It’s fun for world champions to play chess on campus.

  Sanming, Dec. 19 (Lei Chaoliang) On the morning of the 19th, Alexander guttman, the world champion of international draughts from Russia, and Feng Chao, a senior coach of international draughts from all over the country, walked into the campus of Baisha Primary School in Sanyuan District, Sanming City, Fujian Province, and had a meaningful interactive teaching with the international draughts team members of the school.

The picture shows Alexander guttman, the world champion of international checkers, having a one-to-many interactive teaching at Baisha Primary School. Photo by Lei Chaoliang

  "I was surprised by the performance of the children today. They have strong learning ability and fast chess playing speed." Alexander guttman has been studying international checkers since he was five years old. He is the world champion of 100 checkers (lightning) in 2021.

  During this trip, he came to Fujian from Shanxi, Hunan and other places to experience the international checkers culture in China. He said that the atmosphere of learning international checkers in schools in China is very strong, and the children are very talented, and the future is limitless.

Aleksandr guttman’s match with the young players attracted the children’s onlookers. Photo by Lei Chaoliang

  In this activity, Chen Huaijin, a third-grade student from Baisha Primary School, was calm in the game against Alexander guttman. He skillfully used various tactics, carefully followed every step, and finally made a sum in danger. He said that he was very happy to play chess with the world champion and could learn a lot.

  Li Hong, principal of Baisha Primary School, said that the activity of "World Champion Entering Campus" can play a very good role in stimulating children’s enthusiasm for learning, and also laid a solid foundation for the school to establish an "international checkers school". (End)

(China News Network)


Iran’s gas station was attacked by Israeli hackers, and the silent cyber war has begun!

Cailian News on December 19th (edited by Ma Lan)On Monday, most gas stations in Iran were paralyzed by external attacks. According to Iranian state media, services were still not fully restored late Monday.

Iranian oil minister Javad Owji said on Monday that the cyber attack caused nearly 70% gas stations in Iran to malfunction. According to Iran’s National Petroleum Products Distribution Company, the oil pump went offline due to technical problems caused by hostile organizations, but it did not point out the suspects.

Subsequently, a hacker organization named Gonjeshke Darande announced on X that it was responsible for the attack. Gonjeshke Darande means predator sparrow in Persian. In 2021, the organization carried out the destruction of Iran’s infrastructure and a steel plant, and was widely regarded as having an Israeli background.

In its statement, the predatory sparrow organization shouted to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: This attack is a response to the aggression of Iran and its regional agent (Hamas), and there is a price to pay for playing with fire.

Silent battlefield

Predator Sparrow also said in the statement that similar to the previous actions, the attack on gas stations was carried out in a controlled manner. They warned the Iranian emergency services in advance and ensured that some gas stations could still operate normally to limit the damage to emergency services.

Reza Navar, a spokesperson for the Iranian Gas Station Association, said that there is no shortage of fuel supply, but I hope that drivers will not go to gas stations now, and experts are solving the software problem of the fuel system.

Israeli officials declined to comment on the hacking incident. However, the Israeli network department pointed out on Monday that about three weeks ago, Iran and Hezbollah launched a cyber attack on a hospital in northern Israel. Although it was finally defeated, the confidential information of the hospital was still leaked.

Gil Messing, chief of staff of the US-Israel cyber security company Checkpoint Software, revealed that the cyber attack of predator sparrow demonstrated Israel’s capabilities.

The cyber security investigator of another well-known international company believes that Iran and Israel are engaged in a full-scale cyber war, but they are hidden underground. The complexity of the attack shows that there is the support of state power behind it.

He pointed out that the IT system of Iranian gas stations has a history of ten years, so it is easy to be attacked by hackers. But hackers from both sides are also wrestling with other more important government and military infrastructures. He said that even if the situation between Iran and Israel has not reached the boiling point, the situation is bound to become more tense.

Sources who used to work in the British Foreign Office also warned that this may be information from Israel. In view of the actions of Iran and its members of the axis of resistance, Israel thinks it is necessary to respond, which roughly means that it has the ability to put out the lights in Tehran, and if Iran continues to escalate, Israel will take more destructive actions.

(Cailian Malan)

Football (sports)

On the same day, in the tenth round of the Italian Football League in the 2023-2024 season, Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0 at home.

On October 29th, Inter Milan coach Inzaghi was on the sidelines. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player Thuram (left) scored a goal in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player Thuram (left) competed with Roma player Ndika. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player lautaro (left) competed with Roma player Lu Kaku. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player lautaro (right) competed with Roma player Mancini. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

What should party member cadres learn and how to learn?

  Abstract: The history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is also a history of learning. Learning is a strong driving force for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to improve himself. It is the continuous improvement of learning ability that promotes the development and growth of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The Communist Party of China (CPC) people rely on learning to go to today, and they must also rely on learning to go to the future. Over the past 95 years, the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s successful experience in improving learning ability is a valuable spiritual wealth for the construction of learning-oriented political parties in the future.

  [Keywords:] the Communist Party of China (CPC) learning ability learning-oriented political party [Chinese library classification number] D26 [document identification code] a

  The history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is also a history of learning.

  It is a fine tradition of our party to attach importance to and be good at learning. Learning is a strong driving force for the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s development and self-improvement. It is in the process of learning that the Communist Party of China (CPC) constantly improves his leadership level and ruling ability. The birth of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the great achievement of advanced elements studying Marxism seriously. After the outbreak of War of Resistance against Japan, faced with the new complicated situation, the Party’s theoretical literacy, policy level and knowledge ability need to be improved urgently. Mao Zedong proposed "to turn the whole Party into a big school". The learning activities of the whole party and the subsequent rectification movement have improved the Marxist theoretical level of the whole party and laid a solid foundation for winning the victory of the new-democratic revolution.

  Before and after the founding of New China, the CPC Central Committee demanded that party member cadres should make great efforts to learn how to manage and build cities. Deng Xiaoping once gave a positive evaluation: "On the eve of national victory, Comrade Mao Zedong called on the whole party to study again. We didn’t study badly that time. After entering the city, we quickly recovered our economy and successfully completed the socialist transformation. " In the new period of reform and opening-up, the outstanding problem facing China in catching up and building a socialist modern country is the shortage of talents. Deng Xiaoping deeply feels that "there are too few professionals who know all walks of life". How to solve this problem? The best way is to study. In this process, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has gradually established a top-down learning system: first, establish and improve the learning system for on-the-job leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels; The second is to hold a theoretical seminar for senior leading cadres; The third is to create a system of collective learning of the central leadership; The fourth is to strengthen the rotation training of cadres in party schools. In the 21st century, China has a deeper understanding of the word "learning type" which originated in the west. In September 2004, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee proposed to "focus on the theoretical and professional study of leading cadres, promote the study of the whole party, and strive to build a learning-oriented political party". The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward learning, service and innovation as the unified goal of the construction of the ruling party, which is a profound grasp of the law of the construction of the ruling party and a major theoretical innovation.

  Scientific arrangement of learning content ensures the pertinence and effectiveness of party member cadres’ learning.

  Faced with rich cultural knowledge, the choice of learning content is very important. Different times and tasks, the content of learning is definitely changing, but there are some common contents that must be persisted in learning for a long time. Mao Zedong once pointed out: "Without revolutionary theory, historical knowledge and a deep understanding of the actual movement, it is impossible for a political party that guides a great revolutionary movement to win." In other words, theory, history and knowledge closely related to work are eternal learning themes.

  Theoretical study should always be in the first place. To strengthen the party’s ideological and theoretical construction, the first task is to equip and innovate the theory, and learn to observe, analyze and solve problems by using Marxist standpoints and methods. Learning theory is the foundation of firm ideals and beliefs. Some cadres in party member are indifferent to their ideals and beliefs, and their spiritual level is not high. They even "don’t believe in Marxism-Leninism and believe in ghosts and gods". One of the important reasons is that they don’t pay attention to studying scientific theories and improving their ideological and theoretical literacy. The Communist Party of China (CPC)’s belief in communism and Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s belief are based on the scientific theory of Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Only when party member cadres firmly believe in this scientific theory can they establish lofty ideals and firmly adhere to the guiding position of Marxism. Theoretical study is the basis of theoretical innovation. Every major study activity in the history of the Party has promoted the theoretical innovation of the Party. Learning promotes innovation, and innovation calls for learning. The benign interaction between them is valuable experience in the construction of learning-oriented political parties.




  In the history of the party, there have been two wrong styles of study: one is dogmatism, that is, copying Marxist books and copying other countries’ models; The other is empiricism, that is, ignoring theoretical study and theoretical guidance, often falling into transactionalism and losing the way forward. The basic experience gained by the Party after paying a heavy price is that we must adhere to the excellent style of study of integrating theory with practice, learn to use scientific theories to understand and analyze reality, use theories to guide practice, and test and develop theories in practice, so as to truly apply what we have learned, promote learning and learn from each other.

  The purpose of learning is all about application. Learning should be carried out closely around the development requirements of the cause of the party and the state, starting with a correct understanding and practical solution to new problems arising in social development, with problem learning. Learning is to solve problems, not to show up. The people are the creators of history, so they should be good at learning from the people and draw inexhaustible power from their wisdom and strength to promote the cause. The Party’s previous studies have been carried out on the basis of promoting the development of the cause and safeguarding and realizing the fundamental interests of the people, thus winning the support of the people. If you are divorced from the masses, sit and talk about things without the interests of the masses, or talk about theories without promoting career development, such learning is meaningless. The ongoing study and education of "two studies and one doing" emphasizes that the foundation lies in learning and the key lies in doing, that is, we should persist in applying what we have learned, do what we have learned, do what we have learned, and enhance our working skills and improve our ability to solve practical problems through learning.

  Establish and improve the learning guarantee mechanism

  Learning depends on consciousness as well as system. Perseverance is the most important thing in learning. If there is no certain institutional norms to restrain and habits cannot be formed, it will be difficult to persist in learning such a long-term and retreat task. For party building, learning is not only an individual behavior, but also an organizational behavior. An important goal of building a Marxist learning-oriented political party is to establish a perfect learning system, standardize learning and make learning a habit.

  The institutional guarantee to improve the learning ability is to link the learning situation of leading cadres with the assessment and promotion of cadres, form a learning-oriented employment orientation, build an institutional system of assessment and evaluation of party organizations’ learning, improve the system of learning, evaluation and examination, make the learning of party organizations form a long-term mechanism, and strive to create an atmosphere in which party member cadres love reading, read well and be good at reading. We must persist in taking theoretical literacy and learning ability as the important basis for selecting and appointing leading cadres, and let the broad masses supervise the learning situation of leading bodies and leading cadres, and select cadres who are truly learned, truly understood, truly believed and truly used to leading positions. It is necessary to strengthen the application of assessment results, and in the evaluation and reward of cadres, we should not only examine the virtue and diligence, but also pay attention to the study situation.

  Learning has gradually shifted from "engaging in activities" to "grasping the normal state", forming a long-term learning guarantee mechanism. According to the needs of the development of the situation, it is necessary to concentrate on learning for a period of time. However, learning is a long-term task, especially in the era of rapid development of science and technology. If you don’t learn, you will drop out. Therefore, you should persevere and form an institutional mechanism to ensure continuous learning. For example, establish and improve the training system, scientifically arrange pre-job training, professional training, promotion training, theoretical training, etc. Establish and improve various forms of thematic education system, and pay attention to the working mechanism of carrying out study and education on major festivals; For the study of leading cadres at all levels, it is also necessary to establish and improve the system of transforming learning achievements, and through various forms such as special seminars, collective exchanges, and research reports, the achievements of learning and education will be put into practice through decision-making bodies in time. The CPC Central Committee emphasizes that "two studies and one doing" is not an activity, but to highlight normal education and form regular, normalized and institutionalized inner-party learning and education.

  Leading cadres take the lead in learning, which is the key to building a learning party.

  The people are the creators of history, while leading cadres are the "key minority" and play a vital role in the process of social development. The construction of a learning party is a major project related to the development of the party and the country, and it is also a retreat work. If the "key minority" does not attach great importance to it and play a leading role in demonstration, it will be difficult to achieve practical results. Mao Zedong and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation are not only advocates and organizers of learning, but also practitioners. Their diligent actions and knowledgeable demeanor are examples for the whole party to learn. Since the reform and opening up, the central leadership has insisted on collective learning, which has set an example for the whole party and played a huge role in promoting and demonstrating the learning atmosphere in the whole party. Leading cadres should assume three roles in the process of learning and building a learning-oriented party organization, namely, meticulous organizer, active promoter and conscious practitioner.






5: 00 a. m. The domestic media made a controversial decision: China football became the winner, and the fans screamed.

At 5: 00 am on October 31st, Beijing time, the latest news came from China Football. According to the domestic media "Football Daily", Titipan, the main midfielder of Thailand team, was seriously injured, and it was difficult for Dangda to play in China. This report also caused great controversy and discussion.

"Football Daily" wrote: "In the third round of the AFC Champions League in Bangkok, Titipan, the main midfielder of the Thai team, suffered tears in the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of his knee, and he will face a long recovery period of at least 8 months after the operation.

In addition to Titipan, 35-year-old striker Dangda also missed at least four weeks due to injury, making it difficult to catch up with Thailand’s home game against China on November 16th. Dangda is the third shooter in the history of Thailand. "

It can be seen from the report in Football News that China football has become the winner, and Thailand’s main players were injured before the preliminaries started. Although the media did not disclose more information, China now needs to rely on the injured opponents to win, which still attracted a lot of fans’ condemnation.

Some fans said: "They have all fallen to hope that others will get hurt and even be sent off. It is still Thailand. You can imagine what the level of football in China is. " Some fans also said: "It’s useless, the men’s football team still can’t win."

Of course, some fans said: "All the benefits are vulnerable in front of a stable national football team. The Japanese team and the European powers have played back and forth. We are still here to discuss with Thailand and Vietnam how we can not lose. It is really a laugh. "

Strive for "Ping-pong" and "Ping-pong" is wonderful —— The Fourth Table Tennis Competition of Loudi Intermediate People’s Court

Strive for table tennis.

Table tennis is wonderful.

The Fourth Table Tennis Competition of Intermediate People’s Court

Exercise stretches health,

Competition inspires vitality.

On the sports stage,

Let’s work together-

With sweat and hard work,

With strength and tenacity,

Write poems of life!

opening ceremony

In order to enrich the cultural construction of the court and fully display the healthy spirit of the police, the Loudi Intermediate People’s Court held the fourth table tennis competition on the evening of December 13th and 14th. Li Zhengming, Party Secretary and Dean of the Intermediate People’s Court, attended the event. Xia Ziwei, member of the party group and vice president of the Intermediate People’s Court, made an opening speech.

Player style

Based on the principle of "national fitness, joint participation", a total of eight teams were formed to participate in the competition. On the field, the athletes were enthusiastic and devoted themselves to the competition, such as the straight shot, the horizontal shot, the spike, the spin ball, the curveball … Everyone chased after me, not to be outdone, and the wonderful moments were constantly staged, with cheers and applause one after another. The players showed their achievements, confidence and style. Every game, adhering to the belief of "never give up until the ball hits the ground", shows the energetic, combative and enterprising spirit of the court people in the new era.

After fierce competition, a total of 1 first prize was produced; 2 second prizes; 3 third prizes; 2 outstanding organization awards; 2 outstanding athletes.

Everyone has said that through this competition, they have strengthened their physique, tempered their will and exercised their team. In the future work, we will gather the courage and fearlessness shown in the competition into full enthusiasm for work, and make greater contributions to the sprint and the high-quality development of the court at the end of the year!

Original title: "Strive for" Ping-pong "Bo, and" Ping-pong "is wonderful-the Fourth Table Tennis Competition of Loudi Intermediate People’s Court"

Read the original text

Xu Jinglei celebrated the first anniversary of "Let’s Go" and held a sports meeting to play table tennis.


  Xu Jinglei takes athletes into the stadium.


  Xu Jinglei plays table tennis with a pot.


  Xu Jinglei in the stands.

  Tianfu Morning Post reported on April 28th.Table tennis, 110m hurdles, penalty shootout and tug-of-war … On 26th, Xu Jinglei celebrated the first anniversary of the publication of the interactive electronic magazine edited by herself with a special sports meeting. Gu Changwei, Zhang Yang, Chun Xiao, Huo Siyan and Dong Lu, friends in Xu Jinglei’s circle, came to join in one after another, and Lao Xu took part in four of the six competitions and won the table tennis doubles championship.

  Win the table tennis doubles championship

  At 1 pm on the same day, the Spring Games of Kai La was held in Beijing No.80 Middle School, Xu Jinglei’s alma mater. More than 100 readers who signed up through various channels formed five teams to participate. Xu Jinglei’s friends in the circle also came to help out, and they were organized into five phalanxes to lead their respective players to compete. Huo Siyan and Chunxiao, who looked gentle, tried their best, and Zhang Yang, the director, successively challenged the 110m hurdles and the penalty shootout.

  As the editor-in-chief, Xu Jinglei personally designed uniform sportswear for the athletes, even risking the taboo of sports competitions. While serving as the chief referee of the sports meeting, she also participated in four competitions, such as table tennis, 400-meter relay race and tug-of-war, and won the table tennis doubles competition in one fell swoop, showing her elegant demeanor in sports. Interestingly, in the last two games of the table tennis competition, Lao Xu changed her racket into a frying pan, and frequently spiked the ball with her hand. The momentum was very heroic and exaggerated, and even her opponents were amused to tears by her appearance.

  Plan a new beginning

  The scene was in full swing, and the photo wall specially set up outside the stadium also attracted the attention of many viewers. It is reported that this photo wall is specially set up for the fashion electronic magazine "Open Street Shooting", which is about to go online. The new magazine will focus on promoting street fashion. Lao Xu said that after one year’s operation, the income of Open is satisfactory, and her next work will still focus on electronic magazines. "Maybe I will start a new job when everything is on the right track."

Editor: Li Dan

International football La Liga comprehensive: Barcelona 1: 1 draw with Valencia.

Original title: International Football La Liga Comprehensive: Barcelona 1:1 draw with Valencia

During the 2023-2024 season, there were several competitions in the 17th round of the Spanish Football League. In a focus battle, Barcelona drew 1-1 away from Valencia.

On December 16th, Barcelona player De Jong (left) competed with Valencia player Sergi Canós. Xinhua news agency

Barcelona visited the Mestalla Stadium this round, Felix opened the scoring for the visiting team, and Hugo Guillamon equalized the score for the Bat Corps. After the draw, Barcelona ranked third in the standings with 10 wins, 5 draws, 2 losses and 35 points, still six points short of Gerona, the "leader" who missed one game.

In the first half, neither side achieved anything. In the 55th minute, Barcelona finally broke the deadlock, and Felix, who was unguarded, stabbed Rafinha’s pass into the goal from close range, helping the visiting team lead 1-0. In the 70th minute, Hugo Guillamon of Valencia smashed the net on the edge of the restricted area and rewrote the score to 1:1.

On December 16th, Barcelona player Pedri (top right) and Valencia player Guillamon (bottom) competed in the competition. Xinhua news agency

After that, Barcelona missed the opportunity twice, and the shots of Phelan Torres and Rafinha were saved by the Valencia goalkeeper. The score of 1:1 was maintained until the end.

In the other games of the day, Atletico Madrid lost to Athletic Bilbao 0-2, Getafe beat Seville 3-0 and Certa beat Granada 1-0 at home.

A number of special tourist routes will be released, and you can come here for holidays.

Source: CCTV news client

Yesterday, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a regular press conference for the third quarter. A number of catalogues such as "Orange, Red, Orange and Green Rural Scenery", "China Road" Top Ten go on road trip Boutique Routes and Sports Tourism Boutique Routes will be released one after another.

A number of characteristic tourist routes will be released.

This year coincides with the overlapping of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day. The eight-day holiday is an important holiday for people to visit relatives and friends and go out for a trip. The autumn scenery is beautiful and it is also a season of strong tourism demand.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will launch 149 "orange-orange-green rural scenic spots" national rural tourism boutique routes, highlighting the content of "celebrating and harvesting villages", and attracting tourists to enter beautiful countryside to enjoy autumn scenery, taste autumn charm and enjoy autumn fruits. Enjoy the rich and gorgeous rural autumn scenery, taste the scenery and delicacies in the north and south of the Yangtze River, experience the diversified and integrated rural tourism format, and feel the material abundance and full spirit of the new era and the beautiful countryside in creative fairs, harvest festivals and art exhibitions.

Jointly with the General Administration of Sports, we will release 12 excellent sports tourism routes during the National Day holiday, including "Zhangjiakou Chongli Outdoor Sports Tourism Route", "Village BA" and "Village Super" sports tourism routes and other special sports tourism routes.

In addition, there are ten go on road trip boutique routes, including "Lin Hai Mi Jing Da Hinggan Mountains Forest Crossing Road" and "Deep Grassland Horqin-Wulagai Grassland Galloping Road", which have relatively perfect transportation infrastructure and rich cultural tourism resources and are suitable for go on road trip. There are 20 non-legacy tourist routes, including the colorful non-legacy tour in Hexiang, Longjiang Wetland, and the non-legacy of "Water Rhyme, Suzhou and Suzhou".

This year’s Mid-Autumn National Day holiday cultural tourism activities are brilliant.

During the Mid-Autumn National Day holiday this year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism made great efforts to improve the supply quality of cultural and tourism products during the holiday period, promote the accelerated recovery of the cultural and tourism industries, and better meet the people’s yearning for a better life.

In order to improve the quality of supply during the holiday season, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will publish a national list of fine tourism performing arts, and launch a number of fine tourism performing arts projects with rich cultural connotations and superb artistic level. Guide the healthy and orderly development of music festivals and concerts to meet the new demand of "traveling with performances". Around the theme of "Celebrating Reunion and Enjoying the Festival", more special tourism products suitable for family trips will be launched.

Continue to promote all localities to work together with cultural tourism enterprises, platform enterprises and financial institutions to launch a series of measures to benefit the people, such as consumption subsidies, full consumption reduction and fare concessions. Hold "Colorful China Festival Good Things" cultural and tourism trade promotion activities, and focus on displaying and promoting high-quality products and services in the fields of fine performing arts, musical instruments and porcelain. From September 26th to October 1st, the National Performing Arts Expo was held in Yibin City, Sichuan Province, and the national key performances during the Mid-Autumn National Day were released.

What is the difference between a woman’s double vagina and double uterus and a normal woman? Are all born twins?

Xiaoling, 25, has had a menstrual cycle of more than 10 days since she was young. Later, after a one-time life, Xiaoling had recurrent vaginal inflammation. Xiaoling thought it was caused by her boyfriend, so after going to the hospital for gynecological examination, she didn’t expect to find out that she was a double vagina and a double uterus.

Xiaoling was very surprised. It is no wonder that since high school, her menstrual flow has been more than that of her peers. The confusion that has plagued her for many years has finally been solved. It turned out that it was all her uterus.

The doctor said that double uterus is not uncommon, but it is easy to be ignored.If women have problems such as long menstrual period, severe dysmenorrhea and abnormal vaginal discharge after menarche, it is best to check clearly as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of congenital malformation of reproductive tract.

The uterus is very special and important for women. It is a place for menstruation and pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, women only have one uterus, but there are also a few women who have the same as Xiaoling.Double uterus and vagina, clinically,This symptom is called oblique vaginal septum syndrome.

Vaginal oblique septum syndrome belongs to genital dysplasia.The main manifestations are congenital malformation of double cervix, double uterus, double vagina and complete or incomplete atresia of one vagina., mostly accompanied by atresia of vaginal urinary system malformation.

Source: Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Affiliated Hospital of Xijiao

The cause of oblique vaginal septum syndrome in women is related to the embryonic development process. Both hermaphroditic embryos have two sets of reproductive ducts, namely the mesonephric duct and the accessory mesonephric duct.About six weeks after embryonic development, the accessory mesonephros on both sides gradually develop female reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tube and upper vagina) after complete fusion. In addition, the accessory mesonephros develop into urogenital sinus at the fourth week, which not only forms the kidney, but also induces the accessory mesonephros to fuse.

Once the development of the mesonephric duct is interrupted, the accessory mesonephric duct will also be affected, but because the other side is still developing normally, it will eventually lead to the consequences of asymmetric reproductive tract complicated with urinary system malformation, that is, the problem of double uterus.

At present, clinical oblique vaginal septum syndrome is mainly divided into three types.

Type I is a non-porous oblique septum type.: it usually occurs after menarche.Dysmenorrhea (progressive aggravation)The main manifestation is that the menstrual blood on the oblique septum can not be fully discharged, and the menstrual blood may flow back into the abdominal cavity, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic abscess and other secondary infections.

Type ⅱ is a perforated oblique partition type:Mainly manifested as followsProlonged menstrual cycle, endless menstrual dripping and brown secretion.Or complicated with infection, resulting in pus in the posterior compartment, and the secretion is purulent with odor.

Type ⅲ is the type of imperforate oblique septum combined with cervical fistula.: the patient’s menstrual period is prolonged,A small number of vaginal bleeding or purulent secretions.If not treated in time, it will further cause gynecological problems such as acute pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic cyst.

In fact, it is hard for ordinary people to imagine the situation of double uterus. If the double uterus is diagnosed, the patient himself will be surprised and afraid. Does the double uterus have an impact on life?

Double uterus and double vagina patientsIf there is no discomfortThere are no problems such as menstrual blood retention,It has little effect on sexual life.However, if one vagina develops normally and the other vagina fails to develop, it may cause pain or bleeding if a man enters the undeveloped vagina in the same room.

Secondly, is pregnancy risky? Compared with normal women,It is difficult for women with double uterus to get pregnant, and the risk of danger during pregnancy will be higher than that of normal women., such as spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy; In the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is unable to resist the rising intrauterine pressure, and it is also easy to have miscarriage or premature delivery; In late pregnancy, due to the narrow uterine cavity and limited fetal activity, there is a high possibility of abnormal fetal position, which may cause placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, postpartum hemorrhage and other problems.

Finally, will twins be born in double uterus?The probability of pregnant twins in patients with double uterus is the same as that in normal women.The twin uterus is caused by the failure to fuse the accessory mesonephros in time when the embryo divides, and the twins are fertilized by two eggs or the fertilized eggs split into two fertilized eggs. There is no direct relationship between them.

Generally, there is no discomfort in the body, and few women will take the initiative to do gynecological examinations. Once the problems like double uterus and double vagina are detected, they will be nervous and worried. If you check the double uterus, what treatment methods are there?

  • surgical treatment

Surgery is the most common method to treat double uterus, which reconnects the divided uterus through surgery, thus helping the uterus to return to its normal shape. Surgery needs to be decided according to the patient’s condition. Generally, general anesthesia is needed, and postoperative wound care and rehabilitation and recovery training should be paid attention to.

  • medication

Medication can also be considered for double uterus, such as using hormone drugs to regulate menstrual cycle, so as to alleviate the problems of dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation in double uterus.

  • physiotherapy

Physical therapy can be carried out with the help of professional doctors, including acupuncture and massage, with the aim of helping to relieve dysmenorrhea and improve menstrual discomfort.

  • Psychological support

Double uterus is not a rare disease, but the process of treating double uterus is long, and patients will feel great pressure. Therefore, medical care should give patients support, help and answer doubts in the treatment of God, and pay attention to patients’ emotional changes.

Oblique vaginal septum syndrome sounds terrible, but it has little effect on getting married and having children. Women should pay more attention to their health at ordinary times, and it is best to have gynecological examinations regularly to achieve early detection and treatment of diseases.


[1] "Congenital kidney deficiency! Abdominal pain is unbearable! Let’s take a look at how to diagnose and treat vaginal oblique septum syndrome. . Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2023-03-09

[2] "Does a woman’s double vagina affect normal pregnancy and childbirth? Family doctor online, June 18, 2014

[3] "The 24-year-old girl found two vaginas and double uterus? Doctors speak frankly: it’s rare to be in business for many years. Dr. Zou Lisha. 2023-04-12.

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