Handball evolved from rugby.

Handball is not only a football term, but also a sport. Today, in the column "Small Class of the City Games", the small body takes you to understand handball.
Handball Project Setting in the City Games
Caption: Handball Events Setting Table Source/Shanghai Sports (the same below)
Related collections of Shanghai Sports Museum
There are many collections and stories about handball in the Shanghai Sports Museum, and some of them are specially selected. Let’s have a look.
Caption: The French Handball Federation visited Shanghai to commemorate the card.
This is a commemorative card given to the French Handball Federation when it visited Shanghai. On the top of the commemorative card, there is a scene of a female handball player playing, and the French meaning below is "Thanks to the French Handball Federation".
Caption: Men’s handball ball in 2021.
This ball has been officially endorsed by the International Handball Federation and printed with accreditation standards, and can be used in official competitions. Handball is a ball game developed by combining the characteristics of basketball and football, which is played by hand and scored by the ball into the opponent’s goal. Handball originated in Europe at the end of 19th century and was introduced to China in 1950s.
This is the end of the collection. If you want to see the beauty of the collection up close, you are welcome to visit the Shanghai Sports Museum.
Cold knowledge about handball
1. Glue the players’ hands in handball competition.
A layer of glue is attached to the surface of handball. This layer of glue can well form friction with athletes’ hands, thus preventing handball from getting rid of in fierce competition. Handball has glue not only on the ball, but also on the players’ hands and on the court.
2. The size and weight of handball
Handball is smaller than football, basketball and volleyball, only half the size of football and weighs only 425 to 475 grams. Compared with the football volleyball, handball is small and light, so the rhythm of handball competition is faster and more offensive, and speed becomes the key factor to win.
3. Domestic unpopular minority sports are second only to football in Europe.
Handball is relatively small in China. It has both the laws of football and rugby, and its main features are "chasing" and "fighting". But in Europe, handball is the second largest team event after football.
"First time" in handball events
1. Time to enter the Olympic Games for the first time
In 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, handball was first held as a competition in the Olympic Games.
2. When was the first World Championships held?
In 1928, the first World Men’s Handball Championship was held in Germany. In 1957, the first World Women’s Handball Championship was held in Yugoslavia.
3. When did China handball team participate in the Olympic Games for the first time?
In 1984, the China women’s handball team participated in the Olympic Games for the first time and won the bronze medal, which was a milestone breakthrough in the history of handball in China.

Skiers who are easily injured at the freezing point

Jiang Tao practiced slope obstacle skills at Beijing Nanshan Ski Resort. Photo courtesy of respondents
During the Beijing Winter Olympics, an orthopedic surgeon wrote in Weibo: Today, 9 operations, 7 were skiing, 4 anterior cruciate ligaments were broken, 1 patella was dislocated, 1 ankle joint was injured, and 1 meniscus was injured. He sighed with emotion: "At the end of the snowy road is orthopedics." This quip was posted on Weibo Hot Search.
When people praise the fashionable men and women in the ski resort on social media, they will not think that skiing is a sport with high risk factor when they look at the bright snow clothes and red faces set off by the "natural reflector". According to the survey data of the National Trauma Data Center, there are 17 million skiers in the United States every year, with 200,000 emergency visits and 7,000 hospitalizations due to skiing injuries. China’s survey data also shows that the injury rate of skiing is 14%. It is reported that every 1000 skiers have an average daily injury of 0.5-3 cases. Judging from the incidence of injuries, skiing has a greater risk of injuries than swimming and mountain climbing.
Every winter, the rehabilitation center of the Institute of Sports Medicine of the State Sports General Administration always welcomes more patients from ski resorts. Qi Tianyi, a rehabilitation therapist who has worked here for many years, told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that skiing is characterized by high kinetic energy and high potential energy, which is easy to cause serious injuries. The injuries he saw caused by skiing were mainly clavicle fracture, rotator cuff injury, wrist fracture and anterior cruciate ligament rupture of knee joint. The sports injury characteristics of snowboarders are different from those of snowboarders. Snowboarding skiers often have wrist injuries because they have more movements with their hands on the ground, and the probability of injury is as high as 20.4-37.8%. However, snowboarders often suffer from knee ligament injury because of good fixation below the knee joint. The comprehensive injury rate of anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of adult knee joint is 33.1%.
The athletes of the national training team of the front double-board freestyle skiing platform experienced the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint. At that time, he was just doing a familiar warm-up action. "I heard a bang in my ear the moment I landed. I don’t know what was disconnected, but it came to my ears, and that’s the sound. " The severe pain attacked him and stopped after a few minutes, replacing it with a feeling of numbness. He thought he was better and continued to slide for a while, but found that it was wrong. "The thigh and calf seemed to be detached." This year, Gao Shang underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and meniscus suture, which requires transplanting a ligament from the thigh to the knee.
Studies have shown that the knee accounts for about one-third of all public skiing injuries. According to Qi Tianyi, this mainly exists in the snowboarding event. Before the 1980s, skiing equipment was not sophisticated enough, and more injuries were caused to the feet. Later, the equipment became more and more wrapped, and the position of the injuries began to move upwards. "Better wrapping below the knee joint is disastrous for the knee joint. During the exercise, more torque will be transmitted to the knee joint, so the injury rate of the knee joint is on the rise. "
Qi Tianyi was once employed by the Winter Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sport, and has done sports rehabilitation for athletes such as Sui Wenjing and Han Cong. Every year before winter, the head teacher will always say, "There are many broken legs and hands recently, so we should get busy." Different from the acute injuries in winter sports, the patients they receive in summer are more chronic strain. It has been a long time to rehabilitate skiers, and Qi Tianyi himself has "entered the pit". He likes double board freestyle skiing and can make a simple 180-degree turn on the platform. He became a "friend of a rehabilitation teacher" for skiers, and sometimes he caught patients who came to ski again before they recovered. Later, in his hospital, he was responsible for most cases of skiing injuries.
The patient who impressed Qi Tianyi the most was a skier who had torn the anterior cruciate knee joint, medial collateral ligament and lateral collateral ligament. That patient was injured around 2017. Because of the deep degree of injury, he did not intervene in rehabilitation treatment in time, and he still can’t complete the whole squat movement until now.
Athletes are noble and have the habit of writing sports summaries. After the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee, the 19-year-old athlete, who has been snowing for 7 years, wrote: "It was hard for me to accept at first, but I didn’t expect my body to be so’ fragile’ sometimes." Fragility is unfamiliar to him. In the past five years, he felt that he had been in good health. Although he was tired after skiing, he could recover the next day. The injury made him feel "particularly helpless".
When he was recovering, he watched skiing videos on social networking sites, and he liked Henrik harlaut, a Swedish freestyle skier best. This is his idol that has never changed since he came into contact with skiing at the age of 12. They like the same music, even their dressing styles are similar-wide sleeves and hip-hop style. Noble imitates Henrik harlaut’s skiing style, and feels that he skates naturally and smoothly.
This year, he watched almost all the snow events in the Beijing Winter Olympics. "Very emotional", he was so close to them, and now they stand in the Olympic Games. In July, 2020, Gao Shang fell behind the training due to a muscle strain in his right thigh, leaving the national training team and returning to the provincial team.
Guo Jingduo, a former freestyle skiing slope obstacle skill and national training team athlete with big platform, had similar experience with him. Last summer, when training in Chengdu dry snow field, he landed on his back, fractured his spine and suffered a sharp pain in his back for an instant. His teammates came to see him. He was so painful that he couldn’t speak, had difficulty breathing, and felt numb in his legs and couldn’t move. The operation finally left a wound in the center of his back. The doctor said that this position is very dangerous, and it will almost lead to paralysis of the lower body. This injury directly prompted him to choose to retire.
Half a year after the injury, Guo Jingduo resumed his normal exercise and life to a certain extent, but he could not completely return to the past. The most terrible thing is fear. "This is not a question of whether we can continue the game, but that we almost can’t live a normal life." In the Beijing Winter Olympics, he became a technical official in Zhangjiakou Division, and went up the mountain to maintain the snow trail at 5 am every day. He witnessed many athletes younger than him win medals. When Su Yiming won the silver, he was at the scene, "very envious".
During the Beijing Winter Olympics, Qi Tianyi watched the game on the screen. He called those athletes who got along with each other day and night and brought them back to health personally "biological athletes". During the athletes’ rehabilitation training, they spend all the time together except sleeping.
They didn’t talk about their fear of injury, but Qi Tianyi could see it from their reaction. For example, resisting training and not wanting to leave the room. In the face of pain, some people don’t understand and doubt at first, and keep thinking "why are you hurt"; Then there is sadness and depression; Finally, some people began to rebuild their confidence and know "what should I do now?"
In January, Jiang Tao was at Beijing Nanshan Ski Resort. Photo courtesy of respondents
In the amateur skiing circle outside the competitive sports field, some people are still "dead" with injuries. Jiang Tao, a 49-year-old skier, has experienced muscle fracture, brachial plexus injury, concussion and shoulder glenoid lip tear. He always felt that 80% of the injuries could be avoided. "Most injuries are caused by doing things beyond your ability, recklessness, or sheer ignorance."
After 10 years of skiing, Jiang Tao knows more and more about his body. He always keeps an ice pack at home, and every time he goes skiing, he will ice his joints. He found that "people’s feelings about their bodies are very subtle". Jiang Tao regards injuries as part of skiing. Due to the right brachial plexus injury, his right arm is only half as strong as his left arm. It took him half a year to recover. At first, he couldn’t hold chopsticks, brush his teeth and take care of himself. But he doesn’t feel that these injuries have cost him anything. Because he likes skiing, he accepted these pains and disabilities together.
He learned to get along with his fears. Every time I come back to the snowy road after recovery, I always have the shadow of injury in my heart. With this kind of fear, the action will not be done well. But you know that fear and anxiety will pass. He gradually "accepted it". When this action is repeated for the second time and the third time, and he can land smoothly, he will know that the hurdle in his heart has slowly passed.
He figured out the reason for his injury: once he made a breakthrough, he would fall into excitement, "thinking that he is very powerful and wants to be a better one." This time, you will often get hurt. He observed the training of professional ski teams, and after one action was made twice, the coach would ask the athletes to stop and practice for other actions. He gradually realized that in sports, he should also be restrained and sober. Now when skiing, he often says to his companions, "You remind me not to get excited."
On February 28, I was in the noble of rehabilitation training. Photo courtesy of respondents
As a friend and rehabilitation therapist of Jiang Tao, Qi Tianyi was very pleased to see that he would protect himself more and more. For novice skiers, Qi Tianyi told them to be "ready to go again". This is the famous saying of Raymond Li, a famous sports rehabilitation teacher. Ordinary people want to ski, first of all, they should have sufficient physical reserves, and secondly, they should warm up for about 15-20 minutes. After warm-up, the choice of equipment is also very important. When skiing, even ordinary people can easily reach a high speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, and appropriate equipment can give people maximum protection. For example, helmets can reduce the death rate of concussion by 60%.
Qi Tianyi also saw that even though the injury brought great pain to people, many people regarded rehabilitation as a new turning point in their lives. Some patients went to the University of Southern California to study for a degree in rehabilitation after undergoing rehabilitation treatment. The above-mentioned patient, who was unable to squat completely due to serious injury, did not leave the ski resort and became the owner of the ski shop, promoting scientific winter sports.
Jiang Tao, 49, is used to injuries. At first, he was injured and didn’t dare to go home. He wanted to stay in a hotel near the snow field for one night. Now his family can’t support him, but they can understand him. He can’t explain why he likes skiing. He thought, from a very young age, people were divided into two groups, one likes sliding slides and the other doesn’t. "You say why people slide, what’s the point, why do you like this? This is human nature and there is nothing to explain. "
The 19-year-old Gao feels that his sports career is still long, and he still regards the Olympic Games as his dream. He knew that someone who fell might not get up again, but he didn’t.
Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang Trainee Reporter Guo Yujie Source: China Youth Daily
Source: China Youth Daily

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  The Altay Mountain Ice and Snow Tourism Belt, which is dominated by Altay region, is located in the northernmost part of Xinjiang. Altay is known as the "origin of human skiing", and the snow season can reach 7 months throughout the year, which is very suitable for carrying out ice and snow sports.

  Starting from the snow season in 2021, Peng Chao, a senior snow friend from Beijing, rented a wooden house in Hemu Village, deep in Altai Mountain, Xinjiang, as the team’s work site in the next few years. The team mainly carries out skiing equipment evaluation and popular science skiing knowledge, and is well-known among domestic skiers. Peng Chao said that Altay region is located in the world’s ice and snow resources ‘ Golden latitude ’ All the natural advantages of other international ski resorts are available here. During his stay in Hemu, he and other members of the team promoted the knowledge of avalanche risk avoidance and advocated the concept of safe and sustainable mountaineering and skiing.

  This is a photo taken on January 12, 2023 at Hemujikplin Ski Resort in Altay, Xinjiang (photo of drone).

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency (photo by yue hu)

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Japanese badminton beauty group rises fast, Beijing Olympic Games competes for medals (Figure)


  Since last year, Japanese women’s doubles have sprung up, and soon replaced South Korean Lee Kyung won/Lee Hyo jung as a new force to compete with the powerful China women’s doubles. Even Tian Bingyi, head coach of China women’s doubles, said: Japanese women’s doubles have made rapid progress in recent years, and their impact on us has surpassed that of the Korean team to some extent.

  At present, the Japanese team has three pairs of strong women’s doubles, among which Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura, who is called a beauty group by many media, has the best record and can be called the first women’s doubles in Japan today.

  Childhood opponent, today’s partner

  Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura started practicing badminton just by learning to play. After practicing badminton, they have different joys and sorrows. On September 30th, 1983, Reiko Shiota was born in Fukuoka Prefecture. In the first grade of primary school, at the invitation of her friends, she entered Kyoto Club, a famous badminton school in Japan, and began to practice badminton. Reiko Shiota, who was just going to have fun at first, underwent "devil training" at school. She not only had to practice basic skills, but also ran marathons. It was common for her to be beaten for being lazy. In her memory, she never felt that playing badminton was a happy thing.

  On July 5, 1983, Kumiko Ogura was born in Mie Prefecture. At the age of 8, influenced by her sister, she began to practice badminton. Like Reiko Shiota, Kumiko Ogura just started playing and just learned to play. But unlike her future partner, playing ball is a kind of enjoyment for Kumiko Ogura. She likes to fight for every point and doesn’t like to have a rest.

  In the sixth grade, Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura met for the first time. Reiko Shiota beat Kumiko Ogura in the women’s singles quarter-final of the Japanese national primary school competition. Now, Reiko Shiota has no impression of the game, but Kumiko Ogura has a deep memory. She said that it was very good to play in Chaotian at that time, not like a primary school student at all. In the second grade of junior high school, the two met again in the women’s singles semi-final of the Japanese youth competition, and Reiko Shiota won again.

  Two years later, the two men who entered high school were first put together in a youth training camp in Japan. At the beginning of the cooperation, they felt very tacit understanding, which was nothing like the first cooperation. Later, they were arranged to train with older players. Reiko Shiota said: "When I first cooperated with Xiao Yun, I was not very interested in doubles, but it was a pleasure to beat the older players in the competition." After graduating from high school, Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura joined Sanyo Electric Company and started working and training together.

  Stiffness and softness complement each other.

  Looking at the game between Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura, we can find that their styles are very different-Reiko Shiota is gentle when hitting the ball, but Kumiko Ogura is powerful; Reiko Shiota likes to observe his opponents in the game and plays strategically. Kumiko Ogura prefers to confront his opponent directly.

  On the field, Reiko Shiota is a careful person. She always leads Kumiko Ogura like a commander and creates opportunities for her to attack. Off the court, Reiko Shiota is like a careless sister. Every training session, Kumiko Ogura will gather 10 minutes in advance, while Reiko Shiota is not so punctual. When staying in a hotel for a competition abroad, Kumiko Ogura always gets up early and is responsible for waking Reiko Shiota up. The key to the door is also kept by a careful little coffin.

  Reiko Shiota feels that her psychological quality still needs to be strong. She hopes to participate in more competitions and accumulate experience, so as to build her confidence. Kumiko Ogura is always confident, and her spike speed reaches 260 km/h, making her a rare heavy gunner in the Japanese women’s team. Kumiko Ogura likes to entertain foolish ideas at ordinary times, so Reiko Shiota encourages her not to be influenced by others, and to have her own opinions. After they joined Sanyo Electric Company in 2002, they were strongly trained by China’s coach Ding Qiqing, and their level rose rapidly.

  Their different personalities make them form a good complement on and off the court, and they gradually become the best women’s doubles players in Japan. In 2004, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura won the Japanese women’s doubles championship for the first time, and qualified for the Athens Olympic Games. Unfortunately, because Kumiko Ogura broke his left little finger before the Olympic Games, they failed to board the flight to Athens.

  Athens regrets Beijing’s bid for medals

  When Kumiko Ogura participated in the national competition in the sixth grade, her parents joked that "you can go to the Olympic Games in the future". After she really qualified for the Olympic Games but lost the opportunity, Xiao Yun was very disappointed. She recalled: "It was really frustrating to quit the competition because of injury. After that, I made up my mind to challenge the Beijing Olympic Games four years later. " Reiko Shiota said, "When I was a child, I never thought about the Olympic Games at all, and I didn’t think I had the talent to be an athlete. It was not until Xiao Yun invited me to join Sanyo Electric Company that we began to participate in the Olympic points competition and saw the possibility of participating in the Olympic Games. I want to thank Xiao Yun. Without her, I can’t go to the Olympic Games alone. "

  At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura were spectators sitting in front of the TV. Kumiko Ogura secretly vowed that she would stand on the Olympic stage one day after seeing "Miss Judo" Gu Liangzi win the first gold medal in Athens Olympic Games for the Japanese team.

  Since 2005, Reiko Shiota and Kumiko Ogura have stood out in international competitions, and they have spread their dream wings to fly towards the Beijing Olympic Games. In the 2005 Danish Open, they defeated China’s Zhang Yawen/Zhang Dan and England’s Ames/Clogg successively, and won the women’s doubles gold medal in this five-star international competition for the Japanese team.

  In the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura met China’s Yang Wei/Bonita in the semi-final, and they lost to their opponents after three sets of bitter battles. Despite losing to Yang Wei/Bonita in succession, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura is making progress. By playing against the players from China, they found out the ball path of Yang Wei/Bonita and improved their confrontation ability. In 2007, they met Yang Wei/Bonita for the sixth time in the quarterfinals of Malaysian Super Tournament, and defeated their opponents for the first time, resulting in a big upset.

  At the World Championships in August this year, Kumiko Ogura and Reiko Shiota were ranked as the sixth seeds, and they will make it to the semi-finals. In the semi-final, Kumiko Ogura and Reiko Shiota took advantage of the disadvantage of both Gao Kun and Huang Sui, and created a lot of trouble for Gao Kun/.Although they lost the game, they still created their best record in the World Championships.

  Now, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura, whose record and appearance are equally outstanding, not only appear in badminton teaching programs of major Japanese TV stations, but also serve as beverage spokespersons, publish photo albums and appear in movies, and even coach Ding Qiqing laments their high popularity. Ding Qiqing said that Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura had a relaxed mentality when they played. They trained five days a week, working in the morning and training in the afternoon. Although there is a big gap with China’s athletes in strength and speed, they still set the goal of winning medals in the Beijing Olympic Games. At present, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura’s primary goal is to do a good job in the Olympic points competition, enter the top 16 in the world, and ensure the qualification for the Olympic Games.

  One year before the Beijing Olympic Games, Reiko Shiota/Kumiko Ogura expressed his earnest expectation for the Olympic Games next year in an interview with the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. Reiko Shiota said: "The Olympic Games four years ago was still a vague dream for me. Now, it is not only a goal, but also something I must accomplish." Kumiko Ogura, on the other hand, said that we must turn the regrets four years ago into the driving force for progress. They believe that they will have a day in dreams may come at the 2008 Olympic Games.

Editor: Shuo Yang

Green financial point "green" into "gold"

  Core reading

  Green finance has great potential in supporting environmental improvement, coping with climate change and saving and efficient use of resources. In recent years, Chongqing has always adhered to the concept of "two mountains", focused on developing green finance, established a "Yangtze River Green Financing" green financial big data integrated service system, promoted a long-term mechanism for the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and built a green development system. With the implementation of innovative reform measures, economic benefits and ecological benefits have gradually become prominent.

  "The crops in the field are not growing well, and the villagers rely on the mountains to eat mountains and stare at the trees on the mountains." Talking about previous years’ experience, Xie Changlin, a villager from Hongan Village, Lantian Township, Chengkou County, Chongqing, shook his head.

  Seeing the environment getting worse day by day, the government decided to carry out ecological relocation. But there is no money in hand, how can you move out? After learning the situation, Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank developed a new mode of rural property mortgage financing after investigation, and handled "beautiful countryside Housing Loan" for local farmers. With money, farmers transform and decorate their houses, and some people also open farmhouses to attract summer tourists around them and have a tourist meal at their doorstep.

  From the declaration and creation in early 2019 to the final approval of the green financial reform and innovation pilot zone in August this year, Chongqing’s green development has continuously taken new steps. By the end of September 2022, the balance of green loans in the city reached 497.233 billion yuan, 2.8 times that of the beginning of 2019, up 40.2% year-on-year, 32.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans in the city; Green loans accounted for nearly 10% of the balance of various loans, a significant increase of 4.5 percentage points compared with the beginning of 2019; The balance of green bonds exceeded 35.7 billion yuan, 2.7 times that of the beginning of 2019.

  Look at the benefits — —

  Inclusive effect, green finance and ecological civilization blend and help each other

  From garbage incineration power generation to sewage treatment, from comprehensive improvement of waterfront coastline to energy-saving and environmental protection transformation, from green transportation industry credit to beautiful countryside housing credit support & HELIP; … In recent years, green finance has become the key development direction of major banks in Chongqing.

  Fengdu County, located in the hinterland of the Three Gorges reservoir area, is rich in wind energy resources and attracts many wind power projects. The outstanding characteristics of green projects are long term and low income, especially the need for long-term credit funds. "I didn’t pay much attention to wind power a few years ago. With the development of green finance, banks are now rushing to invest. Green finance means quality assets for our bank. " The relevant person in charge of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Company told the reporter.

  In Lianhuashan Wind Farm in Fengdu County, a fan stands on the rolling hills, and the long fan blades are constantly turning. At the beginning of this year, the third-phase wind power project of Lianhuashan and Wudongyan invested by Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank started construction. It is planned to be connected to the grid for power generation by the end of this year, with a total installed capacity of 80,000 kilowatts and a total investment of 600 million yuan. It is estimated that the annual power generation will be 160 million kWh, which can supply green power energy to 80,000 households every year, save 47,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 123,000 tons.

  "We will persist in developing clean energy and build Fengdu into a ‘ Green battery ’ 。” Deng Qinghua, director of the Development and Reform Commission of Fengdu County, told reporters that with the support of green finance, Fengdu will attract investment to introduce a number of clean energy projects, continuously optimize the energy supply structure, and strive to build a clean energy demonstration base in Chongqing by 2035.

  Look at the practice — —

  Form a mechanism to solve the problem of project identification

  "It’s hard to imagine that we were still worried about project funds last year." Standing in the ecological tea garden in Dingshi Town, Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Luo Li, the project leader, was filled with emotion. In April, 2021, the project was still in the stage of development and construction, with a large initial investment, and "poor money" became an insurmountable hurdle. Just when there was nothing to do, Chongqing Bank took the initiative to find the door and provided credit support.

  "Identifying green projects is not an easy job. In the past, several indicators needed to be identified manually, which was very inefficient. " Tian Pan, the account manager of Chongqing Bank, told the reporter, "Now there is ‘ Yangtze River Lvrongtong ’ The system can automatically calculate the environmental benefits of the project, and the efficiency is greatly improved. The ecological tea garden project was pushed to us by the system. "

  The "Yangtze River Green Financing" in Tian Pankou is a green financial big data comprehensive service system created by Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank. "We work with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment to formulate the evaluation criteria for green projects (enterprises). Based on this, we embed the intelligent identification function of green financial standards in the system and release the identified green financing demand information to financial institutions in a timely manner." Han Xintao, deputy director of the Financial Research Department of Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank, told the reporter, "With this system, in the past, enterprises were looking for banks, and now banks are looking for enterprises."

  At present, the "Yangtze River Green Financing" system has been connected to all branches under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Business Management Department of the People’s Bank of China and some district and county governments, and connected to nearly 100 financial institutions, helping the city to form a long-term mechanism of "government recommended projects+green smart identification+system push projects+independent docking of banks". By the end of September, 2022, the system had collected and launched 1,860 green projects (enterprises) at the municipal, district and county levels, among which nearly 1,000 projects were successfully connected with banks.

  Look at development — —

  Transformation and upgrading, building a green development system

  "I didn’t expect that pollution rights can also be loaned, and the interest rate is more favorable than general loans." After successfully obtaining the pledge loan of 100 million yuan from Chongqing Bank for emission rights, the relevant person in charge of Chongqing International Composite Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "International Composite Materials") could not help feeling.

  International composite materials is a "green factory" in the glass fiber industry assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. By introducing advanced waste treatment technologies at home and abroad, pollutants are effectively controlled. After learning that the enterprise has the capital demand to expand the scale of production and operation, the credit staff of Chongqing Bank took the initiative to come to the door to match the emission pledge loan product, which changed the emission right of the enterprise from a "sleeping asset" to a "flowing fund", promoted the enterprise’s energy conservation and emission reduction, and helped improve the ecological environment.

  "The specific connotation of green finance in different regions should be combined with the actual situation of local industries." Huang Yingjun, a professor at the School of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, believes that "Chongqing is one of the six old industrial bases in China, facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and always emphasizes promoting the coordinated development of green industries and green finance."

  In recent years, Chongqing has made great efforts to innovate mechanisms to promote financial institutions to accelerate the "low-carbon" allocation of financial resources, promote the rapid growth of the scale of green finance, and help the real economy accelerate the green transformation.

  Relying on self-regulatory organizations in the financial industry, Chongqing advocates financial institutions to disclose environmental information from the perspectives of green financial development plan, green loan investment and carbon emission reduction generated by loans. In 2022, 75 financial institutions in the city disclosed the annual environmental information in 2021, among which 30 institutions added green project loans in 2021 with an average carbon emission reduction of 489,800 tons. At the same time, the data of green loans, green bonds, green financial leases and green bills of financial institutions are collected monthly, and a green performance evaluation table is generated according to the requirements of the Green Finance Evaluation Plan for Banking Financial Institutions of the People’s Bank of China, which is included in the rating of financial institutions of the central bank, and a total of 2 billion yuan of "green easy loans" and 5 billion yuan of "green ticket pass" rediscount tools are provided to encourage them to increase capital investment in green projects.

  A steady stream of financial living water is constantly helping Chongqing’s industrial transformation and upgrading — — In Chongqing Liangjiang New District, relying on the mature automobile industry system with an annual output of nearly one million units, explore the development of automobile green supply chain finance; In Nan ‘an District, Guangyang Island Zhichuang Eco-city will carry out the construction of financial support zero-carbon demonstration zone; In Wanzhou District, carry out the product innovation of financial support for ecological agriculture and recreational tourism … …

  "In the future, Chongqing will continue to promote supply-side structural reforms and upgrade traditional manufacturing industries. Green transformation is imperative and green finance has a broad space for development." Huang Yingjun told reporters.

French Top Ten Women List Released Movie Star Sophie Marceau List [Photos]

  The results of a "Top Ten Women" selection in France recently came out. Rashida Datti, the beautiful minister of justice who will be kicked out of the cabinet by President Sarkozy, topped the list, while Bruni, the "first lady", could hardly compete with her, with only the eighth place.

  Beauty minister is in the limelight.

  According to the report, the best women in France obviously have considerable international influence, and most of the selected figures are well-known, including veteran movie stars brigitte bardot and catherine deneuve.

  The 43-year-old Rashida Datti has always had a high-profile image as a "Dior-wearing female attorney general", and a series of recent storms, including her "deeds" such as returning to work five days after giving birth to a daughter and announcing that she will resign in June this year under the pressure of President Sarkozy, have kept her quite high exposure.

  The report said that the French voted Datti as the "best woman" not only because of her fashion, beauty and sexy image, but also because of her toughness, independence and vitality in her political career. French feminist historian Florence Montereno commented on her, "Rashida Datti is full of ambition, determination and activity", which made her vote rate as high as 26%.

  The top ten are almost all mature women.

  It is rumored in French tabloids that Bruni, the "first lady", is very concerned about the close relationship between Datti and Sarkozy. It is even reported that Sarkozy made the decision to kick Datti out of the cabinet at Bruni’s behest. However, Bruni, who was born as a supermodel, was much inferior to Datti in this selection. With 16% of the votes, she not only failed in the top three, but also ranked eighth. However, this may have something to do with Bruni’s birthplace in Italy. Bruni became a French citizen after her "flash marriage" with Sarkozy last year.

  It is reported that the "Top Ten Women" in France are generally older, and the only one in the top ten who is under 40 years old is another beauty in Sarkozy’s cabinet-French Minister of Human Rights Rama Yade.

  France’s "Top Ten Women" list:

1. Rashida Datti, 43, French Minister of Justice.

2. Sophie Marceau, 42 years old, is a French movie star.

3. Claire Hazare, 52, news anchor Claire and her husband Couthures (photo).

Zhaoan Fuling: the prosperity of the industry leads to the prosperity of the countryside, and the road of tea farming helps to revitalize the tea industry in an all-round way.

  Minnan Net January 7th (correspondent Lai Rongmin Minnan Net reporter Liang Zhengwen/photo) Moling Village in Yuxiu, Zhong Ling is located in the mountainous area of Xiuzhuan Town in the northwest of Zhao ‘an County, with beautiful ecological environment, fresh air and rich trace elements-selenium in the soil. Moling Village is located in the hinterland of mountainous areas, where the traffic is blocked and the industry is not prosperous. The villagers mainly grow tea, and were once bound by poverty. It was a poor village at the former municipal level and a base village in the old revolutionary base area. How to realize the rural revitalization of Moling Village is a difficult problem for the local party committee and government and villagers.

  Industrial prosperity leads to rural prosperity. Therefore, since last year, under the guidance of Lin Shaojin, vice mayor of Zhangzhou, and with the support of Jiulongjiang Group and various departments, Moling Village, Xiuzhuan Town, Zhao ‘an County has focused on characteristic industries, fully promoted the development of tea industry, and continuously expanded the collective income of the village. Lai Rongmin, resident secretary of Zhangzhou Jiulongjiang Group in Zhaoan, said that Moling Village invested about 1.7 million yuan to build standardized tea factory buildings and purchase standardized tea equipment in Moling Village to solve the shortage of tea processing and production conditions. At present, the project has been completed. At the same time, the annual matching funds in the village are used to improve the construction of cultivated roads and facilitate the production and life of villagers. At present, 530,000 yuan has been invested in the construction of tea machine-cultivated roads. In addition, with the help of the Party Committee of Jiulong River Group, it invested 1.3 million yuan to promote the construction of the second-phase tea factory and tea culture center.

  It is worth mentioning that after the standardized tea factory is put into use, it can apply for SC food production license, which will be the first subject in Moling Village to have this qualification. "In this way, it can not only effectively improve the production quality of tea products in Fuling Village, but also actually increase the income of village wealth, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone." Lai Rongmin said.

  Deeply cultivate selenium-rich fertile soil and serve the people in the old areas. Nowadays, the tea industry in Moling Village has been better developed, and the scene of "the village is strong and the people are rich, livable and suitable for business" is gradually coming true.

Source: Minnan Net


Where is Dad going? It’s like sending off the stars on Guanyin. They all have a second child.

Yang Wei’s family celebrated their twin daughters’ first birthday.

1905 movie network news On January 17, 2018, Yang Wei took a photo of a pair of twin daughters on the Weibo. Many netizens discovered that Yang Yangyang had long been a brother. Indeed, many of the stars who participated in the program had further communication and understanding with their children, and gave birth to a second child after the program. In a few years, will fathers be able to take their second-born children to the show again?

Tian Liang is a family of four.

In the first season of "Where is Dad?", Tian Liang was the first to have a second child. In early 2012, the news that Ye Yixi gave birth was reported in the media. Later, Tian Liang took Xiao Liangzi to participate in the fourth season of "Where is Dad?". Although the two children seem to be printed in the same mold, their styles are totally opposite to those of their older sister Cindy, while Tian Chenyu, a little bright boy, is more introverted and shy.

Stone and sister

On January 15th, 2014, Guo Tao admitted the rumor of having a daughter for the first time at the event. Stone’s sister’s name is Luna, and her English name is Isabella. She is five years old this year.

Everyday with my sister

In June 2015, Sean’s daughter Zoe was born. At first, Sean was reluctant to disclose her daughter’s photos, for fear that her daughter looked like herself and her eyes were too small to look good. But later, my daughter became more and more like my brother every day, which made Sean breathe a sigh of relief.

Kimi and his twin brother

On December 5th, 2015, Jimmy Lin’s beloved wife Chen Ruoyi gave birth to twin sons, elder brother Jenson and younger brother Kyson. All three sons are similar to Jimmy Lin’s riddle, and the genes are so powerful!

Sun Li gave birth

Before attending the second season "Where’s Dad?", Huang Lei had a second daughter and more sisters as early as 2013, but she rarely disclosed the information about her second daughter. On May 27th, 2017, Huang Lei’s wife, Sun Li, gave birth to her son in Hongkong. At that time, Huang Lei was criticized by netizens for his preference for sons and straight male cancer. But who doesn’t want to have both children?

Belle and her sister

Xiaoye, the second daughter of Lu Yi and Bao Lei, was also mysterious before. It was not photographed by the media until 2014. Now the two daughters are more and more alike, just like copying and pasting.

Liu Genghong family

In the fifth season, Liu Genghong actually has three children, Little Puff has a brother and a sister, which is really a happy family.

Plus, Cao Ge, Hu Jun, Liu Ye, Zou Shiming, Wang Baoqiang, Sha Yi, Chun Wu, etc., whose second child appeared in the program "Where is Dad?", the stars really responded to the call of the country to open the second child. It seems that if I don’t have a second child in the future, I am embarrassed to go to the parent-child variety show.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Da Power Power is also the winner of life in the entertainment circle, and there are countless people who like her. However, this beautiful girl, Mommy, has liked Nicholas Tse since she was a child. Before she fell in love, she was asked about her love, and she often responded with "Everyone knows that I have a crush on Nicholas Tse". A few years ago, at an award ceremony, Yang Mi finally met his dream lover and presented the award to him as an award guest. On the stage, Yang Mi’s happy winner embraced his idol.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Anita Yuen’s strength is how to interpret idolize, pretending to kiss the male god when taking a group photo, which is also so cute.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Karry’s favorite actress is Yang Mi. When we met for the first time, Great Power not only signed Karry’s autograph, but also wrote a message of blessing that others couldn’t ask for, and called Karry big brother, which made Karry laugh into barbecued pork buns.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  In cold Wu Zhenyu, there will be times when a girl’s heart will burst, and that is to see her idol Yao Ming. Feynman accompanied his father idolize when he was a child. How sensible!

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  LAY, a little sheep, is also a small expert in idolize. Looking at the photo with Jay Chou, he looks like a little fan in the photo. Triggered netizens to ridicule: This is simply the number one idolize powder in the entertainment circle, no wonder it won ‘ Idolize model ’ .

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  AngelaBaby has a girlish heart, and she likes G-Dragon. Among the running men, baby will happily pose for a photo when he sees the portrait poster of G-Dragon. After seeing the real person of G-Dragon, Baby, who has always been a female man, instantly becomes a little girl, and she is so excited that she is at a loss. As a baby husband, Huang Xiaoming knew what his wife loved, imitated G-Dragon at the wedding and danced Big Bang.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Orfila burst into tears when he saw his childhood idol Jeff Chang Shin-Che singing.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Hebe cried when she saw Faye Wong. As early as 17 years old, she imitated Faye Wong in variety shows and sang Faye Wong’s songs in S.H.E concerts many times. In 2004, S.H.E and Faye Wong were selected at the Chinese Song Chart Awards Ceremony. Hebe met her idol Faye Wong for the first time backstage. When she succeeded in taking a photo with Faye Wong, she was so excited that she burst into tears backstage, crying scared Eason Chan who passed by her.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Wang Sicong has the strength to open the most "trench" way in idolize, and Wang Sicong, who doesn’t take the usual road, is like this in idolize: If you like it, sign it back! In 2015, Wang Sicong signed T-ara, a Korean beautiful girl group, and set up a brokerage company for it. Prior to this, Wang Sicong had appeared in T-ara’s concert, and also attended Amway’s tickets in Weibo, and invited them to sing … … I really can’t learn the idolize way of "national husband".

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  In the program, Sweetheart is funny and funny, but when she sees her idol brother Roy, she is a fan girl in bold letters! Look at this little peek. The favorite thing to do at ordinary times is to send voice to Roy’s brother, as well as the little bear he gave him personally. There is no one left for idolize to be sweet!

To welcome the new year, Zhuhai launched the "New Year’s Day Joy Club"

In order to welcome the arrival of the New Year, from the evening of December 30th to the evening of January 1st, Yuanming New Garden in Zhuhai launched the "New Year’s Day Joy Club", which will stage a variety of activities, such as the "Dragon and Phoenix Becoming Auspicious" flight show, the Royal New Year Blessing Festival and set up an antique market.
It is reported that at 9: 00 every night, the aerobatic performance will make its debut in Zhuhai, and the models of dragon and phoenix will hover in the air with the music, giving citizens and tourists a unique visual experience. In addition, Yuanming New Garden will also launch special performing arts to create a happy atmosphere for the New Year in various forms such as sitcoms, dances and magic.
In the meantime, a large-scale stage sitcom "The Battle of Qi ‘ao Against Britain" will be staged in the park. Based on real events, the play was created to commemorate the feat of the people in Qi ‘ao, Zhuhai, who spontaneously armed themselves against the British smoking ban, and reappeared the moment when the villagers in Qi ‘ao fought with the British army to the death. In addition, an antique market was set up on the spot, which brought the citizens an immersive experience of playing and felt the charm of culture.
Text | Reporter Qian Yu
Figure | Lu Shaolong