[Video] [Caption] There were no digital cameras in those days.

Special topic: news channel special program commemorating the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up.

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    CCTV News (Chao Wen Tian Xia): Today we will talk about taking pictures. People in China like to take pictures. Now, people can be seen holding all kinds of digital cameras and camcorders on any occasion, and they can take pictures on their mobile phones all the time. But 30 years ago, taking pictures was an expensive thing, and families had to wear the most beautiful clothes to take a group photo.

    This photo was left in 2007. A group of old photographers and old customers in Nanjing got together again, and the old master took pictures of the customers with the old seagull license plate camera. Look at the master’s hand. This is a film box. Every time you take a picture, you have to change it. The red cloth is used for shading. Moreover, most of these cameras can only take black and white photos, and the requirements for lighting are very high. Now it is not easy to see such a scene.

    With such a machine, film is very precious, and there is usually only one chance to take a photo, which also requires a high degree of photographers. Unlike now, photographers will take many samples and customers can choose at will. What the master holds in his right hand is actually the shutter of a camera. Experienced photographers will observe it carefully, and then they will seize the opportunity to pinch the ball, even if they are photographed. At that time, people were all amazed at this thing, and vividly called this kind of photo "pinch shadow".









    Time entered the mid-1980s, and more and more new things entered China with the reform and opening-up. The appearance of color film changed the photos from black and white to colorful. The stars in all kinds of picture books have become role models for women who love beauty. The white and flawless skin of the stars makes women envy them. Later, I learned that it can be achieved through darkroom processing. For a time, "hazy photos" became popular, and it was necessary to "be as beautiful as a star".

    At that time, photographers took a lot of thoughts to get the effect of "hazy photos", such as coating a thin layer of vaseline in front of the camera, or covering it with a layer of stockings, and matching with appropriate lighting. Needless to say, the effect is really good.

    This was sent to us by an audience friend. It was a family photo of their family in 1983. As you can see, the photo studio at that time also changed a lot. The studio was no longer a monotonous gray background, and the background decoration had a home atmosphere. At that time, the home phone was still very fresh, and photographers who understood people’s minds put the phone there as props.

    This is Beihai Park in Beijing in 1980. At that time, the technology of rapid roll-up attracted young men and women with wet film in their hands everywhere in the park. People were carrying film and looking at wet film, and the scene of rushing to print was like a landscape.

    At that time, there were domestic Le Kai color films, the price of which was half cheaper than that of imported Kodak and Fuji, and there were many color photos in the streets. The business was very hot. If you were quick, you could get your own photos in one day.

    However, this situation lasted for a few years, and the business of street photo booths gradually became deserted. Because people are becoming familiar with a kind of camera called "Fool", even those who have never studied photography just need to press the shutter. The key is that the "fool" is cheap and good, and books on how to use the fool camera are also very popular. From this time on, the camera has become one of the necessary tools for daily entertainment and leisure in many ordinary families.

    This is the first digital camera successfully developed by China in 1998 ―― "Seagull DC-33". At the end of 1990s, the concept of digital appeared, and digital cameras became popular rapidly. A small magnetic card could actually replace dozens of films, and the cost of printing shops kept decreasing.

    Nowadays, when people buy cameras, they are concerned about whether there are not tens of millions of pixels, whether the body and lens are anti-shake, whether the brand is famous enough, the camera’s function is becoming more and more powerful, and the body is becoming more and more exquisite. Such a scene, any scenic spot, is more common.

    In many photographic equipment stores, the past "fool" cameras and color films have gradually faded out of the counter, and a few film cameras have become sharp weapons for photography enthusiasts. The past dual-lens cameras have also become the favorite of the collection market. The old gentleman in Hangzhou has collected more than 1100 cameras.

    There are memories between square inches, old photos let us taste the popularity and fashion of the year, and the upgrading of electronic consumer products such as cameras makes people realize the changes of the times and life.

Editor: Wei Yu

Five people climbed the mountain and were trapped in the deep mountains, and firefighters walked for 4 hours to rescue them.

Jingchu. com (Hubei Daily)(correspondent Jing Ning Shi sent Xu Xunhua) Spring is warm and busy, but the safety issue cannot be ignored. On March 9, a family of four in Huangshi and another 12-year-old girl accidentally got lost and were trapped in the deep mountains while climbing the mountain. Fortunately, firefighters rescued them in time.

At 18: 12 on March 9, the command center of Huangshi City Fire Rescue Detachment received an alarm for help, saying that a family of four got lost while climbing the mountain on Father and Son Mountain in Yangxin County, and was in urgent need of rescue. After receiving the police, the Prince Fire Rescue Station and Baihua Road Fire Rescue Station rushed to the scene for rescue.

That night, firefighters contacted the police on the way to the scene and learned that the trapped people were a family of four, and their parents took a pair of children. When they went down the mountain, they lost their way because of the wrong mountain road. In addition, the sky was getting dark and their physical strength was exhausted, and they immediately called 119 for help.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, the commander immediately ordered the establishment of a search and rescue team to carry emergency supplies to prepare for hiking up the mountain for search and rescue. On the way to the mountain for search and rescue, the firemen met a pair of parents who came to look for their children. Upon inquiry, they learned that their 12-year-old daughter was accidentally separated while climbing the mountain and got lost alone in the mountain. So far, there were five trapped people in the mountain.

Because it is getting late and visibility is reduced, the drone can’t determine the specific location of the trapped person, so firefighters have to rely on shouting and lighting to communicate with the trapped person and continuously narrow the scope of search and rescue. After two hours of search and rescue, the 12-year-old girl will be successfully rescued in a dense forest, and through inquiry, it is found that another family of four trapped is not far from the little girl’s trapped point.

On the way to search and rescue, there are many thorns on both sides of the road, accompanied by complicated road conditions such as steep mountains. In order to ensure the personal safety of the little girl, the on-site commander assigned a firefighter to stay in place to take care of the little girl, and the rest continued to search and rescue the trapped family of four.

After more than an hour of rescue, the firemen successfully rescued the other four people, and returned to join the left-behind people in the same way to escort the five trapped people down the mountain. At 21: 55, firefighters successfully took the trapped person down the mountain and handed it over to the public security department.

China Software: It is planned to raise no more than 2 billion yuan from the actual controller and its subsidiaries for the research and development of mobile fixed terminal operating system products.

China Software announced on February 25th that it plans to issue no more than 90,130,600 shares to the company’s actual controller, China Electronics and Information Industry Group Co., Ltd. (China Electronics) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, CLP Jintou Holdings Co., Ltd. (CLP Jintou), with a fixed fundraising of no more than 2 billion yuan, which will be used for the research and development of mobile and fixed terminal operating system products, the research and development of cloud-oriented server operating system products and the construction of embedded operating system capability platform.

Unsweetened fruits also have low sugar content? Not necessarily!

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the hot weather is constant, the air is sultry, and people’s appetite is also getting worse. Therefore, cold and juicy fruits, such as watermelon, cantaloupe and peach, have become a "good heart" for many people. Nowadays, people’s health awareness has improved, and they know that some fruits have high sugar content and cannot eat too much. "Sugar" and "sweet" seem to be born together. Many people think that the unsweetened fruit must contain less sugar, and the sweeter fruit must contain more sugar.
Research shows that this is actually a misunderstanding. Whether the sugar content of fruit is high or not is not just as simple as whether it tastes sweet or not. For example, strawberries taste sweeter than pineapples, but the sugar content of strawberries is much lower than that of pineapples; Pitaya and kiwifruit taste sour, but their sugar content is higher than watermelon. The sweet and sour taste of fruit is closely related to the types of sugar and organic acids in the fruit itself.
Different sugars have different sweetness.
There are many kinds of sugar in fruit, including monosaccharide (fructose, glucose), disaccharide (sucrose, maltose) and polysaccharide (starch). Professionally, the sweetness of sucrose is 1, the sweetness of fructose is 1.2, and the sweetness of glucose is 0.7. Fruits with the same sugar content and high fructose content will taste sweeter.
Taking pitaya and watermelon as examples, because the sugar of pitaya is mainly glucose, and fructose accounts for more than half of the sugar of watermelon, the sweetness of watermelon is higher than that of pitaya. But in terms of sugar content, the sugar content of watermelon is lower than that of pitaya. Many people think that watermelon is very sweet, and its sugar content must be high, but on the contrary, the sugar content of watermelon is only 5%-6%, which is lower than that of apples used by many people to lose weight. Although the sugar content of watermelon is low, it is easy to eat it. Some people question: "Can eating an apple be the same as eating a watermelon?" Netizen said: You can’t blame watermelon for eating too much!
The fruit that tastes very sweet has high or low sugar content, so the fruit that is not sweet must have low sugar content, right? This is really not certain! Take pear, kiwi fruit and apricot as examples, the total amount of fructose, sucrose and glucose is about 10%, but the proportion is quite different.
If we only look at the type and proportion of sugar, pear should be the sweetest, followed by kiwi fruit and apricot at last. Some people wonder: does kiwi fruit have so much fructose? The kiwifruit I have eaten is not very sweet. This is because there are not only "sugar" but also "acid" in fruit. For example, organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, and polyphenols such as astringent tannins will make fruits less sweet.
Experts suggest that adults should consume 200-350 grams of fruit every day.
In real life, many people worry that eating fruits with high sugar content will lead to obesity. For people who want to lose weight, they can try to avoid "high-sugar" fruits such as grapes, durians and cherries. According to the Balanced Diet Pagoda for China Residents recommended by China Nutrition Society (2016), adults should consume 200-350g of fruit every day, which is equivalent to 1-2 apples or pears of normal size. Generally speaking, the fruit consumption of Chinese residents is obviously lower than this standard, which needs to be improved urgently. It should be noted that fruit is best eaten between meals. From a nutritional point of view, you can’t just eat fruit for dinner.
(Source: China Nutrition Society)
Some diabetics also expressed concern: fruit has a high sugar content, can it be eaten after all? In this regard, Nie Jiyun, a professor at the School of Horticulture of Qingdao Agricultural University and a member of the Expert Group on Agricultural Products Quality and Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that diabetics can eat fruits properly, provided that their blood sugar is relatively stable, and they should follow the dietary principles of diabetics and not eat too much.
First of all, diabetics should be selective in the types of fruits. You can refer to the glycemic index (GI) of food, which indicates the speed and ability of food to raise blood sugar compared with glucose. Don’t judge the sugar content by the sweetness of the taste. Diabetic patients had better choose fruits with low GI, such as cherries, peaches, grapefruit, strawberries, apples and pears.
In addition to soluble sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, there are quite a few sugars in fruits in the form of polysaccharides, such as gum and dietary fiber. The human body absorbs pectin and dietary fiber slowly, or even does not. Therefore, eating some fruits rich in pectin and dietary fiber, such as mulberry, hawthorn, pomegranate and fig, will not lead to significant fluctuations in blood sugar.
The following is a common fruit calorie ranking table for your reference:
(Source: Zhongxin Jingwei)
(Public Network Poster News Internship Editor Zhao Yawen Comprehensive CCTV, Science and Technology Daily, Poster News, etc.)

Parents need to know this to help their children overcome reading difficulties.

  [Window of World Education]
  In modern society, reading is one of the necessary skills for individuals. Reading is a key way for children to learn knowledge, and it is also an important way for children to develop their thinking and cultivate their temperament. In the frame map of students’ learning fields in the 21st century put forward by UNESCO, reading and communication occupy the central position in the seven learning fields. Therefore, parents expect their children to learn to read as soon as possible.
  However, in fact, all over the world, many children can’t read normally. Some parents feel that their children can’t concentrate, that they are "ADHD", and they don’t realize that their learning disabilities may be another situation.
  1. Is it dyslexia or ADHD?
  Under normal educational conditions, most children can learn to read normally. However, although reading is so important to children’s development, some children can’t acquire reading smoothly. According to research statistics, there are about 5%-10% children in English, Chinese, Japanese and other writing systems. They have normal intelligence and enjoy equal educational opportunities, but their reading performance is still far behind their peers — — These children are called dyslexia.
  As early as 1896, clinicians in Europe and the United States discovered the existence of children with reading difficulties. Limited by the level of science and technology at that time, the most knowledgeable people also knew little about "dyslexia". For a long time, society has misunderstood children with dyslexia, thinking that they are stupid, lazy, or "unable to sit still" (inattention and hyperactivity). Up to now, science has unveiled the mystery of "dyslexia", and our understanding of dyslexia is more clear.
  First of all, children with dyslexia do not have intellectual problems, and some children with dyslexia are even very smart. If the problem of dyslexia can be found in time and received special education, they may overcome the problem of reading and writing, give full play to their potential, and even become creative talents in various fields. Therefore, sometimes we call children with dyslexia "smart stupid children".
  Secondly, dyslexia is a developmental disorder, and people diagnosed with dyslexia are troubled by it all their lives. They have difficulties in word recognition, word understanding and dictation throughout primary and secondary schools and all the way to adulthood. So don’t expect dyslexia to heal naturally. Early detection and early intervention are very important to overcome dyslexia.
  Thirdly, dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, commonly known as ADHD) are two different problems, which can exist separately or at the same time. Although the prevalence of dyslexia with ADHD is as high as 20%-40%, dyslexia and dyslexia caused by ADHD are two different abnormal phenomena. It is important to distinguish the difference between these two problems, because there are different ways of intervention.
  Finally, dyslexia runs in the family. Studies have shown that among identical twins, if one person suffers from dyslexia, the probability of the other person suffering from dyslexia is as high as 68%; One of the parents or immediate siblings suffers from dyslexia, and the probability of this individual suffering from dyslexia is about 50%. This can be used as one of the signals for early identification of children with dyslexia.
  So, how should parents or teachers identify children with dyslexia? Typical manifestations of children with dyslexia are listed below. The following 10 items meet 6 or more and last for more than half a year. Children may have dyslexia and need to find a professional institution to diagnose their children.
  First, the language performance is significantly lower than the average level of the same class; Second, read slowly and laboriously, and do not understand the content after reading; Third, it is easy to jump words and lines when reading; Fourth, I don’t like reading aloud, and when I read aloud, I drop words or easily read typos; Fifth, the writing speed is slow and it is easy to write typos; Sixth, I often can’t remember the date or name; Seven, the sense of balance is not good, and the small muscles are clumsy; 8. Avoid tasks that require a lot of reading and avoid reading novels or other written materials; Nine, low self-esteem, no confidence in themselves; Ten, learning a foreign language is particularly difficult.
  2. A stumbling block to fluent reading
  Reading is an advanced cognitive function, not a physiological instinct that human beings naturally develop and mature at a certain age — — Reading is far more complicated than we thought. Reading involves a series of cognitive processing processes: first, bottom-up processing, that is to say, reading is to obtain meaning from written words, involving the recognition of written words, and only by recognizing words can we understand the meaning of sentences or chapters; The second is top-down processing. Reading comprehension depends on the interaction with the reader’s own memory (knowledge) structure to process and process the input textual information.
  Most children have been exposed to the written environment before they formally learn to read — — Advertising slogans, printed words on food packaging bags, and words on picture books that can be seen everywhere in life — — These make children have a preliminary understanding of the characteristics and functions of words, and they can gradually realize that words are symbols used to record spoken language, which are different from other symbols. This initial perception of words is called "word consciousness". Whether it is the reading of pinyin characters or Chinese characters, the sense of words is very important.
  As children grow older, they are exposed to more and more words. Especially after primary school, I began to systematically learn the recognition of words, and gradually formed my perception of the design rules of words, that is, "orthographic consciousness." When children know a certain number of words (or words), they can enter the stage of independent reading, that is, they will no longer rely on the help of adults to read text-based books independently. With the increase of children’s reading, the reading speed is gradually accelerated. By the fourth grade of primary school, most children can become skilled readers.
  Phonetic awareness is very important for children with pinyin (such as English and German) background to learn to read. Phonetic awareness refers to children’s ability to perceive and operate phonetics. For example, they can skillfully divide cat (meaning "cat") into three corresponding minimum pronunciation units /k//ae//t/, and can also combine pronunciation units to form a word. The deficiency of this ability is considered to be the core reason for the difficulty in reading pinyin. However, the role of phonological awareness in Chinese reading is not as important as that in pinyin. It is generally believed that phonological awareness only plays a limited role in the early stage of Chinese reading and learning.
  For children with Chinese background to learn to read, the first threshold is the decoding of Chinese characters, that is, literacy, that is, to establish the relationship between the font of Chinese characters and the pronunciation and meaning of words. On the road to becoming a fluent reader, the first stumbling block for children with Chinese dyslexia is to remember the glyphs and write Chinese characters. A large number of studies have consistently shown that children with Chinese dyslexia have difficulties in font processing. They often have slow literacy, less literacy, and often make mistakes in writing, so it is difficult to remember the font of Chinese characters. Therefore, in order to firmly grasp the writing of Chinese characters, Chinese children often spend a lot of time copying Chinese characters. Copying one stroke at a time can help children to carry out fine visual processing on each Chinese character’s glyph. Like building a Lego block, different strokes are combined according to a certain spatial structure and "built" in Mi Zige in a regular and harmonious way. This is not an inefficient and stupid method. On the contrary, copying is an effective means for both literacy and writing. It can not only help children to establish a solid representation of glyphs in their brains, but also help them write Chinese characters more accurately.
  The structure of Chinese characters is complicated. According to the spatial relationship, Chinese characters can be divided into single characters, upper and lower structures, left and right structures and surrounding structures. Because of the visual complexity of Chinese character composition and the spatial diversity of Chinese character structure, it is difficult for Chinese children to master orthographic skills. The research also shows that the defects related to orthography are the core defects of Chinese dyslexia.
  Chinese character is an ideographic character, and there is no direct relationship between the shape and the pronunciation, but the relationship between the shape and the meaning of the word is closer. Pictophonetic characters are the main body of modern commonly used Chinese characters, and 80.5% of them belong to pictophonetic characters. Pictophonetic characters include two parts: shape and sound. The ideographic meaning of Chinese characters is very strong, and many words with the same shape are consistent or related in meaning. For example, after children learn the words "sea, ocean and river", they will find that they have the same radical "Tanya" and are all related to water. When they learn the words "lake, swimming and stream" again, they can realize that the newly learned Chinese characters may also be related to "water" — — This understanding and cognition of the smallest semantic unit is called "morpheme consciousness". This morpheme awareness is particularly important for children to learn to read, because Chinese contains a large number of Chinese characters with homographs. After children know a certain number of Chinese characters and can read independently, the obstacles they encounter in reading become the understanding of vocabulary, especially some written vocabulary. Children with strong morpheme awareness are more likely to understand the meaning of words and expand their vocabulary. Therefore, morpheme awareness is more important for Chinese reading learning than learning pinyin characters. It is found that morpheme awareness is closely related to children’s word formation ability, vocabulary and reading comprehension.The defect of morpheme consciousness is also one of the main cognitive defects of children with Chinese dyslexia.
  In addition to the difficulties in font processing, writing and morpheme processing, the study also found that children with Chinese dyslexia still have naming speed problems. The naming speed obstacle may reflect that children with dyslexia have some difficulties in establishing stable and high-quality orthographic representations, thus affecting the speed of transforming visual symbols into sound symbols. Research shows that naming speed can also predict reading fluency well. Naming speed is also very important to the development of pinyin reading, and naming speed defect is also one of the main defects of pinyin reading obstacle. Therefore, naming speed defect may be one of the common cognitive defects of cross-language reading disabilities.
  To sum up, children with dyslexia may have cognitive defects in many aspects. The mechanism of dyslexia in different words is not only consistent across languages, but also specific to words. As far as the current research is concerned, the mechanism of Chinese dyslexia is more complicated than that of pinyin.
  3. Is reading a brain problem?
  Reading is one of the unique advanced cognitive functions of human beings, and the brain is the physiological basis of reading learning and development. The International Dyslexia Association points out that dyslexia has specific neurophysiological defects.
  At the end of the 20th century, with the help of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), scientists were able to detect the inside of the brain in a non-invasive and harmless way. Like a precise scientific camera, it takes a complete and clear picture of every slice of the three-dimensional body of the brain and shows it to people. At present, the research conclusion that has been repeatedly verified by scientific research and widely recognized by academic circles is that the dyslexic group of pinyin characters (such as English) is mainly abnormal in the posterior temporal-parietal junction area of the left brain, which is manifested in the level of brain functional activity, brain structure and the connection between this brain area and other brain areas. This abnormality may affect their phonological awareness development and thus hinder their reading.
  However, the Chinese dyslexic group mainly has specific problems in the middle frontal gyrus of the left brain (related to the writing skills mentioned above) and the ventral pathway of the brain (related to the semantic processing and visual font processing mentioned above). At the same time, the abnormality of the occipital part of the right brain (that is, the brain area where we touch the pillow after lying flat) used for the processing of holistic visual features may also affect Chinese reading. These are all "abnormal brain working modes". The abnormality of these working modes will make the process of learning reading slow and arduous for dyslexics, because they can’t use the efficient and labor-saving reading neural pathway that most readers can use.
  How to understand the abnormal brain working mode of dyslexic people? First of all, this once again shows that dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder, not the result of children’s lack of hard work and incorrect learning attitude. Secondly, the brain is plastic, and appropriate and timely targeted training can help children with dyslexia overcome their reading difficulties and regain their reading confidence. For example, neuroimaging studies have found that effective behavior intervention can enhance the activity level of the temporal parietal region in the back of the left brain, which was originally weakly activated, and improve their reading performance. Finally, the abnormal brain working mode of dyslexic people has two sides. On the one hand, it makes the road for dyslexics to learn to read full of thorns; On the other hand, many dyslexics who have achieved high achievements in some fields are grateful for it, believing that the "learning process that can’t take the usual path" has given them unique problem-solving ability, while the difficult process of overcoming dyslexia has forged their perseverance.
  4. How to help smart "stupid children"
  Dyslexia is a developmental disorder. Early identification and early intervention can not only improve the success rate of intervention, but also prevent dyslexia from continuing into senior grades, and also avoid children’s emotional, behavioral problems and lack of self-confidence related to low academic achievement. Foreign research shows that in order to achieve the same effect, the teaching time of intervention in senior grade is several times more than that in junior grade (2 hours in fourth grade/0.5 hours in kindergarten).
  The study of dyslexia has a history of hundreds of years in the west, and it has been relatively perfect in the evaluation, intervention and policy support of dyslexia. Hong Kong, China, has also taken the lead in this respect. At present, it has developed the dyslexia behavior scale and diagnostic test, designed Chinese reading and writing courses in kindergartens and primary and secondary schools, and developed corresponding teaching materials, and conducted relevant training for educational administrators and Chinese teachers in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. In addition, they also used the three-level response intervention model to replace the traditional methods to intervene in children with dyslexia, and achieved good intervention results.
  Because the research on dyslexia in mainland China started late and mainly stayed in the basic research stage, the applied research on the diagnosis and intervention of dyslexia is still relatively weak. The public’s understanding of dyslexia is very limited. In recent years, more and more scholars began to pay attention to the popularization of common sense of dyslexia, and popular science books such as Smart Stupid Child: Helping Children Overcome Dyslexia and Getting Out of the Maze appeared, which made the public have more scientific understanding of dyslexia, but there is still a long way to go in the intervention of dyslexia and the development of diagnostic tools.
  As mentioned earlier, dyslexia is a special learning disability that stems from abnormal brain development. Children with dyslexia are not not smart enough or do not study hard. On the contrary, their IQ is normal or even extraordinary, and they even have special talents in many aspects. Without timely diagnosis and intervention, what they need most is the understanding and support from teachers and parents. I hope these "smart stupid children" can have a happy childhood and enjoy reading like other children.
  (Author: Liu Li, Gao Yue, professors and doctors of the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning of Beijing Normal University; Kang Cuiping, Ph.D., now works for China Education Innovation Institute of Beijing Normal University)

The two universities issued a judicial interpretation: the crime of cheating in exams can be severely punished for up to 7 years.

Cctv newsYesterday (3rd), the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate jointly issued the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases such as Organizing Cheating in Examinations, which severely punished cheating in four categories of "national examinations prescribed by law", such as college entrance examination, postgraduate examination and judicial examination.

According to the criminal law, the crime of cheating in organizing exams, illegally selling, providing test questions and answers, and the crime of replacing exams are applicable to "national exams prescribed by law". Explain that the first article mainly clarifies which exams belong to the "national exams prescribed by law".

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office.Article 1 of the Interpretation stipulates that "the national examination prescribed by law" refers to the examination prescribed by laws formulated by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee.

It is clear that cheating in four types of exams, such as college entrance examination, is a crime.

This explanation makes it clear that the following examinations belong to the "national examinations prescribed by law": (1) national education examinations such as the entrance examination for ordinary colleges and universities, the entrance examination for graduate students, the self-study examination for higher education, and the entrance examination for adult colleges and universities; (2) central and local civil service recruitment examinations; (3) National unified legal professional qualification examination, national teacher qualification examination, national unified examination for certified public accountants, accounting professional and technical qualification examination, asset appraiser qualification examination, doctor qualification examination, licensed pharmacist professional qualification examination, registered architect examination, construction engineer qualification examination and other professional and technical qualification examinations; (4) other national examinations organized by the central or local competent departments and industries according to law.

On this basis, the third paragraph of Article 1 of the Interpretation further stipulates that the special types of enrollment, special skills tests, interviews and other examinations involved in the above-mentioned examinations belong to the "national examinations prescribed by law".

Criminal Law: The punishment for cheating is heavier if the circumstances are serious.

According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, whoever organizes cheating or provides cheating equipment or other help for others to commit the crime of organizing cheating in the national examination prescribed by law constitutes the crime of organizing cheating in the examination, and is sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, with a fine or a single fine; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.

So which behaviors are serious? The judicial interpretation released yesterday also specifically clarified the serious circumstances.

The explanation is clear. The college entrance examination, postgraduate entrance examination and civil servant recruitment examination have high social concern, great influence and wide coverage. The direct stipulation of organizing cheating in these three types of exams is "serious circumstances".

Explain that it is clearly defined as "serious circumstances" that the exam is postponed, cancelled or enabled due to cheating. According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, some cheating cases are committed by exam staff, especially in cheating cases before the exam, the "shadow" of "inside ghosts" can often be seen, and the actor illegally obtains exam questions and answers by bribing a specific person to know before the exam, and then organizes cheating in the exam.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Examination staff violate their responsibilities to organize cheating in exams, which is more subjective and vicious, so the Interpretation defines it as "serious circumstances". Organizing candidates to cheat across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government is very harmful, so the Interpretation defines it as "serious circumstances".

The Interpretation defines cheating in exams for many times, cheating for more than 30 times, and providing more than 50 pieces of cheating equipment as "serious circumstances". According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, according to the different exams involved, the amount of illegal income from organizing cheating in exams or providing cheating equipment varies greatly.

Based on the consideration of severely punishing the crime of cheating in organizing exams, the Interpretation defines the illegal income of more than 300,000 yuan as "serious circumstances".

What equipment belongs to "cheating equipment"

According to the criminal law, the crime of cheating in organizing exams involves providing cheating equipment for others to commit the crime of cheating in organizing exams. So how to identify "cheating equipment"? Let’s see how it is stipulated in the Judicial Interpretation.

The judicial interpretation stipulates: "The programs and tools with the functions of avoiding or breaking through the safety management measures to prevent cheating in the examination room, obtaining, recording, transmitting, receiving and storing examination questions and answers, and the programs and tools specially designed for cheating shall be recognized as the second paragraph of Article 284-1 of the Criminal Law ‘ Cheating equipment ’ 。”

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:According to this, button-type digital cameras and glasses-type close-up devices that can send and receive examination questions and answers by disguising themselves to avoid examination in the examination room can all be regarded as "cheating equipment".

On this basis, in order to unify the identification procedure of cheating equipment, the second paragraph of Article 3 of the Interpretation further stipulates: "Whether it belongs to the second paragraph of Article 284-1 of the Criminal Law ‘ Cheating equipment ’ It is difficult to determine, according to the report issued by the public security organ at or above the provincial level or the examination department, combined with other evidence to make a determination; Involving special spy equipment, special equipment for eavesdropping and stealing photos, ‘ Pseudo base station ’ And other equipment, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the identification. "

How to identify the cheating that was investigated before the exam began?

In addition, from a practical point of view, many cases of cheating in organizing exams are investigated before the exam begins. In this case, the purpose of cheating in organizing exams has not been achieved. Should it be regarded as a crime accomplished or attempted? This judicial interpretation has been clarified.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, the constitutive elements of the crime of organizing cheating in exams are organizing cheating and providing cheating equipment or other help for others to commit the crime of organizing cheating in exams. As long as the behavior of organizing cheating in exams has actually seriously endangered the order of exams, it should be regarded as a crime accomplished, and whether the purpose of cheating is realized should not affect the establishment of the crime accomplished.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:In order to unify the application of the law and severely punish the crime of cheating in organizing exams according to law, Article 4 of the Interpretation makes clear the relevant issues. If cheating in the exam is caught before the exam begins, but the exam questions and answers have been illegally obtained or there are other circumstances that seriously disturb the order of the exam, it shall be deemed that the crime of cheating in the organization exam has been completed.

Illegally providing test questions shall be punished for more than three years.

Explain that there are also two statutory penalties for the crime of illegally selling, providing test questions and answers. Among them, if the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and fined.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Article 6 of the Interpretation stipulates: "For the purpose of cheating in exams, illegally selling or providing questions and answers of national exams prescribed by law to others, if the questions are incomplete or the answers are not completely consistent with the standard answers, it will not affect the determination of the crime of illegally selling or providing questions and answers."

Clear rules for dealing with crimes instead of exams.

According to the criminal law, a person who takes the national examination in place of others or lets others take the national examination in place of himself as stipulated by law constitutes the crime of taking the examination instead, and shall be sentenced to criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also or only be fined.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, in order to take into account the differences in the circumstances and circumstances of taking the test, the types of tests involved are different. In order to reflect and implement the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity, and to urge the actors who take the test to repent and turn over a new leaf, if they do show remorse, they can be suspended according to law.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Interpretation specifically stipulates: "If the perpetrator’s crime is minor, he does show remorse, and comprehensively considers the actor’s taking the test and the type of the test, he can declare probation if he thinks that it meets the applicable conditions for probation; If the circumstances of the crime are minor, no prosecution may be instituted or criminal punishment may be exempted; If the circumstances are significant, minor and harmless, they will not be treated as crimes. "

The explanation also clarified the rules for dealing with the crime of cheating in exams other than the national exams prescribed by law.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Explain the provisions of Article 10: "Whoever organizes cheating, provides cheating equipment or other help for others to organize cheating, or illegally sells or provides test questions and answers in other examinations other than the national examinations prescribed by law, which meets the constitutive requirements of crimes such as illegally obtaining state secrets, illegally producing and selling eavesdropping, stealing special equipment, illegally using eavesdropping, stealing special equipment, illegally using information networks, and disturbing the order of radio communication management, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law."

Guangzhou senior high school entrance examination subject examination implementation plan released sports from 60 points to 70 points

  Guangzhou Daily News (all-media reporter Liu Xiaoxing) Since 2021, Guangzhou has implemented the reform of the enrollment system for high school examinations. The reform of the senior high school entrance examination promoted under the unified deployment of the higher authorities implements a new academic level examination system, a new comprehensive quality evaluation method for students and a new enrollment and admission mechanism. Yesterday, Guangzhou Education Bureau issued the "Implementation Plan of Guangzhou Junior High School Academic Level Examination for Chinese, Mathematics, English Morality, Law, History, Physical Chemistry and other subjects (Trial)", and answered the questions of candidates and parents in detail.

  From 2021 to 2023, the examination for admission and scoring subjects of Guangzhou junior high school academic level examination will be held from June 20 to 22 every year. The admission scoring subject adopts the "4+4" model, and the history exam is added, with a score of 90 points and a sports score of 70 points. The scores of language, mathematics and English were adjusted to 120. The score of morality and rule of law is adjusted to 90. Physical and chemical scores remain unchanged, with 100 points each.

  In terms of test questions, Chinese has added additional questions to encourage students to read more books, and appropriately widen the discrimination of Chinese test questions in a reasonable way. The number of questions in mathematics subjects remains unchanged, and the score of solving questions decreases. The spelling of words in the writing section of English subject is changed to text filling, and the number of questions in some types of questions decreases slightly with the shortening of the examination duration. The 100 points in physics and chemistry include 10 points in experimental operation.

  Focus question and answer: How do schools and students adapt to the new senior high school entrance examination?

  1. What are the admission scoring subjects?

  A: According to the "Implementation Opinions of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on Further Promoting the Reform of the Enrollment System for Senior High School Examinations" (Guangdong Education Examination [2017] No.15), "In addition to the four subjects of Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, physical education and health, at least four subjects of morality and rule of law, history, physics and chemistry should be taken as enrollment subjects for senior high schools, and six subjects should be encouraged to be taken as enrollment subjects for senior high schools." The admission scoring subjects in our city adopt the "4+4" model, that is, eight subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, English (including English listening and speaking), sports and health, morality and rule of law, history, physics and chemistry are taken as admission scoring subjects.

  Compared with the current senior high school entrance examination policy, it has added history subjects, which embodies the basic role of history subjects and strengthens the effective connection with the "3+1+2" model of comprehensive reform of college entrance examination in our province.

  2. Who are the test subjects?

  A: The subjects of the examination are the fresh graduates of junior high schools in our city from 2021 to 2023, and the returning students and former students who applied for ordinary high schools in our city.

  3. How to arrange the exam?

  A: The "Implementation Opinions of Guangzhou Education Bureau on Further Deepening the Reform of the Enrollment System for Senior High School Examinations" (Sui Jiao Gui Zi [2018] No.8) stipulates that the examinations of physics and chemistry, morality and rule of law and history are subject to "no examination papers". The two subjects of the joint examination are arranged to take the examination in turn at the same session, and the examination papers are sent and received separately. The examination papers are sent and received for 15 minutes in the middle of the examination, during which candidates are not allowed to leave the examination room in principle.

  4. What should junior high schools do?

  A: The school should strictly implement the curriculum plan, curriculum standard and curriculum plan, adhere to the principle of "five educations", guide teachers to deeply understand the subject characteristics, knowledge structure and thinking methods, scientifically grasp the students’ cognitive laws, and do a good job in every class.

  Chinese subject should pay special attention to setting situations and putting forward tasks, so that students can learn and use language in practice, help students express themselves in real language communication environment, achieve the combination of learning and application, and develop students’ language ability. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of reading famous books in unified textbooks.

  The number of questions in mathematics is unchanged, the objective questions are unchanged, and the answers are reduced. Based on the curriculum standards, we should make good use of teaching materials, ensure the score of objective questions, attach importance to cultivating students’ mathematical thinking and avoid falling into "routine" training. Pay due attention to the change of the topic orientation of the college entrance examination and the new curriculum standard of senior high school, pay attention to the connection between junior high school and senior high school, and strengthen the application of mathematics.

  English subjects should pay attention to the guidance of students’ correct values in the process of language learning. Consolidate the basic knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, learn discourse knowledge, and develop students’ thinking ability in understanding, interpreting, analyzing, inferring, evaluating and creating texts. Special attention should be paid to increasing high-quality language input in and out of class and strengthening reading training.

  The teaching of ethics and rule of law should be based on the curriculum standards, make good use of the textbooks compiled by the state, and implement the fundamental task of educating people; Structuring the teaching content with the concept of discipline as the core and contextualizing the teaching content with the theme as the guide; Benchmark academic quality evaluation standards, highlight the cultivation of students’ ability to apply what they have learned, and avoid aggravating students’ memory burden because of closed-book exams.

  History discipline should deeply understand the curriculum standards, make good use of unified textbooks, adhere to the correct ideological orientation and value judgment, pay attention to guiding students to deepen their understanding of history on the basis of mastering the basic knowledge of Chinese and foreign history, and improve their historical reading ability and historical thinking ability.

  According to the proposition of curriculum standards, teachers should correctly understand the curriculum standards, make good use of textbooks, make good use of the materials in textbooks, guide students to substitute more physical perspectives in their daily life observation and experience, and be willing to explore the principles of physics in life. Strengthen the cultivation of information acquisition and arrangement, critical thinking, experimental exploration, and expression of physical terms, and implement experimental operation skills in ordinary teaching.

  Chemistry discipline should attach importance to cultivating and maintaining students’ interest in learning chemistry, strengthen the cultivation of basic chemistry concepts and discipline thinking modes, disperse the burden and pressure of chemical language learning, let students enter the laboratory more, and ensure that the basic operations involved in the eight basic experiments stipulated in the curriculum standards pass the test.

  5. What should students do?

  A: Students should conscientiously do well in every class of all subjects. In addition to mastering solid basic knowledge and skills, they should also pay attention to the cultivation of subject thinking and be good at applying the knowledge and methods learned from books to real and complex problem solving. In the study of all subjects, we should strengthen reading and improve the ability of information processing and written expression. Pay attention to social life, current political hotspots and scientific and technological development, and closely combine subject learning with life practice. Take seriously the experimental practice of physics, chemistry and other subjects, use your brains and do more, and improve your scientific inquiry ability.

A guide to setting off fireworks and firecrackers in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

"Taofu firecrackers are new every year, and the Lantern Festival is never over. Try your best to compete for nothing else, and Nong’s family has a tea-picking lamp. " Li Songlin, a Shanghai scholar during the Jiaqing period, wrote this poem on bamboo branches to record the customs of his hometown. The custom of setting off firecrackers in Shanghai has been passed down for a long time. Until the ban on firecrackers in recent years, this trend lasted for a long time. The sound of firecrackers has long been a common memory of generations. However, in the hundred years after Li Songlin, Shanghai has undergone earth-shaking changes, from a county in the south of the Yangtze River to an international metropolis. The custom of setting off firecrackers and relevant regulations have also changed from time to time, from which we can get a glimpse of the historical process of urbanization and modernization in Shanghai.
Meet the god of wealth, the city streets in the early morning of the fifth day of 2013.
For quite a long time, firecrackers, as a special offer for the Spring Festival, were not shown in public only once a year in the first month. In previous occasions such as weddings, funerals, housewarming and opening, it was inseparable from crackling. What is even more grand in the scene is the community festival held regularly-the God Meeting. Houses and shops along the street have already placed incense tables and hung firecrackers on the roadside. The crowd surrounded the gods through the streets and lanes, and the guns rang for the second time, and the smoke spread.
Firecrackers set off by the roadside in the contemporary God-welcoming Games
For modern Shanghai residents, it is far from necessary to wait until the annual sales season to buy firecrackers as daily necessities. There are many firecrackers in the incense shops and tin foil shops around the temple, as well as shops along the street selling matches and cigarettes. Firecrackers sold in Shanghai since the late Qing Dynasty are mainly divided into two categories: citizens can choose to buy foreign products or support local manufacturers. In modern Shanghai, fireworks and firecrackers were very dependent on imports. After the opening of the port, the scale of the city expanded and a large number of migrants poured in, and the demand for fireworks and firecrackers also increased. Liling, Liuyang and other places in Hunan Province have been important firecracker industries since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and their reputation has spread far and wide overseas. During the reign of Emperor Xian in the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 100,000 people engaged in "weaving guns" in Liuyang. By Xuantong, firecrackers exported by the two counties contributed 902,000 silver to the national finance every year. Wuchang and Hankou are also important producing areas, rich in a kind of firecrackers called "Quanhong". Fireworks and firecrackers in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River went down the river and appeared in the streets and lanes of Shanghai. There are a large number of businessmen from Hunan and Hubei who travel to Shanghai, and many of them take this as their business. The wealth brought by firecrackers makes them worry about food and clothing. Even if their hometown is in a bad year, there is a stable industry to make a living, so they will not go out to escape and be displaced.
Shanghai Qugong Real-life Temple was once a gathering place for Hunan businessmen traveling in Shanghai. Now the temple no longer exists, and the place was renamed Quxi Road.
According to the market survey in the late Qing Dynasty, the firecrackers produced in Hunan and Hubei are mostly 40,000 to 50,000 rings, which can’t fully satisfy the desire of Shanghai residents. Shanghai prefers big ostentation and extravagance, and favors the "high rise" of around 80,000 rings. If you don’t trust foreign firecrackers coming from afar and are worried about potential risks such as getting wet on the way, you can buy products freshly baked by local workshops in Shanghai. In modern Shanghai, with the convenience of geographical location and industrial development, materials gathered in all directions, and it was not difficult to obtain the five raw materials needed for the production of firecrackers: potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, mirabilite, refined mirabilite and sulfur. The entry threshold of firecracker production is not high, and the technology is relatively simple. Hiring women and children for piecework production not only provides a livelihood channel for the urban poor in Shanghai, but also saves the production cost for firecracker manufacturers, and the price is naturally lower.
In modern times, Shanghai absorbed a large number of immigrants from surrounding areas, especially Ningbo, and the local firecracker workshops were mostly controlled by Ningbo immigrants. During the Republic of China, businessmen from Ningbo and Shaoxing joined forces with businessmen from Wuxi, Changzhou and other places in southern Jiangsu to form the Shanghai Firecracker Trade Association, hoping to compete with the Hunan and Hubei business gangs. When the competition among peers is fierce, consumers naturally benefit, and the shops under the trade association have clear industry norms and price scales, which has put an end to the phenomenon of exorbitant prices during the Chinese New Year holidays to a certain extent.
After determining the store, the timing of purchase is also very critical. According to industry practice, firecracker workshops usually start in September of the solar calendar, and intensive production lasts until March of the following year. April to August is the time for workers to return to their hometowns for farming. In addition to the peak season around the Spring Festival in the first month, there will also be a short sales peak when Tomb-Sweeping Day, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Shanghai Chenghuang Temple are held in October. In the off-season, firecrackers are unsalable. Because of the difficulty in storage, the store usually gives a discount of about 50%. Around 1927, the price of firecrackers rose sharply, because the government of the Republic of China levied a "superstitious tax"-firecrackers, incense sticks, tin foil, paper horses and other things were regarded as superstitious products and were heavily taxed. Although the trade association and the Ningbo-Shaoxing Association of Shanghai Association jointly presented their grievances to the government and asked for exemption from such taxes and fees, they had little effect.
How to set it off is also a big problem. It should be noted that the prohibition of burning fireworks and firecrackers is not a new decree produced by contemporary cities to control air pollution. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, cities have become increasingly crowded, and fire protection has become a major problem. For this reason, Nanjing, Yantai, Ningbo, Guangzhou and other cities in the late Qing Dynasty had clear regulations prohibiting the burning of firecrackers.
Discussion on the Prohibition of Firecrackers in Shenbao in the Late Qing Dynasty
Relatively speaking, the attitude of the concession is more tolerant, and the first day of the first month is the date of discharge; Although foreigners who manage the concession do not participate in activities such as ancestor worship and welcoming the gods, they can also get approval as long as they report in advance. In addition, if it is accidentally set off in violation of regulations, the perpetrators will be released immediately after symbolically "punishing the ocean triangle". Compared with ordinary consumers, the attitude of the concession towards firecrackers vendors is much stricter. It is absolutely not allowed for roadside shops to sell firecrackers on weekdays. As long as they are found by the patrol room, the shops will be arrested and fined less than 100 yuan, and the goods will be detained until the Chinese New Year. This kind of surprise inspection is very frequent, and the patrol house in songshan road, the French Concession, has this hobby. A large number of patrols often drive police cars to search at the door. Whenever such a situation occurs, the store must prepare a set of rhetoric to deal with it, claiming that these firecrackers are only reserved for their own use and have no sales plan. If people get all the stolen goods, they can only entrust the guild to intercede.
Although the concession has a moderate attitude, there are some kinds of fireworks and firecrackers that must not appear in the concession. In a file of the patrol house in Shanghai public concession in 1927, there were some kinds of fireworks, such as Kaushing (Gaosheng), Kio Long (Kowloon) and Liu Shing (Meteor). These kinds of "heavy firearms" which may cause noise nuisance to the people were blacklisted in the concession.
"Gaosheng", commonly known as "Ertui", is still very popular in contemporary times. Image source: Dongfang. com.
One of the most intolerable firecrackers in the concession is the cannon. It is still very popular in contemporary times, and it is a great weapon for primary school boys to scare girls, commonly known as "throwing guns"; In the period of the Republic of China, the cannon was the source of social panic. On the night of January 9, 1932, a passenger boarded the "Yamato" ship of Daida Company with a bag of guns. The cannon suddenly exploded in a casual touch. Although no casualties were caused, the noise was enough to make the whole ship out of order. People mistakenly thought it was a shooting and rushed into the cold river. The worse influence of slapping guns is produced in the streets. In the patrol house in the concession in the 1930s, it was described that "at the end of the past year, it was a common practice for hooligans and urchins to slap guns. In the streets and alleys, urchins hid the guns in their sleeves, followed by women in boudoir, and suddenly threw them out …" It can be seen that this kind of mischief has a long history. In the eyes of foreigners, it is obviously very ungentlemanly and indecent, and it is really indecent. When it is strictly prohibited, in fact, the police station can’t enforce the law on children, and street guns are repeatedly banned.
Although the concession promised to set off flammable firecrackers from the first day to the fifteenth day, this time was not fixed during the Republic of China. The Nanjing National Government advocated abolishing the lunar calendar and adopting the solar calendar. Therefore, in the 1920s and 1930s, Shanghai was allowed to shoot guns on the 15th day of New Year’s Day, but not during the Spring Festival. After the August 13th Incident, martial law was imposed at night in the concession, and firecrackers were not allowed after 5 pm in the French concession and 6 pm in the public concession. The Japanese puppet government is particularly sensitive to firecrackers, which is used to get rid of evil and filth, and makes the invaders feel pressure. In the early summer night of 1939, a rare lunar eclipse was observed in Shanghai, and the Chinese in the public concession set off firecrackers to drive away the tengu that swallowed the moon. This move made the Japanese military panic and suspected that it was a demonstration directed by anti-Japanese forces behind it. Japan submitted an investigation request to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Public Concession in an attempt to enforce the law across regions.
After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the commercial reconstruction, the firecracker guild resumed, and more than 40 firecracker workshops joined the guild and registered with the government for the record. The complete rules and regulations system was made public for the first time and had legal effect. The trade association even fully considered the government’s opinion and agreed not to produce the most unpopular gun. However, the market did not prosper for a long time, and inflation became increasingly serious. The workers in the firecracker workshop first rebelled. They set up the "Fireworks Industry Professional Conference" and started labor negotiations with the firecracker industry trade association, demanding higher treatment and higher wages. Prior to this, the trade association had decided to support Jiang Jingguo’s "August 19th" economic defense line, saying that although prices soared, the price of firecrackers would not rise. As a result, the profit of the firecracker industry has been difficult to support the expenditure of hiring labor.
At the beginning of liberation, the new government took over the old industrial and commercial organizations in Shanghai, and the firecracker industry ushered in a new life. It was no longer regarded as a superstitious product and was heavily taxed. On the contrary, this popular festival item was recognized by the new government and received strong support as a representative of local native products. In 1949 and 1950, various parades and celebrations were held frequently in Shanghai. On National Day, Army Day and the anniversary of the liberation of the city, people woke up at four o’clock in the morning with firecrackers and took to the streets. At eight o’clock in the evening, the parade will reach its climax, and there will be an hour-long fireworks display on the roof of Happy Valley Apartment at Huangpi North Road, Nanjing West Road.
During this period, the firecracker industry developed rapidly, and the number of firecracker workshops in the city rose to more than 50. In 1953, the firecracker dealers of the trade association responded to the call of the government and moved most of the workshops to Pudong towns outside the city, leaving only shops in Yimiao District and Penglai District in the city, but this does not mean that firecrackers are no longer popular in Shanghai. In 1956, the socialist industrial and commercial transformation was at its climax, and the whole city was filled with joy and passion. In the second week of January of that year alone, thousands of people lined up in the city to buy firecrackers every day. The local firecrackers were in short supply, and the trade associations sent people to Jiangyin, Shaoxing, Suzhou and other places to purchase goods every day. According to statistics, Shanghai residents had to set off more than 8 million firecrackers every day during that time. In the sound of firecrackers in the new era, the carnival Shanghai residents witnessed the rebirth of the city after a hundred years of vicissitudes and wars.
Celebration Parade in Shanghai in 1950s

On the new urbanization and the development of real estate market: both "city" and "house" must be people-oriented

  On March 11th, He Jian (first from left), deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Sichuan Province, and representatives from the same delegation discussed that the key to new urbanization is the citizenization of agricultural transfer population. Photo by our reporter Li Jinglu

  On the afternoon of March 11th, Huang Hongyun, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce, believed that housing enterprises needed to strengthen product innovation. Our reporter Li Shugui photo

  (Reporter Lin Huocan, Cui Wenyuan, He Wei, Liu Chang, Wu Bingze) The government work report pointed out that urbanization is the only way to modernization and the biggest domestic demand potential and development momentum in China. In the process of promoting new urbanization, how to deal with the stable and healthy development of the real estate market? The reporter of Economic Daily interviewed the delegates and members attending the two sessions of the National People’s Congress. They believe that only by adhering to "people-oriented" can new urbanization and real estate market achieve win-win development.

  Encourage agricultural transfer population to buy houses in cities.

  According to the government work report, this year, China will further promote new urbanization, focusing on three tasks: urbanization of agricultural transfer population, promoting the construction of urban affordable housing projects and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, and strengthening the management of urban planning and construction.

  "Real estate enterprises should seize the opportunity brought by promoting new urbanization and share the market brought by the urbanization of agricultural transfer population ‘ Cake ’ 。” Chi Fulin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of China (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, said that by 2020, China’s urbanization rate may exceed 60%, which is expected to bring about 3.3 trillion yuan of new consumption, and housing consumption will become an important part of new consumption.

  Hu Baosen, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of the board of directors of Jianye Group, said that at present, China’s real estate market is clearly divided, and the pressure of real estate destocking in third-and fourth-tier cities is relatively high. However, from the perspective of urbanization, a large number of agricultural migrants will settle in third-and fourth-tier cities, which will bring huge housing demand. In this sense, new urbanization will become the only way to realize the stable and healthy development of China’s real estate market.

  In order to further encourage the vast number of migrant workers to buy houses in cities, many places have shown "real tricks" to help the agricultural transfer population accelerate the process of citizenization.

  Fan Ping, deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Enterprise Management Center of Sichuan Jinxing Clean Energy Equipment Co., Ltd., said that as early as 2014, Meishan City, Sichuan Province launched an initiative to encourage migrant workers to buy houses in cities. For example, the "3+2" housing subsidy policy is implemented, that is, the government subsidizes 300 yuan per square meter of rural residents’ housing purchase, and enterprises give preferential treatment to 200 yuan.

  "This subsidy policy has played a very positive role in stimulating farmers’ enthusiasm for buying houses in cities." Deputy Fan Ping said that the process of "destocking" in Meishan City is accelerating, and the destocking cycle has been shortened from 21 months at the end of April 2015 to about 14 months at present.

  Open the conversion channel between commercial housing and affordable housing

  With the acceleration of new urbanization, all localities should not only accelerate the transformation of shanty towns and villages in cities, but also solve the housing security problem of a large number of rural migrants.

  However, it is not difficult to complete the task of providing affordable housing through government self-construction. Deputy Hu Baosen said that at present, there is a certain gap between the government-built policy housing and the needs of the people, while the commercial housing at the forefront of the market can better grasp the needs of the people in terms of apartment type, area and site selection.

  Therefore, opening the channel between commercial housing and affordable housing, and the government repurchasing commercial housing as affordable housing, has become an important exploration to promote the construction of affordable housing projects in cities and towns and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

  Ni Qiang, deputy to the National People’s Congress and mayor of Haikou City, said that at present, there are plenty of public rental housing in Haikou City, but the people’s application enthusiasm is not high and the inventory is large. The government has cancelled the construction of public rental housing and switched to a two-way conversion channel between affordable housing and commercial housing to digest the inventory of affordable housing and commercial housing.

  "We are fully implementing the monetization subsidy policy for public rental housing, expanding the scope of public rental housing protection to non-registered population, and including urban lower-middle and low-income families with housing difficulties, newly employed employees, migrant workers and migrant workers into the scope of public rental housing protection." Deputy Ni Qiang said that in order to further intensify the destocking, Haikou City carried out the reform of the household registration system, making it clear that foreign household registration personnel over the age of 18 can apply for affordable housing such as price-limited commercial housing and low-rent housing if they have lived in Haikou City for more than 8 years.

  Zheng Xincong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, said that Quanzhou has issued an implementation plan to open the transition channel between commercial housing, affordable housing and resettlement housing. Some counties in Quanzhou are moderately repurchased by the government as affordable housing such as resettlement houses.

  "We gradually pay equal attention to physical security and monetary subsidies, and encourage those who meet the conditions of public rental housing to rent first-hand commercial housing. The municipal finance will give 30% rent subsidies, and encourage those who meet the conditions of price-limited housing to buy first-hand commercial housing, and the municipal finance will give subsidies." Deputy Zheng Xincong said that Quanzhou has also established a docking sales platform for commercial housing and households without housing. According to the principle of voluntariness, the housing provided by development enterprises at a price lower than the market price (85%) is included in the unified platform of government affordable housing and sold to the workers without housing in sanitation, public transportation, taxis and other industries.

  Increase the proportion of monetized resettlement in shed reform

  According to the government work report, 6 million shanty towns will be renovated this year, and the proportion of monetized resettlement will be increased.

  He Jian, deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that by 2020, Sichuan Province should basically complete the goal of transforming urban dilapidated shanty towns. "We will make every effort to promote monetized resettlement according to local conditions, and strive to achieve a monetized resettlement ratio of over 50%". Moreover, in the renovation of dilapidated shanty towns, the government will increase financial input, raise funds through multiple channels, ensure that local government bonds are given priority for related construction, and promote the implementation of security factors such as land and funds. At the same time, it will also accelerate the government’s purchase of shed reform services.

  "The implementation of monetized resettlement will not only meet the wishes of the masses, but also improve the production and living conditions of the people in need in a short time and improve the resettlement efficiency." Zheng Weiyong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Zhongxin Town People’s Congress in Daozhen, Guizhou Province, said. In order to carry out the relocation project of ecological immigrants, Zhongxin Town plans to relocate 218 households this year, and 200 households are willing to implement monetary resettlement. Deputy Zheng Weiyong suggested that in the process of monetary resettlement, in addition to giving farmers reasonable resettlement funds, they should also work closely with the financial sector to increase the credit line, solve the mortgage problem and provide them with necessary loan support for buying houses in cities.

It is inevitable that the real estate market will pick up in the first half of the year, such as "land king"

Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhu Zhixin China Net Rui Wang photo

> > > State Council Office’s Press Conference on the Current Macroeconomic Situation [Record] < <

   The State Council Press Office will hold a press conference on the afternoon of August 7, 2009, inviting Zhu Zhixin, vice director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Ding Xuedong, vice minister of finance, and Suning, vice governor of the People’s Bank of China, to introduce the current macroeconomic situation and take questions from reporters.

   The Beijing News reporter asked at the press conference that the real economy is still in a difficult stage, but the prosperity of real estate has worried many people. For example, a new "land king" was shot on Guangqu Road in Beijing a while ago, including the developers themselves. I feel crazy and hard to understand. What do you think of the current situation of the real estate market? Is it necessary to make policy adjustments?

   Zhu Zhixin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, replied that the real estate market can be judged in one sentence in the first half of the year: the real estate market continued to pick up in the first half of the year. I use three figures to illustrate: first, the investment in real estate development was 1,450.5 billion yuan, an increase of 9.9% over the same period last year; Second, the sales area of commercial housing was 341.09 million square meters, an increase of 31.7%; Third, the housing sales prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities in June rose by 0.2% compared with the same period last year. Overall, the real estate market is in the process of recovery.

  Zhu Zhixin said that when it comes to the continued recovery of the real estate market, the journalists present here think about it. A very important change may have taken place in the real estate market at the end of last year and the beginning of this year. In the process of warming up, there will also be some hot issues in some aspects, which is inevitable. I think we should promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

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Development and Reform Commission: The external environment for economic development is still grim, and external demand will continue to be sluggish.

Ministry of Finance: The next step will be to pay attention to the capital market situation and stabilize the development of the stock market.

Central Bank: "Fine-tuning" is not a fine-tuning of monetary policy.

The deputy governor of the central bank said that the monetary policy was successful and there was no inflation at present.

Development and Reform Commission explains in detail three reasons for macro-policies in the second half of the year.

National Development and Reform Commission: Three "100%" to Ensure the Central Government’s Investment in Place

The central government has invested 380 billion yuan to build 250,000 low-rent housing units.

Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: Statistical data accurately determines that macro policies are in line with reality

Editor: Zhang Renhe