Jiangxi Civil Affairs Planning Finance and Welfare Lottery Finance and Asset Management Training Course was held in Xiamen National Accounting Institute.

  From September 26th to 30th, the training course of Jiangxi Civil Affairs Planning Finance and Welfare Lottery Finance and Asset Management was held in Xiamen National Accounting Institute. Deputy Director Ouyang Haiquan (director level) attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Li Jinxi, vice president of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, attended the opening ceremony. More than 80 people attended the training, including the responsible comrades of the Finance Department of the Department of Planning and Finance, the Provincial Welfare Lottery Center and the financial departments of the departments affiliated to the Department, and the responsible comrades of the civil affairs departments of all districts and cities, Ganjiang New District and counties (cities, districts).

  Ouyang Haiquan put forward four requirements to the financial personnel of the provincial civil affairs planning and welfare lottery system: First, Do not forget your initiative mind, bearing in mind the mission is the basic political follow of the financial personnel of the provincial civil affairs. Second, adhering to the standards and not making false accounts are the basic professional ethics of civil affairs financial personnel in the province. Third, lifelong learning and continuous improvement are the basic literacy pursuits of civil affairs financial personnel in the province. Fourth, cherish opportunities and strictly observe discipline, which are the basic training requirements for civil affairs financial personnel in the province.

  Dr. Lin Zhiyuan, Dr. Chen Yanping and Dr. Liu Yongquan from Xiamen University and Xiamen National Accounting Institute gave authoritative interpretations and practical guidance on budget performance management, internal control construction of administrative institutions, new Government Accounting System and state-owned assets management of administrative institutions.

  The students have said that the wonderful lectures and lively learning exchanges of experts and scholars have enabled everyone to think, learn and succeed, effectively improving the comprehensive quality and professional ability of financial personnel, strengthening the construction of Jiangxi civil affairs talent team, and laying a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of civil affairs and wealth management. In particular, it is of special commemorative significance to hold training courses on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the motherland. The students said that they will promote the construction of great love civil affairs in Jiangxi in the new era with practical actions, paint a new picture of Jiangxi’s reform and development in the new era and make their due contributions to building a prosperous, beautiful, happy and modern Jiangxi.

Zhaoan Fuling: the prosperity of the industry leads to the prosperity of the countryside, and the road of tea farming helps to revitalize the tea industry in an all-round way.

  Minnan Net January 7th (correspondent Lai Rongmin Minnan Net reporter Liang Zhengwen/photo) Moling Village in Yuxiu, Zhong Ling is located in the mountainous area of Xiuzhuan Town in the northwest of Zhao ‘an County, with beautiful ecological environment, fresh air and rich trace elements-selenium in the soil. Moling Village is located in the hinterland of mountainous areas, where the traffic is blocked and the industry is not prosperous. The villagers mainly grow tea, and were once bound by poverty. It was a poor village at the former municipal level and a base village in the old revolutionary base area. How to realize the rural revitalization of Moling Village is a difficult problem for the local party committee and government and villagers.

  Industrial prosperity leads to rural prosperity. Therefore, since last year, under the guidance of Lin Shaojin, vice mayor of Zhangzhou, and with the support of Jiulongjiang Group and various departments, Moling Village, Xiuzhuan Town, Zhao ‘an County has focused on characteristic industries, fully promoted the development of tea industry, and continuously expanded the collective income of the village. Lai Rongmin, resident secretary of Zhangzhou Jiulongjiang Group in Zhaoan, said that Moling Village invested about 1.7 million yuan to build standardized tea factory buildings and purchase standardized tea equipment in Moling Village to solve the shortage of tea processing and production conditions. At present, the project has been completed. At the same time, the annual matching funds in the village are used to improve the construction of cultivated roads and facilitate the production and life of villagers. At present, 530,000 yuan has been invested in the construction of tea machine-cultivated roads. In addition, with the help of the Party Committee of Jiulong River Group, it invested 1.3 million yuan to promote the construction of the second-phase tea factory and tea culture center.

  It is worth mentioning that after the standardized tea factory is put into use, it can apply for SC food production license, which will be the first subject in Moling Village to have this qualification. "In this way, it can not only effectively improve the production quality of tea products in Fuling Village, but also actually increase the income of village wealth, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone." Lai Rongmin said.

  Deeply cultivate selenium-rich fertile soil and serve the people in the old areas. Nowadays, the tea industry in Moling Village has been better developed, and the scene of "the village is strong and the people are rich, livable and suitable for business" is gradually coming true.

Source: Minnan Net


Xu Jinglei celebrated the first anniversary of "Let’s Go" and held a sports meeting to play table tennis.


  Xu Jinglei takes athletes into the stadium.


  Xu Jinglei plays table tennis with a pot.


  Xu Jinglei in the stands.

  Tianfu Morning Post reported on April 28th.Table tennis, 110m hurdles, penalty shootout and tug-of-war … On 26th, Xu Jinglei celebrated the first anniversary of the publication of the interactive electronic magazine edited by herself with a special sports meeting. Gu Changwei, Zhang Yang, Chun Xiao, Huo Siyan and Dong Lu, friends in Xu Jinglei’s circle, came to join in one after another, and Lao Xu took part in four of the six competitions and won the table tennis doubles championship.

  Win the table tennis doubles championship

  At 1 pm on the same day, the Spring Games of Kai La was held in Beijing No.80 Middle School, Xu Jinglei’s alma mater. More than 100 readers who signed up through various channels formed five teams to participate. Xu Jinglei’s friends in the circle also came to help out, and they were organized into five phalanxes to lead their respective players to compete. Huo Siyan and Chunxiao, who looked gentle, tried their best, and Zhang Yang, the director, successively challenged the 110m hurdles and the penalty shootout.

  As the editor-in-chief, Xu Jinglei personally designed uniform sportswear for the athletes, even risking the taboo of sports competitions. While serving as the chief referee of the sports meeting, she also participated in four competitions, such as table tennis, 400-meter relay race and tug-of-war, and won the table tennis doubles competition in one fell swoop, showing her elegant demeanor in sports. Interestingly, in the last two games of the table tennis competition, Lao Xu changed her racket into a frying pan, and frequently spiked the ball with her hand. The momentum was very heroic and exaggerated, and even her opponents were amused to tears by her appearance.

  Plan a new beginning

  The scene was in full swing, and the photo wall specially set up outside the stadium also attracted the attention of many viewers. It is reported that this photo wall is specially set up for the fashion electronic magazine "Open Street Shooting", which is about to go online. The new magazine will focus on promoting street fashion. Lao Xu said that after one year’s operation, the income of Open is satisfactory, and her next work will still focus on electronic magazines. "Maybe I will start a new job when everything is on the right track."

Editor: Li Dan

How can Milan restart after the Champions League exit and paying for the summer window?

After the end of the two-round series, AC Milan failed to go any further, but fell at the feet of its sworn enemy in the same city. As the defending champion, Milan’s performance has been stumbling this season. Although the Champions League has reached the semi-finals, the league competition for the fourth place is in jeopardy. A series of wrong operations last summer laid the foundation for this chaotic season. How to restart the Rossoneri revival requires Milan to think and choose together.

[The four-game losing streak has made the Milan summer window even more inefficient]

Even after 16 years in the semi-finals, Milan’s Champions League journey this season is quite bitter and embarrassing. In two rounds, I suffered a double kill from my rival Inter Milan in the same city. Counting the Super Cup and the second round of the league, I was defeated by my opponent four times in a row, losing 7 goals but not scoring 1 goal. No matter what ranking Milan will end up in this season, it is a fact that Milan’s four-game losing streak in the derby is absolutely zero, which makes the team miserable both inside and outside.

Losing the Champions League to a deadly enemy and competing for the fourth place is in jeopardy. For a defending champion, this is definitely an unacceptable result. Coach Pioli has almost overdrawn his prestige in this stumbling season. Although he helped Milan to return to the Champions League and win a Serie A championship, the successive fiasco in January has made him "stand in prison" in the hearts of many fans, and the four-game losing streak in the Derby is even more "solid".

The total score of 0-3 is not good-looking, and Pioli’s use of troops is also debatable. But in the last two weeks, Milan has already run out of ammunition and food. In the first round, Leo was injured and the midfielder Ben Nasser was damaged; In the second round, defender Jiafu went off halfway, and Kalulu, who came off the bench, made a big mistake carelessly. The rest of the players are almost drained by the long season, and Gill, Special Olympics and krunic have all shown fatigue; Mesias and Tonali struggled hard, but they were powerless.

The bigger gap between the two sides actually lies in the rotation of the lineup. On the starting Milan may be equal to Inter Milan, but in the long-distance running of the season, Milan’s replacement lineup seems to be weak. Last summer, five players, such as Decatur, Origgi, Adelie, Dester and Franks, who were introduced and returned, failed to meet expectations and were not even included in the Champions League registration list. Only German defender Jiafu and youth training teenager Pobega showed certain value.

From the appearance lineup in the Champions League stage, we can also see Milan’s inefficiency last summer-Decatur, who invested heavily, only played in the first leg against Tottenham in the knockout stage; The only new aid with a starting record in the knockout round is Zhongwei Jiafu; In the two wars against Naples, not even a new aid started. Milan lost Casey and romagnoli last summer, and Ibrahimovic was close to retiring, but the Rossoneri hardly got any new blood, and it was almost doomed that they gradually declined at the end of the season. Inzaghi can let Lu Kaku play the league, Zhe Ke play the Champions League, and Milan can only hope that Gill will stick to his teeth.

[The concept is different, but the operation is different]

Therefore, the gap between Milan and Inter Milan in this series is actually the gap between the summer window transfer results. In the past year, both teams have experienced brain drain, and Inter Milan chose to fill it with mature players, such as Lu Kaku, acerbi and mkhitaryan. However, Milan chose to invest in young players to "scratch the lottery". Except for Origgi, who signed for free, all the other players are young people under the age of 23.

Two different strategies have different advantages and disadvantages. Inter Milan’s choice can bring more instant fighting power to the team. The third-line parallel is closely related to the performances of mkhitaryan and Lu Kaku. acerbi’s aging and growing stronger offset the negative impact of skrinjar’s "defection", so that Inter Milan will not lose its fighting power because of the absence of the core central defender. However, the cost of the lineup is high and the age is high. Even if the Champions League income is more than 100 million euros this season, the Nerazzurri’s loss has reached 100 million euros.

In contrast, Milan pays more attention to the long-term growth of the lineup, but it also loses experience and ability. Apart from Gill and Kyar, there are no core players over 30 in Milan. The cost of the lineup is also relatively controllable. With the Champions League results this season and the breakthrough in sponsorship, the Rossoneri, which had suffered losses for years, are expected to have a financial balance or even a small profit this season. But investing in young players requires patience, and not every bet can be rewarded. Germany’s Zhongwei Jiafu performed well in the second half, but in the first half, he experienced several months of "slow fire"; Decatur, who has high hopes, has not adapted yet.

But on the other hand, the operation of Inter manager Mallota is still more sophisticated than that of Milan director Paolo Maldini. In recent years, Inter Milan has lost its lineup every year, but Mallota, a seasoned player, has played a perfect game. After Lu Kaku left, he signed Zhe Ke, while Eriksson signed Chaer Hanoglu when he suffered from heart problems. Instead, it was the teams of Rome and Milan who took most of the damage for Inter Milan. Even if Inter Milan’s financial problems are frequently reported in newspapers, Mallota can still guarantee the team’s basic set at the league level.

But Maldini’s operation was too idealistic last summer. Hong Niao Fund hopes to invest in young players, but it is free to choose the specific target. However, the Milan uniform team did not supplement the backcourt when Kathy and romagnoli left the team. Instead, they introduced an attacker with unclear characteristics and outstanding strength, Decatur. Every time Maignan is in a hurry, many Milan fans will think, how nice it is to spend this 32 million yuan on a lower back!

Start all over again, but who will get a second chance? 】

Outside the stadium, Milan also sent ominous signals more than once. Before the first leg of the Champions League, Maldini called Hong Niao Capital and asked for more investment. After the exit, he once again pointed the finger at the management, claiming that "the management’s strategy" decided the transfer operation. In fact, the relationship between local managers and investment funds in Milan has always been subtle. In 2020, even Bo Ban was fired after firing at the employers. This time Maldini chose to fire, which made people worry whether he would make the same mistake again.

Both Eliot and Hong Niao Capital are obviously profit-seeking, hoping that the value of the team will gradually increase. But on the other hand, Maldini received a lot of financial support. Last summer, Milan’s net investment was the first in Serie A, and 32 million euros of Decatur also set a new record in the American-funded era. While criticizing the management strategy, the resource allocation and choice of trader Maldini are equally worth examining. However, with the exit from the Champions League, the contradiction between the two sides seems to be open again. Before starting again, perhaps the Rossoneri will have to face internal friction first.

All four teams won at home, and Real Madrid continued to follow Barcelona.

Last night and early this morning, there were four rematches in the 25th round of La Liga. The four home teams all scored points-Real Madrid beat the Spaniard 3-1 at home, while elche tied Balado Lide 1-1 at home; Certa beat Vallecano 3-0 at home, while Valencia beat Osasuna 1-0 in Mestalla and escaped from the relegation zone.

In terms of standings, Real Madrid shortened the gap with Barcelona to 6 points. Vallecano and Osasuna both lost and still ranked seventh and eighth; Valencia’s home win pushed Seville and almeria into the relegation zone, and the two teams will also have a direct dialogue in this round.

Real Madrid C.F.




Real Madrid welcomes Spaniards at home. The Spaniard who fought away from home scored in the 8th minute, Ruben Sanchez crossed, and Jose Lu seized the opportunity to score 0-1. In 22 minutes, Venesius hit the right foot in the penalty area to equalize the score, 1-1. In 39 minutes, Chuameni assisted Militao to score a header, and 2-1, Real Madrid took the lead and entered the second half. In the 93rd minute, asensio, who came off the bench, received a pass from Na Qiao and scored another point. Real Madrid won 3-1 at home.


Real Valladolid Club de Fútbol



Elche, which ranks at the bottom, welcomes Balado Lide who has escaped from the relegation zone at home. Four minutes after the opening, Balado Lide was assisted by Olasa to score a goal by Lalin, 0-1. In 16 minutes, Plano hit the door slightly at a small angle. In 34 minutes, Boyer’s header missed. Elche trailed 0-1 in the first half. In 59 minutes, Boyer’s long-range shot was blocked. In 84 minutes, Raul Guti hit the door in the restricted area and was thrown. In 96 minutes, Morent volleyed and scored a tie, 1-1. Since then, Mesa and Hogela have been sent off for the second yellow card in this game. In the end, each side will get one point.

Certa Vigo




Certa, who played at home, took the initiative. In the 5 th minute, Bega’s long-range shot was saved. In 11 minutes, Lejon hit the door slightly higher outside the restricted area. In 41 minutes, aspas missed the goal from the left side of the penalty area. In the first half, the two sides drew a blank. In the 51st minute, Harvey Garland assisted aspas to score a goal from the left in the restricted area, 1-0. Then, carles Perez’s shot caused a Sis own goal, 2-0. In 85 minutes, aspas scored his second goal in this game, and Certa beat Vallecano 3-0.





In the 6th minute, Diaca missed the header. In 11 minutes, Abd shot high. In 33 minutes, Hugo Duro shot in the restricted area and was saved. In the first half, the two sides drew a blank. Easy side fight again, 55 minutes, Avila shot high from the left side of the restricted area. In 74 minutes, Lino assisted Kluivert to score the only goal in the game, 1-0. In 89 minutes, Valencia got a penalty opportunity, and Hugo Duro was saved from the penalty, and the score remained unchanged. In the end, with the goal of Kluiwitt, the Bat Corps, which ranked second to last, won the game 1-0 and gained 3 valuable points.

Data: Win11 market share is close to 10% Microsoft is still expanding the upgrade

According to the Survey data in November, Windows 11 is gradually approaching to achieving two-digit market share. The company is based on the latest data of 60,000 Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. There are currently 8.6% of the computer running Windows 11, 3.8% higher than last month.

Windows 10 version 21H2, this latest version of the operating system starts to be launched on PCs that are not qualified to use Windows 11, this version also appears in the view of Adduplex this month. By the end of November, its market share is 3.7%, and is currently in Windows 1022 (11%), Windows 10 20H2 (31.8%) and Windows 10 21H1 (36.8%).

Microsoft has repeatedly expressed that it will accelerate Windows 11, which in facts also show their attitude, Win10 is already in the past, and Windows 11 is their focus.

"Based on the active promotion update experience and user feedback we have seen so far, we advance the promotion of the promotion than our previous expectations, and now make Windows 11 upgrades more widely provided to eligible Windows 10 devices," Microsoft WINDOWS service and delivery executive John Kelps said.

It is worth mentioning that Microsoft has indeed expanded the WINDOWS 11 push, as long as your device meets the standard, you can upgrade free.