Heavy policy is strong! The smart car sector slammed on the "throttle" and subdivided the industry chain leader.

The intelligent networked car is going on the road.

On November 2nd, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with the Ministry of Public Security, organized and drafted the Notice on Piloting the Access and Road Traffic of Intelligent Networked Vehicles (Draft for Comment). The "Notice" proposes that the two departments will select qualified road motor vehicle manufacturers and intelligent networked automobile products with automatic driving function with mass production conditions to carry out pilot access; For the intelligent networked automobile products that have passed the access pilot, the road traffic pilot will be carried out in the limited public road area of the pilot city.

Boosted by this news, the concept of A-share intelligent networked car went up collectively on November 2nd, and Qiming Information gained 2 consecutive boards. Many stocks such as Luchang Technology and Zhejiang Shibao went straight up to the daily limit.

Intelligent networked automobile industry has entered a "new era"

The intelligent networked car can process the data received by its sensors and accurately control the car, which can effectively reduce the traffic problems caused by drunk driving, speeding and other violations, improve the convenience of travel and realize intelligent transportation. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, smart cars can also effectively help the existing transportation industry to realize innovations such as automatic ports and intelligent freight transportation under closed road sections.

The core difference between the intelligent car and the traditional car lies in the automatic driving assistance system, the intelligent cockpit system and the car networking system. The most obvious features are intelligence, networking and platform. That is, intelligent cars are equipped with intelligent cameras, lidar and other sensing terminals, intelligent operating systems and artificial intelligence chips to realize over-the-horizon data acquisition and automatic driving; Networking means that cars are fully interconnected with people, cars, roads and clouds through on-board units to realize data interconnection; Platform is the realization of vehicle-related services such as traffic management and information services, and gradually migrates to the cloud platform.

The upstream enterprises of the intelligent automobile industry chain include the manufacturing industries of perception, control and communication systems, and their main products include chips, radars, maps, etc. The midstream enterprises include executive system manufacturing industry, and the main products include intelligent central control panel, etc. Downstream is mainly the service industry of development, testing and operation.

In recent years, the state has continuously paid more attention to smart cars, and Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing and other places have issued relevant policies to support the development of intelligent networked cars and related industries. Among them, the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on the Administration of Intelligent Networked Vehicles came into effect on August 1st this year. This is the first regulation on the administration of intelligent networked vehicles in China, which clearly defines the access rules, road rights, rights and responsibilities of automatic driving. The Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Innovation and Development of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Shanghai deploys key areas such as car gauge chip, artificial intelligence algorithm, laser radar, on-board operating system, intelligent computing platform, and drive-by-wire execution system, etc., and promotes supporting construction such as car-road coordination. It is proposed that the industrial scale will reach 500 billion yuan by 2025, and L2 and L3 cars will account for more than 70% of new car production.

It is understood that nearly 30 cities across the country have issued more than 1,000 road test licenses for more than 80 enterprises. High-grade intelligent networked cars have carried out large-scale manned test demonstrations in specific scenes and special areas. In addition, 17 state-level test demonstration zones, 4 state-level vehicle networking pilot zones, and 16 pilot cities for smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles have been built nationwide. Forty-four provinces and prefecture-level cities have issued detailed implementation rules for road testing, completed more than 3,500 kilometers of intelligent road reconstruction, and built 2 million 5G base stations, expanding from single road testing to regional demonstration, and gradually promoting industrial scale and commercial development.

What other industrial chain stocks are worth looking forward to?

At present, the strong support of the policy guides the autonomous driving industry to usher in a rapid development, and the trend of localization substitution brings new opportunities to domestic manufacturers. The field of smart cars is becoming a strategic highland of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution. With the continuous maturity of autonomous driving technology and the improvement of upstream algorithms and chip computing capabilities, the future cost is expected to be further reduced, and the profitability of the industry is expected to be significantly improved. The intelligent networked automobile industry will usher in a golden period of development, and listed companies in related technical fields are also expected to welcome the market:

Intelligent cockpit field:

Huayang Group, Desai Xiwei, Zhongke Chuangda and Junsheng Electronics

Intelligent driving field:

Baolong Technology, Huayu Automobile, Bethel, NavInfo

What can one server do?

A wave of 1500 people were organized before the activities of Alibaba Cloud servers, and 200 people were organized. But I am not organized now.

But when organizing this activity, I learned that everyone has a common question:Is this server use? ?

When it comes to the server, many people may say distributed, do calculation, crawl, and procedure background service, multi-person cooperation, etc.

In fact, these ordinary people can not use it, I will say that everyone can use it.

Everyone must have a work folder when you work, the students are your own courseware, exam, prepare for interview, and so on.

The friend who has already worked, there will be a file that puts your own important document, MarkDown, Pictures, Resume, etc.

Such an important folder, and we have to update every day, and we are worried about the computer is lost, or it is broken, suddenly these are not seen.

So we want to back up.

There is also our frequent personal computers and working computers to synchronize some private information, rather than passing on WeChat.

These are the use scenarios of Git private service, and it is very easy to use.

Everyone also knows GitHub, Gitee can also engage in private warehouses to back up, synchronous files, but their documents may put a lot of important information, including their own passwords, key classes, and put it above. It is not necessarily safe. You are not afraid of which major bugs will leak your information [wit]

More crossed, GitHub and Gitee are speed-off. After all, the functional positioning of people is not a network disk.

There is a large file in the project (more than a few hundred m), such as PDF, PPT, etc. It will make you suffocate.

Later, I will send a document to tell, how do you have a git private service!

This can be used to generate a download link of the file, or the local file can also be transmitted to the server.

It is equivalent to making an object store, in fact, cloud manufacturers also have objects stored.

However, we can do one, not enough, very classmates, you should not know how object storage, in fact, we can use the server to be a similar company.

I have been deployed on the server with a tool written by Go now. Used to pass files with the server, or create a temporary download link for some files.

These are direct command lines,

In this way, I wrap the command package into a shell command, want to pass the file, directly uploadTomyServer, and then return to the downloadable link, this file also passed to my server.

I also put my project code on GitHub:

Interested exciting friends can go to learn a wave, and give a star. Haha.

Do a website, for example, everyone knows how to write a few lines of code with HTML, but how to show someone else?

If you use your own computer to do a server, you can only access your website with your device in the same router, and this device can not have your website.

Because your IP is not a public IP.

If there is a cloud server, it is a public network IP, your website can make anyone visit.

Or a service you provide allows anyone to use.

For example, in the second example, we can develop a file storage, this service, I only put the command line to others, others can use my service to generate a link, of course their files have passed to me. On the server.

Again a way of use.

I have previously organized the activities of the server, Ali Cloud gave me an Excel, let the face are the list of friends who buy servers here, I will directly put this list directly to the group, let everyone check, appear in list You can find me to cash back, do you have anything.

There are several big problems that do this:

  • Everyone is going to download Excel, do contrast, there will be someone to change the content of Excel and then say it is bought from you, I can’t make a comparison with Excel.
  • Excel has a personal information from others, which is unstoppable.
  • If everyone uses Excel inquiry, private letter I cash back, one is nearly two thousand people to find me cash back, my WeChat is imposed, this becomes physical activity.

How should I do it?

I simply write a query page, the backend logic is to read an Execl form, everyone enters her Ali Cloud ID in the query page, if in Excel, the page will return the QR code of the cash back group, everyone can be independent Scan code is plus group.

In this way, I will finally send an equal red envelope directly in the cash group, is it great to reduce human cost?

Of course, I generated the QR code of 17 cash back groups. According to certain rules, they show friends passing through the query.

It is such a very ordinary query page.

After the query passes, the cash back group is displayed.

But to deploy on the server, because there is no public network IP, others can’t use your service.

Learn Linux

Learning Linux actually engaged in a virtual machine on your computer, or you can also learn the dual system, but this is very testing how your computer performance is.

If you have a server, it is a separate computer. How do you Hoho Huoho, and you don’t have to shut down a year, you can always run your task, and your local computer is completely isolated.

More convenient, you are now in the system, such as Centos, want to do an experiment, need to be on the unbantu, if it is a cloud server, the replacement system is in the background point, one button is reloaded, the cloud manufacturer basically supports all the system installation of.

We usually play Linux is often equipped with various environments, then this Linux is played by yourself (generally unwarring use root permission), in short, the environment is unable to reload, basically reload.

The cloud server reloading the system is too convenient.

There is also an environment where you are not easy to match. If you play this environment later, you will go back to this previously matching environment rather than re-fitting the system.

Then you can save the function with the cloud server, you can play a mirror package in the moment you match the environment. If the environment is broken, you will fall back to the status of the last mirror package. This is very fragrant.


In fact, there are still many other uses, but I just say that everyone is universally used.

The above, the three points mentioned: git private service, document storage service, build a website, I will send a hand to do your hand, truly use the server to improve our work learning efficiency!

Regarding the activities of the free collar server, I will not organize so many people also involve the cash back. Some of the friends do not look at the group information, then directly private letter and I complain, I am really handling, body and mind Too much.

If you want to buy a server, you can purchase this link:


Now is the double eleven event, or the activity price is over, and it will be over in December.

The price is really very cheap now, 60 blocks for new users can buy one year,But I will no longer be cash out, everyone can buy it yourself through the link..

If you want to register a new number, pay attention to real-name certification requires a new ID card.

It is recommended to buy these two servers, which is all, cost-effective.