Unsweetened fruits also have low sugar content? Not necessarily!

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the hot weather is constant, the air is sultry, and people’s appetite is also getting worse. Therefore, cold and juicy fruits, such as watermelon, cantaloupe and peach, have become a "good heart" for many people. Nowadays, people’s health awareness has improved, and they know that some fruits have high sugar content and cannot eat too much. "Sugar" and "sweet" seem to be born together. Many people think that the unsweetened fruit must contain less sugar, and the sweeter fruit must contain more sugar.
Research shows that this is actually a misunderstanding. Whether the sugar content of fruit is high or not is not just as simple as whether it tastes sweet or not. For example, strawberries taste sweeter than pineapples, but the sugar content of strawberries is much lower than that of pineapples; Pitaya and kiwifruit taste sour, but their sugar content is higher than watermelon. The sweet and sour taste of fruit is closely related to the types of sugar and organic acids in the fruit itself.
Different sugars have different sweetness.
There are many kinds of sugar in fruit, including monosaccharide (fructose, glucose), disaccharide (sucrose, maltose) and polysaccharide (starch). Professionally, the sweetness of sucrose is 1, the sweetness of fructose is 1.2, and the sweetness of glucose is 0.7. Fruits with the same sugar content and high fructose content will taste sweeter.
Taking pitaya and watermelon as examples, because the sugar of pitaya is mainly glucose, and fructose accounts for more than half of the sugar of watermelon, the sweetness of watermelon is higher than that of pitaya. But in terms of sugar content, the sugar content of watermelon is lower than that of pitaya. Many people think that watermelon is very sweet, and its sugar content must be high, but on the contrary, the sugar content of watermelon is only 5%-6%, which is lower than that of apples used by many people to lose weight. Although the sugar content of watermelon is low, it is easy to eat it. Some people question: "Can eating an apple be the same as eating a watermelon?" Netizen said: You can’t blame watermelon for eating too much!
The fruit that tastes very sweet has high or low sugar content, so the fruit that is not sweet must have low sugar content, right? This is really not certain! Take pear, kiwi fruit and apricot as examples, the total amount of fructose, sucrose and glucose is about 10%, but the proportion is quite different.
If we only look at the type and proportion of sugar, pear should be the sweetest, followed by kiwi fruit and apricot at last. Some people wonder: does kiwi fruit have so much fructose? The kiwifruit I have eaten is not very sweet. This is because there are not only "sugar" but also "acid" in fruit. For example, organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, and polyphenols such as astringent tannins will make fruits less sweet.
Experts suggest that adults should consume 200-350 grams of fruit every day.
In real life, many people worry that eating fruits with high sugar content will lead to obesity. For people who want to lose weight, they can try to avoid "high-sugar" fruits such as grapes, durians and cherries. According to the Balanced Diet Pagoda for China Residents recommended by China Nutrition Society (2016), adults should consume 200-350g of fruit every day, which is equivalent to 1-2 apples or pears of normal size. Generally speaking, the fruit consumption of Chinese residents is obviously lower than this standard, which needs to be improved urgently. It should be noted that fruit is best eaten between meals. From a nutritional point of view, you can’t just eat fruit for dinner.
(Source: China Nutrition Society)
Some diabetics also expressed concern: fruit has a high sugar content, can it be eaten after all? In this regard, Nie Jiyun, a professor at the School of Horticulture of Qingdao Agricultural University and a member of the Expert Group on Agricultural Products Quality and Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that diabetics can eat fruits properly, provided that their blood sugar is relatively stable, and they should follow the dietary principles of diabetics and not eat too much.
First of all, diabetics should be selective in the types of fruits. You can refer to the glycemic index (GI) of food, which indicates the speed and ability of food to raise blood sugar compared with glucose. Don’t judge the sugar content by the sweetness of the taste. Diabetic patients had better choose fruits with low GI, such as cherries, peaches, grapefruit, strawberries, apples and pears.
In addition to soluble sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, there are quite a few sugars in fruits in the form of polysaccharides, such as gum and dietary fiber. The human body absorbs pectin and dietary fiber slowly, or even does not. Therefore, eating some fruits rich in pectin and dietary fiber, such as mulberry, hawthorn, pomegranate and fig, will not lead to significant fluctuations in blood sugar.
The following is a common fruit calorie ranking table for your reference:
(Source: Zhongxin Jingwei)
(Public Network Poster News Internship Editor Zhao Yawen Comprehensive CCTV, Science and Technology Daily, Poster News, etc.)

Fuxin Software was financed to buy RMB 13 million, and accumulated RMB 39 million in the past three days.

On February 23, the data of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges showed that Fuxin Software received a financing purchase amount of RMB 13 million, ranking 606th in the two cities. On that day, the financing repayment amount was RMB 17 million, and the net sales amount was RMB 3,615,000.

In the last three trading days, from 21st to 23rd, Fuxin Software received financing to buy RMB 09 million, RMB 16 million and RMB 13 million respectively.

In terms of securities lending, 00,000 shares were sold and 00,300 shares were bought.

This article comes from: financial circles

Author: Liangrongjun


Police reminder! This kind of fraud is aimed at children.

Source: Shaoyang Public Security

After a long winter vacation.

Mobile phones and computers have lifted the ban

Children brush videos and play games. ……

But parents should be careful.

Mobile games not only affect children’s learning

There are also scams specifically for minors in the game!


Case study

In less than an hour, nearly 30,000 yuan was missing.

recent days

Xiao Yang, 9 years old, Changpu Town, Suining City, Shaoyang City

When brushing videos on grandma’s mobile phone at home,

See an advertisement

"download’ TT voice’

You can get a limited mobile game skin for free! "

After the software is downloaded

A netizen named "oath" added him as a friend.

Under the guidance of the other party

Xiao Yang downloaded the remote control and payment APP.

And turned on the "screen sharing" function.

soon afterwards

On the grounds of helping them get the game skin for free.

Let Xiao Yang provide the verification code

Xiao Yang, who is bent on limiting his skin, does it one by one.

However, after some operation.

Xiao Yang not only didn’t get the skin he wanted.

On the contrary, the bound bank card has spent more than 29,000 yuan in succession.

next day

Grandmother of the child who found the information of bank card deduction

Realizing that his grandson was cheated, he called the police for help.

After receiving the police

Shaoyang police immediately

Carry out investigation work

The case is still being further processed.

Let’s take a look at the routine of the liar.

Low-priced game currency recharge/out-of-print equipment

This kind of fraud is often aimed at primary and secondary school students who like to play games, have some available funds or often use their elders’ mobile phones. During the Spring Festival, many students must have received lucky money, and their wallets are full. If they can still control it by themselves, do they always want to decorate their game accounts: buy some out-of-print skin and charge some game gold coins … At this time, fraudsters will get wind of it.

Fraud routine

01. The fraudsters post private messages and advertisements through social platforms, and induce the victims to take the bait with the excuse of "selling out-of-print game equipment" and "selling game accounts at low prices".

02, then guide the victim to add their social software, and send strange links, asking for trading through the second-hand platform, which is generally seemingly safe, but in fact it is an informal second-hand trading platform.

03. Once the victim clicks on the link and pays as required, the swindler will say that there is a problem with the operation or the payment account, which leads to the closure of his account, and then ask the victim to pay the deposit and unfreeze the money on the pretext of using various words to induce the victim to make repeated payments and commit fraud.

And one of the most crucial words.

"You are a minor.

You need to use your parents’ mobile phone to get the gift package! "

This sentence deceives minors.

It is the parents’ money that is cheated.

Police tips

Strengthen anti-fraud education for children

There will be no pie in the sky. Strangers claim to have "free gifts", which is generally a trap.

Not greedy and cheap.

Don’t click on strange links, scan strange QR codes, don’t believe in strangers’ sweet words, and don’t transfer money to strangers easily.

Keep the payment information safe.

Parents should take good care of their mobile phones, bank card numbers, passwords, verification codes and payment codes of third-party payment institutions such as WeChat and Alipay, and don’t open the secret-free payment function unless necessary.

WeChat official account changed his version if he didn’t agree.

"Star sign" can make it easier for me to receive messages.

Now there are only three steps:


Original title: "Police reminder! This kind of fraud is aimed at children. "

Read the original text

Do you know the variety and history of Lantern Festival in Shanghai today?

Today is the Lantern Festival. Eating "Yuanxiao" on the Lantern Festival is a custom of China people. The round glutinous rice dumplings symbolize happiness and reunion, and are entrusted with people’s good wishes for the new year. Shanghai’s "Lantern Festival" is divided into northern style, Ningbo style, Soviet style, Guangdong style and so on. There are also many other varieties, such as fermented rice balls, pigeon egg rice balls, "Benbang Tangtuan" and so on. In addition, there are "dry" cooking and "dry" eating methods such as rolling sand balls and dry frying. Let’s get to know it together! See ↓

There are "wet" and "dry"

Various wrapping methods and eating methods of dumplings

"Yuanxiao" is also called Tangyuan, also known as Tangtuan. Its name is different, and there are various schools of wrapping and eating. In modern times, Shanghai was the earliest trading port in China, and people from all over the world brought different kinds of dumplings to Shanghai.

The Shanghai Archives keeps a manuscript of Lantern Festival Words "Yuanxiao" written by an old Shanghai gourmet, which was written by Ms. Shi Jingzhen, an old Shanghai businessman. In her account, the "Lantern Festival" in Shanghai is divided into northern style, Ningbo style, Soviet style, Cantonese style and so on.

"Lantern Festival Words" Lantern Festival "written by Shi Jingzhen (Shanghai Archives Collection)

The North-style "Yuanxiao" is made by rolling dried glutinous rice flour into a round ball the size of a walnut, and its stuffing is made by mixing walnut meat, melon seeds, green plums and red melons with cooked lard, sugar and flour.

The Ningbo-style Yuanxiao, commonly known as Ningbo Tangtuan, is made of soaked glutinous rice flour with lard bean paste or lard ginkgo in the middle. It is smooth, soft and sweet when cooked and has a unique flavor.

Although the dumplings we eat now are sweet and salty, the "Yuanxiao" in Shi Jingzhen’s article is all the same color "sweet mouth", which is probably her personal preference, but it also conforms to the general public’s impression of Jiangnan people.

The Northern Lantern Festival rolled in the basket. Sometimes "Yuanxiao" refers to the northern Yuanxiao, and "Tangtuan" refers to the southern Yuanxiao.

In fact, there are many other varieties of Yuanxiao in Shanghai.

For example, the glutinous rice from Jintan, which has a history of more than 100 years, is exquisite. The quality of the glutinous rice is relatively condensed, and the glutinous rice is brewed by itself, which is sweet but not sour. The glutinous rice is rich and sweet, and its taste is beautiful, which is welcomed by customers. If every long summer Festival, there will be more customers ".

Glutinous Rice Balls in Fermented Rice Wine

Another example is the pigeon egg dumplings, which were originally put in baskets by ingenious vendors and sold in various tea houses in the Chenghuang Temple in the old city. They are small and exquisite, shaped like pigeon eggs, soft, sweet and cool, and the sugar stuffing in the dumplings is full of sugar water, which does not condense after cold.

In fact, there is also a "native" "Yuanxiao" in Shanghai, which is the so-called "Benbang Tangtuan" (also known as Yuanzi and Tuanzi). Most of the "Benbang dumplings" are stuffed with vegetables and meat, and their size is bigger than that of Ningbo dumplings. Four diners who have a smaller appetite will "help the wall out". Nowadays, such dumpling shops can be found in Qibao, Xinchang and other ancient towns in the suburbs of Shanghai, and the business is also good.

Benbang dumplings (also known as dumplings and dumplings)

As for the way to eat dumplings, "they are usually cooked in boiling water. The cooked dumplings taste glutinous and firm, and a bag of sugar soup at the entrance is very sweet." However, the pigeon egg dumplings can be cooked in boiling water and cooled before eating. In the era when there is no refrigerator, a small bowl of pigeon egg dumplings is a good cold food for relieving summer heat.

Dove egg round son

In addition to these "wet" practices and eating methods, "Yuanxiao" also has "dry" cooking and "dry" eating.

The famous point of grinding sand circles is the representative of "doing". It filters out the water from the cooked dumplings, rolls on a layer of bean paste powder, and can be eaten hot or cold. It is delicious and convenient to carry, and is deeply loved by people. The bean paste powder on the sand ball. To make it, first-class red beans should be selected, washed and boiled to crisp, mashed and dried, ground into fine powder, fried in a pot until it is slightly burnt, and then taken out of the pot when the beans smell, and finally screened with a fine sieve. The prepared bean paste powder is brownish yellow, wrapped in "Yuanxiao", which is lovely and appetizing, and has the same effect as the traditional snack "donkey rolling" in northern China.


Besides "grinding sand", "Yuanxiao" can also be fried dry. Shi Jingzhen recalled that when she was a child, every Lantern Festival, her mother would dry-fry dumplings cooked in boiling water. Watching my mother pour Yuanxiao into a cooked oil pan, stirring and pressing it, she was only as fat as a golden ball, which made her drool. Ask mom to beg for one to eat first, bite it down, and the sugar water is so hot that I want to cry, but I can’t bear to spit out the sweet, fragrant and oily sugar juice.

Fried dumplings

It has a long history and has its own merits.

Shanghai de tangtuan famous store

Most of the traditional Chinese dim sum snacks in old Shanghai are concentrated in the old town hall, especially in the Chenghuang Temple area. It can be said that it was also the "top flow" gathering place of Shanghai dim sum snack industry.

Chenghuangmiao Lantern Festival

For example, the old Tongchun Dim Sum Shop and the old Songsheng Dim Sum Shop located at No.45 and No.46, Yimiao Road, Chenghuangmiao (now Yuyuan Road, Chenghuangmiao) are both famous for their fermented dumplings and dumplings. In particular, "Old Tung Chun" was founded in 1860 and moved to Chenghuang Temple around 1925. Although it is only a small shop with more than a dozen tables, its pork dumplings with sand and fresh meat dumplings are very famous in old Shanghai.

Founded in 1857, "Lao Songsheng" has a longer history. It was founded by a Chongming named Yu. I don’t know if it was made of Chongming wine. Its wine dumplings are very delicious and often attract customers to queue up to buy them. These two small shops are neighbors and deal in the same kind of food, but they don’t feel like "peers are enemies" at all, and get along well with each other.

Registration card of retail enterprise filled in by Lao Songsheng Dim Sum Store in 1963 (Shanghai Archives Collection)

The pigeon egg is the most famous restaurant in Gu Shunxing, No.98 Yimiao Road, Chenghuangmiao. "Gu Shunxing" got its name from people. According to legend, in the 1920s and 1930s, a Ningbo man named Gu Shunxing carried a food basket every day to sell homemade pigeon balls in the tea houses of Chenghuang Temple. Gu Jia’s pigeon egg dumplings can be eaten cold without lard, which is more suitable for summer consumption. Over time, they have become famous and opened stores. After liberation, the public-private partnership, perhaps because of the relatively large scale, both "Lao Tongchun" and "Lao Songsheng" reported to "Gu Shunxing" for unified economic accounting, which was also regarded as the "shoulders" of the tangtuan community in the Chenghuang Temple.

In 1963, Gu Shunxing’s restaurant filled in the retail enterprise registration card, and there was no trace of the pigeon egg in the main products (Shanghai Archives Collection).

Speaking of "Lantern Festival" in Shanghai, "Qiaojiazha" and "Meixin" are always unavoidable. Qiaojiazha is also a "century-old shop", which was founded in 1909. It was originally named as "Yongmaochang Tangtuan Store". Because it was opened at the intersection of Qiaojiazha and Ninghe in the old city, the residents nearby called it "Qiaojiazha", and later simply took "Qiaojiazha" as the font size. "Qiaojiazha" is famous for all kinds of Ningbo dumplings and sand balls. The dumplings produced by its family are diverse in variety, exquisite in materials and fine in operation, characterized by fine powder, thin skin and many fillings, and delicious in taste.

Impression of Qiaojiazha (works by Wang Zhenkun)

Meixin Dim Sum Restaurant, located at No.105, North Shaanxi Road, is another time-honored brand in Shanghai famous for dumplings. It was founded in 1943, and has never moved its store since its opening. It is also famous for its Ning-style lard dumplings and wine-brewed dumplings.

Jin Tian de mei Xin dessert shop

There is another phenomenon in the dumpling circle of old Shanghai, that is, there are many font sizes with the same name. For example, during the Anti-Japanese War, "Qiaojiazha" appeared at the intersection of Ximen Road in the old nanshi and Huaihai Road in the western area, and the latter moved to Xiangyang South Road soon. Everyone claimed to be "authentic" and also featured dim sum such as dumplings. Another example is "Qiaojiazha", formerly known as "Yongmaochang". During the Anti-Japanese War, a master named Li Yigao opened a dumpling shop with the same name on Fangbang Road in Nanshi. At the intersection of Huaihai Road and Chongqing, there is also the "Yongmaochang" dim sum shop opened by Li Fukui, which also features dumplings.

Time flies, and there are many changes in the area of Chenghuang Temple, which once gathered various kinds of dumpling shops. Until the sixties and seventies of the last century, "Gu Shunxing" and "Old Tung Chun" all enjoyed a prosperous business. Now, "Gu Shunxing" has disappeared, and the brand "Laotongchun" has entered Songyunlou, but it is no longer the dumpling but the lard residue wonton that belongs to it. After many relocations, "Lao Songsheng" has now become "Dexing Restaurant (Yuyuan Store)".

Instead, it was Ningbo Tangtuan Store on the bank of Jiuqu Bridge. In the memory of Shen Jialu, a well-known gourmet in Shanghai, it was originally another "osmanthus hall" famous for selling pigeon eggs and dumplings. The business of Ningbo Tangtuan Store is booming, and the customers are full. The "Osmanthus Hall" has merged with Songyun Building, becoming one of the few stores with pigeon eggs and dumplings for sale.

The bustling crowd in front of Ningbo Tangtuan Store in Chenghuang Temple.

Qiaojiazha, which was originally famous for dumplings, has opened many branches, but dumplings are no longer its main product. "Meixin" still sticks to the tradition silently in the original site. Although it also makes other snacks, dumplings are always the first products sold out.

Today’s Shanghainese can easily taste delicious food from all over the country and all over the world in the streets and lanes. Besides dumplings, people have more and more choices for eating. But on the Lantern Festival, it is still the dream of many people to have a bowl of warm "Yuanxiao". It contains more than an unforgettable taste when I was there …

Sweet and waxy dumplings are entrusted with people’s beautiful expectations for the new year.

Information: released by Shanghai

Editor: Chen Weiting

ShangguanNo. Author: Shanghai Jinshan

Parents need to know this to help their children overcome reading difficulties.

  [Window of World Education]
  In modern society, reading is one of the necessary skills for individuals. Reading is a key way for children to learn knowledge, and it is also an important way for children to develop their thinking and cultivate their temperament. In the frame map of students’ learning fields in the 21st century put forward by UNESCO, reading and communication occupy the central position in the seven learning fields. Therefore, parents expect their children to learn to read as soon as possible.
  However, in fact, all over the world, many children can’t read normally. Some parents feel that their children can’t concentrate, that they are "ADHD", and they don’t realize that their learning disabilities may be another situation.
  1. Is it dyslexia or ADHD?
  Under normal educational conditions, most children can learn to read normally. However, although reading is so important to children’s development, some children can’t acquire reading smoothly. According to research statistics, there are about 5%-10% children in English, Chinese, Japanese and other writing systems. They have normal intelligence and enjoy equal educational opportunities, but their reading performance is still far behind their peers — — These children are called dyslexia.
  As early as 1896, clinicians in Europe and the United States discovered the existence of children with reading difficulties. Limited by the level of science and technology at that time, the most knowledgeable people also knew little about "dyslexia". For a long time, society has misunderstood children with dyslexia, thinking that they are stupid, lazy, or "unable to sit still" (inattention and hyperactivity). Up to now, science has unveiled the mystery of "dyslexia", and our understanding of dyslexia is more clear.
  First of all, children with dyslexia do not have intellectual problems, and some children with dyslexia are even very smart. If the problem of dyslexia can be found in time and received special education, they may overcome the problem of reading and writing, give full play to their potential, and even become creative talents in various fields. Therefore, sometimes we call children with dyslexia "smart stupid children".
  Secondly, dyslexia is a developmental disorder, and people diagnosed with dyslexia are troubled by it all their lives. They have difficulties in word recognition, word understanding and dictation throughout primary and secondary schools and all the way to adulthood. So don’t expect dyslexia to heal naturally. Early detection and early intervention are very important to overcome dyslexia.
  Thirdly, dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, commonly known as ADHD) are two different problems, which can exist separately or at the same time. Although the prevalence of dyslexia with ADHD is as high as 20%-40%, dyslexia and dyslexia caused by ADHD are two different abnormal phenomena. It is important to distinguish the difference between these two problems, because there are different ways of intervention.
  Finally, dyslexia runs in the family. Studies have shown that among identical twins, if one person suffers from dyslexia, the probability of the other person suffering from dyslexia is as high as 68%; One of the parents or immediate siblings suffers from dyslexia, and the probability of this individual suffering from dyslexia is about 50%. This can be used as one of the signals for early identification of children with dyslexia.
  So, how should parents or teachers identify children with dyslexia? Typical manifestations of children with dyslexia are listed below. The following 10 items meet 6 or more and last for more than half a year. Children may have dyslexia and need to find a professional institution to diagnose their children.
  First, the language performance is significantly lower than the average level of the same class; Second, read slowly and laboriously, and do not understand the content after reading; Third, it is easy to jump words and lines when reading; Fourth, I don’t like reading aloud, and when I read aloud, I drop words or easily read typos; Fifth, the writing speed is slow and it is easy to write typos; Sixth, I often can’t remember the date or name; Seven, the sense of balance is not good, and the small muscles are clumsy; 8. Avoid tasks that require a lot of reading and avoid reading novels or other written materials; Nine, low self-esteem, no confidence in themselves; Ten, learning a foreign language is particularly difficult.
  2. A stumbling block to fluent reading
  Reading is an advanced cognitive function, not a physiological instinct that human beings naturally develop and mature at a certain age — — Reading is far more complicated than we thought. Reading involves a series of cognitive processing processes: first, bottom-up processing, that is to say, reading is to obtain meaning from written words, involving the recognition of written words, and only by recognizing words can we understand the meaning of sentences or chapters; The second is top-down processing. Reading comprehension depends on the interaction with the reader’s own memory (knowledge) structure to process and process the input textual information.
  Most children have been exposed to the written environment before they formally learn to read — — Advertising slogans, printed words on food packaging bags, and words on picture books that can be seen everywhere in life — — These make children have a preliminary understanding of the characteristics and functions of words, and they can gradually realize that words are symbols used to record spoken language, which are different from other symbols. This initial perception of words is called "word consciousness". Whether it is the reading of pinyin characters or Chinese characters, the sense of words is very important.
  As children grow older, they are exposed to more and more words. Especially after primary school, I began to systematically learn the recognition of words, and gradually formed my perception of the design rules of words, that is, "orthographic consciousness." When children know a certain number of words (or words), they can enter the stage of independent reading, that is, they will no longer rely on the help of adults to read text-based books independently. With the increase of children’s reading, the reading speed is gradually accelerated. By the fourth grade of primary school, most children can become skilled readers.
  Phonetic awareness is very important for children with pinyin (such as English and German) background to learn to read. Phonetic awareness refers to children’s ability to perceive and operate phonetics. For example, they can skillfully divide cat (meaning "cat") into three corresponding minimum pronunciation units /k//ae//t/, and can also combine pronunciation units to form a word. The deficiency of this ability is considered to be the core reason for the difficulty in reading pinyin. However, the role of phonological awareness in Chinese reading is not as important as that in pinyin. It is generally believed that phonological awareness only plays a limited role in the early stage of Chinese reading and learning.
  For children with Chinese background to learn to read, the first threshold is the decoding of Chinese characters, that is, literacy, that is, to establish the relationship between the font of Chinese characters and the pronunciation and meaning of words. On the road to becoming a fluent reader, the first stumbling block for children with Chinese dyslexia is to remember the glyphs and write Chinese characters. A large number of studies have consistently shown that children with Chinese dyslexia have difficulties in font processing. They often have slow literacy, less literacy, and often make mistakes in writing, so it is difficult to remember the font of Chinese characters. Therefore, in order to firmly grasp the writing of Chinese characters, Chinese children often spend a lot of time copying Chinese characters. Copying one stroke at a time can help children to carry out fine visual processing on each Chinese character’s glyph. Like building a Lego block, different strokes are combined according to a certain spatial structure and "built" in Mi Zige in a regular and harmonious way. This is not an inefficient and stupid method. On the contrary, copying is an effective means for both literacy and writing. It can not only help children to establish a solid representation of glyphs in their brains, but also help them write Chinese characters more accurately.
  The structure of Chinese characters is complicated. According to the spatial relationship, Chinese characters can be divided into single characters, upper and lower structures, left and right structures and surrounding structures. Because of the visual complexity of Chinese character composition and the spatial diversity of Chinese character structure, it is difficult for Chinese children to master orthographic skills. The research also shows that the defects related to orthography are the core defects of Chinese dyslexia.
  Chinese character is an ideographic character, and there is no direct relationship between the shape and the pronunciation, but the relationship between the shape and the meaning of the word is closer. Pictophonetic characters are the main body of modern commonly used Chinese characters, and 80.5% of them belong to pictophonetic characters. Pictophonetic characters include two parts: shape and sound. The ideographic meaning of Chinese characters is very strong, and many words with the same shape are consistent or related in meaning. For example, after children learn the words "sea, ocean and river", they will find that they have the same radical "Tanya" and are all related to water. When they learn the words "lake, swimming and stream" again, they can realize that the newly learned Chinese characters may also be related to "water" — — This understanding and cognition of the smallest semantic unit is called "morpheme consciousness". This morpheme awareness is particularly important for children to learn to read, because Chinese contains a large number of Chinese characters with homographs. After children know a certain number of Chinese characters and can read independently, the obstacles they encounter in reading become the understanding of vocabulary, especially some written vocabulary. Children with strong morpheme awareness are more likely to understand the meaning of words and expand their vocabulary. Therefore, morpheme awareness is more important for Chinese reading learning than learning pinyin characters. It is found that morpheme awareness is closely related to children’s word formation ability, vocabulary and reading comprehension.The defect of morpheme consciousness is also one of the main cognitive defects of children with Chinese dyslexia.
  In addition to the difficulties in font processing, writing and morpheme processing, the study also found that children with Chinese dyslexia still have naming speed problems. The naming speed obstacle may reflect that children with dyslexia have some difficulties in establishing stable and high-quality orthographic representations, thus affecting the speed of transforming visual symbols into sound symbols. Research shows that naming speed can also predict reading fluency well. Naming speed is also very important to the development of pinyin reading, and naming speed defect is also one of the main defects of pinyin reading obstacle. Therefore, naming speed defect may be one of the common cognitive defects of cross-language reading disabilities.
  To sum up, children with dyslexia may have cognitive defects in many aspects. The mechanism of dyslexia in different words is not only consistent across languages, but also specific to words. As far as the current research is concerned, the mechanism of Chinese dyslexia is more complicated than that of pinyin.
  3. Is reading a brain problem?
  Reading is one of the unique advanced cognitive functions of human beings, and the brain is the physiological basis of reading learning and development. The International Dyslexia Association points out that dyslexia has specific neurophysiological defects.
  At the end of the 20th century, with the help of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), scientists were able to detect the inside of the brain in a non-invasive and harmless way. Like a precise scientific camera, it takes a complete and clear picture of every slice of the three-dimensional body of the brain and shows it to people. At present, the research conclusion that has been repeatedly verified by scientific research and widely recognized by academic circles is that the dyslexic group of pinyin characters (such as English) is mainly abnormal in the posterior temporal-parietal junction area of the left brain, which is manifested in the level of brain functional activity, brain structure and the connection between this brain area and other brain areas. This abnormality may affect their phonological awareness development and thus hinder their reading.
  However, the Chinese dyslexic group mainly has specific problems in the middle frontal gyrus of the left brain (related to the writing skills mentioned above) and the ventral pathway of the brain (related to the semantic processing and visual font processing mentioned above). At the same time, the abnormality of the occipital part of the right brain (that is, the brain area where we touch the pillow after lying flat) used for the processing of holistic visual features may also affect Chinese reading. These are all "abnormal brain working modes". The abnormality of these working modes will make the process of learning reading slow and arduous for dyslexics, because they can’t use the efficient and labor-saving reading neural pathway that most readers can use.
  How to understand the abnormal brain working mode of dyslexic people? First of all, this once again shows that dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder, not the result of children’s lack of hard work and incorrect learning attitude. Secondly, the brain is plastic, and appropriate and timely targeted training can help children with dyslexia overcome their reading difficulties and regain their reading confidence. For example, neuroimaging studies have found that effective behavior intervention can enhance the activity level of the temporal parietal region in the back of the left brain, which was originally weakly activated, and improve their reading performance. Finally, the abnormal brain working mode of dyslexic people has two sides. On the one hand, it makes the road for dyslexics to learn to read full of thorns; On the other hand, many dyslexics who have achieved high achievements in some fields are grateful for it, believing that the "learning process that can’t take the usual path" has given them unique problem-solving ability, while the difficult process of overcoming dyslexia has forged their perseverance.
  4. How to help smart "stupid children"
  Dyslexia is a developmental disorder. Early identification and early intervention can not only improve the success rate of intervention, but also prevent dyslexia from continuing into senior grades, and also avoid children’s emotional, behavioral problems and lack of self-confidence related to low academic achievement. Foreign research shows that in order to achieve the same effect, the teaching time of intervention in senior grade is several times more than that in junior grade (2 hours in fourth grade/0.5 hours in kindergarten).
  The study of dyslexia has a history of hundreds of years in the west, and it has been relatively perfect in the evaluation, intervention and policy support of dyslexia. Hong Kong, China, has also taken the lead in this respect. At present, it has developed the dyslexia behavior scale and diagnostic test, designed Chinese reading and writing courses in kindergartens and primary and secondary schools, and developed corresponding teaching materials, and conducted relevant training for educational administrators and Chinese teachers in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. In addition, they also used the three-level response intervention model to replace the traditional methods to intervene in children with dyslexia, and achieved good intervention results.
  Because the research on dyslexia in mainland China started late and mainly stayed in the basic research stage, the applied research on the diagnosis and intervention of dyslexia is still relatively weak. The public’s understanding of dyslexia is very limited. In recent years, more and more scholars began to pay attention to the popularization of common sense of dyslexia, and popular science books such as Smart Stupid Child: Helping Children Overcome Dyslexia and Getting Out of the Maze appeared, which made the public have more scientific understanding of dyslexia, but there is still a long way to go in the intervention of dyslexia and the development of diagnostic tools.
  As mentioned earlier, dyslexia is a special learning disability that stems from abnormal brain development. Children with dyslexia are not not smart enough or do not study hard. On the contrary, their IQ is normal or even extraordinary, and they even have special talents in many aspects. Without timely diagnosis and intervention, what they need most is the understanding and support from teachers and parents. I hope these "smart stupid children" can have a happy childhood and enjoy reading like other children.
  (Author: Liu Li, Gao Yue, professors and doctors of the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning of Beijing Normal University; Kang Cuiping, Ph.D., now works for China Education Innovation Institute of Beijing Normal University)

How to adjust the lighting in children’s room? Don’t leave out these details


Don’t choose lamps that are easy for children to touch the light bulb.

  Text/Figure Yangcheng Evening News reporter Liang Dongxian Intern Zhao Xiaoling (except signature)

  In many people’s conventional cognition, it is not good for children’s rooms to be too bright or too dark, especially for study. However, there are some new ideas that may subvert the traditional concepts you used to know.

  Author of Building a Growing Children’s Room from scratch — — Xu Xiao, a cross-border designer, said that even on cloudy days, the outdoor illumination is 10,000 lumens (lumens are the illumination unit), and people do not feel any discomfort when reading outdoors on cloudy days; However, indoor lighting rarely exceeds the same illuminance. Therefore, as long as the lighting is not direct to the eyes, there is basically no problem of over-lighting in children’s rooms, and it will not cause vision problems. Is this view correct?

  School is about to start. What should you pay attention to when you are ready to rearrange the lighting in the children’s room?

  Children’s myopia,

  The main reason is not the light!

  Is Xu Xiao’s point of view correct? Yangcheng Evening News reporter interviewed Sun Keqing, deputy chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University. She said that Xu Xiao’s views are basically correct. Because as long as it is not direct vision or specular reflection, indoor routine reading lighting can rarely reach the level of damaging vision, so it is no harm to light it up.

  If myopia is not related to too bright light, what is the main cause of myopia among teenagers?

  Sun Ke Qing said that the main reasons are incorrect writing posture, or too long use of eyes. If you want to reduce the possibility of children’s myopia, it will be very beneficial to ensure a certain amount of outdoor exercise time every day.

  Of course, Sun Ke Qing said that improper lighting design can also cause children’s vision problems. For example, the lamp does not have a suitable lampshade or the height design of the lamp is unreasonable, which makes the light directly or reflect to the eyes. In addition, if it is a baby’s room, because the baby’s eyes are not fully mature, so you can’t use too strong and dazzling lights to avoid damaging their eyes. At this time, the lighting design should be as soft as possible.

  The light should be bright and soft.

  In fact, children’s rooms generally have the functions of studying, playing, resting and storing things at the same time. The overall indoor illumination should be higher than that of adult rooms. At the same time, the light should be soft and avoid glare. In addition, in different areas such as the study area, it is necessary to have corresponding local lighting to facilitate children to read books, do homework and find books.

  The overall lighting of children’s rooms can use chandeliers and ceiling lamps to create bright and fantastic lighting effects for the space, while the local lighting can meet different lighting needs with wall lamps, table lamps and spotlights. The selected lamps should give children a relaxed and interesting light sense in shape and color, so as to expand their imagination and stimulate their interest in learning.

  Sun Keqing suggested that the lamps in children’s study area can choose eye protection lamps. Good eye protection lamp is not easy to strobe, and its brightness and brightness uniformity are ideal, which can reduce eye fatigue and help children protect their eyesight.

  These security risks cannot be ignored.

  In addition, when installing lamps, we should also pay full attention to safety issues. Children are lively and active by nature, full of strong curiosity about things, especially young children, but they lack the necessary awareness of self-protection. Therefore, if the lamps are installed in children’s rooms, especially in infants’ rooms, care should be taken not to expose the power cord as much as possible, so as to avoid the unreasonable children playing with the wires as toys, thus causing the danger of electric shock.

  In addition, if the child is still very young, don’t choose lamps that are easy for the child to touch the light bulb, because many lamps will also heat up when they shine, and adults think that the negligible temperature is likely to burn the child’s tender skin. Therefore, when arranging the nursery, it is best to choose a lamp with a closed lampshade, or add a protective cover to the light bulb. In addition, movable lamps such as floor lamps and desk lamps should also be avoided in preschool children’s rooms to minimize the risk of electric shock.

  Illustration of this edition/Fan Yinglan

Play the villain and then the policeman! After Under the Sun, Peng Guanying took on a new play. Do you think it will be a play?

In Under the Sun, Feng Xiaosheng finally won a short victory, forcing Liang Yuze to go abroad and live a self-righteous and beautiful life with Ke Ying. Even, Ke Ying invited Feng Xiaosheng to have dinner together, and their relationship made progress in stages.

Ke Ying fed Feng Xiaosheng steak, and then withdrew it when he was about to get into the mouth. Feng Xiaosheng forcibly took her arm and ate the steak. The expression of the two people’s confrontation exposed the man’s possessiveness completely.

This flowing expressive force is attributed to the actor’s acting skills: I just saw A Ying’s surprise when she was feeding, and the meat was slowly handed to her mouth to show a spoiled smile. Ke Ying took back her hand and suddenly froze, and then she was fierce and overbearing when she grabbed her hand and ate it. There was nothing wrong with Peng Guanying. Taking this drama is undoubtedly the most correct choice he has made.

"Under the Sun" has aroused a thousand waves since it first announced that the novel was made into a film and television. For no other reason, the original novel "Things in the Palm" describes that the university lecturer He Yan still tries to get rid of the clutches after being imprisoned by the male host Fu Shenxing. In order to highlight the tense relationship between men and women, there are many explicit and cruel pictures. However, it is definitely impossible to film and television all the contents, so everyone’s attitude towards TV dramas is both tense and contradictory.

Sure enough, after the TV series was broadcast, a lot of content was added and deleted in order to be more practical, and even the male master was changed into a male two. But what hasn’t changed is that the role played by Peng Guanying is still an object of resentment.

But Peng Guanying’s acting didn’t disappoint everyone. Whether it is Shen Shijie’s diabolical cruelty in the early stage or the cruel cunning of Feng Xiao’s voice in the later stage, Peng Guanying interprets it perfectly and impeccably.

Theoretically speaking, Peng Guanying is a newcomer to film and television, but unfortunately he is a newcomer of great age.

Before, everyone could only think of Princess Lanling, which co-starred with Baby Zhang a few years ago. Although his acting skills were also praised in the play, there was no follow-up resources, and he seemed to disappear from the audience’s field of vision soon.

After that, when I think of him, I can only remember that he and Zhu Yilong, who have exploded in recent years, are close friends, and Peng Meimei and Zhu Meili are active in each other’s social platforms.

However, with the online drama "The Soul of the Town", Zhu Yilong made numerous rounds, followed by other works, and soon gained a firm foothold. And "Peng Beauty" is still an invisible man.

In 2020, Zhu Yilong and Liu Shishi’s new drama "Dear Yourself" landed in iQiyi, in which Peng Guanying played love rat, who betrayed his wife. After a long time, Peng Guanying’s acting remained at a certain level, and playing against Adi often made people hate it. I wish he would disappear immediately.

Later, when he lost his way and asked his wife to forgive him, his eyes were tearful, and the audience shouted, so pitiful that I even wanted to forgive him.

Peng Guanying finally became famous.

With the update of "Under the Sun" episode by episode, Feng Xiaosheng’s temperament is also slowly changing, from revenge on Ke Ying at the beginning to hopelessly falling in love with her later, all of which are manifested in the actor’s smiles, which also tests the actor’s acting skills.

But Peng Guanying has performed well from the beginning, and he is bound to play the role well from beginning to end.

Years ago, Peng Guanying’s new play "Backlight Man" started, with Zhang Yujian as his partner, both of whom played the role of police.

The online drama "Backlight" is adapted from the novel "In the Dark" by writer Jin Shichai, which mainly tells the story of undercover policeman Xie Lanshan and portrait expert Shen Liufei fighting criminals together.

Xie Lanshan, played by Peng Guanying, and Shen Liufei, played by Zhang Yujian, met at the police academy. They established a strong affection and vowed to become excellent anti-drug policemen.

Among the posters issued at present, this group of quasi-anti-drug policemen are determined, and they are willing to hide in the dark to protect the light.

Perhaps the audience is still immersed in the vicious villain in Under the Sun, but Peng Guanying has turned over and become a policeman. With his acting skills, he is bound to perform a completely different image from Feng Xiaosheng and look forward to his new works. Wen/Hua Su

Interview with "Sunshine Sisters Amoy" Yin Tao: There is nothing wrong with TV actress.

Special feature of 1905 film network In this year’s film market, women’s films can always give the audience some surprises and touches. From now on, from "mother" to "sister" and now to "girlfriends group", will this woman’s softest emotion continue?

Or, can a male director do it?Bao Beier, who "recruits black physique", feels ready this time, ready to hand over the film to the audience at any time, and ready to face all kinds of comments and criticisms on the Internet in the future. Because he believes in this group of actors who support him and play "Sunshine Sisters Amoy".

It is true that the biggest charm of "Sunny Sisters Amoy" is to break the conclusion of the market that "middle-aged female stars have no chance to play". After all, it is a film with a female theme — — Complete female perspective, female role, female actor. Yin TaoLi ZengZhang XinyiMasu, Ni Hongjie,Jiang Xiaohan, have contributed to their beauty. Even so, there are still unfriendly comments on the Internet — — A group of TV actresses are gathered here.

Perhaps, it is these tagged definitions that make Sunshine Sisters Amoy the best weapon for "tearing labels".Yin Tao is the crowd of the original "Sunny Sisters Amoy". In her own words, "I like it so much, and my memory is very deep." .

Today, she has already won all the best actress awards in the three major awards in the TV industry (Flying Award, Golden Eagle Award and Magnolia Award), and seems to have more choices for the script. When she received this story, she took the project without any hesitation, because in the script, she saw that the screenwriter made many localized changes, "and this kind of girlfriends love is common all over the world."

When asked about the various difficulties and processes in the film, she gave all the military medals to the director Bao Beier, and as for all the achievements after the release, everything was still given to the audience. As an actress, she has already achieved her self-recognition.We naturally won’t let go of her knowledge of actors. When asked about the label of "TV actress" by netizens, she said decisively, "What’s wrong with TV actress?"

There is really nothing wrong with it. No matter how the outside world divides the actors into three grades, the confidence of the actors is still in Yin Tao’s heart. Movies, drama series, and even drama works, regardless of any carrier, it is the mission of actors to complete it.

The following is a record of Yin Tao’s dialogue:

1905 Movie Network: What is the biggest pressure to remake Sunshine Sisters Amoy?

Yin Tao: Because I think what I said this time will still have localized content in the story. At the same time, I think this emotion in the movie is common all over the world, so we will naturally have our own expression.I don’t have to watch the original movie again, because I like it so much that I have a deep memory.

1905 Movie Network: What is the biggest test in the filming process?

Yin Tao: I think the test may be Bao Dao. Actors don’t have such a big test. Because the role I played is actually very ordinary, and the strong plot is not on her. At the same time, she is not a person with distinctive personality characteristics, but you should play such a person you often see around you — — It may be to isolate the neighbors, which sister is upstairs and downstairs, which is actually quite difficult. Because the audience is close to her, they can feel whether you are real or not very directly.

1905 Movie Network: Can you share the coolest/tacit play in this work?

Yin Tao: I think it’s quite tacit that everyone is filming together. At the beginning, maybe a few girls are together, which is quite comfortable, so it really seems to be quite familiar.There is a scene in the movie where we are sitting in the car after the fight. I filmed it as soon as I came up. In this situation, it actually had no lines at first. Everyone’s state was particularly sad at first, and then they were sad, and suddenly I was happy, and everyone was crazy about it. From that moment on, everyone’s feelings came.Jiang Xiaohan, who plays Zhu Zhu, said, "Sunny Sisters Amoy" seems to be back. So, the scene was quite cool.

1905 Movie Network: How do you feel about a group of women filming this time?

Yin Tao: More appreciate each other, because Sunny Sisters Amoy is about the friendship between women, so everyone feels the same way. Many plots don’t need to be pondered and analyzed too much, so they can be understood in place, because in fact, they are the emotions we have had or the things we are experiencing, and the whole is quite enjoyable.

1905 Movie Network: Have you consciously taken this kind of female group play in recent years?

Yin Tao: Maybe just these stories make me feel quite interesting. I didn’t think too much about whether it was a group image of women or not. I think I’m past that time — — Is whether it’s a work based entirely on me. What if the whole film is about you, but the characters are not funny and the writing is not good?So I still think it will be very important for the role itself to be well written. If we can be with a group of very good actors again and really work together, that power will be even greater. So I still hope that every role is good and every actor is good, and the play will be better.

1905 Movie Network: Some netizens commented that this play is a "gathering of TV actresses". Will it be offended?

Yin Tao: What’s wrong with TV actress?Movies, drama series and dramas are really three different performance platforms, and even have different performance methods. I think it is normal for the other person to have such an idea if he is a layman or someone who is not engaged in our line of work. I think everyone can have their own ideas and criteria, but if you are in this line of work, it is clear to everyone that the three only need to change the shooting mode and presentation mode, and naturally they will have a good state.If it is so simple to distinguish between actors, I think IQ is worrying.

1905 Movie Network: Will you consider participating in some "her variety shows" in the future?

Yin Tao: Yes, if I can do it. But going to Sister Lang like Ceng Li, I may not be very good at it. I am lazy, and it seems very tired.I haven’t thought about what kind of variety show is ok or not. Anyway, I don’t reject any form. As long as I think it is ok, just like the role, I can complete it.

1905 Movie Network: Will you look forward to letting more post-90s and post-00s know you through younger works?

Yin Tao: I think this is a very normal rule. You can’t say that I don’t want it, but I don’t seem to have such a strong desire. They have their world, and we have our world. I think it’s also false if you want me to pretend to know them very well now, and then it seems a bit overwhelming to let them know us in particular, so I think I can express what I feel, and naturally there are people who like me.Of course, there will be people who don’t like me. It doesn’t matter. I think the first thing I give you is what I want to express. As for liking this matter, it must be natural. If it is particularly reluctant, I think everyone will be embarrassed.

Lifting the "unspeakable secret" in the Spring Festival, Jing’ an, a patient, went to work easily after the holiday.

Xinmin Evening News (special correspondent Yu Wenlong, reporter Jiang Yuezhong) "Thank you, Director Liu and doctors and nurses, for lifting the’ unspeakable secret’ for me. I was discharged from the hospital today, and then I can go to work easily. " Today (7th) is the first day of work after the Spring Festival. Mr. Wang, who finished the discharge formalities early in the morning, made a special trip to bid farewell to Liu Meiling, director of anorectal department of Shibei Hospital in Jing ‘an District, thanking her and her colleagues for "working overtime" during the Spring Festival for their successful operation.
Caption: Director Liu Meiling is focusing on operating on patients. Photo by Zhang Yuping
Mr. Wang, who is in his thirties this year, is a white-collar worker in the company. He has been working at his desk for a long time and suffered from hemorrhoids. In the past six months, hemorrhoids have repeatedly bled and prolapse, but because of his busy work, he simply can’t take care of seeing a doctor. This is not true. Years ago, Mr. Wang worked overtime frequently, and hemorrhoids began to be a "demon" again. The bleeding was not only accompanied by prolapse and pain, but also people felt dizzy and weak, which made him miserable. He didn’t come to the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital until the holiday.
"Doctor, it is not convenient for me to ask for leave at ordinary times, and I am only free during the Spring Festival holiday. Please help me and arrange the operation!" Mr. Wang looked apologetic and pleading.
But Mr. Wang came too late, it was New Year’s Eve, and the hospital operating room only arranged emergency surgery.
Looking at Mr. Wang, who was pale because of long-term frequent bleeding, Liu Meiling immediately contacted Liao Hongxia, director of anesthesiology department, and explained the situation. Director Liao readily agreed: "We have a doctor on duty who can help patients arrange surgery." With the support of the Anesthesiology Department of the operating room, Director Liu quickly made nucleic acid for the patient and arranged hospitalization. During this period, he received the full support from the B-ultrasound room of the special inspection department and other departments. Director Liu and her team discussed the case according to the characteristics of Mr. Wang’s disease and formulated an "individualized" operation and nursing plan.
Caption: Liu Meiling and her team analyzed the patient’s situation and discussed the surgical plan. Photo by Gu Chenming
The next day, that is, on the first day of February 1, Liu Meiling and her team gave up their rest time and rushed to the hospital to operate on the patient. Zhang Yuping, the head nurse, personally sent the patient to the operating room and did psychological nursing before operation. Although the patient was considered to be a light mixed hemorrhoid before operation, after anesthesia, the patient’s hemorrhoid was "exposed": prolapse, bleeding and edema, which was obviously a severe acute hemorrhoid, which surprised all the medical staff present. The difficulty of the operation can be imagined. Fortunately, Director Liu has rich experience. She adjusted the surgical plan on the spot and decided to give the patient her improved compound minimally invasive surgery. Due to adequate preoperative preparation and simple communication with the patient, Liu Meiling took charge of the operation. With skillful medical skills, she gave the patient a minimally invasive operation with both internal and external hemorrhoids. The whole operation was very smooth, with small wound, less bleeding and short time, which reduced the pain of patients to a minimum. Surgery should not only determine the curative effect, but also give consideration to aesthetics. The postoperative assistant, Dr. Yu, immediately took a photo for the patient to see. The patient was very satisfied with the comparison of the photos before and after operation and gave a thumbs up.
After the operation, Head Nurse Zhang Yuping specially bought a big cake to share the happiness of the New Year with Mr. Wang and all the patients who could not go home for the New Year after the operation.
Caption: anorectal doctors and nurses celebrate the Spring Festival with patients who can’t go home for the New Year because of surgery. Photo by Sun Weiwei
It is understood that over the years, the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital has been adhering to the treatment concept of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine and has formed its own characteristics. In order to make Mr. Wang’s wound heal as soon as possible after operation, they also used traditional Chinese medicine hip bath, special dressing change and laser physiotherapy to promote the smooth healing of Mr. Wang’s wound. Under the careful treatment of medical staff in the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital, Mr. Wang recovered smoothly and was discharged from hospital 6 days after operation.
Director Liu Meiling also revealed to reporters that every holiday, such as May Day, November Day and Spring Festival, when the rest time is a little longer, the anorectal team of Shibei Hospital will arrange several special operation days, which is to help office workers who are not convenient to take time off at ordinary times and arrange surgery for them. The purpose is to make it convenient for them to take advantage of the holidays to treat and recuperate. During the Spring Festival this year, more than 10 inpatients in the anorectal department of this hospital were all office workers.

Speculators are eyeing Maotai Zodiac wine again? The price difference is as high as 40 thousand yuan

  Maotai launched the Zodiac wine in the Year of the Horse, the Year of the Sheep, the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Rooster, among which the price of the Year of the Horse wine was 81,666 yuan/bottle on an e-commerce platform.

  For the same bottle of Zodiac Moutai, the price of Maotai official mall is 39,999 yuan, while the retail price of third-party e-commerce platform is 81,666 yuan, and the price gap is as high as 40,000 yuan. Li Baofang, general manager of Maotai Group, pointed out that the supervision of Zodiac wine should be strengthened to avoid excessive abuse, excessive speculation and inflated prices.

  It is understood that Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Dog is expected to be listed at the end of this month, with a starting price of 1699 yuan/bottle. Up to now, Maotai Zodiac Wine has launched four models: Jiawu Year of the Horse, B Year of the Sheep, Bingshen Year of the Monkey and Ding You Year of the Rooster. In recent years, the price of Maotai Zodiac wine has soared. Experts said that the price of Zodiac wine is artificially high, and investors must be alert to investment risks.

  Status quo: Maotai Zodiac wine is bullish all the way.

  It is understood that in January 2017, Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Rooster was announced to be listed, with a pre-sale price of 1219 yuan/bottle and an official sale price of 1299 yuan/bottle. On the first day, the sales of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Rooster exceeded 17 million yuan, and then some channels began to be out of stock or the supply was tight, which led to the rising price of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Rooster. At present, in Maotai Mall, the retail price of 53-degree 500ml Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Rooster is 2399 yuan/bottle, but the inventory shows "0". In Maotai Mall, the most expensive Zodiac wine is 2.5L five-star 53-degree Year of the Horse Zodiac wine, the retail price is 39,999 yuan/bottle, and the inventory display is also "0".

  On the third-party e-commerce platform, the retail price of 53-degree 500ml Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Rooster is 3,499 yuan/bottle, which is 1,100 yuan higher than the price of Maotai official website, and it needs to be purchased by appointment. The price of 2.5L single bottle of Year of the Horse Zodiac wine is 81,666 yuan/bottle, which is 41,667 yuan more expensive than that of Maotai official website. The profit margin is quite large, and the intention of wine speculators is very obvious.

  What is the difference between the Zodiac Maotai and Feitian Maotai? A salesperson of a Maotai franchise store in Beijing told the Beijing Youth Daily that the two kinds of Maotai taste no different, that is, the packaging of the zodiac wine is more exquisite, very beautiful, and has commemorative and collectible value.

  Supervision: Zodiac wine is supplied in proportion.

  Regarding Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Dog, Li Baofang, general manager of Maotai Group, pointed out that according to the industry situation in 2017, Zodiac Wine needs rational development and strengthened supervision to avoid excessive abuse, excessive speculation and inflated prices. It is understood that in response to the market’s concern about the sales ratio of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog, Maotai Group recently issued the "Notice on the Implementation Ratio of Aged Moutai and Guizhou Moutai (Year of the Dog, 1898)", pointing out that the matching index of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog can be implemented monthly or quarterly, but it cannot be implemented cumulatively across quarters; If it is implemented quarterly, it can be implemented once in any month of the quarter, and the cumulative proportion index of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog in this quarter can be implemented at one time; The ratio index of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog that has not been implemented across quarters is invalid; Unaccepted stores don’t match Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Dog.

  According to relevant regulations, the sales volume of Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Dog in 2018 is planned to maintain the level of last year, mainly based on specialty stores and special distribution, supplemented by e-commerce and retail. Maotai will cancel the regional distribution system of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog, and all dealers will jointly distribute it. At the same time, Maotai will grade and match the number of Zodiac wines on a monthly basis according to the areas where specialty stores and special dealers are located. Among them, for specialty store channels, Maotai will distribute 20 pieces, 15 pieces and 10 pieces of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog to each store every month according to the region (province, prefecture and county); For special dealers, 15 pieces, 10 pieces and 5 pieces of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog are distributed to each household every month according to the region (province, prefecture and county); In addition, Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen and Shenzhen are implemented according to the standards of provincial capitals.

  Plan: Maotai will increase the volume of the Spring Festival market.

  This month, it was reported at the 2018 working conference held by Maotai Group that no less than 7,000 tons of Maotai liquor and 6,000 tons of series liquor will be put in before the Spring Festival, reaching 25% and 20% of the annual plan respectively, so as to effectively meet the market demand for the Spring Festival. At the same time, it is proposed to resolutely control and manage the terminal prices of Moutai and Maotai-flavor series wines. We should take the word "stable" first, stabilize the market price, stabilize the market foundation and stabilize the market share. It is necessary to strictly manage the market price to prevent the price from rising too fast and the "high fever" from persisting.

  It is reported that the market price of Moutai is particularly sensitive near the Spring Festival. On January 8th, Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. issued a special announcement, requiring subsidiaries at all levels of the company and Maotai Group to sell Feitian 53-degree 500ml Moutai at the price of 1,499 yuan/bottle, without boosting the price, so as to keep the retail price stable. It is recommended that the seller refer to it as appropriate, and do not hoard goods for sale or tie in.

  On January 9th, nearly 100 Maotai dealers jointly issued an initiative in Xi ‘an, unanimously promising to consciously safeguard the interests of consumers and consciously abide by the market order. The price of 53-degree 500ml Feitian Maotai liquor does not exceed 1,499 yuan/bottle, and it will not hoard goods, withhold sales, reluctantly sell or tie in, maintain its strength, deepen the market, improve its service, and be a righteous business for the grand cause of Maotai, the national liquor.

  Maotai Group said that since last year, the market of Moutai has changed from a buyer’s market to a seller’s market, and series of wines have also become a tight resource. But this is also the most difficult time to grasp and the most prone to problems. Maotai Group proposes to be rational and sober, be good at using dialectical thinking and dynamic thinking to examine the market, study the market, do a good job in the market, and strive for initiative.

  Text/reporter Zhao Xinpei