How can Milan restart after the Champions League exit and paying for the summer window?

After the end of the two-round series, AC Milan failed to go any further, but fell at the feet of its sworn enemy in the same city. As the defending champion, Milan’s performance has been stumbling this season. Although the Champions League has reached the semi-finals, the league competition for the fourth place is in jeopardy. A series of wrong operations last summer laid the foundation for this chaotic season. How to restart the Rossoneri revival requires Milan to think and choose together.

[The four-game losing streak has made the Milan summer window even more inefficient]

Even after 16 years in the semi-finals, Milan’s Champions League journey this season is quite bitter and embarrassing. In two rounds, I suffered a double kill from my rival Inter Milan in the same city. Counting the Super Cup and the second round of the league, I was defeated by my opponent four times in a row, losing 7 goals but not scoring 1 goal. No matter what ranking Milan will end up in this season, it is a fact that Milan’s four-game losing streak in the derby is absolutely zero, which makes the team miserable both inside and outside.

Losing the Champions League to a deadly enemy and competing for the fourth place is in jeopardy. For a defending champion, this is definitely an unacceptable result. Coach Pioli has almost overdrawn his prestige in this stumbling season. Although he helped Milan to return to the Champions League and win a Serie A championship, the successive fiasco in January has made him "stand in prison" in the hearts of many fans, and the four-game losing streak in the Derby is even more "solid".

The total score of 0-3 is not good-looking, and Pioli’s use of troops is also debatable. But in the last two weeks, Milan has already run out of ammunition and food. In the first round, Leo was injured and the midfielder Ben Nasser was damaged; In the second round, defender Jiafu went off halfway, and Kalulu, who came off the bench, made a big mistake carelessly. The rest of the players are almost drained by the long season, and Gill, Special Olympics and krunic have all shown fatigue; Mesias and Tonali struggled hard, but they were powerless.

The bigger gap between the two sides actually lies in the rotation of the lineup. On the starting Milan may be equal to Inter Milan, but in the long-distance running of the season, Milan’s replacement lineup seems to be weak. Last summer, five players, such as Decatur, Origgi, Adelie, Dester and Franks, who were introduced and returned, failed to meet expectations and were not even included in the Champions League registration list. Only German defender Jiafu and youth training teenager Pobega showed certain value.

From the appearance lineup in the Champions League stage, we can also see Milan’s inefficiency last summer-Decatur, who invested heavily, only played in the first leg against Tottenham in the knockout stage; The only new aid with a starting record in the knockout round is Zhongwei Jiafu; In the two wars against Naples, not even a new aid started. Milan lost Casey and romagnoli last summer, and Ibrahimovic was close to retiring, but the Rossoneri hardly got any new blood, and it was almost doomed that they gradually declined at the end of the season. Inzaghi can let Lu Kaku play the league, Zhe Ke play the Champions League, and Milan can only hope that Gill will stick to his teeth.

[The concept is different, but the operation is different]

Therefore, the gap between Milan and Inter Milan in this series is actually the gap between the summer window transfer results. In the past year, both teams have experienced brain drain, and Inter Milan chose to fill it with mature players, such as Lu Kaku, acerbi and mkhitaryan. However, Milan chose to invest in young players to "scratch the lottery". Except for Origgi, who signed for free, all the other players are young people under the age of 23.

Two different strategies have different advantages and disadvantages. Inter Milan’s choice can bring more instant fighting power to the team. The third-line parallel is closely related to the performances of mkhitaryan and Lu Kaku. acerbi’s aging and growing stronger offset the negative impact of skrinjar’s "defection", so that Inter Milan will not lose its fighting power because of the absence of the core central defender. However, the cost of the lineup is high and the age is high. Even if the Champions League income is more than 100 million euros this season, the Nerazzurri’s loss has reached 100 million euros.

In contrast, Milan pays more attention to the long-term growth of the lineup, but it also loses experience and ability. Apart from Gill and Kyar, there are no core players over 30 in Milan. The cost of the lineup is also relatively controllable. With the Champions League results this season and the breakthrough in sponsorship, the Rossoneri, which had suffered losses for years, are expected to have a financial balance or even a small profit this season. But investing in young players requires patience, and not every bet can be rewarded. Germany’s Zhongwei Jiafu performed well in the second half, but in the first half, he experienced several months of "slow fire"; Decatur, who has high hopes, has not adapted yet.

But on the other hand, the operation of Inter manager Mallota is still more sophisticated than that of Milan director Paolo Maldini. In recent years, Inter Milan has lost its lineup every year, but Mallota, a seasoned player, has played a perfect game. After Lu Kaku left, he signed Zhe Ke, while Eriksson signed Chaer Hanoglu when he suffered from heart problems. Instead, it was the teams of Rome and Milan who took most of the damage for Inter Milan. Even if Inter Milan’s financial problems are frequently reported in newspapers, Mallota can still guarantee the team’s basic set at the league level.

But Maldini’s operation was too idealistic last summer. Hong Niao Fund hopes to invest in young players, but it is free to choose the specific target. However, the Milan uniform team did not supplement the backcourt when Kathy and romagnoli left the team. Instead, they introduced an attacker with unclear characteristics and outstanding strength, Decatur. Every time Maignan is in a hurry, many Milan fans will think, how nice it is to spend this 32 million yuan on a lower back!

Start all over again, but who will get a second chance? 】

Outside the stadium, Milan also sent ominous signals more than once. Before the first leg of the Champions League, Maldini called Hong Niao Capital and asked for more investment. After the exit, he once again pointed the finger at the management, claiming that "the management’s strategy" decided the transfer operation. In fact, the relationship between local managers and investment funds in Milan has always been subtle. In 2020, even Bo Ban was fired after firing at the employers. This time Maldini chose to fire, which made people worry whether he would make the same mistake again.

Both Eliot and Hong Niao Capital are obviously profit-seeking, hoping that the value of the team will gradually increase. But on the other hand, Maldini received a lot of financial support. Last summer, Milan’s net investment was the first in Serie A, and 32 million euros of Decatur also set a new record in the American-funded era. While criticizing the management strategy, the resource allocation and choice of trader Maldini are equally worth examining. However, with the exit from the Champions League, the contradiction between the two sides seems to be open again. Before starting again, perhaps the Rossoneri will have to face internal friction first.

Let the words shine! ChatGPT created a text game.

Recently, a new ChatGPT application, a text game, was discovered. Baidu found the game "Harry Potter Text Game" after a while, which was simple and fun.

In the game industry, word games used to be a very popular game type. However, due to the continuous development of game production technology, word games are gradually replaced by various games with visual and sound effects. However, with the development of natural language processing technology recently, word games have returned to people’s field of vision. ChatGPT is a language model that can generate natural language. It can be used to make word games, and it can also meet the needs of realization possibility and playability.

ChatGPT is a natural language generation technology based on artificial intelligence, which can generate related natural language output according to a given input. This technology has a wide range of applications, which can be used for automatic reply, intelligent customer service, automatic article generation and so on. In the field of games, ChatGPT can be used to make various types of word games, such as adventure games and word puzzle games.

The key to making a word game lies in its realization possibility and playability. The possibility of realization refers to the technical difficulty and resources needed for the game, while the playability refers to whether the game is attractive enough to make players have enough motivation to play. In ChatGPT, because it is an AI-based technology, it is relatively difficult to make word games. In addition, because ChatGPT can generate high-quality natural language output, the playability of the game will be very high. Players can influence the progress of the game according to their own choices, making the game more interactive and playable.

In addition to the possibility and playability, the user viscosity of the game is also a very important factor. In the text game made by ChatGPT, because it can generate different outputs according to the player’s choice, the experience of each game will be different. This feature can increase the player’s desire to explore and the repeatability of the game, thus improving the user’s viscosity of the game. In addition, ChatGPT can also optimize the game according to the feedback of players, so as to better meet the needs of players and further improve the user’s viscosity.

Generally speaking, ChatGPT can be used to make word games with high playability and user viscosity. Although word games may have lost their charm in the past, with the development of natural language processing technology,

Exhibition, word games have become interesting and attractive again. For game producers, the appearance of ChatGPT provides them with a brand-new way of making games, which enables them to make more interesting games with less resources and time.

For players, the word game made by ChatGPT is also a new game experience. Compared with traditional word games, the games made by ChatGPT are more interactive and exploratory, which makes players feel more immersed and involved. In addition, because the output of each game is different, players can experience different stories and endings, making the game more interesting and challenging.

However, in order to make the word game truly user-friendly, it needs to be continuously optimized and updated. By collecting player feedback and data analysis, producers can understand the needs and preferences of players, so as to optimize and improve the game. In addition, constantly introducing new levels and tasks can increase players’ interest and challenge, thus improving users’ viscosity.

In a word, the word game made by ChatGPT has the possibility of realization and playability, and has a high user viscosity. With the continuous development of natural language processing technology, we believe that this type of game will become more and more popular and bring more fun and experience to game producers and players.

Club shares+salary exceeds C Ronaldo! Messi’s mysterious exposure, the league gold content is higher than Saudi Arabia.

Therefore, the AFL wants to refer to Jordan’s exclusion from the salary cap to provide Messi with a super contract, so that Messi will get a super contract that exceeds Cristiano Ronaldo, and this salary will also make Messi the world’s first annual salary. I have to say that the professional league has done its best for Messi, but whether Messi is willing to join depends on the player’s own ideas. Messi’s father and Beckham have been communicating for more than a year, and their interest in cooperation is considerable. I have to say that Messi once again had an affair with Miami International, which also made the Greater Paris quite nervous.

The neural network model inspired by biology greatly improves its memory ability.

Inspired by recent biological discoveries, researchers have developed a new model that shows enhanced memory performance. This is achieved by modifying a classic neural network. Computer models play a key role in studying the process of making and retaining memories and other complex information in the brain. However, building this model is a delicate task.

The intricate interaction between electrical and biochemical signals and the connection network between neurons and other cell types create the basic structure for the formation of memory. Nevertheless, due to the limited understanding of the basic biology of the brain, it has proved to be a difficult task to code the complex biology of the brain into a computer model for further study.

Researchers at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) improved the widely used memory computer model (called Hopfield Network) by incorporating biological insights. This change has inspired a neural network, which not only better reflects the connection between neurons and other cells in the brain, but also has the ability to store more memories.

Thomas Burns, a doctoral student in the group of Professor Zhishu Shenjing, who is the head of OIST’s neurocoding and brain computing department, said that the increased complexity in the network makes it more realistic.

"Why is there so much complexity in biology? Memory may be one reason, "Mr. Burns said.

In the classical Hopfield network (left), each neuron (I, J, K, L) is connected with other neurons in pairs. In the improved network made by Burns and Professor Shenjing, three or more groups of neurons can be connected at the same time. Source: Thomas Burns (OIST)

Hopfield network stores memory as a weighted connection pattern between different neurons in the system. The network is "trained" to encode these patterns, and then researchers can test its memory of these patterns by presenting a series of vague or incomplete patterns to see if the network can recognize them as patterns it already knows. However, in the classical Hopfield network, the neurons in the model are connected with other neurons in the network to form a series of so-called "paired" connections.

Paired connections represent the connection between two neurons at the synapse, which is the connection point between two neurons in the brain. But in reality, neurons have complex branching structures called dendrites, which provide multiple connection points, so the brain relies on more complex synaptic arrangements to complete its cognitive work. In addition, the connections between neurons are regulated by other cell types called astrocytes.

Burns explained: "There are only paired connections between neurons in the brain, which is simply unrealistic. He created an improved Hopfield network, in which not only pairs of neurons, but also three, four or more groups of neurons can be connected, such as astrocytes and dendritic trees in the brain. "

Although the new network allows these so-called "collective" connections, on the whole, it contains the same number of connections as before. The researchers found that a hybrid network with paired connections and collective connections performed best and retained the most memory. They estimate that its effect is more than twice that of the traditional Hopfield network.

It turns out that you actually need to balance the combination of various features to some extent, Burns said. A single synapse is necessary, but you should also need some dendritic trees and some astrocytes.

Hopfield networks are very important for simulating brain processes, but they also have powerful other uses. For example, a very similar network type called Transformers is a language tool based on artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, so the improvements identified by Burns and Professor Shenjing may also make such tools more powerful.

Burns and his colleagues plan to continue to study their modified Hopfield networks to make them more powerful. For example, in the brain, the connection strength between neurons is usually different in two directions, so researchers want to know whether this asymmetric feature can also improve the performance of the network. In addition, he also wants to explore ways to make the memories of the network interact, just as they do in the human brain. Our memory is multifaceted and huge. We still have a lot to discover. "

Xunfei Intelligent Recorder: AI empowers the office scene, and treasure productivity tools help people in the workplace to evolve strongly.

If we compare life to a marathon, we will encounter various obstacles on the way:

If you are a journalist, but your patience is worn away by the noise of the city?

If you are a lawyer, but your ideas are disturbed by your client’s argument?

If you are a grassroots livelihood worker, you can’t understand the local dialect when visiting?

If you are a teacher, do you lecture during the day and organize at night?

If you are a student, can’t the typewriters keep up with their brains?


These questions can be answered in the brand-new short film "The Secret Code Behind the Leader" of Xunfei Intelligent Recorder!

Constantly explore users’ needs and give play to the leading spirit.

Many users say that they don’t want the content to be transmitted to the cloud when they participate in important confidential meetings. The offline transcription mode of Xunfei Intelligent Recorder is based on the user’s needs, fully considering the security and stability requirements of users in the financial, legal, journalist and other industries. The first research and implementation of the offline function can enable office workers to realize real-time and efficient transcription even when the network is poor or even offline, ensuring that the privacy content is not leaked, fully demonstrating the innovative spirit of the leader, and constantly bringing more convenience and convenience to users’ life and work.

Test of dialect transcription technology in Xunfei Institute

As a company that engraves artificial intelligence voice technology in its bones, Iflytek is almost strict in its technical requirements and pursuit of innovation. It is necessary to make technology keep pace with the update of users’ needs from a more forward-looking perspective.

Discussion on Optimization of Transcription Function of Xunfei Institute

Empowering office with science and technology, boosting workplace advancement with efficiency advantage

We always want to race against time to move forward, but the fast-paced life is full of many distractions, sometimes overwhelming. Whether it’s the boring city noise during the interview, the incomprehensible dialect or the disturbed meeting minutes, people have to stop. Just like the three users shown in the video, their enthusiasm and patience are gradually exhausted.

The reporter interviewed on the street.

Iflytek is committed to using AI voice technology to help users solve difficult problems and benefit more people’s work and life. The 15-meter long-distance pickup can meet the needs of large-scale conference scenes, and the speaker’s words can be accurately reduced in small-voice discussions. Real-time transcription in business negotiations distinguishes speakers, helping users to obtain information quickly and comprehensively, and refining effective content accurately, without worrying about missing details. Let more people get rid of the vacant arrangement, win the efficiency advantage in the office, and become the leader in their own career.

Grassroots workers are visiting the community.

Leading the formulation of industry norms and promoting the sound development of the industry to the world.

In July, 2022, Iflytek jointly took the lead in compiling the industry standard of intelligent recording pen, which was approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In the future, the recording pen industry will gradually form a mature industry standard, which will guide the benign circular development of the industry. At the same time, this is also the recognition of the technical strength and market influence of Xunfei Intelligent Recorder.

Everyone wants to be a leader, but without these efforts behind it, it is impossible to support this title. Iflytek has always been committed to leading China’s voice technology to the world, always keeping its technological lead and foresight, allowing innovative technologies to land in the form of available products, allowing technologies to be used by consumers, solving problems for users in various scenarios, bringing them tangible gains, and promoting the sound development of the whole industry. This is the significance of a leader.

Gao Jianqing, Vice President of Xunfei Research Institute

As Vice President Gao Jianqing of Xunfei Research Institute said, "Turning the voice technology that can change the world into a tool that can be used by everyone has become a driving force for more people to move forward." Let artificial intelligence voice technology widely benefit daily applications, and help every user to achieve self-transcendence again and again on the career track!

Hand handle teaching | B-end product manager resume writing guide (including professional speaking + multi-set virtual resume template)

Editing the Initiator: Most of the modules contained in your resume, but you have to write a good resume, but it is not so easy. So as the B-terminal product manager, how to write a highlight, and practical, can fully display your ability? In this article, the author sumizes a resume writing guide for the use of the B-terminating B-terminal product manager, and let’s take a look.

I. Introduction

The resume this thing sounds very simple, but it is difficult to write. Because thousands of people, everyone has their own preferences and understanding of resumes. This article is a summary of my individual’s resume on the B-terminal product manager, and many of whom have compared personal emotional color, so if you have different opinions, you can adjust it.

This article is mainly suitable for product manager reading, learning from B-terminal agency, learning from learning, not suitable for new people in the school, because I am not very familiar with the school, there is no saying, so new people Pay attention to reading when reading …

Second, the resume structure

I use the same structure in the three versions, but also similar to the commercial system of product managers on the market, a total of 5 large modules, as shown below:

Many people will entangle whether to write self-evaluation, my suggestion is to write, self-evaluation is a key module in your resume, you should reflect your highlight in this place, concentrate the essence, not to let the interviewer work and work and Exploition in the project experience.

Some people will put this module in the end, my suggestion is in front, this is the same as "the words" in the "Pyramid Principle", first out of the show, it is right.

Basic information This piece is basically less than going to turn, but some details need to be noted that I have marked, such as gender, age, working years, job hunting, these needs to be carefully checked.

Next, let’s take a look at the basic information I wrote in the virtual resume I wrote. This resume is written in MarkDown, so I use a table mode to renderate the layout of this fragmentation.

The resume owner is "Mai Feifei" and "Mai Xiaofei", which refers to the product manager for more than 5 years, respectively, and the overall structure of the resume. It is only some experience and personal highlights. It will be different.

Basic information of Mai Feifei

Basic information of Mai Xiaofei

Self-evaluation is a wave of king bombings, don’t write some "lively, optimism, hard work, high conscious, strong implementation ability, and brave enough to accept new challenges", you have to pinch this piece, The words are said to pick out the contents.

For B-terminal product managers, I suggested to write from big to small structures. That is to write from the industry / company, then the project / department, and finally go to the individual’s hierarchy, so that the HR or interviewer is more inseparable, it also meets the MECE principle, more structural.

Mai Fei’s self-evaluation

Mai Xiaofei’s self-evaluation

Some of the self-evaluation in the picture may be very long because I deliberately wrote some introductors to do some inspiration. Everyone pays attention to the reduction, control space and text density when writing. If you have other bright spots or additional to add, you can also put it here, such as some excellent works, awards or very matched jobs.

Work experience is my longest module because simple write work experience is very simple, but it is necessary to put out the things and grades made in a company, but also the content of virtual creation, it is too difficult to me.

Work experience is highlighted,What is the main thing to do, then make any achievements?. If some content is not very easy to write, then refine some keywords, used to match the job description in the recruitment information, try to let HR see you have done this piece.

There is dry goods to write dry goods, there is no dry goods, you can write keywords, or you can bold keywords and increase visual implies.

Mai Fei’s work experience

Whether this module is to add "Company introduction" and "work performance", I asked some friends, everyone is not the same, so I have two versions, everyone compares to see if I want to choose one Content. I can’t write two versions, write multiple resumes, cross-type delivery, see which effect is good.

Mai boats work experience personal recommendations work experience and project experience can write separately, more work is to look at your past experience to be what the company until how long, what about outstanding contributions; and whether the project experience is emphasized and job requirements match the value which items you have done in the past, experience and current job whether these projects need is match fit, and have not done any items from 0-1, if there is enough experience and richness so on.

Project experience resume is the second most important content, I think it is the first "self-evaluation."

To experience it is difficult to write the project, because the project is too eat this stuff up vertical experience, and many people experience in the project will increase the realism write some data, but this can easily be caught little mistake during the interview, if the data not familiar with the blind or made, impact on the interview is still getting bigger.

STAR project experience are generally used to write the law, the truth is easier said than done, I sometimes not very good grasp. Because some projects may not have the results, or achievements expressed some projects are fundamentally bad.

Mai Feifei project experience 1

Mai Feifei project experience 2

About STAR project experience is the law of writing, there are many variants, so I wrote two templates, we can compare and see in the end what is more appropriate.

Mai boats of project experience 1

Mai boats of project experience 2

About project experience this piece, I wrote a long time to find a lot of resumes learn from this content piece, and found that in fact a lot of people are content to write the contents of specialized jargon or words of surgery. Read up on the feeling I did not say to what point, but the actual viewing resume when it seems not affect my subjective feelings on this resume.

A small amount of jargon explained resume appears, in fact, does not affect how I feel about the whole resume, as long as you can pass in place some key words, other innocuous content will not look at your resume when a closer look.

End of the article I will put some jargon and terminology of my collection, there are times when nothing resume writing, or what there is no inspiration, they can learn from it.

In view of space reasons, I suggest that educational experience and credentials can be combined together to write, if you experience a lot of education, there are many certificate, and then it split into two modules is also possible.

This piece of content will basically not overturned, a point to note is that the issue of education. Sometimes the company will first pay greater attention to education, so it is best marked on the resume that he is full-time or part-time. Frank, it could reduce HR and the interviewer resume screening of trouble, but also disguised himself saves time.

Third, the supplemental content

Cliches is good, but still have to pay attention to control the tempo and length, do not write too many false big empty of content. The following excerpts from the network, part of my own finishing.

  1. Responsible for requirements gathering and analysis, functional design and optimization iterations and outputs corresponding documentation, to promote the development team on the test line.
  2. 0-1 responsible for product research, Competitive Analysis, product architecture and functional design.
  3. Integrated front and back office business processes and product functional design, make products according to business restructuring plan.
  4. 0-1 responsible for the demand for research, process, functional design, coordination of resources, promote the development of the product line, get the demand side feedback, follow up subsequent optimization products.
  5. Closed-loop project management, combing the project needs, coordinate business resources to promote the project on time and on line, and track user feedback, combined with custom business scene and have optimized product strategy, to ensure product quality and effectiveness.
  6. Xx responsible for the design of new features, functionality has been updated iteration. Familiar with Axure, Xmind output tools such as product design project prototypes, PRD, organizational needs assessment.
  7. Cross-sectoral coordination and communication, and promote close cooperation UI, developers, operators and other personnel, time and shelf life to reach the needs of landing on the line and follow the subsequent iterative optimization work.
  8. Xx user is responsible for product research, butt-related business, combing scenarios, business process and user needs and build demand pool, and outputs a flowchart brain map, the demand loop, constantly optimize the product user experience.
  9. Summary analysis of competing products, development of competing products daily attention and industry trends, product planning and product positioning.
  10. Continue to focus on the new line of functional data and analysis, continuous construction and optimized according to business needs and performance data to improve product strategy.
  11. Tracking on-line data, with some data analysis capabilities to understand the AB test design process, and summarize results.
  12. Brainstorming and evaluation, AB output test design, track, analyze, summarize new and old versions of data on-line, data mining features behind user behavior, merit-based on-line.
  13. Responsible for the overall business platform product planning, functional design and development team collaboration, to promote the realization of the project landing.
  14. Responsible for the core business (xxx module, xxx modules, etc.) carding business processes, product finishing logical rules, develop and implement programs and other projects iteration.
  15. Responsible for product requirements analysis and management, combing business processes, the design and planning of the corresponding product features, write documentation requirements, coordination within the organization and external resources to achieve product goals and project management.
  16. Responsible for collecting user feedback, monitoring service module (xxx module, xxx module), analyzes user data, tracking product performance and progress feedback, timely adjustment of product strategy.
  17. Xxx is mainly responsible for the overall planning and supply chain planning iterative versions of related products, including: Market Analysis, Competitive Analysis, prototype and PRD organize, and collaborate and R & D team, complete version of the product line development.
  18. Responsible for product lifecycle management, including internal publicity, promotion and training on the product line to protect business people familiar with product features and functionality to help solve business problems.
  19. Orders operational data analysis, improved scheme is proposed to improve the ease of use of the system, improve the user experience ordering system.
  20. Determine the development plan, coordinate project resources, track project progress, to successfully complete the project and achieve goals.
  21. Mainly responsible for the company’s order OMS system, the product demand analysis and system design work of warehousing WMS system, participating in the integrated plan of upstream related systems and project management work in multi-projects.
  22. Responsible for conducting daily demand communication and organizing relevant documents with each business unit, providing product side solutions. Responsible for communication with regional information division and business units, follow-up project plans and progress.

For the things that the data class needs the door to the door, it is not good to be stuck in the interview. For B-terminal products, this piece should be cautious, don’t write data, because B-terminal data is often sensitive or less easily reflected in the achievements.

  1. Through the optimization iteration of product / XX functions, the ease of use of products is improved, and the order rate is improved, enabling the company’s unity, and the transformation of orders will increase XX%.
  2. After optimizing the XX function / launch XX function, upgrade DAU, upgrade from XX% to XX%
  3. With XX initiative, the re-purchase rate is increased from XX% to XX%.
  4. With XX initiative, the XX page has increased to XX%.
  5. Through the online line of XXX, the demand for XXX is met, and the company’s core customers are introduced to the company.
  6. The XXX feature has opened the XXX and XXX two systems, which promotes the increase in the increase in the amount of increase and the increase in the volume, and the amount of XXX is increased in half a year.

Detailed project experience Description When you are fit, talk, your resume can’t write so much, your resume picked up the business background of the project. What kind of crowd, what kind of person, what product is to do, what kind of modules, the main functions, what kind of user can contact your product, how to use it. If the product level of the product is very large, you can refer to the product’s user-level and some good-looking data on your resume.

Reference on this piece of resume is as follows, this content is basically my own finishing:

  1. From 0 to 1 to the various work of the project, including business research, feasibility analysis, demand analysis, output project research report, forming overall product side programs, warehouse on-site testing, special training, assessment, practical, online Quality tracking, etc.
  2. Optimize the process of warehouse operations, including procurement, supplier returns, guests retreat, bunk room transfer, library, inventory adjustment, inventory payment and other processes.
  3. From 0 to 1 to the project, including the project pre-service business demand research, business process carding, system plan sorting, demand document finishing, system prototype design.
  4. Follow the progress of system development, coordinate resources, and ensure that the product project is completed on time and delivered high quality. Product function test, business person training, internal product preaching, etc. before the system is online.
  5. From 0 to 1 to the work of the project, responsible for procurement business research, output project research report, forming overall solutions, online function testing, business person training, online function optimization iteration, etc.
  6. Optimize the procurement process, including procurement applications, purchase orders, procurement returns, procurement source management, procurement depals and other processes.
  7. Optimize the financial management part of the process, including the procedure, payment, payment, inventory accounting, multi-service data payment, etc.
  8. Responsible for the product planning and design of the special line small package business, including: supplier docking, trajectory platform docking, ERP docking and other upstream links.
  9. In combination with business unit requirements, introduce more international logistics, docking logistics providers interface, acquisition, tracking number, and trajectory information.
  10. Improve the circulation relationship between logistics orders and logistics states, and make visual reports present logistics trajectory and their proper effect.
  11. Connect the online base information and status mapping of the mainstream cross-border e-commerce platform.
  12. Improve the order-margin, the optimal logistics method match, the intelligent trial rule configuration, improve the order performance efficiency, save the operating costs.
  13. Optimize order performance traffic and state flow, improve the functional operation of order profit accounting rules and dismantling orders.
  14. Optimize the order refund process, open the order after-sales and customer service, warehouse, and financial roles complete business interaction chain.
  15. Responsible for the demand analysis of OMS, WMS, Operation Platform, system product program planning, functional design, demand, iterative management, external customers, internal teams and system docking organization coordination.
  16. Responsible for platforms from 0 to 1 demand analysis, program planning, function design, iterative management. Complete the platform-based XXXX docking item, XXX docking items. 17. Responsible for WMS and APP system plan planning, demand research analysis, system design, demand management.

Fourth, summary

There are many articles on the resumes on the market, and the content is more information, which is a difficult thing to find a good information.

So in order to avoid the next time you look for a similar tutorial, I will still have to write a tutorial. On the one hand, I will meet the needs of my future, and I can communicate with you in advance, open my own Idea.

By writing this slow thinking process, you will make a summary of this piece of knowledge. It is very big for my personal help, and it is also hope that my contribution can bring some help to friends who need it, because I have a public The positioning is the comparison of vertical and grounding, if you are also a supply chain-related product, then some cases you can take it.

My name is Vitamin ,. Former PHPER, I have done online education products, and I have also done more than 4 years of cross-border warehousing logistics, and is currently a supply chain product manager in foreign trade SAAS. Mainly focused on WMS / OMS / TMS / BMS / ERP and other fields, sharing the supply chain related product knowledge.

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