It’s really not a little bit that mobile phones are harmful to health.

  How far is it from playing mobile phone every day to illness? Recently, a reporter from qianjiang evening news learned from the hospital that there is a 30-year-old clerk in Hangzhou who deals with computers, keyboards and mice every day, and likes to play with mobile phones during the spare time. As a result, his hands are numb enough to require surgery. Psychologists also warned mobile phone owners that if they keep looking at their mobile phones while shopping, they will spend more money. If you let your mobile phone sleep with you, it will do more harm to your health.

  Keyboard and mobile phone play too much.

  In addition to hand numbness, muscle atrophy will occur.

  Zhou Qi (a pseudonym), 30, keeps her hands on the keyboard at work and keeps brushing her mobile phone at rest. She also has a habit of sleeping on her desk with her hands on her pillow during lunch break. It seems that most people’s living habits have damaged her ulnar nerve. It shows that the right hand is numb and tingling, and it takes a long time to straighten your arm to recover. Even the buttons are awkward, and you can’t even carry chopsticks when eating … … After a series of examinations such as electromyography, Zhou Qi was diagnosed as "cubital tunnel syndrome".

  The ulnar nerve in medicine is what we usually call "numbness". It is one of the three main meridians on the arm. It starts from the cervical vertebra, passes through the elbow joint, sticks to the inside of the arm and goes down all the way to our ring finger and little finger. It is of great significance to our daily life, and the fine movements of our fingers, such as buttoning, holding chopsticks and holding a pen, can not be achieved without the contribution of ulnar nerve.

  Frequent elbow flexion and other actions will cause ulnar nerve compression, leading to "cubital tunnel syndrome", which will affect the function of fingers and palms. When the sensory function of ulnar nerve is affected, there will be symptoms of numbness of fingers or palms, and when its motor function is also affected, there will be phenomena such as weakness of fingers or muscles. If it is affected for a long time, it will easily cause muscle atrophy and even cause serious irreversible consequences.

  Use the keyboard and mouse for a long time, bend your elbows for a long time, or sleep on your desk, etc. Some people have cubital tunnel syndrome due to playing mahjong for several days, and office workers and surgeons are all high-risk groups. In order to completely cure the symptoms, Zhou Qi had to undergo surgery.

  The doctor reminded that to prevent such diseases, one is: rest.

  If you repeat an activity, whether it is typing, using the mouse or anything else, it is recommended to take a short break every 10 to 15 minutes to rest your elbow and wrist. During this period, you can stretch and exercise these two parts.

  Second, keep a good working posture.

  Adjust the height of the seat to keep the forearm as high as the keyboard. When using the keyboard, there should be no feeling of outward expansion and drooping, so that the elbows and wrists are in a relatively relaxed state.

  The third is: always be vigilant. Once there is numbness and discomfort in the finger, and it is a constant and persistent feeling, you must not ignore it easily. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible for professional judgment and exclusion.

  Play mobile phone while walking.

  Shopping is more expensive.

  A new study by American scientists shows that if you play with your mobile phone while shopping, it will not only increase the risk of hitting obstacles, but also make people spend a lot of money unconsciously.

  The research team of Fairfield University asked 231 participants to complete a simulated shopping task. One group of participants restrained themselves from taking out their mobile phones and only paid attention to the goods, while the other group randomly used their mobile phones intermittently for unrelated tasks (such as answering phones, sending and receiving text messages, listening to music, etc.). Both groups of participants used to shop according to a shopping list provided by the researchers, but the results showed that people who used their mobile phones occasionally or constantly in the store made far more unplanned purchases than those who concentrated on shopping.

  The researchers pointed out that when shopping, people may forget what goods they need most when they are distracted, but they will be attracted by the dazzling array of other goods in the store and take them into their pockets without thinking. Even if you only use your mobile phone occasionally during shopping, it will have this effect, which will lead to additional expenses. Therefore, we should concentrate on saving money when shopping.

  Wang Yiquan, an expert in early intervention of psychological problems in Hangzhou No.7 Hospital, said: "From the perspective of behavior patterns, those who rely heavily on mobile phones have poor self-control ability, and they are easily influenced by external information such as price reduction and new product listing when shopping, resulting in more impulsive consumption. From the analysis of emotional influence, the information from the mobile phone will affect the mood of shoppers, and these emotions may stimulate impulsive consumption whether positive or negative. Seeing good news, buy something to reward yourself or your family; When you see bad news, you should buy something to comfort yourself and decompress. For example, people often joke that ‘ Bao ’ Treating all diseases is the most vivid explanation of the influence of emotions on shopping. "

  We have to admit that consumption is indeed a good way to vent and quickly adjust emotions, but only if it is moderate. If it is inappropriate or even unreasonable consumption beyond one’s own ability to pay, one must be alert to whether there are psychological problems.

  In fact, in life, it is easy to understand the difference between men and women’s shopping habits. For most men, shopping is a kind of "torture". They often think about where to buy something, go straight to the destination and buy it, and then leave. They rarely pay attention to what other stores are selling along the way, and naturally they will not have unplanned consumption. Women tend to take shopping as a kind of "leisure", walk around, shop around, stop and watch more, and the temptation is more likely to lead to many unplanned consumption.

  Sleeping with your mobile phone is harmful to your eyes.

  Playing mobile phone for a long time at night often leads to sore eyes, sharp drop in vision, deepening myopia, and even dry eye. Once, because of playing mobile phone games for a long time, the function of meibomian gland was worse than that of the elderly.

  Everyone’s two eyes have a dominant eye and a non-dominant eye. Under normal circumstances, under the control of the brain, the eyes of both eyes are even, but after lying on the side, one eye has to shoulder a heavier eye task. Over time, if the balance is broken, the vision will be inconsistent between the left and right eyes.

  Sleeping with mobile phone is harmful to cervical health

  "Cervical arch inversion" is the most common pathological basis of cervical diseases. High pillow can make the head bend forward and increase the stress of the lower cervical vertebra, which may accelerate the degeneration of cervical vertebra. However, bad living habits such as lying on a high back and watching TV, surfing the Internet for a long time, lying down and playing with a mobile phone, and pulling the cervical vertebra for a long time will also lead to the curve lordosis decreasing, straightening and even bending back.

  Sleeping with mobile phone affects sleep quality.

  Adequate sleep is a necessary guarantee for a healthy life. When playing mobile phone, the production of melatonin (secreted by pituitary gland, which directly affects the quality of sleep) will be reduced, which will lead to less sleep and even inability to sleep. I believe those who play mobile phones until midnight or even later have a profound experience — — I’m not sleepy at all. I don’t want to sleep.

  Sleeping with mobile phones affects family harmony.

  Young people, once they have cell phone sleepiness, are not in a hurry to find a partner. They think that cell phones are so fun and have everything in them. Why do they need to find a partner? Parents look at the older single children, but they really hate the dead mobile phone. After three days, they cursed, "I know how to play with my mobile phone every day. Everyone else has grandchildren, so you will give me a mobile phone?"

Write your own pornographic novels and sell them yourself? Hubei cracked the first case of illegal publishing by online writers.

Cctv newsRecently, the National Office of "Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications" reported that a case of publishing and distributing illegal publications through the Internet was uncovered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, involving more than 10 million yuan, and eight people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment.

Since July 2017, the office of "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" in Hubei Province has received a report, saying that Tang, an online writer with the pen name "Mr. Deep Sea", is suspected of selling and selling illegal publications online. The "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" department of Wuhan City, in conjunction with the public security organs of Wuhan City, immediately set up a task force to carry out investigation and arrest. Subsequently, the task force went to many provinces and cities several times, and successively arrested online writer Tang and others, and destroyed four storage warehouses, printing departments and printing houses, and seized more than 20,000 copies of 41 kinds of illegal publications. This case is the first criminal case investigated and dealt with in Hubei Province, in which an online writer illegally published a publication, that is, the author printed his own publication without going through a publishing house.

Police of Wuhan Public Security BureauThe night we arrested him, he was working on a new work in the hotel where he lived.

It is found that Tang has been writing novels on the Internet for a long time, and published his own novels on the website for others to read by writing and serializing. Knowing that the five novels he wrote could not be published by the publishing unit stipulated by the state, Tang contacted Yin and Dong, who opened Taobao shop, respectively, to publish and distribute the above books to the readers through their online shop. The three agreed on the profit-sharing ratio of sales, with Yin and Dong selling in the online shop first and helping to contact printing, and then further selling in the online shop for profit. After investigation, more than 12,000 (12,372) copies of the above novels were printed, and the illegal business amount was more than 1.18 million yuan.

Hubei province "eliminate pornography and illegal publications" officeThe book written by Mr. Shen Hai contains pornographic content, homosexuality including pedophilia, and the reporter claims that it is very harmful to the physical and mental health of minors.

The task force also found out that online shop sellers Yin Mou, Dong Mou and others not only published and distributed illegal publications for writer Tang Mou, but also helped many other online writers to make and sell illegal publications, and the illegal business amounted to several million yuan.

On May 15, 2019, the Wuchang District People’s Court of Wuhan City sentenced the defendant Tang to four years in prison for the crime of illegal business operation; At the same time, seven other defendants, including Yin Mou and Dong Mou, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from one year to three years and six months.

Samsung closed its last mobile phone manufacturing factory in China.

  Samsung officially closed its last mobile phone manufacturing factory in China.

  On October 2nd, it was reported in Reuters that Samsung Electronics said that it had stopped producing mobile phone products in China because of the increasingly fierce competition from domestic competitors in China. This also means that Samsung’s last factory in China, located in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, has also been shut down.

  Samsung China responded to the The Paper reporter that Huizhou Samsung Electronics was one of Samsung’s first factories in China in 1992. Considering the current situation of the global mobile phone market, in order to improve the efficiency of global production and operation, it was forced to make a decision to stop production in Huizhou.

  "In the past 27 years since entering China, Samsung has followed the industrial guidance direction of the China government and adjusted its industrial layout in time to adapt to the rapid development and changes of the China market. The adjustment of the Huizhou factory is a normal industrial adjustment; Samsung’s industrial layout in China has been transformed into a high-end manufacturing industry in line with the direction of the China Municipal Government. In the past six years, it has continued to invest in high-end industries in China, amounting to more than 20 billion US dollars, far higher than the amount of industrial adjustment, and will continue to invest in high-end industries in China in the future. " Samsung said in a statement.

  Samsung said that in view of the problem of employee placement, the company will fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and properly solve it through various forms such as branch relocation and re-employment support to minimize employee losses.

  Since the beginning of this year, there have been media reports that Samsung will continue to shut down this Huizhou mobile phone factory and transfer its production capacity to Vietnam, India and other countries to cope with the pressure of rising labor costs in China. In the low-end market of China, ODM or OEM mode is adopted.

  Samsung had previously responded to the media: "Due to the severe market situation and intensified competition in China, we are adjusting the output of Huizhou factory."

  Huizhou Samsung Electronics has been pushing the recruitment information of other companies on WeChat WeChat official account for several months to find job opportunities for Huizhou factory employees.

  The full name of Samsung Huizhou Factory is Huizhou Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., which was established in 1992 as a joint venture between samsung galaxy Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Huizhou Real Estate Corporation. It was officially put into production in September 1993 with a registered capital of $32 million. Mobile phone production was introduced in 2006, and now it has developed into 40 GSM/CDMA/3G mobile phone production lines and more than 30 SMD automatic production lines. The products MAINly include main audio, DVD home theater, mobile phone and other products, with a factory area of 120,000 square meters and a construction area of 35,000 square meters.

  In recent years, Samsung’s mobile phone sales in China’s domestic market are not good, and it is impossible to provide enough orders to the China factory; However, the high cost of the China factory made it impossible to receive orders from other Samsung markets, which led to a difficult situation for the China factory. In December last year, Samsung closed the Tianjin mobile phone factory.

  A few days ago, the market research company Strategy Analytics released a report saying that Samsung Electronics’ share in China’s smartphone market in the second quarter was less than 1% due to the influence of more China consumers choosing to buy domestic smartphones. In 2013, Samsung’s smartphone market share in China once reached about 20%.

  Samsung has also said that it is reorganizing and matching global industries, and the specific measures are to transfer intensive factories to countries with lower labor costs.

  Regarding the closure of Tianjin mobile phone factory, Samsung said that it actively eliminated backward production capacity, and at the same time, it vigorously increased investment in high-tech industries and added high-end manufacturing projects such as MLCC (multilayer ceramic capacitors) and new energy power batteries. Among them, the MLCC plant is expected to be completed by the end of this year. By then, Tianjin will become one of the major overseas production bases of Samsung Electric, providing basic electronic components for mobile phones, computers, automotive electronics and other equipment worldwide, greatly improving the level and internationalization of the electronics industry in Tianjin.

  Huang Degui, president of Samsung Greater China, recently told People’s Daily that Samsung has become an important participant in the high-quality development of China’s manufacturing industry. "In the future, Samsung will continue to provide China consumers with an important driving force for a better life through technological breakthroughs and high-tech products. At the same time, it will continue to adapt to the development and changes of the China market, strengthen reform and innovation, accelerate transformation and upgrading, and strive to achieve high-quality development."

  The Paper reporter Ling Zhou

Top Ten Online Novels in 2023

Author: Night 1986

The rankings are in no order. After all, everyone has their own list. 1. The Book of Gone with the Times, written by Ji Cha, was originally written by Ji Cha when she returned to the harem. With the help of a blind fortune teller, the protagonist travels through troubled times and makes his own world. This book has been updated with 2.34 million words, and it is not finished yet.

Second, "If you cultivate immortality in the troubled times of Yaowu", the author Wen Chaogong, opened the book in 2023, and ended that year, with 3.54 million words in ten months. The protagonist can cross two worlds and be Nuo Nuo in the world of cultivating immortals. He can strike hard in the world of low martial arts and rely on the resources of the world of low martial arts to cultivate immortals in the world of cultivating immortals.

Third, "Dining Table of the Tang Dynasty", written by Yi and 2, is the theme of returning to the Tang Dynasty after Yi and 2 wrote "Brick of the Tang Dynasty". Compared with brick of the Tang Dynasty, the dining table of the Tang Dynasty has more sense of honor for the nation and the country. Everyone in the world, what’s going on in the world, is just a series of dishes on the table of Datang people. 3.86 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Fourth, "The Traveler of the Spiritual Realm", the author bought Xiao Langjun, a supernatural urban sci-fi power stream, and sold the newspaper Xiao Lang, according to another masterpiece after "Da Feng Da Geng Ren", which won the first place in many lists on the first day of its release. The story is fascinating and I can’t stop. 4.1 million words have been updated, not finished.

5. "Deep Sea embers", the author Yuan Tong, the protagonist crossed a strange world and unexpectedly became ghost captain, constantly exploring the world. At the beginning, the readers were full of curiosity, and his ship was named Lost Hometown, which made us smile. 2.32 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Six, "This game is too real", the author Morningstar LL, this is a behind-the-scenes black hand flow, the protagonist crossed the wasteland world and obtained a refuge system that can summon the fourth natural disaster player, so he became the manager of the game and fooled a number of players to work for themselves and successfully embarked on the peak of life. Let other players give him a super double 007 job. 6.63 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Seven, "National Forensic Medicine", the author Zhiniao Village, this book is a stream of urban systems. The protagonist can improve the skills of forensic doctors by acquiring forensic systems and assisting in solving crimes. This book combines professionalism and interest, and the case description is true, which makes us feel immersive when reading. This book has been updated to 2.42 million words, and it is not finished.

Eight, "Red Heart Survey", the author’s feelings, this book has just come out and no one cares, feeling that it is going to save the street. Now it is in the top 5 of the monthly list. It is a novel that is a late bloomer and is also a Xianxia type. The physical book of this book has been sold on the whole network, with 7.64 million words updated and not finished.

Nine, "Beyond Time", the author Ergen, this is the sixth novel of Ergen, and it is still a consistent Xianxia. It incorporates the elements of eschatology and gangsters. The protagonist is decisive and intelligent, and is known as the protagonist who is most like Wang Lin in Ergen’s works. After experiencing a short trough, my ears returned to the top stream with this book. This book has been updated to 3.25 million words, and it is not finished.

Ten, "The Ring of Destiny", the author loves diving squid, the sequel to "The Mysterious World", has dominated many lists since its debut, and has won the title of golden keyboard in 2023, but there are many controversies, such as wanting to see the first story of the mysterious Lord, but it is not. Slow pace, etc. 4.1 million words have been updated, not finished.

I really admire the authors of these online novels. Their brains are open and they have all kinds of topics. Some of them are very real, but I didn’t expect it to be my own experience.

This article comes from what is worth buying website (

The real identity turned out to be a supermodel

Topic: picture channel

  I don’t know how to express my mood at the moment in words. I just want to say: Please give yourself a chance to make dreams may come.

  —— Eileen’s blog message expresses the feeling of winning the prize.

  On December 1st, the 57th Miss World contest came to an end in Sanya, Hainan Province. Eileen, who represented China in the contest, overtook other beauties from 105 countries and regions and was crowned as "Miss World". She was also the first China girl to win the title of "Elder Sister" in 57 years. Previously, it has been reported that Eileen is a company secretary. In fact, she is a supermodel with a height of 1.82 meters. Yesterday, the reporter telephoned the lucky one. She had a high voice on the other end of the phone and spoke very fast. As soon as she heard it, she was a girl who acted very aggressively. She said: "Before the final, I didn’t expect that I would win this championship at all. Now I want to enrich myself and go to graduate school majoring in human resources after winning the championship for one year." She said that she has not considered entering the entertainment circle for the time being.




  On December 1st, the 57th Miss World Final Gala was held in Sanya, China, and Miss China Eileen won the title.  



  On the evening of December 1st, the 57th Miss World Final Gala was held in Sanya, and Miss China Eileen won the title.

  After winning the prize, consider going to graduate school first.

  Dialogue article

  Eileen recalled that after winning the championship, Tatiana Kucharova, the last Miss World Czech, went to her room to congratulate her and said, "From then on, people all over the world will know that you are Miss World, and you should use your influence to benefit more people." Eileen made up his mind to finish the next journey by wisdom. "A woman’s beautiful time is very short, and only wisdom can really benefit the world."

  Little secret

  Express pride with modesty

  Strictly speaking, Eileen, who is 1.82 meters tall, is not that stunning beauty, but what did she do to conquer 10 international judges? Eileen said: "In fact, my greatest experience is to do everything well with a normal heart."

  Eileen is actually expressing her pride in a modest way, because her excellent performance during the contest has no need to boast. It is understood that Mrs. Molly, the president of Miss World, likes this new champion very much. When talking to her friends on the phone, she praised Eileen: "She usually performs very well and has a good popularity. Her victory is Inside (internal) rather than Outside (external)."

  The little annoyance

  Turn off the phone to avoid harassment.

  After Eileen won the championship, many relatives and friends called her to congratulate her, and many film and television companies and advertising companies wanted to talk to her about business, which made her feel a little annoyed, so she simply turned off her cell phone and moved to the mobile secretarial desk.

  Supermodels who have been popular in China, such as Qu Ying and Wang Haizhen, have entered the entertainment industry, but she said, "I am still a model, and I don’t want to be an artist for the time being, because everyone has his own aspirations, and I don’t know much about the entertainment industry. As for the future, let nature take its course." Eileen’s motto in life is "If you have the heart to plant flowers, you can’t open them." She said, "You can’t predict many things in the future."

  Little desire

  Go to graduate school after the expiration of "Shi Jie"

  Eileen, who has a very open-minded attitude towards life, actually does things in a planned way. She said: "From now on, my term as Miss World has also begun. I will go to some countries in the world to do public welfare and charity activities, and then come back to continue to be a model, in addition to going to graduate school."

  It is understood that Eileen was a special student in sports, focusing on hurdles and triple jump. He also received professional training in 100-meter hurdles, and he also had a special liking for basketball. He was a staunch fan of sports. Eileen has a strong vision for the upcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. She said that she not only wants to watch the games and cheer for China, but also hopes to get the chance to take part in the relay with the torch in hand.

  Little secret

  Kindness is the first in choosing a boyfriend.

  Catalpa Lin, who is very tall, does not deny that it is difficult to find a boyfriend. "When foreign players see me, they all say, Oh, are you from China? China girls are so tall! They will jokingly say that you come to our country. We have tall, handsome and good boys here. " Zilin frankly said that the first criterion for the best boyfriend is kindness, followed by dedication and a sense of family responsibility.

  "godfather of models" is the driving force

  Behind the scenes

  Behind every successful man, there is a woman, and vice versa. Eileen’s behind-the-scenes promoter is Li Xiaobai, the head of New Silk Road Model Agency Co., Ltd., who is known as the "godfather of models". Li Xiaobai once discovered supermodels such as Yu Na, Yue Mei, Li Bing, Wang Haizhen and Xie Dongna, and was also the first person to discover Eileen. Yesterday, Li Xiaobai also used this newspaper to clarify for the first time that it is totally a rumor that Eileen is a secretary, and her real identity is the signing supermodel of New Silk Road.

  The first beauty pageant was still "baby fat"

  Li Xiaobai still remembers the scene when he first met Eileen four years ago. He said: "At that time, during the SARS epidemic in 2003, our company only held a youth beauty contest in Beijing. At that time, Eileen also signed up for the competition. She was a freshman and participated in the beauty contest for the first time. At that time, she was not outstanding, and some babies were fat and inexperienced in many aspects. Finally, she only got a top ten player." But after the game, Li Xiaobai thought Eileen was a good prospect, so he asked her to sign a contract with the company. Soon, the company included Eileen in the training plan, and arranged for her to attend a high-end customized conference of an international brand. Then, Eileen went to Germany to perform with the company, and later she won the honor of top ten models in China.

  Mother once opposed her daughter to be a model.

  Li Xiaobai said: "Eileen’s comprehensive quality is very high, and her mother is a teacher at China Agricultural University. She has been educated very severely since she was a child. In order to let her enter the modeling world wholeheartedly, I have communicated with her mother for a long time because her mother once opposed her daughter’s entry into this circle." He said that he had single-handedly promoted many female models who are famous in the fashion circle. Compared with them, Eileen’s greatest advantage is that she is very smart and thoughtful, which is rare among female models born in 1980s. The most important thing is that Eileen’s professional ethics and ethics are particularly good, and she never goes outside to make extra money.

  Before becoming a "world elder sister", she was already worth a lot.

  Regarding the current value of Eileen after winning the championship, Li Xiaobai said with a smile: "This is really hard to disclose, but I can tell you that her value before winning the championship was considerable, even comparable to that of supermodels such as Ma Yanli and Qu Ying at the peak." Having said that, Li Xiaobai changed the subject and said: "Yesterday, many media reported that Eileen was the secretary of a company, which is totally nonsense. She is still the’ Super A Model’ signed by our company (the top model in China)." Li Xiaobai also revealed that since Eileen studied business administration, she was also interested in this aspect. In the future, after she left the runway, the company would arrange for her to join the management.


"Workplace Health Class" will broadcast "Stay away from digital visual fatigue" on August 15th.

Have you calculated how long you use electronic equipment every day? Dry eyes, itchy eyes, painful eyes, stinging eyes, photophobia, tears, foreign body sensation, etc. How many symptoms have you got? While electronic products bring us convenience, improper use may also cause serious harm to our eyes.

What diseases are the symptoms of eye discomfort often felt in life?

We usually have a series of eye discomfort symptoms caused by excessive use of electronic products, such as dryness, swelling pain, itchy eyes, easy fatigue, blurred vision, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, fear of wind, photophobia, sensitivity to external stimuli, etc., which may be the manifestations of dry eye, asthenopia and pseudomyopia.

How is dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye refers to a tear secretion disorder caused by many factors, with dry eyes as the main symptom. Dry eye sometimes the eyes are too dry and the basic tears are insufficient, but it stimulates the secretion of reflective tears, resulting in frequent tears.

Main symptoms: dry eyes, easy fatigue, itchy eyes, foreign body sensation, burning pain, sticky secretions, fear of wind, photophobia and sensitivity to external stimuli.

How is visual fatigue?

Visual fatigue is not an independent disease, but a group of fatigue syndrome caused by various reasons. Visual fatigue is mainly caused by the decrease of blinking times when people concentrate on watching the screens of electronic products such as TV, computer or mobile phone, resulting in a corresponding decrease in tears secretion, and at the same time, the flashing screen strongly stimulates the eyes, which will cause and aggravate various eye diseases.

The main symptoms: eye fatigue, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, heavy eyelids, blurred vision, photophobia and tears, eye swelling and pain, eye congestion, headache, dizziness, nausea, listlessness, inattention, memory loss, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms. A few patients may have diplopia, stereoscopic vision dysfunction, elevated intraocular pressure, corneal damage, etc., and teenagers may also have myopia or deepen myopia.

How is pseudomyopia?

Pseudomyopia is caused by the continuous contraction and spasm of ciliary muscle and the increase of lens thickness, which leads to blurred vision. If pseudomyopia is not relieved in time, it will lead to the enlargement of axial length and become true myopia.

Can you avoid dry eye symptoms by closing your eyes?

Close your eyes and rest can protect your eyes, but it can’t prevent dry eye. The most effective way to prevent dry eye is to blink effectively. Blink, that is, what we usually call blink.

Can staring at green alleviate visual fatigue?

Green is the most favorable color for the eyes, but just looking at green can’t relieve visual fatigue. The most effective way to relieve visual fatigue is to let your eyes look far away and have a proper rest.

Can anti-blue glasses and anti-blue mobile phone film effectively protect eyes?

It is not recommended to protect your eyes through anti-blue glasses and anti-blue mobile phone film. What is really harmful to the eyes is: short-wave blue light with a wavelength of 400~450.

How to prevent visual fatigue?

● Pay attention to the distance of using electronic products.

● Pay attention to the time of using electronic products and follow the "20-20-20" rule.

● Pay attention to adjusting the brightness of electronic products.

● Strengthen outdoor activities and get full exposure to the sun.

● Maintain hand hygiene and prevent eye infection.

● Strengthen nutrition.

On August 15th, Wei Wenbin, vice president of Beijing Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, and Li Ying, chief ophthalmologist of Peking Union Medical College Hospital were invited to keep you away from "digital fatigue". Please watch.

Is there no chance for the rise of artificial intelligence and mobile Internet?

  On November 15th, at the 3rd world internet conference Internet Light Expo in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, more than 300 Chinese and foreign Internet companies showed their strengths. Photo courtesy of vision china

  At the just-concluded Third world internet conference, Wang Xiaochuan, CEO of sogou Company, showed a black technology at the Mobile Internet Forum — — During the speech, Chinese-English translation was synchronized through machine speech recognition, and Chinese and English subtitles kept scrolling on the big screen behind him. After that, there are endless discussions about whether artificial intelligence machines can replace simultaneous interpretation.

  Wang Xue, a simultaneous interpreter, has been asked this question by several people. This time, even she felt that her career was threatened: "Well, I’m going to lose my job."

  "I didn’t believe in big data before, but now I believe it more and more." She believes that except for creative translation of literature, most other translation work can be replaced by artificial intelligence as long as it is based on a database of sufficient magnitude. "For example, Google’s machine translation has basically replaced humans in some fields."

  From simultaneous interpreters who have just worked for two years to technology giants Li Yanhong, Yang Yuanqing and Ma Huateng, whether artificial intelligence will replace human work and the development of mobile Internet has become a real change behind the binary code from a joke under the white wall of Wuzhen.

  "The next scene is artificial intelligence."

  At this year’s Wuzhen world internet conference, the attention of the outside world on the topic of artificial intelligence was triggered by Baidu CEO Li Yanhong. He believes that in the past, the development path obtained by the growth of Internet users was "unreliable", and it is no longer possible to have unicorn-level startups by the enthusiasm of the mobile Internet, and the real rise of the Internet of Things is not far off, and each of us will change because of the arrival of artificial intelligence.

  One of the reasons for Li Yanhong’s judgment is that the mobile Internet market has entered a relatively stable stage of development. According to the data of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), as of June 2016, there were 710 million netizens in China, and the Internet penetration rate was 51.7%, up 1.3 percentage points from the end of 2015.

  "The dividend period of the mobile Internet has basically ended, and the next scene is artificial intelligence." This is not the first time that Li Yanhong has expressed optimism and expectation for the future of artificial intelligence. At the 2016 Yabuli China Entrepreneur Forum Summer Summit held in August this year and the Baidu World Congress held in September, Li Yanhong clearly expressed his emphasis on artificial intelligence.

  Li Yanhong’s prediction is even a bit bold: "In the future, all manufacturing industries will belong to the artificial intelligence industry, or the Internet of Things industry. All goods must be able to be networked, and they must be able to send data back to the cloud. These technologies must be analyzed through artificial intelligence technology, so that it can bring tangible value to our consumers and our users. "

  Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group, and Li Yanhong have the same idea. In his speech entitled "Embracing the New Era of Smart Internet", Yang Yuanqing pointed out that the Internet is entering a new stage of development from PC Internet and mobile Internet, that is, the era of smart Internet.

  Yang Yuanqing’s idea is more specific: "Smart devices have become ubiquitous from limited types such as computers and mobile phones, and a steady stream of data has gathered from terminals to the cloud, while artificial intelligence with self-learning ability has become more and more intelligent by constantly reading and analyzing these data."

  Based on these judgments, Yang Yuanqing also described a smarter life in the future: home appliances, office equipment, and traveling cars are no longer machines that passively follow instructions to perform calculations, but will be considerate of you and actively serve you. Even the houses and cities where people live will become smarter and more active. For example, windows will adjust themselves according to the outdoor climate, the temperature in the city, lighting, etc. The traffic management system of the city may be connected with the navigation and driving system of the car, thus greatly reducing congestion.

  Big bosses verbally affirmed artificial intelligence, and the Internet giants behind them were busy trying more intelligent new technologies.

  Lenovo launched MotoZ, which turned the mobile phone into an open platform for hardware. Through unified standards, the mobile phone can be connected to more hardware devices, and then connected to more cloud services. Now it can be connected with JBL speakers and Hasselblad modules; During the period of world internet conference, Baidu unmanned vehicle first carried out open urban road operation in the smart car and smart transportation demonstration zone of Ziye Road, Tongxiang City.

  Artificial intelligence is still in the stage of mental retardation.

  Although the "black technology" of synchronous bilingual subtitle conversion shocked the scene, Wang Xiaochuan also mentioned a concern in the industry: Will artificial intelligence have a third ebb tide?

  According to Zhiyuan Xin’s Report on the Development of Artificial Intelligence Industry in China, since the concept of artificial intelligence was put forward at Dartmouth Conference in 1956, artificial intelligence has developed for 60 years. During the 60 years of development, artificial intelligence has gone through "three ups and three downs": from 1950s to early 1980s, it was still in its birth and basic stage, neuron model was put forward and perceptron was invented; From the 1980s to the early 21st century, artificial intelligence was successfully commercialized but failed to develop by leaps and bounds. Nowadays, with the improvement of computing power brought by Moore’s Law and cloud computing, and the accumulation of massive data brought by the wide application of the Internet and big data, artificial intelligence is expected to achieve large-scale application and will go deep into various fields such as finance, transportation, medical care and industry.

  "Before artificial intelligence ebbed twice, we asked a teacher, do you study artificial intelligence? This is to scold him. " Wang Xiaochuan said that compared with the previous two waves of artificial intelligence, the topic of artificial intelligence was once again hotly debated. Artificial intelligence was really used in many industries for the first time, and a lot of money was invested in it. A large number of researchers also engaged in artificial intelligence work after graduation.

  However, the current development of artificial intelligence still encounters many obstacles that are difficult to solve. Taking Wang Xiaochuan’s proud speech intelligence as an example, the first problem we face is speech recognition and semantic understanding. Wang Xiaochuan found that many technologies can achieve 95% or even 97% recognition in quiet environment, but the recognition rate drops when there is noise. When two people talk at the same time, human beings can easily distinguish the differences, but it is extremely difficult for machines.

  Wang Xiaochuan mentioned that during the testing of a voice intelligent product, they found that the performance of the machine was very poor: the machine asked if it needed a parking space, and the human replied: I don’t have a car. The machine can’t understand this answer.

  Hu Yu, president of Flywheel Value of HKUST and president of iFLYTEK Research Institute, also believes that the current artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of "mental retardation", and most of them can only reach the level of voice assistants. In order to obtain wisdom similar to or equivalent to the human brain and have the ability to learn independently and draw inferences, artificial intelligence also needs to combine deep learning, big data and other technologies to achieve the "ripple effect" — — Through the increase of users, artificial intelligence products can learn and update themselves through real data and experience.

  What is the imagination space for the combination of artificial intelligence and mobile Internet?

  Ma Huateng, CEO of Tencent, is quite cautious about artificial intelligence that has caused heated discussion. He said that artificial intelligence still needs time, and it is still far from the application of all walks of life.

  Ma Huateng said that artificial intelligence is a cloud change and the mobile Internet is a terminal change. Although the growth slope of mobile Internet has slowed down in recent years, its volume is still very large, and there are still many places to innovate. Instead, he feels that there are new opportunities now.

  "The current mobile Internet industry is not like three or four years ago. At that time, it was basically a barrier. If it didn’t pass, it would be finished. At present, the growth gradient may slow down, but there are still new opportunities, such as mobike Bicycle ‘ Internet plus Bicycle ’ The mobile terminal suddenly appeared. " Ma Huateng said.

  Ma Huateng believes that although the pace of innovation has slowed down since the development of the mobile Internet era, there are still many opportunities for innovation. Artificial intelligence technology is indeed a new outlet, but compared with the terminal innovation in the mobile Internet era, the innovation of artificial intelligence is reflected in the cloud, and there are still many basic technologies to be accumulated. Internet companies still need to combine their own advantages and do more exploration in the field of artificial intelligence.

  Yang Yuanqing described the future of artificial intelligence in his eyes in two sentences: intelligent terminals will become smarter and smarter, and the combination of intelligent terminals and cloud will be the future development direction.

  In his vision, smart terminals and sensors will be everywhere. Based on the self-learning ability of big data, smart terminals will be extended from today’s very limited types to all devices around people. "Whether it is air conditioners, humidifiers, air purifiers, cameras, cars, machine tools, etc., it will have the ability to calculate storage and network, and it will be modular."

  In addition, Yang Yuanqing also believes that the data of these smart terminals will be gathered in the cloud, and a new understanding will be formed through the evolution of algorithms, so as to remember, learn and analyze these data in a more effective way. Through deep learning, various intelligent terminals will become smarter and more judgmental.

  "If smart terminals are human senses, then the cloud is the brain. The perfect combination of smart terminals and cloud brains is the future direction of artificial intelligence." Yang Yuanqing said.

A number of new regulations will be implemented in July: full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  Zhongxin. com, July 1 ST, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies were implemented, car dealers were not allowed to increase the price of cars, and the acceptance of ID cards in different places was fully implemented … … A number of new regulations will be implemented today, which will soon affect all aspects of people’s lives.

  A number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today.

  According to the decision of the the State Council executive meeting, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today. In terms of tax reduction, the value-added tax rate was reduced from four to three, and the 13% tax rate band was abolished, forming a three-band structure of 17%, 11% and 6%. The pilot policy of pre-tax deduction of personal income tax for commercial health insurance will be extended to the whole country, and the expenses of individuals purchasing qualified commercial health insurance products are allowed to be deducted before tax according to the maximum annual limit of 2,400 yuan.

  In terms of fee reduction, we will further clean up and standardize the deposit in the field of engineering construction, clean up and standardize the government’s non-tax revenue surcharge in the field of energy, temporarily exempt the two supervision fees of banking and insurance, and reduce the radio frequency occupation fee.

  Simplify the handling of tax administrative licensing matters

  The Announcement on Simplifying the Procedures for Handling Tax Administrative Licensing Matters will come into effect today. The "Announcement" clarifies five measures to degenerate and optimize the procedures for handling tax administrative licensing matters, including simplifying the acceptance of documents, providing agency forwarding services, simplifying application materials, realizing the appointment of consulting services, and improving the delivery methods of documents.

  81 airports opened the "military priority according to law" channel.

  The Civil Aviation Administration and the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission jointly issued a notice to open the "military priority according to law" channel at 81 civil aviation airports nationwide from now on, and encouraged other airports to open as appropriate according to their own conditions, so as to provide thoughtful and efficient services for military personnel in check-in, security inspection and boarding.

  All coal mine safety production work in China will implement the new standards.

  The State Administration of Work Safety and other departments jointly issued the Notice on Vigorously Promoting the Standardization of Coal Mine Safety Production. The "Notice" puts forward a number of requirements, including organizing new standards publicity training, creating an incentive mechanism for standardization work, and coordinating and promoting standardization construction.

  Full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  From now on, the Ministry of Public Security has fully implemented the "three systems" of accepting resident identity cards in different places, reporting the loss and claiming them for loss. The Ministry of Public Security pointed out that public security organs should issue resident identity cards within 60 days from the date when citizens submit the Registration Form for Acceptance of Resident Identity Cards in Different Places. In areas with inconvenient transportation, the processing time may be appropriately extended, but the extension time shall not exceed 30 days; Where conditions permit, the period of making and issuing certificates can be shortened according to the actual situation.

  Handling ordinary passports and underpaying 40 yuan.

  The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice to reduce some administrative fees, which is expected to reduce the burden on enterprises and society by 2.6 billion yuan. The "Notice" stipulates that starting from today, the fees for citizens’ entry and exit documents, the cost of motor vehicle driving license, the cost of temporary entry motor vehicle number plate and driving license, the compensation fee for soil and water conservation, the actual (trial) inspection fee for pesticides, and the protection fee for integrated circuit layout design will be reduced. According to relevant standards, ordinary passports are reduced from 200 yuan to 160 yuan.

  Since July, the new regulations on automobile sales have been implemented, and it is clear that dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price. The picture shows the data map. Photo by Zhang Yun, a reporter from China News Service

  Car dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price.

  The Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce will be implemented today. The measures have made clear provisions and requirements for increasing the price of automobile sales, providing three-guarantee certificates, and indicating the source of accessories. It stipulates that dealers are prohibited from raising the price of cars in all forms, and dealers must clearly indicate the prices of cars and accessories, and must attach certificates with the car when picking up the car.

  According to the "Measures", it is no longer necessary for automobile brands to authorize the sale of automobiles, and two modes of authorized sales and unauthorized sales are allowed to be parallel, and new automobile sales forms such as automobile supermarkets, automobile stores and automobile e-commerce will blossom.

  Travel tax increases

  The tax ceiling for various types of vehicles has generally increased since today. The annual tax standard for large buses will be adjusted from 480 yuan to 660 yuan, for medium buses from 420 yuan to 660 yuan, for small buses from 360 yuan to 660 yuan, and for ordinary cars from 180 yuan to 360 yuan. At the same time, the tax targets have also been adjusted, and all kinds of buses that were originally tax-free will also pay taxes at the same standard as private cars.

  Strengthen the "seller’s responsibility" for securities operating institutions

  The Measures for the Administration of the Suitability of Securities and Futures Investors will be implemented from now on. The core requirement of the Measures is to strengthen the requirement of "the seller is responsible" for securities, funds and futures operating institutions, so that the operating institutions must bear the obligations stipulated by law while obtaining operating income, ensure the equality and unity of rights and obligations, effectively prevent one-sided pursuit of economic interests, and promote high-risk securities and futures products to investors with insufficient risk tolerance, resulting in damage and influence on the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

  Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  The "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Chinese Medicine Law" has been implemented today, with five highlights: (1) the important position and development policy of Chinese medicine are clarified; Establish a management system that conforms to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine; Increase support for the cause of Chinese medicine; Adhere to both support and standardization, and strengthen the supervision of Chinese medicine; Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  50,000 domestic cash transactions need to be reported.

  The Measures for the Administration of Reports on Large-value Transactions and Suspicious Transactions of Financial Institutions issued by the Central Bank will be implemented today. The Administrative Measures adjusted the RMB reporting standard for large cash transactions from "200,000 yuan" to "50,000 yuan", and the reporting standard for large cross-border transactions denominated in RMB was "200,000 yuan", and for the first time, non-bank payment institutions were included in the scope of responsibility.

  New invoice regulations: only the name of the enterprise can be filled in for office invoicing, and it cannot be reimbursed.

  According to the announcement of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, starting from today, the purchaser must provide the corporate taxpayer identification number (i.e. "tax number") or the unified social credit code when issuing corporate invoices, otherwise it will not be used as a tax voucher to handle tax-related business. The announcement also requires that when the seller issues an invoice, it should truthfully issue an invoice that is consistent with the actual business; When the buyer obtains the invoice, it shall not request to change the name and amount.

  Mobile phone pre-installed software must be uninstalled.

  The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Preset and Distribution of Application Software for Mobile Intelligent Terminals will be implemented today. According to the regulations, production enterprises should restrict the sales channels, and should not install application software in mobile intelligent terminals without the consent of users, and all software except basic functions can be uninstalled. The application software of mobile intelligent terminal involved in charging shall strictly abide by the relevant provisions such as clearly marked price, express the charging standard and charging method, and express that the content is true, accurate and eye-catching, and the fee can be deducted only after being confirmed by the user.

  Encourage and support the provision of disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled.

  The Regulations on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons will come into effect today. The regulations clearly stipulate that the state shall take measures to provide basic rehabilitation services for the disabled and support and help them integrate into society; Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability; The state encourages and supports organizations and individuals to provide disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled, donate to the cause of disability prevention and rehabilitation for the disabled, and build relevant public welfare facilities; The provision of rehabilitation services for the disabled shall protect the privacy of the disabled and shall not discriminate against or insult them.

  The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

  The Measures for the Management of Soil Environment in Polluted Plots (Trial) will be implemented today. The method points out that according to the principle of "whoever pollutes will treat it", the unit or individual that caused soil pollution should bear the main responsibility for treatment and restoration. In principle, the treatment and restoration project should be carried out at the original site. During the treatment and restoration, measures should be taken to prevent secondary pollution to the plot and its surrounding environment. The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

[Video] [Caption] There were no digital cameras in those days.

Special topic: news channel special program commemorating the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up.

Enter [Chao Wen Tian Xia] > >

    CCTV News (Chao Wen Tian Xia): Today we will talk about taking pictures. People in China like to take pictures. Now, people can be seen holding all kinds of digital cameras and camcorders on any occasion, and they can take pictures on their mobile phones all the time. But 30 years ago, taking pictures was an expensive thing, and families had to wear the most beautiful clothes to take a group photo.

    This photo was left in 2007. A group of old photographers and old customers in Nanjing got together again, and the old master took pictures of the customers with the old seagull license plate camera. Look at the master’s hand. This is a film box. Every time you take a picture, you have to change it. The red cloth is used for shading. Moreover, most of these cameras can only take black and white photos, and the requirements for lighting are very high. Now it is not easy to see such a scene.

    With such a machine, film is very precious, and there is usually only one chance to take a photo, which also requires a high degree of photographers. Unlike now, photographers will take many samples and customers can choose at will. What the master holds in his right hand is actually the shutter of a camera. Experienced photographers will observe it carefully, and then they will seize the opportunity to pinch the ball, even if they are photographed. At that time, people were all amazed at this thing, and vividly called this kind of photo "pinch shadow".









    Time entered the mid-1980s, and more and more new things entered China with the reform and opening-up. The appearance of color film changed the photos from black and white to colorful. The stars in all kinds of picture books have become role models for women who love beauty. The white and flawless skin of the stars makes women envy them. Later, I learned that it can be achieved through darkroom processing. For a time, "hazy photos" became popular, and it was necessary to "be as beautiful as a star".

    At that time, photographers took a lot of thoughts to get the effect of "hazy photos", such as coating a thin layer of vaseline in front of the camera, or covering it with a layer of stockings, and matching with appropriate lighting. Needless to say, the effect is really good.

    This was sent to us by an audience friend. It was a family photo of their family in 1983. As you can see, the photo studio at that time also changed a lot. The studio was no longer a monotonous gray background, and the background decoration had a home atmosphere. At that time, the home phone was still very fresh, and photographers who understood people’s minds put the phone there as props.

    This is Beihai Park in Beijing in 1980. At that time, the technology of rapid roll-up attracted young men and women with wet film in their hands everywhere in the park. People were carrying film and looking at wet film, and the scene of rushing to print was like a landscape.

    At that time, there were domestic Le Kai color films, the price of which was half cheaper than that of imported Kodak and Fuji, and there were many color photos in the streets. The business was very hot. If you were quick, you could get your own photos in one day.

    However, this situation lasted for a few years, and the business of street photo booths gradually became deserted. Because people are becoming familiar with a kind of camera called "Fool", even those who have never studied photography just need to press the shutter. The key is that the "fool" is cheap and good, and books on how to use the fool camera are also very popular. From this time on, the camera has become one of the necessary tools for daily entertainment and leisure in many ordinary families.

    This is the first digital camera successfully developed by China in 1998 ―― "Seagull DC-33". At the end of 1990s, the concept of digital appeared, and digital cameras became popular rapidly. A small magnetic card could actually replace dozens of films, and the cost of printing shops kept decreasing.

    Nowadays, when people buy cameras, they are concerned about whether there are not tens of millions of pixels, whether the body and lens are anti-shake, whether the brand is famous enough, the camera’s function is becoming more and more powerful, and the body is becoming more and more exquisite. Such a scene, any scenic spot, is more common.

    In many photographic equipment stores, the past "fool" cameras and color films have gradually faded out of the counter, and a few film cameras have become sharp weapons for photography enthusiasts. The past dual-lens cameras have also become the favorite of the collection market. The old gentleman in Hangzhou has collected more than 1100 cameras.

    There are memories between square inches, old photos let us taste the popularity and fashion of the year, and the upgrading of electronic consumer products such as cameras makes people realize the changes of the times and life.

Editor: Wei Yu

Focus on forward-looking technology, and the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference will let a hundred flowers blossom.

The 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held in Shanghai from July 6 to 8. The main exhibition of the 50,000-square-meter Expo covers four sections: core technology, intelligent terminal, application empowerment and cutting-edge technology, involving large models, chips, robots, intelligent driving and other fields. There are over 400 exhibitors, over 50 excellent start-ups, and more than 30 new products are exhibited for the first time. The number of exhibitors and exhibition area are the highest in history.

Layout of the new track of the future industry, large models have appeared.

Enter the key words of the work in the computer, such as "thick painting, illustration, girl, cuteness", and then choose different painting styles, and you can generate a beautiful painting in just over ten seconds. During this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the reporter experienced the first AI painting experience activity launched by Netease Fuxi, Shanghai Communist Youth League Committee and Donghao Lansheng. This technology relies on the picture generation model developed by Netease Fuxi-"Danqing", which is also a 100% domestic model.

Picture generation model "Danqing", courtesy of Netease Fuxi.

According to the staff, the large model is trained based on native Chinese corpus data and Netease’s own high-quality picture data. After strict text and picture review, the model has good Chinese understanding ability while ensuring data source compliance and generated content compliance, and the works created can better meet Chinese aesthetics. In addition, the big model also supports users to give multiple rounds of modification suggestions across multi-modes such as words and pictures until satisfactory picture effects are generated.

"The big model is not a fireworks show, but an advanced productive force. This wave of AGI revolution is a brand-new meta-revolution. The big model is of great significance for industrial development. With the big model, enterprises have ushered in a new opportunity and realized an’ end-to-end’ value realization. " On the 7th, Xiao Yanghua, director of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science and professor of Fudan University, co-hosted the theme forum "The Infinite Charm of AI Generation and Vertical Language Model" in Shanghai Pudong New Area Youth Federation, Daguan Data and Youkede.

The "Cao Zhi" big model of philosophical data was released. View data for the picture

At the forum, Chen Yunwen, Chairman and CEO of Daguan Data, officially released the "Cao Zhi" model of Daguan Data. As a vertically specialized large-scale domestic language model, this big model has the characteristics of long text, verticalization and multi-language. By connecting multiple models and knowledge maps in parallel, it supports the functions of automatic writing and multi-language translation of long texts in multiple languages, and enables all-round scenarios such as long document writing, machine translation, semantic analysis review, knowledge question and answer, text-to-SQL, etc., which can be deeply optimized and customized according to the needs of copywriting in different industries and fields. Whether in finance, government affairs or industry, Cao Zhida model can provide accurate and effective solutions for copywriting.

As a domestic strategic partner of Cao Zhi’s big model, UCloud’s AIGC computing base also made a wonderful appearance. Benjurry Ben, Chairman and CEO of UCloud, delivered a keynote speech on "Neutral and Secure Cloud Computing Helps the Development of Big Model", introducing its technical products, engineering capabilities and ecological construction in the field of AIGC.

The panoramic view of Youke AIGC solution made a wonderful appearance. You ke de gong tu

With profound technical accumulation and comprehensive system engineering capabilities, Youke has launched a series of products and solutions covering data centers, computing platforms, management platforms, network services, application services and ecological interfaces. The open, secure and customized AIGC solution allows customers to utilize existing server resources, and enjoy the flexible expansion of public cloud conveniently, so as to reduce costs and increase efficiency at the IT level. And through the data center hosting area, it can provide users with exclusive cabinets, servers, networks and storage resources that are completely physically isolated. Combined with complete security schemes and expert services, it ensures the smooth operation of users’ large models.

Benjurry Ben said that he will continue to explore the greater development prospects and broader development space of AIGC with the "Cao Zhi" big language model through the neutral and safe computing base. We will jointly improve the ability of enterprises to apply large models in privatization and promote the process of landing large models at the enterprise level.

Panoramic insight report of exhibitors at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference released by Digital Library Technology. Digital library technology for the picture

At this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Database Technology released a brand-new conceptual product atlas-"ISTARI". The on-site staff introduced to the reporter that "istari" is a conceptual product that integrates UPG and large model exhibited at the conference of Digital Library Technology, and it is a new generation of industrial panoramic map platform that can present dialogue and interaction. Based on this small dialogue window, the data dimensions of industries and products and related companies are at your fingertips.

It is reported that the digital government solution is the main push of database technology, in which the industrial monitoring brain platform can carry out real-time monitoring and comparative analysis on industrial scale, industrial environment and other aspects, and through the multi-chain integration of supply chain, innovation chain, policy chain and talent chain, statistics and analysis of relevant upstream and downstream entities, policy orientation, etc., the business environment and investment and financing data can be integrated, and industrial ecological projection can be realized on the big screen through data visualization display. Assist policy implementation and project landing. At the same time, through the full-scene industrial map capability and big data mining analysis means, we will build a data base for investment promotion, empower nearly 50 investment promotion methods such as industrial chain investment promotion, enhance the full-scene data service capability of investment promotion, and vigorously promote the high-quality development of the industry.

Leo Liu, founder and CEO of Digital Database Technology, said at the "Smart Data Smart Way-Data Intelligence Forum" that since the establishment of industrial chain system by Digital Database Technology, enterprises have continuously upgraded iterative data products to better build industrial chain system and serve the real economy, and launched ——UPG(Universal Product Graph), an upgraded data product based on SAM industrial chain system. In the future, based on UPG unified product atlas system, all kinds of relationship lines will be further expanded, and finally the digital transformation will be effectively empowered.

Robot +AI: Towards a new era of embodied intelligence

At present, the industry generally believes that the next wave of artificial intelligence is embodied intelligence. As the carrier of artificial intelligence entering the physical world, embodied intelligence combines artificial intelligence technology with robot entities, giving the "brain" a body that can be controlled, perceived, interacted and acted, and bringing great convenience and benefits as an important partner and assistant of human beings.

At the opening ceremony of this World Artificial Intelligence Conference, a universal humanoid robot GR-1 released by Fu Liye Intelligent in the first show of major innovations has aroused widespread concern in the industry. The robot is 1.65 meters tall, weighs 55 kilograms, has 40 degrees of freedom, the maximum peak torque of joint module can reach 300NM, the walking speed can reach 5KM/h, and the load is 50 kilograms.

According to the staff, this robot has a highly bionic trunk configuration, anthropomorphic motion control, fast walking, agile obstacle avoidance, steady uphill and downhill, anti-impact interference and other motion functions, combined with cognitive intelligence, can cooperate with people to complete actions, and has great potential in many application scenarios such as industry, rehabilitation, home, scientific research and so on.

Fu Liye’s intelligent GR-1 universal humanoid robot debut. Fu Liye Intelligent Photo courtesy

As the next generation ontology of AI with body intelligence, humanoid robots are expected to lead AI into the "era of body intelligence", and will also promote the development of special robots to general robots. Gu Jie, founder of Fu Liye Intelligent, believes that, just like the development trend from desktop computers to personal computers to mobile phones, universal humanoid robots will gradually become the mainstream of the industry in the future. At present, the hardware foundation of universal humanoid robot is basically laid, and the application wave driven by large model is coming.

Unmanned loading robot. Photo courtesy of Netease Fuxi

"In the field of construction machinery, this unmanned loading robot can quickly adapt to different models, and can automatically perform actions such as moving, accelerating and decelerating, shoveling and unloading. The full bucket rate of shoveling operation is over 95%, and the residual rate of unloading hopper is below 5%. The shoveling efficiency is close to that of the master." In the exhibition area of artificial intelligence, the staff mentioned that this unmanned robot was jointly developed by Netease Fuxi and China Construction Eighth Bureau. It is a highly intelligent and fully automated main construction machinery based on the scene of mixing station.

"The concrete mixing station is the basic supply of the construction site, and it needs 24 hours of uninterrupted operation, and a lot of dust and particles will be generated during the operation. Therefore, mixing stations often face the problem of difficulty in recruiting workers. " The staff said that taking the mixing station with two machines and 180 units as an example, the standard configuration is 2 loaders +4 drivers. However, after the replacement of the unmanned loader, only one driver is needed to handle 1% of the special conditions at the scene, and in other 99% cases, the unmanned automatic feeding operation can be realized.

At present, the unmanned loading robot has been applied to the intelligent concrete mixing station of Hutong Railway, and batch delivery will be realized this year, so that construction workers can bid farewell to the dangerous working environment and achieve high safety and high quality work.

Accelerate the innovative application of AI in the industry and help achieve the goal of "double carbon"

How can artificial intelligence and big data technology help reduce carbon and promote high-quality development?

Q-Truck, 2023WAIC "Treasure of Town Hall". People’s Daily reporter Ge Junjun photo

Q-Truck, a driverless commercial vehicle with intelligent power exchange displayed by Xijing Technology, is the "treasure of town hall" in 2023WAIC. The staff introduced: "In terms of carbon reduction, after calculation, Q-Truck completely uses green electricity in actual production and operation scenarios, and bicycles can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 50 tons per year, which is equivalent to planting 4,545 trees per year by bicycles, and the annual planting area of bicycles is 113,400 square meters."

Q-Tractor。 Photo courtesy of Xijing Technology

This year, Xijing Technology’s new energy unmanned tractor Q-Tractor was launched in the world in 2023WAIC. This product can be adapted to multiple scenes such as airports, factories and logistics centers, with deeper scene interconnection, more humane driving experience, highly derivative application scenarios and higher-order automatic driving, and can be used in logistics transportation fields such as small cargo transportation and luggage traction. The maximum load of Q-Tractor is 40 tons, and it can realize all-weather transportation for 7×24 hours, which is more stable, smooth and convenient, with "zero pollution and no emission". The relevant person in charge of Xijing Technology expressed the hope that with the help of WAIC, we can help more users to effectively reduce the cost of global production factors and create a green, intelligent and resilient global smart logistics.

"Smart Help Double Carbon, Traces to Follow" 2023 Smart Trend Forum. Photo courtesy of Schneider Electric

At present, the digital economy has become an important pillar of national economic growth. How to accelerate the integration of digital and real industries and move towards green and low carbon with key technologies has become an important issue to achieve high-quality development. Zhang Lei, vice president of Schneider Electric and head of digital service business in China, said at the 2023 Smart Trend Forum: "Artificial intelligence technology is the driving force to promote the leap-forward development of science and technology, industrial optimization and upgrading, and the overall jump in productivity. However, under the general trend of digital integration, the key to the potential of new technologies such as AI lies in their industrialization and large-scale application."

In order to accelerate the innovative application of AI in the industry, Schneider Electric recently set up an AI innovation laboratory in Beijing, and the AI innovation laboratory in Shanghai will soon be established.

Zhang Lei said that in addition to advanced models and algorithms, the key value of AI technology lies in combining practical application scenarios to meet industrial needs. To this end, Schneider Electric is accelerating the creation of an incubator for AI innovation applications. Its AI Innovation Lab is committed to exploring the application innovation of "entity industry+technology ecology +AI" and exploring the application of AI technology in asset and process optimization, infrastructure management, demand management and new energy management, empowering the digitalization and sustainable development of major industries.

"Future car" is about to sail to the "fast lane" of commercialization.

Starting from Shentao Road, Jinqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shanghai, turn left to Jianqiao Road … The whole journey is 2.8 kilometers, which takes about 15 minutes. On July 8, during the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the "Driver-free Intelligent Networked Car Show" in Shanghai Jinqiao Demonstration Zone was opening up the autopilot experience to the global audience.

This is the first time that the first batch of enterprises in Pudong New Area have obtained the "driver-free test license" to test their vehicles on the road. AutoX Antu and Neolithic Unmanned Vehicles became the first batch of "unmanned vehicles" enterprises to obtain the license for road test of driverless intelligent networked vehicles issued by Pudong New Area Government.

"Every car travels an average of 80-100 kilometers every day to conduct a safe driving test in driverless mode." Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai’s first self-driving open demonstration application road in the central city, has a wealth of application scenarios in the central city of super-large cities and has become the best testing ground for artificial intelligence technology. Lin Tailai, vice president of AutoX, said: "We need to realize the commercialization of completely driverless taxis in large urban areas on a large scale, reduce the cost of intelligent upgrading of automobiles through large-scale mass production, and realize the sustainable development of commercialization and marketization."

"In solving the’ last mile’ with the highest cost and lowest efficiency in logistics distribution, the cost reduction ratio of each unmanned delivery vehicle can reach more than 60%." Huang Hantao, director of the government affairs department of Neolithic Academia Sinica (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd. said: "After receiving the notice of innovative application test, we can speed up the test in Pudong and develop three business models: unmanned retail, unmanned distribution and unmanned urban service. I believe that in the future life scene, there will be more and more unmanned equipment like Neolithic unmanned vehicles on the road. "