Lang Ping returned to his alma mater to reminisce about his student days, and the "iron hammer" kicked off the volleyball teenager in Chaoyang District.

On the afternoon of June 12th, Beijing Chen Jinglun Middle School was very lively. Lang Ping, an outstanding alumnus of the school, returned to her alma mater and recalled her unforgettable school days with her primary school brothers and sisters. On the same day, the special office of "Olympic Games Chaoyang" volleyball campus was unveiled, and the volleyball league of "Lang Ping Class" and "Lang Ping Cup" of Chen Jinglun Middle School was announced.
"Chaoyang cannon" became attached to volleyball at school.
For the children of Chen Jinglun Middle School, today is definitely a memorable day, because Lang Ping, as their senior, will return to his alma mater, which makes the children extremely excited. They ask each other, "Has the senior arrived?" "Will Director Lang come to see us play volleyball?" The children discussed excitedly, and they also prepared flowers and songs to welcome Lang Ping. At two o’clock in the afternoon, Lang Ping walked to the school auditorium amid the cheers of teachers and students. There were warm cheers on campus, and Lang Ping waved to the children and teachers happily.
Lang Ping returned to his alma mater and was warmly welcomed by teachers and students of Chen Jinglun Middle School. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo
Lang Ping, who returned to her alma mater, was very relaxed, and it was hard to hide her excitement when she recalled the story with her alma mater. She said, "I am very excited and excited to return to my alma mater today. I am proud of my alma mater, and this is where my dream began. I am here to thank my physical education teacher and thank Teacher Meng. "
As a teenager, Lang Ping was a junior high school student in Chaoyang Middle School (predecessor of Chen Jinglun Middle School). She recalled: "My home is very close to school, and I am very excited to go to school every day, because every classmate will run and play basketball on the playground during recess. I am particularly looking forward to joining the school sports team. " At first, Lang Ping practiced track and field events, but because she was too thin, the teacher suggested that she practice basketball. When she arrived at the basketball team, the teacher still thought she was too thin and suggested that she try playing volleyball. Lang Ping said: "In this way, I went to Mr. Meng, who introduced me to the rules of volleyball and other knowledge. Teacher Meng said that you can bounce well and you don’t need to collide in the volleyball match, so it doesn’t matter if you are thin. You can also play volleyball if you are thin. " In this way, Lang Ping had an indissoluble bond with volleyball at school.
Later, Lang Ping participated in the volleyball competition in Chaoyang District on behalf of Chaoyang Middle School at that time, and gradually became famous. People gave him the nickname "Chaoyang Cannon". Speaking of this nickname full of power, the children who listened attentively to Lang Ping’s sharing laughed, and Lang Ping himself couldn’t help laughing.
In today’s activity, the school also invited Lang Ping’s class teacher and classmates at that time. At that time, the head teacher was already white-haired. Lang Ping took a few quick steps and stepped forward to hold the teacher’s hand tightly.
Lang Ping and his classmates from his alma mater took selfies. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo
Ma Yuhong, another teacher in Lang Ping, recalled how hard Lang Ping was when she was a student. She said, "Lang Ping went to school before self-study in the morning. Every day, she practiced serving in front of the east wall of the big playground." The student who loves volleyball left a deep impression on Ma Yuhong. She thinks that the child doesn’t know pain and fatigue when practicing. "Before self-study in the morning and after two classes in the afternoon, Lang Ping must have run to the playground and practiced the ball, so that his pants were covered with dirt."
When Lang Ping was a student, she not only loved sports, but also studied subjects. Ma Yuhong recalled: "I remember Lang Ping’s handwriting was very good, and later I knew that she was practicing her own handwriting. Moreover, she always learns "Xu Guozhang English" after class, and her classmate Liu Wei also recalls that Lang Ping knew what she would do in the future, and then she studied English so seriously. " In Ma Yuhong’s impression, Lang Ping has always been a student with a clear goal, and he will persist in doing it after identifying the goal.
Schoolmates face to face with Olympic champions
When Lang Ping returned to his alma mater, the students naturally would not miss the opportunity of face-to-face communication with the Olympic champion, and everyone threw questions at Lang Ping. A junior one boy is learning to play volleyball. He is curious about which technical link is the most important in the competition. Lang Ping said that every technical link in volleyball, including cushion, passing, defense, serving, spiking and blocking, is very important. "I feel very lucky, because I am the main attack, and everyone is watching my final decision. But in front of me, teammates are padding the ball and passing the ball … So volleyball is a project that emphasizes teamwork very much, and any technical link is very important. " Lang Ping told this little classmate that she thinks the most important thing is to actively and enthusiastically participate in sports, because in sports, she can enhance deeper friendship and stronger team spirit with her teammates, which is the most enjoyable.
A student presented a gift to Lang Ping. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo
Some students asked how to overcome setbacks in physical training. Is there a trick? Lang Ping shared that taking part in all physical exercises or other studies will definitely not be smooth sailing. "I didn’t know when I played ball that I would go to the national team and be able to play in the Olympic Games. So it doesn’t matter if I fail. I’ll come again next time. With this encouragement to yourself, this road will be very happy, and every progress and growth can be realized. "
Today, the first "Lang Ping Cup" volleyball league of Chen Jinglun Middle School kicked off, and Lang Ping kicked off the ball for the young players at the scene. On the court, the children serve, save the ball, pass the ball, smash it … and play it like a model.
At today’s event, Chen Jinglun Middle School awarded Lang Ping the certificate of "Outstanding Alumni" and the Lang Ping Alumni Hand Model Admission Certificate. At the same time, the school set up "Lang Ping Class" and awarded "Lang Ping Class".
"Double Olympic Chaoyang" will train more outstanding volleyball reserve talents.
Today, Chaoyang District Education System "Special Office for Key Sports (Volleyball)" was listed in Chen Jinglun Middle School. Yang Beibei, deputy head of Chaoyang District, said in his speech that as early as 2015, Chaoyang District had taken the lead in setting up a volleyball management center and volleyball association in Beijing. The listing of the "Special Office for Key Sports (Volleyball)" in Chaoyang District’s education system is a concrete measure to implement the special action of "Olympic Games in Chaoyang", which will further promote the vigorous development of volleyball in Chaoyang and cultivate more outstanding volleyball reserve talents.
Chen Jinglun Middle School set up "Lang Ping Class". Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo
Yang Beibei said in his speech that he especially supported Chen Jinglun Middle School to set up "Lang Ping Class" and "Lang Ping Cup Volleyball League". In the new journey of running a school in the second century, he vigorously promoted patriotism and the spirit of women’s volleyball, so that the spirit of "motherland first, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle and never give up" took root and developed in Chen Jinglun Middle School.
Beijing News reporter Wu Tingting
Editor Chen Jing proofreads Jia Ning.

Beijing Morning News:

  Focus on special reports

  Who Encountered Employment Discrimination (I)

  A new round of job-hunting war for graduates in 2007 has begun. According to a survey, in recent years, over 70% of job seekers have encountered employment discrimination. Among the complaints of many job seekers, these topics about employment discrimination have also become hot spots in media reports. A few days ago, the reporter visited some job fairs, collected the most common types of discrimination "samples" in the current job market, and explored the reasons with the parties and the personnel responsible for recruitment in related enterprises.

  Mainstream discrimination

  ? Sexism "The position of female employees will be healthy with children"

  Xiao He is a senior girl in a university in Beijing. Since October last year, she has been running around all kinds of job fairs and experienced all kinds of hardships in the process of job hunting. "Many units clearly say that they only want boys," Xiao He said angrily. "I don’t understand why many units don’t consider girls when recruiting clerks. Some government agencies actually claim that recruiting civil servants is limited to men."

  In fact, more units do not put gender requirements on the bright side, but push girls out first in the process of eliminating competitors. Even women who are already employed are still "restricted". Ms. Lin is the manager of an advertising company in Beijing. Not long ago, she just went to work after taking maternity leave, and the unit informed her that she had been demoted to ordinary employees.

  Explanations of the recruiting unit:

  Enterprises with many female employees have high costs.

  Regarding the standard of "male priority", the manager of the human resources department of a private enterprise explained it this way: "For our small enterprises, it will take two or three years to recruit a female employee, and she will have to take maternity leave and dismiss her, which violates the Labor Law; Keep it, it is also a big burden for enterprises, and employers have to provide wages according to law. In addition, female employees with children will definitely invest more energy than male employees in taking care of children and families. From the perspective of enterprise management, especially enterprise efficiency, enterprises with more female employees will pay more than those with more male employees. The cost is high, so now we simply don’t recruit women. "

  Response of the parties:

  Enterprises are evading the Labor Law.

  Ms. Lin believes that she just went to work, and the unit downgraded herself without evaluating her work. This is simply subjective judgment, and it is also a disguised form of forcing female employees on maternity leave to resign. "This not only dismissed female employees, but also did not violate the Labor Law. If women want to have children, enterprises will reject women, so who will bear the responsibility of human reproduction? "

  Age discriminates against the 35-year-old "retirement" with China characteristics.

  Mr. Wu, 48 years old, came back from the United States to visit relatives during Christmas, and accidentally found that domestic job advertisements all required: men under 35 years old and women under 26 years old … He was shocked: at my age, I couldn’t find a job when I returned to China. As a system engineer, he just jumped from a computer company to an electrical appliance manufacturer in the United States.

  The reporter found that limiting the age requirement of recruits to under 35 is a key requirement that can be seen in almost all job fairs or job advertisements. When I opened a recruitment magazine in December last year, in the 12th edition of Job Search World, among only 27 job advertisements, seven words "under 35 years old", one "under 40 years old", one "under 30 years old" and two "under 25 years old" appeared. The seven "under 35 years old" positions are refrigeration equipment salesman, driver, builder, accountant, cashier and foreign trade merchandiser.

  Explanations of the recruiting unit:

  Young people are willing to do a good job.

  Companies that recruit foreign trade merchandisers say that foreign trade work is hard, and I’m afraid it’s difficult to be competent over middle age. Companies that recruit salesmen think that salesmen often need to travel, and younger ones may be more suitable. An electronics company that recruits an expatriate assistant under the age of 25 said that the local manager is not old enough to find a young assistant.

  Response of the parties:

  Young people are in good health and low cost.

  Mr. Wu believes that the real reason is that young workers are obedient and have better physical strength, and it is not easy to get sick after working overtime for a long time, saving costs for the unit. "Although it is a market economy now, old-age medical care is a social co-ordination. If employees are not sick, the unit does not need to continue to pay wages during their illness."

  Health discrimination liver disease has evolved into a "social disease"

  Mr. Yang graduated from a university majoring in civil engineering in 2005. On December 27, 2004, on the eve of graduation, he signed an employment agreement for college graduates with an electrification survey and design institute in Tianjin and the university. On July 10, 2005, Yang and several classmates reported to the unit as scheduled. On August 3, when he participated in the unified physical examination of the unit, he was found to be carrying hepatitis B virus (hepatitis B small sanyang).

  Subsequently, Yang was arranged to go to Tianjin Infectious Disease Hospital for reexamination. The results showed that his index was less than 1000, which was normal and his liver function was normal. However, the design institute still refused to sign a labor contract with Yang on the grounds of the result of hepatitis B, unilaterally dissolved the employment agreement signed by the three parties and returned Yang’s personnel file to the school. At present, Mr. Yang has taken this design and research institute to court.

  Explanations of the recruiting unit:

  It is not illegal for state-owned enterprises to refuse "person B"

  Ms. Wang, the head of the human resources department of the Design and Research Institute, told reporters that the unit is a state-owned enterprise, and the nature of work determines that it is often necessary to travel collectively, eat and live together, and other employees are very disgusted with infectious patients such as hepatitis B. Therefore, the unit stated in the agreement signed with the graduates that if the medical examination encounters a serious illness that is not suitable for the nature of the work, the graduates will be returned. Even if Mr. Yang is only a carrier of hepatitis B virus, the staff of the institute is not a national civil servant, and the dissolution of the agreement does not violate state regulations.

  Response of the parties:

  Who gives 120 million "B" a job?

  In response to the explanation of the recruiting unit, Mr. Yang consulted legal experts and learned that people infected with hepatitis B virus who are not contagious can be employed. According to the National Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Control Program, hepatitis B virus carriers can work as usual, except that they can’t donate blood and work as direct food and nurses. The phenomenon of hepatitis B discrimination is in violation of China’s Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. "At present, there are as many as 120 million hepatitis B virus carriers in China, that is to say, one in every 10 people. Can’t so many people give jobs?"

Height and appearance discriminate against girls, and they are ridiculed as "Jingba"

  Liu, a master of finance in a famous university, is 1.60 meters tall. Although he is excellent in character and scholarship, his height has become a threshold that he can’t cross when applying for a job. His job intention is to go to the bank. After handing in his resume, the other party showed great interest in him. But when the appointment is made, the other party will not be happy when he sees his height. Often, after a few minutes of talking, the other party bluntly said: the unit has requirements that the height of men should not be less than 1.70 meters, otherwise the unit will not accept it.

  Miss Guo, who studies history, has not found an ideal job since she graduated from college last year. The reason is that many employers think that her skin color is dark and her appearance does not meet the standards of employment. "A company wanted to hire me as a secretary, but there was no news after the interview. Afterwards, other students told me that the boss actually laughed at me in front of many people for my big eyes and flat nose, and I looked like’ Jingba’. "

  Explanations of the recruiting unit:

  Ugly people have to row back when they are logistics.

  The person in charge of the personnel department of a casual wear franchise company who has certain requirements on appearance said: Our service industry needs to face customers, so the appearance of employees is not required to be particularly beautiful, at least it should be pleasing to the eye. For applicants with obvious defects in appearance, we will basically eliminate them when they submit their resumes. We don’t discriminate against them just because they don’t meet the requirements of the company. If you want to recruit warehouse keepers, drivers, logistics, etc., you can still consider it, but only if there are no better candidates than them.

  Response of the parties:

  A master’s degree is not as tall as a man.

  After repeatedly hitting the wall, Liu told reporters helplessly: "The height is given by my parents, and I have no ability to change it? Besides, I got my master’s degree through hard work, but can’t I change the influence of my height? Moreover, bank work is not playing basketball. Why are there strict requirements for height? "

  Nonmainstream discrimination

  Zodiac name discrimination

  The waiter’s surname is "compensation" for business.

  Xiao Wang, a graduate student from the School of Finance and Economics of the National People’s Congress who is about to graduate, just applied for a job in a private enterprise. Although he did well in rough selection, written examination and interview, he did not receive the employment notice. My sister, who also works in this company, told Xiao Wang that the boss was very satisfied with her work ability, interview performance and improvisation. The only dissatisfaction was her "Zodiac". "The boss said that you are a chicken and he is a rabbit, and the Zodiac is offensive."

  Liu Meng, 35, is an old driver with more than ten years’ driving experience. At the end of October, 2006, he went to an enterprise to apply for the position of driver. At that time, Liu Meng, who had advantages in work experience and driving skills, was defeated. The recruiter of the company said that according to the investigation, drivers named "Chong" and "Meng" are impatient and prone to accidents while driving, so the company decided not to hire him.

  In the interview, the reporter learned that in addition to not hiring drivers with the words "Chong" and "Meng" in their names, some businesses are also reluctant to hire waiters with the words "Huang", "Pei" and "Guang" in their names, thinking that such names will affect business.

  Regional discrimination

  "Northeasters are impulsive and love to make trouble"

  Referring to the "discrimination" encountered in the application, Xiao Lu, a student of Beijing University of Technology who is about to graduate, was angry. Once he applied for a semi-research organization, the recruiter asked him about his major and academic performance with great interest at first, but as soon as he heard his answer in the newspaper "Born in Henan", he immediately said, "Oh, Henan people." Then he ended the question and told him to go back and wait for the notice, but there was no news.

  On December 16th, 2006, the reporter found that some units wrote "No Northeastern" in black and white on the recruitment booth. When asked by the reporter, the staff said without looking up, "We feel that Northeasters are impulsive and love to make trouble, so they are not prepared to take it." There is even a unit that simply declares that it doesn’t want Beijingers. The reason is that Beijingers are too lazy and have the legacy of the Eight Banners, and they always exaggerate.

  Alcohol discrimination

  "A meal can’t be less than half a catty of white wine"

  Pony, a marketing major at Beijing Technology and Business University, suffered a "drinking discrimination". Last month, he went to apply for a salesperson with two classmates. After the recruiter asked a simple personal situation, he asked them, "Can you drink?" How about the amount of alcohol? " As soon as he heard that Pony couldn’t drink, he was asked to go back first, leaving two students who claimed to be "good drinkers" to see the boss.

  In the interview, the reporter found that in fact, when many units recruit male employees, the amount of alcohol consumption has become the standard for leaders to judge whether employees are "real". Pony learned from the two classmates afterwards that the boss believed that it was essential for sales people to drink alcohol, so as to mingle with customers at the dinner table. "Not only can you drink, but you can also drink at least half a catty of white wine at a meal. It is best to put others down and be fine."

  Academic discrimination

  Check the "three generations" of doctoral degrees in prestigious schools

  Xiao Zhang, a Ph.D. student in Peking University, went to a university in Jilin Province to apply for a job. At first, the university was very interested in him. After several contacts, I gradually found out the bottom of Xiao Zhang. When I checked his original education, I found that this doctoral graduate was not a prestigious school when he was an undergraduate, so I turned him away. "I didn’t expect to check the’ three generations’ for academic qualifications!" Xiao Zhang was so angry that he even called it "absurd".

  According to the reporter’s understanding, many units will adopt this method of "checking three generations" when interviewing doctoral and master graduates to trace their undergraduate degrees. Once the undergraduate university does not enter the "211" project, no matter whether you are a master or a doctor, even people with diplomas will be discounted. Some employers believe that there are too many college graduates now, so it is natural for them to "choose the best among the best".

  News link

  Employment discrimination case

  Promote the anti-discrimination process

  The first case of hepatitis B in China

  In June, 2003, Zhang Xianzhu, a native of Wuhu, Anhui Province, signed up for the Anhui Provincial Civil Service Examination in Wuhu Personnel Bureau. After written examination and interview, his comprehensive score ranked first among the 30 candidates who applied for the position, and he entered the medical examination procedure according to the regulations. On September 17, 2003, the physical examination report showed that he was a patient with hepatitis B, and Zhang Xianzhu was not admitted because the medical examination conclusion was unqualified. On November 10, 2003, Zhang Xianzhu filed an administrative lawsuit with the court on the grounds that the defendant Wuhu Personnel Bureau deprived him of his qualification as a national civil servant and violated his legal rights. Wuhu Xinwu District People’s Court ruled in the first instance that the defendant Wuhu Personnel Bureau made a specific administrative act in the process of recruiting Anhui national civil servants in 2003, that is, the main evidence for canceling the plaintiff Zhang Xianzhu’s qualification to enter the assessment procedure was insufficient, and the legal costs of 100 yuan were borne by the defendant. However, the court also held that the recruitment of civil servants last year had ended, and the position that the plaintiff applied for had been replaced by others. Therefore, the plaintiff’s request to be hired to the corresponding position was not supported.

  Comments: This case has aroused social concern about the employment of 120 million hepatitis B patients nationwide. Subsequently, Guangdong, Sichuan, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang successively abolished the restrictive regulation that "HBV carriers cannot become civil servants" in the recruitment of civil servants. In 2005, the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Health announced the formal implementation of "General Standards for Civil Servants’ Employment and Physical Examination (Trial)", which clearly stipulated for the first time that "HBV carriers can become civil servants".

  The first case of constitutional equality in China

  On January 7, 2002, Sichuan UniversityKevin Jiang, a 1998 student of the Law School, sued the Chengdu Branch of the People’s Bank of China on the grounds that the bank’s recruitment restrictions on height violated the constitutional provision that "all citizens in People’s Republic of China (PRC) are equal before the law" and violated its qualification for holding public office in state organs. This case is called "the first case of constitutional equality in China". On May 21, 2002, the Wuhou District People’s Court of Chengdu made a first-instance judgment on the case of "Kevin Jiang v. Administrative Litigation of Recruiting Clerk of Chengdu Branch of the People’s Bank of China", and ruled that the plaintiff Kevin Jiang’s lawsuit was rejected. After the judgment of the first instance, the plaintiff Kevin Jiang did not appeal.

  Comments: This case is the first time that the applicant has put the issue of discrimination in the recruitment process of state organs before the Chinese people. The principle of "People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens are equal before the law" in the Constitution has aroused widespread social concern and made more people realize that it is necessary to rely on the law to carry out anti-employment discrimination.

  Morning News reporter Zhao Wangyue

  -This edition of the article Morning News reporter Maddox Zhao Wangyue

On the 19th, Dongge Town, Wenchang will hold a volleyball match. These teams have their own characteristics →

Original title: A volleyball match will be held in Dongge Town, Wenchang on the 19th. These team names have their own characteristics →

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 18 news (Reporter Wu Yuewen) During the Spring Festival, in 2024, the "Spring 99 Cup" Hainan (Wenchang) Village Volleyball Spring Festival was staged wonderfully, attracting many citizens and tourists to the scene to watch. In order to enrich the cultural life of the masses and create a good atmosphere for national fitness, on February 19th, the "Anti-drug Cup" nine-a-side men’s volleyball tournament in Dongge Town, Wenchang City will be held in the volleyball court of Xiafu School in Dongge Town and the volleyball court of Dongge Town Government.

Data Map: "See you again at the stadium" 2023 Dongge Town Township Volleyball Invitational Tournament in Wenchang City.

The reporter learned that the competition was jointly organized by the village neighborhood committees of Dongge Town and the relevant departments and units of the town. There were 17 teams including Dongge Juxizai Rice Team, Liangfeng Shrimp Team, Baofang Village Wenchang Chicken Team, Qunjian Sandworm Team, Fengshan Village Passion Fruit Team, Xiafu Black Goat Team and Tianlun Tilapia Team. These team names are very distinctive, highlighting the famous "specialties" in Dongge Town, Wenchang City.

Data Map: "See you again at the stadium" 2023 Dongge Town Township Volleyball Invitational Tournament in Wenchang City.

Data Map: "See you again at the stadium" 2023 Dongge Town Township Volleyball Invitational Tournament in Wenchang City.

The 9-a-side volleyball tournament will be held at 9: 00 am on February 19th at Dongge Town Government Volleyball Field. It is expected that the champion and runner-up will be decided at 10: 00 that night. Subsequently, an award ceremony was held, in which the first prize was 5880 yuan, the second prize was 4880 yuan, the third prize was 4880 yuan, and the third prize was 3880 yuan.

(Wu Yuewen)

New Year’s Eve train tickets are opened today, and the national train operation map will be adjusted next Monday.

  Zhongxin Jingwei Client December 26th (Seimi Zhang) Looking forward to, looking forward to, the day of grabbing New Year’s Eve tickets has finally arrived. According to the regulation that the Internet and telephone booking of railway Spring Festival travel rush train tickets will be sold 30 days in advance, starting from today (26th), passengers can purchase train tickets for 2020 New Year’s Eve through the 12306 website and the "Railway 12306”APP.

Data map. Zhongxin Jingwei Seimi Zhang photo

  New Year’s Eve train tickets are on sale today.

  According to the Spring Festival holiday arrangement of the General Office of the State Council, the holiday will be suspended from January 24th (New Year’s Eve) to 30th (Sixth Day) in 2020. According to the regulation that the railway Spring Festival travel rush train tickets will be sold 30 days in advance by Internet and telephone booking, starting from today (26th), passengers can purchase the 2020 New Year’s Eve train tickets through the 12306 website and the "Railway 12306”APP.

  On the 13th day of ticket sales in Spring Festival travel rush (December 24th), the national railways sold a total of 15.773 million tickets, and the number of tickets sold for two consecutive days exceeded 15 million. The Zhongxin Jingwei client combed and found that as of December 24, the national railways sold a total of 173 million tickets.

  Li Wenxin, deputy general manager of the State Railway Group, said at the 2020 National Spring Festival travel rush Video Conference on December 25th that on the basis of steadily promoting the pilot of e-tickets in the early stage, in 2020, Spring Festival travel rush will fully promote e-tickets on high-speed rail trunk lines and intercity railways, so that passengers can travel on high-speed rail without taking tickets.

  In addition, since December 12, 2019, the online ticketing time of train tickets has been extended from 6:00-23:00 to 6:00-23:30. During this period, passengers can purchase tickets, change tickets, refund tickets, and wait for orders online.

  Some air tickets are cheaper than high-speed rail.

  If you have money and no money, you don’t have to worry about going home for the New Year. It is also a good choice to fly home.

Screenshot of some flights from Beijing to Shanghai. Source: Flying Pig APP

  On the day of New Year’s Eve (January 24th), the railway "12306”APP showed that the price range of the second-class seat of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail was 553-558 yuan, and the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client discovered through the third-party ticketing platform that Beijing — The economy class price of many flights in Shanghai ranges from 300 to 400 yuan. Among them, the economy class price of flight HU7603 of HNA is only 285 yuan, which is nearly half cheaper than the second-class high-speed rail ticket of 553 yuan.

Screenshot of some flights and high-speed rail prices from Beijing to Qingdao. Source: Flying Pig APP

  The second-class seat price range of Beijing-Qingdao high-speed rail is 314-336 yuan, and the economy class ticket price of maiden flight JD5379 is 148 yuan, which is more than half cheaper than the second-class seat price of high-speed rail. The economy class ticket price of Air China flight CA1525 is 180 yuan, which is nearly 50% cheaper than the second class ticket price of high-speed rail.

Data map: Harmony train. Zhongxin Jingwei Xiong Jiali photo

  From 0: 00 on December 30th, the national railway will implement a new train diagram.

  From 0: 00 on December 30, 2019, the national railway will implement a new train operation map. This map adjustment has adjusted some train trips, which will further enhance the railway transportation capacity during Spring Festival travel rush to meet different needs.

  Xi ‘an will start high-speed EMU trains in Xiamen, Datong, Lianyungang and Anqing for the first time. For the first time, two pairs of high-speed trains to Taiyuan were opened in Hefei, and the fastest journey time from Hefei to Taiyuan was 6 hours and 05 minutes. Shenyang Railway is the first high-speed train from Shenyang to Yancheng, Rongcheng and Jilin to Shanghai. Hangzhou East to Chengdu East, Hangzhou East to Xinxiang East, Hangzhou East to Luoyang Longmen, Hangzhou East to Bozhou South opened the first direct high-speed rail.

  In order to meet the needs of large passenger flow capacity in the Yangtze River Delta and North China, six pairs of high-speed trains going to North China via Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway were added. They are Shanghai-Beijing South G416/5th, Shanghai-Tianjin West G442/1st, Hangzhou East-Tianjin West G446/5th, Ningbo-Beijing South G420/19th, Shanghai Hongqiao-Jinan West G2062/1st, Shanghai Hongqiao-Qingdao North G2066/5th.

  In addition, the running time from Xining to Shanghai has been shortened from 32 hours and 29 minutes to 30 hours and 34 minutes now, with a compression of 1 hour and 55 minutes; The running time from Shanghai to Xining has been shortened from 31 hours and 53 minutes to 28 hours and 29 minutes now, with a compression of 3 hours and 24 minutes. A regular train from Qingdao to Baotou was changed to a direct train, and the adjusted one-way operation time was reduced by at least 1.5 hours.

  After the map adjustment, there are 615 trains stopped at Zhengzhou East Station, which is 126 more than the current map of 489 trains. After the map adjustment, Zhengzhou East Station will increase the number of high-speed trains to Yancheng, Lianyungang, Rizhao West, Huai ‘an, Suqian, Anqing, Ganzhou West and Ruijin, and there will be 124 high-speed trains on the three high-speed railway lines of Zhengzhou-Chongqing, Zhengzhou-Fuzhou and Jinggang, an increase of 40 trains compared with the transition period in the first month of opening.

  The railway department reminds that passengers who plan to travel should pay attention to the 12306 official website and station announcements in time, inquire about the relevant train information, grasp the changes of trains, and make a reasonable ride plan. At the same time, due to the changes in the number and time of some trains after the map adjustment, passengers must carefully check the ticket face information before boarding, so as not to delay the trip.

[Beautiful scenery] The forest is dyed and the autumn colors are gorgeous. Go to the water town to meet the most beautiful autumn scenery in the south of the Yangtze River.

  Autumn always gives people a lonely atmosphere, like a fading picture scroll, pouring out the sadness of parting. The autumn in the Red River Water Town is bright and lush.

  For Yunnan, the circulation of the four seasons seems to be less and less obvious, and perhaps only this yellow fallen leaf can witness the arrival of autumn.

  If you want to chase the red leaf scenery, it is better to feel the street of Honghe water town first. This is autumn in the town, and it will be autumn after a short stay.

  Sometimes I look up at the sky, blue and clear, and my thoughts are infinite. Golden ginkgo, coupled with the blue sky, this transparent sunny and dazzling golden color collides with the unique taste and beauty of autumn.

  Rather critical always thought that autumn could be called when the trees were full of golden colors. In fact, autumn, when a leaf falls slowly, is so complete and silent.

  In the season of osmanthus fragrance, the whole red river water town is soaked in the sweet osmanthus fragrance. In perception, the sense of smell often takes the lead. You haven’t noticed the yellow flowers hidden in the branches. A little wind blows, and the faint fragrance first finds the sense of existence.

  Even the clean streets are stained with osmanthus fragrans, which is unique in autumn, and it looks unique. A sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance makes people stay for a long time. The scenery of the street and the mood of the season are all frozen at this moment in the town.

  In autumn, there are not only fragrant osmanthus, but also red maple. A maple leaf, from light green to orange red, only feels that autumn has arrived in the world, and I don’t know how much wind and rain are swaying. Brilliant as a flower, flaming like a sunset, like fireworks of life, burning in the branches of late autumn.

  Walking in such a small town, the traffic between buildings is nothing to do with me at the moment. Enjoy the warmth of sunshine and the quietness of time. I would like to have a cup of good tea and enjoy autumn scenery in this season.

  Red River water town with abundant autumn colors.

  So beautiful

  If you happen to be there.


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  Copyright statement: If copyright issues are involved, please contact this website with the ownership certificate.

Source: Honghe Tourism

The two universities issued a judicial interpretation: the crime of cheating in exams can be severely punished for up to 7 years.

Cctv newsYesterday (3rd), the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate jointly issued the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases such as Organizing Cheating in Examinations, which severely punished cheating in four categories of "national examinations prescribed by law", such as college entrance examination, postgraduate examination and judicial examination.

According to the criminal law, the crime of cheating in organizing exams, illegally selling, providing test questions and answers, and the crime of replacing exams are applicable to "national exams prescribed by law". Explain that the first article mainly clarifies which exams belong to the "national exams prescribed by law".

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office.Article 1 of the Interpretation stipulates that "the national examination prescribed by law" refers to the examination prescribed by laws formulated by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee.

It is clear that cheating in four types of exams, such as college entrance examination, is a crime.

This explanation makes it clear that the following examinations belong to the "national examinations prescribed by law": (1) national education examinations such as the entrance examination for ordinary colleges and universities, the entrance examination for graduate students, the self-study examination for higher education, and the entrance examination for adult colleges and universities; (2) central and local civil service recruitment examinations; (3) National unified legal professional qualification examination, national teacher qualification examination, national unified examination for certified public accountants, accounting professional and technical qualification examination, asset appraiser qualification examination, doctor qualification examination, licensed pharmacist professional qualification examination, registered architect examination, construction engineer qualification examination and other professional and technical qualification examinations; (4) other national examinations organized by the central or local competent departments and industries according to law.

On this basis, the third paragraph of Article 1 of the Interpretation further stipulates that the special types of enrollment, special skills tests, interviews and other examinations involved in the above-mentioned examinations belong to the "national examinations prescribed by law".

Criminal Law: The punishment for cheating is heavier if the circumstances are serious.

According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, whoever organizes cheating or provides cheating equipment or other help for others to commit the crime of organizing cheating in the national examination prescribed by law constitutes the crime of organizing cheating in the examination, and is sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, with a fine or a single fine; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.

So which behaviors are serious? The judicial interpretation released yesterday also specifically clarified the serious circumstances.

The explanation is clear. The college entrance examination, postgraduate entrance examination and civil servant recruitment examination have high social concern, great influence and wide coverage. The direct stipulation of organizing cheating in these three types of exams is "serious circumstances".

Explain that it is clearly defined as "serious circumstances" that the exam is postponed, cancelled or enabled due to cheating. According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, some cheating cases are committed by exam staff, especially in cheating cases before the exam, the "shadow" of "inside ghosts" can often be seen, and the actor illegally obtains exam questions and answers by bribing a specific person to know before the exam, and then organizes cheating in the exam.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Examination staff violate their responsibilities to organize cheating in exams, which is more subjective and vicious, so the Interpretation defines it as "serious circumstances". Organizing candidates to cheat across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government is very harmful, so the Interpretation defines it as "serious circumstances".

The Interpretation defines cheating in exams for many times, cheating for more than 30 times, and providing more than 50 pieces of cheating equipment as "serious circumstances". According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, according to the different exams involved, the amount of illegal income from organizing cheating in exams or providing cheating equipment varies greatly.

Based on the consideration of severely punishing the crime of cheating in organizing exams, the Interpretation defines the illegal income of more than 300,000 yuan as "serious circumstances".

What equipment belongs to "cheating equipment"

According to the criminal law, the crime of cheating in organizing exams involves providing cheating equipment for others to commit the crime of cheating in organizing exams. So how to identify "cheating equipment"? Let’s see how it is stipulated in the Judicial Interpretation.

The judicial interpretation stipulates: "The programs and tools with the functions of avoiding or breaking through the safety management measures to prevent cheating in the examination room, obtaining, recording, transmitting, receiving and storing examination questions and answers, and the programs and tools specially designed for cheating shall be recognized as the second paragraph of Article 284-1 of the Criminal Law ‘ Cheating equipment ’ 。”

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:According to this, button-type digital cameras and glasses-type close-up devices that can send and receive examination questions and answers by disguising themselves to avoid examination in the examination room can all be regarded as "cheating equipment".

On this basis, in order to unify the identification procedure of cheating equipment, the second paragraph of Article 3 of the Interpretation further stipulates: "Whether it belongs to the second paragraph of Article 284-1 of the Criminal Law ‘ Cheating equipment ’ It is difficult to determine, according to the report issued by the public security organ at or above the provincial level or the examination department, combined with other evidence to make a determination; Involving special spy equipment, special equipment for eavesdropping and stealing photos, ‘ Pseudo base station ’ And other equipment, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the identification. "

How to identify the cheating that was investigated before the exam began?

In addition, from a practical point of view, many cases of cheating in organizing exams are investigated before the exam begins. In this case, the purpose of cheating in organizing exams has not been achieved. Should it be regarded as a crime accomplished or attempted? This judicial interpretation has been clarified.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, the constitutive elements of the crime of organizing cheating in exams are organizing cheating and providing cheating equipment or other help for others to commit the crime of organizing cheating in exams. As long as the behavior of organizing cheating in exams has actually seriously endangered the order of exams, it should be regarded as a crime accomplished, and whether the purpose of cheating is realized should not affect the establishment of the crime accomplished.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:In order to unify the application of the law and severely punish the crime of cheating in organizing exams according to law, Article 4 of the Interpretation makes clear the relevant issues. If cheating in the exam is caught before the exam begins, but the exam questions and answers have been illegally obtained or there are other circumstances that seriously disturb the order of the exam, it shall be deemed that the crime of cheating in the organization exam has been completed.

Illegally providing test questions shall be punished for more than three years.

Explain that there are also two statutory penalties for the crime of illegally selling, providing test questions and answers. Among them, if the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and fined.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Article 6 of the Interpretation stipulates: "For the purpose of cheating in exams, illegally selling or providing questions and answers of national exams prescribed by law to others, if the questions are incomplete or the answers are not completely consistent with the standard answers, it will not affect the determination of the crime of illegally selling or providing questions and answers."

Clear rules for dealing with crimes instead of exams.

According to the criminal law, a person who takes the national examination in place of others or lets others take the national examination in place of himself as stipulated by law constitutes the crime of taking the examination instead, and shall be sentenced to criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also or only be fined.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, in order to take into account the differences in the circumstances and circumstances of taking the test, the types of tests involved are different. In order to reflect and implement the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity, and to urge the actors who take the test to repent and turn over a new leaf, if they do show remorse, they can be suspended according to law.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Interpretation specifically stipulates: "If the perpetrator’s crime is minor, he does show remorse, and comprehensively considers the actor’s taking the test and the type of the test, he can declare probation if he thinks that it meets the applicable conditions for probation; If the circumstances of the crime are minor, no prosecution may be instituted or criminal punishment may be exempted; If the circumstances are significant, minor and harmless, they will not be treated as crimes. "

The explanation also clarified the rules for dealing with the crime of cheating in exams other than the national exams prescribed by law.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Explain the provisions of Article 10: "Whoever organizes cheating, provides cheating equipment or other help for others to organize cheating, or illegally sells or provides test questions and answers in other examinations other than the national examinations prescribed by law, which meets the constitutive requirements of crimes such as illegally obtaining state secrets, illegally producing and selling eavesdropping, stealing special equipment, illegally using eavesdropping, stealing special equipment, illegally using information networks, and disturbing the order of radio communication management, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law."

On special New Year’s Eve, angels in white held his ground.

Seven medical staff on duty are eating "imprint" New Year’s Eve correspondent Yan Lingling for the picture.

Blessing cake sent by enthusiastic friends

  On New Year’s Eve, family reunion, having a reunion dinner, saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year are the customs written into China people’s genes.

  However, on this special New Year’s Eve, about 80,000 medical staff in Wuhan are still sticking to their posts, leaving behind the figure of "the most beautiful retrograde". Encourage each other to welcome the new year with patients with new pneumonia, and send the fruit cake that was sent by enthusiastic friends to the family online for the New Year … … Give up reunion with relatives, only because of a common desire — —

  Stick to the battlefield and give more people the strength to overcome the epidemic.

  "I hope to win this war as soon as possible!"

  Medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital spend New Year’s Eve with patients.

  On New Year’s Eve, Changjiang Daily reporter made layers of protection and entered the isolation ward of Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan, and visited doctors, nurses and patients with new pneumonia on the spot for New Year’s Eve.

  At 11: 30, nurse Yang Anli came to the front door of the new pneumonia isolation ward with Spring Festival couplets and lanterns, put the couplets on the door and hung the red lanterns. Yang Anli is a provincial model worker. In 2003, she went to Beijing to fight SARS on behalf of Jinyintan Hospital.

  There are more than 30 patients with new pneumonia diagnosed in the South Third District, and the hospital has prepared an apple for each of them. After the protection, nurse Le Yanling made a victory gesture to the reporter, carried the apples into the ward, and distributed the apples to the patients one by one.

  At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter came to Nansi District. Four nurses put on protective clothing and sent the hot jiaozi to the ward, giving each patient a copy.

  The reporter learned that Jinyintan Hospital is the earliest "four centralized" hospital in our city to deal with the new pneumonia epidemic. The hospital went to work as usual during the Spring Festival. In the first line of the decisive battle against the epidemic, more than 460 medical staff were on duty every day.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Ke Aesthetics correspondent Li Jie Liu Lu)

  Dr. Han Yuan missed the group year video.

  Cake fruit sent from all over the country is "New Year’s Eve".

  "Professor Wang, come and have dinner!" At 5: 20 pm on January 24th, Professor Bing Wang, who rushed to Wuhan from Jingzhou Central Hospital, returned to the department. Cakes and fruits sent from all over the country became his "New Year’s Eve" this year.

  On the morning of 24th, Bing Wang got into intense work, and got off work at 12 noon. In the afternoon, he voluntarily gave up his rest for fear of the unstable condition of his seven patients, and missed the "video" of his family reunion in Jingzhou.

  "In the year of the 3 o’clock group at home, I didn’t receive a video call, and my family sent me a picture." Bing Wang said that his family’s annual meal was very rich, but his annual meal was not bad, which was very special.

  "How about cakes, fruits and dumplings? Not bad!" Bing Wang pointed to boxes of food on the table and said that these were sent by enthusiastic friends from all over the country. The first time I spent the New Year alone in a foreign country, I ate such an annual meal for the first time, but I was able to reunite with the medical staff who fought side by side. Bing Wang felt very warm. "I will finish my work later and video with my family."

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Yang Wei)

  The "video dinner" family of three told each other to be 9 years old and asked their parents to pay attention to safety.

  "Mom, I’m eating New Year’s Eve." "Eating New Year’s Eve, did you say a blessing to your grandparents?" … … At 6: 50 pm on January 24th, Yang Qian returned home after a day’s frontline battle against new pneumonia, and she and her husband Liu Xinghua got through a video call with her son who was in Huangzhou for the New Year.

  Liu Xinghua is a radiologist in Wuhan No.1 Hospital, who is responsible for taking CT images of patients. Yang Qian is a radiologist, who is responsible for registering patients at the window. He needs to contact a large number of patients with fever every day. Because my grandparents in Huangzhou always talk about their grandchildren on the phone, the couple sent their children to Huangzhou as soon as the winter vacation was over on January 6.

  "I didn’t expect that after returning to Han, the number of fever patients increased day by day. We were often busy late at night to go home, and sometimes it took several days to call our son." Liu Xinghua said that his son pays attention to the news of new pneumonia on TV every day and reminds them to pay attention to safety every time he calls.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yu Wei)

  Take off the protective mask from the intensive care unit and eat the "imprint" reunion dinner.

  On January 24th, at 12: 20, the first wave of "reunion dinner" was served at a small table outside the intensive care unit (NCU) of the First Hospital of Wuhan. Seven medical staff on duty just took off their protective masks, leaving a deep impression on their faces. The annual dinner on the table is a box lunch provided by the hospital, with a banana and a box of yogurt for each person.

  At this time, 15 critically ill patients were admitted to NCU, including one suspected new pneumonia patient who received isolation treatment. On the same day, there were 15 medical staff, including Shan Ping, director of the ward, and Sun Chun, head nurse. In the afternoon, the medical staff transferred the suspected patients with new pneumonia to the designated hospital for treatment.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yan Lingling)

  The nurse fought for more than 20 days and didn’t go home. The family had a new year’s meal across the screen.

  On New Year’s Eve, Feng Qiong, the head nurse of the first ward of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Wuhan Sixth Hospital, who has been stationed in the hospital for more than 20 days and has not returned home, still sticks to the front line. "Don’t worry about family matters, it’s all up to me!" At 7 o’clock in the evening, Feng Qiong, who had just finished her work, ate the New Year’s Eve dinner sent by her husband, while taking advantage of this rare gap, she connected with her relatives at home by video phone, and a family of four had a different kind of annual meal through their mobile phones. Feng Qiong, who has been engaged in nursing for 25 years, has successfully completed the medical treatment of flood fighting in 1998, SARS in 2003 and Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. This time, in the fight against the new type of pneumonia, she is still in the forefront, leading a group of "white warriors" in the department to the front line.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Luo Yao)

Guangzhou senior high school entrance examination subject examination implementation plan released sports from 60 points to 70 points

  Guangzhou Daily News (all-media reporter Liu Xiaoxing) Since 2021, Guangzhou has implemented the reform of the enrollment system for high school examinations. The reform of the senior high school entrance examination promoted under the unified deployment of the higher authorities implements a new academic level examination system, a new comprehensive quality evaluation method for students and a new enrollment and admission mechanism. Yesterday, Guangzhou Education Bureau issued the "Implementation Plan of Guangzhou Junior High School Academic Level Examination for Chinese, Mathematics, English Morality, Law, History, Physical Chemistry and other subjects (Trial)", and answered the questions of candidates and parents in detail.

  From 2021 to 2023, the examination for admission and scoring subjects of Guangzhou junior high school academic level examination will be held from June 20 to 22 every year. The admission scoring subject adopts the "4+4" model, and the history exam is added, with a score of 90 points and a sports score of 70 points. The scores of language, mathematics and English were adjusted to 120. The score of morality and rule of law is adjusted to 90. Physical and chemical scores remain unchanged, with 100 points each.

  In terms of test questions, Chinese has added additional questions to encourage students to read more books, and appropriately widen the discrimination of Chinese test questions in a reasonable way. The number of questions in mathematics subjects remains unchanged, and the score of solving questions decreases. The spelling of words in the writing section of English subject is changed to text filling, and the number of questions in some types of questions decreases slightly with the shortening of the examination duration. The 100 points in physics and chemistry include 10 points in experimental operation.

  Focus question and answer: How do schools and students adapt to the new senior high school entrance examination?

  1. What are the admission scoring subjects?

  A: According to the "Implementation Opinions of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on Further Promoting the Reform of the Enrollment System for Senior High School Examinations" (Guangdong Education Examination [2017] No.15), "In addition to the four subjects of Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, physical education and health, at least four subjects of morality and rule of law, history, physics and chemistry should be taken as enrollment subjects for senior high schools, and six subjects should be encouraged to be taken as enrollment subjects for senior high schools." The admission scoring subjects in our city adopt the "4+4" model, that is, eight subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, English (including English listening and speaking), sports and health, morality and rule of law, history, physics and chemistry are taken as admission scoring subjects.

  Compared with the current senior high school entrance examination policy, it has added history subjects, which embodies the basic role of history subjects and strengthens the effective connection with the "3+1+2" model of comprehensive reform of college entrance examination in our province.

  2. Who are the test subjects?

  A: The subjects of the examination are the fresh graduates of junior high schools in our city from 2021 to 2023, and the returning students and former students who applied for ordinary high schools in our city.

  3. How to arrange the exam?

  A: The "Implementation Opinions of Guangzhou Education Bureau on Further Deepening the Reform of the Enrollment System for Senior High School Examinations" (Sui Jiao Gui Zi [2018] No.8) stipulates that the examinations of physics and chemistry, morality and rule of law and history are subject to "no examination papers". The two subjects of the joint examination are arranged to take the examination in turn at the same session, and the examination papers are sent and received separately. The examination papers are sent and received for 15 minutes in the middle of the examination, during which candidates are not allowed to leave the examination room in principle.

  4. What should junior high schools do?

  A: The school should strictly implement the curriculum plan, curriculum standard and curriculum plan, adhere to the principle of "five educations", guide teachers to deeply understand the subject characteristics, knowledge structure and thinking methods, scientifically grasp the students’ cognitive laws, and do a good job in every class.

  Chinese subject should pay special attention to setting situations and putting forward tasks, so that students can learn and use language in practice, help students express themselves in real language communication environment, achieve the combination of learning and application, and develop students’ language ability. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of reading famous books in unified textbooks.

  The number of questions in mathematics is unchanged, the objective questions are unchanged, and the answers are reduced. Based on the curriculum standards, we should make good use of teaching materials, ensure the score of objective questions, attach importance to cultivating students’ mathematical thinking and avoid falling into "routine" training. Pay due attention to the change of the topic orientation of the college entrance examination and the new curriculum standard of senior high school, pay attention to the connection between junior high school and senior high school, and strengthen the application of mathematics.

  English subjects should pay attention to the guidance of students’ correct values in the process of language learning. Consolidate the basic knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, learn discourse knowledge, and develop students’ thinking ability in understanding, interpreting, analyzing, inferring, evaluating and creating texts. Special attention should be paid to increasing high-quality language input in and out of class and strengthening reading training.

  The teaching of ethics and rule of law should be based on the curriculum standards, make good use of the textbooks compiled by the state, and implement the fundamental task of educating people; Structuring the teaching content with the concept of discipline as the core and contextualizing the teaching content with the theme as the guide; Benchmark academic quality evaluation standards, highlight the cultivation of students’ ability to apply what they have learned, and avoid aggravating students’ memory burden because of closed-book exams.

  History discipline should deeply understand the curriculum standards, make good use of unified textbooks, adhere to the correct ideological orientation and value judgment, pay attention to guiding students to deepen their understanding of history on the basis of mastering the basic knowledge of Chinese and foreign history, and improve their historical reading ability and historical thinking ability.

  According to the proposition of curriculum standards, teachers should correctly understand the curriculum standards, make good use of textbooks, make good use of the materials in textbooks, guide students to substitute more physical perspectives in their daily life observation and experience, and be willing to explore the principles of physics in life. Strengthen the cultivation of information acquisition and arrangement, critical thinking, experimental exploration, and expression of physical terms, and implement experimental operation skills in ordinary teaching.

  Chemistry discipline should attach importance to cultivating and maintaining students’ interest in learning chemistry, strengthen the cultivation of basic chemistry concepts and discipline thinking modes, disperse the burden and pressure of chemical language learning, let students enter the laboratory more, and ensure that the basic operations involved in the eight basic experiments stipulated in the curriculum standards pass the test.

  5. What should students do?

  A: Students should conscientiously do well in every class of all subjects. In addition to mastering solid basic knowledge and skills, they should also pay attention to the cultivation of subject thinking and be good at applying the knowledge and methods learned from books to real and complex problem solving. In the study of all subjects, we should strengthen reading and improve the ability of information processing and written expression. Pay attention to social life, current political hotspots and scientific and technological development, and closely combine subject learning with life practice. Take seriously the experimental practice of physics, chemistry and other subjects, use your brains and do more, and improve your scientific inquiry ability.

Heavy! "National unified legal professional qualification examination implementation measures" issued.

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Justice, the "Measures for the Implementation of the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination" was considered and adopted at the ministerial meeting of the Ministry of Justice on April 25, 2018. It is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The full text is as follows: 

Measures for the implementation of the national unified legal professional qualification examination

(Promulgated by DecreeNo. 140th of the Ministry of Justice on April 28, 2018)

Chapter I General Principles

  the first In order to standardize the national unified legal professional qualification examination, these measures are formulated in accordance with the Judges Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Public Prosecutors Law of the People’s Republic of China, Civil Service Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Lawyers Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Notary Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Arbitration Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Administrative Reconsideration Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Administrative Punishment Law of the People’s Republic of China and relevant state regulations.

  the second The national unified legal professional qualification examination is a national examination organized by the state to select qualified legal professionals.

  Newly appointed judges, newly appointed prosecutors, applicants for practicing as lawyers, notaries and legal arbitrators for the first time, and civil servants in administrative organs who are engaged in the examination of administrative punishment decisions, administrative reconsideration, administrative rulings and legal advisers for the first time shall pass the national unified legal professional qualification examination and obtain legal professional qualifications.

  Except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations.

  Article The national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be legal, fair and just.

  Article 4 The Ministry of Justice, together with the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and other relevant departments and units, will form the National Coordinating Committee for Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination, and hold consultations on major issues concerning the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination.

  Article 5 The implementation of the national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be subject to supervision by supervisory organs, secret organs and the society.

Chapter II Examination Organization

  Article 6 The national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be implemented by the Ministry of Justice.

  Article 7 The judicial administrative organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall specify specialized institutions to undertake the examination of the national unified legal professional qualification examination in accordance with relevant regulations.

  The judicial administrative organs at the municipal level divided into districts or districts (counties) of municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, under the supervision and guidance of the judicial administrative organs at higher levels, undertake the examination of the national unified legal professional qualification examination within their respective jurisdictions.

  Article 8 The judicial administrative organ responsible for organizing and implementing the examination and its examination staff shall strictly abide by the provisions of the state secrecy laws and regulations, and strengthen the secrecy management of the national unified legal professional qualification examination.

Chapter III Registration Conditions

  Article 9 Persons who meet the following conditions may sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination:

  (1) Having People’s Republic of China (PRC) nationality;

  (two) support the constitution of People’s Republic of China (PRC), enjoy the right to vote and be elected;

  (3) Having good political and professional qualities and moral conduct;

  (4) Having full capacity for civil conduct;

  (5) Having a bachelor’s degree in law from a full-time ordinary institution of higher learning and obtaining a bachelor’s degree or above; Bachelor degree or above in illegal science in full-time colleges and universities, and obtain master of law, master of law or above; Full-time colleges and universities have bachelor degree or above in illegal courses and obtained corresponding degrees, and have been engaged in legal work for three years.

  Article 10 Under any of the following circumstances, persons may not sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination:

  (1) Having received criminal punishment for intentional crime;

  (2) Having been expelled from public office or having had his lawyer’s practice certificate or notary’s practice certificate revoked;

  (three) the legal professional qualification certificate has been revoked;

  (four) being given two years not to sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination (national judicial examination), or being given life not to sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination (national judicial examination);

  (five) because of serious dishonesty, the relevant state units identified as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty and included in the national credit information sharing platform;

  (6) Being banned from engaging in legal professional treatment for life due to other circumstances.

  If a person under any of the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph has gone through the registration formalities, the registration is invalid; Those who have already taken the exam will have invalid test results.

Chapter IV Contents and Methods of Examination

  Article 11 The specific examination time and related arrangements of the national unified legal professional qualification examination will be announced to the public three months before the examination is held.

  Article 12 The national unified legal professional qualification examination implements the national unified proposition.

  The content and proposition scope of the national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be subject to the Outline of the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination published by the Ministry of Justice that year.

  Article 13 The national unified legal professional qualification examination is held once a year, which is divided into two parts: objective examination and subjective examination, and comprehensively examines the political literacy, professional ability and professional ethics that candidates should have in the legal profession.

  Candidates who pass the objective test can take the subjective test, and the objective test is valid in this year and the next test year.

  Article 14 The national unified legal professional qualification examination adopts paper-and-pencil examination or computerized examination.

  Article 15 The national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be marked by the whole country, and the qualified scores shall be determined uniformly. The examination results and qualified scores shall be announced by the Ministry of Justice.

Chapter V Disciplinary Treatment

  Article 16 Candidates who violate the examination discipline shall be given a verbal warning, ordered to leave the examination room and cancel the examination results, confirmed that the examination results of that year are invalid, and shall not sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination within two years according to the relevant provisions, depending on the circumstances and consequences; If it constitutes an intentional crime, it shall be given a lifelong ban on signing up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination.

  Candidates and other relevant personnel who violate the administration of public security shall be dealt with by the public security organs; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated by judicial organs according to law.

  Article 17 Examination staff who violate work discipline shall be punished according to the relevant provisions, depending on the circumstances and consequences; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated by judicial organs according to law.

Chapter VI Qualification Granting and Management

  Article 18 Persons who have passed the national unified legal professional qualification examination and do not have the circumstances specified in the first paragraph of Article 10 of these Measures may apply for granting legal professional qualifications in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and the Ministry of Justice will issue legal professional qualification certificates.

  Article 19 Where a legal professional qualification certificate is obtained by cheating, bribery or other improper means, the Ministry of Justice shall revoke the original decision to grant legal professional qualification and cancel its legal professional qualification certificate.

  Article 20 If a person who has obtained the legal professional qualification violates the Constitution and laws, obstructs judicial justice, violates professional ethics, etc., the judicial administrative organ shall, according to the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Justice, treat him accordingly according to his circumstances and consequences.

  Article 21 The judicial administrative organ shall record the relevant information of the personnel who have obtained the legal professional qualification and the relevant information of the personnel who have dealt with it according to Articles 19 and 20 of these Measures into the national legal professional qualification management system and publish it on the official website of the Ministry of Justice.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

  Article 22 Before the implementation of these measures, graduates with bachelor’s degree or above in law major in institutions of higher learning who have obtained a student status (examination record) or obtained corresponding qualifications, or graduates with bachelor’s degree or above in illegal major in institutions of higher learning and have legal professional knowledge, can sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination.

  Article 23 The implementation of the national unified legal professional qualification examination may, within a certain period of time, appropriately relax the examination candidates in hard, remote and ethnic minority areas in terms of registration academic qualifications and examination qualification standards, and implement separate management of their legal professional qualifications. The specific measures shall be determined by the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination Coordination Committee.

  Organize the national unified legal professional qualification examination in ethnic autonomous areas, and the candidates can use the national language to conduct the examination.

  Article 24 The provisions of these Measures shall apply to China citizens who are permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region and residents of Taiwan Province who take the national unified legal professional qualification examination.

  Article 25 The specific rules for active servicemen to take the national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be formulated separately by the Ministry of Justice in conjunction with the Political and Legal Committee of the Central Military Commission.

  Article 26 Other policies and regulations of the national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be announced in the announcement of the annual national unified legal professional qualification examination after being determined by the national unified legal professional qualification examination coordination Committee.

  Article 27 The Ministry of Justice shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

  Article 28 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

Jiangxi Civil Affairs Planning Finance and Welfare Lottery Finance and Asset Management Training Course was held in Xiamen National Accounting Institute.

  From September 26th to 30th, the training course of Jiangxi Civil Affairs Planning Finance and Welfare Lottery Finance and Asset Management was held in Xiamen National Accounting Institute. Deputy Director Ouyang Haiquan (director level) attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Li Jinxi, vice president of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, attended the opening ceremony. More than 80 people attended the training, including the responsible comrades of the Finance Department of the Department of Planning and Finance, the Provincial Welfare Lottery Center and the financial departments of the departments affiliated to the Department, and the responsible comrades of the civil affairs departments of all districts and cities, Ganjiang New District and counties (cities, districts).

  Ouyang Haiquan put forward four requirements to the financial personnel of the provincial civil affairs planning and welfare lottery system: First, Do not forget your initiative mind, bearing in mind the mission is the basic political follow of the financial personnel of the provincial civil affairs. Second, adhering to the standards and not making false accounts are the basic professional ethics of civil affairs financial personnel in the province. Third, lifelong learning and continuous improvement are the basic literacy pursuits of civil affairs financial personnel in the province. Fourth, cherish opportunities and strictly observe discipline, which are the basic training requirements for civil affairs financial personnel in the province.

  Dr. Lin Zhiyuan, Dr. Chen Yanping and Dr. Liu Yongquan from Xiamen University and Xiamen National Accounting Institute gave authoritative interpretations and practical guidance on budget performance management, internal control construction of administrative institutions, new Government Accounting System and state-owned assets management of administrative institutions.

  The students have said that the wonderful lectures and lively learning exchanges of experts and scholars have enabled everyone to think, learn and succeed, effectively improving the comprehensive quality and professional ability of financial personnel, strengthening the construction of Jiangxi civil affairs talent team, and laying a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of civil affairs and wealth management. In particular, it is of special commemorative significance to hold training courses on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the motherland. The students said that they will promote the construction of great love civil affairs in Jiangxi in the new era with practical actions, paint a new picture of Jiangxi’s reform and development in the new era and make their due contributions to building a prosperous, beautiful, happy and modern Jiangxi.