China Youth Daily is concerned about how to treat the "usefulness" and "uselessness" of culture.

For drinking tea, it is obvious that ordinary white porcelain bowls can meet the demand, but why do we prefer porcelain tea set with fine workmanship? When writing, the arm rest is used to prevent the arm from being stained with ink. Obviously, as long as it has the function of putting the arm, why do we pay attention to its material and the carving on it? When we are moved by the beautiful artistic conception of an ancient poem, when we are fascinated by the exquisiteness and elegance of a handicraft, what do we get from it? What can those humanistic details and artistic values bring to our lives? Or, is culture "useful" or "useless" to our life?

The "uselessness" of culture is also "great use"

In the dialogue session hosted by Bai Yansong at the 15th Cultural China Forum, Pan Lusheng, chairman of China Folk Writers Association, pointed out that "useful" means "practical" and "useless" means aesthetic "useless". Material and spiritual use and life use are both useful and practical, while useless is also useful and even useful.

Pan Lusheng introduced that in Lin ‘an City in the Southern Song Dynasty, the palace culture, the literati culture and the street culture were integrated, which formed the idea of "craft for practical use", and also created a life style of unity of practicality and aesthetics in the Southern Song Dynasty. During this period, the weaving technology was superb, and the fabrics made were dense and light as cicada’s wings. Not only were there various types of yarn, Luo, Qi and Ling, but the silk reeling and embroidery techniques were also superb. The gardens in the Southern Song Dynasty are like three-dimensional landscape paintings with pavilions and winding paths, which contain the spiritual complex and aesthetic artistic conception of literati. From the clay figurines of children in the Song Dynasty in Zhenjiang Museum, to the Children’s Plays in the City in Taipei Palace Museum, from the white porcelain children’s pillows in Dingyao in the Palace Museum, to Song Jin’s Paintings of the Hundred Immortals in Cleveland Art Museum in the United States, all of them reflect the aesthetics and interest of life in which humanities and art are combined with street life.

In contrast, in today’s fast-paced diet and fragmented culture, modern people no longer seem to have an attitude of attaching importance to life aesthetics, and traditional crafts no longer pursue use value. In this context, should we learn from the ancients and return to the "elegant life" way of the Southern Song Dynasty?

"The handicraft tradition of the Southern Song Dynasty is historical and contemporary, which runs through the traditional Chinese aesthetic spirit, lifestyle and cultural taste." Pan Lusheng said. Therefore, he proposed to develop a new economy of Song rhyme culture, take people’s life needs as the guide, enhance cultural life experience, and study how elegant lifestyle can be integrated into today’s life, so that people can gain a sense of cultural identity.

Pan Lusheng believes that, on the one hand, by reviving traditional crafts, we can explore how to better inherit and utilize traditional craft and cultural resources at present, inject the culture of Xixiang into education and cultural communication, and serve people’s spiritual and cultural life. On the other hand, through the development of cultural industry with cross-industry barriers, traditional craft culture can be transformed into the resources of contemporary Song Yun cultural industry, creating higher economic value, thus better serving people’s material and cultural needs.

"Cultural pension" is worth looking forward to.

On the aesthetic level of life, the "usefulness" and "uselessness" of culture may be a philosophical proposition, but in the medical field, the "usefulness" of culture is indispensable. According to Zheng Xiaoying, academician of the Academy of Sciences of developing countries and director of the Peking University Population Research Institute, culture is even more "useful" than science and technology.

Zheng Xiaoying said, "Everyone’s ultimate wish is to grow old healthily and say goodbye to the world happily. This is by no means a problem that can be solved by relying solely on science and technology or medical means, but a realm that must be achieved through the combination of culture, art and technology. In this sense, the infiltration of culture is more important than the development of science and technology. "Zheng Xiaoying believes that" medical art education should be integrated into medical education so that every doctor can accumulate deeper artistic accomplishment and cultural heritage. "

Zheng Xiaoying pointed out that cultural blessing is also needed to deal with the problem of population aging. She introduced that with the intensification of the aging process, the life expectancy of China’s population is also increasing rapidly. However, most of the increased life expectancy is unhealthy, that is, life expectancy with disabilities. Among the disabled people in China, 53% are elderly people. To solve the problems of these elderly disabled people, we need the support of science and technology, but more importantly, we need the support of culture. "Let them be happy and enjoy the benefits brought about by the reform and opening up to the maximum. This is not a problem that can be solved by a simple assistive device."

At the same time, Zheng Xiaoying emphasized the concept of "cultural support for the aged", which is a way to support the aged on the premise that the material needs of the elderly are basically guaranteed, on the basis of meeting spiritual needs, on the basis of communicating emotions, exchanging ideas and having a healthy body and mind, and on the purpose of publicizing individuality, advocating independence and enjoying the spirit of happiness and pleasure. "Cultural pension meets the spiritual needs of the elderly. For the elderly without children, this pension model is particularly important." Zheng Xiaoying said.

How to realize the mutual integration of science and technology and humanities

Undoubtedly, the integration of culture, art and technology can make people’s lives better. So, as an individual, how should we start from ourselves and realize the integration of technology and humanities? This is also a question that Wang Yuming, an academician of China Academy of Engineering and an expert in fluid sealing engineering technology, is often asked.

Wang Yuming laughed and called himself a "science man". "However, although my main business is mechanical engineering, I am not" mechanical "culturally. He is a student of Mr. Ye Jiaying, a consultant of the Chinese Poetry Society, the director of the Poetry Working Committee of colleges and universities, and the president of the Tsinghua University Lotus Pond Poetry Society. It can be said that he is a person who perfectly balances "poetry and distance".

When answering the question "how to realize the mutual integration of science and technology and humanities", Wang Yuming believes that in terms of values, science and technology and humanities and arts are both pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and they are essentially interlinked; In the mode of thinking, both of them need logical thinking and inspiration epiphany thinking, which can promote each other. The same is true of many masters of science and technology (such as Einstein, Yang Zhenning, Qiu Chengtong, Gu Yuxiu, Qian Xuesen, etc.). However, the most important thing is to have a "pure heart" in both scientific research and literary creation.

On the "Use" of China Culture from the Outside

The Chinese culture has a long history, and the "useful" culture not only created the fashion life of the ancients, but also injected spiritual strength into solving modern social problems, and also brought about an impact on the civilized development of neighboring countries.

In the dialogue session, Cheng Yonghua, former Japanese ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to People’s Republic of China (PRC) and executive vice president of China-Japan Friendship Association, introduced the "use" of Japanese culture to neighboring countries. He said that China’s culture had a profound influence on the Korean Peninsula, Viet Nam and Japan. Take Japan as an example. The Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties were the historical peaks of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges. During this period, ancient Japan sent 19 groups of envoys to China to study, with a maximum of 600 people at a time. In addition to sending envoys, a large number of international students also came to China from ancient Japan. Many of them stayed for many years, and some even stayed in China to work as officials in Chang ‘an until they died and were buried in Chang ‘an. In 645 AD, the ancient Japanese carried out the "Dahua Innovation" movement, abolished the monopoly regime system in big noble, and established an ancient centralized state with reference to the rules and regulations of the Tang Dynasty in China. During the Song Dynasty, more and more Japanese people came to China to study. Jian Zhen, a monk in the Tang Dynasty, traveled eastward to preach the precepts to Japan and was honored as the ancestor of Japanese Buddhist legalists. The Tang Zhaoti Temple complex built by him and his disciples in Nara, Japan, embodies the architectural characteristics of the Tang Dynasty and is the largest and most beautiful building in Japan’s existing Tianping era. Japanese characters are also born out of Chinese characters. At first, there were only languages but no characters in Japan. In asuka period, Buddhist classics introduced into Japan along with Buddhism made Chinese characters penetrate into Japanese life. The first Chinese characters were used by ancient Japanese as phonography, but they were troublesome in the process of use, so heian period invented katakana and hiragana with reference to the radicals and cursive scripts of Chinese characters. In addition, the present Japanese court music-gagaku,It is also music from the Tang Dynasty in China.

Cheng Yonghua said that Sino-Japanese exchanges have a history of 2,000 years. Today, Japanese young people are still attracted by China’s rapid economic development and technological innovation, and feel that "they should go to China to see more and communicate more".

Whether it is "practical" or "useless", the China culture of the same strain needs and deserves to be passed down and carried forward by contemporary people. As Pan Lusheng said, culture is a nation’s overall lifestyle and value system. If the ancients’ fashion is integrated into contemporary life, we may be able to create a pioneer culture with temperature, connotation and taste in the new era.

Let the world hear the voice of China: Iflytek intelligent car multilingual voice interactive system helps the national car go to sea

According to the "Time Battlefield" theory, time has become a scarce resource that companies compete for. How to make full use of the two hours people spend in their cars every day? Business opportunities are often hidden in the interactive experience in mobile scenes.

In-depth interaction is inseparable from the observation of users’ needs, and the language barrier naturally becomes the first hurdle to be overcome. In terms of in-vehicle interaction, Iflytek has carried out multilingual project cooperation with many domestic marine car providers such as SAIC, Changan and Chery, covering dozens of languages such as English, Japanese, Thai, Spanish and Italian.

On February 23, 2023, at the 2023 China Auto and Parts Summit Forum hosted by Gai Shi Automobile, Zhang Ruizhi, deputy director of Iflytek Intelligent Interactive Product Line, introduced that Iflytek’s multilingual voice interaction scheme has three characteristics: modularity, interactive localization and feature enrichment. Modularity can help car companies configure voice assistants in a weak network or even no network environment; Localization means that the phonetic corpus is all provided by native speakers to ensure the user experience; Enrichment means that there are enough functional modules and phonetic features to support different functional realization.

Zhang Ruizhi | Deputy Director of Iflytek Intelligent Interactive Product Line

The following is the content of the speech:

As a well-known artificial intelligence enterprise, Iflytek has been deeply involved in the automobile industry for more than 20 years, with profound product technology and customer accumulation. At present, in addition to helping domestic vehicle intelligent schemes and solutions to upgrade, the pace of internationalization of Iflytek has never stopped. At the earliest, we established cooperation with well-known universities and laboratories abroad, then discussed standards with well-known foreign institutions in the industry, and now, we are cooperating with many car companies to do overseas multilingual intelligent voice system projects.

At present, in the process of internationalization, we have achieved the landing and mass production of many products. Today, I want to share with you the theme of Iflytek Intelligent Vehicle Multilingual Interactive System, which helps Chinese cars go to sea.

User-experience-centered closed-loop voice interaction

The first part will be used as an introduction to substitute everyone into the closed-loop scene of voice interaction centered on user experience. At present, time has become a scarce resource that companies compete for. In our daily life, on average, we spend about two hours in the car every day. What can we do in these two hours? Is such a long time a happiness or a burden for us? At present, the intelligent network has covered the whole scene of life in the car, and both the car companies and the suppliers’ colleagues are making efforts in the field of intelligent cockpit.

In recent years, the development and breakthrough of artificial intelligence technology has realized the landing of many scenes, and at the same time, the landing of scenes has also brought about the improvement of vehicle intelligence and personalization. Nowadays, the concept of car has evolved into an intelligent mobile space. In this process, we will expect the car to become our partner, so it is very important for the car to understand us and communicate with us.

At present, the main entrance of intelligent interaction scene is voice, so it is very important to make voice understandable, but it is not easy to do this. In order to make human-computer interaction smoother, more natural and safer, we must first create a closed-loop technology, and Iflytek has achieved a closed-loop technology in voice technology. On this basis, we have also done a lot of in-depth interactive experience thinking in the automobile scene.

What kind of interaction is what we want? I think, first of all, it is simple, and what can be solved in one sentence goes without saying two words, and then it is intelligent, safe and humanized.

Image source: Iflytek

Under this framework, the overall solution of Iflytek voice is also developing gradually. At first, we need to activate the voice function by pressing keys or voice wake-up. Later, it evolved into direct command and interaction, and then developed to the present "visible and spoken". Voice interaction has become more and more important in the process of intelligent cockpit and vehicle intelligence, and the voice interaction mode has been evolving.

Using multilingual products as boosters to help national cars go to sea.

There are many weapons and bright spots for Chinese cars to go out to sea, and intelligence is bound to be one of the sharp weapons for Chinese cars to go out to sea at present. At present, the "killing" in the domestic market is already fierce. Under such circumstances, we hope to open up overseas markets by virtue of the intelligent advantages of domestic vehicles.

Voice is playing an increasingly important role in automobile intelligence, and intelligent voice system has gradually become the standard of smart cars. At present, Iflytek adopts the latest generation of overseas "cloud+terminal" automotive intelligent interaction solution, and has actually deployed many cloud sites overseas, which can connect with more information sources, thus enhancing the overseas automotive voice interaction experience.

If our overall plan is summed up in three phrases, it is

Scheme modularization, interactive localization and feature enrichment


The scheme is modular, that is, it can provide the overall solution of cloud+terminal, and can also be disassembled flexibly according to customer’s needs, thus ensuring that the car also has intelligent voice interaction function in foreign weak network and no network environment.

Secondly, interaction localization, all the phonetic materials in our scheme are provided by native speakers, so as to ensure that the overall experience and design of phonetic interaction conform to local language habits.

Third, the speech features are rich. Although the speech seems to be a small module, in fact, the speech module alone contains modules such as recognition, awakening and synthesis. In fact, there are different phonetic features under each module, and only enough phonetic features can support the upper layer to create more interactive experiences.

As an artificial intelligence company, Iflytek has accumulated enough experience and technology in related fields, especially under the advantage of our voice function, and has made many achievements. In terms of overseas multilingualism, Iflytek has won the first prize in international multilingual related competitions for many times in the past two years.

In terms of technology, we insist on independent research and development. At present, Iflytek Group reserves as many as 60+ overseas languages, covering nearly 100 countries and regions around the world. At present, Iflytek has the ability of 10+ overseas mainstream languages in the automobile field, which can cover countries and regions where the current automobile factories go to sea, such as Europe, the Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia, etc., and it is expected to reach 30+ languages within three years.

We have rich practical production experience overseas. At present, Iflytek has cooperated with many car companies such as SAIC, Chery, Chang ‘an and Great Wall. Many overseas best-selling models have been equipped with Xunfei voice, and mass production has been realized in Europe, South America and the Middle East, so that the world can hear the voice from China.

Iflytek hopes to join hands with eco-partners in the industry to create a high-quality intelligent travel experience.

(The above content comes from the keynote speech "Intelligent Vehicle Multilingual Voice Interaction System Helps Independent Brands Go to Sea" delivered by Zhang Ruizhi, Deputy Director of Iflytek Intelligent Interactive Product Line at the 2023 China Automobile and Parts Summit Forum hosted by Gaspar on February 23rd, 2023. )

After being swept out of the house by Manchester United, the four big stars are getting better and better.

Di Maria was born in Rosario, Argentina, on February 14th, 1988. She is a right winger, an attacking midfielder and a left winger. She is an important helper of Lionel Messi in Argentina’s national team and a member of the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 champion.

In August 2014, Di Maria moved to Manchester United, the Premier League giant, but she was not sharp at all during the Real Madrid period. To be precise, she was not acclimatized. She contributed 4 goals and 12 assists in 33 games in various competitions. Because of injuries, her state declined seriously and she was swept out of the house by Manchester United. In August 2015, he joined the French overlord Paris, and in his first season in Paris, he made 47 appearances in various competitions, contributing 15 goals and 25 assists.

Di Maria didn’t win any championship during Manchester United. In the first season after leaving Manchester United, he won the triple crown including Ligue 1, French Cup and French League Cup with Paris.

Lingard was born in Cheshire, England in 1992. He was a former England international midfielder. In July, 2012, he was promoted to the first team of Manchester United, and then he experienced ups and downs in Manchester United. He was once loaned to four teams in leicester city, Birmingham, Brighton and Derbyshire. Returning to Manchester United in May 2015, he played well in the early stage, but after December 2018, he did not score in 34 consecutive Premier League games. In 2019, he scored 0 goals and 0 assists. Lingard, who was extremely depressed, was swept out of the house and joined the Premier League team West Ham United in January 2021.

In January, 2021, Lingard scored twice in his first show when he joined West Ham. Before that, he scored 1 goal in 35 Premier League games for Manchester United. On behalf of West Ham, he scored 8 goals in the first 9 Premier League games, tying the record of scoring the most goals in the Premier League in a single season. In 16 games at West Ham, he contributed 9 goals and 5 assists, which made West Ham sixth in the Premier League and qualified for next season’s European War.

Depe is a Dutch striker. He was born in the Netherlands in 1994. He debuted in Eindhoven, a Dutch giant, in 2006, and won a Dutch champion and a Dutch golden boot with the team. He joined Manchester United in June 2015. In the 2016-17 season of Manchester United’s last season, he came off the bench for 8 times in various competitions, totaling 134 minutes. The Premier League played for 20 minutes without scoring or assisting.

In January 2017, he was swept out by Manchester United and joined the French team Lyon. Depe, who joined halfway, played 26 times on behalf of Lyon in that season, scored 5 goals and had 8 assists; Help Lyon get the fourth place in Ligue 1. In the following season, he played 51 times on behalf of Lyon, contributed 22 goals and 17 assists, helped Lyon win the third place in Ligue 1, and also qualified for the Champions League next season.

Lu Kaku made his debut in the Belgian giants Ande Laichter, and in 2009-10, he helped the Belgian giants win the league championship and crowned himself as the Golden Boot. In 2017, he moved to Manchester United, the Premier League giant. In the last season of the Red Devils, he made 45 appearances in various competitions and contributed 15 goals. However, he was criticized for his poor timing at critical moments. That season, Manchester United only ranked sixth in the Premier League, and Lu Kaku was finally swept out by Manchester United.

On August 8, 2019, Lu Kaku joined Serie A team Inter Milan. In his first season, he scored 34 goals and 6 assists in various competitions, which tied the record that Ronaldo scored the most goals in his first season on behalf of Inter Milan, and it was also the record that he scored the most goals in a single season in his personal career. The Europa League helped the team win the runner-up, and Serie A won the runner-up only by one point.

Real Madrid, the three giants competing for the Champions League, did a big job in Paris, and tuchel began to learn Spanish.

Although tuchel left Chelsea in September, the 12 points he got for the team still helped Chelsea a lot. Porter only got 22 points for Chelsea within a few months after he took office. Tuchel, who helped Chelsea win the Champions League, is still at home, but many big clubs still want his guidance. The season is coming to an end, and which team tuchel will join next has become a topic of concern.

As far as the current news is concerned, only three teams in tuchel are likely to be joined by tuchel, including La Liga powerhouse Real Madrid, French powerhouse Barley and Premier League Hotspur. Among the three teams, Greater Paris is a team coached by tuchel. Its Champions League record and the strength demonstrated during the construction of the team have once again attracted the attention of the management of Greater Paris, and the Qatari boss also wants to invite tuchel back. Campos, who has an ambiguous relationship with Garti, has no big view on this issue.

Despite the good performance of Tottenham Hotspur this season, Kong Di’s departure is basically inevitable, and the two have already embarked on the journey of changing coaches early. At present, there are mainly two candidates, Pochettino and tuchel. Although Pochettino once coached Tottenham Hotspur, it has become an obstacle to coaching again. On the contrary, tuchel is more likely to join the team. Just as far as tuchel’s personality is concerned, it’s difficult to get in touch with the management of Tottenham Hotspur, and it’s unlikely that he will choose Tottenham Hotspur. After all, the character of Tottenham boss Levi is well known in the Premier League and even in the world football.

As for Real Madrid, it is different. Ancelotti still has some opportunities to coach. If the team can win the Champions League again this season, then he may stay, but if he can’t do this, his departure is inevitable. According to Spanish media reports, tuchel ranked first in the selection of Real Madrid’s coaching position, and tuchel himself is now taking the initiative to learn Spanish. In order to prepare for the next step of coaching Real Madrid, just wait patiently for the end of Ancelotti.

There are so many famous stars in European football, and they almost take turns to coach the major clubs, and tuchel, the coach who won the Champions League, has naturally become the target of everyone’s pursuit. Besides him, Pochettino and Zidane are the focus of team competition in the summer transfer period, but tuchel has a more obvious advantage than others. The reason for his withdrawal from Chelsea is not his personal record, but his harmonious relationship with the management, and there are not many problems with his coaching ability.

iPhonese3 release time new message, A15 processor price touching

Apple usually releases a new iPhone phone in September, such as the iPhone13 series of mobile phones introduced in September this year, except for the general iPhone mobile phone, Apple will also launch the iPhonese series mobile phone.

iPhonese series mobile phone is Apple’s low-cost iPhone mobile phone, using small screen design, iPhonese series mobile phone is also known for users, such as Apple’s iPhonese2 mobile phone, unfortunately iphonese2 Mobile phone does not support 5G Internet access.

According to foreign media Macrumors, the latest report, the latest report, showing Apple’s words in the first quarter of next year, and the specific time is expected to be launched at the end of March next year.

According to Apple, I broke the news, the new iPhone is designed in appearance or the iPhone old model, based on iPhone8, equipped with a 4.7-inch screen.

Of course, the IPHONESE series is not its highlight. The brightest of the iPhonese series is hardware configuration and cheap prices. The iPhonese3 mobile phone will be equipped with more powerful processors to support 5G Internet, iPhonese3 mobile phone will be equipped with A15 processor Gao Tong X60 modem, iPhonese3 mobile phone is expected to be the cheapest 5G version of iPhone.