Good news! The fuel surcharge has dropped! This New Year’s Day, the travel market is completely on fire.

The New Year’s Day holiday is in progress, and with the gradual rise of temperature in various places, the tourism travel market continues to show a hot trend.

According to China State Railway Group Co.,Ltd., the railway transportation of the New Year’s Day holiday started on December 29th, lasting for five days. The first day of the holiday was the peak of passenger flow, and the national railway sent 15.99 million passengers. Compared with the passenger flow on December 31st, the first day of New Year’s Day last year, the passenger flow on January 1st, the first day of New Year’s Day in 2020 increased by nearly 60%.

On December 31st, the national railway passenger flow maintained a high level. It is estimated that 11.85 million passengers will be sent, and 10,682 passenger trains are planned, including 500 additional trains.

At the same time, the latest news from the Civil Aviation Administration of China shows that on December 30, 2023 (the first day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2024), the national civil aviation sent 1,743,900 passengers, an increase of 103.1% over the first day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023 (858,800 passengers). On December 31st (the second day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2024), the civil aviation of China is expected to send 1.66 million passengers, an increase of 156.4% over the second day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023 (647,400 passengers).

On the whole, according to CCTV news, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that on the 30th, the national railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation are expected to send 41.768 million passengers, an increase of 73.3% over the first day of the New Year holiday in 2023. Among them, the railway is expected to send 15.8 million passengers; The highway is expected to send 23.487 million passengers; The waterway is expected to send 600,000 passengers; Civil aviation is expected to send 1.881 million passengers.

Data from several online travel platforms also show that on the first day of the New Year holiday, travel orders ushered in a substantial increase.

Ctrip data shows that on the first day of this year’s New Year holiday, orders for inter-provincial travel accounted for 55%. Among Ctrip’s orders for departure on the first day of New Year’s Day, one out of every five orders is a parent-child family, while the orders for first-day homestays and ice and snow tours increased by 132% and 170% respectively.

This means that even if there is only a three-day holiday, more people are still willing to go out for a long trip and end the coming year with travel.

The travel data of the same journey also shows that during the New Year’s holiday, China tourists mainly travel in short and medium distances, and the domestic long-distance travel and outbound travel market is gradually warming up, which promotes the increase in bookings of various travel products. Among them, on the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, the ticket booking volume of the same-way travel platform scenic spot increased by 306% year-on-year, and the hotel booking volume increased by 76% year-on-year. In terms of popular travel themes, the domestic ice and snow tourism increased by 194%, and the hot spring tourism increased by 178%.

Which scenic spots are more popular? According to Ctrip’s data, theme parks, museums, animal and botanical gardens and ski resorts are the most popular New Year’s Day punch-in points. Among them, Harbin Ice and Snow World not only boarded the ice and snow attraction TOP1, but also ranked among the top three national hot spots on the first day of New Year’s Day with its colorful ice and snow landscape and the snow party that exploded on winter nights.

In terms of outbound travel, according to the forecast of the National Immigration Bureau, the daily average number of inbound and outbound passengers at the national ports will reach 1.56 million during the New Year’s Day, which is more than five times that of the New Year’s Day holiday in 2023 and 90% of the same period in 2019. According to Ctrip data, the TOP10 overseas destinations this year are: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, China, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. Among them, Hong Kong, which announced the largest countdown fireworks display this year, has become the hottest overseas destination on New Year’s Day.

On the first day of the New Year holiday, many scenic spots and parks also ushered in the peak of passenger flow.

According to the news released by the Office of the Leading Group for Culture and Tourism Industry of Sichuan Province, as of 15: 00 on the 30th, 832 A-level scenic spots included in the statistics of the whole province received 2,650,200 tourists, and realized the ticket income of 22,113,800 yuan, up by 81.83% and 103.23% respectively compared with the same period in 2023. Five-year-level tourist attractions in the province (16 parks opened normally) received 152,500 tourists and realized ticket income of 5,103,900 yuan, up by 88.78% and 113.6% respectively compared with the same caliber in the same period in 2023. Libraries, cultural centers and museums in the province received 712,000 people.

According to the statistics of Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, on the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, Hunan Province received 6,629,300 tourists, including 1,178,900 tourists from outside the province, accounting for 17.78%. According to the modeling analysis of UnionPay big data, the per capita expenditure of tourists in the province was 10,126 yuan. There are 950 cultural tourism units included in big data monitoring, with a passenger flow of 786,000, and the statistical monitoring points show a year-on-year increase of 120.9%, including 571 A-level scenic spots with a total passenger flow of 663,000, and the statistical monitoring points show a year-on-year increase of 114.59%.

On the 30th, the reporter learned from Beijing Park Management Center that on the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, 11 parks and China Garden Museum in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven and Beihai, got off to a good start, with a total of 217,900 visitors on December 30th, an increase of 88.01% compared with last year and 21.26% compared with 2019. The top three places are Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven and Beijing Zoo.

It is worth mentioning that on the first day of the New Year’s holiday, the news of good travel came again.On December 30th, where did I get the news from the airline? From January 5th, 2024 (the date of issue), adult passengers: 40 yuan fuel surcharge will be charged to each passenger on routes below 800km (inclusive), and 70 yuan fuel surcharge will be charged to each passenger on routes above 800km.Compared with before the adjustment, it decreased in 10 yuan and 20 yuan respectively, which was lower than that in January 2023. This is the third consecutive month that the fuel surcharge has dropped.

Spring Festival travel rush is coming in 2024, and the fuel surcharge will be reduced, which will save the travel cost of passengers. Judging from the current booking situation, where to go data shows that the popular domestic destinations for the Spring Festival in 2024 are Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Harbin, Chengdu, Haikou, Kunming, Sanya and Hangzhou.

Bright Moon in Northern Shandong: Miscellaneous Tan on New Year’s Day

As a national holiday, New Year’s Day has a history of only 70 years, but it carries the cultural genes that have been integrated into the nation for more than 3,000 years.
With regard to New Year’s Day, the accurate interpretation now refers to the first day of the Gregorian calendar (Gregorian calendar) every year, that is, January 1st of the Gregorian calendar. However, this interpretation strictly began with the founding of New China in 1949. In the long river of more than 3,000 years or even longer, New Year’s Day actually refers to the current Spring Festival, that is, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar, and there are many nicknames such as Yuanri and Yuanzheng. If you read "January Day" in ancient poetry, it is the ancient people’s singing or expressing their feelings during the Spring Festival. Among them, Wang Anshi’s poem "Yuan Ri" in the Northern Song Dynasty is the most popular poem: the sound of firecrackers is one year old, and the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su. The rising sun sheds light on doors of each household, New peachwood charm is put up to replace the old. Bai Juyi, a famous man in the mid-Tang Dynasty, wrote "Five Drinks on January Day in Seven Years" in one breath with great interest after drinking on the first day of the first month in 833 AD (seven years refers to the seventh year of Tang Wenzong Taihe), the third of which is: three cups of blue-tailed wine and one cup of gum-tooth enamel. Except for Cui Changshi, no one is arguing with me.
In the Tang Dynasty, people took turns pouring drinks, and the last seat was called "Blue Tail Wine". In the Song Dynasty, Dou Ge explained in the Book of Wine: Today, when people drink Tu Su wine, the clouds can avoid the plague, which is also called blue-tailed wine. Or drink it at the end of the year, so it has the meaning of tail. As for the "gummy tooth jar", Mr. Lu Xun mentioned this scene in "A Random Talk on the Day of Sending Cooks": On the day when Kitchen Jun ascended to heaven, there was still a kind of sugar on the street, the size of a citrus, and there was this kind of thing in our place, but it was flat, like a thick pancake. That’s the so-called gum tooth-in fact, the simplest explanation can be maltose. -I believe readers have found clues: how do firecrackers, peach charms, Tu Su wine to avoid plague and maltose to send to the stove day look more and more like the Spring Festival now, rather than the New Year’s Day in this Gregorian calendar?
Indeed. Bai Juyi, Wang Anshi and countless Yuan Day and New Year’s Day in the poems before Qing Dynasty all refer to the Spring Festival, which is often referred to as the first day of the first month. A little exploration: "New Year’s Day" is an ancient Chinese word, which refers to the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. In Oracle Bone Inscriptions, the yuan character is a human figure plus a horizontal, which means the head, so it has the meaning of beginning and initial. The pictograph of the word Dan points to the moment when the sun rises on the horizon, so New Year’s Day means "the first day", also known as "three yuan", that is, the yuan of the year, the yuan of the month and the yuan of the time. However, the so-called "first month" has also changed many times with the adjustment of the calendar in the long river of history. Of course, it is all about exploring the "first" or "beginning" of the year. The calendar of Xia Dynasty takes January in spring as the first month, that of Yin Shang Dynasty takes December in winter as the first month, and that of Zhou Dynasty is changed to November. After Ying Zheng, king of Qin, unified China and called him the first emperor, it was changed to October as the first month. The current first day of the first month, as New Year’s Day, started from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and remained in use until the end of the Qing Dynasty. Of course, in addition to New Year’s Day and "Yuanri" in Bai and Wang’s poems, there are many names for expressing feelings on the initial day, such as Yuanzheng, Yuanchen, Shangri and Yuanshuo.
In 1949, the first plenary session of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference decided that the new China would adopt the universal method of AD chronology, and designated January 1st of the Gregorian calendar as the beginning of the New Year and listed it as a legal holiday, which is the current New Year’s Day or New Year. In order to distinguish the two "years" of the lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar, the first day of the first month was renamed the Spring Festival. Back to January 1, 2024, this upcoming New Year’s Day, as a national holiday, actually has only a history of more than 70 years, but it carries the cultural genes that have been integrated into the nation for more than 3,000 years and is the "beginning" of countless hopes and bright future. As described by Xin Xiao, a Wei-Jin poet, in Poem of Yuan Zheng, Yuan Zheng started the Order Festival, and Jiaqing started from here. Salty plays for thousands of years, and the size is the same as Yuexi. Although the yuan in the poem refers to the present Spring Festival, we might as well use it without asking for a solution: wouldn’t it be nice to use this New Year’s Day to start all the beautiful things and warm up for the grand Spring Festival that will come soon?
However, regarding the blessing of New Year’s Day, it is somewhat ordinary to use Happy New Year or Happy New Year. There are enough treasures to be excavated in the profound Chinese traditional culture, such as the Book of Changes. In the Book of Changes, the combination of "Yuan Henry Zhen" appeared many times, and Confucius interpreted it as: "Yuan is good." Heng Zhe, Jia Zhi Hui also. Those who benefit are also the sum of righteousness. Chastity, things are done. A gentleman’s benevolence is enough to grow a man. Jiahui is enough to make a gift. Good things are enough to make peace. Zhen is solid enough to do things. A gentleman does these four virtues. Therefore, it says,’ Dry, Yuan, Heng, Li and Zhen.’ "This is an interpretation of the construction of personal and social virtues, which can be explained in a more popular way as Yuan is the origin, Heng is the collection, Li is the achievement, and Zhen is the righteousness. It can be said that "Yuan Henry Zhen" represents the four stages of virtue cycle upward, and also symbolizes the development logic of everything from weak to strong, which reveals the wisdom and self-confidence of Chinese culture concisely and clearly.
In this case, when we meet tomorrow on the banks of the Pujiang River near the East China Sea, we can smile and say: Yuan Henzhen! (Lubei Mingyue)

A group of children’s Christmas wishes were very touching.

Original Lens WeLens

Christmas is only a week away. Who will you spend Christmas with, prepare Christmas gifts and wishes?

A month or two before Christmas every year, a steady stream of letters will pour into 123 Elf Road North Pole, and the recipient is the legendary Santa Claus who will quietly send Christmas gifts to children.

In this letter, children will share their year’s harvest with an old friend they will never meet, and make a wish to post the letter before Christmas, silently expecting that when they wake up on Christmas Day, they can see the long-awaited gift at the bedside.

Of course, this Santa Claus is not real, and letters will not be sent to the North Pole, although many children do believe it. In fact, this is the annual Operation Santa organized by USPS, in order to provide Christmas gifts to families who may not be able to provide more than their basic daily needs.

Children’s Christmas wishes are big or small. Some people want toys, some people want a greeting card, and some people just want a hug, and they don’t forget to tell Santa Claus to wear masks and gloves. ……


Want to be happy!

Toys, game consoles and so on are naturally at the forefront of children’s wish list. However, before expressing their wishes, children will also talk about their performance this year.

"I have grown into a good boy this year.

I can count from 1 to 100 and recognize all 26 letters.

I want a cool hot wheels car. "

"I hope you and everyone in the Arctic have had the best year.

I want Lego’s Destiny’s Bounty toy this year.

I have always done well and studied hard at school.

I wish you a safe journey on Christmas Eve. "

"Merry Christmas to you in advance! I know you’re busy,

But I hope you can read this letter.

It was written by my brother and me.

We are all good children, and sometimes we fight.

But we still love each other.

We want to share a Switch together.

I know it will cost a lot of money,

So it’s okay if you don’t get it. "

"I want a real elf friend forever,

He’d better bring a small house with him,

There are beds, toilets, bathtubs, showers and the like.

"Please come and play with me. We can play anything.

If you want to bring me a present, I’ll wear a size 3 dress. "

Some children don’t want gifts, and even want to give gifts to Santa Claus.

"You are the best!

I want to be happy at Christmas! "

"When I wrote this letter to you, I was not very happy.

I hope you can answer a few questions:

1. Am I a vampire?

2. Are you the first person on earth? "

"Please put the gift,

To boys and girls all over the world.

Thank you. "

"I know I didn’t perform particularly well this year.

So it doesn’t matter if my Christmas stockings are empty.

Did someone tell you that you are the best?

I always believed that you were real, and no one else believed you.

They think their parents played you.


Please always believe in yourself.

P.S. I want to be the one who gives you a gift, so come on! "

Many children will also put their own paintings on it. Although the level of paintings is uneven, there will be occasional typos, but they are full of sincerity.


Please give mom a present, too.

Some children want Santa Claus to give gifts to their mothers or other family members.

"Santa Claus, when you come.

Please give my mother a big hug.

She really needs it. She works too hard. "

"I am writing this letter because I want to do something special for my mother.

Every year, my mother asks me to write down a Christmas wish list.

But we never asked her what she wanted.

My mother likes cooking. She told me that she wanted to go back to school to learn this.

Mom has lost her job, and she has been doing her best.

So if you can, can you give mom a laptop?

So that she can go to school. I really want to achieve this,

She always told me to pursue my dreams,

I also want her to realize her dream. "

"I’m sorry if I misspelled your name,

I want a floating skateboard this Christmas.

But what I want most is my mother.

Work can be smoother, don’t be blamed again.

I think she should be treated well. "

"This year has been too difficult because of the coronavirus.

But I expect to receive some Lego toys.

Because my mother said that she couldn’t give me a present this Christmas,

She hasn’t received her salary for a long time, so she can’t afford anything.

Because she takes care of us, gives us food and works hard.

So I hope she gets something,

Like a Christmas card. "

"I don’t need anything for Christmas,

But my brother needs a new pair of shoes.

His shoes are broken. "

"I wonder if we can make Christmas a day earlier?

Because my father works on Christmas Day,

He is a fireman,

So I’m not at home on Christmas day.

If he can be at home on Christmas day,

We would be very grateful. "


It’s so hard this year ……

This year, everyone has had a hard time, and the children are no exception. So there are also some sad stories in the letter.

"It’s hard this year. I lost my father and grandfather.

My mother is going through a very difficult time.

I hope you can give her some happiness. "

"What I want most this year is that my family can be reunited.

Mom and I are really having a hard time.

Can you help us out?

I hope you can write back to me,

And I want you to know

My family is really important to me. "

What is even more touching is that children still have hope for life.

"Please be careful this year.

You should wear a mask and gloves, because the epidemic remains.

I have some bad news.

My mother and sister died,

My angel dog died, too.

I love her so much!

I lay down next to her and held her until she left.

I shouldn’t be so unhappy in a happy letter.

I remain hopeful and grateful.

You have always given us a lot of support.

My family and I love you very much. Thank you for your efforts. "

"There’s some bad news,

One of my classmates went to heaven because of cancer.

I’m so sad.

But I’m slowly recovering.

Let’s think of something happy _


Give everyone a hug, Santa Claus. "


Maybe we don’t need Christmas presents.

There are also many children who say that they don’t want Christmas presents. Because they still have some bigger wishes.

"I don’t think everyone said thank you to you.

You sacrificed your life for the happiness of your children.

That’s amazing. You are really great.

Never forget this.

As for gifts? If I had to choose a gift,

That’s a donation to charity.

Shelters for the homeless, public libraries, anything.

Because what better gift than peace and happiness on earth? "

"This year I want to:

The epidemic is over and the world is at peace.

The climate is under control, and the new X box game machine. "

"P.S., it doesn’t matter if I don’t receive any gifts.

Let’s get everyone fed and clothed before giving gifts. "

I hope you can send toys to the children in the hospital.

And those children who live on the streets. "

"Can you don’t your Christmas present? I just want a card.

I really want a gift,

But I don’t want to be the only one laughing this year.

I hope others can smile,

Like someone who’s homeless.

So please,

What I want this Christmas is

A smile. "

"Dear Santa Claus,

Do you support the LGBTQ group?

If you can talk to God,

Can you tell me that I love him?

Ask him if he still loves me if I’m gay. "

I don’t want anything this Christmas,

But if I may, I also want to ask you a favor:

Please find a cure for Covid-19,

Give it to us and save the world.

Thank you. "


Be a "volunteer" for Santa Claus

In fact, this is the 108th year of Operation Santa Claus.

Every year before Christmas, the post office can receive many letters sent to the nonexistent Santa Claus. In 1912, Frank Hitchcock, the postmaster, wanted to do something good for the community, so he suggested opening and answering these letters to Santa Claus.

At first, only the local post office and citizens wrote letters and gave small gifts to the children who wrote letters. Later, some commercial companies and charities joined in, and gradually formed an annual fixed project-"Santa Claus Action".

"The US Postal Service receives thousands of letters to the North Pole every year.

The workload was too heavy, so Santa asked the post office to find some volunteers to help. "

They set a special address for Santa Claus and began to accept letters one or two months before Christmas. Everyone can write to Santa Claus, but the project will especially help families and children in need. Gifts will be sent before the festival to ensure that the writer can receive them before Christmas.

Over the years, the US post office has received hundreds of thousands of letters. In the past two years, activities have begun to expand to more and more cities. More and more "volunteers" of Santa Claus have joined in, and there are some children among the volunteers.

This year, due to the epidemic situation, the post office simply digitized all the letters it received and published them on the official website People can browse these letters at will and "claim" any number of letters they want to reply to, so as to help the children or families who write letters realize their holiday wishes.

Up to now, more than 20 thousand letters have been claimed this year. Many people are moved and encouraged by the contents of the children’s letters and try their best to help them realize their wishes.

Kim Frum, a spokesman for Santa Claus, said, "This year, more families may be affected financially and emotionally. If you can provide even the slightest help or a spark of happiness to those in need, it means the whole world to them. "

After sending gifts, Santa’s "volunteers" will also receive special commemorative cards.

Indeed, everyone has had a hard time this year. But when I saw the little wishes and great expectations of the children in their letters to Santa Claus, I found that they were still naive and hopeful after this special year.

And this kind of mutual help and persistence in the face of crisis is probably the real meaning of Christmas.

Perhaps, this Christmas, we can not only be the one waiting for gifts, but also help some people in need to realize their Christmas wishes.

Main reference materials:

The United States Postal Service and the Spirit of Santa

Original title: "A group of children’s Christmas wishes, which is very touching."

Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference "Surfing the Waves and Running Forever" opened in Yongchuan, Chongqing.

On December 15th, Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference "Surfing the Waves and Running Forever" opened in Yongchuan Convention and Exhibition Center, Chongqing. Nearly 500 academicians of the two academies, doctors and postdoctoral students from well-known universities at home and abroad, representatives from overseas Chinese and enterprises gathered together to seek common development and talk about the future, and jointly draw a beautiful blueprint for talents to lead innovation and innovation-driven development. Academician He Jishan and Peng Suping of China Academy of Engineering attended the event.
Event site. (Photo courtesy)
There are not only young doctoral representatives introduced full-time but also high-level talents introduced in the form of "specially invited experts". Five academicians of the two academies, including Huang Weihe and Luo An, and five top talents in the industry, including Xia Qingyou, Fang Ning and Xie Yingchao, were employed as special experts for decision-making consultation in Yongchuan District. Sichuan-Chongqing Zhi Gong Dang Overseas Chinese Poster Country Practice Base, Nordic Talent Liaison Service Station and Academician He Jishan Workstation were established one after another.
The breakout activity Mingjing International Young Talents Forum received more than 200 doctoral applications from famous universities and research institutions at home and abroad, and more than 60 outstanding young talents who met the development needs of the school came to communicate and dock forever. Among them, 18 doctors successfully passed the examination and entered the follow-up recruitment review process, and 9 doctors are willing to learn more.
During the activities of the conference, 225 high-level talents in short supply were registered by institutions in the whole region, and 26 professionals in the field of education and health entered the follow-up procedures through interviews. During the activities of the conference, the whole region has introduced more than 210 talents of all levels and types, and established more than 120 talent contacts.
The conference organically integrated attracting talents and attracting investment, and based on "talents lead innovation, innovation promotes industries, and industries gather talents", signed 36 projects with a total investment of 22.7 billion yuan. This signing project involves intelligent networked new energy vehicles, new energy motorcycles, intelligent equipment, deep processing of quartz sand, fiber and composite materials, paper and paper products, meta-universe, science and technology film and television and many other industrial fields. Among them, Chengdu Haidekang Pharmaceutical invested 2 billion yuan to build an international high-end innovative pharmaceutical preparation production base; Xinyi Group (Glass) invested 1.82 billion yuan to build high-end float and Low-E glass production projects, which will provide important kinetic energy for the development of Yongchuan advanced materials industry. In addition, more than 10 cutting-edge scientific and technological projects in the future have been reserved through this conference.
At the signing ceremony. (Photo courtesy)
According to reports, Yongchuan iteratively issued the "Several Measures on Further Strengthening Talent Work", forming a more active and open policy system around the whole chain of talents "introducing, educating and retaining". Focus on "one thing" in the whole cycle of talent innovation and entrepreneurship, improve and perfect the talent information resource database, and realize multi-span collaboration in the talent field and "free application and enjoyment" in the talent policy. Upgrade the "one-stop" service platform for talents, implement the "Yongchuan talent service card", open the "96008" talent service line, provide "housekeeper-style" consulting service for talents 24 hours a day, and build more than 3,500 sets of "carrying bags" talent apartments to actively create a good atmosphere for talents to innovate and start businesses.
On the same day, the first Mingjing International Young Talents Forum and the "Two Bases" high-quality development academician expert symposium were also held. On the evening of the activity, Yongchuan received good news: Yongchuan won the title of "Best Employer of the Year in China" in 2023 by the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, Peking University Social Investigation and Research Center and Zhaopin.
Zhang Zhikui, secretary of Chongqing Yongchuan District Party Committee, said that Yongchuan has always placed talent work in a prominent position, focused on revitalizing the city by gathering people, promoting production by retaining people in the city, and educating people in schools to improve production, and further promoting the talent gathering project of "chasing the waves and running forever" and accelerating the construction of influential talent centers and innovative highlands in the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing. Yongchuan will help all kinds of talents to pursue dreams, build dreams and realize dreams with the greatest sincerity, the best environment and the best service.
It is understood that Yongchuan has a total of 192,300 talents, more than 460 high-level talents above the municipal level, 17 colleges and universities, and 180,000 students. It has built 374 talent development platforms such as Chongqing Yungu Big Data Industrial Park National Science and Technology Business Incubator and Chongqing Meta-Universe Technology Innovation Center. (China Daily Chongqing reporter station Tan Yingzi)
Source: China Daily.

The first global climate inventory of Paris Agreement opens a new chapter in the global climate process.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Shuang Luo Chenxi Bei Ping
Zhao Yingmin, head of the China delegation attending the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) and vice minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency on the 13th that the first global inventory of the Paris Agreement sent a strong and positive signal to the international community, which was an important milestone and opened a new chapter in the global climate process.
After two weeks of intensive negotiations, the Conference of the Parties reached the "UAE Consensus" on the first global inventory, mitigation, adaptation, capital, loss and damage of the Paris Agreement.
Zhao Yingmin also pointed out that in the current global climate governance process, many concerns of developing countries have not been fully paid attention to and resolved. Developed countries have an unshirkable historical responsibility for climate change and must play a leading role, taking the lead in drastically reducing emissions and achieving net zero emissions as soon as possible on the current basis, and accelerating the speed and intensity in key actions such as energy transformation. As soon as possible, the scale and intensity of financial, technical and capacity-building support for developing countries will be realized and effectively enhanced, so as to ensure a fair global transformation, provide the necessary space and support for developing countries to achieve sustainable development, and respond more actively to their concerns.
Zhao Yingmin emphasized that China believes that the response to climate change must be both ambitious and pragmatic. The key lies in pragmatic actions, in fulfilling the commitments made, and in the practical implementation means that match the ambition. The principles of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities established by the Convention and its Paris Agreement, as well as institutional arrangements such as national independent contributions, are the cornerstones of the global climate governance process. (Participating in reporters: Wang Dongzhen, Yu Fuqing, Yan Wang)

Focusing on World Peace and Stable Development and Contributing to China’s Smart China Program (100 foreign political party politicians see the CCP)

  Figure 1: Aken Suwell, Chairman of Marmara Strategic and Social Research Foundation in Turkey.

Figure ②: Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar.

Fig. 3: awad, deputy editor-in-chief and expert on international issues.

Figure ④: Bubacar Seyni Gagaha, Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of the Socialist Party of Niger.

Information picture

  Montenegro North-South Expressway Project undertaken by China enterprises. image china

  From reform and opening up to overall poverty alleviation, from building the Community of Shared Future for Mankind concept to building a "the belt and road initiative", under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China not only strode forward on the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also continuously contributed China wisdom and China plan to world peace, stability and development, which won universal recognition from international people.

  Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar — —

  Based on the long-term, promote the continuous development of China.

  Our reporter Li Bingxin Zhou Zhuobin

  "I have been to many places in China, and I personally realized that the Communist Party of China (CPC) kept in mind the iron oath. I saw with my own eyes that the Communist Party of China (CPC) would not let a minority brother fall behind and always let the people of the whole country get rid of poverty and get rich together." Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar, has been paying close attention to the development of China. He said, "The deeper you know about China, the more you admire the Communist Party of China (CPC). I deeply feel that we and the people of China are a community of destiny. "

  Wu Wending knows a lot about China’s development achievements. He has been paying close attention to the Communist Party of China (CPC) news for a long time and kept close communication with his counterparts in China media. In recent years, he has reported on the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the world’s political parties, and has come to China for many times to participate in the "the belt and road initiative" media cooperation forum and the Lancang River — Media exchange activities such as Mekong River Cooperation Media Summit. In 2017, at the invitation of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee and People’s Daily, Wu Wending participated in the "Asian Mainstream Media Investigation Group" and went to Beijing and Gansu for interviews and exchanges. What I saw and heard in China gave Wu Wending a deep understanding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s ruling philosophy. In Wu Wending’s view, it is under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) that great changes have taken place in China from poverty and weakness in the past to prosperity and strength now.

  During the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wu Wending came to China and made a lot of reports on many topics, such as ecological environment protection, grassroots pension, coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and media integration development. After visiting the large-scale achievement exhibition of "Five Years of Hard Work", Wu Wending expressed sincere admiration for the brilliant achievements made by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in leading the people of China, and wrote a poem entitled "Red Star Shining in China" to express his admiration for the Communist Party of China (CPC). “‘ The Communist Party of China (CPC) comes from the people, lives for the people and prospers for the people ’ ‘ The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a party that strives for happiness for the people of China, and it is also a party that strives for the cause of human progress ’ I think that the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s feelings for the people are well reflected in these words. " He said.


  Aken Suwell, Chairman of Marmara Strategic and Social Research Foundation in Turkey — —

  Benign interaction makes China society full of vitality.

  Our reporter Wang Chuanbao

  "The secret of China’s rapid growth into the world’s second largest economy lies in the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s strong leadership." Aken Suwell, Chairman of the Turkish Marmara Foundation for Strategic and Social Research, pointed out in an interview with this reporter that China, with a population of more than 1.4 billion, cannot move towards development and prosperity without effective policies and development roadmap formulated by the Communist Party of China (CPC).

  Suwell has been engaged in journalism for more than 20 years and interviewed leaders of many countries. He is a well-known current affairs critic in Turkey. In 1998, Sewell became the chairman of the Marmara Foundation for Strategic and Social Studies and founded the Eurasian Economic Summit, aiming at establishing a dialogue mechanism and promoting regional dispute settlement and peaceful development.

  Su Wei’s unique life experience gave him a profound understanding of human development. He believed that the Communist Party of China (CPC) had distinct principles and characteristics, always adhered to the people-oriented development concept, and made unremitting efforts to promote equality of rights, opportunities and rules, which won wide support from the people. The people believe in the Party, and the Party takes the people as the center. The benign interaction makes China society full of vitality.

  In 2013, China put forward the initiative of building a "the belt and road initiative" by coordinating the overall situation at home and abroad and focusing on the future of human development. This initiative follows the principle of co-construction, co-construction and sharing, and is strongly recognized by Sowell. He said, "the belt and road initiative" is an important peace project, which closely links the east and west ends of Asia, promotes economic cooperation and cultural integration, and lays a new foundation for human civilization and progress. "Build ‘ The belt and road initiative ’ It is not only the need to develop the economy and achieve a win-win situation, but also the requirement of the times and peace. " In order to deeply understand and study how to build a "the belt and road initiative", Sowell visited China for more than 10 times, exchanged ideas with China scholars, and introduced them to people from all walks of life after returning home. In the opening speech of the 22nd Eurasian Economic Summit held in 2019, Sowell repeatedly mentioned the joint construction of "the belt and road initiative", and this initiative became one of the important topics of the summit.

  Sowell said that last year, in the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, the China government quickly took effective measures to control the spread of the epidemic, and became the only major economy in the world that achieved positive economic growth, fully demonstrating its institutional advantages. Sowell told reporters that he and his wife were vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine from China. He said with emotion: "In this fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, the government and people of China not only fought for their own country, but also provided a lot of support and help to other countries in the world, such as vaccines, medicines and equipment from COVID-19. China’s concept of building Community of Shared Future for Mankind is becoming an ideological driving force to encourage countries to work together to deal with the epidemic. "

  Sewell pointed out that it is a great historical achievement for a political party to last for a hundred years. As a century-old party, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is full of infinite vitality. I believe that with its unremitting efforts, China will make new contributions to the development of human civilization.

  Awad, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Sudan’s Shout and an expert on international issues — —

  An active and promising member of the international community.

  Our reporter Shang Kaiyuan




  Awad visited China for the first time in 2016 and participated in the first Asian-African Youth Festival. This experience provided him with an opportunity to get to know China on the spot. "The people of China have many advantages, such as seriousness and perseverance." Since then, he has visited China many times to participate in exchange activities, and his understanding of China is getting deeper and deeper. In awad’s view, the people of China are eager to know the world and hope to build a bridge of cooperation. the Communist Party of China (CPC) has also carried out constructive exchanges with political parties of various countries to promote cooperation and mutual trust between countries. "the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the largest political party in the world, and many political parties want to know their practical experience accumulated on the road to realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation." Awad said.

  Awad was deeply touched by China’s efforts to strengthen cooperation among countries in the world. China proposed to build a "the belt and road initiative" to promote policy communication, facilities connectivity, smooth trade, financial intermediation and popular support among countries. He said: "China is committed to pursuing common interests, realizing the common well-being of people of all countries and building a better world."

  During the epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19, China launched an initiative of uniting against the epidemic to the world, helping other countries to fight the epidemic with practical actions. Awad said: "This highlights that China is an active member of the international community and has a great influence on the just cause of the international community." At present, global economic recovery requires countries, especially major economies, to strengthen cooperation, and awad expects China to play a greater role in it.

  Bubacar Seyni Gagaha, Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of Niger People’s Socialist Party — —

  Not only maintain historical continuity, but also keep pace with the times.

  Our reporter Qiang Wei

  Bubacar Seyni Gagaha is the Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of the Niger ruling Party for Democracy and Socialism (PDPS) and the Director of the Archives Department of the Ministry of National Defense. In an interview with reporters recently, he said that he sincerely admired the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s century-long development. "Especially during the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the world saw more clearly the institutional advantages of China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the People’s Socialist Party also regarded the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a role model for political parties."

  In July 2017, at the invitation of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, Gagaha led a youth delegation of the People’s Socialist Party to visit China and visit Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Chengdu and other cities. Before the visit, the members of the delegation knew little about China, especially the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s ruling style. "Through this visit, we found that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the socialist democracy promoted by China is the most extensive, authentic and effective democracy. In China, the equal rights of the people are effectively guaranteed, and people of all ethnic groups are represented in the national legislature, and their legitimate rights and interests in all aspects can be safeguarded. " Gagaha said that another feature of China’s socialist democracy is the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China (CPC). "This system unites all forces to the greatest extent and breaks down obstacles for the sustainable development of China."



  In the interview, Gagaha told a story around him: "I chatted with a stranger while drinking tea at a street tea stall the other day. He told me that we should thank China. It is because of China that we can now have motorcycles running all over the street, watch TV and listen to radios that can be bought for one or two thousand CFA francs (about one hundred and twenty yuan). " Gagaha said: "This shows the influence of China on the development of Niger and Africa. The process of global industrialization has already started, but ordinary people in African countries have really begun to enjoy industrialized products more generally, which is inseparable from the role and influence of China’s rapid development in recent decades. "

  "The People’s Socialist Party has always regarded the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a rare true partner. We know that China and the Communist Party of China (CPC) really care about African countries and are really willing to help us develop. " Gagaha said with emotion.

  Layout design: Shen Yiling

What is World Heritage? What are the requirements for inclusion in the World Heritage List?

  The 44th World Heritage Conference opened at 19: 00 on the 16th in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China. Affected by the global COVID-19 epidemic, the conference was held online in Fuzhou.

   What is World Heritage?

  Up to now, the total number of cultural relics and natural landscapes selected for the World Heritage List has reached 1,121.China has 55 world heritages, ranking first with Italy.What exactly is a "world heritage"? What conditions do you need to be selected for the World Heritage List?

  World Heritage refers to the rare and irreplaceable wealth recognized by UNESCO and the World Heritage Committee, and is a cultural relic and natural landscape with outstanding significance and universal value recognized by all mankind.

  △ In 1987, China’s Great Wall and Mount Tai were listed in the World Heritage List for the first time.

  World heritage includes three categories: world cultural heritage (including cultural landscape), world natural heritage and dual heritage of world culture and nature. In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, which established a permanent and effective system based on modern scientific methods for the joint protection of cultural and natural heritage with outstanding universal value, and established the World Heritage List in 1976. China formally joined the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on December 12, 1985. In 1987, six world heritages, including the Great Wall and Mount Tai, were included in the World Heritage List for the first time.

  △ In July 2019, "Liangzhu Ancient City Site" became the 55th World Heritage Site in China.

  At present, 55 world heritages in China have been selected into the World Heritage List. What conditions do you need to meet to stand out? First of all, it must have outstanding universal value in the world. For this reason, the Convention Operation Guide gives 10 standards of world heritage, including six standards for "cultural heritage" including artistic value, architectural achievement and cultural inheritance, and four standards for "natural heritage" including nature and species diversity and natural scenery. If the projects declared by various countries meet any of these standards, it is possible to enter the World Heritage List.

  The World Heritage List makes the world pay more attention to the protection of cultural and natural heritage. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has successively promulgated more than 70 local laws and regulations, which together constitute the legal protection system of world cultural heritage. For example, when tourists visit cultural relics and historic sites, they will face legal accountability for scribbling.

   News Link Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Protecting Cultural Diversity

  On the basis of the classification, protection and utilization of cultural heritage and natural heritage in the World Heritage List, on October 17, 2003, UNESCO adopted the Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the protection of intangible cultural heritage has also received extensive participation from all over the world. At present, there are 42 intangible cultural heritage projects in China, ranking first in the world. China has established a four-level directory system at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels, and more than 100,000 representative items of intangible cultural heritage have been identified, and a large number of precious, endangered and valuable intangible cultural heritage have been effectively protected. (CCTV reporter Ma Li)

International Hot Review: The whole world is dancing this dance. I didn’t expect this wave of culture to go out of the circle!

This article was transferred from [China News Network];
Zhongxin. com, December 18 (Zhang Naiyue) "Hands are shaking, feet are shaking". Recently, a dance called "Subject Three" has been constantly swiping the screen network, and even set off a craze around the world.
Even the Royal Russian Ballet, which is touring in China, "do as the Romans do". After the performance, it suddenly danced the popular online dance "Subject III", which won applause and laughter, and caused a heated discussion on the Internet.
"Swan Lake" meets "Subject 3"
The full name of "subject three" is "subject three in Guangxi", and its origin has been difficult to verify. Many people think that it comes from the anecdotal saying that "every Guangxi has to go through three exams in life: singing folk songs, talking about rice noodles and dancing".
Some netizens introduced on Russian social media that the popular "Ballet Edition Subject III" came from a performance of the Royal Russian Ballet in Shenyang, China recently. After the performance of "Swan Lake", the ballerinas danced "Subject III". Many dancers dressed in ballet costumes danced in unison with the rhythm of modern electronic music, and some people could not help smiling.
Image source: screenshot of social platform
This video also caused a sharing craze on social media platforms such as Facebook, X (original Twitter) and TikTok.
Some netizens said, "The adaptation is very interesting", "Ballet can’t escape the third subject" and "The ubiquitous third subject". Others left a message saying that "I didn’t expect this wave of culture to go out of the circle".
From "going out of the circle" to "going out to sea"
Not only ballet, "Subject III" also collided with Latin dance. At the 2023 World Sports Dance Grand Prix held in Shanghai in early December, many dancers, including the world champion of Latin dance, showed the "Subject III" combined with Latin dance steps, and the movements were full of power.
At present, "Subject 3" has become a hot challenge project of the global short video platform. Netizens from all over the world have left messages on social media, or shared their videos of "Subject 3".
Some people think that the action of "subject three" is cute.
Others worry about the fragile ankles behind the dancers’ silky steps.
"Subject 3" has sprung up in South Korea, and some people performed at the school graduation party, which attracted cheers from the audience. The entry of "subject three Korea" once rushed to the hot search. Some people said it was "wonderful" and thought it was "culture out of the circle", while others were curious. "Why is the whole world jumping?"
There are also bloggers who record teaching videos and teach "subject three" by hand.
Image source: screenshot of social platform
Some Korean netizens left a message under the video of a Jianghu dance teaching, "I really want to learn this."
More Russian bloggers dressed in cheongsam in Moscow’s Red Square challenged "Subject 3" for three times below zero. Some people are surprised that "subject three is popular all over the world?" Some people found that people in the video jumped up with them, and others reminded bloggers to keep warm.
Image source: Little Red Book blogger "Shao Dong in Russia" video screenshot
In addition, netizens from Britain, Ukraine, the Philippines, Spain and other countries showed off their dancing and attracted numerous praises.
Smile, dance and resonate.
"Subject III" can dance both solo and in groups: people twist their waists, swing their hips and wave their hands, and with their ankles half twisted, they are extremely silky in one go, which is called "in line with the mental state of contemporary people" and "the square dance of young people". Even if you watch it, you can have fun and relax from the video.
Image source: Tik Tok blogger "Love Beauty" video screenshot
Overseas, "Subject III" first spread among China students, and then "spread" to overseas teenagers. Many young people with foreign faces shouted, "The Russian area is divided", "The English area is not big, creating myths" and started "competition", which added heat to the "subject three".
Music and dance are ways of communication that can transcend nations and languages. "Subject III" spread quickly because of its easy-to-understand and relatively easy-to-remember dance and "brainwashing" music, which easily mobilized the senses and was easily imitated.
However, the success of "subject three" in becoming a cultural phenomenon "going out of the circle" or even "going out to sea" is inseparable from the feeling of relaxation and freedom it brings to people, which is a simple happiness that netizens from all over the world can experience. Faced with the pressure of reality, modern people can show their personality, gain resonance and vent their emotions by playing with stalks, and they can find happiness from it no matter where they come from.
The collision between ballet, Latin dance and the popular internet stem "Subject III" is the communication between tradition and modernity, and also the communication between different cultures. Between a gesture and a slide, the audience and dancers will smile, and different nationalities will know each other better.

The 70th anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea | Tian Yiwei: Enlightenment from the contest between great powers in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

  The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which took place in the early 1950s, was a just war for China people to defend peace and resist aggression. In this war, New China and the United States were the main rivals, and they had a comprehensive contest in military, political, economic and diplomatic fields. The people of China won victory and dignity in the face of serious difficulties in all aspects at the beginning of the founding of New China. Looking back at history, we can get inspiration from it and gain the strength to move forward.

  Stick to the bottom line and dare to fight

  On the morning of June 25th, 1950, the long-term small-scale armed conflict and friction changed qualitatively on the 38th parallel in the north-south center of the Korean Peninsula, and a large-scale civil war broke out in Korea.

  The U.S. authorities openly violated the UN Charter’s stipulation that "no intervention is allowed in matters that are essentially within the internal jurisdiction of any country" and immediately sent armed forces to intervene in the Korean civil war. In the absence of new China and the Soviet Union, it manipulated the United Nations Security Council to pass an illegal resolution to form the "United Nations forces" invading the DPRK. At the same time, naval forces were sent to invade the Taiwan Province Strait. At this point, the new China was founded less than a year ago.

  At the beginning of October, 1950, American troops crossed the 38th parallel and advanced rapidly to the border between China and North Korea, which seriously threatened China’s security.

  According to the request of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean government and the wishes of the Korean people, the CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong were far-sighted, scientifically analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of participating in the war, and resolutely made a major strategic decision to resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend the country. On October 8th, Mao Zedong issued an order in the name of the Chairman of the People’s Revolutionary Military Commission of China, "trying to change the northeast border guards to Chinese people’s Volunteer Army, and immediately dispatched them to North Korea, cooperating with the Korean comrades to fight against the aggressors and strive for a glorious victory". Mao Zedong stressed: "In short, we believe that we should participate in the war, and we must participate in the war. The benefits of participating in the war are great, and the damage of not participating in the war is great."

  When the United States was at its peak, the people of China dared to meet its challenges. This fearless heroism and courage was unique in the world where the phobia of America was prevalent at that time. Facts have proved that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’s decision to send troops is completely correct, which embodies the China people’s will and determination to fight without fear of violence.

  Flexible and mobile to meet the weakness

  On October 19th, 1950, Chinese people’s Volunteer Army, led by Peng Dehuai, commander and political commissar, crossed the Yalu River from Dandong, Changdian Estuary and Ji ‘an respectively, and marched into the territory of North China, starting the great war to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

  Faced with the extreme disparity in equipment between the enemy and ourselves and the situation after the US troops crossed the 38th parallel, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai made a study on October 13th and 14th before the volunteers were dispatched, and decided that after the volunteers entered the DPRK, they would fight the defensive war first and then the counterattack. However, after the volunteers began to enter the DPRK on October 19, the situation on the Korean battlefield has undergone major changes.

  ▲ Profile photo: After Chinese people’s Volunteer Army entered the DPRK, Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai, commander of the Volunteers, exchanged telegrams for many times to analyze the situation. According to the major changes in the battlefield situation in Korea, they decided to change the original plan and annihilate the enemy by means of mobile warfare. The picture shows Peng Dehuai (first from left) presiding over a combat meeting on the Korean front.

  The direction of war changes according to the situation. Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai exchanged telegrams for many times to analyze the situation, and decided to change the original campaign plan and annihilate the enemy by means of mobile warfare, "striving for all possible victories on the basis of stability and reliability". At the same time, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the headquarters of the Volunteers judged that the "United Nations Army" headed by the US military was unaware of the dispatch of the Volunteers. MacArthur didn’t take China seriously and didn’t believe that China really dared to resist. He deployed a "triumphant offensive before Christmas" and asserted that "let the troops go home before Christmas." Mao Zedong said at that time that the more arrogant, conceited and ambitious MacArthur was, the better it would be for us.

  Subsequently, the volunteers quickly grasped the characteristics of the battlefield, promptly seized the enemy’s misjudgment and weaknesses that did not adapt to our army’s night fighting, melee and encirclement and circuitous operations, and quickly concentrated superior forces in local areas, marching and fighting for 13 days and nights in a row, and repelled the crazy attacking enemy from the Yalu River to the south of the Qingchuan River, killing more than 15,000 people. Volunteers crushed MacArthur’s arrogant attempt to occupy all Korea and end the Korean War on Thanksgiving Day, and won the first battle.

  Flexible strategy and tactics are the magic weapon for our army to win and the powerful weapon for China people to defeat the world’s number one military power with inferior equipment in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. History has proved that to compete with a strong enemy, we must avoid its sharp edge, attack its soft spot, change according to the situation, make full use of our strength, give full play to our strengths, and strike and consume the enemy with the local advantages of rapid gathering until victory is achieved.

  Active layout to reverse the war situation

  The victory of the first battle of the volunteers into the DPRK did not greatly change the whole battlefield situation, and the volunteers still did not gain a foothold in the DPRK. The "United Nations Army" led by the US military has not been hit hard to the point of passive defense, and will launch a large-scale attack on the volunteers at any time.

  On November 4, 1950, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai were in the rear and in the front, at the same time, they realized that the United States might carry out a powerful counterattack and telephoned each other to discuss their coping strategies. The battle plan studied by Peng Dehuai and the leaders of the headquarters of the Volunteers shows that the Volunteers are prepared to take the initiative to lay out the battlefield, withdraw the main force to the familiar areas after the first battle to rest and build a counterattack position, lure the enemy into depth and ambush and panic in the air. This strategic consideration is the development of Mao Zedong’s thought of establishing a defense line in the south of Tokugawa and Ningyuan highway lines before the volunteers entered the DPRK, with the aim of fundamentally reversing the Korean war situation and mastering the strategic initiative.

  After the US military occupied Pyongyang, the United States was immersed in the joy that the Korean War was about to "win". At this time, "Americans can only listen to the sound of victory." When the "United Nations Army" was suddenly and quickly attacked by the volunteers in the first battle, they were unwilling to admit the fact that the volunteers participated in the war, thinking that the Koreans who appeared in North China were probably sporadic volunteers.

  After several discussions, the US military and political authorities made the wrong decision to occupy the whole of China by force, even though they were not sure about the intention of the Volunteers to participate in the war. Bradley, chairman of the American Chiefs of Staff, later said in his memoirs: On the important days from November 2 to 9, "we looked through the materials and sat down to think carefully, but unfortunately we made ridiculous conclusions and decisions." On November 24th, MacArthur ordered a "general offensive" and publicly announced his general offensive plan to the press, saying that the goal of military occupation of all Korea could be achieved immediately. However, what he didn’t expect was that the volunteers had quietly surrounded his troops.

  On the evening of November 25th, the volunteers on the western front suddenly launched a counterattack against the enemy. At first, they aimed at the weak links of the Eighth Army of the United States, concentrated their efforts to encircle and annihilate the two divisions of the Second Army of South Korea, which had weak fighting capacity in attacking the right wing, and opened the battle gap. Then, they concentrated the 38th Army and the 42nd Army, and made a detour to the rear of the Eighth Army of the United States, cutting off the retreat of the Ninth Army of the United States from the south, and surrounded its main force on three sides by the Qingchuan River centered on Guichuan and Junyuli. MacArthur couldn’t figure out where so many volunteer troops came from, and the "United Nations Army" he played was confused, which made his plan to annihilate the volunteers and hit the Yalu River burst in an instant, and turned to anxiously command the troops to escape from the encirclement of the volunteers.

  The second campaign completely shattered MacArthur’s "last" offensive to end the Korean War and return to China at Christmas, repelled the frenzied enemy to the south of the 38th parallel, recovered Pyongyang and annihilated more than 36,000 enemies. Bradley wrote in his memoirs: From October 31 to the end of December, "these 60 days are the most severe test moment of my professional military career … … The Korean War unexpectedly changed from victory to humiliating defeat — — The most shameful failure in the history of our army. " MacArthur determined that "the attack must be transferred to the defense".

  The failure of the "United Nations Army" is fundamentally the failure of the decision-making of the military and political authorities in the United States. It is that they regard their national strength and military power as powerful and blindly use force to subdue bring disgrace to oneself in China. The key to victory is that the people of China can turn the tide of the war, not be afraid of powerful enemies, take the initiative to set up the battlefield in the theater they are familiar with, confuse the enemy with superb strategies and tactics, and lure the enemy into our preset grand strategy of encirclement and suppression of the battlefield. History has proved that we can’t deal with a strong enemy passively. On the basis of in-depth study and grasping the characteristics and laws of the enemy and ourselves, we must take the initiative to set up a game, "invite you to the urn" and gather the best to annihilate the enemy.

  Despise arrogance to promote talk.

  By June 1951, after five battles, the battlefield forces of the enemy and ourselves had tended to be balanced, and the front was stable in the north and south of the 38th parallel, resulting in a stalemate in the war.

  The American military and political authorities found that by May 1951, the United States had paid more than 100,000 casualties and more than 10 billion dollars in direct war expenses for this war, but it was a very difficult situation. In order to ease the contradictions between the United States and its allies and safeguard the key interests of the United States — — In the interest of Europe, on May 16th, the National Security Council of the United States met and adopted a policy memorandum on North Korea, which determined that the ultimate goal of the United States in North Korea was to establish a favorable defense line in the 38th parallel and seek to conclude an armistice agreement.

  The CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong decided to implement the policy of talking while playing, and to carry out political struggle and military struggle simultaneously. On the one hand, they were prepared to hold negotiations with the United States to strive for a truce and withdrawal with the 38th parallel as the boundary; On the other hand, they have no illusions about the success of the negotiations. They must make long-term and lasting military plans and smash any attack by the "United Nations Army" with resolute military strikes to cooperate with the smooth progress of the armistice negotiations.

  On August 18th, the "United Nations Army" started an air offensive and a ground offensive against me to cooperate with the negotiations on the military demarcation line. In the summer and autumn defense campaign in 1951, the Volunteers and the Korean People’s Army killed and wounded more than 157,000 prisoners of the "United Nations Army", and the Volunteers suffered more than 33,000 casualties. The "United Nations Army" only occupied 646 square kilometers of land at the cost of heavy casualties, far from achieving the goal of demanding that the volunteers and the Korean People’s Army withdraw from 12,000 square kilometers during the negotiations. Therefore, the "United Nations Army" had to return to the negotiating table for negotiations.

  On November 23, after the DPRK-China representative put forward the plan of military demarcation line, the two sides reached an agreement based on the DPRK-China plan to "take the existing actual contact line of both sides as the military demarcation line, and each side retreated 2 kilometers to establish the demilitarized zone during the military armistice". On October 8, 1952, the United States unilaterally announced that the armistice negotiations would be adjourned indefinitely.

  At the end of 1952, after dwight eisenhower was elected president of the United States, the American authorities were planning a large-scale military adventure. In order to prevent the "United Nations Army" from landing in the north of Korea, the Volunteers and the Korean People’s Army made large-scale anti-landing preparations. On the frontal front of the east and west coasts of Korea, they dug 8090 tunnels and 720 kilometers, dug trenches and traffic trenches for 3100 kilometers, and built anti-airborne and anti-tank positions, completely changing the fragile situation of the fortifications on the east and west coasts of Korea. It urged the American authorities and the "United Nations Army" to abandon the attempt of large-scale landing adventure and resume the armistice negotiations unilaterally interrupted for half a year on April 26, 1953.

  On June 8, the chief representatives of the two sides formally signed an agreement on the repatriation of prisoners of war. By June 18th, all the preparations before the armistice had been completed. However, on the 18th, the South Korean Li Chengwan Group forcibly detained the captured Korean People’s Army personnel in the name of "on-the-spot release", thus undermining the armistice agreement and arousing strong international repercussions.

  On June 20th, the DPRK-China delegation called for an adjournment of the talks to protest against Li Chengwan’s sabotage. At the same time, from June 24th to July 27th, the Volunteer Army and the Korean People’s Army launched an attack on the front 25km position defended by the South Korean Army, killing more than 78,000 people and recovering 192.6km2 of positions, severely punishing the Li Chengwan Group and deepening the internal contradictions in the United States. Next, Eisenhower put pressure on Li Chengwan, and mark clark, the third commander-in-chief of the United Nations Army, gave up. On July 27th and 28th, 1953, Clark, Kim Il Sung and Peng Dehuai signed the armistice agreement in Wenshan, Pyongyang and Kaesong, and the Korean armistice was realized. At this point, the armistice negotiations that lasted for two years and one month came to an end, and the China People’s War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea that lasted for two years and nine months ended successfully.

  Clark wrote in his memoirs: "I became the first commander of the U.S. Army who signed an unsuccessful armistice treaty in history, and I felt disappointed and painful. I think my predecessors, General MacArthur and General Li Qiwei, must feel the same way. "

  What you can’t get on the battlefield, you can’t get at the negotiating table. Talking while fighting makes the United States feel that the war will only bring more losses to itself if it drags on. They had to formally sign a military armistice agreement with the DPRK in Panmunjom.History has proved that we can’t get any luck in fighting a strong enemy, and we must abandon our illusions in order to force the enemy to go to peace talks with unbearable losses.(The author is the political assistant of the Evaluation and Demonstration Research Center of the Academy of Military Sciences)

The whole network is the most exclusive and complete! 200 China films worth looking forward to in 2023

Special feature of 1905 film network To welcome 2023, we are full of expectations for a better start!In previous years, the editorial department of 1905 Film Network will provide a special annual domestic film list for everyone, and look forward to China films in the new year.

Like 2021 (200! Please collect this list of the strongest films in China in 2022.), we comprehensively sorted out 200 new domestic films worth looking forward to in 2023, including some films from last year’s film list, because they were not released in 2022, as well as information channels such as project filing and group news release.

Before accepting this luxury gift of 200 new films, we specially selected and introduced 50 key films in no particular order. What do you want to see? Read on, remember to collect the complete film list at the end of the article, participate in message interaction and get a movie gift package.

In 2023, 1905 Movie Network will accompany you to watch movies, review movies and love movies forever!

The Wandering Earth II


Starring://  / Sha Yi / Ning Li / Wang Zhi / Zhu Yanmanzi

Release date: January 22 (New Year’s Day)

Dare to confirm the file one year in advance, has already become the "confidence" of the 2023 Spring Festival file. And whether it is the gorgeous lineup of official announcements in succession, or the director Frant Gwo’s self-exposure of "overspending and burning" funds again, it is enough for us to have infinite expectations for the sequel of "Little Broken Ball".

What kind of China science fiction can be seen in Wandering Earth 2, from the "milestone" that once turned the tables against the wind to the "new starting point" that is now widely expected? Is it the PK sun that exploded even more after Jupiter was lit? Or is the doomsday cosmic war more romantic in Chinese style than fleeing with the earth? The secret of waiting for 4 years was revealed in the cinema on the first day of the New Year’s Day.

Man Jiang Hong


Starring:///Wang Jiayi / Yun-peng Yue

Release time: January 22 (New Year’s Day)

Later, Zhang Yimou entered the Spring Festival for the second time.

The cast is strong, and Shen Teng and Jackson Yee form a double male host; Starring Zhang Yi, Lei Jiayin and Sniper, etc. re-entered the image world of Zhang Yimou; Yun-peng Yue,,,,, and Zhang Chi were assembled in the column for the first time; There is the new "girl" Wang Jiayi, which makes people curious.

The film tells the story of four years after Yue Fei’s death in Shaoxing, Southern Song Dynasty, when Qin Gui led his troops to talk with Xu Jin. On the eve of the talks, the envoy of the State of Jin died in the prime minister’s residence, and the secret message he carried was also missing. A soldier and the deputy commander of the pro-barracks were caught in a huge conspiracy by chance.

According to reports, this is a suspense film with multiple reversals. The story is unfolded in an ancient county compound, and there are comedy elements. What kind of breakthroughs and surprises will Zhang Yimou bring?

Bear haunt, accompany me "bear core"

Director:/Shao Heqi

Release date: January 22 (New Year’s Day)

This year’s Golden Rooster Award won the Best Art Film Award. As a domestic animation brand that has been stationed in the Spring Festival file for N consecutive years, the series "Bear Haunted" continues to bring the latest "Bear Haunted with Me" Bear Core "in 2023, opening a new chapter in this classic IP.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er, two brothers who have been acting as cute girls in the movie, will finally uncover the mystery of their life experiences that they have hidden in their hearts for many years — — Where did the mother who left the two bears go after a forest fire? Can they reunite with Mama Bear with the help of their good friend Logger Vick?

China Ping-Pong: The Jedi Fight Back


Starring Deng Chao///

This is another masterpiece of domestic sports movies.

At present, China is leading the world in men’s table tennis, while the film focuses on the true story of China’s men’s table tennis in the early 1990s. It tells the story of Cai Zhenhua, then head coach of men’s table tennis, leading Ma Wenge, Wang Tao, Ding Song, Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui to fight back in the Jedi World Table Tennis Championships in Tianjin in 1995.

The history of men’s table tennis from setbacks to returning to the peak will surely make the film have a very bloody counterattack and inspirational color. Deng Chao directed and performed again, playing Cai Zhenhua, the head coach, and Ying Huang, the wife of Cai, played by Sun Li, adding warmth to the story outside the burning arena, and Jason Wu also joined in the performance.

Lost in the Stars



The producer has great ambitions, and has pushed the domestic suspense masterpiece in the series. As the closing film of the 4th Hainan Island International Film Festival, he has met with the first audience and won the award of "Brain-burning Drama". At present, it is only to be officially finalized.

The film is adapted from the Soviet film A Trap for a Bachelor. It tells the story that He Fei’s wife suddenly disappeared during his wedding anniversary trip. When he searched for nothing, his wife suddenly appeared, but He Fei insisted that the woman in front of him was not his wife. With the intervention of gold medal lawyer Chen Mai, more mysteries gradually emerged.

After Zhu Yilong won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor, his partner NiNi went to the big screen again, expecting their roles and performances to collide with new sparks.

Peacekeeping riot squad

Director: Tat Chiu Lee


A new mainstream action film that has attracted much attention since the official announcement, once again focuses on the Chinese peacekeeping police group that performs tasks overseas and maintains world peace. Zhuyu is in the front, and there is no doubt that its "invincible youth" lineup is the most interesting and winning.

Needless to say, Johnny has "served in military service" many times in film and television works, and his goal should be to surpass himself who once played Gu Shun. Originally, it was difficult to associate YiBo with the role of peacekeeping police. However, after "Ice Rain and Fire", he seems to have won the trust of more audiences to some extent.




Director Dapeng is not good at street dance, but the "double Bo combination" he found is the two actors who are most suitable for street dance movies. With the foundation of previous cooperation in hip-hop competitive programs, Bo Huang and YiBo have shown a complete tacit understanding in the materials disclosed so far.

Needless to say, Bo Huang’s acting skills, the little people in adversity are almost his best interpretation; YiBo’s most likely surprise in Passion should be his love for street dance, which is highly consistent with the character trajectory that Dapeng wants to show in his works.

The story of sports theme background, the burning and blood of chasing dreams is the most important. "Enthusiasm" chose the story of "mr. six" and "Newcomer" going in two directions and turning over the adversity, expecting it to bring passion and touch to the audience.

In addition, Dapeng and YiBo each have other new films to be shown, including comedy directed by Dapeng, YiBo and co-stars, which have kept everyone waiting for a long time, hoping that 2023 will come as scheduled.

Deep sea


Judging from the exposed materials at present, our visual effect can be said to be the biggest bright spot. We creatively adopted the "particle ink painting" technology to "three-dimensionally" China ink painting, and blended hundreds of colors in visual aesthetics, which opened up a new painting style for China animated films.

Unlike director Tian Xiaopeng’s previous work, Deep Sea does not adapt the mythical theme, but focuses on the fantastic creatures in the sea and the stories of modern little people. Can this choice continue to bring traffic passwords?

Dragon and Horse Spirit



Jackie Chan’s signature Kung Fu comedy is coming! It’s a work made by Jackie Chan on the 60th anniversary of his debut, which is of great significance. It has also contributed to Jackie Chan and Jason Wu’s two generations of kung fu filmmakers being in the same frame for the first time, playing a master-apprentice combination, which has become a major attraction.

Jackie Chan once said at the press conference that because this film depicts the group of dragon and tiger martial artists, he was moved to tears when he read the script, and he closed it before turning on the machine, reluctantly shooting, and tried his best for the action drama. Is it still a familiar smell that kung fu superstars come out of the mountain again and the stars come to help?

Exchange of life


Starring Lei Jiayin//

Director Su Lun’s last work was also a collaboration with Lei Jiayin, which made the box office over 900 million and became the dark horse of that year. After exchanging time and space, can she succeed again by replacing her personality and body this time?

As the first comedy starring later, it is obviously of great significance to Zhang Xiaofei. And Lei Jiayin, who has a sense of joy, plays a pair of enemies in the blind date bureau, and the story has made a good start. In the preview of the exposure, she also showed a completely different personality from the previous role.

Glad you came.



I chose a very special and small group to cut in and lead the story. Wen Shan, played by Hugh, makes a living by writing eulogies, and imprints the flash of the deceased in the memory of the living forever. It is said that "forgetting is the real death", and this role and his story may bring us different perspectives on life.

Hugh and Leo are the second expectation besides the story of glad you came. After all, who hasn’t looked forward to a couple of Mei Changsu and feiliu after watching nirvana in fire? It is understood that in the movie, Xiao Yin, played by Leo, will be the mirror image of the role of Wen Shan. I wonder what kind of co-frame situation the director will eventually set for the two roles.

Where the Wind Blows


Starring: Tony Leung Chiu Wai/

Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Aaron Kwok are competing in the same box for the first time. Who can refuse not to watch such a combined lineup?This epic film recreates the story of detective Shuang Xiong, who dominated Hong Kong for 30 years. It has previously competed for the 95th Oscar for Best International Film on behalf of China and Hong Kong, which shows that the quality level has been guaranteed.

Biography of Qiao Feng in Tianlong Babu


Starring Donnie Yen//

Donnie Yen’s Qiao Feng is definitely the best Qiao Feng. Donnie Yen, who has multiple roles, also serves as producer and general director, can be said to completely dominate this film, just to create the "strongest warrior" in his mind.

"I’ll play as long as he wants, and I’ll keep playing." Judging from the first preview, there are many wonderful dramas by Donnie Yen, which satisfy the tastes of action movie fans, but it is also quite challenging to recreate Jin Yong’s classics. The film was first released in Malaysia on January 16th and China on January 19th. The time for meeting the mainland audience needs to be officially announced.



Starring Andy Lau//

Andy Lau+Lin Jiadong+Eddie Peng Yuyan, as well as Liu Yase, the best actress in the new Hong Kong Film Awards, as well as familiar faces such as,, and, with the story theme of police undercover+drug control, the whole set of configuration is a classic paradigm of Hong Kong-made crime action movies.

Jason Kwan Chi-Yiu won two Hong Kong Film Awards for best cinematography. He also directed and filmed the series "Chasing Dragons" under the recommendation of Andy Lau. Andy Lau is the producer this time. I hope this team will bring a new look to Hong Kong gangster films.

Customs front



Jacky Cheung returned after a six-year absence from the film industry, and Nicholas Tse served as the action director for the first time. These two leading roles alone are already very interesting.

The film focuses on customs themes and reveals the story of major transnational smuggling cases. Director Qiu Litao and screenwriter Li Min worked together to create a high-profile box office topic, and Nicholas Tse later acted in an action film, expecting that they can jointly create greater glories for Hong Kong action films.

Operation Moscow

Director: Qiu Litao

Starring:/Andy Lau/

Qiu Litao, who has always been good at big scenes, parachuted into "Moscow" this time with Andy Lau, Zhang Hanyu and others. The film is adapted from a real historical event. After the "Sino-Russian train robbery", the Chinese police crossed thousands of miles to arrest bandits and went deep into Moscow to investigate and arrest them.

In order to present the action scenes more realistically, a large number of real-life exterior shots have been built. I believe that Qiu Litao’s creative style in this type can capture the realism required by the story. The combination of Zhang Hanyu, Andy Lau and Huang Xuan has also added another guarantee to the quality and texture of the film.

Inside story


Starring: Aaron Kwok/Yam Tat-wah/Wu Zhenyu

Siu Fai Mak’s new film, a series of directors, brings together three powerful actors: Aaron Kwok, Yam Tat-wah and Wu Zhenyu. This is also the cooperation between Aaron Kwok and Wu Zhenyu after 22 years.

The film tells the story of Ma Yingfeng, a barrister, cooperating with Ke Dingbang, a detective to investigate a bizarre murder case, and at the same time exposing the layers of shady behind "charity". Aaron Kwok plays a lawyer and is also a master of Taekwondo, Wu Zhenyu plays a detective and Yam Tat-wah plays the chief financial officer. It is reported that all three of them have many action scenes in the film.

Burst point

Director: Tang Weihan


After that, he made another action film about police and bandits. This time, he was not the director, but the producer and screenwriter, and gave it to the new director to show his skill.

Tell the story of the Chief Inspector of Anti-drug who made every effort to crack down on drug-making and drug-trafficking fanatics and brought his gang to justice, and shoot it in China, Hongkong, Malaysia and other places. Under the escort of Lin Chaoxian, this film will undoubtedly be a hardcore commercial film with fierce action style.

Never Say Never


Starring: Wang Baoqiang/Chen Yongsheng/

The word-of-mouth of the director’s first film is polarized, which makes Wang Baoqiang once say that he "owes the audience a good movie". The notice seems to confirm his sincerity.

A fighting coach, a group of children who love fighting, the film wants to show their inspirational trajectory of changing their fate with fists and finding a way out with sweat. Get rid of the nonsense and concentrate on reality. I hope this new film, which Wang Baoqiang polished for six years, can let the audience see the real filmmaker Wang Baoqiang.

Great victory


How can Chen Kaige have a new understanding of the epic feeling of war films and the theme of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea? For Chen Kaige, this tragic and great history has brought him great inner shock and infinite feelings, and the most important part of The Great Victory is how to effectively convey these feelings and thoughts to the audience again. At present, the film’s main creation has not been officially announced, but the lineup should be worth looking forward to.

Reinforcements arrive tomorrow

Director: JASON ZHANG/Qin Tianzhu

Starring://Wang Jinsong//

Blessed are the audience who like to watch works! The gold medal screenwriter, who once created high-scoring TV series such as Yongzheng Dynasty, Daming Dynasty 1566 and No War in Beiping, will enter the film industry for the first time, not only as a script, but also as a chief producer and producer.

The film is adapted from a real historical event and begins with the story of Hengyang Defence War in 1944 — — Hengyang garrison, with less than 18 thousand troops, resisted the Japanese army’s total strength of 110 thousand for 47 days outside the city, which became a classic example in the history of World War II. This film is already in production.

Mr. red carpet


Starring: Andy Lau/Rema Sidan

In 2006, Ning Hao was completed with the support of Andy Lau, and it became an instant hit. Sixteen years later, Ning Hao and Andy Lau finally joined hands.

Just looking at the outline is very funny. Andy Lau plays an out-of-date Hong Kong star. In order to make a film with a big director again, he goes deep into the countryside to experience life, which leads to a series of farce. The protagonist’s design matches and contrasts with Andy Lau himself, and Ning Hao’s crazy absurd humor style makes people look forward to it.

Priceless treasure


Starring: Zhang Yi/Pan Binlong/  

With an advertising short film "What’s Page", he achieved phenomenal network hotspots. This time, director Zhang Dapeng successfully assembled a super lineup composed of Zhang Yi, Pan Binlong and Hao Lei in his first cinema feature film. Besides being lucky, he obviously has two brushes.

Renamed by Hardware Family, the film tells the story of a trouble that fell from the sky — — The story of temporary home, the daughter of a debtor and a pair of buddies who share joys and sorrows, is extremely "unreliable" but very "warm". Going back to the "comfort zone" of the lowlife, what kind of performance will Zhang Yi bring this time?

The Three Battalions


Starring: Zhang Yi

"Three Battalions" is another annual crime suspense film produced by Chen Sicheng after the Sheep Without A Shepherd series and "Disappeared She". Directed by director Dai Mo, the best screenwriter of the Golden Rooster Award is responsible for the script, and the behind-the-scenes lineup is strong.

Starring Zhang Yi, his screen performance has become stronger and stronger in recent years. This time, with Chen Sicheng, it’s like a dream of "Soldiers Assault". It is reported that there are also starring actors, and they have also cooperated with Zhang Yi respectively, and this time, they will continue to lead the way.

This film is adapted from the documentary literature "Please tell the director that the task of the Three Battalions has been completed". Many readers think this story is very suitable for adapting film and television works. The Three Battalions is very popular in the industry, not only in the film version, but also in the online drama version.




It was Gu Changwei and Ge You who collaborated again after 30 years, which was adapted from Zheng Zhi’s novel Fairy Disease, and he also served as a screenwriter.

In the film, Ge You plays Wang Zhantuan, a mental patient, and Karry plays Zhou Zheng, a teenager who stutters with inferiority. The film tells the story of Wang Zhantuan and his nephew Zhou Zheng, two "aliens" in the secular world, who are in the same boat, with humanistic care and absurd colors. Ge You and Karry combine the old with the new, and expect Gu Changwei to produce another masterpiece of realism later.

Sweep the black, clear the clouds and see the sun



After the director successfully launched the drama series, he turned to movies and continued to focus on the theme of eliminating evil.

The film tells the story that under the guidance of the central supervision team, the frontline police in the special struggle against evil in Kuizhou City severely punished evil and cast justice. Shawn and Adam co-starred in a pair of criminal police mentors and apprentices. Presumably, they will also try to challenge the action scenes in the duel scene of eliminating evils.

Great night


Starring Adam//

Seeing the shape of Adam, who is not a whole "flaxen": who is this "non-mainstream" and "social shake"?

In addition to modeling, The Great Night is also a rather non-mainstream existence in genre and story. It puts the elements of thriller and comedy under the lens of live broadcast and sneak shot, and follows three lame anchors to sneak into the crew to track the heroine … … Bringing into the audience’s mind, I really began to wonder how "amazing" this night would be.

Unfamiliar road to life



Director Xiaoxing Yi’s new comedy film will tell a funny story about his father-in-law testing his son-in-law. Qiao Shan and Mary will play a couple, Zhang Jingyi and Adam will play their daughters and prospective son-in-law, and a family of four will start a truck trip. ,,,, etc. It is reported that Adam and Chang Yuan are rivals in the film.

Save the suspect


Starring Zhang Xiaofei///

After co-directing Sniper with her father Zhang Yimou, Zhang Mo directed it alone, which is also her second independent director’s work, challenging the type of criminal suspense.

The story is centered on Chen Zhiqi, a Chinese female lawyer with a gold medal, who defends a condemned criminal and turns his conviction back, but is forced to be involved in a criminal case with many doubts. This is Zhang Xiaofei’s best actress after winning the Golden Rooster Award. Apart from "Exchange of Life", another starring work has a very different role type.

Three Wan Li in Chang ‘an

Director: Xie Junwei/Zou Jing

When the new animated film of the summer chase was released, the eggs finally appeared quietly at the end of the film. The story begins after the An Shi Rebellion broke out, and will trace back to his lifelong friendship with the poet Li Bai through the mouth of Gao Shi, an envoy of the Tang Dynasty who was trapped in the lonely city.

From the "New God List" series of two works, the creative team of light-chasing animation has fully demonstrated their unique views on classical and traditional aesthetic painting styles; In action scenes, the latest Yang Jian has fully proved its unique imagination, and Three Wan Li in Chang ‘an will become a new chapter in team animation creation.

Journey to the West



Although the volume is far apart, under the category of "China Science Fiction", it carries the expectation that many viewers will not lose "Wandering Earth 2". After decades of searching for extraterrestrial civilization, the "editorial madman" finally received the signal one day, and opened his absurd search road with a life-long puzzle.

This work has gained great attention and discussion when it appeared in various film festivals in the past. After the milestone, Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department may use it to write a brand-new annotation for China science fiction.

Ex-4: Early Marriage



Five years later, all the members of "Previous 3" returned. The sequel was directed by Yu-sheng Tian, the director of the "predecessor" series, and performed by Han Geng, Ryan, Kelly and Mengxue Zeng.

This story is still about Meng Yun (Han Geng) and Yu Fei (Ryan) who are of marriageable age, but one is facing the confusion of emotional destination and the other is facing the test of "marriage cooling-off period". "Former 3" won nearly 2 billion box office, which is a big dark horse for romantic films. Will "Former 4" still have such great energy?

I love you! 》


Starring:/Kara Wai//

From the beginning to the end, Han Yan has obviously been very good at combing the unusual emotional clues under the brush strokes of realistic themes.

Focusing on the love of ordinary old people in their 60s, Dahong Ni, Kara Wai, Tony Leung Ka Fai and Cecilia Yip are all absolute power players. What is the romance of the elderly after watching too many young people’s "sweets"? While discussing love, how will the film relieve the theme of life? We look forward to finding the answer from two "late love" episodes.

Parrot killing


Starring://Youhao Zhang

With novel theme, inspired by the news of "Killing Pig Plate", it is also a "revenge movie for women". The story tells that Zhou Ran, who experienced the scam of "Killing Pig Plate", went to a small town in Fujian to find someone. Through a parrot, she accidentally met Lin Zhiguang and Xu Zhao, and she had an emotional contest with two mysterious men, mixing the elements of love and suspense.

This is the first feature film of the new director, and the writer is invited as the artistic director to check the quality. Zhou Dongyu and Zhang Yu teamed up for the second time after the short film "Love Alone". Can they reproduce their high-light acting skills with this film? We will wait and see.

Burning winter


Starring Zhou Dongyu//

Haven’t met, Zhou Dongyu, Haoran Liu has been in the second set. Judging from the plot outline, this film seems to want to focus on the three protagonists and tell the story in the relationship between the characters rather than setting an obvious plot in the drama conflict.

It seems that in order to better echo the title of the film "Burning Winter", the film was shot in the extremely cold weather in Northeast China. What kind of story between a girl and two boys can ignite the snowy world? In addition, we are also looking forward to seeing three young actors born in 1990s collide with different sparks under the lens of Anthony Chen.



Starring Zhou Dongyu//

Director Xin Yukun’s new film, released four years after Violent Silence, has assembled Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin. Different from the types of criminal suspense in previous works, Hot Search is closer to hot spots from the title, aiming at the most complicated and chaotic online public opinion field at present.

In the film, Zhou Dongyu will play an editor-in-chief of online media, and his explosive articles unexpectedly involve the roles played by Song Yang, Justin and others. Internet hot topics have attracted more and more attention from film creators in recent two years. I wonder what new ideas Xin Yukun can shoot this time.

Transparent heroes


Starring:/Wang Hao

In the past two years, a group of new generation comedians have emerged in different dimensions. Shi Ce and Wang Hao are not only outstanding among them, but also attracted a group of CP fans because of the atmosphere of "Hao Shi Shuang Shuang". ZhangDiSha chose these two new actors for his new film, which is also a challenge for him to direct the tube later.

Compared with the last big IP blessing, "Transparent Heroes" relies more on the pleasing script. Although it is inconceivable to add a fantastic love story, it has a dramatic fit with two actors who are often active on the stage. Looking forward to their cross-border success this time.

Forget about each other


Starring: Liu Haocun/

Unlike the director’s first film, Liu Yulin’s new film is still an adaptation of a novel, but the style of painting has come to the sweet theme of campus youth. Adapted from "I am only one you from the world", it tells the story that the hero and heroine meet and fall in love at the best age and finally forget each other.

The film stars Liu Haocun and Song Weilong, and the combination of quasi-post-00 CP first ensures the "green feeling" of the campus. It is not difficult to see that Liu Haocun is very suitable for this kind of pure and sweet heroine in A Little Red Flower’s Four Seas before, and it is understood that Song Weilong will change the "cold" impression left by his previous works in this film and become a "secondary two teenager".

Countdown love you



At the end of the year, "Light Me Up to Warm You" made Chen Feiyu not only "Arthur" in people’s minds, but also a "bully" little brother who was enough for Sue in love scenes. In the middle school, he will partner with another 95-year-old Xiaohua Zhou Ye, continue to interpret the fateful encounter, and then regret the love story that he missed and went in both directions.

The combination of handsome guys and beautiful women will never go wrong in such a plot setting. I hope Chen Feiyu and Zhou can also have enough CP sense to add points to the sweetness of the film.

Between trees and grass


Starring: Leo/

Directed by Gu Xiaogang, it is the second work in his "Landscape Map" series. The film tells the story of the redemption of a mother and son in Chashan, West Lake. Leo and Angel play the roles of the mother and son, and interpret the legend of "Mulian Saving Mother".

Compared with the grass-roots team of Chunjiang Plumbing, The Grass and Trees not only invited two star professional actors, but also became an artistic director, and the lineup before and after the stage was upgraded. When Leo meets an art film, what will be different from the previous performance? "Spring River Plumbing" has won wide acclaim at home and abroad, and "Between Plants and Trees" is also expected by fans.

The Great She


President Zhang Guimei helped countless girls walk out of the mountains and changed their lives. And her persistence continues to influence and encourage more women. Nowadays, more and more artistic creations have begun to focus on this "burning lamp principal": after the stage play and TV series, the film "The Great She" is also determined to adapt the true story of Zhang Guimei to pay tribute to this model of the times.

More than biographies, The Great She directed by Dasheng Zheng and Yang Jin hopes to find the answer to help more than 100 girls "change their lives" from this determined woman. As written in the exposed materials: "Girls, run forward".

Heroes of Dunhuang



Cao Dun and Ma Boyong collaborated again after The Longest Day In Chang’an, and this film is also the first live-action movie to meet the audience in "China Youth Universe".

The story is based on the history of Shazhou (formerly known as "Shazhou" in Dunhuang) returning to the Tang Dynasty. After the Anshi Rebellion, Shazhou’s soldiers and civilians, led by Zhang Yichao, a Chinese citizen, exhausted all efforts to fight against separatist forces, and finally returned Shazhou to legend of mir in the Tang Dynasty, expecting to present a wonderful and beautiful historical action drama of ancient costumes to the audience.

Basketball champion

Director: Gao Hu

Starring: Wei Xiang/Wang Zhi/

After a great success, Wei Xiang ushered in his own male-dominated work. This time, he is no longer a sad football coach, but wants to win the Basketball Champion.

The film tells the story that the basketball coach played by Wei Xiang was forced to teach in a school with mental retardation, leading a group of players with "negative ability value". He has always pursued "playing ball is to win" and must overcome the "chicken and duck talk" teaching that makes him collapse. There are also Allen, Wang Zhi and others in the lineup cooperating with Wei Xiang. I wonder if Allen will have a more impressive performance than "Silly Spring" this time? 

Become a winner



It is not easy to shoot a "commercial war" with the length of the film, so I decided to challenge this difficult problem.

The film, played by Jerry Lee, the producer, is about to have a wonderful confrontation with commercial predators. It is understood that the director chose a novel perspective for the film, which will show the unknown story behind the "counterattack" of the little people. I look forward to seeing the "wits and wits" workplace story that the two sides are not suspended.

Nightlife in Changsha

Director: Zhang Ji

Starring: YIN FANG/Zhang Jingyi

Nightlife in Changsha is the first film that focuses on Changsha people and shows the urban customs of Changsha. As a producer, director and screenwriter, Zhang Ji once wrote Leap’s Dear, which is his first transformation as a director. The film connects the scenes of contemporary urban nightlife with multiple stories that happened in one night.

Back to Tibet


Starring: Song Yang/

At the Beijing International Film Festival, the premiere attracted the attention of many fans, and the film was once hard to get a ticket. The plot of "Back to Tibet" revolves around Lao Kong, who worked in Tibet, and Jiumei, a Tibetan translator. The film not only depicts the development of the relationship between the two people in detail, but also shows the cultural collision between the Han and Tibetan peoples and a large-scale record of the scenery. It also shows the romance of the Tibetan scenery and the fireworks of Tibetan life with the lens.

Many viewers commented that Back to Tibet was romantic and poetic after watching the movie. Those who missed the film festival may wish to enter the cinema after the film was released and feel the shocking beauty of this vast land.

My friend Andre


What is the experience of filming a work called My Friend Andre with "My Friend"? Dong Zijian must have been deeply touched. As friends for many years, he and Haoran Liu are familiar with each other. The tacit understanding and emotion have been put in place, and the test that Dong Zijian has to face is only how to shoot the best state as a director.

For Xiao Dong, who has always felt like a "literary youth", "Andre" is a very good creative opportunity, and I also hope that the Chinese opera brothers can upgrade their screen gold partners from the best bad friends in the circle with this film.


Director: Wen Jing


As one of the ancestors of youth pain literature, film adaptation gives people a strong sense of "Renaissance". The film tells the story of a girl who doesn’t wake up and suffers from mental illness because of her mother’s unexpected death. However, it was many years later that she unexpectedly discovered that it was her friend who accompanied her out of the haze who "killed" her mother.

In many post-80s and post-90s minds, Rao Xueman’s youth novels have become a part of memory. This time, she also participated deeply as the main creator in the creation of The Hourglass, but when the context comes to 2023, can the adaptation of these works attract the attention of the mainstream audience after 00 or even 05?

Mistakes by the river


Director Wei Shujun is a new generation of directors who have high hopes. There is an inventory that has not been released, and another "White Crane with Bright Wings" is also under production. Now he is shooting a new film, which is adapted from Yu Hua’s novel.

According to the project record, the film tells that "a series of bizarre murders happened by the river. Interpol Ma Zhe eliminated all kinds of interference to hunt down the real murderer. In the face of the real murderer, Ma Zhe stood up and died heroically. At the same time, his child was born in the hospital. The vitality of mankind continues and thrives in a wonderful way. "

Compared with the original, the content of the story may be greatly revised, but the background color of Yu Hua’s novels will surely give the film the power to torture human nature and reflect on reality. It is said that the starring actor is an actor with high popularity and attention, waiting for the official announcement of the film.

The annual meeting can’t stop! 》


Run Nian Dong, the screenwriter of "mr. six", will once again write and direct a new film.

According to the project filing, the film tells that "fitter Hu Jianlin was transferred to the group headquarters by mistake and became a gold collar." With his simple style, he was promoted step by step, only to find that the factory was planted by corrupt executives and was facing dissolution. Finally, at the annual meeting of the group, he revealed the truth, kept the factory and took young people into the factory construction in the new era. " Surely it will be an absurd comedy with realistic themes, and the cast of the film is to be announced by the film side.