Shenzhen’s bus taxis are basically electrified, reducing fuel consumption in the transportation industry by 95% and reducing carbon emissions by 2.20 million tons per year

The reporter learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Commission that the current proportion of pure electric taxis in Shenzhen has reached 99.06%, basically realizing the full electrification of taxis. By the end of 2017, all buses in Shenzhen have been fully electrified, which means that Shenzhen has become the first city in the world where buses and taxis are basically fully electrified.

As one of the 13 pilot cities of our country’s "demonstration and promotion of energy-saving and new energy vehicles", Shenzhen has been the first to promote new energy vehicles nationwide since 2010. At present, the fuel surcharge for fuel taxis in Shenzhen is 2 yuan/time. It is estimated that the annual surcharge for 21,400 electric taxis in Shenzhen is as high as 625 million yuan. Wang Huimin, a pure electric bus driver, told reporters that the cost of fuel vehicles per 100 kilometers is 77.55 yuan, and the maximum cost of electric vehicles is 25.3 yuan, which can be reduced by 67%.

According to statistics, after the full electrification of urban buses and taxis, Shenzhen’s annual emission reduction of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants is 869.6 tons. The annual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is 2.209 million tons, which is almost equivalent to the carbon emissions of 800,000 household cars. Shenzhen’s transportation industry has also reduced fuel emissions by more than 95%. Low-noise pure electric vehicles also reduce noise pollution during driving.

"The windshield display of pure electric taxis will also appear in Luohu, Futian and other words. I will choose the vehicle on the way when I take a taxi, and I will no longer be afraid of being rejected by the driver," said Sister Min Wang of Shenzhen. The pure electric taxis in operation in Shenzhen are also equipped with intelligent end points, which realize functions such as facial recognition, real-time panoramic monitoring, accurate metering and multi-electronic payment.

The large-scale promotion and use of pure electric buses and taxis has also driven the rapid development of Shenzhen’s new energy industry. In 2017, the added value of Shenzhen’s new energy industry reached 67.64 billion yuan, an increase of 15.4%. Today, Shenzhen has become the largest and most clustered city in our country’s strategic emerging industries. BYD, a locally grown car company in Shenzhen, has been the global new energy vehicle sales champion for three consecutive years. New energy buses and taxis made in Shenzhen are also galloping in more than 200 large and medium-sized cities around the world, including London, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Sydney.

A Cai Moments · Yang Qiang, Wu Haishan | Is artificial intelligence ushering in the best era?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed for more than 60 years since its birth. In recent years, AI has become a hot spot in academia and industry around the world. Start-up companies are surging, huge investments are emerging, tech giants are constantly up the ante, and scientific research, capital and talent are moving closer to AI. So, some people will inevitably ask, have we ushered in the best era of artificial intelligence?

The Challenge of Good Times

Looking back today, 2017 may be an important node in the development of artificial intelligence in China. In 2017, "artificial intelligence" was written into the government work report of the National People’s Congress for the first time. Premier Li Keqiang said that it is necessary to fully implement the development plan for strategic emerging industries and accelerate the research and development and transformation of new materials, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, and fifth-generation mobile communications. Artificial intelligence has also been hotly discussed by deputies to the National People’s Congress and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

At the same time, at the 2017 Wuzhen Go Summit, AlphaGo defeated the world’s No. 1 Go champion Ke Jie with a total score of 3:0, which attracted the attention of the whole people. "Whether artificial intelligence has completely surpassed human beings", "Will artificial intelligence replace human beings" and other issues have also become hot topics.

It was also from that year that artificial intelligence was surging. Overnight, it seemed that all companies had become artificial intelligence companies. Capital and talent quickly poured into the field of artificial intelligence. "Artificial intelligence" became one of the hottest and most sought-after words in the technology, academic and corporate circles. Major Internet companies have vigorously promoted artificial intelligence research and development. Tencent founder Pony Ma has also publicly stated that if he can only invest in one field, starting from his own industry, he is most concerned about the AI industry related to information technology. Internationally, tech giants such as Google and IBM have been researching artificial intelligence for more than a decade, and some research results have entered commercial applications in recent years.

From these perspectives, artificial intelligence can be said to have ushered in a very good era, but there are also problems behind the excitement. For example, this boom is more driven by the industry and investment community, while the academic and basic research fields have not revolutionized, and the talent gap has not been really solved.

At the same time, AI still faces many challenges in practical application and implementation, especially data issues. The various types of data required for AI research are scattered in different enterprises, and the ideal "big data" that people often say does not exist, but the actual situation is that there are a large number of "small data" and "data islands"; in addition, data security, privacy, compliance and other issues have always existed. In 2018, the European Union officially implemented the strictest data protection regulation in history – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and on January 21, 2019, Google became the first US technology company to be heavily punished under this law, fined 50 million euros… These problems make the implementation and development of AI look less good.

Deeply empowering industry

In 2019, Premier Li Keqiang talked about artificial intelligence for the third time in the government work report. It is worth noting that this year, the Premier specifically proposed in the report to build an industrial Internet platform, expand "intelligent +", and empower the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

At present, the innovative achievements of artificial intelligence have been applied in various fields, promoting technological progress, efficiency improvement and business model change in all walks of life. Among them, the financial industry is one of the most promising AI application fields, and AI + finance is the top priority of "intelligence +".

On the one hand, the information construction of the financial industry started earlier, and the industry attaches great importance to the standardization and standardization of data collection, so it has a large amount of accumulated data, which provides a solid foundation for the application of artificial intelligence; on the other hand, taking banks, insurance, securities companies as an example, the main business of the financial industry is based on large-scale data development, a large number of cumbersome data processing work, the urgent need for automation and intelligent change to liberate manpower; in addition, financial inclusion and scene-based innovation, also need new technical means to provide support, and the combination of artificial intelligence and finance undoubtedly provides more possibilities for financial innovation.

The author takes the practice of WeBank in the field of AI + finance as an example to introduce. Starting from demand, returning to business value is the core of self-researching AI. WeBank is an Internet bank serving small and micro enterprises and the general public. The most difficult part is the high service cost caused by the large number of scattered and large, lack of collateral, and imperfect guarantee system.

Therefore, the AI team of WeBank applies "AI + service" to actual business links. For example, three application systems are created based on the three major engines of "natural language processing engine", "voice engine" and "vision engine" – "intelligent nuclear system", "intelligent customer service system" and "intelligent quality inspection system", covering the whole process of business consultation, identity verification, data review, operation and lending. At present, through this set of AI robot combination boxing, we allow customers to complete all the online from consultation to application to borrowing, without offline account opening or paper materials, to maximize the solution to the problem of difficult and slow loan processes for small and micro enterprises, and to help enterprises innovate and develop.

The launch of the new national asset management regulations and the inclusion of the Chinese market in the MSCI index have had a profound impact on China’s asset management industry. WeBank is also making efforts in the field of "AI + asset management". It is currently developing alternative data based on satellite remote sensing image data, drone image data, mobile location data and public opinion text information. It can create an AI-driven asset management platform through artificial intelligence technology, which can not only monitor the macro economy in real time, but also predict the trends of listed and bond-issuing companies and different industries. Build an AI + Alternative Data-driven ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) index, so as to provide investment decisions for asset management companies, fund companies, rating companies and other fields.

In the face of data silos and privacy concerns, where does AI go?

As mentioned above, the complexity, isolation, privacy and security of data are the key factors that plague and restrict the deepening development and application of AI, including the financial industry. How to solve these data problems, break down data silos, and establish true "big data" while better protecting data privacy and security has become a problem that must be solved in the current development of AI.

The author believes that in the face of these problems, we can have a new way of thinking – federated learning (Federated Learning), whose purpose is to protect user privacy and data security. Federated learning, as the name suggests, is to build a virtual "federal state" to unite large and small "data islands". They are like a state in this "federal state", which not only maintains a certain degree of independence (such as trade secrets, user privacy), but also can jointly model and improve the effect of AI models without sharing data.

Essentially, it is a distributed encryption machine learning technology where all parties involved can build models without disclosing the underlying data. This is also a win-win machine learning method. It breaks down the data dimension walls on the top of the mountain, revitalizes large and small "data islands", and connects into a win-win AI continent.

In the field of finance, federated learning can be used to analyze potential fraud; in the field of insurance pricing, it can accurately analyze the attributes of users in more dimensions. For enterprises, the application of federated learning can save costs more effectively, and it can also make user classification more accurate. In addition, for some very sensitive data scenarios, such as the medical field, different hospitals can also share sensitive medical data through federated learning technology.

The future AI new generation of machine learning algorithm framework should be based on privacy protection, security compliance, reasonable interpretation, and transparent reasoning mechanism to ensure the healthy development of artificial intelligence. The development and practice of federated learning provides new ideas for the industry. Of course, the construction of AI ecology and the construction of big data also requires different enterprises, scholars, and research institutions to join forces, share technology, share data, and unite forces to jointly solve data silos and user privacy issues.

AIFuture: Basic research still requires continued efforts

So, what is the current development of AI in China, and what are the future prospects? Ma Songde, former vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and many other experts and scholars have said that China’s application of AI will be the largest in the world, and the prospects are very good, but continued efforts are needed in basic research.

The author believes that in recent years, China’s AI map has been "dots" one by one, but it has not been able to form a "face". In other words, a deep AI application ecosystem that can open up the industrial chain has not been established, and there is still a lack of system level and infrastructure building.

At present, the industry’s understanding and application of AI is more limited to the single-function product level. For example, an enterprise introduces AI assistance in certain process links, such as human-machine interaction and facial recognition, but such an enterprise cannot be said to be an artificial intelligence enterprise. The entire industry should have a deeper understanding of AI, so that AI can drive the optimization of the core decision-making system of the industry, and maximize the advantages and revolutionaries of AI.

It is hoped that in the future, China’s AI colleagues will pay more attention to basic research and work together to truly drive the development and implementation of core, in-depth, and industrialized AI.

This article is a special column of Yicai Moments, representing the author's personal views only

Hechi, Guangxi: Activating online celebrity Elements to Make Network Civilization Shine.

  Online celebrity Gewei in Hechi and the 3rd Gepo Festival in Simeng Township, donglan were held in Simeng Sports Park recently, which was the third online celebrity Gewei held since the opening of online celebrity Chuangchuang Camp in Hechi, attracting more than 10,000 people from all counties (districts) in the city.

  In recent years, the Information Office of Hechi Municipal Committee has taken the initiative to give full play to its functional advantages, with the help of the internet, taking strengthening the construction of network celebrities as the focus and innovation point to promote the construction of network civilization. By building the "online celebrity Creation Camp", the online celebrity House was established, and the "online celebrity Song Fair" was held to unite and unite the online forces such as online celebrity and Media V, tell the story of Hechi well, spread the sound of Hechi well, shape the image of Hechi well, and gather positive energy for the development of Hechi.

  Be a good "online celebrity" housekeeper and carry forward the new trend of social civilization

  "This time in online celebrity, there should be a competition for the hegemony of the Zhuang King of Songs", "Our’ Twilight Plan’ public welfare activities can take photos of local longevity elderly people for free" and "Longevity elderly people can’t hold activities to replenish food and prolong their lives" … The curtain of the cultural tourism brand activities of "March 3 Hechi Carnival in Guangxi" has not yet been opened, and the Hechi online celebrity Creation Camp has already become lively.

  The Network Information Office of Hechi Municipal Committee insists on the Party’s management of the Internet, and incorporates the construction of network celebrities into the main points of the work of the Network Information Committee of the Municipal Committee. As a concrete measure to promote the network civilization work in the whole city, it continues to strengthen the role of network celebrities, and strengthen the contact and friendship of network celebrities through special investigations, seminars and exchanges, and build concentric circles online and offline. We have organized and carried out a series of online theme publicity activities, such as "Hechi online celebrity Hechi Beauty", "Yunshuo Magnificent and Charming Hechi" and "Shaking the New Hechi", focusing on the development of cultural tourism, rural revitalization, online public welfare and other fields, and created thousands of new media works to promote the new trend of online civilization. Up to now, Hechi online celebrity database has collected more than 150 online celebrities with more than 50,000 fans, including more than 10 online celebrities with more than 1 million fans.

  Be a good housekeeper and bridge the gap for the development of positive energy. Since 2023, more than 30 people, including Xiaojiang Media and Hechi Tribe, have been recommended to participate in e-commerce gatherings, cultural tourism promotion and other activities to help Hechi cultural tourism promotion, agricultural product sales and charity, so that online celebrity and the activists can achieve a double harvest of "flow" and "realization".

  Be a good "online celebrity" guide and encourage social responsibility.

  Hechi City has played a leading role in the organization of the Party Committee of the Internet industry, and strengthened the ideological and political guidance for famous online celebrities and enterprises. The Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee and other departments have successively conducted lectures in Internet companies such as Lida E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd. and Yizhou Forum, constantly rallying ideological consensus and enhancing the political identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity and emotional identity of online celebrities to the Party.

  The "Hechi City Network Civilization Proposal" was issued to the whole city to guide the local media and network celebrities to consciously fulfill their social responsibility obligations. Hechi tribe, Zhuang township Xiao Mo and other media and network celebrities created and launched more than 1,000 high-quality works such as "Is this the taste of Hechi # Guangxi # Returning to Hechi for the New Year #", and Xiaojiang Media’s online public service advertisement "Even though there are 2020 difficulties, there are still 2021 kinds of persistence (dedicated to you who persist during the epidemic)". Internet celebrities such as Tan Lianqiao and Xiao Fan have devoted themselves to online public welfare undertakings. Online public welfare projects such as the "Neem Flower 1+1 Education Project" in Du ‘an and the "Partner Program" in Dahua Wild Lily have benefited children in mountainous areas, and online public welfare has continuously infiltrated people’s hearts.

  Hechi City encourages social responsibility by guiding network celebrities to give full play to their own characteristics and advantages, which has laid a solid foundation for promoting Hechi, promoting Hechi and revitalizing Hechi with the help of the Internet.

  Do a good job of "online celebrity" stylist and set an advanced typical benchmark.

  Hechi City has always attached great importance to the excavation and tree selection of celebrities in the positive energy network. It has set up a column of online celebrity Creation Camp on, organized reporters to conduct an exclusive report on positive energy online celebrity, launched more than 10 daily series of positive energy reports by online celebrity, such as "Mini Brother in Luocheng", and planned to launch a series of video works "New Life in Singing", a folk song with unique Hechi characteristics, to tell the daily stories of online celebrity in Hechi, spread the good voice of the Internet, and guide the cyberspace to form a positive atmosphere.

  Hechi City pays attention to the demonstration and guidance of network celebrities. By taking activities such as "Five Hundred" and "Strive to be a good netizen in Bagui" as the starting point, and taking the New Media Federation and online celebrity Creation Camp as the positions, it has done a good job in selecting typical trees for netizens. In recent years, it has recommended more than 20 network celebrities such as Gao Dongfeng and Hu Liufang as "good netizens in Bagui" models, moral models, the most beautiful people and good people around them. In addition, in recent years, phenomenal online celebrity, such as Waina, Wu Enshi and rural Xiaojing, have emerged in Hechi, becoming the flag pole of Hechi "online celebrity".

  In this year’s "V Viewing the New Countryside and Seeing the Changes in Hometown-Hechi New Media Entering Donglan Simeng Public Welfare", online celebrities, light and shadow sculptors and other public welfare organizations took photos of the birthday girl and more than 10 pairs of long-lived elderly people, leaving a precious mark on the old people’s half-century caring for each other. With the flashing of flashing lights, moving and sweet smiles were captured one by one, making the atmosphere of the whole event happy and romantic.

  Nowadays, the celebrity of positive energy network in Hechi City is gradually becoming an "important online force" for Hechi to further promote the construction of network civilization, becoming a disseminator of positive energy, a recorder of the times, a watcher of fairness and justice, and a promoter of social progress. (correspondent class teacher Wu Jianping Guangming Daily, all-media reporter Zhou Shixing)

Tiggo 9 hot promotion in Taizhou area! The promotion discount is 12,000 yuan. If you miss it, you won’t have it.

Recently, car home Taizhou preferential promotion channel has brought you a grand preferential activity! Among them, the models that have attracted much attention are under way, so that Taizhou riders can buy their favorite cars at a lower price. It is understood that this promotion can enjoy a maximum discount of 12,000 yuan, and the minimum starting price is only 145,900 yuan. If you are interested, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form, strive for higher discounts and add more surprises to your car purchase!

Tiggo 9 is a luxury medium-sized SUV owned by Chery Automobile, and its design is full of strength and fashion sense. The front face design of this car adopts an atmospheric and steady design style, and the air intake grille adopts a large area of chrome decoration, which shows a sense of luxury and quality. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is fashionable, showing a strong sense of movement and technology. The design of Tiggo 9 not only conforms to the aesthetic trend of consumers, but also fully reflects the design strength and innovation ability of Chery Automobile. No matter the details or the whole, the Tiggo 9 has demonstrated excellent design level and craftsmanship, and it is a luxury medium-sized SUV that should not be missed.

Tiggo 9 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4820*1930*1710mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm. The body lines are smooth, the side shapes are magnificent, the lines are simple and smooth, and the overall design is full of strength. The front tread is 1638mm, and the rear tread is 1641 mm. It is equipped with 245/50 R20 front and rear tires, and the rim style is fashionable and dynamic. The body lines are smooth, showing the luxurious temperament and sports style of Tiggo 9.

The interior design of Tiggo 9 is simple and atmospheric, with black and beige color scheme, giving people a noble and comfortable feeling. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable, and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for the driver to operate. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces for easy charging. The front seats also have heating and ventilation functions, and the driver’s seat is also equipped with electric seat memory function. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion. Generally speaking, the interior design of Tiggo 9 is very humanized, comfortable and practical.

The Tiggo 9 is powered by a 2.0T 261 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 192kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. With the 8-speed automatic manual transmission, this engine can bring excellent power performance and smooth shifting experience to drivers. No matter on urban roads or highways, Tiggo 9 can provide sufficient power reserves, so that drivers can feel passionate driving pleasure in all kinds of road conditions. In addition, the engine’s efficient combustion and advanced technology make its fuel economy performance excellent, making your driving more energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

In the evaluation of car home car owners, the design of Tiggo 9 is praised as a lot of atmosphere and domineering. The polygonal large-size air intake grille and the flat luminous logo make the whole car stand out, and the raised waistline on the side of the car body also adds a sense of fashion. The rear taillights have a through design, which is also an element that car owners like very much. As the flagship model of Chery, the design of Tiggo 9 is obviously loved by car owners.

Mercedes-Benz Shanghai Auto Show made a big move: 13 first/listed cars

On April 18th, the 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition will open soon.Mercedes-Benz will present a lineup of 27 heavy-duty models with one world premiere, five China firsts and seven China-listed models at Hall 4.1 of the Shanghai International Auto Show.. All brand matrices of Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes -EQ, Mercedes-Maibakh, Mercedes -AMG and G-class off-road vehicles under the Trident Star Emblem are assembled.

  Three latest Mercedes-Maibakh products covering pure electric, hybrid and high definition will be released soon. Mercedes-Maibakh’s first mass-produced pure electric vehicle, the new Mercedes-Maibakh EQS pure electric SUV, will make its world debut during the auto show. Mercedes-Maibakh brand’s first plug-in hybrid car-Mercedes-Maibakh S 580 e plug-in hybrid car, and Mercedes-Maibakh S-class Haute Voiture limited edition will be listed together.


[New Mercedes-Maibakh EQS pure electric SUV]


[Mercedes-Maibakh S 580 e plug-in hybrid car]


[Mercedes-Maibakh S-class Haute Voiture limited set]

  The EQG concept car, the first pure electric vehicle in the history of G-class off-road vehicle, will usher in the first show in China, and the EQG concept car will show its impressive strength by virtue of its powerful 4×4 all-wheel drive system with four independently controllable motors.


  The new EQE pure electric SUV will usher in the first show in China. As the first domestic luxury pure electric SUV developed based on EVA pure electric platform, the new EQE pure electric SUV will set a market benchmark in terms of luxury, comfort, safety and technology with all-round strength, and bring all-powerful pure electric travel experience to China customers. In addition, a new generation of Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV will make its debut in China.


[New EQE pure electric SUV]


[New generation Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV]

  The new Mercedes-Benz long-wheelbase GLC SUV, which was pre-sold recently, will be officially launched at the auto show. As an important member of the domestic Mercedes-Benz family, the new long-wheelbase GLC SUV has added three rows and seven seats, making it the first model in the luxury medium-sized SUV market to offer both five-seat and seven-seat options, and at the same time, it has customized many exclusive upgrades for China customers.

  The S-class sedan family is about to welcome two new cars on the market: the Mercedes-Benz S 450 e L plug-in hybrid sedan equipped with the latest generation of plug-in hybrid technology, and the Mercedes-Benz S-class sedan that provides a variety of customized choices such as car paint and interior, which brings multiple respected choices for high-grade customers.


[Mercedes-Benz S 450 e L]


"Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan ingenious version"

  At this auto show, Mercedes -AMG brought a number of latest masterpieces showing luxury performance and forward-looking innovation. The most powerful S-class sedan in history-the new Mercedes -AMG S 63 E PERFORMANCE prototype special edition will debut in China market. As the third production model of Mercedes -AMG family applying E PERFORMANCE hybrid technology from F1 racing car, this new work has achieved the perfect combination of excellent performance and comfortable experience with many forward-looking technologies.


[Mercedes -AMG S 63 E PERFORMANCE pre-production special edition]


[Mercedes -AMG GLS 63 4MATIC+]


[New Mercedes -AMG pure electric EQE 53 4MATIC+]


[Mercedes -AMG C 43 4MATIC Travel Car Special Edition]

  The newly launched Mercedes -AMG GLS 63 4MATIC+ will also make its debut in China. Mercedes -AMG’s second mass-produced pure electric vehicle, the brand-new Mercedes -AMG pure electric EQE 53 4MATIC+, and the brand-new Mercedes -AMG C 43 4MATIC touring car special edition equipped with "one person, one machine" M139 2.0T engine will be on the market, igniting driving passion with surging performance.

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Attention, mobile phone slaves! Press the HOME button often. Experts say be careful of this disease.

  Cctv newsNowadays people’s lives are gradually surrounded by intelligent tools such as computers and mobile phones. As the screen of smart phone is getting bigger and bigger, while users enjoy the pleasure of big screen, there are some information age diseases such as "mouse hand" and "mobile phone hand". Recently, some biomedical experts have warned that "mobile phone users" cannot be ignored.

  What is a "mobile phone hand"?

  It is a common thing for many people to type with their thumbs and press the HOME button on their smartphones every day. However, it is such a small action, repeated every day, the harm to the thumb can not be ignored. Thumb will have discomfort symptoms such as pain, which is what medicine says.Tenosynovitis of thumb”。

  In the past, the main group of tenosynovitis patients was middle-aged and elderly people who did manual labor, but now because ofTenosynovitis is gradually becoming younger due to improper posture of using mobile phones and frequent use of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablet computers.

  Why do you get a "mobile phone hand"?

  Use the phone for a long time with one hand.

  Nowadays, with the popularity of smart phones, many citizens have developed the habit of playing mobile phones with one hand. In the long run, due to improper operation posture, there are more and more "mobile phone hands".

  Experts said that from the occurrence of tenosynovitis, it is mostly inThumb, middle finger and forefingerThree fingers, these people’s finger activities have several characteristics: First,fast; The second isHigh strength; The third isa long time. If you play mobile phone for a long time, it fully meets the above characteristics.

  The screen size of using mobile phone is too large.

  Nowadays, it seems to be a trend that the screen of mobile phone is getting bigger and bigger. The screen of smart phones is getting bigger and bigger, and citizens will face the threat of tenosynovitis while enjoying the pleasure of the big screen. For a small hand with a big mobile phone, the angle of wrist extension and finger movement will exceed the general angle range, which will cause excessive friction of tendon and extrusion of joint capsule for a long time, and if the finger repeats a certain action repeatedly, it will also cause finger nerve injury.

  Many net posts believe that for most users,The most suitable mobile phone for hand size is the 4-inch model, and the width of the mobile phone should not exceed the distance from the tiger’s mouth to the middle section of the index finger..

  speicalHome Tip: Change the posture of mobile phone use and beware of "mobile phone hands"

  In order not to be a "mobile phone user", the key is to change the operating habits and reduce the frequency of use. It used to be a mobile phone with one hand.It is best to hold the mobile phone in one hand and use the other hand to touch the screen of the mobile phone. It is best not to stroke with your thumb, but to "poke" the screen with your fingers..

  When you use your mobile phone, rest your thumb properly, type with the remaining fingers, or send messages by voice. Of course, it is also necessary to move your fingers frequently.

  Tip: How to avoid tenosynovitis in daily life

  1、Pay attention to the correct posture of fingers and wrists.Don’t bend or stretch back too much when doing housework such as washing clothes and cooking; Don’t carry things too heavy; Don’t use too much force on your fingers and wrists.

  2、Warm and hot compress:Get into the habit of washing your hands with warm water, not cold water. Pay attention to keeping your hands warm in winter and wear cotton gloves to prevent your hands from getting cold.

  3、Maintain a comfortable position:The nursing of tenosynovitis needs to avoid arm drooping. When sleeping, patients with tenosynovitis need to keep their arms close to their bodies and their wrists are not bent.

  4.、Self massage:The wrist joint rotates 360 degrees; Or make a fist with your palm and relax, and do it back and forth several times; Or a few times of finger back pressure or palm back pressure can effectively relieve hand pain.

  5、Take a timely rest and maintain a correct working posture.For long-term desk office workers, they should adopt correct working posture, try to keep their hands balanced, and their wrists can touch the real thing, so as not to be suspended. Take a break between work, put your hands on the table and rotate your head for 2 minutes.

[Video] [Caption] There were no digital cameras in those days.

Special topic: news channel special program commemorating the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up.

Enter [Chao Wen Tian Xia] > >

    CCTV News (Chao Wen Tian Xia): Today we will talk about taking pictures. People in China like to take pictures. Now, people can be seen holding all kinds of digital cameras and camcorders on any occasion, and they can take pictures on their mobile phones all the time. But 30 years ago, taking pictures was an expensive thing, and families had to wear the most beautiful clothes to take a group photo.

    This photo was left in 2007. A group of old photographers and old customers in Nanjing got together again, and the old master took pictures of the customers with the old seagull license plate camera. Look at the master’s hand. This is a film box. Every time you take a picture, you have to change it. The red cloth is used for shading. Moreover, most of these cameras can only take black and white photos, and the requirements for lighting are very high. Now it is not easy to see such a scene.

    With such a machine, film is very precious, and there is usually only one chance to take a photo, which also requires a high degree of photographers. Unlike now, photographers will take many samples and customers can choose at will. What the master holds in his right hand is actually the shutter of a camera. Experienced photographers will observe it carefully, and then they will seize the opportunity to pinch the ball, even if they are photographed. At that time, people were all amazed at this thing, and vividly called this kind of photo "pinch shadow".









    Time entered the mid-1980s, and more and more new things entered China with the reform and opening-up. The appearance of color film changed the photos from black and white to colorful. The stars in all kinds of picture books have become role models for women who love beauty. The white and flawless skin of the stars makes women envy them. Later, I learned that it can be achieved through darkroom processing. For a time, "hazy photos" became popular, and it was necessary to "be as beautiful as a star".

    At that time, photographers took a lot of thoughts to get the effect of "hazy photos", such as coating a thin layer of vaseline in front of the camera, or covering it with a layer of stockings, and matching with appropriate lighting. Needless to say, the effect is really good.

    This was sent to us by an audience friend. It was a family photo of their family in 1983. As you can see, the photo studio at that time also changed a lot. The studio was no longer a monotonous gray background, and the background decoration had a home atmosphere. At that time, the home phone was still very fresh, and photographers who understood people’s minds put the phone there as props.

    This is Beihai Park in Beijing in 1980. At that time, the technology of rapid roll-up attracted young men and women with wet film in their hands everywhere in the park. People were carrying film and looking at wet film, and the scene of rushing to print was like a landscape.

    At that time, there were domestic Le Kai color films, the price of which was half cheaper than that of imported Kodak and Fuji, and there were many color photos in the streets. The business was very hot. If you were quick, you could get your own photos in one day.

    However, this situation lasted for a few years, and the business of street photo booths gradually became deserted. Because people are becoming familiar with a kind of camera called "Fool", even those who have never studied photography just need to press the shutter. The key is that the "fool" is cheap and good, and books on how to use the fool camera are also very popular. From this time on, the camera has become one of the necessary tools for daily entertainment and leisure in many ordinary families.

    This is the first digital camera successfully developed by China in 1998 ―― "Seagull DC-33". At the end of 1990s, the concept of digital appeared, and digital cameras became popular rapidly. A small magnetic card could actually replace dozens of films, and the cost of printing shops kept decreasing.

    Nowadays, when people buy cameras, they are concerned about whether there are not tens of millions of pixels, whether the body and lens are anti-shake, whether the brand is famous enough, the camera’s function is becoming more and more powerful, and the body is becoming more and more exquisite. Such a scene, any scenic spot, is more common.

    In many photographic equipment stores, the past "fool" cameras and color films have gradually faded out of the counter, and a few film cameras have become sharp weapons for photography enthusiasts. The past dual-lens cameras have also become the favorite of the collection market. The old gentleman in Hangzhou has collected more than 1100 cameras.

    There are memories between square inches, old photos let us taste the popularity and fashion of the year, and the upgrading of electronic consumer products such as cameras makes people realize the changes of the times and life.

Editor: Wei Yu

Green financial point "green" into "gold"

  Core reading

  Green finance has great potential in supporting environmental improvement, coping with climate change and saving and efficient use of resources. In recent years, Chongqing has always adhered to the concept of "two mountains", focused on developing green finance, established a "Yangtze River Green Financing" green financial big data integrated service system, promoted a long-term mechanism for the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and built a green development system. With the implementation of innovative reform measures, economic benefits and ecological benefits have gradually become prominent.

  "The crops in the field are not growing well, and the villagers rely on the mountains to eat mountains and stare at the trees on the mountains." Talking about previous years’ experience, Xie Changlin, a villager from Hongan Village, Lantian Township, Chengkou County, Chongqing, shook his head.

  Seeing the environment getting worse day by day, the government decided to carry out ecological relocation. But there is no money in hand, how can you move out? After learning the situation, Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank developed a new mode of rural property mortgage financing after investigation, and handled "beautiful countryside Housing Loan" for local farmers. With money, farmers transform and decorate their houses, and some people also open farmhouses to attract summer tourists around them and have a tourist meal at their doorstep.

  From the declaration and creation in early 2019 to the final approval of the green financial reform and innovation pilot zone in August this year, Chongqing’s green development has continuously taken new steps. By the end of September 2022, the balance of green loans in the city reached 497.233 billion yuan, 2.8 times that of the beginning of 2019, up 40.2% year-on-year, 32.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans in the city; Green loans accounted for nearly 10% of the balance of various loans, a significant increase of 4.5 percentage points compared with the beginning of 2019; The balance of green bonds exceeded 35.7 billion yuan, 2.7 times that of the beginning of 2019.

  Look at the benefits — —

  Inclusive effect, green finance and ecological civilization blend and help each other

  From garbage incineration power generation to sewage treatment, from comprehensive improvement of waterfront coastline to energy-saving and environmental protection transformation, from green transportation industry credit to beautiful countryside housing credit support & HELIP; … In recent years, green finance has become the key development direction of major banks in Chongqing.

  Fengdu County, located in the hinterland of the Three Gorges reservoir area, is rich in wind energy resources and attracts many wind power projects. The outstanding characteristics of green projects are long term and low income, especially the need for long-term credit funds. "I didn’t pay much attention to wind power a few years ago. With the development of green finance, banks are now rushing to invest. Green finance means quality assets for our bank. " The relevant person in charge of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Company told the reporter.

  In Lianhuashan Wind Farm in Fengdu County, a fan stands on the rolling hills, and the long fan blades are constantly turning. At the beginning of this year, the third-phase wind power project of Lianhuashan and Wudongyan invested by Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank started construction. It is planned to be connected to the grid for power generation by the end of this year, with a total installed capacity of 80,000 kilowatts and a total investment of 600 million yuan. It is estimated that the annual power generation will be 160 million kWh, which can supply green power energy to 80,000 households every year, save 47,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 123,000 tons.

  "We will persist in developing clean energy and build Fengdu into a ‘ Green battery ’ 。” Deng Qinghua, director of the Development and Reform Commission of Fengdu County, told reporters that with the support of green finance, Fengdu will attract investment to introduce a number of clean energy projects, continuously optimize the energy supply structure, and strive to build a clean energy demonstration base in Chongqing by 2035.

  Look at the practice — —

  Form a mechanism to solve the problem of project identification

  "It’s hard to imagine that we were still worried about project funds last year." Standing in the ecological tea garden in Dingshi Town, Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Luo Li, the project leader, was filled with emotion. In April, 2021, the project was still in the stage of development and construction, with a large initial investment, and "poor money" became an insurmountable hurdle. Just when there was nothing to do, Chongqing Bank took the initiative to find the door and provided credit support.

  "Identifying green projects is not an easy job. In the past, several indicators needed to be identified manually, which was very inefficient. " Tian Pan, the account manager of Chongqing Bank, told the reporter, "Now there is ‘ Yangtze River Lvrongtong ’ The system can automatically calculate the environmental benefits of the project, and the efficiency is greatly improved. The ecological tea garden project was pushed to us by the system. "

  The "Yangtze River Green Financing" in Tian Pankou is a green financial big data comprehensive service system created by Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank. "We work with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment to formulate the evaluation criteria for green projects (enterprises). Based on this, we embed the intelligent identification function of green financial standards in the system and release the identified green financing demand information to financial institutions in a timely manner." Han Xintao, deputy director of the Financial Research Department of Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank, told the reporter, "With this system, in the past, enterprises were looking for banks, and now banks are looking for enterprises."

  At present, the "Yangtze River Green Financing" system has been connected to all branches under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Business Management Department of the People’s Bank of China and some district and county governments, and connected to nearly 100 financial institutions, helping the city to form a long-term mechanism of "government recommended projects+green smart identification+system push projects+independent docking of banks". By the end of September, 2022, the system had collected and launched 1,860 green projects (enterprises) at the municipal, district and county levels, among which nearly 1,000 projects were successfully connected with banks.

  Look at development — —

  Transformation and upgrading, building a green development system

  "I didn’t expect that pollution rights can also be loaned, and the interest rate is more favorable than general loans." After successfully obtaining the pledge loan of 100 million yuan from Chongqing Bank for emission rights, the relevant person in charge of Chongqing International Composite Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "International Composite Materials") could not help feeling.

  International composite materials is a "green factory" in the glass fiber industry assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. By introducing advanced waste treatment technologies at home and abroad, pollutants are effectively controlled. After learning that the enterprise has the capital demand to expand the scale of production and operation, the credit staff of Chongqing Bank took the initiative to come to the door to match the emission pledge loan product, which changed the emission right of the enterprise from a "sleeping asset" to a "flowing fund", promoted the enterprise’s energy conservation and emission reduction, and helped improve the ecological environment.

  "The specific connotation of green finance in different regions should be combined with the actual situation of local industries." Huang Yingjun, a professor at the School of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, believes that "Chongqing is one of the six old industrial bases in China, facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and always emphasizes promoting the coordinated development of green industries and green finance."

  In recent years, Chongqing has made great efforts to innovate mechanisms to promote financial institutions to accelerate the "low-carbon" allocation of financial resources, promote the rapid growth of the scale of green finance, and help the real economy accelerate the green transformation.

  Relying on self-regulatory organizations in the financial industry, Chongqing advocates financial institutions to disclose environmental information from the perspectives of green financial development plan, green loan investment and carbon emission reduction generated by loans. In 2022, 75 financial institutions in the city disclosed the annual environmental information in 2021, among which 30 institutions added green project loans in 2021 with an average carbon emission reduction of 489,800 tons. At the same time, the data of green loans, green bonds, green financial leases and green bills of financial institutions are collected monthly, and a green performance evaluation table is generated according to the requirements of the Green Finance Evaluation Plan for Banking Financial Institutions of the People’s Bank of China, which is included in the rating of financial institutions of the central bank, and a total of 2 billion yuan of "green easy loans" and 5 billion yuan of "green ticket pass" rediscount tools are provided to encourage them to increase capital investment in green projects.

  A steady stream of financial living water is constantly helping Chongqing’s industrial transformation and upgrading — — In Chongqing Liangjiang New District, relying on the mature automobile industry system with an annual output of nearly one million units, explore the development of automobile green supply chain finance; In Nan ‘an District, Guangyang Island Zhichuang Eco-city will carry out the construction of financial support zero-carbon demonstration zone; In Wanzhou District, carry out the product innovation of financial support for ecological agriculture and recreational tourism … …

  "In the future, Chongqing will continue to promote supply-side structural reforms and upgrade traditional manufacturing industries. Green transformation is imperative and green finance has a broad space for development." Huang Yingjun told reporters.

Shao Shiyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, was elected as the best player in the FISU Football World Cup.

Shao Shiyu sent a message to celebrate Beijing Normal University’s championship. Shao Shiyu Weibo screenshot

The Beijing News On October 31, 2023, the women’s football team of Beijing Normal University scored 7-6 (penalty shootout 5-4) to win the FIFA World Cup.

Shao Shiyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, was elected as the best player in the competition. On November 1st, Shao Shiyu posted a message on social media to celebrate, "The champion belongs to us and may be late, but he will never be absent. I want both the champion and the MVP. " Shao Shiyu, born in 2000, is a midfielder and now plays for the women’s football team of Hangzhou Bank, a newly promoted female super player.

At the end of July this year, Shao Shiyu won the third place in the Women’s Football Association Cup with Zhejiang Women’s Football Team. Figure/Shao Shiyu Weibo

Editor Wang Chunqiu

The amount involved is 53 million! Spanish prosecutors sued Barcelona for bribing referees.

According to the Spanish newspaper El Paí s reported on the 11th, on Friday, local time, Spanish prosecutors formally sued Barcelona La Liga for sports fraud and commercial corruption, involving 7.3 million euros (about 53 million yuan).

The accused included two former club presidents, Sandro Rosell and Josep Bartomeu, who were suspected of bribing former Spanish Football Association officials to gain partiality in the match.

After learning this news, Barcelona’s arch-rival Real Madrid Club immediately announced that it would hold an emergency board meeting to decide how to respond to the incident.

Laporta, current president of Barcelona.

In February this year, many Spanish media reported that Barcelona was in big trouble, and Spanish prosecutors were investigating its commercial corruption and violation of fair competition.

Sure enough, on Friday, local time, Spanish prosecutors formally sued Barcelona, accusing the latter of colluding with Jose Negreira, former vice chairman of the Spanish Football Association’s referee technical committee, involving a total amount of 7.3 million euros.

The referees’ technical committee is usually responsible for assigning referees for various competitions of the football association, selecting which referees will enforce the law in which post, and selecting referees to participate in international competitions.

Spanish "National News" report screenshot

According to the prosecution’s report, based on an oral secret agreement, two former presidents of Barcelona, Rosell and Bartomeu, remitted about 7.3 million euros to the consulting company owned by grella from 2001 to 2018, in order to seek "favoritism" in the penalty and result of the competition.

Rosell, Bartomeu and two other former Barcelona executives were charged with commercial corruption, unfair management (using partners’ money for illegal purposes) and forging business documents. Once convicted, they will go to jail.

It is worth noting that laporta, the current president of Barcelona, has not been charged. He served as the president of Barcelona from 2003 to 2010, but denied any illegal acts.

Team coach Harvey revealed in an interview that he had already communicated with laporta. "This is the responsibility of the management. He told me not to worry, we just need to focus on football."

Spain’s El Pais pointed out that this investigation originated from a tax inspection, and Negreira told the Spanish tax authorities that Barcelona paid the money in order to have a "neutral" penalty in the competition.

He also said in an interview with Spain’s radio Searle that he would never be partial to Barcelona when assigning referees. His job is just to help the club as a consultant and tell them how players should behave in the face of various referees.

Previously, Barcelona officials had a similar statement, saying that the club only paid an "external consultant" who provided them with "technical reports related to professional referees" and called it "a common practice of professional football clubs".

However, the Spanish prosecutor still considers the amount of 7.3 million euros suspicious because it is nowhere to be found in the club’s articles of association and has not been approved by the shareholders’ meeting.

The Associated Press (AP) analysis believes that it is indeed a routine operation in international football to obtain referee technical reports, and clubs can purchase or prepare relevant information from external companies.However, it is not a routine operation to provide large sums of money to insiders of Spanish referee law enforcement agencies to obtain reports.

Up to now, Barcelona Club has not issued the latest statement on this matter. However, an anonymous club executive told Reuters that the club had "anticipated" the accusation. "This is only the preliminary investigation and hypothesis of the prosecution, and the judicial investigation has just begun. The club will fully cooperate, but we have never bought any referee and never tried to influence the decision of any Football Association official. "

In response to the corruption scandal in Barcelona, the first to take action was its arch-enemy Real Madrid Club. The latter announced on the 11th that the board of directors will be held on March 12th local time.

Real Madrid fan magazine "Madridista Real" reported that the board of directors of Real Madrid may choose to "sever relations" with Barcelona Club, and may even decide to appear as a private prosecutor in future court trials.