institutions to disclose environmental information from the perspectives of green financial development plan, green loan investment and carbon emission reduction generated by loans. In 2022, 75 financial institutions in the city disclosed the annual environmental information in 2021, among which 30 institutions added green project loans in 2021 with an average carbon emission reduction of 489,800 tons. At the same time, the data of green loans, green bonds, green financial leases and green bills of financial institutions are collected monthly, and a green performance evaluation table is generated according to the requirements of the Green Finance Evaluation Plan for Banking Financial Institutions of the People’s Bank of China, which is included in the rating of financial institutions of the central bank, and a total of 2 billion yuan of "green easy loans" and 5 billion yuan of "green ticket pass" rediscount tools are provided to encourage them to increase capital investment in green projects.

  A steady stream of financial living water is constantly helping Chongqing’s industrial transformation and upgrading — — In Chongqing Liangjiang New District, relying on the mature automobile industry system with an annual output of nearly one million units, explore the development of automobile green supply chain finance; In Nan ‘an District, Guangyang Island Zhichuang Eco-city will carry out the construction of financial support zero-carbon demonstration zone; In Wanzhou District, carry out the product innovation of financial support for ecological agriculture and recreational tourism … …

  "In the future, Chongqing will continue to promote supply-side structural reforms and upgrade traditional manufacturing industries. Green transformation is imperative and green finance has a broad space for development." Huang Yingjun told reporters.

A group of children’s Christmas wishes were very touching.

Original Lens WeLens

Christmas is only a week away. Who will you spend Christmas with, prepare Christmas gifts and wishes?

A month or two before Christmas every year, a steady stream of letters will pour into 123 Elf Road North Pole, and the recipient is the legendary Santa Claus who will quietly send Christmas gifts to children.

In this letter, children will share their year’s harvest with an old friend they will never meet, and make a wish to post the letter before Christmas, silently expecting that when they wake up on Christmas Day, they can see the long-awaited gift at the bedside.

Of course, this Santa Claus is not real, and letters will not be sent to the North Pole, although many children do believe it. In fact, this is the annual Operation Santa organized by USPS, in order to provide Christmas gifts to families who may not be able to provide more than their basic daily needs.

Children’s Christmas wishes are big or small. Some people want toys, some people want a greeting card, and some people just want a hug, and they don’t forget to tell Santa Claus to wear masks and gloves. ……


Want to be happy!

Toys, game consoles and so on are naturally at the forefront of children’s wish list. However, before expressing their wishes, children will also talk about their performance this year.

"I have grown into a good boy this year.

I can count from 1 to 100 and recognize all 26 letters.

I want a cool hot wheels car. "

"I hope you and everyone in the Arctic have had the best year.

I want Lego’s Destiny’s Bounty toy this year.

I have always done well and studied hard at school.

I wish you a safe journey on Christmas Eve. "

"Merry Christmas to you in advance! I know you’re busy,

But I hope you can read this letter.

It was written by my brother and me.

We are all good children, and sometimes we fight.

But we still love each other.

We want to share a Switch together.

I know it will cost a lot of money,

So it’s okay if you don’t get it. "

"I want a real elf friend forever,

He’d better bring a small house with him,

There are beds, toilets, bathtubs, showers and the like.

"Please come and play with me. We can play anything.

If you want to bring me a present, I’ll wear a size 3 dress. "

Some children don’t want gifts, and even want to give gifts to Santa Claus.

"You are the best!

I want to be happy at Christmas! "

"When I wrote this letter to you, I was not very happy.

I hope you can answer a few questions:

1. Am I a vampire?

2. Are you the first person on earth? "

"Please put the gift,

To boys and girls all over the world.

Thank you. "

"I know I didn’t perform particularly well this year.

So it doesn’t matter if my Christmas stockings are empty.

Did someone tell you that you are the best?

I always believed that you were real, and no one else believed you.

They think their parents played you.


Please always believe in yourself.

P.S. I want to be the one who gives you a gift, so come on! "

Many children will also put their own paintings on it. Although the level of paintings is uneven, there will be occasional typos, but they are full of sincerity.


Please give mom a present, too.

Some children want Santa Claus to give gifts to their mothers or other family members.

"Santa Claus, when you come.

Please give my mother a big hug.

She really needs it. She works too hard. "

"I am writing this letter because I want to do something special for my mother.

Every year, my mother asks me to write down a Christmas wish list.

But we never asked her what she wanted.

My mother likes cooking. She told me that she wanted to go back to school to learn this.

Mom has lost her job, and she has been doing her best.

So if you can, can you give mom a laptop?

So that she can go to school. I really want to achieve this,

She always told me to pursue my dreams,

I also want her to realize her dream. "

"I’m sorry if I misspelled your name,

I want a floating skateboard this Christmas.

But what I want most is my mother.

Work can be smoother, don’t be blamed again.

I think she should be treated well. "

"This year has been too difficult because of the coronavirus.

But I expect to receive some Lego toys.

Because my mother said that she couldn’t give me a present this Christmas,

She hasn’t received her salary for a long time, so she can’t afford anything.

Because she takes care of us, gives us food and works hard.

So I hope she gets something,

Like a Christmas card. "

"I don’t need anything for Christmas,

But my brother needs a new pair of shoes.

His shoes are broken. "

"I wonder if we can make Christmas a day earlier?

Because my father works on Christmas Day,

He is a fireman,

So I’m not at home on Christmas day.

If he can be at home on Christmas day,

We would be very grateful. "


It’s so hard this year ……

This year, everyone has had a hard time, and the children are no exception. So there are also some sad stories in the letter.

"It’s hard this year. I lost my father and grandfather.

My mother is going through a very difficult time.

I hope you can give her some happiness. "

"What I want most this year is that my family can be reunited.

Mom and I are really having a hard time.

Can you help us out?

I hope you can write back to me,

And I want you to know

My family is really important to me. "

What is even more touching is that children still have hope for life.

"Please be careful this year.

You should wear a mask and gloves, because the epidemic remains.

I have some bad news.

My mother and sister died,

My angel dog died, too.

I love her so much!

I lay down next to her and held her until she left.

I shouldn’t be so unhappy in a happy letter.

I remain hopeful and grateful.

You have always given us a lot of support.

My family and I love you very much. Thank you for your efforts. "

"There’s some bad news,

One of my classmates went to heaven because of cancer.

I’m so sad.

But I’m slowly recovering.

Let’s think of something happy _


Give everyone a hug, Santa Claus. "


Maybe we don’t need Christmas presents.

There are also many children who say that they don’t want Christmas presents. Because they still have some bigger wishes.

"I don’t think everyone said thank you to you.

You sacrificed your life for the happiness of your children.

That’s amazing. You are really great.

Never forget this.

As for gifts? If I had to choose a gift,

That’s a donation to charity.

Shelters for the homeless, public libraries, anything.

Because what better gift than peace and happiness on earth? "

"This year I want to:

The epidemic is over and the world is at peace.

The climate is under control, and the new X box game machine. "

"P.S., it doesn’t matter if I don’t receive any gifts.

Let’s get everyone fed and clothed before giving gifts. "

I hope you can send toys to the children in the hospital.

And those children who live on the streets. "

"Can you don’t your Christmas present? I just want a card.

I really want a gift,

But I don’t want to be the only one laughing this year.

I hope others can smile,

Like someone who’s homeless.

So please,

What I want this Christmas is

A smile. "

"Dear Santa Claus,

Do you support the LGBTQ group?

If you can talk to God,

Can you tell me that I love him?

Ask him if he still loves me if I’m gay. "

I don’t want anything this Christmas,

But if I may, I also want to ask you a favor:

Please find a cure for Covid-19,

Give it to us and save the world.

Thank you. "


Be a "volunteer" for Santa Claus

In fact, this is the 108th year of Operation Santa Claus.

Every year before Christmas, the post office can receive many letters sent to the nonexistent Santa Claus. In 1912, Frank Hitchcock, the postmaster, wanted to do something good for the community, so he suggested opening and answering these letters to Santa Claus.

At first, only the local post office and citizens wrote letters and gave small gifts to the children who wrote letters. Later, some commercial companies and charities joined in, and gradually formed an annual fixed project-"Santa Claus Action".

"The US Postal Service receives thousands of letters to the North Pole every year.

The workload was too heavy, so Santa asked the post office to find some volunteers to help. "

They set a special address for Santa Claus and began to accept letters one or two months before Christmas. Everyone can write to Santa Claus, but the project will especially help families and children in need. Gifts will be sent before the festival to ensure that the writer can receive them before Christmas.

Over the years, the US post office has received hundreds of thousands of letters. In the past two years, activities have begun to expand to more and more cities. More and more "volunteers" of Santa Claus have joined in, and there are some children among the volunteers.

This year, due to the epidemic situation, the post office simply digitized all the letters it received and published them on the official website People can browse these letters at will and "claim" any number of letters they want to reply to, so as to help the children or families who write letters realize their holiday wishes.

Up to now, more than 20 thousand letters have been claimed this year. Many people are moved and encouraged by the contents of the children’s letters and try their best to help them realize their wishes.

Kim Frum, a spokesman for Santa Claus, said, "This year, more families may be affected financially and emotionally. If you can provide even the slightest help or a spark of happiness to those in need, it means the whole world to them. "

After sending gifts, Santa’s "volunteers" will also receive special commemorative cards.

Indeed, everyone has had a hard time this year. But when I saw the little wishes and great expectations of the children in their letters to Santa Claus, I found that they were still naive and hopeful after this special year.

And this kind of mutual help and persistence in the face of crisis is probably the real meaning of Christmas.

Perhaps, this Christmas, we can not only be the one waiting for gifts, but also help some people in need to realize their Christmas wishes.

Main reference materials:

The United States Postal Service and the Spirit of Santa

Original title: "A group of children’s Christmas wishes, which is very touching."

Recently, I want to buy a car and change it. The three most worthwhile cars in 2023 are coming.

In recent years, with the continuous development of automobile technology, many new models have been introduced by major manufacturers, some of which have attracted much attention at the end of the year. This paper will comprehensively analyze three high-profile models from different angles, namely Nissan Sylphy, Tesla Model Y and Volkswagen LaVida.

appearance design

First of all, let’s take a look at the design of these three models.

Nissan Sylphy is highly praised for its dynamic appearance. The body lines are smooth, dynamic and steady, giving people a visual impact with a sense of fashion and luxury. Tesla Model Y adopts a fashionable design concept, and its unique lines and bold appearance make it a beautiful landscape on the road.

Volkswagen LaVida attracts attention with its exquisite appearance, and every detail has been carefully carved, making the overall appearance more luxurious and atmospheric.

Luxury of interior

In addition to the appearance, the interior design of the vehicle is also an important factor to consider when buying a car. Nissan Sylphy also performed well in the interior, and the sense of luxury was beyond words.

Selected materials and exquisite craftsmanship make the interior space a private luxury space for drivers and passengers. The interior design of Tesla Model Y highlights the sense of fashion and technology. The large central control screen and high-quality interior materials give people a sense of the future. Volkswagen LaVida, on the other hand, takes its luxury interior as its selling point, and its wood grain decoration and high-grade seats make driving a luxury enjoyment.

Configuration richness

In terms of configuration, these three models also strive to stand out in the same class. Nissan Sylphy is rich in configuration, including advanced safety system, intelligent driving assistance and other functions, providing drivers with a more comprehensive car experience.

Tesla Model Y has attracted much attention for its leading electric vehicle technology. Its advanced automatic driving system and strong endurance make it one step ahead in technology configuration. Volkswagen LaVida, on the other hand, pays attention to safety performance and is equipped with advanced driver assistance system, which makes driving more secure.

Cost performance analysis

When buying a car, consumers often pay more attention to cost performance.

Nissan Sylphy shows excellent cost performance with its dynamic appearance, luxurious interior and rich configuration. Although the price of Tesla Model Y is high, its advanced electric vehicle technology and endurance offset the high price to some extent. Volkswagen LaVida provides a good choice for consumers with its plain price and rich configuration.

Comparison of endurance

In the current trend of electric vehicles, endurance has become a crucial indicator. Tesla Model Y stands out with its strong endurance, providing consumers with longer driving mileage, making electric vehicles a more practical means of transportation.

In contrast, Nissan Sylphy and Volkswagen LaVida are slightly inferior in this respect. Although they are sufficient in daily use, there is still room for improvement compared with the future development trend of electric vehicles.

Safety performance comparison

In the automotive field, safety performance has always been the focus of consumers’ attention.

These three models have excellent performance in safety performance. Nissan Sylphy has passed the advanced safety system and a number of safety tests to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers. Tesla Model Y provides drivers with more comprehensive protection with its intelligent driver assistance system and advanced collision safety technology.

Volkswagen LaVida also pays attention to safety performance and is equipped with a number of driver assistance systems to make driving more secure and reliable.

Based on the above analysis, Nissan Sylphy, Tesla Model Y and Volkswagen LaVida each have unique advantages in design, interior luxury, configuration richness, cost performance, endurance and safety performance.

When buying a car, consumers can weigh the advantages and disadvantages of these aspects according to their personal needs and preferences, and choose the model that best meets their own needs. With the continuous progress of science and technology, the automobile industry will also usher in more innovations and changes, and the future models will be more intelligent, environmentally friendly and safe, providing consumers with a richer driving experience.