What is the difference between a woman’s double vagina and double uterus and a normal woman? Are all born twins?

Xiaoling, 25, has had a menstrual cycle of more than 10 days since she was young. Later, after a one-time life, Xiaoling had recurrent vaginal inflammation. Xiaoling thought it was caused by her boyfriend, so after going to the hospital for gynecological examination, she didn’t expect to find out that she was a double vagina and a double uterus.

Xiaoling was very surprised. It is no wonder that since high school, her menstrual flow has been more than that of her peers. The confusion that has plagued her for many years has finally been solved. It turned out that it was all her uterus.

The doctor said that double uterus is not uncommon, but it is easy to be ignored.If women have problems such as long menstrual period, severe dysmenorrhea and abnormal vaginal discharge after menarche, it is best to check clearly as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of congenital malformation of reproductive tract.

The uterus is very special and important for women. It is a place for menstruation and pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, women only have one uterus, but there are also a few women who have the same as Xiaoling.Double uterus and vagina, clinically,This symptom is called oblique vaginal septum syndrome.

Vaginal oblique septum syndrome belongs to genital dysplasia.The main manifestations are congenital malformation of double cervix, double uterus, double vagina and complete or incomplete atresia of one vagina., mostly accompanied by atresia of vaginal urinary system malformation.

Source: Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Affiliated Hospital of Xijiao

The cause of oblique vaginal septum syndrome in women is related to the embryonic development process. Both hermaphroditic embryos have two sets of reproductive ducts, namely the mesonephric duct and the accessory mesonephric duct.About six weeks after embryonic development, the accessory mesonephros on both sides gradually develop female reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tube and upper vagina) after complete fusion. In addition, the accessory mesonephros develop into urogenital sinus at the fourth week, which not only forms the kidney, but also induces the accessory mesonephros to fuse.

Once the development of the mesonephric duct is interrupted, the accessory mesonephric duct will also be affected, but because the other side is still developing normally, it will eventually lead to the consequences of asymmetric reproductive tract complicated with urinary system malformation, that is, the problem of double uterus.

At present, clinical oblique vaginal septum syndrome is mainly divided into three types.

Type I is a non-porous oblique septum type.: it usually occurs after menarche.Dysmenorrhea (progressive aggravation)The main manifestation is that the menstrual blood on the oblique septum can not be fully discharged, and the menstrual blood may flow back into the abdominal cavity, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic abscess and other secondary infections.

Type ⅱ is a perforated oblique partition type:Mainly manifested as followsProlonged menstrual cycle, endless menstrual dripping and brown secretion.Or complicated with infection, resulting in pus in the posterior compartment, and the secretion is purulent with odor.

Type ⅲ is the type of imperforate oblique septum combined with cervical fistula.: the patient’s menstrual period is prolonged,A small number of vaginal bleeding or purulent secretions.If not treated in time, it will further cause gynecological problems such as acute pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic cyst.

In fact, it is hard for ordinary people to imagine the situation of double uterus. If the double uterus is diagnosed, the patient himself will be surprised and afraid. Does the double uterus have an impact on life?

Double uterus and double vagina patientsIf there is no discomfortThere are no problems such as menstrual blood retention,It has little effect on sexual life.However, if one vagina develops normally and the other vagina fails to develop, it may cause pain or bleeding if a man enters the undeveloped vagina in the same room.

Secondly, is pregnancy risky? Compared with normal women,It is difficult for women with double uterus to get pregnant, and the risk of danger during pregnancy will be higher than that of normal women., such as spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy; In the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is unable to resist the rising intrauterine pressure, and it is also easy to have miscarriage or premature delivery; In late pregnancy, due to the narrow uterine cavity and limited fetal activity, there is a high possibility of abnormal fetal position, which may cause placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, postpartum hemorrhage and other problems.

Finally, will twins be born in double uterus?The probability of pregnant twins in patients with double uterus is the same as that in normal women.The twin uterus is caused by the failure to fuse the accessory mesonephros in time when the embryo divides, and the twins are fertilized by two eggs or the fertilized eggs split into two fertilized eggs. There is no direct relationship between them.

Generally, there is no discomfort in the body, and few women will take the initiative to do gynecological examinations. Once the problems like double uterus and double vagina are detected, they will be nervous and worried. If you check the double uterus, what treatment methods are there?

  • surgical treatment

Surgery is the most common method to treat double uterus, which reconnects the divided uterus through surgery, thus helping the uterus to return to its normal shape. Surgery needs to be decided according to the patient’s condition. Generally, general anesthesia is needed, and postoperative wound care and rehabilitation and recovery training should be paid attention to.

  • medication

Medication can also be considered for double uterus, such as using hormone drugs to regulate menstrual cycle, so as to alleviate the problems of dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation in double uterus.

  • physiotherapy

Physical therapy can be carried out with the help of professional doctors, including acupuncture and massage, with the aim of helping to relieve dysmenorrhea and improve menstrual discomfort.

  • Psychological support

Double uterus is not a rare disease, but the process of treating double uterus is long, and patients will feel great pressure. Therefore, medical care should give patients support, help and answer doubts in the treatment of God, and pay attention to patients’ emotional changes.

Oblique vaginal septum syndrome sounds terrible, but it has little effect on getting married and having children. Women should pay more attention to their health at ordinary times, and it is best to have gynecological examinations regularly to achieve early detection and treatment of diseases.


[1] "Congenital kidney deficiency! Abdominal pain is unbearable! Let’s take a look at how to diagnose and treat vaginal oblique septum syndrome. . Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2023-03-09

[2] "Does a woman’s double vagina affect normal pregnancy and childbirth? Family doctor online, June 18, 2014

[3] "The 24-year-old girl found two vaginas and double uterus? Doctors speak frankly: it’s rare to be in business for many years. Dr. Zou Lisha. 2023-04-12.

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Exploring culture: What is culture and how to identify whether there is culture or not?

Culture refers to the values, belief system, behavior norms, artistic creation, language, customs and traditions shared by a society or group. It is the product of human evolution and social development, which helps to shape the identity and thinking mode of individuals and groups.

Identifying whether a person has a culture is not simply about whether he has a high degree of education or extensive knowledge. The embodiment of culture depends more on a person’s ideological depth, values, interpersonal communication and behavior. Here are some ways to identify whether a person is literate or not:

Breadth and depth of knowledge: A literate person usually has a wide range of knowledge, not limited to a certain field, but also can deeply understand and think about what he has learned.

Open mind and curiosity: Educated people usually have open mind, are willing to accept new ideas and ideas, and are curious about different cultures and concepts.

Art and aesthetic consciousness: Culture and art are closely related, and literate people usually have a certain ability to appreciate and understand art forms such as painting, music and literature.

Language expression ability: A literate person usually has good language expression ability and can express his views and thoughts in accurate and vivid language.

Social consciousness and code of conduct: Educated people usually have high social consciousness, can respect others, abide by social code of conduct, and actively participate in social activities.

In a word, literacy is not only knowledge, but also a way of thinking, a code of conduct and an understanding of the world. By observing a person’s knowledge, way of thinking, artistic appreciation, language expression and social behavior, we can preliminarily judge whether he has culture or not. However, culture is a complex concept, and everyone’s understanding and expression may be different, so we should keep an open mind, respect diversity, and have positive exchanges and dialogues with others.

The seventh generation of agricultural robots, the whole environment "data" monitoring irrigation! Science and Technology Empowers Jinshan "Smart Agriculture"

Jinshan as an agricultural regionIn recent years, the transformation of old and new kinetic energy in agriculture has been continuously promoted.Through the empowerment of science and technology, we will accelerate the development of agriculture into science and technology, intelligence, informationization and precision, and put wings on rural revitalization..

At present, it is spring ploughing season. At Diantian Robot Smart Farm in Tinglin Town, technician Zhou Pengfei is debugging the latest generation of agricultural robots with his colleagues. Rotary tillage, ridging, watering, sowing, and sending operation instructions through mobile phones, these agricultural robots equipped with GPS and Beidou dual systems will "do their jobs" and automatically realize accurate operations with an error of less than 5 cm.

Zhou Pengfei, Technician of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative.

Manual operation can’t make a straight line. If we use our machine, every positioning is very accurate, and a straight line will be formed from point to point, making the ridge surface very flat.

In order to change the traditional agricultural production mode, six years ago, Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative targeted the field of intelligent agricultural robots. Nowadays, the agricultural robots in the cooperative have been updated to the seventh generation. By using technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence image recognition and big data system, more than 30 tasks such as farming, weeding and picking can be carried out, covering all aspects from cultivated land to harvest.

Zhangqian, a staff member of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Professional Cooperative.

After upgrading, we also have some of our own supply chains, including some cooperative factories.

At the same time, the AI intelligent operating system and saiga architecture of agricultural robots independently developed by the cooperative can realize the cooperative operation of multiple agricultural robots independently, and truly realize the digitalization of the whole process of agricultural planting and farming management. At present, these intelligent agricultural robots have been widely used in farms in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Northeast China. In 2023, the annual GDP of cooperatives is expected to reach 150 million yuan.

Wang Jinyue, Chairman of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative.

In the future, this R&D system will be more open, open source and more adaptable.

"Intelligentization" is not only applied to agricultural operations, but also reflected in modern agricultural irrigation. In the cooperative base of Tinglin Town Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd., a large number of air and soil sensors are distributed in the intelligent strawberry greenhouse with full environmental control. They pay close attention to the growth of crops all the time, and the data such as soil pH value and dry humidity will be monitored in real time and sent back to the computer, which will give instructions after judgment, so as to realize accurate automatic irrigation.

Jiang Tingting, technician of Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd.

The expert system will analyze whether these data are in line with the growth of crops, so that we can know whether it needs watering or fertilization.

By monitoring irrigation with "data" of the whole environment, each greenhouse can save more than 95% of water and fertilizer, and the strawberry yield is also increased by nearly 30%. At present, Huawei has carried out intelligent water and fertilizer integration, Internet of Things agriculture, digital factory, facility cultivation system construction and technical guidance in all regions of the country, covering an area of more than 3 million mu in 25 provinces across the country. Only Huawei drip irrigation technology can benefit about 1.2 million mu of farmland every year, saving costs and increasing efficiency for growers by about 1.2 billion yuan.

Lv Mingli, Chairman of Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Huawei has accumulated more than 20 years in the industry, and we are the first entity to realize the commercial application of crop growth models, accurately matching different growth stages to meet the needs of water, fertilizer, light and heat.

At present, Jinshan District has established smart agriculture experimental zones such as BOE, Songlin, Jiufeng and Rongmei. The intelligent soilless culture system was built by Zhilian Factory, a special vegetable in Langxia Town, BOE, with the help of AI technology, and the mechanized planting coverage in the vegetable growing process was over 90%. Dingdong is the first self-operated vegetable planting base to buy vegetables, which can realize the mechanization of seedling raising, tillage, ridging, transplanting, plant protection and harvesting. In the next step, Jinshan will focus on the joint construction of the national agricultural science and technology modernization pioneer zone, and continuously introduce, digest and absorb cutting-edge agricultural science and technology achievements, so that digital empowerment can promote the high-quality development of Jinshan agriculture.

The Newjin District as a pilot city representative in the "Kechuang China" artificial intelligence governance closed door experience sharing

On November 29th, hosted by the "Kechuang China" advisory committee"Kechuang China" artificial intelligence governance closed meetingHeld in the form of an online Tencent meeting. Chengdu Xinjin District is an invited meeting as a pilot city, and has experienced experience in "digital communication new cities, new industries, the practice of new life". It is also the only pilot city representative of the conference. .

This meetingArtificial intelligence governance under the new situation"" For the theme, focus on the intelligent management of the new development philosophy, the privacy protection of the sharing of major data in the artificial intelligence industry, construct the standard and norm of the government governance intelligence, invited the "Komantui China" Advisory Committee Members, artificial intelligence field experts, "Kechuang China" pilot city representative, to carry out forward-looking trend analysis, academic research discussion and practice sharing.

As the only pilot city representative of the only experience in sharing practices,Digital communication new city, new industry, new life practice exploration"As the subject, I introduced Xinjin to the key starting of the digital empowerment entity as a cross-economic transformation, driving high-quality development, with digital economy, cultivating the city innovation industry, relying on industrial function area spatial field promotion digital communication The physical industry, building a new city, developing new manufacturing, reshaping new rural villages, and accelerating the practice of promoting the economy to enter the high-quality development of fast lanes, and the experts of the participating meeting will "double development + double drive" intelligent manufacturing of Xinjin Industrial Internet "Digital Agricultural Expo + Link Urban and Rural" link Xinjin new city, new manufacturing, new villages, and innovative paths that integrate development, and discuss it.