Behind the scenes of Di Lizheba’s coronation: brilliant moments and gorgeous transformations

Bright moment, gorgeous metamorphosis: Di Lizheba’s crown crowned behind- the-scene full record[1. Star-studded: Di Lizheba, the bright queen on the stage]

In the vast sea of stars in China’s entertainment industry, there is a shining actress whose name is picturesque and dreamlike – she is Di Lizheba. This beautiful elf from Xinjiang has won the love of countless audiences with her unique exotic style, excellent acting skills and deeply rooted characters. Recently, a news thread about her, "Di Lizheba’s crown is crowned behind- the-scene", like a meteor piercing the night sky, instantly attracted the attention of the public.

[2. Coronation Moment: The Peak of Glory, Much Attention]

In the frozen frame of time on August 27, 2024, a high-profile event was grandly opened under the spotlight. On this day, Di Lizheba dressed in clothes and walked lightly to the center of the stage that symbolizes honor and dignity. There, a dazzling crown is waiting for its owner, and it will witness another brilliant milestone in Di Lizheba’s acting career.

In this carefully prepared coronation ceremony, every detail revealed the recognition and respect of Di Lizheba’s artistic achievements by the organizers. The stage set was gorgeous, like a dream palace, with lights shining brightly like stars. And the crown was made by an internationally renowned jewelry designer, inlaid with countless precious gems, each of which shone brightly, just like the wonderful moments Di Lizheba left on the road of acting.

[3. Behind-the-scene reveal: behind-the-scenes stories, moving moments]

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg presented to the public on stage. The real splendor is often hidden in those unknown behind-the-scenes. In "Di Lizheba’s Crown Coronation", we are fortunate to get a glimpse of the moments before and after the coronation of this charismatic Muse. Those real and moving pictures make us more deeply feel her dedication to art and dedication.

The camera first takes us into Di Lizheba’s dressing room. There, she sits quietly in front of the mirror, letting the professional team create her makeup. Her expression is focused and serene, as if she has entered the role ahead of time. At this moment, she is no longer a star under the spotlight, but an actress who is about to accept a sacred mission, full of anticipation and awe.

Later, we followed the camera backstage to witness Di Lizheba’s interaction with the staff. She warmly shook hands with each staff member to thank them, and her smile was warm and sincere. Although she was about to take to the stage of much attention at this moment, she did not forget the people who paid silently behind the scenes. This humility and gratitude undoubtedly added to her coronation.

When the coronation came, Di Lizheba slowly walked to the center of the stage in the warm applause of the audience. At that moment, her eyes were firm and bright, as if to tell the world that she was ready to meet the new challenge and shoulder the responsibility of this glory. When the bright crown gently fell on her hair, the audience boiled, and at this moment, the gorgeous transformation of Di Lizheba was completed.

[4. Future Outlook: Di Lizheba, the road of performing arts sets sail again]

The crowning of the crown is an affirmation of Di Lizheba’s past achievements and an expectation of her future potential. Facing this new starting point, Di Lizheba said: "I know the weight behind this honor, it is both an encouragement and a spur. I will use this as motivation to continue to perform every role with my heart and give back to all the fans and viewers who support me."

In the days to come, we have reason to believe that Di Lizheba will be active on the film and television stages at home and abroad with a more mature and confident attitude, using her talent and charm to write more brilliant chapters of her own. And that shining crown will become a shining imprint that will never fade in her acting career, illuminating her path forward.


The crowning of Di Lizheba’s crown behind- the-scene not only shows her brilliant moments on the stage, but also reveals her hard work and persistence behind it. This is a gorgeous metamorphosis and a solemn declaration of the future. Di Lizheba, the queen who bloomed on the stage, will embark on a new acting journey with even firmer steps and continue to write her legendary story. Let us look forward to more surprises and touches that Di Lizheba will bring us in the future.

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Automobile Museum: Wind on Wheels

Reporter | Liu Zhaohui

  Do you still remember the first car you owned? In the memory of many people, their well-off life became clear with the speed of the wheels. The former Xiali, Santana, and Fukang… were the active attempts of Chinese automakers to bring cars into people’s lives, and also marked the beginning of the diversified production of automobiles in New China.

  From the height of an era, these cars that have now entered the museum show a living historical section of China’s economic take-off since the reform and opening up. And people also feel their lives and struggles intertwined with the development of the country in these base colors of the rolling wheels of the era…

The earliest and last "Poussin"

  The heat of midsummer has not dampened the enthusiasm of Shanghai citizens to "breathe" on weekends. On a blazing Sunday, the parking lot in front of the Shanghai Automobile Museum in Anting Town, Jiading District, was full of private cars of various brands and styles from visiting citizens. If you want to look for the imprint of the beginning of China’s family car era, if you want to find the imprint of China’s family car era, you can find it in this automobile museum. The two Santana cars called "Old Pusang" on display here have witnessed the unforgettable development of China’s automobile industry and China’s family car.

  The Chinese must be no stranger to the Volkswagen Santana sedan. For many people who are a little older, the Volkswagen Old Poussin is the "divine car" in their minds, which is a kind of hard-to-part feeling. Their memories of private cars began with the old Poussin.

  A black Santana sedan on display in the museum is as charming as an old gentleman from Shanghai. The license plate of the "1983 SAN" indicates its identity – it is a Santana assembled in Shanghai in 1983 in all imported parts. A lot happened in 1983, and the biggest event for the Chinese auto industry was the establishment of a joint venture between Shanghai Automobile Factory and what was then West German Volkswagen, called "Shanghai Volkswagen", and the first product of the joint venture was the Santana. At that time, no one could have predicted that the name of this car originated from a whirlwind in California called "SANTANA", which actually blew the whirlwind of family cars in China and became popular for nearly 30 years. It opened the door to the dream of owning a car for countless Chinese families, became synonymous with family cars, and changed people’s life patterns.

  The overall shape of this Santana, produced 37 years ago, is not much different from the old Poussin we later saw on the market. The lines and corners of the whole car are square, but there are differences in some details such as lights and grille. There is a special "Shanghai" logo on the front intake grille of this Poussin, indicating that the vehicle is assembled at the Shanghai Automobile Factory. Although the internal configuration of this car is really the same as that of today’s family cars, such as the four-speed manual transmission and mechanical steering wheel, there is not so much auxiliary technology, but it can be said to be very excellent at the level of the year. Due to the high chassis, high horsepower, and a large fuel tank that can hold 60 liters of gasoline, Santana was very suitable for driving in China’s unsatisfactory road conditions at that time, and the advertising slogan "Own Santana, you are not afraid of traveling all over the world" also spread to thousands of families.

  Xin Chang, a full-time lecturer at the Shanghai Automobile Museum, told reporters that all the parts of the first batch of Santana assembled in Shanghai were imported from Germany, which was actually no different from imported vehicles. Santana, which inherited German quality, also started its own brand at that time with solid leather and durability. At that time, the price of Santana assembled with imported parts was also relatively expensive, costing nearly 200,000 yuan a piece, which was not affordable to ordinary people. However, with the domestic ability to produce parts independently, the price of Santana was gradually reduced, and eventually became the most classic "national car" for Chinese families. Xin Chang remembers that Poussin sold for 55,000 yuan a piece at its cheapest.

  Santana opened the prelude to the development of Chinese automobiles in the way of "joint venture production, market for technology", from the initial semi-bulk assembly, to the production of each manufacturing link to gradually achieve high standards, and then to achieve full localization and reach the international manufacturing level, laying the foundation for the independent development and joint venture of China’s automobile industry. Shanghai Volkswagen has launched Santana 2000, Santana 3000 and Santana Vista models one after another through technical research and digestion of Santana, but the sales of Pusang are still unable to shake. Just before the production is about to stop in 2012, there is even news that Pusang will increase the price to pick up the car, which is enough to see Pusang’s status in people’s hearts.

  From the original Poussin, to the Poussin, which was constantly upgraded in technology and configuration, Santana has always been the kind of square-headed image, during which many other car brands are rising and declining, but Santana is still the classic Santana. In the past 30 years, Poussin has been the responsibility of Volkswagen’s domestic sales in China, creating a total sales miracle of 3,213,710 vehicles. The total sales volume of the whole series has exceeded 5 million vehicles, making Santana the highest-owned car brand in China.

  A dynasty always comes to an end. Due to the appearance and accessories that could not keep up with the development of the times, in 2012, Shanghai Volkswagen officially discontinued the Poussin model. This classic model with a high chassis and a square front face was officially withdrawn from the market, replaced by the new Santana developed on a new platform. In the Shanghai Automobile Museum, a white Poussin that was the last batch to be discontinued in 2012 became the last witness of the "Poussin Dynasty".

  The earliest and last Pusang are transformed into a time-space tunnel spanning three decades in the Shanghai Automobile Museum. Those days with Santana are like a flood in the memory of visitors. Mr. Gao, a visitor, said of his former car, Santana: "He is an important friend that I will never forget in my life."

  In the early 1990s, at the age of 30, Mr. Gao decided to quit his original unit and go into business, and the Poussin he bought was his most loyal partner in family life and business. The Santana had been in operation for nine years. During these nine years, he worked hard for the Gao family "full attendance", but later the needs of business made Mr. Gao have to bid farewell to the old friend. He said: "When I saw its second owner drive it away, my heart was sore." He looked at the white Poussin in the exhibition hall, and his eyes seemed to see the old friend who had accompanied him again. It was a simple but deep feeling.

  The Poussin in the exhibition hall reminded some Santana owners of their own struggles, and some people who had never owned Santana also inexplicably developed an emotion for it. It was not so much that people were reluctant to part with Santana, but rather their own stories and feelings about youth and struggle along the way.

  Next to the Shanghai Automobile Museum is the "EV-AI Smart Port", which shows the life of the most fashionable electric vehicles at present, and the Expo Road at the entrance is also the test section of autonomous driving of Shanghai’s intelligent networked vehicles. Inside and outside the museum are the historical records and future visions of Chinese family car life. If Pusang had eyes to see out the window, he should be relieved.

Drive to a well-off life

  In the 1990s, Santana, Jetta and Fukang were collectively referred to as the "old three" of domestic cars and were the main force in the domestic family car market. Tang Guohua of Changsha, Hunan Province, has collected the first Fukang car that rolled off the production line in his "Hexi Automobile Exhibition Hall".

  In the late 1990s, Tang Guohua was transferred from the Air Force to the position of deputy director of the labor bureau in a district. After learning about machine repair during his time in the army, Tang Guohua, who had car dreams, did not follow the steps to become his director. Instead, he plunged into the automobile distribution industry, began selling Dongfeng auto parts, and gradually developed the business into automobile dealership. Today, the Hunan Lantian Automobile Group he founded is firmly in the top three in Hunan’s automobile dealership industry. The cars displayed in the Hexi Automobile Culture Center are some of the vehicles collected by the Lantian Group during its 20-year development.

  Since the start of his career benefited from "Dongfeng", in the early days of founding the automobile sales group, Tang Guohua only did "Dongfeng Department". By chance, Tang Guohua went to Dongfeng Group to work, and a friend told him that the first Fukang sedan jointly produced by Dongfeng and Citroen was thrown in the wind and rain in a corner of the Xiangfan factory. When Tang Guohua, who liked to collect vehicles, heard about it, he immediately went to the relationship and looked for the relevant certification records of this car. Finally, it was determined that this was indeed the first Fukang produced by Dongfeng Citroen. After a conversation with the senior management of Dongfeng Company, the other party was moved by Tang Guohua’s enthusiasm and agreed to hand over the car to Tang Guohua for collection.

  According to historical records, on September 4, 1992, the first CKD-assembled "Fukang" sedan was officially rolled off the production line at the Xiangfan Dongfeng Automobile Assembly and Trial Plant. The car was the first car assembled and produced by Shenlong Automobile Co., Ltd., a joint venture between Dongfeng Automobile and Citroen Automobile, using parts imported from the Ornai General Assembly Plant in France. Its name in the origin market was Citroen ZX, and after being introduced to China, the Chinese name was designated Shenlong Fukang.

  In 2017, Tang Guohua, who was like a treasure, shipped the white Fukang car with number 00001 back to Changsha, and after some rectification, it was displayed in his car culture exhibition hall. Because the first 4S store operated by Lantian Group was the Dongfeng Citroen brand, this Fukang was of special significance to Tang Guohua, and it was almost the "treasure of the town hall".

  In fact, the reason why Tang Guohua has a soft spot for Fukang is also because the first car he bought in 1999 was also Fukang.

  "Back then, I was driving it to run business and drag accessories. It accompanied me throughout the difficult journey of starting my business in the early stage…" Looking back on the road to entrepreneurship, Tang Guohua, 57, is full of emotions. "At that time, it was a very face-saving thing to be able to drive a Fukang car." Tang Guohua said that this car accompanied the start and take-off of his entrepreneurial road. "Driving to talk about business can bring more trust to customers." Tang Guohua said with a smile. At that time, he ran business, not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and he also drove to Guangdong, Hubei and other places regardless of day and night. In addition to the province, he often drove to Guangdong, Hubei and other places, and each time the Fukang car did not disappoint him.

  He gave the Fukang car that accompanied Tang Guohua’s business to his younger brother and nephew one after another. It was not until 2018 that the "classic car" that ran nearly 400,000 kilometers was honorably retired and was collected by Tang Guohua in his automobile culture center.

  In charge of a car group with tens of billions of yuan in revenue, Tang Guohua has achieved "car freedom". After Fukang, he bought Dongfeng Citroen C5, Dongfeng Nissan Loulan, Infiniti, Mercedes-Benz S and other cars. When changing cars, the old cars were not sold, and they all became his collection. Tang Guohua wants to treat his treasure of the year as an element of car culture and share it with riders. In his opinion, this is not only to remember the original intention of hard work, but also because used cars "have temperature and stories". Of course, his favorite is the Fukang sedan that accompanied him to start from scratch 21 years ago.

  "A car should not be just a tool, but an element of life." As an entrepreneur, Tang Guohua has a deep fascination with "car culture". In the Changsha Hexi Automobile City he built, not only do dozens of 4S shops operate, but the completely free "Hexi Automobile Culture Center" attracts people who love car culture. In addition to the first domestic Shenlong Fukang, Tang Guohua’s Fukang, and Dongfeng Citroen C5, there are also various precious models of different eras such as Mercedes-Benz steam cars, Beetles, Red Flag courtesy cars, Shanghai brand cars, Willis, etc., as well as engines, car chassis and car-related cultural objects.

  Although more than 100 million yuan has been invested in the vehicle collection, Tang Guohua said that dreams have nothing to do with money. He hopes to make more young people love cars, understand history and cherish the present. Tang Guohua told reporters that the car culture exhibition hall has been declared to the Hunan Provincial and Changsha Municipal Cultural Tourism Bureau as "Hunan Vehicle Museum", and it is estimated that it will be approved soon. By then, this will be the real first automobile museum in Hunan. (Reporter, Liu Zhaohui)

The countdown to the 2023 Heze Auto Show began, and thousands of models gathered together, and the tickets for the exhibition were quickly picked up!

The 5th China (Heze) International Future City Automobile Exhibition 2023 was held in Heze International Convention and Exhibition Center from April 14 to 18, 2023. This five-day auto show will provide a stage for all automobile brands to show their elegance.

Ticket collection channel for participation →

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Welfare! Welfare! Welfare, it’s coming! Blessed are the riders who are ready to participate in the exhibition. Now the last 2000 free exhibition places have been prepared for everyone. Those who want to come to the exhibition, see the cars and buy cars, remember to collect tickets! If it’s late, it won’t be!

The main change in appearance of the new Song Pro DM-i is the design of the front grille. The whole grille is larger in size, and the chrome-plated short-line element combination is adopted inside. The matte trim on the top is consistent with the cash, and the middle is the model "Song". The headlights on both sides glow with purple, which looks quite exquisite. At the same time, the new car has also upgraded the air intakes on both sides, making it bigger and more exaggerated, and making the whole car look more dynamic.

The rest of the design of the car body is basically the same as that of the cash. The classic through taillight design is adopted, and a large area of black grain decorative board under it is both durable and practical.

The size of the new car is longer and higher than the current one, with the length, width and height of 4738×1860×1710mm and the wheelbase of 2712mm respectively. In terms of power, the new car is still equipped with a 1.5L+ hybrid system, with a maximum power of 81kW and a maximum motor power of 145kW, and the overall power performance is good.

No matter whether you want to see a car or buy a car, hundreds of popular models at the scene are greatly reduced in price, and the models are whatever you choose. There is only one distance between you and your car. Now get the tickets, and have a zero-distance contact with your car at the auto show!

The article has also prepared the exhibition tickets for everyone, and you can pick them up with your fingers!

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What changes will C919′ s successful first flight bring to our lives?

  On May 5th, China’s first international mainstream trunk passenger plane C919 taxied after landing safely at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. At 14: 01 on the same day, China’s first international mainstream trunk passenger plane C919 made its first flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, and landed safely at Shanghai Pudong International Airport at 15: 19, and its first flight was successful. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Ting photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 5 (Reporter Meng Hanqi, Jia Yuankun and Xie Jiao) On May 5, China’s first large jet C919 with completely independent intellectual property rights rushed into the sky at Shanghai Pudong Airport, successfully completing its first flight mission, fulfilling the "airplane dream" that Chinese people had been waiting for for for half a century. The successful first flight of a large plane not only inspired the aviation industry, but also closely related to the lives of ordinary people.

  The upgrading of aviation industry sounded the "first shot"

  C919 large passenger plane is a large jet civil aircraft developed by China in accordance with international civil aviation regulations, with completely independent intellectual property rights. According to the advanced aerodynamic layout, structural materials and airborne system, the developers have planned 102 key technical problems, including the integrated design of aircraft engine, the control law design of fly-by-wire flight control system and active control technology.

  Don’t think that C919 is just a cold code name, but this name has great expectations. The full name of C919 is COMAC919, in which "C" is the initials of China and the abbreviation of the English name of COMAC, the main manufacturer of China. The first "9" means everlasting, while "19" means that the first medium-sized passenger plane in China has a maximum capacity of 190 seats.

  The reporter learned from China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. that the first flight of the C919 lasted for more than one hour, the cruising altitude of the aircraft was about 3,000 meters, and the cruising speed was about 300 kilometers per hour.

  It is generally believed in the industry that the successful maiden flight of C919 has sounded the first shot for the upgrading of China’s aviation industry, which will have a far-reaching impact on large aircraft manufacturing and even high-end manufacturing. With the introduction of relevant industrial policies, it will not only help to accelerate the formation of domestic large aircraft industrial clusters, but also expect long-term overall returns on related stocks. For example, machine integrators, system-level integrated suppliers and raw materials fields will usher in a broad market space.

  Upstream and downstream industries "take off"

  The big plane was successfully launched and cheers came from all over the country.

  The production, matching and assembly of C919 large passenger aircraft involved more than 200 enterprises and 22 provinces and cities, involving nearly 200,000 people, and promoted the establishment of 16 joint ventures in airborne systems such as avionics, flight control, power supply, fuel and landing gear. Chen Shangyong, an external flight consultant of Yihang Aviation Group, said that the mass production of C919 will drive the development of upstream and downstream industries such as metal materials, metallurgical processing, CNC machine tools and power control, and its pull on related markets will exceed one trillion.

  According to the forecast, China’s air transport market alone will need nearly 6,000 trunk passenger planes in the next 20 years, with a value of nearly 900 billion yuan.

  The vigorous development of industry and increasing demand will directly affect employment. According to statistics, if the civil aviation large aircraft project forms an industry, there is a demand for 80 workers in the downstream parts field behind an aircraft factory worker; The civil aircraft project will provide 12 times the employment opportunities for related industries. For every $100 million invested in the aviation industry, aviation and related industries will produce $8 billion in 10 years.

  As a "professional nose user", AVIC Chengfei Civil Aircraft Company has driven the development of more than 20 upstream enterprises around, some of which are providing accessories for star models such as Boeing and Airbus. Tang Jianzhong, deputy chief engineer of AVIC Chengfei Civil Aircraft Company, said that with the commercialization of domestic aircraft, more jobs will be created and the employment of a large number of high-tech talents will be solved.

  It is matched with the improvement of the training mechanism of aviation high-skilled talents. It is understood that with the launch of the C919 project, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Shanghai Jiaotong University set up a special class for civil aircraft design to train professionals. With the development of C919 project, GCAT, jointly organized by Comac of China, General Electric Company and Avionics International, has also been promoted.

  When can the people "fly first"?

  "C919 integrates the highest scientific and technological applications in the field of civil aviation manufacturing at home and abroad, with a high design starting point. I believe it will definitely become a star model. " Liu Shaoyong, chairman of China Eastern Airlines Group and a national super pilot, said.

  "For the people, the success of the flight test of the C919 means that there will be new options in addition to Airbus and Boeing in the future, and it is a domestic model option." Chen Shangyong said. Netizens also praised it, saying that "the big plane has fulfilled the China aviation dream of ordinary people" and "domestic aircraft will be supported after commercial operation in the future".

  When we are happy, many people secretly expect: When can we get on the C919 passenger plane?

  At present, the market order for C919 large passenger aircraft has reached 570. In 2016, China Eastern Airlines became the first user of C919 large passenger aircraft in the world. Within one year after the first flight of C919 passenger plane, Comac China and China Eastern Airlines will start negotiations on the supply and demand of five aircraft.

  Although the first flight was successful, it is still a long way from commercial operation. It is understood that the first flight is not a commercial operation of carrying passengers, but a step required to obtain various qualifications. After the first flight of C919 is successful, it needs to complete all kinds of forensic tasks before mass production. According to industry insiders, it takes about 3 or 4 years for civil aircraft to obtain evidence for flight test, and it will not enter the commercialization stage until the evidence is obtained.

  "The agreement between China and Europe and the United States on airworthiness forensics has opened up a situation for the smooth forensics of C919 aircraft in the United States and the European Aviation Administration. We look forward to the early success of obtaining evidence for C919, and look forward to delivering it to us for commercial operation as soon as possible after completing various forensics." Liu Shaoyong said.

Rush to the hot search! Break out! The concept of gold rose sharply

Overnight, "Kimi fever" swept through A shares, and the praise was endless.

In early trading today, the concept of Kimi continued to soar. Many stocks had a daily limit of "one", and the AI application side collectively surged. After 10 o’clock, the AI application side began to fall back, and the three major indexes weakened. But overall, the AI ? ? application is still the biggest hot spot in the morning. At the close of the morning, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.21%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.42% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 0.49%.

AI application is active

This morning, the concept of Kimi continued to soar.Huace movie and televisionUshered in a 20% daily limit,Zhangyue technologyZhongguang natural selectionAnd other stocks also have a daily limit of "one".

A few days ago, Kimi intelligent assistant raised the length of lossless context to 2 million words, which attracted market attention. According to industry insiders, as the gateway to GMartificial intelligenceThe basic technology of (AGI), lossless long context, has always been a research hotspot in the industry. The evolution of model architecture in history is essentially to improve the effective and lossless context length. The breakthrough of Kimi intelligent assistant in this field will undoubtedly promote the generalization ability of AIGC model and provide empowerment for more vertical industries. Many brokers believe that Kimi intelligent assistant is expected to become a benchmark product in the AIGC field, and its 2 million words lossless long text generation ability will help enterprises achieve high-quality and efficient content production.

There has been a lot of good news in the AI field recently. On the evening of March 20th, Cheng Yixiao, founder and CEO of Aauto Quicker, said at the company’s 2023 annual performance conference call that after the company launched the AI strategy in 2023, it would step by step promote the research and development training of self-developed large models and accelerate the scene landing of large models. For Wensheng video, Aauto Quicker has promoted special research and development at the end of last year. Cheng Yixiao said that this is a huge opportunity for the short video ecology. In the future, Aauto Quicker will combine the generation model with producer tools, and constantly help creators to lower the threshold of creation and improve the quality and efficiency of short video production.

On March 20,BaiduMap announced that the number of users of its "AI Guide" has exceeded 100 million, providing more than 10 million conversations every day. On March 21st, intelligent cloud held a Qian Fan product launch conference, and released three large lightweight models, namely ERNIE Speed, ERNIE Lite and ERNIE Tiny. The parameters are from large to small, which are suitable for fine-tuning as a base model in specific scenes, giving consideration to the model effect and reasoning performance, and being equipped with a low-computational AI accelerator card for reasoning, which is suitable for low-cost and low-delay applications.

AI hardware side,Memory chipThe plate is active,Dawei stockDeminliWait for the stock to soar.

On March 21, driven by the strong demand for AI storage hardware,micron technology, incAnnounced a third-quarter performance outlook that exceeded expectations. The outlook for total revenue and earnings per share far exceeded analysts’ expectations, and the share price of US stocks soared after hours.

Milky WaysecuritiesIt is said that the track belongs to a high-growth and strong cycle industry, and the current time is a new starting point for the next cycle of the track. In AI, demand recovery superpositiondigital economyUnder the background of rising demand for storage power, we are optimistic about the investment opportunities of listed companies related to the domestic storage industry chain.

Gold conceptRise sharply

Recently, it has continued to strengthen. This morning, it rose again,Dengyun stockZhongrun resourcesJingui silver industryWaiting for the top increase. "Gold" rushed to the forefront of the hot search list in the morning.

In the early morning of March 21st, Beijing time, the Federal Reserve announced that it would keep the federal funds interest rate range unchanged between 5.25% and 5.5%, which was in line with market expectations. This is also the fifth consecutive time that the Fed has kept interest rates unchanged since last September.

After the release of the interest rate resolution, the three major stock indexes of the US stock market and the spot gold price rose rapidly, and the spot gold price once exceeded $2,200 per ounce in intraday trading.

Galaxy futuresprecious metalResearchers believe that the rise in international gold prices is due to the fact that the recent US macroeconomic data is not in line with expectations, and on the other hand, Fitch downgraded new york.bankThe market risk aversion caused by rating has warmed up. At the same time, central banks continue to buy gold and constantly raise the gold price center. Therefore, the international gold price has stepped out of a round of rising market under various favorable factors.

"Workplace Health Class" will broadcast "Stay away from digital visual fatigue" on August 15th.

Have you calculated how long you use electronic equipment every day? Dry eyes, itchy eyes, painful eyes, stinging eyes, photophobia, tears, foreign body sensation, etc. How many symptoms have you got? While electronic products bring us convenience, improper use may also cause serious harm to our eyes.

What diseases are the symptoms of eye discomfort often felt in life?

We usually have a series of eye discomfort symptoms caused by excessive use of electronic products, such as dryness, swelling pain, itchy eyes, easy fatigue, blurred vision, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, fear of wind, photophobia, sensitivity to external stimuli, etc., which may be the manifestations of dry eye, asthenopia and pseudomyopia.

How is dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye refers to a tear secretion disorder caused by many factors, with dry eyes as the main symptom. Dry eye sometimes the eyes are too dry and the basic tears are insufficient, but it stimulates the secretion of reflective tears, resulting in frequent tears.

Main symptoms: dry eyes, easy fatigue, itchy eyes, foreign body sensation, burning pain, sticky secretions, fear of wind, photophobia and sensitivity to external stimuli.

How is visual fatigue?

Visual fatigue is not an independent disease, but a group of fatigue syndrome caused by various reasons. Visual fatigue is mainly caused by the decrease of blinking times when people concentrate on watching the screens of electronic products such as TV, computer or mobile phone, resulting in a corresponding decrease in tears secretion, and at the same time, the flashing screen strongly stimulates the eyes, which will cause and aggravate various eye diseases.

The main symptoms: eye fatigue, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, heavy eyelids, blurred vision, photophobia and tears, eye swelling and pain, eye congestion, headache, dizziness, nausea, listlessness, inattention, memory loss, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms. A few patients may have diplopia, stereoscopic vision dysfunction, elevated intraocular pressure, corneal damage, etc., and teenagers may also have myopia or deepen myopia.

How is pseudomyopia?

Pseudomyopia is caused by the continuous contraction and spasm of ciliary muscle and the increase of lens thickness, which leads to blurred vision. If pseudomyopia is not relieved in time, it will lead to the enlargement of axial length and become true myopia.

Can you avoid dry eye symptoms by closing your eyes?

Close your eyes and rest can protect your eyes, but it can’t prevent dry eye. The most effective way to prevent dry eye is to blink effectively. Blink, that is, what we usually call blink.

Can staring at green alleviate visual fatigue?

Green is the most favorable color for the eyes, but just looking at green can’t relieve visual fatigue. The most effective way to relieve visual fatigue is to let your eyes look far away and have a proper rest.

Can anti-blue glasses and anti-blue mobile phone film effectively protect eyes?

It is not recommended to protect your eyes through anti-blue glasses and anti-blue mobile phone film. What is really harmful to the eyes is: short-wave blue light with a wavelength of 400~450.

How to prevent visual fatigue?

● Pay attention to the distance of using electronic products.

● Pay attention to the time of using electronic products and follow the "20-20-20" rule.

● Pay attention to adjusting the brightness of electronic products.

● Strengthen outdoor activities and get full exposure to the sun.

● Maintain hand hygiene and prevent eye infection.

● Strengthen nutrition.

On August 15th, Wei Wenbin, vice president of Beijing Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, and Li Ying, chief ophthalmologist of Peking Union Medical College Hospital were invited to keep you away from "digital fatigue". Please watch.

Skiers who are easily injured at the freezing point

Jiang Tao practiced slope obstacle skills at Beijing Nanshan Ski Resort. Photo courtesy of respondents
During the Beijing Winter Olympics, an orthopedic surgeon wrote in Weibo: Today, 9 operations, 7 were skiing, 4 anterior cruciate ligaments were broken, 1 patella was dislocated, 1 ankle joint was injured, and 1 meniscus was injured. He sighed with emotion: "At the end of the snowy road is orthopedics." This quip was posted on Weibo Hot Search.
When people praise the fashionable men and women in the ski resort on social media, they will not think that skiing is a sport with high risk factor when they look at the bright snow clothes and red faces set off by the "natural reflector". According to the survey data of the National Trauma Data Center, there are 17 million skiers in the United States every year, with 200,000 emergency visits and 7,000 hospitalizations due to skiing injuries. China’s survey data also shows that the injury rate of skiing is 14%. It is reported that every 1000 skiers have an average daily injury of 0.5-3 cases. Judging from the incidence of injuries, skiing has a greater risk of injuries than swimming and mountain climbing.
Every winter, the rehabilitation center of the Institute of Sports Medicine of the State Sports General Administration always welcomes more patients from ski resorts. Qi Tianyi, a rehabilitation therapist who has worked here for many years, told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that skiing is characterized by high kinetic energy and high potential energy, which is easy to cause serious injuries. The injuries he saw caused by skiing were mainly clavicle fracture, rotator cuff injury, wrist fracture and anterior cruciate ligament rupture of knee joint. The sports injury characteristics of snowboarders are different from those of snowboarders. Snowboarding skiers often have wrist injuries because they have more movements with their hands on the ground, and the probability of injury is as high as 20.4-37.8%. However, snowboarders often suffer from knee ligament injury because of good fixation below the knee joint. The comprehensive injury rate of anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of adult knee joint is 33.1%.
The athletes of the national training team of the front double-board freestyle skiing platform experienced the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint. At that time, he was just doing a familiar warm-up action. "I heard a bang in my ear the moment I landed. I don’t know what was disconnected, but it came to my ears, and that’s the sound. " The severe pain attacked him and stopped after a few minutes, replacing it with a feeling of numbness. He thought he was better and continued to slide for a while, but found that it was wrong. "The thigh and calf seemed to be detached." This year, Gao Shang underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and meniscus suture, which requires transplanting a ligament from the thigh to the knee.
Studies have shown that the knee accounts for about one-third of all public skiing injuries. According to Qi Tianyi, this mainly exists in the snowboarding event. Before the 1980s, skiing equipment was not sophisticated enough, and more injuries were caused to the feet. Later, the equipment became more and more wrapped, and the position of the injuries began to move upwards. "Better wrapping below the knee joint is disastrous for the knee joint. During the exercise, more torque will be transmitted to the knee joint, so the injury rate of the knee joint is on the rise. "
Qi Tianyi was once employed by the Winter Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sport, and has done sports rehabilitation for athletes such as Sui Wenjing and Han Cong. Every year before winter, the head teacher will always say, "There are many broken legs and hands recently, so we should get busy." Different from the acute injuries in winter sports, the patients they receive in summer are more chronic strain. It has been a long time to rehabilitate skiers, and Qi Tianyi himself has "entered the pit". He likes double board freestyle skiing and can make a simple 180-degree turn on the platform. He became a "friend of a rehabilitation teacher" for skiers, and sometimes he caught patients who came to ski again before they recovered. Later, in his hospital, he was responsible for most cases of skiing injuries.
The patient who impressed Qi Tianyi the most was a skier who had torn the anterior cruciate knee joint, medial collateral ligament and lateral collateral ligament. That patient was injured around 2017. Because of the deep degree of injury, he did not intervene in rehabilitation treatment in time, and he still can’t complete the whole squat movement until now.
Athletes are noble and have the habit of writing sports summaries. After the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee, the 19-year-old athlete, who has been snowing for 7 years, wrote: "It was hard for me to accept at first, but I didn’t expect my body to be so’ fragile’ sometimes." Fragility is unfamiliar to him. In the past five years, he felt that he had been in good health. Although he was tired after skiing, he could recover the next day. The injury made him feel "particularly helpless".
When he was recovering, he watched skiing videos on social networking sites, and he liked Henrik harlaut, a Swedish freestyle skier best. This is his idol that has never changed since he came into contact with skiing at the age of 12. They like the same music, even their dressing styles are similar-wide sleeves and hip-hop style. Noble imitates Henrik harlaut’s skiing style, and feels that he skates naturally and smoothly.
This year, he watched almost all the snow events in the Beijing Winter Olympics. "Very emotional", he was so close to them, and now they stand in the Olympic Games. In July, 2020, Gao Shang fell behind the training due to a muscle strain in his right thigh, leaving the national training team and returning to the provincial team.
Guo Jingduo, a former freestyle skiing slope obstacle skill and national training team athlete with big platform, had similar experience with him. Last summer, when training in Chengdu dry snow field, he landed on his back, fractured his spine and suffered a sharp pain in his back for an instant. His teammates came to see him. He was so painful that he couldn’t speak, had difficulty breathing, and felt numb in his legs and couldn’t move. The operation finally left a wound in the center of his back. The doctor said that this position is very dangerous, and it will almost lead to paralysis of the lower body. This injury directly prompted him to choose to retire.
Half a year after the injury, Guo Jingduo resumed his normal exercise and life to a certain extent, but he could not completely return to the past. The most terrible thing is fear. "This is not a question of whether we can continue the game, but that we almost can’t live a normal life." In the Beijing Winter Olympics, he became a technical official in Zhangjiakou Division, and went up the mountain to maintain the snow trail at 5 am every day. He witnessed many athletes younger than him win medals. When Su Yiming won the silver, he was at the scene, "very envious".
During the Beijing Winter Olympics, Qi Tianyi watched the game on the screen. He called those athletes who got along with each other day and night and brought them back to health personally "biological athletes". During the athletes’ rehabilitation training, they spend all the time together except sleeping.
They didn’t talk about their fear of injury, but Qi Tianyi could see it from their reaction. For example, resisting training and not wanting to leave the room. In the face of pain, some people don’t understand and doubt at first, and keep thinking "why are you hurt"; Then there is sadness and depression; Finally, some people began to rebuild their confidence and know "what should I do now?"
In January, Jiang Tao was at Beijing Nanshan Ski Resort. Photo courtesy of respondents
In the amateur skiing circle outside the competitive sports field, some people are still "dead" with injuries. Jiang Tao, a 49-year-old skier, has experienced muscle fracture, brachial plexus injury, concussion and shoulder glenoid lip tear. He always felt that 80% of the injuries could be avoided. "Most injuries are caused by doing things beyond your ability, recklessness, or sheer ignorance."
After 10 years of skiing, Jiang Tao knows more and more about his body. He always keeps an ice pack at home, and every time he goes skiing, he will ice his joints. He found that "people’s feelings about their bodies are very subtle". Jiang Tao regards injuries as part of skiing. Due to the right brachial plexus injury, his right arm is only half as strong as his left arm. It took him half a year to recover. At first, he couldn’t hold chopsticks, brush his teeth and take care of himself. But he doesn’t feel that these injuries have cost him anything. Because he likes skiing, he accepted these pains and disabilities together.
He learned to get along with his fears. Every time I come back to the snowy road after recovery, I always have the shadow of injury in my heart. With this kind of fear, the action will not be done well. But you know that fear and anxiety will pass. He gradually "accepted it". When this action is repeated for the second time and the third time, and he can land smoothly, he will know that the hurdle in his heart has slowly passed.
He figured out the reason for his injury: once he made a breakthrough, he would fall into excitement, "thinking that he is very powerful and wants to be a better one." This time, you will often get hurt. He observed the training of professional ski teams, and after one action was made twice, the coach would ask the athletes to stop and practice for other actions. He gradually realized that in sports, he should also be restrained and sober. Now when skiing, he often says to his companions, "You remind me not to get excited."
On February 28, I was in the noble of rehabilitation training. Photo courtesy of respondents
As a friend and rehabilitation therapist of Jiang Tao, Qi Tianyi was very pleased to see that he would protect himself more and more. For novice skiers, Qi Tianyi told them to be "ready to go again". This is the famous saying of Raymond Li, a famous sports rehabilitation teacher. Ordinary people want to ski, first of all, they should have sufficient physical reserves, and secondly, they should warm up for about 15-20 minutes. After warm-up, the choice of equipment is also very important. When skiing, even ordinary people can easily reach a high speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, and appropriate equipment can give people maximum protection. For example, helmets can reduce the death rate of concussion by 60%.
Qi Tianyi also saw that even though the injury brought great pain to people, many people regarded rehabilitation as a new turning point in their lives. Some patients went to the University of Southern California to study for a degree in rehabilitation after undergoing rehabilitation treatment. The above-mentioned patient, who was unable to squat completely due to serious injury, did not leave the ski resort and became the owner of the ski shop, promoting scientific winter sports.
Jiang Tao, 49, is used to injuries. At first, he was injured and didn’t dare to go home. He wanted to stay in a hotel near the snow field for one night. Now his family can’t support him, but they can understand him. He can’t explain why he likes skiing. He thought, from a very young age, people were divided into two groups, one likes sliding slides and the other doesn’t. "You say why people slide, what’s the point, why do you like this? This is human nature and there is nothing to explain. "
The 19-year-old Gao feels that his sports career is still long, and he still regards the Olympic Games as his dream. He knew that someone who fell might not get up again, but he didn’t.
Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang Trainee Reporter Guo Yujie Source: China Youth Daily
Source: China Youth Daily

Zhaoan Fuling: the prosperity of the industry leads to the prosperity of the countryside, and the road of tea farming helps to revitalize the tea industry in an all-round way.

  Minnan Net January 7th (correspondent Lai Rongmin Minnan Net reporter Liang Zhengwen/photo) Moling Village in Yuxiu, Zhong Ling is located in the mountainous area of Xiuzhuan Town in the northwest of Zhao ‘an County, with beautiful ecological environment, fresh air and rich trace elements-selenium in the soil. Moling Village is located in the hinterland of mountainous areas, where the traffic is blocked and the industry is not prosperous. The villagers mainly grow tea, and were once bound by poverty. It was a poor village at the former municipal level and a base village in the old revolutionary base area. How to realize the rural revitalization of Moling Village is a difficult problem for the local party committee and government and villagers.

  Industrial prosperity leads to rural prosperity. Therefore, since last year, under the guidance of Lin Shaojin, vice mayor of Zhangzhou, and with the support of Jiulongjiang Group and various departments, Moling Village, Xiuzhuan Town, Zhao ‘an County has focused on characteristic industries, fully promoted the development of tea industry, and continuously expanded the collective income of the village. Lai Rongmin, resident secretary of Zhangzhou Jiulongjiang Group in Zhaoan, said that Moling Village invested about 1.7 million yuan to build standardized tea factory buildings and purchase standardized tea equipment in Moling Village to solve the shortage of tea processing and production conditions. At present, the project has been completed. At the same time, the annual matching funds in the village are used to improve the construction of cultivated roads and facilitate the production and life of villagers. At present, 530,000 yuan has been invested in the construction of tea machine-cultivated roads. In addition, with the help of the Party Committee of Jiulong River Group, it invested 1.3 million yuan to promote the construction of the second-phase tea factory and tea culture center.

  It is worth mentioning that after the standardized tea factory is put into use, it can apply for SC food production license, which will be the first subject in Moling Village to have this qualification. "In this way, it can not only effectively improve the production quality of tea products in Fuling Village, but also actually increase the income of village wealth, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone." Lai Rongmin said.

  Deeply cultivate selenium-rich fertile soil and serve the people in the old areas. Nowadays, the tea industry in Moling Village has been better developed, and the scene of "the village is strong and the people are rich, livable and suitable for business" is gradually coming true.

Source: Minnan Net


A group of children’s Christmas wishes were very touching.

Original Lens WeLens

Christmas is only a week away. Who will you spend Christmas with, prepare Christmas gifts and wishes?

A month or two before Christmas every year, a steady stream of letters will pour into 123 Elf Road North Pole, and the recipient is the legendary Santa Claus who will quietly send Christmas gifts to children.

In this letter, children will share their year’s harvest with an old friend they will never meet, and make a wish to post the letter before Christmas, silently expecting that when they wake up on Christmas Day, they can see the long-awaited gift at the bedside.

Of course, this Santa Claus is not real, and letters will not be sent to the North Pole, although many children do believe it. In fact, this is the annual Operation Santa organized by USPS, in order to provide Christmas gifts to families who may not be able to provide more than their basic daily needs.

Children’s Christmas wishes are big or small. Some people want toys, some people want a greeting card, and some people just want a hug, and they don’t forget to tell Santa Claus to wear masks and gloves. ……


Want to be happy!

Toys, game consoles and so on are naturally at the forefront of children’s wish list. However, before expressing their wishes, children will also talk about their performance this year.

"I have grown into a good boy this year.

I can count from 1 to 100 and recognize all 26 letters.

I want a cool hot wheels car. "

"I hope you and everyone in the Arctic have had the best year.

I want Lego’s Destiny’s Bounty toy this year.

I have always done well and studied hard at school.

I wish you a safe journey on Christmas Eve. "

"Merry Christmas to you in advance! I know you’re busy,

But I hope you can read this letter.

It was written by my brother and me.

We are all good children, and sometimes we fight.

But we still love each other.

We want to share a Switch together.

I know it will cost a lot of money,

So it’s okay if you don’t get it. "

"I want a real elf friend forever,

He’d better bring a small house with him,

There are beds, toilets, bathtubs, showers and the like.

"Please come and play with me. We can play anything.

If you want to bring me a present, I’ll wear a size 3 dress. "

Some children don’t want gifts, and even want to give gifts to Santa Claus.

"You are the best!

I want to be happy at Christmas! "

"When I wrote this letter to you, I was not very happy.

I hope you can answer a few questions:

1. Am I a vampire?

2. Are you the first person on earth? "

"Please put the gift,

To boys and girls all over the world.

Thank you. "

"I know I didn’t perform particularly well this year.

So it doesn’t matter if my Christmas stockings are empty.

Did someone tell you that you are the best?

I always believed that you were real, and no one else believed you.

They think their parents played you.


Please always believe in yourself.

P.S. I want to be the one who gives you a gift, so come on! "

Many children will also put their own paintings on it. Although the level of paintings is uneven, there will be occasional typos, but they are full of sincerity.


Please give mom a present, too.

Some children want Santa Claus to give gifts to their mothers or other family members.

"Santa Claus, when you come.

Please give my mother a big hug.

She really needs it. She works too hard. "

"I am writing this letter because I want to do something special for my mother.

Every year, my mother asks me to write down a Christmas wish list.

But we never asked her what she wanted.

My mother likes cooking. She told me that she wanted to go back to school to learn this.

Mom has lost her job, and she has been doing her best.

So if you can, can you give mom a laptop?

So that she can go to school. I really want to achieve this,

She always told me to pursue my dreams,

I also want her to realize her dream. "

"I’m sorry if I misspelled your name,

I want a floating skateboard this Christmas.

But what I want most is my mother.

Work can be smoother, don’t be blamed again.

I think she should be treated well. "

"This year has been too difficult because of the coronavirus.

But I expect to receive some Lego toys.

Because my mother said that she couldn’t give me a present this Christmas,

She hasn’t received her salary for a long time, so she can’t afford anything.

Because she takes care of us, gives us food and works hard.

So I hope she gets something,

Like a Christmas card. "

"I don’t need anything for Christmas,

But my brother needs a new pair of shoes.

His shoes are broken. "

"I wonder if we can make Christmas a day earlier?

Because my father works on Christmas Day,

He is a fireman,

So I’m not at home on Christmas day.

If he can be at home on Christmas day,

We would be very grateful. "


It’s so hard this year ……

This year, everyone has had a hard time, and the children are no exception. So there are also some sad stories in the letter.

"It’s hard this year. I lost my father and grandfather.

My mother is going through a very difficult time.

I hope you can give her some happiness. "

"What I want most this year is that my family can be reunited.

Mom and I are really having a hard time.

Can you help us out?

I hope you can write back to me,

And I want you to know

My family is really important to me. "

What is even more touching is that children still have hope for life.

"Please be careful this year.

You should wear a mask and gloves, because the epidemic remains.

I have some bad news.

My mother and sister died,

My angel dog died, too.

I love her so much!

I lay down next to her and held her until she left.

I shouldn’t be so unhappy in a happy letter.

I remain hopeful and grateful.

You have always given us a lot of support.

My family and I love you very much. Thank you for your efforts. "

"There’s some bad news,

One of my classmates went to heaven because of cancer.

I’m so sad.

But I’m slowly recovering.

Let’s think of something happy _


Give everyone a hug, Santa Claus. "


Maybe we don’t need Christmas presents.

There are also many children who say that they don’t want Christmas presents. Because they still have some bigger wishes.

"I don’t think everyone said thank you to you.

You sacrificed your life for the happiness of your children.

That’s amazing. You are really great.

Never forget this.

As for gifts? If I had to choose a gift,

That’s a donation to charity.

Shelters for the homeless, public libraries, anything.

Because what better gift than peace and happiness on earth? "

"This year I want to:

The epidemic is over and the world is at peace.

The climate is under control, and the new X box game machine. "

"P.S., it doesn’t matter if I don’t receive any gifts.

Let’s get everyone fed and clothed before giving gifts. "

I hope you can send toys to the children in the hospital.

And those children who live on the streets. "

"Can you don’t your Christmas present? I just want a card.

I really want a gift,

But I don’t want to be the only one laughing this year.

I hope others can smile,

Like someone who’s homeless.

So please,

What I want this Christmas is

A smile. "

"Dear Santa Claus,

Do you support the LGBTQ group?

If you can talk to God,

Can you tell me that I love him?

Ask him if he still loves me if I’m gay. "

I don’t want anything this Christmas,

But if I may, I also want to ask you a favor:

Please find a cure for Covid-19,

Give it to us and save the world.

Thank you. "


Be a "volunteer" for Santa Claus

In fact, this is the 108th year of Operation Santa Claus.

Every year before Christmas, the post office can receive many letters sent to the nonexistent Santa Claus. In 1912, Frank Hitchcock, the postmaster, wanted to do something good for the community, so he suggested opening and answering these letters to Santa Claus.

At first, only the local post office and citizens wrote letters and gave small gifts to the children who wrote letters. Later, some commercial companies and charities joined in, and gradually formed an annual fixed project-"Santa Claus Action".

"The US Postal Service receives thousands of letters to the North Pole every year.

The workload was too heavy, so Santa asked the post office to find some volunteers to help. "

They set a special address for Santa Claus and began to accept letters one or two months before Christmas. Everyone can write to Santa Claus, but the project will especially help families and children in need. Gifts will be sent before the festival to ensure that the writer can receive them before Christmas.

Over the years, the US post office has received hundreds of thousands of letters. In the past two years, activities have begun to expand to more and more cities. More and more "volunteers" of Santa Claus have joined in, and there are some children among the volunteers.

This year, due to the epidemic situation, the post office simply digitized all the letters it received and published them on the official website People can browse these letters at will and "claim" any number of letters they want to reply to, so as to help the children or families who write letters realize their holiday wishes.

Up to now, more than 20 thousand letters have been claimed this year. Many people are moved and encouraged by the contents of the children’s letters and try their best to help them realize their wishes.

Kim Frum, a spokesman for Santa Claus, said, "This year, more families may be affected financially and emotionally. If you can provide even the slightest help or a spark of happiness to those in need, it means the whole world to them. "

After sending gifts, Santa’s "volunteers" will also receive special commemorative cards.

Indeed, everyone has had a hard time this year. But when I saw the little wishes and great expectations of the children in their letters to Santa Claus, I found that they were still naive and hopeful after this special year.

And this kind of mutual help and persistence in the face of crisis is probably the real meaning of Christmas.

Perhaps, this Christmas, we can not only be the one waiting for gifts, but also help some people in need to realize their Christmas wishes.

Main reference materials:

The United States Postal Service and the Spirit of Santa

Original title: "A group of children’s Christmas wishes, which is very touching."

Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference "Surfing the Waves and Running Forever" opened in Yongchuan, Chongqing.

On December 15th, Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference "Surfing the Waves and Running Forever" opened in Yongchuan Convention and Exhibition Center, Chongqing. Nearly 500 academicians of the two academies, doctors and postdoctoral students from well-known universities at home and abroad, representatives from overseas Chinese and enterprises gathered together to seek common development and talk about the future, and jointly draw a beautiful blueprint for talents to lead innovation and innovation-driven development. Academician He Jishan and Peng Suping of China Academy of Engineering attended the event.
Event site. (Photo courtesy)
There are not only young doctoral representatives introduced full-time but also high-level talents introduced in the form of "specially invited experts". Five academicians of the two academies, including Huang Weihe and Luo An, and five top talents in the industry, including Xia Qingyou, Fang Ning and Xie Yingchao, were employed as special experts for decision-making consultation in Yongchuan District. Sichuan-Chongqing Zhi Gong Dang Overseas Chinese Poster Country Practice Base, Nordic Talent Liaison Service Station and Academician He Jishan Workstation were established one after another.
The breakout activity Mingjing International Young Talents Forum received more than 200 doctoral applications from famous universities and research institutions at home and abroad, and more than 60 outstanding young talents who met the development needs of the school came to communicate and dock forever. Among them, 18 doctors successfully passed the examination and entered the follow-up recruitment review process, and 9 doctors are willing to learn more.
During the activities of the conference, 225 high-level talents in short supply were registered by institutions in the whole region, and 26 professionals in the field of education and health entered the follow-up procedures through interviews. During the activities of the conference, the whole region has introduced more than 210 talents of all levels and types, and established more than 120 talent contacts.
The conference organically integrated attracting talents and attracting investment, and based on "talents lead innovation, innovation promotes industries, and industries gather talents", signed 36 projects with a total investment of 22.7 billion yuan. This signing project involves intelligent networked new energy vehicles, new energy motorcycles, intelligent equipment, deep processing of quartz sand, fiber and composite materials, paper and paper products, meta-universe, science and technology film and television and many other industrial fields. Among them, Chengdu Haidekang Pharmaceutical invested 2 billion yuan to build an international high-end innovative pharmaceutical preparation production base; Xinyi Group (Glass) invested 1.82 billion yuan to build high-end float and Low-E glass production projects, which will provide important kinetic energy for the development of Yongchuan advanced materials industry. In addition, more than 10 cutting-edge scientific and technological projects in the future have been reserved through this conference.
At the signing ceremony. (Photo courtesy)
According to reports, Yongchuan iteratively issued the "Several Measures on Further Strengthening Talent Work", forming a more active and open policy system around the whole chain of talents "introducing, educating and retaining". Focus on "one thing" in the whole cycle of talent innovation and entrepreneurship, improve and perfect the talent information resource database, and realize multi-span collaboration in the talent field and "free application and enjoyment" in the talent policy. Upgrade the "one-stop" service platform for talents, implement the "Yongchuan talent service card", open the "96008" talent service line, provide "housekeeper-style" consulting service for talents 24 hours a day, and build more than 3,500 sets of "carrying bags" talent apartments to actively create a good atmosphere for talents to innovate and start businesses.
On the same day, the first Mingjing International Young Talents Forum and the "Two Bases" high-quality development academician expert symposium were also held. On the evening of the activity, Yongchuan received good news: Yongchuan won the title of "Best Employer of the Year in China" in 2023 by the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, Peking University Social Investigation and Research Center and Zhaopin.
Zhang Zhikui, secretary of Chongqing Yongchuan District Party Committee, said that Yongchuan has always placed talent work in a prominent position, focused on revitalizing the city by gathering people, promoting production by retaining people in the city, and educating people in schools to improve production, and further promoting the talent gathering project of "chasing the waves and running forever" and accelerating the construction of influential talent centers and innovative highlands in the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing. Yongchuan will help all kinds of talents to pursue dreams, build dreams and realize dreams with the greatest sincerity, the best environment and the best service.
It is understood that Yongchuan has a total of 192,300 talents, more than 460 high-level talents above the municipal level, 17 colleges and universities, and 180,000 students. It has built 374 talent development platforms such as Chongqing Yungu Big Data Industrial Park National Science and Technology Business Incubator and Chongqing Meta-Universe Technology Innovation Center. (China Daily Chongqing reporter station Tan Yingzi)
Source: China Daily.