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The rising star of China football: From Lei Wu to Wei Shihao, when talking about the top football players in China, most people will undoubtedly answer "Lei Wu". The attacker who scored high scores in the Super League has become a symbol of the national team. But with the passage of time, a new name is quietly emerging, and that is Wei Shihao.

Lei Wu’s brilliant Lei Wu is undoubtedly the legend of China football. From the moment he first entered the Super League, his outstanding performance attracted countless eyes. Not only did he score in double figures for five consecutive years, but in the sixth season, he became the top scorer of the league with 27 goals. At his peak, he went to Spain to play for Espanyol and became the representative of China football in Europe. However, as she grew older, Lei Wu chose to return to China.

Looking for a new leader, Lei Wu still paid a lot for the national team and the club after returning to China, but his status gradually declined. This also makes people start to think, who can take over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team? The Rise of Wei Shihao When it comes to this question, Wei Shihao is undoubtedly the most anticipated answer. In this season, the Wuhan three towns team is facing great difficulties. However, Wei Shihao brought hope to the team with his excellent performance. He not only scored goals at the crucial moment, but also solved the difficulties for the team almost every time. In the match with the Shenzhen team, he even staged a winner and won the team.

Wei Shihao, the hero at the crucial moment, not only performed well in the Super League, but also performed well in the AFC Champions League and the national team. He almost became the savior of the team at the critical moment. Whenever the team is in trouble, we can see Wei Shihao stand up and bring hope to the team.

At the moment of carrying the banner, Wei Shihao showed his strength in the Super League, the AFC Champions League and the national team. He not only scored key goals, but also brought vitality to the team on the court. It can be said that he has taken over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team.

Looking forward to the future Wei Shihao’s outstanding performance undoubtedly made people have high hopes for him. He not only has excellent strength, but also has the potential to lead the team. Many people expect him to bring more honor to the national football team in the future.

What’s your opinion? What do you think of Wei Shihao’s performance? Do you think he can carry the banner of China football in the future? I look forward to your comments in the comments section.

Pay more attention If you are interested in football, Super League and Wei Shihao, please pay attention to our headlines, and we will bring you more exciting content.

The new star of China football: From Lei Wu to Wei Shihao, China football has been looking for a new leader, and Lei Wu once assumed this responsibility. His brilliant achievements and Spanish league experience made him the representative of China football in Europe. As time goes by, his state declines, which makes us start to think about who can take over the banner. At this time, Wei Shihao emerged as a highly anticipated answer. His performance in Wuhan Sanzhen team is not only outstanding in the Super League, but also shows his savior-like ability in the AFC Champions League and the national team. He seems to have taken over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team.

The rise of Wei Shihao marks a new chapter in China football. His heroic performance at the crucial moment filled the fans with hope, whether in the Super League or the national team. His strength and charisma earned him the respect of the fans. He has started to carry the banner of China football and become the new leader of the national team.

In the future, we have good expectations for Wei Shihao. He not only has strength, but also has the potential as a leader, which can bring more honor to the national football team. His emergence makes people full of confidence in the future of China football, expecting him to continue to succeed in the international arena.

On the whole, the rise of Wei Shihao bodes well for China football. He has shown the potential of a leader and deserves high hopes from fans and the national team. I hope he can continue to make outstanding contributions to China football in the future and raise China football to a higher level.

On the whole, the rise of Wei Shihao bodes well for China football. He has shown the potential of a leader and deserves high hopes from fans and the national team. I hope he can continue to make outstanding contributions to China football in the future and raise China football to a higher level.