A new occupation of outdoor sports: managing people

"In the past, participation in outdoor activities was led by the team leader. Now I hear a new name’ outdoor manager’. What is the difference between this and the team leader?" Recently, the reporter interviewed several senior managers in the circle with this question.

An Chenran, the manager of Wingray Frisbee, told the reporter: "The team leader and the outdoor manager are different in identity and work content. The work of the tour leader is to ensure the smooth progress of the activity and take care of the safety of each participant, including the prior route arrangement, departure time and itinerary. The outdoor manager has a wider scope of work, not only planning and executing activities, preparing sports equipment, setting up scenes, serving customers, making meals, etc., but more importantly, operating communities, managing daily affairs, customizing business customer activities, expanding the influence of brand activities and planning the future development of brand activities. "

With the rapid development of outdoor sports in China, outdoor managers came into being with the needs of the market. "After 2021, more and more people want to go out to exercise, but they don’t want to go far away. They hope to find a group of like-minded people and enjoy their leisure time together, and the outdoor manager becomes the person in charge of organizing this activity. " Lin Zhao, product manager of an outdoor travel platform, said, "The outdoor camp manager and outdoor mountaineering manager in the activity now … they undertake different projects but have the same job responsibilities. They generally have a stable job with good income, and the outdoor manager is only their part-time job. Doing this job requires strong activity planning skills and social communication skills. After a good plan is positively responded by everyone, it can quickly organize an event and competition. "

Recently, Liu Wei, the manager of Hangzhou Badong Women’s Frisbee Community, organized a special invitational tournament for women’s frisbee. In the early stage of the event, Liu Weixian posted relevant event information in the group and social media, and made an activity plan. On the opening day, she came to the stadium in advance to set up the corner of the Frisbee. "This competition has the first women’s frisbee team in China, the champion team of China Women’s Frisbee Open in 2023 and the third runner-up of China Women’s Frisbee Open in 2023. The competition is both intense and interesting. The fee for this competition is 80 yuan per person, with half price for students. Our team consists of team committees, accountants, designers, disciplinary committee members, etc. If we count the venue rental fee every time, sometimes it is a loss to hold a game. The income of the manager is mainly the total income of an activity MINUS the coach fee and venue fee. Although there is not much left in the end, I will always stick to it because I am willing to play, run and compete with you. " Liu Wei said.

In addition to organizing Frisbee competitions, Liu Wei’s outdoor manager work is also responsible for daily professional training of Frisbee. With 17 years’ experience in frisbee, she has participated in hundreds of domestic competitions and won more than 30 championships. As a coach of the China women’s team in the 2023 Asian Oceania Frisbee Championships (Philippine Station), she has carved her love for frisbee into her bones. "We organize training every Thursday, and the training content in the last two weeks is the practice of passing and receiving. To tell the truth, as an outdoor manager, the biggest feeling is fatigue after a day’s work, but I want more women to experience the happiness of Frisbee and let every participant become the leader of the competition. I hope the charm of women’s Frisbee events can attract more people to participate. " Liu Wei said this. (From March 21st, China Sports Daily, 07 edition)

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Hawking’s speech in Beijing: Artificial intelligence may also be the terminator of human civilization.

  On April 27th, the famous physicist stephen hawking gave a video speech at the Global Mobile Internet Conference held in Beijing. In his speech, Hawking reiterated that the rise of artificial intelligence is either the best thing or the worst thing for human beings. He believes that human beings need to be alert to the threat of artificial intelligence development. Because once the artificial intelligence breaks away from the bondage and redesigns itself in an accelerating state, human beings will not be able to compete with it because of the limitation of long biological evolution, thus being replaced.

  The following is Hawking’s speech:

  In my life, I have witnessed profound changes in society. One of the most profound changes, which has an increasing influence on human beings, is the rise of artificial intelligence. To put it simply, I think the rise of powerful artificial intelligence is either the best thing or the worst thing in human history. I have to say, whether it is good or bad is still uncertain. But we should do our best to ensure that its future development is beneficial to us and our environment. We have no choice. I think the development of artificial intelligence itself is a trend with problems, and these problems must be solved now and in the future.

  The research and development of artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly. Maybe all of us should pause for a moment and shift our research duplication from improving the ability of artificial intelligence to maximizing the social benefits of artificial intelligence. Based on this consideration, american association for artificial intelligence (AAAI) set up a forum on the long-term future of artificial intelligence in 2008-2009, and they have recently invested a lot of attention in the purpose-oriented neutral technology. But our artificial intelligence system needs to work according to our will. Interdisciplinary research is a possible way forward: it extends from economics, law and philosophy to computer security, formal methods and, of course, various branches of artificial intelligence itself.

  Everything produced by civilization is the product of human intelligence. I believe that there is no essential difference between what the biological brain can achieve and what the computer can achieve. Therefore, it follows the principle that computers can imitate human intelligence in theory and then surpass it. But we are not sure, so we can’t know whether we will be helped by artificial intelligence indefinitely, despised and marginalized, or probably destroyed by it. Indeed, we are worried that smart machines will be able to replace the jobs that human beings are doing and quickly eliminate millions of jobs.

  While artificial intelligence has been developing from primitive form and proved to be very useful, I am also worried about the result of creating something that can equal or surpass human beings: once artificial intelligence is out of bondage, it will redesign itself in an accelerating state. Limited by the long biological evolution, human beings cannot compete with it and will be replaced. This will bring great damage to our economy. In the future, artificial intelligence can develop from my will, a will that conflicts with us. Although I have always been optimistic about human beings, others believe that human beings can control the development of technology for a long time, so that we can see the potential of artificial intelligence to solve most problems in the world. But I’m not sure.

  While artificial intelligence has been developing from primitive form and proved to be very useful, I am also worried about the result of creating something that can equal or surpass human beings: once artificial intelligence is out of bondage, it will redesign itself in an accelerating state. Limited by the long biological evolution, human beings cannot compete with it and will be replaced. This will bring great damage to our economy. In the future, artificial intelligence can develop from my will, a will that conflicts with us. Although I have always been optimistic about human beings, others believe that human beings can control the development of technology for a long time, so that we can see the potential of artificial intelligence to solve most problems in the world. But I’m not sure.

  In January 2015, I signed an open letter on artificial intelligence with elon musk, a technology entrepreneur, and many other artificial intelligence experts, with the aim of advocating serious research on the impact of artificial intelligence on society. Before this, elon musk warned people that superhuman artificial intelligence may bring immeasurable benefits, but if it is not deployed properly, it may bring the opposite effect to human beings. I am with him on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Institute for the Future of Life, an organization to alleviate the existing risks faced by mankind, and the aforementioned open letter was also drafted by this organization. This open letter calls for direct research that can prevent potential problems, at the same time, it also gains the potential benefits brought by artificial intelligence, and at the same time, it is committed to making artificial intelligence researchers pay more attention to artificial intelligence security. In addition, for policy makers and the general public, this open letter is informative and not alarmist. Everyone knows that artificial intelligence researchers are seriously thinking about these concerns and ethical issues, and we think this is very important. For example, artificial intelligence has the potential to eradicate diseases and poverty, but researchers must be able to create controllable artificial intelligence. The open letter with only four paragraphs entitled "Priority should be given to the study of powerful and beneficial artificial intelligence" made detailed arrangements for the research priorities in its attached 12-page document.

  In the past 20 years, artificial intelligence has been focusing on the problems arising from the construction of intelligent agents, that is, various systems that can perceive and act in specific environments. In this case, intelligence is a rational concept related to statistics and economics. Generally speaking, this is the ability to make good decisions, plans and inferences. Based on these works, a large number of integration and cross-breeding have been applied in artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, cybernetics, neuroscience, and other fields. The establishment of sharing theoretical framework, combined with the ability of data supply and processing, has achieved remarkable success in various subdivided fields. Such as speech recognition, image classification, automatic driving, machine translation, gait movement and question answering system.

  With the development of these fields, a virtuous circle is formed from laboratory research to economically valuable technologies. Even a small performance improvement will bring huge economic benefits, and then encourage longer-term and greater investment and research. At present, it is widely recognized that the research of artificial intelligence is developing steadily, and its influence on society is likely to expand, and its potential benefits are enormous. Since everything produced by civilization is the product of human intelligence; We can’t predict what we may achieve when this intelligence is amplified by artificial intelligence tools. However, as I said, it is not impossible to eradicate disease and poverty. Because of the great potential of artificial intelligence, it is very important to study how to benefit and avoid risks.

  Now, the research on artificial intelligence is developing rapidly. This study can be discussed in the short and long term. Some short-term concerns are about driverless driving, from civilian drones to autonomous vehicles. For example, in an emergency, a driverless car has to choose between a big accident with small risk and a small accident with high probability. Another concern is lethal intelligent autonomous weapons. Should they be banned? If so, how to define "autonomy" accurately. If not, how to be accountable for any improper use and fault. There are other concerns. Artificial intelligence can gradually interpret the privacy and concerns caused by a large number of monitoring data, and how to manage the economic impact caused by artificial intelligence replacing jobs.

  The long-term concern is mainly the potential risk that the artificial intelligence system is out of control. With the rise of super intelligence that does not follow human wishes, that powerful system threatens human beings. Is it possible to have such a misplaced result? If so, how did these situations arise? What kind of research should we invest in order to better understand and solve the possibility of the rise of dangerous super intelligence, or the emergence of intelligent outbreaks?

  At present, the tools to control artificial intelligence technology, such as reinforcement learning and simple and practical functions, are not enough to solve this problem. Therefore, we need further research to find and confirm a reliable solution to control this problem.

  Recent milestones, such as the self-driving car mentioned earlier and the artificial intelligence winning the Go game, are all signs of future trends. Huge investment has been poured into this technology. What we have achieved now is bound to be dwarfed by what we may achieve in the next few decades. And we are far from predicting what we can achieve when our minds are magnified by artificial intelligence. Perhaps with the help of this new technological revolution, we can solve the damage caused by some industrialization to nature. All aspects of our lives are about to be changed. In short, the success of artificial intelligence may be the biggest event in the history of human civilization.

  But artificial intelligence may also be the end of human civilization, unless we learn how to avoid danger. I once said that the all-round development of artificial intelligence may lead to the extinction of mankind, such as maximizing the use of intelligent autonomous weapons. Earlier this year, I and some scientists from all over the world supported its ban on nuclear weapons at the United Nations meeting. We are anxiously awaiting the result of the negotiation. At present, nine nuclear powers can control about 14,000 nuclear weapons, and any one of them can raze cities. Radioactive waste will pollute farmland in a large area, and the most terrible harm is to induce nuclear winter. Fire and smoke will lead to the global Little Ice Age. This result has caused the global food system to collapse, with doomsday turmoil, which is likely to lead to the death of most people. As scientists, we bear a special responsibility for nuclear weapons, because it is scientists who invented them and found that their influence is more terrible than originally expected.

  At this stage, my discussion of disasters may have frightened everyone present. I’m sorry. But as today’s participants, it is important for you to recognize your position in the future research and development that will affect the current technology. I believe that we are United to call for the support of international treaties or sign open letters to governments of various countries, and scientific and technological leaders and scientists are doing their utmost to avoid the uncontrollable rise of artificial intelligence.

  Last October, I set up a new organization in Cambridge, England, trying to solve some inconclusive problems in the rapid development of artificial intelligence research. "Livelihoom Intelligent Future Center" is an interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to studying the intelligent future, which is crucial to the future of our civilization and species. We spend a lot of time studying history and going deep into it — — Mostly about stupid history. So it is a gratifying change that people turn to study the future of intelligence. Although we are aware of the potential dangers, I am still optimistic, and I believe that the potential benefits of creating intelligence are enormous. Perhaps with the help of this tool of new technological revolution, we will be able to reduce the harm caused by industrialization to nature.

  Every aspect of our lives will be changed Hugh Prince, my colleague in the graduate school, admitted that the Livelihoom Center was established in part because the university established the Center for Existential Risk. The latter examines the potential problems of human beings more widely, while the focus of the Livelihood Center is relatively narrow.

  The latest development of artificial intelligence, including the European Parliament’s call for drafting a series of regulations to manage the innovation of robots and artificial intelligence. Surprisingly, there is a form of electronic personality involved to ensure the rights and responsibilities of the most capable and advanced artificial intelligence. A spokesman for the European Parliament commented that as more and more fields in daily life are increasingly influenced by robots, we need to ensure that robots serve mankind now and in the future. The report submitted to members of the European Parliament clearly believes that the world is at the forefront of the new industrial robot revolution. It may be possible to analyze whether to provide robots with the rights as electronic people, which is equivalent to legal persons. The report emphasizes that at all times, researchers and designers should ensure that every robot design contains a stop switch. In Kubrick’s movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, Hal, a malfunctioning supercomputer, didn’t let scientists into the space capsule, but it was science fiction. What we have to face is the truth. Lorna Blazere, a partner of Osborne Clark International Law Firm, said in the report that we don’t recognize whales and gorillas have personalities, so there is no need to rush to accept a robot personality. But concerns have always existed. The report admits that in a few decades, artificial intelligence may surpass the scope of human intelligence, and artificial intelligence may surpass the scope of human intelligence, thus challenging human-computer relations. The report finally calls for the establishment of European robotics and artificial intelligence institutions.To provide technical, ethical and regulatory expertise. If members of the European Parliament vote for legislation, the report will be submitted to the European Commission. It will decide which legislative steps to take within three months.

  We should also play a role in ensuring that the next generation not only has the opportunity but also has the determination to fully participate in scientific research at an early stage, so that they can continue to exert their potential and help mankind create a better world. This is what I meant when I first talked about the importance of learning and education. We need to jump out of the theoretical discussion of "how things should be" and take action to ensure that they have the opportunity to participate. We are standing at the entrance to a beautiful new world. This is an exciting and uncertain world, and you are the pioneers. I bless you.

"Digital Baby" has a box office of over 100 million. Welcome to Japanese animation season.

Special feature of 1905 film network Just after the Double Eleven, after shopping around in a blur and paying with distressed hands, did the last payer find that it is really the most cost-effective "buy buy Buy" to spend a little money on a movie ticket to watch a favorite movie?

It’s early winter, and before the Lunar New Year’s Eve, with a group of Japanese animation films that missed the Children’s Day due to the epidemic (Infinite, the second feature-length animated film produced by Studio Colorido (also known as "I want to cry, I put on a cat mask"), they gave up the cinema and went online on watermelon video on June 18, and today’s headlines). Since November, they have appeared on the big screen almost once a week, and the box office just broke at the beginning of this month.

Digital Baby: The Last Evolution

When Yagu beast, which is about to disappear forever, looks at the back of the grown-up Taiyi and says "Taiyi, you have grown up", I believe all the friends in the cinema can’t stop their tears, because at this moment, every audience has entered the perspective and psychology of Taiyi, saying goodbye to childhood, lush years and past self.

As a work commemorating the 20th anniversary of Digital Baby, this theatrical animation which landed on the mainland on October 30th can be described as bearing the memories of a generation of youth. This emotion has far exceeded the bloody elements such as friendship, faith and courage in the story, and also far exceeded the suspenseful flip plot and gorgeous and colorful modeling special effects. As pointed out at the end of the film: Dedicated to all the "children" who grew up with the digital baby, this is "the last story of Taiyi". This kind of emotional card and Riman’s consistently excellent production also made the film get a high score of 7.5 in Douban.

The future, the future

Judging from the posters with the same style, we can guess that this film continues the fantasy idea of director Mamoru Hosoda’s "traveling through time and space". This cartoon, which was released in the mainland last Friday (November 6th), continues the style of Mamoru Hosoda’s fantastic works, tracing back to the wonderful emotional fate of the family from the vertical and historical perspectives of time.

The film got a good score of 6.6 in Douban, and the Annie Award for Best Independent Animation Feature Film was also the best affirmation. Interestingly, Mamoru Hosoda’s second daughter is also called the future, and his eldest son was just four years old when he conceived this film, which happened to be the age of the male host Xiaojun in the film. In his view, four years old is the age when seriousness and hedonism overlap — — It can be said that the film fully reflects Mamoru Hosoda’s family view and parenting view.

Mamoru Hosoda once mentioned that this film was inspired by Yang Dechang. "11" selects children as the perspective to observe the family and the world around them. Young and innocent, he always pays more attention to those neglected aspects than anyone else. Our little gentleman saw the past and future of family members through his childish observation and imagination in time and space, and let this endless stream of family history come to young and ignorant boys and every audience.

Son of the sea beast

The comic book of the same name, adapted from Daisuke Igarashi, will be released in the Mainland next Friday (November 20th). Directed by Ayumu Watanabe, the original painting and painting director of the TV series Doraemon since 1979, the film tells the story that a young girl named Liu Hua meets two mysterious teenagers "Hai" and "Kong" by chance, and follows in the footsteps of the two teenagers, swimming among the stars and seas and getting a glimpse of the world and life. This film and Penguin Road, which was released in the mainland last year, formed a four-part series of the Riman River System.

This cartoon, which reproduces the 50-year-old pen, shows the possibility of its own cartoons and animations. By focusing on the relationship between nature and human beings, it tries to tell the story in a dynamic and delicate way, and the beautiful and gorgeous picture itself forms a story, especially the energy in the picture of the film at the climax will impress many people. The soundtrack of Joe Hisaishi’s operation and the theme song written and sung by Mijin Xuanshi are even more exciting.

Doraemon: Nobita’s New Dinosaur

When digital babies have been with us for 20 years, the Doraemon, whose predecessors have influenced generations, has been serialized for 50 years. The upcoming release on December 11th is the 50th anniversary of Doraemon comic series, and it is also the 40th work of Doraemon series.

The film tells the story of the adventures of Nobita and his party in the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago in order to find the companions of twin dinosaurs Xiaoxiu and Xiaomi. Doraemon is a Japanese national IP. This movie is the fourth time that the theatrical version of Doraemon series uses dinosaurs as the theme, while the first three times are Doraemon: Nobita Dinosaur, Doraemon: Nobita and Dragon Knight, Doraemon: Nobita Dinosaur 2006.

The director and screenwriter of this film are also Imai Ichigo, who was the director in the previous film, and Genki Kawamura, the screenwriter. This is their second time to participate in the production of Doraemon. In the 40 years since the first theatrical version of Doraemon: Nobita’s Dinosaur was released in 1980, there have been many breakthroughs in the study of dinosaurs in archaeological circles, among which the theory that "birds are a species that has survived the evolution of dinosaurs" is the creative origin of new dinosaurs.

Baokemeng: the counter-attack evolution of super dreams

Two days ago (November 10, 2020), it was announced to confirm the introduction to the mainland, and posters were released. As the 22nd animated film in Poké mon series, this film is the only theatrical animation based on the plot remake of the past theatrical version in a real sense, and it is the full-film 3DCG remake of the first theatrical version of Pokémon: The Counter-attack of Super Dream in 1998.

Pokémon, the most widely known IP, is the cute pet Pikachu and the most popular character. The first live-action movie released last year was aimed at evoking the feelings of people who grew up in the 1990s. However, in the movie, the actor changed Xiao Zhi into a black youth, telling the story about the affection between father and son that is easier for non-fans to empathize with the audience. Of course, for fans, it is still a clever and successful adaptation.

In addition, there are also "Destiny’s Night — — Cup of Heaven 3: Song of Spring. In recent years, Conan series has basically landed in the mainland market every year, and Destiny’s Night — — The first two parts of the "Cup of Heaven" series have also met with domestic audiences for two consecutive years, and this year’s failure to "renew the contract" has undoubtedly been affected by the epidemic.

With the box office surprise of Digital Baby: The Last Evolution exceeding 100 million, we can still see the box office strength and emotional charm of Doraemon, Treasure Dream, Detective Conan and so on. Behind this, it belongs to the appeal of animation itself. With the strong rise of other countries, I believe that China’s animation power will form a series of explosive IP like Riman, and gradually increase its own influence in the film market from home to overseas.

What is a digital video camera?

What is a digital video camera?

  Digital Video camera is DV, which is the abbreviation of Digital Video. Translated into Chinese, it means "Digital Video". It is a digital video format jointly developed by many famous home appliance giants such as Sony, Panasonic, Shengli, Sharp, Toshiba and Canon. However, in the joint development of a digital video format. However, in most cases, DV stands for digital camera. According to the purpose of use, it can be divided into: broadcast-grade models, professional-grade models and consumer-grade models. According to the storage medium, it can be divided into: magnetic tape type, optical disk type, hard disk type and memory card type.

Development course of digital camera

  It has been 16 years since the first digital camera was born in 2011. During these 16 years, digital cameras have undergone tremendous changes. The storage media range from DV to DVD to hard disk, with a total pixel of 800,000 to 5 million, and the image quality ranges from standard-definition DV(720×576) to high-definition HDV(1920×1080).

The first DV camera was born in 1995.

  In July, 1995, Sony released the first DV camera DCR-VX1000. Once released, DCR-VX1000 was widely adopted by TV journalists and producers all over the world. This product uses Mini-DV format tape, adopts 3CCD sensor (3 1/3 inch, 410,000 pixel CCD), 10x optical zoom and optical anti-shake system, and the price at the time of release is as high as 4,000 yuan. DCR-VX1000 is a major change in the history of imaging. Since then, civil digital cameras have entered the digital age.

Sony DCR-VX1000, the first DV camera

The first DVD camera was born in 2000.

  In August 2000, Hitachi introduced the first DVD camera DZ-MV100. At that time, this product could only be recorded by DVD-RAM. Hitachi first brought DVD as a storage medium into a digital camera, and used an 8cm DVD-RAM burning disc as a storage medium, which got rid of the inconvenience of DV tape and was a major innovation after DV camera. However, at that time, not many people paid attention to this product. DZ-MV100 was only sold in Japan, and it was hard to find a trace in the domestic market. It was recognized that DVD cameras should be widely promoted by Sony three years later.

The first DVD camera DZ-MV100

In 2004, the first micro hard disk camera was born.

  In September, 2004, JVC launched the first batch of 1-inch micro hard disk cameras MC200 and MC100, and the hard disk began to enter the field of consumer digital cameras. The capacity of the two hard disks is 4GB, and the video images taken are compressed by MPEG-2, so users can flexibly change the compression rate to extend the shooting time. The adoption of hard disk media makes it extremely convenient for digital cameras to exchange information with computers. Both MC200 and MC100 and several subsequent 1-inch micro hard disk cameras can flexibly replace micro hard disks. By June, 2005, JVC released the Everio G series with 1.8-inch high-capacity hard disk camera. The maximum capacity reached 30GB, and the volume was well controlled, and the price remained at the level of similar DV cameras.

The first micro hard disk camera JVC MC200

In 2004, the first HDV 1080i HD camera was born.

  In September 2003, Sony, Canon, Sharp and JVC jointly formulated the HD camera standard HDV. In September 2004, Sony released the first HDV 1080i high-definition camera HDR-FX1E. The recording resolution of HDV reached 1440×1080, and the horizontal scanning line was doubled compared with that of DVD, and the definition was revolutionized. HDR-FX1E, including the HDV cameras introduced later, used the original ones.

The first HDV 1080i HD camera HDR-FX1E

In 2010, the first 3D camera was born.

  Up to now, the 3D revolution has all revolved around Hollywood blockbusters and major sports events. With the advent of Panasonic HDC-SDT750 3D camera, this technology is one step closer to home users. Panasonic HDC-SDT750 is the world’s first 3D camera. After the launch of this camera, we can capture every unforgettable moment of life with 3D lens in the future, such as children’s first step, university graduation celebration and so on. Panasonic released the HDC-SDT750 3D camera on July 28th, 2010. The official price is RMB 11,998 (excluding 3D lens). It is designed with dual lenses and equipped with Panasonic’s high-end series of 3mos image sensors. (What is a 3D camera? )

The first 3D camera Panasonic HDC-SDT750

Working principle of digital camera

  The basic principle of digital camera is simply the transformation and transmission of optical-electrical-digital signals. That is to say, the light signal is converted into current through the photosensitive element, and then the analog electric signal is converted into digital signal, and the information obtained after processing and filtering by a special chip is restored to be the dynamic picture we see.

  The photosensitive element of digital video camera can convert light into charge, which is converted into digital signal through analog-to-digital converter chip. There are two main types: one is widely used CCD (Charge Coupled Device); The other is CMOS (complementary metal oxide conductor) device.

  Characteristics of digital camera

  High-definition analog cameras record analog signals, so the image definition (also called resolution, resolution or resolution) is not high. For example, the horizontal definition of VHS cameras is mainly 240 lines, and it is best to mention that Hi8 models only have 400 lines. DV records digital signals, and its horizontal resolution has reached 500~540 lines, which can be comparable to professional cameras.

  The bandwidth of chroma and brightness signal of DV is almost six times that of analog camera, and the bandwidth of chroma and brightness is one of the most important factors that determine the image quality, so the color of the image shot by DV is more pure and gorgeous, and it has reached the level of professional camera.

  The signal recorded on the lossless reproduction DV tape can be transcribed countless times, and the image quality will not be degraded at all, which is beyond the reach of analog cameras.

  Small size and light weight Compared with analog cameras, the size of DV cameras is greatly reduced, generally only about 123mm×87mm×66mm, and the weight is greatly reduced, generally only about 500 grams, which greatly facilitates the users’ size is only 74.7mm×61.9mm×26.9mm and the weight is only 90 grams, which is even lighter than most mobile phones.

Digital camera classification

  I. Classification according to the purpose of use

  1. Broadcast-grade models:

  These models are mainly used in the field of radio and television, with high image quality and comprehensive performance, but with higher price and larger volume, they have the highest definition, the largest signal-to-noise ratio and the best image quality. Of course, the price of several hundred thousand yuan is not acceptable to ordinary people. For example, Panasonic AJ-HPX3100MC and other models.

Classification of digital cameras-broadcast-class models

  2, professional models:

  These models are generally used in professional TV fields other than radio and television, such as audio-visual education, and the image quality is lower than that of broadcast cameras. However, in recent years, some high-end professional cameras have surpassed the old models of broadcast cameras in many aspects, such as performance indicators, and the price is generally between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of yuan.

  Compared with consumer models, professional DV is not only cooler and more eye-catching, but also much higher in configuration, such as the use of lenses with better quality performance and the larger size of CCD, which is more prominent in imaging quality and adaptability to the environment. For friends who pursue image quality, the surprise brought by the improvement of image quality can’t be measured by money at all. Such as Sony’s HXR-NX5, the price is around 34,000.

Classification of Digital Cameras-Professional Models

  3. Consumer-grade models:

  This type of camera is mainly suitable for home use, and it is used in non-business occasions with low image quality requirements, such as home entertainment, etc. This type of camera is small in size, light in weight, easy to carry, simple in operation and cheap in price. It can be used to make VCD and DVD of personal family in occasions with low requirements, and the price is generally in the order of several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan. Such as Sony’s HDR-XR160E.

Classification of digital cameras-consumer models

  If we subdivide the home digital cameras, they can be roughly divided into the following categories: entry-level DV, mid-range consumer-grade DV and high-end quasi-professional DV products.

  Second, according to the classification of storage media

  1, tape type:

  Refers to the digital video camera with Mini DV as the recording medium, which was first developed by more than 10 manufacturers in 1994. Record high-quality digital video signals through a 1/4 inch metal vapor deposition tape.

  2, CD-ROM:

  Refers to the DVD digital camera, the storage medium is DVD-R, DVR+R, or DVD-RW, DVD+RW to store dynamic video images, which is simple to operate and easy to carry, and there is no need to worry about overlapping shooting during shooting, let alone wasting time to rewind or play back, especially it can be played immediately through the DVD player, which saves the trouble of post-editing.

  DVD media has the highest security and stability among all media digital cameras at present. It is neither as easy to wear and tear as tape DV, nor as demanding as hard disk DV for shock prevention. The disadvantage is that the price of DVD is slightly higher than that of tape DV, and the time for recording is relatively short.

  3, hard disk:

  Refers to a digital video camera that uses a hard disk as a storage medium. It was first introduced by JVC in 2005, using micro hard disk as storage medium.

  Hard disk cameras have many advantages, and large-capacity hard disk cameras can ensure long-term shooting, so that you will not have any worries when traveling. When you get home, you can transfer the shooting materials to the computer, and you no longer need the complicated and professional video acquisition equipment as in the era of MiniDV tape camera. You can easily export the materials just by connecting with the computer through USB cable, so that ordinary family users can easily experience the fun of shooting and editing video films.

  Like CF card, micro hard disk is smaller than DVD, and its service time is the most impressive among many storage media. However, due to the short time of hard disk DV, there are still many shortcomings, such as poor shock resistance and so on. With the further decline of prices, the number of people in need will inevitably increase in the future.

  4. Memory card type:

  Refers to the digital video camera using memory card as storage medium, such as the popular "X Easy Shooting" product. As a transitional simple product, it is rare in the market now.

  Three, according to the type and number of sensors.

  1. Sensor types: CMOS and CCD.

  CCD: Charge Coupled Device image sensor, which is made of a high-sensitivity semiconductor material, can convert light into charge, which is converted into digital signal by an analog-to-digital converter chip.

  CMOS: Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, like CCD, is a semiconductor that can record light changes in digital cameras.

  At the same resolution, CMOS is cheaper than CCD, but the image quality produced by CMOS devices is lower than CCD. So far, most consumer-grade and high-end digital cameras on the market use CCD as sensors; CMOS sensors are used in some cameras as low-end products, but some high-end products also use special CMOS as light sensors, such as several high-end CMOS models of Sony.

  2. Number of sensors: single CCD and 3CCD.

  The number of image sensors is the number of CCD or CMOS sensors of digital cameras. Most digital cameras use a single CCD as their sensors, while some middle and high-end digital cameras use 3CD as their sensors.

  Single CCD means that there is only one CCD in the camera and it is used for photoelectric conversion of brightness signal and color signal. Because a CCD completes the conversion of brightness signal and chroma signal at the same time, the captured image can not meet high requirements in color reproduction.

  3CCD, as its name implies, is a camera using three ccds. We know that if light passes through a special prism, it will be divided into three colors: red, green and blue, and these three colors are the three primary colors used in our TV. Through these three primary colors, all TV signals including brightness signals can be generated. If a CCD is used to receive each color and convert it into an electrical signal, and then an image signal is generated after circuit processing, a 3CCD system can be formed, which can display the primary colors of the image almost intact, and there will be no color error caused by camera deduction.


  If you want to see more digital camera products, please click the following link:

  Complete collection of digital cameras: //product.pconline.com.cn/dv/

  Complete collection of high-definition cameras://product.pconline.com.cn/dv/c11107/


Attention, mobile phone slaves! Press the HOME button often. Experts say be careful of this disease.

  Cctv newsNowadays people’s lives are gradually surrounded by intelligent tools such as computers and mobile phones. As the screen of smart phone is getting bigger and bigger, while users enjoy the pleasure of big screen, there are some information age diseases such as "mouse hand" and "mobile phone hand". Recently, some biomedical experts have warned that "mobile phone users" cannot be ignored.

  What is a "mobile phone hand"?

  It is a common thing for many people to type with their thumbs and press the HOME button on their smartphones every day. However, it is such a small action, repeated every day, the harm to the thumb can not be ignored. Thumb will have discomfort symptoms such as pain, which is what medicine says.Tenosynovitis of thumb”。

  In the past, the main group of tenosynovitis patients was middle-aged and elderly people who did manual labor, but now because ofTenosynovitis is gradually becoming younger due to improper posture of using mobile phones and frequent use of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablet computers.

  Why do you get a "mobile phone hand"?

  Use the phone for a long time with one hand.

  Nowadays, with the popularity of smart phones, many citizens have developed the habit of playing mobile phones with one hand. In the long run, due to improper operation posture, there are more and more "mobile phone hands".

  Experts said that from the occurrence of tenosynovitis, it is mostly inThumb, middle finger and forefingerThree fingers, these people’s finger activities have several characteristics: First,fast; The second isHigh strength; The third isa long time. If you play mobile phone for a long time, it fully meets the above characteristics.

  The screen size of using mobile phone is too large.

  Nowadays, it seems to be a trend that the screen of mobile phone is getting bigger and bigger. The screen of smart phones is getting bigger and bigger, and citizens will face the threat of tenosynovitis while enjoying the pleasure of the big screen. For a small hand with a big mobile phone, the angle of wrist extension and finger movement will exceed the general angle range, which will cause excessive friction of tendon and extrusion of joint capsule for a long time, and if the finger repeats a certain action repeatedly, it will also cause finger nerve injury.

  Many net posts believe that for most users,The most suitable mobile phone for hand size is the 4-inch model, and the width of the mobile phone should not exceed the distance from the tiger’s mouth to the middle section of the index finger..

  speicalHome Tip: Change the posture of mobile phone use and beware of "mobile phone hands"

  In order not to be a "mobile phone user", the key is to change the operating habits and reduce the frequency of use. It used to be a mobile phone with one hand.It is best to hold the mobile phone in one hand and use the other hand to touch the screen of the mobile phone. It is best not to stroke with your thumb, but to "poke" the screen with your fingers..

  When you use your mobile phone, rest your thumb properly, type with the remaining fingers, or send messages by voice. Of course, it is also necessary to move your fingers frequently.

  Tip: How to avoid tenosynovitis in daily life

  1、Pay attention to the correct posture of fingers and wrists.Don’t bend or stretch back too much when doing housework such as washing clothes and cooking; Don’t carry things too heavy; Don’t use too much force on your fingers and wrists.

  2、Warm and hot compress:Get into the habit of washing your hands with warm water, not cold water. Pay attention to keeping your hands warm in winter and wear cotton gloves to prevent your hands from getting cold.

  3、Maintain a comfortable position:The nursing of tenosynovitis needs to avoid arm drooping. When sleeping, patients with tenosynovitis need to keep their arms close to their bodies and their wrists are not bent.

  4.、Self massage:The wrist joint rotates 360 degrees; Or make a fist with your palm and relax, and do it back and forth several times; Or a few times of finger back pressure or palm back pressure can effectively relieve hand pain.

  5、Take a timely rest and maintain a correct working posture.For long-term desk office workers, they should adopt correct working posture, try to keep their hands balanced, and their wrists can touch the real thing, so as not to be suspended. Take a break between work, put your hands on the table and rotate your head for 2 minutes.

Digital video: the net repayment of financing is 6,954,300 yuan, and the financing balance is 759 million yuan (03.

K figure 300079_0

According to the information of digital video financing and securities lending, on March 18, 2024, the net repayment of financing was 6,954,300 yuan; The financing balance was 759 million yuan, down 0.91% from the previous day.

In terms of financing, 18,503,100 yuan was bought in financing on that day, 25,457,300 yuan was repaid in financing, and 6,954,300 yuan was repaid in net financing. In terms of securities lending, 300 shares were sold, 7,000 shares were repaid, the margin of securities lending was 1,516,400 shares, and the balance of securities lending was 7,885,300 yuan. The balance of margin financing and securities lending totaled 767 million yuan.

Disclaimer: This article is based on big data production, for reference only, and does not constitute any investment advice. Therefore, the operation risk is at your own risk.

China’s contemporary literature’s overseas dissemination of new landscape novels is remarkable.

Japanese version of Three-body

  On July 4th this year, the Japanese version of Liu Cixin’s science fiction novel "Three-body" was sold out on the first day of its listing in Japan. In just one week, it was printed 10 times, with a printing quantity of 85,000 copies.

  The success of Liu Cixin’s novels in Japan is not a case. In recent years, the number of Japanese writers and works with world influence is increasing. Science fiction, spy novels, online novels and other types of literature are increasingly influential among foreign readers; In addition to the English-speaking world in Europe and America, the acceptance of China literature by Asian and Eastern European countries is also gratifying. With the more frequent and in-depth literary exchanges between China and foreign countries, it is very important for China literature to better "go global" by understanding the spread and acceptance of China literature overseas.

  Genre novels are remarkable.

  In March of this year, China Literature Overseas Development Report (2018) was released, which investigated the overseas spread of China literature in recent years. Yao Jianbin, the editor-in-chief of the Report and a professor at Beijing Normal University, said: "In addition to continuing to focus on traditional pure literary works, many countries have extended their perception to China’s contemporary martial arts novels, mystery novel, mystery novels, tomb-robbing novels and various popular online novels." The international influence of genre novels is constantly improving, and new literary categories such as science fiction, network literature and spy war novels are becoming the windows for overseas readers to understand China literature.

  "Science fiction literature has become a new business card for China literature to spread overseas." Yao Jianbin said. Science fiction literature not only went out through translation channels, but also realized "going in" to some extent. Through the international awards, foreign library collections, book sales, book reviews and paper research, it can be seen that the overseas dissemination and recognition of China’s science fiction literature, represented by Three-body, are gradually improving.

  In 2016, The Invisible Planet: Selected Works of Contemporary Science Fiction in China, published by Thor in the United States and reprinted by Zeus in the United Kingdom, and The Wandering Earth, reprinted by Zeus, included the works of Liu Cixin, Chen Qiufan, Cheng Jingbo, Xia Jian and others. In February 2016, Clark World Yearbook: 8 included Cheng Jingbo’s Tomb of Fireflies and Xia Jian’s Old Stories of the Spring Festival in 2044. In July 2016, Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction of the Year: 2016 included Bao Shu’s works. Foreign publishing houses, magazines and literary websites have paid continuous attention to China’s sci-fi works.

  Online literature is also very popular overseas. China online literature writers have many Korean bosom friends. From 2015 to 2016, with the popularity of China’s online novels such as nirvana in fire, Hua Qiangu, Song in the Cloud, That Starry Sky, Na Pianhai, etc. in Korea’s Asian Economy, an article entitled "330 million people were deeply fascinated, China’s online novels caused a market explosion" pointed out that "China’s online novels have now extended to the whole world and become a window for foreigners to understand China culture and Chinese." Another article in the newspaper, China’s online literature has become the mainstream of the world, highly praised China’s online literature, saying that "China’s online literature is being exported overseas, and there are fanatical fan groups in Russia, the United States, Canada, Britain, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam".

  Sun Heyun, an associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages and Culture of China Communication University, found that: "Korean readers’ feedback on China’s online literature is very positive, and young readers have discovered a new type of China literature that can be docked without burden." By observing the members’ messages on YES24 website in South Korea, Sun Heyun found that novels such as treading on thin ice, nirvana in fire and Hua Qiangu fascinated Korean readers.

  The success of Mai Jia’s spy war novels abroad once set off a "wheat whirlwind" overseas. "Compared with pure literary works, foreign publishing houses are quick to attack spy war novels that are partial to popular literature. Such works add new elements to contemporary literature and enrich the ways to know and understand China overseas." Jiang Zhiqin, a professor at Shandong Normal University, pointed out in his research.

  The popularity of Decryption has also attracted overseas readers’ attention to China’s spy war novels. The works of Chen Haoji, Chen Zijin, Gang Xueyin, Qin Ming and Song Ying have been translated overseas, and the influence of China’s spy war novels cannot be ignored.

  Towards more minority language areas

  "In the past, we always paid attention to the spread of China literature in the English-speaking world in Europe and America. In recent years, through various literary exchanges, I found that some small-language countries such as Eastern European countries and Southeast Asian countries are also very interested in China literature. I hope that China’s contemporary literature will have more small-language translations." The editor-in-chief of World Literature said happily.

  Vietnamese readers have a strong interest in China literature, and the number of translations and introductions of China literature in Vietnam has increased year by year, accounting for a considerable proportion of foreign literary works in Vietnam. From the early 1990s to the early 21st century, there was an upsurge of China literature in Viet Nam. Shen Congwen’s Border Town, Zhang Xianliang’s Half Men Are Women, and Wang Meng’s Heart of an inch of grass have been translated into Vietnam and welcomed by Vietnamese readers. On the one hand, it shows that the two countries are in the same Asian cultural circle, and there are more possibilities for communication in history, politics and folk customs. On the other hand, it is due to the long history of exchanges between Chinese and Vietnamese cultures since ancient times.

  The spread of China’s contemporary literature in Vietnam also influenced the creation of Vietnamese writers. After winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, Mo Yan’s popularity among Vietnamese writers was further enhanced. According to reports, the novels of contemporary young writers such as Chen Qinghe Phantom, Du Huangyao and Ruan Yuzi in Vietnamese literary circles have more or less adopted the narrative techniques in Mo Yan’s novel "Big Breasts and Fat Buttocks" and have been recognized by Vietnamese readers.

  "We should pay attention to the translation and dissemination of China literature in Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam. During my contact with Vietnamese cultural circles, I found that they are very eager to understand China’s contemporary literature and hope that more contemporary literature will be introduced to Vietnam." Happy to say.

  Some key translation projects make the translation and publication of Indian China literature more systematic. At the end of 2015, the "Sino-Indian Classic and Contemporary Works Translation and Publishing Project" was launched in India; In 2016, the Indian translation team was formally established and put into the work translation project. All the Chinese teachers in Indian universities are engaged in translation, which represents the higher level of literary translation in China, India. Contemporary literary works selected for this project include The Dust Settles, Fatigue of Life and Death, White Deer Plain and Shaanxi Opera. The designated publisher of the translation is the National Book Foundation of India, one of the major Hindi and English publishers in India.

  Zeng Qiong, an associate professor at the School of Asian and African Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University, believes that "this is a milestone for China literature to go abroad, especially to India."

  The popularity of China TV series in Thailand has led to the translation of related publications. Some Thai fans who love China literature can’t even wait for the publishers to translate them, so they start translating them themselves. Treading on thin ice, empresses in the palace and legend of miyue are numerous in Thailand, which has promoted the spread of China literature in Thailand.

  Chinese and foreign translators work together

  Although the influence of China literature in the world has gradually increased in recent years, it is still far from commensurate with China’s comprehensive national strength and international status. "In the past few decades, China has introduced the best literary works in the world for the first time. The important works of representative writers from various countries have basically been translated into Chinese, while the number of foreign translations of China’s works is quite small." Happy to say.

  Summarizing the classic cases of overseas communication of China literature, we can find that various publishing projects play an important role. Projects such as Classic China International Publishing Project, Silk Road Scholarly Translation Funding Project and China Contemporary Works Foreign Translation Project have been continuously promoted, and various official and non-governmental organizations have made concerted efforts to let more overseas readers see China’s literary works.

  "In recent years, through a series of projects to fund and reward China’s book translation and overseas publishing, it has effectively promoted the global sales of multilingual versions of China’s literary works." Yao Jianbin said, "In this process, we should pay more attention to the evaluation and feedback of the project, not only to translate China literature, but also to see whether the translation is good or not and whether foreign readers can see it."

  In the choice of target countries, writers and publishing circles have a broader vision, no longer just staring at English, French, German and other languages, but also have a world vision. Yao Jianbin believes: "The overseas spread and development of China literature is all-round and global, and cannot be limited to the English-speaking world or the traditional western powers."

  Cultivating and establishing an excellent team of translators has become a key factor for contemporary literature to better go global. The role of sinologists is irreplaceable. Happy to think: "the team in foreign translation is relatively strong, and sinologists need the advantage of their mother tongue outside Chinese translation. This team is still relatively small."

  In recent years, through the World Sinology Congress, the International Sinology Translators’ Congress and other Sino-foreign exchange activities, the Chinese Book Special Contribution Award, the Lu Xun Literature Award and other incentive mechanisms, and other measures to train foreign translators studying in China, foreign translators’ understanding of China literature and their enthusiasm for translation are improving. Fu Xuelian, an Italian sinologist, translated Liu Cixin’s Three-body into Italian and published it. Yahya, an Arabic translator, translated the representative works of Xu Zechen and other writers, which was welcomed by the Arabic world.

  In addition, "it is also very important to establish a stable relationship between writers and translators, brokers or publishers, attach importance to the role of professional online journals and websites, and promote the copyright agent system to enhance the overseas influence of China contemporary literature." Yao Jianbin said.

  "Culture, including literature itself, is part of the charm of a country and a nation. The process of contemporary literature going overseas is also a process of equal exchange of national cultures. " Happy to say.

  Although the influence of contemporary literature overseas needs to be strengthened, it has become an important window to show China culture and Chinese charm. (Reporter Zhang Pengyu)

The Indian government falsely claimed that China’s mobile phone stole information to conduct a large-scale review.

  Overseas networkAugust 16 th According to Indian media reports, the Indian government issued a warning to various mobile phone manufacturers in China for rectification within a time limit on the grounds of "worrying about data leakage endangering security", and began a large-scale review of electronic products imported from China.

  According to the Times of India,The Indian government "suspects that China mobile phone manufacturers are stealing users’ information", such as contact lists and short messages, falsely claiming that they are engaged in "hacking", and issued a warning to the major smartphone manufacturers in China for rectification within a time limit.

  Although Apple, Samsung and Indian mobile phone manufacturers received similar notices, most of them were China mobile phone brands. According to reports, the warning was issued by the Indian Telecommunications Bureau, and a total of 21 companies were notified.

  The Indian media quoted an Indian official as saying, "The government requires these companies to carry out rectification in accordance with India’s safety provisions before August 28, and the government may also conduct audits to ensure that they comply with relevant regulations." The official also said that "if these companies are found to be in violation of regulations, they will be fined".

  According to The Times of India,The Indian government has started a large-scale review of electronic products imported from China on the grounds of "worrying about data leakage endangering security".

  A recent study by Indian Industry Group shows that the market value of China enterprises in India’s emerging telecommunications industry is increasing, reaching nearly $22 billion, which has aroused a strong reaction within the Indian government. They think that these China enterprises may illegally obtain information of individuals, enterprises and government agencies. According to reports, an internal government source said, "IndiaThe government believes that many electronic devices in China transmit or store data in servers in China, which may bring security risks, especially when the border tension between the two countries increases."

  This is not the first time that India has cracked down on China products. According to overseas reports, the Indian government announced on August 9th local time that it would impose anti-dumping duties on 93 kinds of products imported from China.

  According to Indian media reports, the trade balance between China and China is tilted towards China, and the trade deficit has reached 51.09 billion US dollars (about 339.8 billion RMB). A large number of goods imported from China flooded the Indian market, and’s smart phones have won "half of the country" locally, which has greatly hit the local industry. Earlier, a survey agency in India released a report saying that Indian consumers are more willing to buy China goods than local Indian goods. The report quoted the interviewees as saying that among similar products, Indian-made products are expensive, while China products have the most advantages in price and good quality.

  Gao Feng, spokesman of China’s Ministry of Commerce, revealed last month that in the first half of this year, India has launched 12 trade investigations against China, once again becoming the country with the largest number of trade investigations against China.

  According to the 2016 China-India Bilateral Trade Report released by the Indian Embassy in China in February this year, China has replaced the United States and the United Arab Emirates as India’s largest trading partner and the largest source of imports. In 2016, the trade volume between China and India reached US$ 71.18 billion, including US$ 11.75 billion in exports and US$ 59.43 billion in imports. India’s trade deficit with China was US$ 47.68 billion.

  Lan Jianxue, an expert on South Asia at the China Institute of International Studies and a former diplomat in India, said that China has been a key target country for India’s anti-dumping for many years, and it has always been so. However, he stressed that in view of the current tense confrontation between China and India, India’s adoption of this measure at this time does not rule out catering to the extreme anti-China sentiment in its own country. (Compile/Overseas Network Yang Jia)

It’s really not a little bit that mobile phones are harmful to health.

  How far is it from playing mobile phone every day to illness? Recently, a reporter from qianjiang evening news learned from the hospital that there is a 30-year-old clerk in Hangzhou who deals with computers, keyboards and mice every day, and likes to play with mobile phones during the spare time. As a result, his hands are numb enough to require surgery. Psychologists also warned mobile phone owners that if they keep looking at their mobile phones while shopping, they will spend more money. If you let your mobile phone sleep with you, it will do more harm to your health.

  Keyboard and mobile phone play too much.

  In addition to hand numbness, muscle atrophy will occur.

  Zhou Qi (a pseudonym), 30, keeps her hands on the keyboard at work and keeps brushing her mobile phone at rest. She also has a habit of sleeping on her desk with her hands on her pillow during lunch break. It seems that most people’s living habits have damaged her ulnar nerve. It shows that the right hand is numb and tingling, and it takes a long time to straighten your arm to recover. Even the buttons are awkward, and you can’t even carry chopsticks when eating … … After a series of examinations such as electromyography, Zhou Qi was diagnosed as "cubital tunnel syndrome".

  The ulnar nerve in medicine is what we usually call "numbness". It is one of the three main meridians on the arm. It starts from the cervical vertebra, passes through the elbow joint, sticks to the inside of the arm and goes down all the way to our ring finger and little finger. It is of great significance to our daily life, and the fine movements of our fingers, such as buttoning, holding chopsticks and holding a pen, can not be achieved without the contribution of ulnar nerve.

  Frequent elbow flexion and other actions will cause ulnar nerve compression, leading to "cubital tunnel syndrome", which will affect the function of fingers and palms. When the sensory function of ulnar nerve is affected, there will be symptoms of numbness of fingers or palms, and when its motor function is also affected, there will be phenomena such as weakness of fingers or muscles. If it is affected for a long time, it will easily cause muscle atrophy and even cause serious irreversible consequences.

  Use the keyboard and mouse for a long time, bend your elbows for a long time, or sleep on your desk, etc. Some people have cubital tunnel syndrome due to playing mahjong for several days, and office workers and surgeons are all high-risk groups. In order to completely cure the symptoms, Zhou Qi had to undergo surgery.

  The doctor reminded that to prevent such diseases, one is: rest.

  If you repeat an activity, whether it is typing, using the mouse or anything else, it is recommended to take a short break every 10 to 15 minutes to rest your elbow and wrist. During this period, you can stretch and exercise these two parts.

  Second, keep a good working posture.

  Adjust the height of the seat to keep the forearm as high as the keyboard. When using the keyboard, there should be no feeling of outward expansion and drooping, so that the elbows and wrists are in a relatively relaxed state.

  The third is: always be vigilant. Once there is numbness and discomfort in the finger, and it is a constant and persistent feeling, you must not ignore it easily. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible for professional judgment and exclusion.

  Play mobile phone while walking.

  Shopping is more expensive.

  A new study by American scientists shows that if you play with your mobile phone while shopping, it will not only increase the risk of hitting obstacles, but also make people spend a lot of money unconsciously.

  The research team of Fairfield University asked 231 participants to complete a simulated shopping task. One group of participants restrained themselves from taking out their mobile phones and only paid attention to the goods, while the other group randomly used their mobile phones intermittently for unrelated tasks (such as answering phones, sending and receiving text messages, listening to music, etc.). Both groups of participants used to shop according to a shopping list provided by the researchers, but the results showed that people who used their mobile phones occasionally or constantly in the store made far more unplanned purchases than those who concentrated on shopping.

  The researchers pointed out that when shopping, people may forget what goods they need most when they are distracted, but they will be attracted by the dazzling array of other goods in the store and take them into their pockets without thinking. Even if you only use your mobile phone occasionally during shopping, it will have this effect, which will lead to additional expenses. Therefore, we should concentrate on saving money when shopping.

  Wang Yiquan, an expert in early intervention of psychological problems in Hangzhou No.7 Hospital, said: "From the perspective of behavior patterns, those who rely heavily on mobile phones have poor self-control ability, and they are easily influenced by external information such as price reduction and new product listing when shopping, resulting in more impulsive consumption. From the analysis of emotional influence, the information from the mobile phone will affect the mood of shoppers, and these emotions may stimulate impulsive consumption whether positive or negative. Seeing good news, buy something to reward yourself or your family; When you see bad news, you should buy something to comfort yourself and decompress. For example, people often joke that ‘ Bao ’ Treating all diseases is the most vivid explanation of the influence of emotions on shopping. "

  We have to admit that consumption is indeed a good way to vent and quickly adjust emotions, but only if it is moderate. If it is inappropriate or even unreasonable consumption beyond one’s own ability to pay, one must be alert to whether there are psychological problems.

  In fact, in life, it is easy to understand the difference between men and women’s shopping habits. For most men, shopping is a kind of "torture". They often think about where to buy something, go straight to the destination and buy it, and then leave. They rarely pay attention to what other stores are selling along the way, and naturally they will not have unplanned consumption. Women tend to take shopping as a kind of "leisure", walk around, shop around, stop and watch more, and the temptation is more likely to lead to many unplanned consumption.

  Sleeping with your mobile phone is harmful to your eyes.

  Playing mobile phone for a long time at night often leads to sore eyes, sharp drop in vision, deepening myopia, and even dry eye. Once, because of playing mobile phone games for a long time, the function of meibomian gland was worse than that of the elderly.

  Everyone’s two eyes have a dominant eye and a non-dominant eye. Under normal circumstances, under the control of the brain, the eyes of both eyes are even, but after lying on the side, one eye has to shoulder a heavier eye task. Over time, if the balance is broken, the vision will be inconsistent between the left and right eyes.

  Sleeping with mobile phone is harmful to cervical health

  "Cervical arch inversion" is the most common pathological basis of cervical diseases. High pillow can make the head bend forward and increase the stress of the lower cervical vertebra, which may accelerate the degeneration of cervical vertebra. However, bad living habits such as lying on a high back and watching TV, surfing the Internet for a long time, lying down and playing with a mobile phone, and pulling the cervical vertebra for a long time will also lead to the curve lordosis decreasing, straightening and even bending back.

  Sleeping with mobile phone affects sleep quality.

  Adequate sleep is a necessary guarantee for a healthy life. When playing mobile phone, the production of melatonin (secreted by pituitary gland, which directly affects the quality of sleep) will be reduced, which will lead to less sleep and even inability to sleep. I believe those who play mobile phones until midnight or even later have a profound experience — — I’m not sleepy at all. I don’t want to sleep.

  Sleeping with mobile phones affects family harmony.

  Young people, once they have cell phone sleepiness, are not in a hurry to find a partner. They think that cell phones are so fun and have everything in them. Why do they need to find a partner? Parents look at the older single children, but they really hate the dead mobile phone. After three days, they cursed, "I know how to play with my mobile phone every day. Everyone else has grandchildren, so you will give me a mobile phone?"

Write your own pornographic novels and sell them yourself? Hubei cracked the first case of illegal publishing by online writers.

Cctv newsRecently, the National Office of "Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications" reported that a case of publishing and distributing illegal publications through the Internet was uncovered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, involving more than 10 million yuan, and eight people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment.

Since July 2017, the office of "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" in Hubei Province has received a report, saying that Tang, an online writer with the pen name "Mr. Deep Sea", is suspected of selling and selling illegal publications online. The "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" department of Wuhan City, in conjunction with the public security organs of Wuhan City, immediately set up a task force to carry out investigation and arrest. Subsequently, the task force went to many provinces and cities several times, and successively arrested online writer Tang and others, and destroyed four storage warehouses, printing departments and printing houses, and seized more than 20,000 copies of 41 kinds of illegal publications. This case is the first criminal case investigated and dealt with in Hubei Province, in which an online writer illegally published a publication, that is, the author printed his own publication without going through a publishing house.

Police of Wuhan Public Security BureauThe night we arrested him, he was working on a new work in the hotel where he lived.

It is found that Tang has been writing novels on the Internet for a long time, and published his own novels on the website for others to read by writing and serializing. Knowing that the five novels he wrote could not be published by the publishing unit stipulated by the state, Tang contacted Yin and Dong, who opened Taobao shop, respectively, to publish and distribute the above books to the readers through their online shop. The three agreed on the profit-sharing ratio of sales, with Yin and Dong selling in the online shop first and helping to contact printing, and then further selling in the online shop for profit. After investigation, more than 12,000 (12,372) copies of the above novels were printed, and the illegal business amount was more than 1.18 million yuan.

Hubei province "eliminate pornography and illegal publications" officeThe book written by Mr. Shen Hai contains pornographic content, homosexuality including pedophilia, and the reporter claims that it is very harmful to the physical and mental health of minors.

The task force also found out that online shop sellers Yin Mou, Dong Mou and others not only published and distributed illegal publications for writer Tang Mou, but also helped many other online writers to make and sell illegal publications, and the illegal business amounted to several million yuan.

On May 15, 2019, the Wuchang District People’s Court of Wuhan City sentenced the defendant Tang to four years in prison for the crime of illegal business operation; At the same time, seven other defendants, including Yin Mou and Dong Mou, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from one year to three years and six months.