A guide to setting off fireworks and firecrackers in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

"Taofu firecrackers are new every year, and the Lantern Festival is never over. Try your best to compete for nothing else, and Nong’s family has a tea-picking lamp. " Li Songlin, a Shanghai scholar during the Jiaqing period, wrote this poem on bamboo branches to record the customs of his hometown. The custom of setting off firecrackers in Shanghai has been passed down for a long time. Until the ban on firecrackers in recent years, this trend lasted for a long time. The sound of firecrackers has long been a common memory of generations. However, in the hundred years after Li Songlin, Shanghai has undergone earth-shaking changes, from a county in the south of the Yangtze River to an international metropolis. The custom of setting off firecrackers and relevant regulations have also changed from time to time, from which we can get a glimpse of the historical process of urbanization and modernization in Shanghai.
Meet the god of wealth, the city streets in the early morning of the fifth day of 2013.
For quite a long time, firecrackers, as a special offer for the Spring Festival, were not shown in public only once a year in the first month. In previous occasions such as weddings, funerals, housewarming and opening, it was inseparable from crackling. What is even more grand in the scene is the community festival held regularly-the God Meeting. Houses and shops along the street have already placed incense tables and hung firecrackers on the roadside. The crowd surrounded the gods through the streets and lanes, and the guns rang for the second time, and the smoke spread.
Firecrackers set off by the roadside in the contemporary God-welcoming Games
For modern Shanghai residents, it is far from necessary to wait until the annual sales season to buy firecrackers as daily necessities. There are many firecrackers in the incense shops and tin foil shops around the temple, as well as shops along the street selling matches and cigarettes. Firecrackers sold in Shanghai since the late Qing Dynasty are mainly divided into two categories: citizens can choose to buy foreign products or support local manufacturers. In modern Shanghai, fireworks and firecrackers were very dependent on imports. After the opening of the port, the scale of the city expanded and a large number of migrants poured in, and the demand for fireworks and firecrackers also increased. Liling, Liuyang and other places in Hunan Province have been important firecracker industries since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and their reputation has spread far and wide overseas. During the reign of Emperor Xian in the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 100,000 people engaged in "weaving guns" in Liuyang. By Xuantong, firecrackers exported by the two counties contributed 902,000 silver to the national finance every year. Wuchang and Hankou are also important producing areas, rich in a kind of firecrackers called "Quanhong". Fireworks and firecrackers in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River went down the river and appeared in the streets and lanes of Shanghai. There are a large number of businessmen from Hunan and Hubei who travel to Shanghai, and many of them take this as their business. The wealth brought by firecrackers makes them worry about food and clothing. Even if their hometown is in a bad year, there is a stable industry to make a living, so they will not go out to escape and be displaced.
Shanghai Qugong Real-life Temple was once a gathering place for Hunan businessmen traveling in Shanghai. Now the temple no longer exists, and the place was renamed Quxi Road.
According to the market survey in the late Qing Dynasty, the firecrackers produced in Hunan and Hubei are mostly 40,000 to 50,000 rings, which can’t fully satisfy the desire of Shanghai residents. Shanghai prefers big ostentation and extravagance, and favors the "high rise" of around 80,000 rings. If you don’t trust foreign firecrackers coming from afar and are worried about potential risks such as getting wet on the way, you can buy products freshly baked by local workshops in Shanghai. In modern Shanghai, with the convenience of geographical location and industrial development, materials gathered in all directions, and it was not difficult to obtain the five raw materials needed for the production of firecrackers: potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, mirabilite, refined mirabilite and sulfur. The entry threshold of firecracker production is not high, and the technology is relatively simple. Hiring women and children for piecework production not only provides a livelihood channel for the urban poor in Shanghai, but also saves the production cost for firecracker manufacturers, and the price is naturally lower.
In modern times, Shanghai absorbed a large number of immigrants from surrounding areas, especially Ningbo, and the local firecracker workshops were mostly controlled by Ningbo immigrants. During the Republic of China, businessmen from Ningbo and Shaoxing joined forces with businessmen from Wuxi, Changzhou and other places in southern Jiangsu to form the Shanghai Firecracker Trade Association, hoping to compete with the Hunan and Hubei business gangs. When the competition among peers is fierce, consumers naturally benefit, and the shops under the trade association have clear industry norms and price scales, which has put an end to the phenomenon of exorbitant prices during the Chinese New Year holidays to a certain extent.
After determining the store, the timing of purchase is also very critical. According to industry practice, firecracker workshops usually start in September of the solar calendar, and intensive production lasts until March of the following year. April to August is the time for workers to return to their hometowns for farming. In addition to the peak season around the Spring Festival in the first month, there will also be a short sales peak when Tomb-Sweeping Day, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Shanghai Chenghuang Temple are held in October. In the off-season, firecrackers are unsalable. Because of the difficulty in storage, the store usually gives a discount of about 50%. Around 1927, the price of firecrackers rose sharply, because the government of the Republic of China levied a "superstitious tax"-firecrackers, incense sticks, tin foil, paper horses and other things were regarded as superstitious products and were heavily taxed. Although the trade association and the Ningbo-Shaoxing Association of Shanghai Association jointly presented their grievances to the government and asked for exemption from such taxes and fees, they had little effect.
How to set it off is also a big problem. It should be noted that the prohibition of burning fireworks and firecrackers is not a new decree produced by contemporary cities to control air pollution. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, cities have become increasingly crowded, and fire protection has become a major problem. For this reason, Nanjing, Yantai, Ningbo, Guangzhou and other cities in the late Qing Dynasty had clear regulations prohibiting the burning of firecrackers.
Discussion on the Prohibition of Firecrackers in Shenbao in the Late Qing Dynasty
Relatively speaking, the attitude of the concession is more tolerant, and the first day of the first month is the date of discharge; Although foreigners who manage the concession do not participate in activities such as ancestor worship and welcoming the gods, they can also get approval as long as they report in advance. In addition, if it is accidentally set off in violation of regulations, the perpetrators will be released immediately after symbolically "punishing the ocean triangle". Compared with ordinary consumers, the attitude of the concession towards firecrackers vendors is much stricter. It is absolutely not allowed for roadside shops to sell firecrackers on weekdays. As long as they are found by the patrol room, the shops will be arrested and fined less than 100 yuan, and the goods will be detained until the Chinese New Year. This kind of surprise inspection is very frequent, and the patrol house in songshan road, the French Concession, has this hobby. A large number of patrols often drive police cars to search at the door. Whenever such a situation occurs, the store must prepare a set of rhetoric to deal with it, claiming that these firecrackers are only reserved for their own use and have no sales plan. If people get all the stolen goods, they can only entrust the guild to intercede.
Although the concession has a moderate attitude, there are some kinds of fireworks and firecrackers that must not appear in the concession. In a file of the patrol house in Shanghai public concession in 1927, there were some kinds of fireworks, such as Kaushing (Gaosheng), Kio Long (Kowloon) and Liu Shing (Meteor). These kinds of "heavy firearms" which may cause noise nuisance to the people were blacklisted in the concession.
"Gaosheng", commonly known as "Ertui", is still very popular in contemporary times. Image source: Dongfang. com.
One of the most intolerable firecrackers in the concession is the cannon. It is still very popular in contemporary times, and it is a great weapon for primary school boys to scare girls, commonly known as "throwing guns"; In the period of the Republic of China, the cannon was the source of social panic. On the night of January 9, 1932, a passenger boarded the "Yamato" ship of Daida Company with a bag of guns. The cannon suddenly exploded in a casual touch. Although no casualties were caused, the noise was enough to make the whole ship out of order. People mistakenly thought it was a shooting and rushed into the cold river. The worse influence of slapping guns is produced in the streets. In the patrol house in the concession in the 1930s, it was described that "at the end of the past year, it was a common practice for hooligans and urchins to slap guns. In the streets and alleys, urchins hid the guns in their sleeves, followed by women in boudoir, and suddenly threw them out …" It can be seen that this kind of mischief has a long history. In the eyes of foreigners, it is obviously very ungentlemanly and indecent, and it is really indecent. When it is strictly prohibited, in fact, the police station can’t enforce the law on children, and street guns are repeatedly banned.
Although the concession promised to set off flammable firecrackers from the first day to the fifteenth day, this time was not fixed during the Republic of China. The Nanjing National Government advocated abolishing the lunar calendar and adopting the solar calendar. Therefore, in the 1920s and 1930s, Shanghai was allowed to shoot guns on the 15th day of New Year’s Day, but not during the Spring Festival. After the August 13th Incident, martial law was imposed at night in the concession, and firecrackers were not allowed after 5 pm in the French concession and 6 pm in the public concession. The Japanese puppet government is particularly sensitive to firecrackers, which is used to get rid of evil and filth, and makes the invaders feel pressure. In the early summer night of 1939, a rare lunar eclipse was observed in Shanghai, and the Chinese in the public concession set off firecrackers to drive away the tengu that swallowed the moon. This move made the Japanese military panic and suspected that it was a demonstration directed by anti-Japanese forces behind it. Japan submitted an investigation request to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Public Concession in an attempt to enforce the law across regions.
After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the commercial reconstruction, the firecracker guild resumed, and more than 40 firecracker workshops joined the guild and registered with the government for the record. The complete rules and regulations system was made public for the first time and had legal effect. The trade association even fully considered the government’s opinion and agreed not to produce the most unpopular gun. However, the market did not prosper for a long time, and inflation became increasingly serious. The workers in the firecracker workshop first rebelled. They set up the "Fireworks Industry Professional Conference" and started labor negotiations with the firecracker industry trade association, demanding higher treatment and higher wages. Prior to this, the trade association had decided to support Jiang Jingguo’s "August 19th" economic defense line, saying that although prices soared, the price of firecrackers would not rise. As a result, the profit of the firecracker industry has been difficult to support the expenditure of hiring labor.
At the beginning of liberation, the new government took over the old industrial and commercial organizations in Shanghai, and the firecracker industry ushered in a new life. It was no longer regarded as a superstitious product and was heavily taxed. On the contrary, this popular festival item was recognized by the new government and received strong support as a representative of local native products. In 1949 and 1950, various parades and celebrations were held frequently in Shanghai. On National Day, Army Day and the anniversary of the liberation of the city, people woke up at four o’clock in the morning with firecrackers and took to the streets. At eight o’clock in the evening, the parade will reach its climax, and there will be an hour-long fireworks display on the roof of Happy Valley Apartment at Huangpi North Road, Nanjing West Road.
During this period, the firecracker industry developed rapidly, and the number of firecracker workshops in the city rose to more than 50. In 1953, the firecracker dealers of the trade association responded to the call of the government and moved most of the workshops to Pudong towns outside the city, leaving only shops in Yimiao District and Penglai District in the city, but this does not mean that firecrackers are no longer popular in Shanghai. In 1956, the socialist industrial and commercial transformation was at its climax, and the whole city was filled with joy and passion. In the second week of January of that year alone, thousands of people lined up in the city to buy firecrackers every day. The local firecrackers were in short supply, and the trade associations sent people to Jiangyin, Shaoxing, Suzhou and other places to purchase goods every day. According to statistics, Shanghai residents had to set off more than 8 million firecrackers every day during that time. In the sound of firecrackers in the new era, the carnival Shanghai residents witnessed the rebirth of the city after a hundred years of vicissitudes and wars.
Celebration Parade in Shanghai in 1950s

Naked donation of 175 billion! The life of the richest woman in Silicon Valley, "the sparrow turns into a phoenix", is more wonderful than marrying a genius.

Waiting for the "reunion dinner" in spring

Wei Li

The reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve is also called reunion dinner, which means family reunion, happiness and auspiciousness. During the interview against COVID-19 epidemic this year, the author heard that an old father suffering from cancer and his three sons who were both in traffic law enforcement posts had a reunion dinner that was postponed again and again, waiting for the spring dinner. After many twists and turns, I found the client.

Du Hongping, Du Taoping and Du Jiangping are all traffic law enforcement officers, and their parents are also retired employees of Liangping traffic system, which can be described as a typical "second generation".

The eldest Du Hongping and the second Du Taoping worked in Liangping, and the third Du Jiangping was transferred to the high-speed law enforcement department in 2014. As traffic law enforcement officers, Spring Festival and Spring Festival travel rush are the busiest times for the three brothers. But according to tradition, every year on New Year’s Eve, the family will try their best to get together and have a lively reunion dinner.

Different from previous years, my 81-year-old father has been suffering from lung cancer for many years, and he has been treated with chemotherapy three times before and after, and his health is getting worse. The three brothers privately agreed that this year’s Spring Festival reunion dinner must bring together all the family members, old and young, with no one missing, and take a family photo to make the old father on his deathbed happy for one year.

"The plan is at six o’clock in the evening, and everyone will have a reunion dinner together after the third child comes back. Because my father is so old, plus it is terminal cancer, it may be the last reunion dinner. " Boss Du Hongping said.

Just as my mother was preparing the ingredients for the New Year’s Eve dinner, Du Jiangping, the third son of the law enforcement brigade in Chongqing’s main city, told everyone that she would be on duty on New Year’s Eve and suggested that the time for the New Year’s Eve dinner should be adjusted to the second day of the first month …

Everyone thinks it is ok to postpone it for two days, as long as the family can be reunited and have a sense of ceremony during the Spring Festival to meet the wishes of the elderly.

In order to prepare for this postponed reunion dinner, my father specially arranged for my mother to cook dried pig’s feet in advance and buy Liangping’s special product "Daoer Mie" braised dishes, so that my children and grandchildren can get together and feel the warmth of the big family. The second child Du Taoping also arranged for his wife and daughter to go to the supermarket on the first day of the first month to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

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At noon on the second day of the first month, Du Jiangping, the third son, hurriedly drove back to Liang Ping’s hometown from the main city of Chongqing after work. Just when I arrived at the stairs of the traffic family home where my parents lived, a phone call stopped Du Jiangping and he was in a dilemma. The phone call was made by a colleague from the company-due to the severe epidemic situation in COVID-19, all people on leave are required to return to their posts immediately!

"It is complicated to get this notice, because my father’s condition is getting worse and worse, and it is rare to have such an opportunity to reunite. Returning to work immediately means that this reunion dinner has to be given up again."

Colleagues also kindly reminded Du Jiangping that due to the complicated identity of the people who came into contact during work, they must be disinfected before meeting their parents, so as to be careful to infect their families.

After much consideration, Du Jiangping informed his eldest brother at home to come downstairs, handed over the honey, cereal and other gifts he bought back to his father, and decided to return to work in the main city of Chongqing immediately.

"Just as I turned around, I heard a familiar voice-my mother shouted my nickname on the balcony on the third floor and told me to pay attention to safety and wear a mask during work. At this point, my heart is particularly sad, and my eyes are full of tears … "

In this way, the Dujia reunion dinner, which was originally postponed, can only be postponed for another time …

Among the three brothers, Du Jiangping, the third, spends the least time with his father. "When I was young, my father was a soldier and I was at home. When I grew up, my father was at home and I went to be a soldier again. Later, I went to work in high-speed law enforcement, and I always lacked companionship with my parents. Due to busy work, the last time I went home was more than two months ago. "

In Du Jiangping’s eyes, the father of a military background is particularly strict with the three brothers. He is often taught that a soldier will not fade after he leaves the army, and he should always keep his true colors as a soldier. Over the years, the three brothers have kept in mind their father’s teachings and worked hard to do their own jobs, all of which have become the backbone of the unit.

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Although the epidemic delayed this "reunion dinner", the father in the hospital bed often called the three brothers who fought in the front line of the epidemic and told them to pay attention to their health and take precautions.

In the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, Du Hongping, the boss, is the head of Yunlong exit traffic health quarantine station of G42 Chongqing-Yichang Expressway. "Commanding more than 1,000 cars to pull over every day during the rush hour means making thousands of gestures. When eating after work, it is difficult to hold the chopsticks steadily and it hurts all over."

Du Taoping, the second child, is guarding the card at Qixing Station of X116 Line adjacent to Guanyin Town, Dazhu, Sichuan. When he returns to the unit, he must do a good job in ensuring the supply of rice bags, vegetable baskets, meat plates and fruit plates in the city and the normal agricultural production.

At the Dawan Toll Station in Yubei District, Chongqing-adjacent section of G65 Baomao Expressway, I found the third Du Jiangping who was inspecting the vehicle. Du Jiangping’s brigade is the third brigade of Chongqing Traffic Administrative Law Enforcement Corps Expressway. During the duty, be responsible for patrolling the 101-kilometer-long road surface in the jurisdiction and handling emergencies. Referring to this postponed reunion dinner, Du Jiangping choked several times: "When I was a teenager, my father sheltered me from the wind and rain and raised me to grow up; When my father is old, I can’t be filial before bed and accompany him. I only hope that this epidemic will end as soon as possible, and the family will take a family photo and have a reunion dinner. "

There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up. It is these countless "retrograde people" who, regardless of holidays or during the epidemic, give up their small families for everyone, keep one side safe, and protect the stability of a city, in exchange for peace in the world and good years.

We also expect that this postponed "reunion dinner" will open as scheduled in the flowers and spring breeze.

(Author: Liangping District Radio and Television Station)

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"live in a room and don’t fry"! At least nine provinces and cities let the system land at the provincial level.

  Cctv newsGoverning the chaos in the real estate market is a major event that many cities have concentrated their firepower on recently. From the end of June, seven ministries and commissions issued documents to control the chaos in the real estate market in 30 cities, to the first case in China that the black intermediary gang committed the crime of organized crime of underworld nature, and news of cracking down on speculative real estate speculation and black intermediary in various places kept appearing in the media. In the past two months, at least 16 cities have successively issued detailed rules, and at least 9 provinces (cities) have implemented the system at the provincial level.

  9 provinces (cities) have implemented the system of controlling real estate chaos.

  The reporter observed that at least 16 cities have successively issued detailed rules since the documents of seven ministries were issued at the end of June, namelyChengdu, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Foshan, Kunming, Hefei, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Xuzhou, Wuhan, Yichang, Taiyuan, Lanzhou and Guiyang.andShenzhen; At least nine provinces (cities) let the system fall from the provincial level, namelyChongqing, Shandong, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, Yunnan, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Guizhou.

  From the focus of rectification, some of the relevant documents of these provinces and cities are consistent with those issued by seven ministries, but some have added or refined relevant contents according to their own characteristics.

  In view of the illegal behavior of real estate development enterprises, Kunming will"After obtaining the pre-sale permit of commercial housing, the real estate development enterprise failed to disclose all the saleable houses and pre-sale prices at one time within 10 days"Included in the scope of remediation. This provision has been mentioned in Chengdu, Hubei, Heilongjiang and other documents.

  Jilin, Heilongjiang and other provinces have also listed the situation that the supervisory duties are not in place as the key actions to be cracked down. As clearly stated in the document issued by Jilin Province on August 13, it is necessary to increase"The real estate market supervision responsibility is not fulfilled"The blow, including the ineffective regulation of the real estate market, failed to perform the real estate transaction management functions and real estate market supervision duties according to law; There is no online signing and filing of commercial housing and second-hand housing transaction contracts.

  There are different ways to crack down on illegal fund-raising in the real estate sector.

  Hubei: according to local characteristics, increase the scope of key attacks.

  The reporter noted that the "Work Plan for the Special Action to Control the Chaos in the Real Estate Market in Hubei Province" has added a lot of content on the basis of the documents of the ministries and commissions.

  For example, in cracking down on "black intermediaries", the focus of the crackdown has increased."Solicit business by concealment, fraud, coercion, bribery and other improper means, trick consumers into trading or force trading", "illegally collect fees other than the house price of the purchaser to speculate on the house number" and "solicit business by false housing and false price information"Etc.; In cracking down on violations of laws and regulations by housing enterprises, it has increased"If the pre-sale plan of commercial housing is put on record as a blank house, it will be sold in the form of fully renovated commercial housing without authorization"Wait for the content.

  Zhejiang: 10 departments jointly issued a document to control real estate chaos.

  On July 24th, Zhejiang Province issued the "Notice on Launching Special Actions to Combat Illegal Acts against the Interests of the Masses and Control the Chaos in the Real Estate Market", which was jointly issued by 10 departments. Compared with the notices issued by seven ministries and commissions, Zhejiang has also added a lot of contents according to local characteristics.

  For example, in combating "speculative real estate speculation", it has been added."Without obtaining relevant financial qualifications, engage in real estate financial business by using online platforms and equity crowdfunding platforms, or engage in relevant financial business in violation of regulations despite obtaining relevant financial qualifications"Terms; In the fight against "black intermediaries", new"instigating and assisting buyers to forge social security, tax payment, marriage, household registration and other certificates to avoid real estate control policies such as restricting purchases and loans"Terms.

  The notice issued by Zhejiang Province mentioned that:"It is necessary to seriously investigate and deal with all kinds of violations of laws and regulations. Depending on the seriousness of the case, cities can take written warnings, be included in the blacklist of real estate integrity, interview the person in charge, publicly expose, suspend online signing, suspend business for rectification, revoke qualifications and licenses, administrative penalties, and incorporate multi-sectoral joint punishment to implement various market restrictions."

  Chongqing: The public security department is deeply involved in rectifying the real estate chaos.

  Chongqing, which has joined the "judicial means", has also made great efforts to rectify it. The remediation plan jointly issued by the Municipal Bureau of Land and Housing Management and the Municipal Public Security Bureau has made Chongqing the first city among the above 30 cities to be deeply involved in joint law enforcement to rectify the chaos in the real estate market.

  There are nine key points in Chongqing’s rectification:

  Fabricating and spreading false information about real estate to disturb public order;

  The "speculative house number" is illegally profitable;

  Illegal fund-raising in the real estate sector;

  Forging official documents, certificates and supporting documents;

  Misappropriation and occupation of real estate transaction funds;

  "sell more in one room";

  Infringement of citizens’ personal information;

  Threatening personal safety;

  Suspected of disturbing public order, obstructing social management, infringing on personal rights and property rights and other illegal acts.

  Among them, the key points in the rectification of "threatening personal safety" are — — Development enterprises or intermediaries use threats, intimidation and other violent means to expel tenants, forcibly increase rents or maliciously deduct rents and deposits; Black and evil forces dominate the market and undermine the management order of the real estate industry.

  "This rectification, once the problem is found, is not a simple interview, fine. The deterrence of law enforcement will also be significantly enhanced. " The person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Land and Housing Management said.

  "Resolutely hold accountable those who abuse their powers and neglect their duties."

  "Illegal behavior of real estate development enterprises" is one of the focuses of this special action. On July 31, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development announced a list of 20 illegal real estate development enterprises and intermediaries investigated and dealt with in various places, involving Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Chongqing, Changsha, Xi ‘an and Jilin. This is the first public exposure after the document "Special rectification of chaos in the property market" was issued.

  According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, these real estate development enterprises and intermediaries are involved in illegal activities such as price gouging, property hoarding, unapproved sales and false propaganda.

  It is worth mentioning that the documents issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development are clear:"To carry out rectification actions ineffective, people complain more, and the real estate market has serious violations of laws and regulations, it is necessary to intensify supervision. Departments and personnel suspected of concealing, abusing their powers and neglecting their duties must be resolutely accountable. "

  The seven ministries and commissions of "housing, living and not speculating" require 30 cities to act first.

  The full name of the document issued at the end of June is "Notice on Launching Special Actions in Some Cities to Combat Illegal Acts against the Interests of the Masses and Control the Chaos in the Real Estate Market". This notice jointly issued by seven ministries decided to launch special actions in 30 cities from the beginning of July to the end of December this year. The focus of remediation mainly includes four types of behaviors, namelySpeculative real estate speculation, real estate "black intermediary", illegal real estate development enterprises and false real estate advertisements.

  In addition, five kinds of false real estate advertisements, such as fabricating, spreading false information, or misinterpreting relevant real estate policies, are listed.

  The above-mentioned document also lists the "list of cities to carry out special actions first": Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Hefei, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Jinan, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Changsha, Chongqing, Xi ‘an, Kunming, Foshan, Xuzhou, Taiyuan, Haikou, Ningbo, Yichang and Harbin.

  In May, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development interviewed the heads of 12 cities including Xi ‘an, Haikou, Sanya, Changchun, Harbin, Kunming, Dalian, Guiyang, Xuzhou, Foshan, Chengdu and Taiyuan. In August, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also talked about the main leaders of Haikou, Sanya, Yantai, Yichang and Yangzhou. These interviewed cities, except Sanya, Dalian, Yantai and Yangzhou, are all on the list of this special action. Of course, the focus of the interview is different, but the starting point is the same, "housing is not speculation." (CCTV News Comprehensive Beijing Youth Daily)

Like it | Every year, a group of high-speed trains will be opened to traffic, and more than 300 top experts are planning Xiong’ an … The National Development and Reform Commission revealed a wave of

  Cctv newsAt 3 o’clock this afternoon, the press center of the 19th National Congress held the fourth press conference. He Lifeng, Party Secretary and Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Zhang Yong, Deputy Director, and Ning Ji Zhe, Deputy Director, answered reporters’ questions on the hot issues of China’s economic development.

  We sorted out the dry goods of this press conference from three aspects, and let’s take a look at what changes have taken place in our lives in the past five years and what kind of life we will have in the future.

  Look at the data, look at the quality and look at the benefits: China’s economy is stable, steady and positive.

  He Lifeng said that in the past five years, China’s economy has developed in a sustained and healthy way, and it has maintained a development trend of steady progress and steady progress. Major economic indicators, prices, employment, and poverty alleviation have remained stable, and significant progress has been made in promoting institutional reform, "three to one, one reduction and one supplement", and promoting economic transformation and upgrading. Specifically:

  It is estimated that the expected growth target of about 6.5% for the whole year will be successfully achieved and better results will be achieved. The total economic output will exceed 80 trillion yuan by the end of this year.

  The number of new jobs in cities and towns nationwide has remained above 13 million for four consecutive years.

  More than 55 million people have been lifted out of poverty in four years, and more than 10 million people will be reduced this year. The incidence of poverty has dropped to 4.5% at the end of 2016, and it is expected to drop below 4% by the end of this year.

  "Three to one, one drop and one supplement" has achieved good results. So far, the production capacity of backward steel has exceeded 110 million tons, the production capacity of backward coal has exceeded 400 million tons, and the re-employment of more than 1.1 million people has been solved simultaneously.

  According to some authoritative media reports in the world, there are now more than 90 "unicorn" enterprises in science and technology (described as start-ups with good development prospects), accounting for about one-third of the world. Compared with some big countries with the most "unicorn" enterprises, we are only a few less. This fully shows that China’s new technology industries and technology enterprises are developing vigorously. In 2016, the contribution rate of China’s scientific and technological progress reached 56.2%, and the expenditure on research and experimental development reached 1.55 trillion yuan.

  See the problem: private investment is weak? The tide of foreign capital withdrawal? What should we do?

  Weak private investment? Manufacturing and real estate are really weak now.

  Zhang Yong, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said:

  The slowdown of private investment has something to do with the slowdown of investment in the whole society, and it also has some characteristics of its own. Because the areas where private investment is concentrated are mainly manufacturing and real estate. Manufacturing involves transformation and upgrading, and real estate involves destocking. These two industries are relatively weak now.

  However, on the whole, private investment has maintained a steady and sustained growth trend. From January to September this year, private investment increased by 6%, 3.5 percentage points faster than last year.

  In view of the weak private investment, in the future, we should further lower the threshold through decentralization, especially making a negative list to make the market more transparent and give private enterprises greater decision-making power.

  In addition, efforts are being made to build a government information platform, especially a credit system, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises. At the same time, the State Council issued a special document to stimulate the vitality of private investment and further guide private investment to invest in these areas with long industrial chain and good growth prospects.

  The management system of pre-entry national treatment plus negative list will be fully implemented for foreign investment

  In response to the voice of the wave of foreign capital withdrawal in the society, Ning Ji Zhe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in recent years, China has been in the forefront of attracting foreign capital in the world. In order to solve some difficulties faced by foreign-funded enterprises in their development, the next step will be to continue to improve the business environment, fully implement the management system of national treatment plus negative list before entry, and greatly relax market access.

  In terms of fair competition, foreign-funded enterprises should also be given national treatment after their entry. All enterprises registered in China are treated equally and equally.

  In terms of investment facilitation, we adhere to the new mode of foreign investment management based on filing system. At present, more than 96% of foreign investment is subject to localized filing management. Some places are still exploring deepening reforms and further improving the convenience of investment as a whole.

  Look at the future

  The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has exceeded expectations.

  In terms of transportation, a number of "broken roads" and a number of "bottleneck roads" have been opened, which add up to more than 800 kilometers.

  In terms of industrial upgrading and transfer, Beijing has transferred a number of non-capital but relatively high-quality enterprise projects to Tianjin and Hebei.

  Great progress has been made in ecological and environmental protection, and the greening around Beijing has been greatly strengthened. Great practical results have been achieved in controlling pollution such as burning loose coal and launching the "blue sky defense war";

  People’s livelihood, including education, medical care, health and so on, has made great progress.

  By the end of this year, Beijing municipal authorities and municipal administrative departments will take the lead in starting the relocation.

  The sub-center of Beijing City is mainly located in Tongzhou, and the master plan of Tongzhou is in full swing to re-connect with the master plan of Beijing City. As a sub-center of Beijing City, the construction of this phase mainly focuses on the construction of centralized office areas of administrative institutions. After several years of efforts, the main part has been basically completed. According to the plan, by the end of this year, Beijing-level major organs and some municipal administrative departments will take the lead in starting the relocation.

  More than 300 top experts at home and abroad are doing the overall planning of xiong’an new area.

  In recent months, the planning and construction of xiong’an new area has made positive and great progress. More than 300 top experts from home and abroad and 12 teams were organized to design the overall planning of xiong’an new area and the planning of the start-up area and the start-up area according to the world vision, international standards, China characteristics and the general requirements of high-point positioning. This plan has entered the final stage of tackling key problems.

   The first draft of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area planning is being solicited for comments.

  Regarding Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s national strategy, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is taking the lead in speeding up the preparation of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s plan, which will provide a blueprint for the future construction of Greater Bay Area. At present, the first draft has been formed, and opinions are being solicited.

  The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will strive to be basically open to traffic by the end of this year. At the same time, relevant policies are being studied to facilitate the convenience of people, funds and other market liquidity factors, such as customs clearance policies.

  In the future, a number of high-speed trains will be opened to traffic every year.

  In promoting the development of high-speed rail, He Lifeng said that the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Communications and the Railway Corporation, is deeply studying specific policies. It is predicted that there will be a number of high-speed rails under construction every year in the future, and a number of high-speed rails will be opened to traffic every year to better meet and serve the objective needs of people’s travel.

News observation: "quantity" and "quality" rise together, and the consumption of new energy vehicles in China is getting better and better

CCTV News:Data show that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said on March 26th that the new energy automobile industry in China has gradually entered the market-driven stage. In the new development era, vehicle enterprises will not add new production capacity until the existing base reaches a reasonable scale. While promoting the accelerated development of the new energy automobile industry, it pays more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand.

The proportion of private consumption of new energy vehicles increased from 47% to 78%.

Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in 2021, new energy vehicles will be driven by both market and policy. Compared with the initial period of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the proportion of private consumption has increased from 47% to 78%, and the proportion of private consumption in non-restricted cities has increased from 40% to 70%. While the degree of marketization is increasing year by year, it is necessary to make overall arrangements for the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry.

Lin Nianxiu, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission:Guide industries to gather in areas and main bodies with good development foundation and full capacity utilization, and focus on building internationally competitive industrial clusters in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Chengdu-Chongqing and other regions. (In addition, vehicle enterprises should highlight the key layout, rely on the development of existing production bases, and no new production capacity will be distributed until the existing bases reach a reasonable scale.

China strengthens clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles.

Lin Nianxiu said that China will also strengthen the clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles, and investigate and deal with illegal behaviors such as unapproved construction, zero-batch construction, and construction while approving. At the same time, standardize the merger and reorganization of vehicle enterprises, and vigorously promote the withdrawal of backward enterprises and ineffective production capacity.

By the end of the first quarter, the cumulative promotion is expected to exceed 10 million vehicles.

It is reported that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. New progress has been made in key technologies of new energy vehicles, positive progress has been made in sodium ion batteries and modular power exchange, and the computing power of artificial intelligence has reached the international advanced level. At the same time, new energy vehicles still have some shortcomings in terms of quality and safety, low-temperature adaptability, etc. The integrated development of electrification, intelligence and networking needs to be continuously deepened.

Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology:In 2021, China enterprises obtained more than 30,000 patents related to new energy vehicles, accounting for 70% of the global total, and saw new achievements in comprehensive income. By the end of 2021, the cumulative consumption of new energy vehicles was about 1.6 trillion yuan, driving the output value of upstream and downstream industrial chains to about 4.8 trillion yuan, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 100 million tons.

We will continue to strengthen top-level design and optimize supporting policies.

Lin Nianxiu said that the steady growth of the automobile industry has provided strong support for reviving the industrial economy. In particular, the development of new energy vehicles in China has achieved new breakthroughs and become a new bright spot for the high-quality development of the automobile industry. However, problems such as blind investment and disorderly development of new energy vehicles still exist to varying degrees. In the future, we will continue to strengthen the top-level design, continuously optimize supporting policies such as scientific and technological innovation, industrial layout, tax incentives, and infrastructure construction for charging and replacing electricity, and pay more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand while promoting the accelerated development and growth of the new energy vehicle industry.

One death and five injuries were caused by a serial car collision in Belgium.

On the morning of January 29th, local time, a serious accident happened on Temploux E42 highway in Belgium, involving two heavy trucks and three cars. Five people were injured and one died in the accident. After the pileup, one of the trucks rolled over and caught fire. Another car was stuck under the truck and the driver was killed. Firefighters have rushed to the scene. (CCTV News)

How can individuals participate in the investment when the first batch of stocks in science and technology innovation board are listed and traded on the 22nd?

  Beijing, July 22nd (Reporter Qiu Yu), the client of Zhongxin. com, lasted only 259 days! Since its establishment was announced on November 5, 2018, the first batch of 25 companies in science and technology innovation board were listed on July 22, 2019, that is, science and technology innovation board shares can be officially traded.

  Science and technology innovation board’s stock trading rules are quite different from the current A-share rules. Since there is no limit on the price increase and decrease in the first five trading days, how the intraday stock price will fluctuate has attracted much attention. So, how do individual investors participate in science and technology innovation board? What problems should we pay attention to?

  How do individual investors participate?

  If individual investors want to participate in science and technology innovation board stock exchange, there is a certain threshold, and they need to meet the following conditions:

  The daily average assets in the securities account and capital account in the 20 trading days before the opening of the application authority are not less than RMB 500,000 (excluding the funds and securities that the investor has integrated through margin financing and securities lending); Participated in securities trading for more than 24 months.

  In other words, you must have not only two years of experience in securities trading, but also at least 500,000 yuan in your account. The relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Stock Exchange said at the end of June that there are about 3.2 million investors who meet the requirements of appropriateness.

  It doesn’t matter if the above conditions are not met. According to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, small and medium-sized investors who don’t meet the requirements of investor suitability can participate in science and technology innovation board through products such as Public Offering of Fund.

  At present, Bosera Fund, Yin Hua Fund, Dacheng Fund, China Europe Fund, Caitong Fund, CICC Fund and other fund companies have launched science and technology innovation board-related theme funds.

  How do individuals participate in innovation?

  Playing new means that investors use funds to participate in the subscription of new shares. If they win the lottery, they will buy the shares that will be listed soon, mainly through online and offline channels.

  Since the offline subscription object does not include individual investors, for ordinary individual investors, they can only participate in innovation through online subscription.

  If you want to purchase online, the first step is to open the science and technology innovation board trading authority, that is, to meet the above conditions.

  The second step is to meet the requirement of holding market value, that is, the total market value of the unrestricted A-share shares and unrestricted depositary receipts held by individual investors participating in the subscription of new shares in science and technology innovation board is more than 10,000 yuan (including 10,000 yuan).

  For example, if you have bought more than 10,000 yuan of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (stock code: 600000.SH) shares in your stock account, and meet the above conditions for participating in science and technology innovation board, you can participate in the IPO in science and technology innovation board. Because the stock codes 601 and 600 start with the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The stock at the beginning of 000 is the main board stock of Shenzhen Stock Exchange; 002 starts with small and medium-sized stocks of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and 300 starts with GEM stocks of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  In addition, there is another way to invest in bank wealth management and fund participation in innovation. For example, at present, Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, Postal Savings Bank and other banks have launched science and technology innovation board-themed bank wealth management products, mainly by investing in innovative funds to indirectly participate in innovation in science and technology innovation board.

  Are new shares "bought as earned"?

  Many people think that buying new shares means earning, just like winning the lottery. The data shows that the number of investors participating in online innovation has exceeded 3.1 million. This means that almost all individual investors who have opened the trading authority in science and technology innovation board have participated in the innovation.

  In fact, science and technology innovation board’s new shares are not cheap.

  Price-earnings ratio (PE) is the ratio of stock price divided by earnings per share, and it is one of the most commonly used indicators to evaluate whether the stock price level is reasonable. Generally speaking, the higher the P/E ratio, the more overvalued the stock is.

  The upper limit of 23 times P/E ratio has been cancelled in the issue price of science and technology innovation board shares, so the average P/E ratio obviously exceeds the overall level of A shares.

  According to the statistics of Pacific Securities Research Report, the P/E ratio of 25 companies is between 18.86 and 170.75 times, with an average of 49.16 times and a median of 42.14 times.

  Among them, the highest P/E ratio is Zhongwei Company, 170.75 times; The lowest is China’s through number, 18.8 times. The P/E ratios of China Tonghao, Wald, Tianyi Shangjia and Aerospace Hongtu are lower than the industry level, and the remaining 21 companies are all higher than the industry valuation.

  Judging from the issue price, according to Wind data, the average issue price of the first batch of 25 new shares listed in science and technology innovation board is 29.20 yuan/share. As of July 15th, of the 87 A-share new shares issued this year, only 21 were issued at a price exceeding 29.20 yuan/share.

  In addition, in terms of winning rate, the average winning rate of the first batch of 25 science and technology innovation board new shares is nearly 0.06%, which is higher than the overall level of A shares.

  What problems should we pay attention to in trading?

  Science and technology innovation board’s trading rules are different from the current rules of A shares.

  First, the price rises and falls. There is no price limit in the first five trading days after the listing of science and technology innovation board stock, and a 20% price limit is set from the sixth trading day.

  In the first five trading days, science and technology innovation board also set up a temporary suspension system. When the intraday share price rises or falls by 30% or 60% compared with the opening price for the first time, it will be suspended once respectively.

  In this regard, some market analysts have warned that if there is no price increase or decrease, it is very likely that investors will be "hung at high altitude" after buying; The price limit of 20% is twice as large as the current limit of 10% A shares, and the trading risk is higher.

  Secondly, the number of single declared shares in science and technology innovation board is different from the current 100 shares in A shares, and its starting number is 200 shares. Moreover, as long as each declaration exceeds 200 shares, it can be increased by 1 share, for example, 201 shares and 202 shares can be purchased.

  Finally, it should be noted that science and technology innovation board has not introduced the T+0 trading system, but still adopts T+1. T+1 means that stocks bought on the same day cannot be sold on the same day, and cannot be sold until the next trading day.

  The relevant person in charge of the China Securities Regulatory Commission said earlier that at this stage, China’s capital market is still immature, the proportion of small and medium-sized retail investors in the investor structure is relatively large, the characteristics of the unilateral market have not fundamentally changed, and the market monitoring means are still insufficient. Starting from maintaining the stable operation of the market and protecting the interests of small and medium-sized investors, science and technology innovation board has not introduced T+0 trading system yet.

  What is the impact on the trend of A-share main board?

  Essence Securities pointed out that assuming that the turnover rate of most companies in science and technology innovation board reached 89% on the first day of trading, it is estimated that the turnover of science and technology innovation board on the first day will be about 31.394 billion yuan (assuming that the average transaction price exceeds the issue price by 35%), then science and technology innovation board will account for about 6.56% of the total turnover of the two cities, with little liquidity impact.

  Huatai Securities analyzed that science and technology innovation board’s influence on the liquidity of the A-share main board mainly has two aspects, namely, the bottom warehouse drainage effect and the diversion effect.

  On the one hand, science and technology innovation board’s increase in stock supply has created a certain diversion pressure on the trading volume of the existing A-share sector, which is in the two stages of issuance and listing; On the other hand, participating in the subscription of science and technology innovation board new shares requires the market value of A-share bottom positions, which is expected to increase the allocation funds of existing sectors.

  Regarding the "diversion pressure on the existing A-share sector", GF Securities believes that the diversion effect brought by science and technology innovation board is limited and controllable due to the comprehensive mechanism and volume factors.

  From the mechanism point of view, the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) adopted the new subscription of new shares in advance, and the first batch of frozen subscription funds reached one trillion yuan, while science and technology innovation board only adopted the market value placement method, which greatly weakened the diversion effect; In terms of volume, the financing scale of science and technology innovation board is expected to be 80 billion to 90 billion yuan in 2019, and the overall pace is controllable.

  Li Chao, vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said earlier that science and technology innovation board has strict corresponding standards and procedures, which does not mean that anyone who wants to go public can go public. At the same time, science and technology innovation board pays attention to the market mechanism, which includes market constraints. As long as all parties in the market, including intermediaries, issuers, investors, and regulatory authorities, return to their posts and do their duty, I believe there will be no flooding in science and technology innovation board. (End)

On the new urbanization and the development of real estate market: both "city" and "house" must be people-oriented

  On March 11th, He Jian (first from left), deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Sichuan Province, and representatives from the same delegation discussed that the key to new urbanization is the citizenization of agricultural transfer population. Photo by our reporter Li Jinglu

  On the afternoon of March 11th, Huang Hongyun, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce, believed that housing enterprises needed to strengthen product innovation. Our reporter Li Shugui photo

  (Reporter Lin Huocan, Cui Wenyuan, He Wei, Liu Chang, Wu Bingze) The government work report pointed out that urbanization is the only way to modernization and the biggest domestic demand potential and development momentum in China. In the process of promoting new urbanization, how to deal with the stable and healthy development of the real estate market? The reporter of Economic Daily interviewed the delegates and members attending the two sessions of the National People’s Congress. They believe that only by adhering to "people-oriented" can new urbanization and real estate market achieve win-win development.

  Encourage agricultural transfer population to buy houses in cities.

  According to the government work report, this year, China will further promote new urbanization, focusing on three tasks: urbanization of agricultural transfer population, promoting the construction of urban affordable housing projects and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, and strengthening the management of urban planning and construction.

  "Real estate enterprises should seize the opportunity brought by promoting new urbanization and share the market brought by the urbanization of agricultural transfer population ‘ Cake ’ 。” Chi Fulin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of China (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, said that by 2020, China’s urbanization rate may exceed 60%, which is expected to bring about 3.3 trillion yuan of new consumption, and housing consumption will become an important part of new consumption.

  Hu Baosen, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of the board of directors of Jianye Group, said that at present, China’s real estate market is clearly divided, and the pressure of real estate destocking in third-and fourth-tier cities is relatively high. However, from the perspective of urbanization, a large number of agricultural migrants will settle in third-and fourth-tier cities, which will bring huge housing demand. In this sense, new urbanization will become the only way to realize the stable and healthy development of China’s real estate market.

  In order to further encourage the vast number of migrant workers to buy houses in cities, many places have shown "real tricks" to help the agricultural transfer population accelerate the process of citizenization.

  Fan Ping, deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Enterprise Management Center of Sichuan Jinxing Clean Energy Equipment Co., Ltd., said that as early as 2014, Meishan City, Sichuan Province launched an initiative to encourage migrant workers to buy houses in cities. For example, the "3+2" housing subsidy policy is implemented, that is, the government subsidizes 300 yuan per square meter of rural residents’ housing purchase, and enterprises give preferential treatment to 200 yuan.

  "This subsidy policy has played a very positive role in stimulating farmers’ enthusiasm for buying houses in cities." Deputy Fan Ping said that the process of "destocking" in Meishan City is accelerating, and the destocking cycle has been shortened from 21 months at the end of April 2015 to about 14 months at present.

  Open the conversion channel between commercial housing and affordable housing

  With the acceleration of new urbanization, all localities should not only accelerate the transformation of shanty towns and villages in cities, but also solve the housing security problem of a large number of rural migrants.

  However, it is not difficult to complete the task of providing affordable housing through government self-construction. Deputy Hu Baosen said that at present, there is a certain gap between the government-built policy housing and the needs of the people, while the commercial housing at the forefront of the market can better grasp the needs of the people in terms of apartment type, area and site selection.

  Therefore, opening the channel between commercial housing and affordable housing, and the government repurchasing commercial housing as affordable housing, has become an important exploration to promote the construction of affordable housing projects in cities and towns and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

  Ni Qiang, deputy to the National People’s Congress and mayor of Haikou City, said that at present, there are plenty of public rental housing in Haikou City, but the people’s application enthusiasm is not high and the inventory is large. The government has cancelled the construction of public rental housing and switched to a two-way conversion channel between affordable housing and commercial housing to digest the inventory of affordable housing and commercial housing.

  "We are fully implementing the monetization subsidy policy for public rental housing, expanding the scope of public rental housing protection to non-registered population, and including urban lower-middle and low-income families with housing difficulties, newly employed employees, migrant workers and migrant workers into the scope of public rental housing protection." Deputy Ni Qiang said that in order to further intensify the destocking, Haikou City carried out the reform of the household registration system, making it clear that foreign household registration personnel over the age of 18 can apply for affordable housing such as price-limited commercial housing and low-rent housing if they have lived in Haikou City for more than 8 years.

  Zheng Xincong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, said that Quanzhou has issued an implementation plan to open the transition channel between commercial housing, affordable housing and resettlement housing. Some counties in Quanzhou are moderately repurchased by the government as affordable housing such as resettlement houses.

  "We gradually pay equal attention to physical security and monetary subsidies, and encourage those who meet the conditions of public rental housing to rent first-hand commercial housing. The municipal finance will give 30% rent subsidies, and encourage those who meet the conditions of price-limited housing to buy first-hand commercial housing, and the municipal finance will give subsidies." Deputy Zheng Xincong said that Quanzhou has also established a docking sales platform for commercial housing and households without housing. According to the principle of voluntariness, the housing provided by development enterprises at a price lower than the market price (85%) is included in the unified platform of government affordable housing and sold to the workers without housing in sanitation, public transportation, taxis and other industries.

  Increase the proportion of monetized resettlement in shed reform

  According to the government work report, 6 million shanty towns will be renovated this year, and the proportion of monetized resettlement will be increased.

  He Jian, deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that by 2020, Sichuan Province should basically complete the goal of transforming urban dilapidated shanty towns. "We will make every effort to promote monetized resettlement according to local conditions, and strive to achieve a monetized resettlement ratio of over 50%". Moreover, in the renovation of dilapidated shanty towns, the government will increase financial input, raise funds through multiple channels, ensure that local government bonds are given priority for related construction, and promote the implementation of security factors such as land and funds. At the same time, it will also accelerate the government’s purchase of shed reform services.

  "The implementation of monetized resettlement will not only meet the wishes of the masses, but also improve the production and living conditions of the people in need in a short time and improve the resettlement efficiency." Zheng Weiyong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Zhongxin Town People’s Congress in Daozhen, Guizhou Province, said. In order to carry out the relocation project of ecological immigrants, Zhongxin Town plans to relocate 218 households this year, and 200 households are willing to implement monetary resettlement. Deputy Zheng Weiyong suggested that in the process of monetary resettlement, in addition to giving farmers reasonable resettlement funds, they should also work closely with the financial sector to increase the credit line, solve the mortgage problem and provide them with necessary loan support for buying houses in cities.

It is inevitable that the real estate market will pick up in the first half of the year, such as "land king"

Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhu Zhixin China Net Rui Wang photo

> > > State Council Office’s Press Conference on the Current Macroeconomic Situation [Record] < <

   The State Council Press Office will hold a press conference on the afternoon of August 7, 2009, inviting Zhu Zhixin, vice director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Ding Xuedong, vice minister of finance, and Suning, vice governor of the People’s Bank of China, to introduce the current macroeconomic situation and take questions from reporters.

   The Beijing News reporter asked at the press conference that the real economy is still in a difficult stage, but the prosperity of real estate has worried many people. For example, a new "land king" was shot on Guangqu Road in Beijing a while ago, including the developers themselves. I feel crazy and hard to understand. What do you think of the current situation of the real estate market? Is it necessary to make policy adjustments?

   Zhu Zhixin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, replied that the real estate market can be judged in one sentence in the first half of the year: the real estate market continued to pick up in the first half of the year. I use three figures to illustrate: first, the investment in real estate development was 1,450.5 billion yuan, an increase of 9.9% over the same period last year; Second, the sales area of commercial housing was 341.09 million square meters, an increase of 31.7%; Third, the housing sales prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities in June rose by 0.2% compared with the same period last year. Overall, the real estate market is in the process of recovery.

  Zhu Zhixin said that when it comes to the continued recovery of the real estate market, the journalists present here think about it. A very important change may have taken place in the real estate market at the end of last year and the beginning of this year. In the process of warming up, there will also be some hot issues in some aspects, which is inevitable. I think we should promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

Related news:

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Development and Reform Commission: The external environment for economic development is still grim, and external demand will continue to be sluggish.

Ministry of Finance: The next step will be to pay attention to the capital market situation and stabilize the development of the stock market.

Central Bank: "Fine-tuning" is not a fine-tuning of monetary policy.

The deputy governor of the central bank said that the monetary policy was successful and there was no inflation at present.

Development and Reform Commission explains in detail three reasons for macro-policies in the second half of the year.

National Development and Reform Commission: Three "100%" to Ensure the Central Government’s Investment in Place

The central government has invested 380 billion yuan to build 250,000 low-rent housing units.

Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: Statistical data accurately determines that macro policies are in line with reality

Editor: Zhang Renhe

The flag football officially entered the Olympics, and it is urgent to build the first national team!

"I’m happy to see the news. Even if I can’t catch it myself, my younger brothers and sisters still have a chance to get on the stage of the Olympic Games!" Tang Chenbo of the Waist Flag Rugby Team of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology excitedly shared the good news that he and his friends welcomed. Recently, the Organizing Committee of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games proposed to add five major events, namely baseball and softball, cricket, stick tennis, squash and waist flag rugby. According to the latest news,The International Olympic Committee was voted by the plenary session, and these five major events officially became the new events of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games..

Waist flag rugby

Officially entered the "Olympic era"!

On October 15th, Tang Chenbo’s team and seven other Shanghai university flag football teams participated in the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai City Amateur Football League and the "Yundong Yangpu Xiuwai" University League Flag Football Open. On the same day, the news that "flag football entered the Olympics" was a hot topic for these college players after the game.

In recent years, China Rugby Association has promoted local rugby associations, firmly grasped the competition and popularized the "two ends", and promoted the sustained and healthy development of rugby in China. Now, this sport has once again ushered in a new historical opportunity. "The entry of new projects into the Olympics will not only usher in a large number of new audiences, but also usher in new players and new teams. In the future, the players who represent China in the Olympic flag rugby project are likely to be among them. " Ding Ye, secretary general of Shanghai Rugby Association, said.

The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology team won the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai City Amateur League Rugby League and the "Yundong Yangpu Xiuwai" University League Waist Flag Rugby Open Championship.

Why can the "waist flag" enter the Olympics?

The huge stadium, heavily armed athletes and two huge teams on the field ….. these should be many people’s impressions of rugby. However, on the same day, in the waist flag football field in Shanghai Sport University, the reporter looked around and there were no big helmets, thick armor and other slightly bulky protective gear. Only young teenagers wearing shorts and sports T-shirts run, dodge, pass and catch the ball in a sports field the size of a 5-7-a-side football field. The most eye-catching thing on the field is the two long belts tied around each player’s waist.

"The threshold is low, the rules are simple, and the demand for venues is not so high. At the same time, the risk of injury is reduced, and the competition experience is not diminished. Regardless of boys and girls, height and thinness, and novice Xiaobai, you can find your own role and feel the fun of flag football." When it comes to the characteristics of this sport, Zhuang Hengli, a physical education teacher at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a few treasures. His words explain why flag football can become a new member of the Olympic Games.

In recent years, the word "slimming" is often associated with the Olympic Games. Especially after the International Olympic Committee President Bach took office, the Summer Olympic Games broke through the restrictions of 28 major events, and the host also had more initiative in setting events, at the same time, it made room for the Olympic Games to attract young people to join sports.

The 2028 Olympic Games landed in Los Angeles, USA, and the flag football, which is in the same strain as American football, became one of the main events of the Los Angeles Olympic Games early. As a non-contact, zero-equipment, small-venue football competition form, flag football has no requirements for the number, age and physical quality of participants, even if it is based on zero sports, it can quickly integrate into the team and can realize mixed teams of men and women to compete in the same field. According to the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, there are more children playing flag football in the United States than traditional football, and at the competition level, there are about 20 million flag football players in more than 100 countries, and the players’ participation is balanced.

As IOC President Bach said earlier, the new project should make the Olympic Games younger, closer to city life and more gender-balanced. These, the flag football are all matched.

Why is Shanghai qualified to be a "new starting point"

It is understood that the National Football League (NFL), one of the four major professional sports leagues in North America, is the main promoter of flag football entering the Olympic Games. As early as two years ago, Jia Hengxuan, general manager of NFL China, once revealed that "the entry of the waist flag into the Olympics is progressing smoothly". Now that the dust has settled, it is urgent to lay out and build a "national team selection channel" as soon as possible if China rugby is to make a difference in Los Angeles in 2028. In Jia Hengxuan’s words, "The development of Shanghai rugby is ahead of the whole country, and it is very suitable as a new starting point for China rugby to impact the Olympic Games."

The NFL thinks that Shanghai can be the "starting point" because it has the best rugby soil in the country. There are many data that can prove this "soil". From 2020, the first national flag rugby community activity was organized by Shanghai Rugby Association (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Rugby Association") and called on all member units to develop together. This new outdoor sports mode of sports+socialization, which is widely sought after by young people and commercial brands, has rapidly warmed up all over the country, attracting tens of thousands of young people to participate. At the peak, there were 500 flag football communities in China to popularize flag football and organize events in various places.

The number of teams participating in organized amateur adult equipment leagues in China has increased from 8 in 2014 to nearly 80 in 2023. At most, there are more than ten football teams equipped in Shanghai.

There are more than ten national top-level college flag football teams active in amateur competitions of the Education Commission and the sports system in Shanghai all the year round. In recent years, with the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the flag football has officially become the content of the public welfare distribution class of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to serve the schools in the city. There are countless non-governmental training institutions operating in the market. As early as 2018, data showed that more than 8,000 primary school students in Shanghai were trained in rugby courses at least once a week; In the Super Bowl every year, nearly 10 million China viewers watch the live broadcast of the event on TV and new media platforms, among which Shanghai fans account for the majority. In addition, Shanghai is also the most representative American football town-there are not only many clubs, but also a set of scientific management models, which regularly organize training and competitions.

The year-round folk games have become the core of revitalizing this football hotspot. In the past two years, Shanghai Sports Bureau has promoted rugby to the highest level of Shanghai amateur league-league events. The rugby amateur league, which is created by the Football Association, includes four categories: equipment, flag, English and touch. Only the flag football events are subdivided into: U6U8U10U12U14U16 college group, open men’s group, open mixed group, open women’s group, inter-school group, etc … Even during the epidemic period, more than 30,000 adults and teenagers participated in the games in Shanghai.

In recent years, the competition system and stage of Shanghai rugby have been further enhanced and enlarged. Shanghai sports management department brought rugby into the city amateur league, and the government set up a platform to promote and popularize rugby with high-quality resources. All kinds of rugby fans with different genders, different ages, different cultural backgrounds and different sports foundations participated in it. As the main body of the competition, the Shanghai Football Association has attracted the "assist" of the NFL, the top professional sports league, with its authoritative and professional style of running the competition, which can be said to be the joint efforts of many parties to jointly nurture the "soil".

Colleges and universities are the springboard, and competitions are the starting point.

There are less than five years before the Los Angeles Olympic Games. If Shanghai, as a major rugby town, is the axis, then the national colleges and universities are undoubtedly the most suitable platforms and springboard for the future national flag rugby team to excavate, cultivate and select talents.

It is understood that as early as 2008, the NFL began to organize university flag rugby league in Beishangguang, and nearly 40 universities including Tsinghua, Fudan and Guangzhou University participated at that time. Nowadays, flag football is still one of the most popular sports for college students. In Shanghai alone, at present, more than 10 colleges and universities have their own flag football teams, and most of them form teams by recruiting new students, training regularly and selecting the best-the flag football team of Shanghai Sport University, one of the teams participating in the day, was selected from the community in the school, which has more than 200 members in total, one fifth of whom are girls; University of Shanghai for Science and Technology is the earliest university in Shanghai to develop the flag football project. Its team has a complete training system: it is equipped with professional coaches, and the players train for about three hours three times a week, including physical fitness, tactics and other special trainings, as well as mock matches.

Tailor-made events for college students are one of the most effective ways to attract more students to "embrace" the flag football. According to reports, this "Yundong Yangpu Show Out" college league series invited eight college flag football teams from Shanghai to participate for the first time, namely Fudan University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Electric Power University, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai Universities of Applied Sciences and Shanghai Sport University. Members of these college flag football teams have a "big stage" to show themselves and their teams, compete on the field and communicate off the field, and everyone’s enthusiasm is naturally more and more sufficient. It is also more suitable for universities to support such an event: Shanghai Sport University, the venue of this event, has given strong support-the trophy of the event is called "Green Tile Bowl", which originated from the Green Tile Building in Shangti University. From 1956 to today, this building has witnessed the inheritance and competition of generations of upper body people. As the earliest sports institution of higher learning established in New China, Shanghai Sport University has a profound cultural heritage, and takes it as its mission to serve the sports power and rejuvenate the country through science and education. Holding the competition here will further promote the development of "integration of sports and education" in regional universities. The "Shanghai Olive Association" also hopes that the tradition of "Green Tile Bowl" can be established and continuously developed into a cross-regional event, which will affect the Yangtze River Delta region.

"Our vision is that,Make full use of Shanghai’s unique rugby soilTaking colleges and universities as a springboard, we selected talented and enthusiastic young players who trained together for a long time, participated in high-quality competitions, even went abroad for higher-level guidance, and learned from international excellent teams, and finally became a truly competitive elite team of flag football. "Ding Ye said.

For China flag football, which has been bred among the people for many years and has a certain foundation, now that it has a real goal, it’s time to speed it up!

Text: Yao Qinyi

Source: Shangguan News
