Focus on forward-looking technology, and the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference will let a hundred flowers blossom.

The 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held in Shanghai from July 6 to 8. The main exhibition of the 50,000-square-meter Expo covers four sections: core technology, intelligent terminal, application empowerment and cutting-edge technology, involving large models, chips, robots, intelligent driving and other fields. There are over 400 exhibitors, over 50 excellent start-ups, and more than 30 new products are exhibited for the first time. The number of exhibitors and exhibition area are the highest in history.

Layout of the new track of the future industry, large models have appeared.

Enter the key words of the work in the computer, such as "thick painting, illustration, girl, cuteness", and then choose different painting styles, and you can generate a beautiful painting in just over ten seconds. During this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the reporter experienced the first AI painting experience activity launched by Netease Fuxi, Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee and Donghao Lansheng. This technology relies on the picture generation model developed by Netease Fuxi-"Danqing", which is also a 100% domestic model.

Picture generation model "Danqing", courtesy of Netease Fuxi.

According to the staff, the large model is trained based on native Chinese corpus data and Netease’s own high-quality picture data. After strict text and picture review, the model has good Chinese understanding ability while ensuring data source compliance and generated content compliance, and the works created can better meet Chinese aesthetics. In addition, the big model also supports users to give multiple rounds of modification suggestions across multi-modes such as words and pictures until satisfactory picture effects are generated.

"The big model is not a fireworks show, but an advanced productive force. This wave of AGI revolution is a brand-new meta-revolution. The big model is of great significance for industrial development. With the big model, enterprises have ushered in a new opportunity and realized an’ end-to-end’ value realization. " On the 7th, Xiao Yanghua, director of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science and professor of Fudan University, co-hosted the theme forum "The Infinite Charm of AI Generation and Vertical Language Model" in Shanghai Pudong New Area Youth Federation, Daguan Data and Youkede.

The "Cao Zhi" big model of philosophical data was released. View data for the picture

At the forum, Chen Yunwen, Chairman and CEO of Daguan Data, officially released the "Cao Zhi" model of Daguan Data. As a vertically specialized large-scale domestic language model, this big model has the characteristics of long text, verticalization and multi-language. By connecting multiple models and knowledge maps in parallel, it supports the functions of automatic writing and multi-language translation of long texts in multiple languages, and enables all-round scenarios such as long document writing, machine translation, semantic analysis review, knowledge question and answer, text-to-SQL, etc., which can be deeply optimized and customized according to the needs of copywriting in different industries and fields. Whether in finance, government affairs or industry, Cao Zhida model can provide accurate and effective solutions for copywriting.

As a domestic strategic partner of Cao Zhi’s big model, UCloud’s AIGC computing base also made a wonderful appearance. Benjurry Ben, Chairman and CEO of UCloud, delivered a keynote speech on "Neutral and Secure Cloud Computing Helps the Development of Big Model", introducing its technical products, engineering capabilities and ecological construction in the field of AIGC.

The panoramic view of Youke AIGC solution made a wonderful appearance. You ke de gong tu

With profound technical accumulation and comprehensive system engineering capabilities, Youke has launched a series of products and solutions covering data centers, computing platforms, management platforms, network services, application services and ecological interfaces. The open, secure and customized AIGC solution allows customers to utilize existing server resources, and enjoy the flexible expansion of public cloud conveniently, so as to reduce costs and increase efficiency at the IT level. And through the data center hosting area, it can provide users with exclusive cabinets, servers, networks and storage resources that are completely physically isolated. Combined with complete security schemes and expert services, it ensures the smooth operation of users’ large models.

Benjurry Ben said that he will continue to explore the greater development prospects and broader development space of AIGC with the "Cao Zhi" big language model through the neutral and safe computing base. We will jointly improve the ability of enterprises to apply large models in privatization and promote the process of landing large models at the enterprise level.

Panoramic insight report of exhibitors at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference released by Digital Library Technology. Digital library technology for the picture

At this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Database Technology released a brand-new conceptual product atlas-"ISTARI". The on-site staff introduced to the reporter that "istari" is a conceptual product that integrates UPG and large model exhibited at the conference of Digital Library Technology, and it is a new generation of industrial panoramic map platform that can present dialogue and interaction. Based on this small dialogue window, the data dimensions of industries and products and related companies are at your fingertips.

It is reported that the digital government solution is the main push of database technology, in which the industrial monitoring brain platform can carry out real-time monitoring and comparative analysis on industrial scale, industrial environment and other aspects, and through the multi-chain integration of supply chain, innovation chain, policy chain and talent chain, statistics and analysis of relevant upstream and downstream entities, policy orientation, etc., the business environment and investment and financing data can be integrated, and industrial ecological projection can be realized on the big screen through data visualization display. Assist policy implementation and project landing. At the same time, through the full-scene industrial map capability and big data mining analysis means, we will build a data base for investment promotion, empower nearly 50 investment promotion methods such as industrial chain investment promotion, enhance the full-scene data service capability of investment promotion, and vigorously promote the high-quality development of the industry.

Leo Liu, founder and CEO of Digital Database Technology, said at the "Smart Data Smart Way-Data Intelligence Forum" that since the establishment of industrial chain system by Digital Database Technology, enterprises have continuously upgraded iterative data products to better build industrial chain system and serve the real economy, and launched ——UPG(Universal Product Graph), an upgraded data product based on SAM industrial chain system. In the future, based on UPG unified product atlas system, all kinds of relationship lines will be further expanded, and finally the digital transformation will be effectively empowered.

Robot +AI: Towards a new era of embodied intelligence

At present, the industry generally believes that the next wave of artificial intelligence is embodied intelligence. As the carrier of artificial intelligence entering the physical world, embodied intelligence combines artificial intelligence technology with robot entities, giving the "brain" a body that can be controlled, perceived, interacted and acted, and bringing great convenience and benefits as an important partner and assistant of human beings.

At the opening ceremony of this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, a universal humanoid robot GR-1 released by Fu Liye Intelligent in the first show of major innovations has aroused widespread concern in the industry. The robot is 1.65 meters tall, weighs 55 kilograms, has 40 degrees of freedom, the maximum peak torque of joint module can reach 300NM, the walking speed can reach 5KM/h, and the load is 50 kilograms.

According to the staff, this robot has a highly bionic trunk configuration, anthropomorphic motion control, fast walking, agile obstacle avoidance, steady uphill and downhill, anti-impact interference and other motion functions, combined with cognitive intelligence, can cooperate with people to complete actions, and has great potential in many application scenarios such as industry, rehabilitation, home, scientific research and so on.

Fu Liye’s intelligent GR-1 universal humanoid robot debut. Fu Liye Intelligent Photo courtesy

As the next generation ontology of AI with body intelligence, humanoid robots are expected to lead AI into the "era of body intelligence", and will also promote the development of special robots to general robots. Gu Jie, founder of Fu Liye Intelligent, believes that, just like the development trend from desktop computers to personal computers to mobile phones, universal humanoid robots will gradually become the mainstream of the industry in the future. At present, the hardware foundation of universal humanoid robot is basically laid, and the application wave driven by large model is coming.

Unmanned loading robot. Photo courtesy of Netease Fuxi

"In the field of construction machinery, this unmanned loading robot can quickly adapt to different models, and can automatically perform actions such as moving, accelerating and decelerating, shoveling and unloading. The full bucket rate of shoveling operation is over 95%, and the residual rate of unloading hopper is below 5%. The shoveling efficiency is close to that of the master." In the exhibition area of artificial intelligence, the staff mentioned that this unmanned robot was jointly developed by Netease Fuxi and China Construction Eighth Bureau. It is a highly intelligent and fully automated main construction machinery based on the scene of mixing station.

"The concrete mixing station is the basic supply of the construction site, and it needs 24 hours of uninterrupted operation, and a lot of dust and particles will be generated during the operation. Therefore, mixing stations often face the problem of difficulty in recruiting workers. " The staff said that taking the mixing station with two machines and 180 units as an example, the standard configuration is 2 loaders +4 drivers. However, after the replacement of the unmanned loader, only one driver is needed to handle 1% of the special conditions at the scene, and in other 99% cases, the unmanned automatic feeding operation can be realized.

At present, the unmanned loading robot has been applied to the intelligent concrete mixing station of Hutong Railway, and batch delivery will be realized this year, so that construction workers can bid farewell to the dangerous working environment and achieve high safety and high quality work.

Accelerate the innovative application of AI in the industry and help achieve the goal of "double carbon"

How can artificial intelligence and big data technology help reduce carbon and promote high-quality development?

Q-Truck, 2023WAIC "Treasure of Town Hall". People’s Daily reporter Ge Junjun photo

Q-Truck, a driverless commercial vehicle with intelligent power exchange displayed by Xijing Technology, is the "treasure of town hall" in 2023WAIC. The staff introduced: "In terms of carbon reduction, after calculation, Q-Truck completely uses green electricity in actual production and operation scenarios, and bicycles can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 50 tons per year, which is equivalent to planting 4,545 trees per year by bicycles, and the annual planting area of bicycles is 113,400 square meters."

Q-Tractor。 Photo courtesy of Xijing Technology

This year, Xijing Technology’s new energy unmanned tractor Q-Tractor was launched in the world in 2023WAIC. This product can be adapted to multiple scenes such as airports, factories and logistics centers, with deeper scene interconnection, more humane driving experience, highly derivative application scenarios and higher-order automatic driving, and can be used in logistics transportation fields such as small cargo transportation and luggage traction. The maximum load of Q-Tractor is 40 tons, and it can realize all-weather transportation for 7×24 hours, which is more stable, smooth and convenient, with "zero pollution and no emission". The relevant person in charge of Xijing Technology expressed the hope that with the help of WAIC, we can help more users to effectively reduce the cost of global production factors and create a green, intelligent and resilient global smart logistics.

"Smart Help Double Carbon, Traces to Follow" 2023 Smart Trend Forum. Photo courtesy of Schneider Electric

At present, the digital economy has become an important pillar of national economic growth. How to accelerate the integration of digital and real industries and move towards green and low carbon with key technologies has become an important issue to achieve high-quality development. Zhang Lei, vice president of Schneider Electric and head of digital service business in China, said at the 2023 Smart Trend Forum: "Artificial intelligence technology is the driving force to promote the leap-forward development of science and technology, industrial optimization and upgrading, and the overall jump in productivity. However, under the general trend of digital integration, the key to the potential of new technologies such as AI lies in their industrialization and large-scale application."

In order to accelerate the innovative application of AI in the industry, Schneider Electric recently set up an AI innovation laboratory in Beijing, and the AI innovation laboratory in Shanghai will soon be established.

Zhang Lei said that in addition to advanced models and algorithms, the key value of AI technology lies in combining practical application scenarios to meet industrial needs. To this end, Schneider Electric is accelerating the creation of an incubator for AI innovation applications. Its AI Innovation Lab is committed to exploring the application innovation of "entity industry+technology ecology +AI" and exploring the application of AI technology in asset and process optimization, infrastructure management, demand management and new energy management, empowering the digitalization and sustainable development of major industries.

"Future car" is about to sail to the "fast lane" of commercialization.

Starting from Shentao Road, Jinqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shanghai, turn left to Jianqiao Road … The whole journey is 2.8 kilometers, which takes about 15 minutes. On July 8, during the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the "Driver-free Intelligent Networked Car Show" in Shanghai Jinqiao Demonstration Zone was opening up the autopilot experience to the global audience.

This is the first time that the first batch of enterprises in Pudong New Area have obtained the "driver-free test license" to test their vehicles on the road. AutoX Antu and Neolithic Unmanned Vehicles became the first batch of "unmanned vehicles" enterprises to obtain the license for road test of driverless intelligent networked vehicles issued by Pudong New Area Government.

"Every car travels an average of 80-100 kilometers every day to conduct a safe driving test in driverless mode." Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai’s first self-driving open demonstration application road in the central city, has a wealth of application scenarios in the central city of super-large cities and has become the best testing ground for artificial intelligence technology. Lin Tailai, vice president of AutoX, said: "We need to realize the commercialization of completely driverless taxis in large urban areas on a large scale, reduce the cost of intelligent upgrading of automobiles through large-scale mass production, and realize the sustainable development of commercialization and marketization."

"In solving the’ last mile’ with the highest cost and lowest efficiency in logistics distribution, the cost reduction ratio of each unmanned delivery vehicle can reach more than 60%." Huang Hantao, director of the government affairs department of Neolithic Academia Sinica (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd. said: "After receiving the notice of innovative application test, we can speed up the test in Pudong and develop three business models: unmanned retail, unmanned distribution and unmanned urban service. I believe that in the future life scene, there will be more and more unmanned equipment like Neolithic unmanned vehicles on the road. "

Strive for the spring tide, Guiyang Yunyan sprints to "open the door steadily" in the first quarter.

  Xinhuanet Guiyang, April 2 (Lu Zhijia) This year is a crucial year for Guizhou to implement the action of "strengthening the province". Doing a good job in economic work in the first quarter is of great significance to promoting high-quality economic and social development and achieving the goals and tasks for the whole year. As the main battlefield for Guizhou to implement the strategic action of "strengthening the province", Yunyan District in the central city of Guiyang has been pressing ahead since the beginning of the year, making every effort to grasp projects, attract investment and promote consumption, and strive to "open the door steadily" in the first quarter.

Micro-core technology located in Yunyan old cigarette factory. Xinhua Net Fa (photo by Guo Ran)

  Speed up the construction around the key project "stepping on the spring"

  Recently, in the key project site of the first phase of education infrastructure construction in Sanma area of Yunyan District (the primary school attached to the National People’s Congress), most of the main buildings of this project have been capped, and the teaching building is being installed, and the workers are busy in an orderly and nervous manner at the scene. Qiu Shikai, the person in charge of the project site, said that as one of the key projects in Yunyan District, the project attached to the National People’s Congress has a total investment of 838 million yuan. After completion, it will have 48 classes and 1,920 degrees, focusing on solving the problem of schooling for the surrounding children. "We are increasing personnel investment, strengthening financial guarantee, seizing time, striving for speed and ensuring safety, and ensuring that the project is completed on time, with good quality and quantity."

Aerial photography of the construction site of the small project attached to the People’s Congress in Yunyan District. Xinhua Net Fa (LongbuildRui she)

  It is reported that Sanma Industrial Concentrated Development Zone is one of the industrial concentrated development zones in Yunyan District with the principle of "concentration+decentralization", and it is an important platform for carrying high-quality projects and cultivating industrial clusters.

  Park construction, the foundation first. At the beginning of this year, Bid A of Mawang Road in Sanma District was officially opened to traffic, and successfully connected with Bid B and Bid C, which realized the east-west connection of Sanqiao South Road, Gaicha Avenue, Shubo Avenue and Baihua Avenue, effectively relieved the traffic pressure of Beijing West Road and Baihua Avenue, and also marked the completion of 22 broken road projects in the city.

  In terms of real estate industry, key projects such as Enxiang Vanke Guanshan Jiadi, Hellenborg Tianyuefu, Lushan Urban Complex and Wuyue Plaza in Yunyan District are also being promoted in an orderly manner.

  The new city is jointing and the old city is rejuvenating, creating a livable and suitable environment for economic development. Yunyan District is also promoting the transformation of old residential areas. Entering the renovation project of the old residential area in Minsheng Road area, many parking spaces have been added in the courtyard, the dark corridor has also been painted, and workers are replacing the manhole cover. "Now the old appearance of the courtyard, the rectification of sewage discharge, lighting monitoring equipment and other projects have been completed. Next, fitness equipment and cultural corridors will be set up in the community." Wang Lei, the project leader, said. At present, the renovation project has entered the final stage and is expected to be completed before the end of June this year.

  To improve the happiness of community residents, on the one hand, we should solve their "just need" of life, and also find gyms, coffee shops and theaters nearby. To this end, Yunyan District is drawing a "15-minute life circle" for citizens through project implementation.

The construction of Shanhai City Sports Park in Yunyan District has come to an end. Xinhua Net Fa (photo by Lu Xiaofang)

  The construction of Shanhai City Sports Park, located in Baoshan North Road, Yunyan District, is drawing to a close. A comprehensive project focusing on sports services and integrating health, culture, leisure and education will soon be "upgraded" in densely populated areas in Yunyan District. "At present, 9 large stadiums and 1 kindergarten, including basketball stadium, badminton stadium, boxing stadium, rhythmic gymnastics hall and art stadium, have been completed, covering 11 projects, and all other projects will be completed by the end of April." Cai Qingbin, chairman of Guizhou Shanhai Education Group, said that all the project coaches in the venue are retired athletes from provincial teams and national teams, and there are international referees to guide the teaching.

  In addition, the construction of Xinhua Cultural and Creative Block in Yunyan District, which started at the end of March 2022, is also in full swing. This block, formerly known as Guizhou Xinhua Printing Factory, will be transformed into an innovative cultural tourism consumption block integrating museums, exhibition halls, bookstores, comprehensive business districts and cultural and creative markets, and it is expected to be put into use in October.

  Focus on strong chain, supplement chain, quantity and quality, and strengthen investment promotion

  In the first quarter of this year, Yunyan District focused on "specialization and innovation" and aimed at "strengthening the chain", and actively set up investment promotion teams to go to Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu and other places to set off a powerful offensive of industrial investment promotion.

  On February 14th, Yunyan District went to Shenzhen with a series of "gift packages" for enterprises, such as ten preferential policies for attracting investment and ten preferential policies for safety and business, and opened a special industry investment promotion meeting in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, recommending superior resources and industrial clusters to 88 enterprises, and making field visits to many enterprises.

  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is rich in innovative resources, active in scientific research and development, and high-quality enterprises gather. At present, industrial capital has a strong driving force for scale transfer and expansion to the mainland. Undertaking industrial transfer in Greater Bay Area is of great practical significance for Yunyan District to achieve high-quality development.

Yunyan District Industry Investment Promotion Conference in 2023-Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Special Session was held in Shenzhen on February 14th. Xinhua Net Fa (photo by Guo Ran)

  At the promotion meeting, responsible persons of enterprises such as Shenzhen Beidou Communication Technology Co., Ltd. and China Electronic Information Industry Group all expressed their willingness to go to Yunyan for on-the-spot investigation. Wei Tiangui, chairman of Shenzhen Tiansheng IOT Technology Co., Ltd., said that the company now plans to expand its production scale, hoping to realize research and development in Shenzhen and move production to Guiyang …

  Since the start of a new round of cooperation between the east and the west, Yunyan District has visited Guangdong for investment many times and introduced a number of enterprises and projects with strong chain, supplementary chain and extended chain. Up to now, 62 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area projects have been introduced into Yunyan District, mainly in the fields of electronic information manufacturing, big data integration and modern commerce, with a total investment of nearly 60 billion yuan. Nine upstream and downstream industrial projects, such as Shenzhen Xinxian AI artificial intelligence system research and development and intelligent manufacturing project, Xinhuoyuechuang intelligent manufacturing and engineering technology center project and Shenzhen Angdai photoelectric electronic display project, were introduced.

  On March 4th, at the work promotion meeting of the 2023 Industrial Investment Promotion Breakthrough Year held in Yunyan District, the "spring offensive" of investment promotion in Yunyan District reached a climax, and 15 projects were signed centrally, with a total investment of 20.6 billion yuan, covering key areas such as commerce and trade, cultural tourism, urban renewal, big data, intelligent manufacturing, productive services, big health and rural revitalization.

Centralized signing ceremony of industrial investment projects in Yunyan District in the first quarter of 2023. Xinhua Net Fa (photo by Guo Ran)

  Wang Qiyun, secretary of Yunyan District Party Committee, said at the meeting that the whole region should change the concept of investment promotion, innovate the way of investment promotion, focus on "specialization and novelty", fully promote investment promotion in industrial chain, continue to deepen the reform of "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" and "running once at most", enhance the service capacity of "one network to run", and comprehensively strengthen the construction of government, business and policy environment.

  In the first quarter of this year, Yunyan District introduced three central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, and completed 18 contracted projects at the district level with a contracted investment of 20.8 billion yuan. Yunyan District, which is in the period of "Strong Province Meeting", the initial stage of "Old Town Core" construction and the period of industrial development transformation and upgrading, will implement the "Six Major Investment Promotion Actions" with the attitude of attracting all employees this year to promote high-quality development with high-quality investment promotion.

  Focus on quality upgrading, tap the potential and promote consumption

  During the Spring Festival, Yunyan District took food as the medium, and held the "Fresh Buy Festival" and the "Fresh Food Festival" in Zhengxin Street, the favorite base of old Guiyang, and Taiping Road, the newly-built trend block, respectively, and adopted a series of measures such as "consumption reduction" and "shopping lottery" to benefit the people and ignite the holiday economy in the thick flavor of the year.

Citizens play in the Food Festival of Taiping Road in Yunyan District. Xinhua Net Fa (photo by Guo Ran)

  Recently, the "script killing" business of "Qiqi Reasoning Society" in Baoshan North Road, Yunyan District has continued to be hot, with an average of about 4 games per day, and the tables are often full and even need to be turned over on weekends …

  Yitian Holiday Plaza, located in Dayingpo, Yunyan District, is becoming more and more popular. In the square outside the shopping mall, the trunk market attracts a large number of citizens to stop spending. In the shopping mall, there are long queues at the gates of some popular catering shops. "Now it has basically returned to the peak state, and it is basically full on Friday and Saturday nights. Consumers are making online appointments to come to the store for dinner." The person in charge of a restaurant in Yitian Holiday Plaza said.

Citizens relax and spend money in a shopping mall in Yunyan District. Xinhuanet Lu Zhijia photo

  Since the Spring Festival, the pace of consumer market recovery in Yunyan District has been accelerating, and various scenic spots and business districts are full of popularity. At the same time, a series of policies and measures to promote consumption have been introduced one after another, and consumer confidence has been further boosted.

  It is reported that Yunyan District will also speed up the renovation and upgrading of night economic blocks such as Taiping Road and Minsheng Road, guide the upgrading of eight commercial complexes in the fountain-Grand Cross business district, and build Renmin Avenue into the central business district of the city. In the future, the Ark area will be built into a demonstration zone for the integration of cultural and business travel.

  With the gradual implementation of a batch of business sports tourism projects, Yunyan District will reshape the core business district, upgrade the community business district, and rely on the constantly enriched consumer carriers and the constantly improved consumption quality to promote the sustained release of consumption potential.

Bamboo Slips and Silk Documents and the Historical Inheritance of Chinese Civilization

  Author: Yao Xiaoou (distinguished professor, College of Literature, Liaocheng University)

  From the "school of ancient history discrimination" and "examination of ancient history" in the 1920s, to the end of last century and the beginning of this century, Mr. Li Xueqin advocated "getting out of the age of doubting ancient history", and the research on China’s ancient history was getting deeper and deeper, among which the re-establishment of the concept of China’s 5,000-year-old civilization history was the key. Tracing the origin and historical inheritance of Chinese civilization has become a cultural event of concern to the whole society, and the discovery and research of bamboo and silk documents is an important link in the study of historical inheritance of Chinese civilization.

  Characteristics and advantages of bamboo and silk documents and China’s ancient historical records

  Archaeologists pointed out: "Over the past 20 years, the Chinese civilization tracing project has gradually unveiled the mystery of the origin of Chinese civilization through the investigation and excavation of many urban sites such as Liangzhu in Zhejiang, Shijiahe in Hubei, Taosi in Shanxi, Shimao in Shaanxi and Erlitou in Henan. The Chinese civilization tracing project has basically clarified the origin and early development of Chinese civilization. " (Chen Xingcan: Promoting the Spread of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture, People’s Daily, 20th Edition, August 18th, 2022) As a general rule, the study of world history judges the historical age through archaeological achievements, all of which are combined with literature. The richness and inheritance of China’s historical documents are obvious to all.

  Mr. Qian Cunxun, a famous expert on books and documents and a Chinese-American scholar, has a detailed exposition on the characteristics and advantages of China’s historical documents in his famous book "Books on Bamboo and Silk —— Ancient Written Records of China". He said: "most of the history of mankind depends on the spread of written records, so it has been preserved to this day." China people’s recording methods and techniques of thoughts and activities have their own special position in the history of world cultural development. " Mr. Qian pointed out: "A major feature of China’s written records is its unique persistence and continuity. This feature enables a creative ancient culture in the world to continue to this day. In addition to the common sounds and meanings of ordinary characters, China characters also have their own special forms. This kind of characters with special forms transcends the changes in time and the limitations in space, unites the Chinese nation and creates one of the greatest cultures in the world. "

  In the preface to the book, Mr. Li Xueqin quoted the above comments and said, "I believe that anyone who has read the book on bamboo and silk will be moved by this significant conclusion." Mr. Li’s "significant judgment" includes its significance in clarifying the origin of Chinese civilization. "Book on Bamboo and Silk" gives a comprehensive account of the origin of China’s books, from inscriptions on Oracle bones, inscriptions on inscriptions and inscriptions on tablets to bamboo slips and silk books. Generally speaking, from the perspective of document inheritance, bamboo slips and silk books, especially the bamboo slips that record books, are particularly valuable for discussion.

  The carrier of bamboo slips is bamboo slips, which are all kinds of writing materials made of bamboo and wood, including bamboo slips, bamboo slips, bamboo slips and bamboo slips. Because Jane is a large number, the above written materials are often collectively referred to as "Jane". A book made up of simplified editions is the most common form of ancient books.

  Literatures written in simplified books were used very early. "Shangshu Toz": "Hey! Tell Doss, … only I know, but the ancestors of Yin have books and codes, and Yin died in the summer. " The words quoted in Todos are from the mouth of the Duke of Zhou, and the object of teaching is the adherents of Shang Dynasty. From this, we can see that the existence and content of the documents in the Shang Dynasty were well known at that time. Its credibility is beyond doubt. In Oracle Bone Inscriptions, there are also many records of "books" and their use. Academic circles have a positive conclusion about the fact that simplified books have been used in Yin and Shang Dynasties. According to this, we can know that the existing Shang Shu Pan Geng and the source of Shang Song in the Book of Songs have cultural and institutional roots.

  In addition, because of the material properties of organic materials, the document carrier of bamboo and silk is difficult to be preserved under normal conditions, which makes the number of ancient bamboo and silk buried in walls, underground and other places rediscovered by later generations small, so it should be especially cherished.

  Discovery of bamboo and silk documents in past dynasties and its significance

  Qin Shihuang burned books to bury Confucianism, which blocked the inheritance of China literature to a great extent. In the Han Dynasty, all kinds of pre-Qin classics appeared one after another, except for the book-carrying law in four years. During the period of Emperor Wu, ancient books of the pre-Qin period were unearthed in the walls of Confucius’ old house and other places. At that time, there were people who gave away the old books in the pre-Qin period. Ancient pre-Qin books discovered in the Han Dynasty mainly include the following three aspects.

  First, Confucius’ book in the wall. Historical Records Biography of the Scholars: "Kong’s family has an ancient book" Shangshu ",while Anguo read it in this text, because it started his family. I have won more than ten articles from the Book, and I have covered the Book of History. " Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi said: "The author of The History of Ancient Chinese Literature is out of the wall of Confucius. At the end of Emperor Wu’s reign, the King of the Communist Party of Lu ruined Confucius’ residence and wanted to enlarge his palace, but he got dozens of articles, such as The History of Ancient Chinese Literature, The Book of Rites, The Analects of Confucius and The Book of Filial Piety, all of which were ancient characters. " Liu Xin’s Book of Dr. Taichang: "When King Lu Gong destroyed Confucius’ residence, he got ancient prose in a bad wall. There are thirty-nine Yi Li, sixteen Books, … and the Spring and Autumn Annals, all of which were written by Zuo Qiuming, and more than twenty books were hidden in the secret mansion, but they were not published."

  Second, other unearthed documents and books in the Han Dynasty, including Li, Shangshu and Xiaojing. History of Han Art and Literature: "Li Gu Jing was written by Lu Yanzhong and Confucius, which is similar to seventeen articles, with thirty-nine articles more." Kong Yingda’s Justice of Shangshu quoted Liu Xiang’s Bielu: "At the end of Emperor Wu, if the people had the Thai Oath in the wall, they would give it." Kong also quoted Fang Hong, assistant minister of Huangmen in the 14th year of Jian ‘an in Xian Di, as saying: "In the first year of Taihe in Xuan Di, women in Hanoi had a bad old house and got three articles of Thai Oath." Xu Chong’s "On the Table of Explaining Words": "The author of the Classic of Ancient Chinese Filial Piety was presented by the three old people of Lu when he was filial to Emperor Zhao."

  Third, Zuo Zhuan presented by Zhang Cang and the ancient books presented by Hejian to the king. Xu Shen’s Pre-narration of Shuowen Jiezi said: "Beiping Hou Zhang Cang presented Zuo’s Biography in the Spring and Autumn Period". Its writing is "self-similar" to the book in Confucius’ wall and the Ding Yi inscription unearthed. "Han Shu He Jian Xian Wang Chuan": "He Jian Xian Wang De was established two years ago with filial piety, studying the past well and seeking truth from facts. If you get a good book from the people, you must write it well, keep it true, and add gold and silk to it. Because the people of the Quartet Taoism are not far away, or there are old books from ancestors, which are often presented to the king, so there are many books. And the Han Dynasty, etc … The books presented to the king are all ancient books before the Qin Dynasty, and the titles of Zhou Guan, Shang Shu, Li Ji, Mencius and Lao Zi are all recorded by legends and discussed by the people of seventy. "

  All kinds of classics we use today have been handed down by scholars in the Han Dynasty. All kinds of ancient pre-Qin books appeared in the Han Dynasty are of great significance to the establishment of the learning system in the Han Dynasty, and their influence has continued until now.

  After the Han Dynasty, the famous event of finding ancient simplified books in tombs was the discovery of "Jizhong Bamboo Book". Wang Guowei made an incisive judgment on the significance of the discovery of bamboo slips and silks, including "Jizhong Bamboo Slips", in the study of China’s ancient history. He said, "There was a book in the wall of Confucius, and then there was the study of ancient writers since the Han Dynasty. There are ancient artifacts unearthed in Zhao and Song Dynasties, and then there are ancient artifacts and ancient characters since Song Dynasty. After the bamboo book of Jizhong was unearthed in the Jin Dynasty, the result was not significant because of the chaos in Yongjia. However, Du Yuzhi’s Zuo Zhuan and Guo Pu’s Shan Hai Jing all quoted his theory, and the deeds of Yu, Yi and Yi Yin recorded in Bamboo Annals have become a major issue in China’s literature. However, the knowledge in China’s books depends on the discoverer of the underground, and it is not from today. " (Wang Guowei: "China’s newly discovered knowledge in the past two or three decades")

  It is said in the Annals of Bamboo Books that "those who share common interests do things of the emperor, not two-phase republic", which is different from that described in Records of the Historian Zhou Benji, but it is supported by Tsinghua bamboo slips. In a word, the discovery of bamboo slips and silks unearthed in the Han Dynasty is of great significance and far-reaching influence on the narrative of China’s ancient history and the inheritance of Chinese civilization.

  The Discovery of Bamboo and Silk Documents since the 20th Century and Its Significance

  Unearthed documents have played a key role in many important advances in academic research in the twentieth century. At the beginning of the 20th century, Wang Guowei used the newly discovered Oracle bone inscriptions at that time to write papers such as "Examination of the First Duke and the First King Seen in Yin Oracle Inscriptions" and "Continued Examination of the First Duke and the First King Seen in Yin Oracle Inscriptions", which proved that the history of Shang Dynasty described in Historical Records was basically correct, and thus inferred "the authenticity of Xia Houshi lineage". This assertion has extended the recorded history of China for more than 1000 years.

  From the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, many discoveries and researches on bamboo and silk documents were greatly promoted. From the carrier, besides bamboo slips and silks, there are also Oracle Bone Inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, Wen Tao and inscriptions. Bamboo slips and slips mainly include two categories, one is documents, and the other is books. Documents include common tomb dispatches, ancient files, official documents, decrees and bookkeeping, as well as calendars, calendars, Japanese books and miscellaneous medical prescriptions. These types of documents are first-hand materials for studying the social system at that time and the living conditions of ancient people, which are naturally valuable. However, from the perspective of the historical inheritance of Chinese civilization, handed down classics and books similar to handed down classics are of greater significance. Bamboo Slips of Chu Tomb in Guodian, Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Shanghai Museum, Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Tsinghua University and Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Anhui University contain many classics. For example, there are three kinds of Lao Zi and Yi Yi in Guodian bamboo slips, The Book of Songs and various Confucian documents in Shanghai bamboo slips, The Book of Songs and Shangshu in Tsinghua bamboo slips, The Book of Songs, National Style and The Analects of Confucius in Anda bamboo slips. In addition, the bamboo slips and Qin slips of the Western Han Dynasty collected by Peking University, and the Western Han bamboo slips of the tomb of Hai faint Hou, etc., also have important historical document value.

  There are two aspects worthy of special attention in the historical significance of the classic simplified literature. The first is the study of thinkers represented by Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, including their ideological origin, the formation of unified ideas and their transmission in later generations. The second is the exploration of the ancient history of China, including the dating and historical orientation of the ancient history of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties and before.

  On the first aspect, the first breakthrough was made because of the publication of Bamboo Slips of Guodian Chu. On November 7th, 1999, the third edition of China Youth Daily published a series of articles written by Pang Pu, a famous philosopher and intellectual historian, with the title "How Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb Rewrite the History of China Thought". The center of this group of articles is to discuss the inheritance of Guodian bamboo slips from Confucius to Mencius. The simplified version of Laozi has another meaning. The organizer of Guodian Bamboo Slips pointed out: "A and C of the simplified version of Laozi are the earliest copied versions of Laozi so far. Most of its sentences are similar or the same as this edition of Laozi. " This is strong evidence for affirming Lao Zi and his books recorded in historical documents. The study of the relationship between Laozi and Confucius can also be further deepened. Documents such as "Yi Yi" and "Five Elements" suggest that the Simeng School was widely spread in Chu at that time. New Confucian literature, such as "Self-assertion of Sex", "Poverty Reaches Time" and "The Way of Tang Yu", is also of great significance to the history of China’s thoughts. These show the inseparable relationship between Chu culture and the culture of the Central Plains during the Warring States period, and even for a number of periods. This is an excellent illustration of the pluralistic unity of Chinese culture.

  As far as the history of China’s "three generations" is concerned, the existence of the Xia Dynasty was questioned by the school of ancient history differentiation, and as mentioned earlier, Wang Guowei once inferred the "authenticity of Xia Houshi’s lineage" contained in Historical Records based on the Oracle bones in the Yin ruins. According to "Guoyu Luyu", after being defeated by Tang, "Jie ran to the south nest". Rong Chengshi, a bamboo slip on Shanghai Bo, gives a more detailed account of this important historical event: "Jie is the Lishan family who fled, and Tang attacked it from this, and fell from the slogan to cut Kaminokado high." Jie is the south nest family who fled, and Tang attacked it. I fled to the wilderness of Sangwu. " Comparing the two, the main contents of Xia Jie’s ending in handed down literature and unearthed literature are consistent. The latter also mentioned that Jie’s final destination was "the wilderness of Cangwu". This is intriguing. In history, "the wilderness of Cangwu" is related to Shun. In the neighboring areas of this area, some unearthed bronzes are classified as "early Shang period", which is very beautiful and its cultural source is worth studying. Unearthed documents such as Tsinghua bamboo slips "Thick Father" and "Shenbuwei" also provide new materials for the study of Xia history.

  Among the ancient civilizations in the world, the connotation and inheritance of Chinese civilization have their own characteristics. As far as the inheritance of civilization is concerned, the three generations of history and culture summarized by Confucius are represented by the chapters "Zai Yu Wen Wu Di De", "Emperor’s Family Name" and "Book of Rites and Liyun" in The Book of Rites, which have been passed down from generation to generation. Since the 20th century, the unearthed bamboo and silk documents have played an important role in the inheritance of contemporary Chinese civilization, which is worth our further study.

  Guangming Daily (11th edition, March 16th, 2024)

Five people climbed the mountain and were trapped in the deep mountains, and firefighters walked for 4 hours to rescue them.

Jingchu. com (Hubei Daily)(correspondent Jing Ning Shi sent Xu Xunhua) Spring is warm and busy, but the safety issue cannot be ignored. On March 9, a family of four in Huangshi and another 12-year-old girl accidentally got lost and were trapped in the deep mountains while climbing the mountain. Fortunately, firefighters rescued them in time.

At 18: 12 on March 9, the command center of Huangshi City Fire Rescue Detachment received an alarm for help, saying that a family of four got lost while climbing the mountain on Father and Son Mountain in Yangxin County, and was in urgent need of rescue. After receiving the police, the Prince Fire Rescue Station and Baihua Road Fire Rescue Station rushed to the scene for rescue.

That night, firefighters contacted the police on the way to the scene and learned that the trapped people were a family of four, and their parents took a pair of children. When they went down the mountain, they lost their way because of the wrong mountain road. In addition, the sky was getting dark and their physical strength was exhausted, and they immediately called 119 for help.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, the commander immediately ordered the establishment of a search and rescue team to carry emergency supplies to prepare for hiking up the mountain for search and rescue. On the way to the mountain for search and rescue, the firemen met a pair of parents who came to look for their children. Upon inquiry, they learned that their 12-year-old daughter was accidentally separated while climbing the mountain and got lost alone in the mountain. So far, there were five trapped people in the mountain.

Because it is getting late and visibility is reduced, the drone can’t determine the specific location of the trapped person, so firefighters have to rely on shouting and lighting to communicate with the trapped person and continuously narrow the scope of search and rescue. After two hours of search and rescue, the 12-year-old girl will be successfully rescued in a dense forest, and through inquiry, it is found that another family of four trapped is not far from the little girl’s trapped point.

On the way to search and rescue, there are many thorns on both sides of the road, accompanied by complicated road conditions such as steep mountains. In order to ensure the personal safety of the little girl, the on-site commander assigned a firefighter to stay in place to take care of the little girl, and the rest continued to search and rescue the trapped family of four.

After more than an hour of rescue, the firemen successfully rescued the other four people, and returned to join the left-behind people in the same way to escort the five trapped people down the mountain. At 21: 55, firefighters successfully took the trapped person down the mountain and handed it over to the public security department.

[mortal twilight] This team works efficiently to ensure the effective operation of the Olympic Games.

CCTV News:During the Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games, the facilities and services of various venues left a good impression on athletes and staff from all over the world. As an outstanding contribution group of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games, Beijing Chaoyang District Operation Support Command has guaranteed a number of competition and non-competition venues, ensured the effective operation of the opening and closing ceremonies, and strictly implemented epidemic prevention and control measures to achieve the goal of "zero damage, zero infection and zero accident".

During the whole Winter Olympics and Paralympics, Chaoyang District Operation Support Command is mainly responsible for the service support of 3 competition venues, 8 non-competition venues, 5 transportation stations and 85 hotels (residences), including the National Swimming Center, National Speed Skating Hall and National Stadium. The headquarters also guaranteed four opening and closing ceremonies, served and received 2,076 athletes, 2,621 members of the Olympic family and the Paralympic family, and guaranteed the issuance of 141 medals.

Yang Hongfu, Deputy Director, Office of Operation Support Headquarters, Chaoyang District, Winter Olympics:In the preparations for the Winter Olympics and the guarantee of the competition, Chaoyang District firmly established the consciousness of "home court, main responsibility and main force", and coordinated all the work to operate efficiently. The majority of party member cadres from 245 units in the whole district went to war with all their might and made extraordinary efforts to complete all the service guarantee tasks.

Chaoyang District Operation Support Command dispatched 1,819 health professionals to the front line, strictly implemented the epidemic prevention and control measures of "one hospital, one policy" and "one store, one policy", and carried out 2.665 million person-times of health monitoring and 1.746 million person-times of nucleic acid testing. We have achieved "civil air defense+technical defense" and achieved the goal of "zero damage, zero infection and zero accident".

Zhang Rui, deputy head of the Medical and Epidemic Prevention Working Group of the Operational Support Command of Chaoyang District, Winter Olympics:We have strengthened our support team, including team leaders, assistants, disease control, supervisors, doctors, nurses, and nucleic acid sampling personnel. People in the closed loop are tested once a day, those outside the closed loop are tested once every two days, and those involved in the Olympics are tested once every seven days. We strive to ensure that during the whole winter Olympics epidemic prevention process, there must be both a system and a temperature.

Chaoyang District Operation Support Command also provided audience guidance and power support for 75 sports events and 32 event award ceremonies in the public area of Beijing Olympic Park, and completed the construction and renovation of 208 barrier-free facilities, successfully completing 373 tasks in 8 aspects including the launching ceremony of the torch relay in the Winter Olympics, the fire picking ceremony in the Winter Paralympics, the relay operation and other support tasks.

The 3 rd line battle field shines! The throne of football in China will give way! Wuhan soil cannon rises!

Like a model in heaven, it is really a good example in the world, this creator, positive energy! Welcome everyone to pay attention, like, comment, forward and collect, thank you!

The rising star of China football: From Lei Wu to Wei Shihao, when talking about the top football players in China, most people will undoubtedly answer "Lei Wu". The attacker who scored high scores in the Super League has become a symbol of the national team. But with the passage of time, a new name is quietly emerging, and that is Wei Shihao.

Lei Wu’s brilliant Lei Wu is undoubtedly the legend of China football. From the moment he first entered the Super League, his outstanding performance attracted countless eyes. Not only did he score in double figures for five consecutive years, but in the sixth season, he became the top scorer of the league with 27 goals. At his peak, he went to Spain to play for Espanyol and became the representative of China football in Europe. However, as she grew older, Lei Wu chose to return to China.

Looking for a new leader, Lei Wu still paid a lot for the national team and the club after returning to China, but his status gradually declined. This also makes people start to think, who can take over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team? The Rise of Wei Shihao When it comes to this question, Wei Shihao is undoubtedly the most anticipated answer. In this season, the Wuhan three towns team is facing great difficulties. However, Wei Shihao brought hope to the team with his excellent performance. He not only scored goals at the crucial moment, but also solved the difficulties for the team almost every time. In the match with the Shenzhen team, he even staged a winner and won the team.

Wei Shihao, the hero at the crucial moment, not only performed well in the Super League, but also performed well in the AFC Champions League and the national team. He almost became the savior of the team at the critical moment. Whenever the team is in trouble, we can see Wei Shihao stand up and bring hope to the team.

At the moment of carrying the banner, Wei Shihao showed his strength in the Super League, the AFC Champions League and the national team. He not only scored key goals, but also brought vitality to the team on the court. It can be said that he has taken over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team.

Looking forward to the future Wei Shihao’s outstanding performance undoubtedly made people have high hopes for him. He not only has excellent strength, but also has the potential to lead the team. Many people expect him to bring more honor to the national football team in the future.

What’s your opinion? What do you think of Wei Shihao’s performance? Do you think he can carry the banner of China football in the future? I look forward to your comments in the comments section.

Pay more attention If you are interested in football, Super League and Wei Shihao, please pay attention to our headlines, and we will bring you more exciting content.

The new star of China football: From Lei Wu to Wei Shihao, China football has been looking for a new leader, and Lei Wu once assumed this responsibility. His brilliant achievements and Spanish league experience made him the representative of China football in Europe. As time goes by, his state declines, which makes us start to think about who can take over the banner. At this time, Wei Shihao emerged as a highly anticipated answer. His performance in Wuhan Sanzhen team is not only outstanding in the Super League, but also shows his savior-like ability in the AFC Champions League and the national team. He seems to have taken over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team.

The rise of Wei Shihao marks a new chapter in China football. His heroic performance at the crucial moment filled the fans with hope, whether in the Super League or the national team. His strength and charisma earned him the respect of the fans. He has started to carry the banner of China football and become the new leader of the national team.

In the future, we have good expectations for Wei Shihao. He not only has strength, but also has the potential as a leader, which can bring more honor to the national football team. His emergence makes people full of confidence in the future of China football, expecting him to continue to succeed in the international arena.

On the whole, the rise of Wei Shihao bodes well for China football. He has shown the potential of a leader and deserves high hopes from fans and the national team. I hope he can continue to make outstanding contributions to China football in the future and raise China football to a higher level.

On the whole, the rise of Wei Shihao bodes well for China football. He has shown the potential of a leader and deserves high hopes from fans and the national team. I hope he can continue to make outstanding contributions to China football in the future and raise China football to a higher level.

Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

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Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

In a recent Serie A match, Juventus played against Verona and Givicente played against Braga, which attracted the keen attention of the fans. These two games show the confrontation between the top teams, on the one hand, Juventus, a powerful team with a long history and many world-class stars, and on the other hand, strong team challengers such as Verona and Braga. Next, let’s learn more about these two wonderful games!

First, let’s take a look at the match between Juventus and Verona. Juventus, as the overlord of Serie A, has always been a powerful symbol.

Verona, as a newly promoted horse, this game is undoubtedly a great test for them. However, after the game started, Verona showed great strength. Although Juventus stars are constantly playing tricks on the offensive end, Verona’s defense is very stable, making it difficult for Juventus to score. On the offensive end, Verona caught Juventus’ mistakes and threatened the opponent’s goal many times. When the final whistle sounded, the game ended in a 0-0 draw. Juventus’ winning streak ended, while Verona scored a valuable draw.

Next, we turn to the match between Givicente and Braga.

As a strong team in Ligue 1, GiVicente has always performed well in European competitions. Braga, on the other hand, represents the rookie of Portuguese football. They have shown great strength in recent years. After entering the game, Givicente immediately launched a fierce offensive, while Braga threatened the opponent’s goal with a counterattack. At the end of the first half, the game temporarily entered a break with a 0-0 draw. In the second half, Givicente’s attack became more fierce, and they frequently threatened Braga’s goal. Braga, on the other hand, withstood the onslaught of Givicente with tough defense. Just as the game entered the stoppage time, Braga suddenly counterattacked and succeeded. Captain Orleans broke the deadlock and took the lead for Braga.

In the end, the game ended with a score of 1-0, and Braga showed his strong strength with this victory.

Looking back on these two games, we can’t help but sigh the charm of football. Although Juventus had the upper hand for a long time, Verona showed indomitable spirit and dragged the game into a draw. The match between GiVicente and Braga was full of suspense and drama. Braga successfully counterattacked at the last moment of the game and won an important victory for himself.

To sum up, these two games left a deep impression on people.

Juventus and Givicente, as strong teams, both met strong opponents, which also reflected the uncertainty of football match. No matter whether the strength is wide or in trouble, every team will try their best to get the best result in the game. This is our favorite football spirit. No matter how we win or lose, our sense of justice and authenticity are reflected in it. Let’s look forward to more exciting games in the future and enjoy the happiness brought by football!

That’s my introduction to the original football today: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga. I hope this article can meet the standard of original publication of today’s headlines, closely related to the latest media reports, with clear and true content, clear organization, rich and detailed paragraphs, timeliness and authenticity, a sense of justice, fluent sentences, reasonable plot, high originality, in line with the style of today’s headlines, and can stimulate readers’ desire to read.

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"Avatar: The Way of Water" finally appeared, and even 3D glasses exploded!

Special feature of 1905 film network Officially unveiled! On December 14th, (hereinafter referred to as) took the lead in opening the screening before the domestic release to meet the first audience.

According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, up to now, the box office of the first day of the film has broken 22 million, accounting for nearly 80% of the box office, and the total box office of point screening and pre-sale has broken 170 million.

Avatar 2 is only released in 3D in China, and there is no 2D version. The audience’s great expectations for Avatar 2 are also in 3D visual effects. Good 3D content needs good projection technical support, and high-quality 3D glasses are also indispensable. A pair of good 3D glasses can bring a clearer and more stereoscopic impression.

"Avatar 2" has hit in an all-round way. Are there any 3D glasses in domestic cinemas? 1905 Film Network consulted a number of cinemas and learned that there are different situations. Some are stepping up the replenishment of stocks, and some are well stocked, so they are temporarily on hold.

For example, Tony chen, the head of Jiangxi Yuemu Studios, told us that all its chain studios are urgently buying 3D glasses. "Each studio has about 1,000 seats, so there will be 2,000 pairs of glasses."

"Ordinary studios generally don’t stock too many 3D glasses. The main reason is that the number of 3D movies in China is still relatively small, and it can’t be too much in a year." Xie Xingxin, manager of Chongqing Baisha International Studios, explained. In general, the ratio of the number of 3D glasses to the number of seats in a cinema is 1:1.5-1:2, that is, 150 to 200 pairs of 3D glasses for 100 seats. These glasses have a long service life under good maintenance. Except for cinemas that don’t provide free glasses and sell 3D glasses, they usually prepare a certain amount of goods.

So, for the enterprises specializing in the production and supply of 3D glasses, what business changes have they experienced in the 13 years since Avatar 2? Can the arrival of Avatar 2 drive a new wave of demand for 3D glasses products and improve the technical quality?

In this regard, 1905 Film Network visited three domestic enterprises that produce and supply 3D glasses. Because of the arrival of Avatar 2, they unanimously said — — Orders for 3D glasses have exploded recently.


"Orders and production lines are all full. At present, there are millions of orders received, all of which are trying to stock up for customers. According to this demand ratio, this month’s output may exceed 10 million pairs. "

Liu Bingbing, general manager of Shenzhen Future Stereo Technology Co., Ltd. told us that the average annual output of the company’s brand "Geduowei" 3D glasses is 30-40 million pairs. Because of Avatar 2, at least a quarter of the annual output is concentrated this month.

Established in 2009, Future Stereo is one of the earliest enterprises in China to manufacture 3D glasses, and now there are 2,000-3,000 cinemas in cooperation with all parts of the country. Liu Bingbing said that since Avatar 2 was finalized overseas in early November, they predicted that it would land in China mainland cinemas and increase the production of 3D glasses ahead of schedule.

Time Huaying is also an early enterprise in China to develop, produce and sell cinema 3D systems and 3D glasses. It has more than 20 million pairs of medium and large-sized 3D glasses production bases with annual production capacity, and its 3D brand "Feidio" mainly cooperates with China Film and Wanda.

Time Huaying introduced that they had already made full preparations for the release of Avatar 2. After the file was finalized, major studios and cinemas quickly placed orders, and the order volume of 3D glasses reached millions, which was more than 10 times higher than the average monthly shipment.

3D glasses manufacturer Hengchuang Bora is also accelerating production, "obvious changes. Because of "Avatar 2", the demand for 3D glasses in cooperative studios has increased a lot. In recent years, there has been no business and a lot fewer workers. Now I am busy and the production is really tight. " Huang Shuisong, a staff member of Hengchuang Bora, said.

According to the annual shipment trend chart of 3D glasses provided by Time Huaying, the company’s shipment of 3D glasses reached its peak in 2017, and then gradually declined, reaching its lowest point in 2020 due to the epidemic. In the past two years, shipments have shown a slow growth trend.

Times Huaying 3D glasses annual shipment trend chart

Time Huaying explained that around 2017, most studios chose to sell 3D glasses, which led to the sales of 3D glasses. Since then, due to a large number of "pseudo-3D" movies, 3D movies specially provided by China, and the uneven screening equipment, a series of problems at the content end and the restoration end have greatly reduced the effect of 3D movies, and watching 3D movies is dark and dizzy, causing many viewers to start to resist and resist 3D movies.

From the data point of view, according to the statistics of the Motion Picture Association of America, the global box office revenue of 3D movies decreased from 21% in 2017 to 6% in 2020, and rose to 7% in 2021. According to the statistics of 1905 Movie Network, the number of domestic (including co-production) live-action 3D movies has gradually increased from one in 2011 to 26 in 2016, and then it has also decreased year by year. By 2021, only two domestic 3D live-action movies will be released.

It can be seen that the popularity of 3D movies has indeed declined since 2017, and the demand for 3D glasses has also decreased with the coldness of the 3D movie market.

Liu Bingbing’s feelings about this are particularly obvious. "Especially in the past three years, many 3D suppliers have closed down. Because our company’s future technology has always adhered to overseas markets, there are still relatively many 3D movies released from India to the United States, so the shrinkage in the whole industry is not too serious. "

Similarly, Hengchuang Bora has also focused on the foreign trade market in recent years. Huang Shuisong revealed that the average annual sales of 3D glasses produced by the company now reach 50 million pairs, which are mainly sold to overseas markets. The average annual sales in China are about 6 million pairs, accounting for less than 15%. Now, because of Avatar 2, the supply of 3D glasses has been promoted instantly.

In addition to ordinary 3D, Avatar 2 also released CINITY, IMAX3D, DolbyCinema, China Giant Screen and other versions. Different special effects halls have 3D glasses with different standards, which cannot be used universally.

Take IMAX as an example. When Avatar was released in 2010, there were only 14 IMAX theaters in China, and the tickets of major IMAX theaters were sold out quickly. In 2021, Avatar was re-released in 716 IMAX studios nationwide, setting a record for the first weekend of IMAX re-released films in China. Avatar not only directly promoted the full blossom of IMAX cinemas in China, but also upgraded the laser IMAX from the first generation to the third generation. It is worth noting that the 3D glasses of the three generations of laser IMAX cinemas are not different and cannot be used with each other.

If the cinema does not provide 3D glasses for free, the audience needs to buy them according to the specifications of the cinema, and different brands have different quality and price. Under the influence of the epidemic, for the sake of safety and hygiene, the demand for 3D glasses purchased by the audience will increase, which will undoubtedly usher in a wave of benefits for 3D glasses sellers.


Although domestic cinemas sell 3D glasses, most of them are mainly provided free of charge. Nowadays, the profits of selling 3D glasses in cinemas are relatively low.

Zener International Studios currently has 26 chain studios in China. Li Bin, assistant general manager, said that before 2016, the sales of 3D glasses in studios were good. Later, the competition among studios was fierce, and the 3D fever ebbed, so it was basically provided to the audience free of charge.

At present, there are 40,000 pairs of 3D glasses in the studio, and the purchase price a few years ago was close to 5 yuan. "This time, let’s take the opportunity of Avatar 2 to clean up the inventory. The prices of different 3D glasses range from 10-30 yuan, and basically do a 50% discount package tying."

3D glasses are also products with small profits but quick turnover, mainly relying on low profits, low prices and expanding sales to increase revenue.

From Ma Yuwu, the head of Beijing Xiwang International Studios, who provided us with a price list of 3D glasses promoted by a merchant, we can see that the general cost of 3D glasses is low — —

"Ordinary model /0.2mm/0.88 yuan, children model /0.2mm/0.90 yuan, hanging clip model /0.2mm/0.70 yuan, clip model /0.7mm/3.5 yuan (unit price of more than 1000 sets); There is also a batch of 3D glasses (giant screen model /0.28, Skyworth model /0.4 double antibody, bicolor model /0.28). "

The production threshold of 3D glasses is low, and many 3D glasses made by small enterprises and family workshops on the market do not meet the certification standards. There are not many domestic enterprises with big brands and a certain production scale. After a large number of unqualified 3D glasses manufacturers join the production team, they will have a great impact on the big manufacturers in terms of quality and price.

"When the first Avatar was released, a pair of 3D glasses could be sold at an ex-factory price of 200 yuan in 300 yuan and 700 yuan in 800 yuan. Nowadays, the ex-factory price of 3D glasses is more than one piece at most. In recent years, the volume has been serious, which has led to malicious price competition, so it basically does not make money. Even if Avatar 2 comes, our price is the lowest, and it is great that a pair of 3D glasses can earn five cents at most. We also want to make more orders overseas. "

Liu Bingbing said that if the sci-fi blockbuster released in the Spring Festival in 2023 can also be released in 3D, it will greatly stimulate the sales of 3D products together with Avatar 2. He hopes that Avatar 2 can stimulate the high-quality enjoyment of domestic 3D viewing and indirectly promote the quality and effect of 3D movies in China. Because only good 3D movies can have good 3D glasses.

Even if 3D glasses can be supplied to amusement parks, theme parks, science and technology museums, aquariums, 3D TVs, home private cinemas and other places of entertainment, cinemas are still the main core supply target.

Time Huaying is also optimistic about the future prospects of the 3D glasses industry. "With the market growth, the glasses factory gradually turned to automatic production, increased production capacity, and the price of glasses gradually rationalized. The audience’s requirements for the quality of 3D glasses increased, and more people chose high-quality 3D glasses with high contrast and high transmittance."

The ultimate 3D effect created by Avatar 2 and the audience’s high pursuit of 3D viewing experience will force the cinema 3D projection technology and the quality of 3D glasses to be upgraded. When excellent 3D content is blessed by high-quality projection equipment and viewing equipment, viewers who love watching 3D movies will definitely return to the cinema.

FISU Football World Cup

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, November 1st (Reporter Li Haoze, Xiao Shiyao) The 2023 FISU Football World Cup ended in Jinjiang, Fujian on October 31st. The men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the women’s team of Beijing Normal University won the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

The men’s and women’s finals were held on October 31st. In the first women’s final, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University played against the women’s team of paulista University in Brazil. After the two sides scored twice in the regular time, they made no achievements, and the game entered a penalty shootout. In the end, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University scored five penalty kicks, defeating their opponents with a total score of 7:6 and winning the championship.

On October 31st, the starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

In the men’s final, a penalty shootout was staged again, and the men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the Ukrainian National University of Economics and Business competed fiercely. The two sides drew 1:1 at regular time, and drew a blank in overtime. Finally, the men’s team of paulista University of Brazil won the men’s team championship with a total score of 7:6 after a penalty shootout.

In the third-place battle held on the same day, the men’s team of the University of Uruguay and the women’s team of Bordeaux University of France beat their respective opponents and won the third place in the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

Another China team, Hohai University Men’s Team, finished eighth in the men’s team, up five places from the last competition.

The FISU Football World Cup is held every two years, and this year is the second. The first four events were held in Jinjiang.

    On May 20th, Yolanda, a famous movie star, was invited by a column in Henan Province to promote her latest solo album "Lonely Flowers" in Zhengzhou Grand Shanghai International Studios. After breaking up with her boyfriend Xia Yu, Yuan Quan really became a "lonely flower". China News Agency issued Chen Daishu photo

    Gao Yuanyuan, a mainland artist, snatched Xia Yu from Yolanda. China News Agency issued Han Yibing photo

    There are indications that Yolanda and Xia Yu did break up. So, at least half of Xia Yu’s affair with Gao Yuanyuan is true. Moreover, Xia Yu is not sorry for Yolanda. Single men are justified in looking for love.

    According to the reporter’s witness, Yolanda performed "Peach Blossom Garden" in poly theatre. Xia Yu’s car drove to the door, not to pick up Yolanda, but to enter the coffee shop. Yuan Quan got on Huang Lei’s car from another exit. Xia Yu should know that Yolanda is performing here, but he is no longer interested in being a flower escort. From the expression of two people, Xia Yu looks glum, while Yuan Quan is laughing.

    Earlier, Xia Yu exposed the news of living with Gao Yuanyuan, which greatly damaged his health image, while Yuan Quan burst into tears at the recording scene of Li Jing’s program, and even more, he put a knife in Xia Yu’s heart. Two people break up, although the reasons are diverse, but in this way, Xia Yu is much more passive than Yolanda.

    A love affair that has been going on for nearly ten years, although it has become a spent force in the end, and both of them have traces of struggling to survive, but the breakup still makes the public sigh, as if love has been hit again. Who believes there is still an out-of-touch feeling? Xia Yu is a Scorpio, but Venus falls in Sagittarius, a constellation that pursues sexual desire and does not hide its sexiness. Xia Yu has an open and exposed side in his bones, which can be seen in his dress and behavior. However, Yuan Quan is relatively strict with the package and much lower-key.

    Yolanda Sun and Mercury all fall in Libra, and Venus is Virgo. They pursue perfect love and abstract love, which is different from Xia Yu’s love that pays more attention to sensuality. Their views on love are essentially different. Because you are romantic when you are young, you can play with spiritual love, but the hot-blooded summer rain matures gradually, and hormones burn in the body, so it is impossible to keep the feelings pure and pure all the time. The pace of two people is different, so there is a gap between before and after.

    Two people’s astrolabes show that each other is the opposite sex type that they appreciate, but each person’s personality has something that the other person can’t tolerate. Summer rain is stubborn, Yolanda is cold outside and hot inside, and his temper is not necessarily good, especially when the moon falls on the Sagittarius, and his mood is out of place from time to time. If he happens to meet Xia Yu’s strength, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Editor: Peng Wei