The application of electronic connectors wins in the era of Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

The new rise of science and technology has also created the heyday of an era. With the growth of the global population, it has promoted the progress and development of industry invisibly based on the need for convenience. The problem of food and clothing for modern people has been basically solved, and the experience brought by science and technology has become people’s spiritual food, bringing more fun and convenience to life.

Looking at the past, no matter from the industrial field or the consumer electronics field, the thinking and manufacturing power of the Internet is relatively backward, and the consumption power is weak, so the application scale of electronic connectors is very different from the present situation. With the opening of the Internet, the new promotion of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things has greatly changed the life around us.

Intuitive changes that can reflect the development of science and technology are constantly being popularized in life, and the application of smart home makes people sigh! Smart refrigerators, smart TVs, smart washing machines, smart speakers, smart lighting, smart air conditioners, smart door locks, intelligent curtain, etc., with the empowerment of the Internet of Things, have the ability to connect to the network, and have gradually become the new focus of the development of the Internet of Things in 2019.

The application of electronic connectors wins in the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

In the field of consumer electronics, whether it is smart home, service robot or smart wear, with the development trend of intelligence, the application of electronic connectors has increased dramatically, showing an unprecedented good trend, which is a new height for the past.

The application of electronic connectors wins in the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

According to authoritative statistics, the development of the Internet of Things is growing at an annual rate of 25%. It is estimated that by 2024, the market scale of the Internet of Things is expected to exceed 2.2 trillion yuan. Secondly, the application of the Internet of Things is more extensive, and it penetrates deeply in many industries such as electric power, transportation, industry, medical care, security and so on. In this new field, it will be a new blue ocean for the electronic connector market!

These are some of Xiaobian’s opinions. Readers can also discuss with Xiaobian what they think later.

With the development of science and technology, what changes will artificial intelligence bring to our lives?

With the development and application of technology, artificial intelligence has gradually entered people’s lives, and more and more enterprises and organizations have begun to use AI technology in their business. In the future, with the further development of technology, the application prospect of artificial intelligence will be broader and will become an important driving force in the digital age.

At present, artificial intelligence has been widely used in many fields, such as medical care, financial services, transportation, education, entertainment and other fields. For example, in the field of medical care, artificial intelligence can help doctors diagnose and treat diseases quickly and accurately by analyzing and processing a large number of medical data; In the field of financial services, artificial intelligence can provide customers with more personalized financial services by analyzing and processing a large number of financial data; In the field of transportation, artificial intelligence can improve the efficiency and safety of traffic management and reduce the incidence of traffic congestion through vehicle networking technology; In the field of education, artificial intelligence can provide students with more personalized learning services through intelligent teaching systems; In the field of entertainment, artificial intelligence can provide users with entertainment services that are more in line with their needs through the analysis of users’ interests and preferences.

With the continuous development and innovation of artificial intelligence technology, its application prospect will be broader. For example, artificial intelligence will be more and more widely used in smart homes, smart cities, driverless and other fields. Smart home will provide people with a more intelligent, comfortable and safe living environment through the connection and cooperation of intelligent devices; Smart cities will improve the level and efficiency of urban management and services through big data analysis and intelligent management; Unmanned driving will improve traffic safety and reduce traffic congestion through technologies such as automatic driving and intelligent navigation.

Although the application prospect of artificial intelligence is very broad, it also faces some challenges and problems in the application process. For example, issues such as data security, privacy protection, interpretability of algorithms, and the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market require the joint efforts of all parties to promote the further development of technology and applications.

The application prospect of artificial intelligence is very broad and it will play an important role in the future economic and social development. At the same time, we should also note that the application of artificial intelligence technology needs to balance the development of technology and society, taking into account issues such as data security and privacy protection, so that it can be truly used by human beings and promote human development and progress.

The neural network model inspired by biology greatly improves its memory ability.

Inspired by recent biological discoveries, researchers have developed a new model that shows enhanced memory performance. This is achieved by modifying a classic neural network. Computer models play a key role in studying the process of making and retaining memories and other complex information in the brain. However, building this model is a delicate task.

The intricate interaction between electrical and biochemical signals and the connection network between neurons and other cell types create the basic structure for the formation of memory. Nevertheless, due to the limited understanding of the basic biology of the brain, it has proved to be a difficult task to code the complex biology of the brain into a computer model for further study.

Researchers at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) improved the widely used memory computer model (called Hopfield Network) by incorporating biological insights. This change has inspired a neural network, which not only better reflects the connection between neurons and other cells in the brain, but also has the ability to store more memories.

Thomas Burns, a doctoral student in the group of Professor Zhishu Shenjing, who is the head of OIST’s neurocoding and brain computing department, said that the increased complexity in the network makes it more realistic.

"Why is there so much complexity in biology? Memory may be one reason, "Mr. Burns said.

In the classical Hopfield network (left), each neuron (I, J, K, L) is connected with other neurons in pairs. In the improved network made by Burns and Professor Shenjing, three or more groups of neurons can be connected at the same time. Source: Thomas Burns (OIST)

Hopfield network stores memory as a weighted connection pattern between different neurons in the system. The network is "trained" to encode these patterns, and then researchers can test its memory of these patterns by presenting a series of vague or incomplete patterns to see if the network can recognize them as patterns it already knows. However, in the classical Hopfield network, the neurons in the model are connected with other neurons in the network to form a series of so-called "paired" connections.

Paired connections represent the connection between two neurons at the synapse, which is the connection point between two neurons in the brain. But in reality, neurons have complex branching structures called dendrites, which provide multiple connection points, so the brain relies on more complex synaptic arrangements to complete its cognitive work. In addition, the connections between neurons are regulated by other cell types called astrocytes.

Burns explained: "There are only paired connections between neurons in the brain, which is simply unrealistic. He created an improved Hopfield network, in which not only pairs of neurons, but also three, four or more groups of neurons can be connected, such as astrocytes and dendritic trees in the brain. "

Although the new network allows these so-called "collective" connections, on the whole, it contains the same number of connections as before. The researchers found that a hybrid network with paired connections and collective connections performed best and retained the most memory. They estimate that its effect is more than twice that of the traditional Hopfield network.

It turns out that you actually need to balance the combination of various features to some extent, Burns said. A single synapse is necessary, but you should also need some dendritic trees and some astrocytes.

Hopfield networks are very important for simulating brain processes, but they also have powerful other uses. For example, a very similar network type called Transformers is a language tool based on artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, so the improvements identified by Burns and Professor Shenjing may also make such tools more powerful.

Burns and his colleagues plan to continue to study their modified Hopfield networks to make them more powerful. For example, in the brain, the connection strength between neurons is usually different in two directions, so researchers want to know whether this asymmetric feature can also improve the performance of the network. In addition, he also wants to explore ways to make the memories of the network interact, just as they do in the human brain. Our memory is multifaceted and huge. We still have a lot to discover. "

IOT Card and Industry 4.0: The Future Trend of Intelligent Manufacturing

In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet of Things technology, IOT card has become a topic of great concern. As a special SIM card, IOT card can transform various items into IOT devices that can be connected to the Internet, giving them the ability of wireless communication. In this paper, we will discuss the reasons why IOT card is a hot topic, as well as its application and development trend.

First, why has the IOT card become a hot topic?

IOT card has become a hot topic for the following reasons:

The rise of smart home: With the gradual popularization of the concept of smart home, people’s demand for smart home equipment is also growing. IOT card can connect smart home devices with the Internet, thus realizing remote control and data sharing, which greatly facilitates people’s lives.

Application expansion of Internet of Things: Internet of Things technology has been more and more widely used in smart cities, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent transportation and other fields, and the IOT card, as an important part of Internet of Things equipment, has attracted more attention.

Advantages of low cost and power consumption: IOT card adopts low-power wide area network technology (LPWAN), which has the advantages of low cost, low power consumption, low bandwidth and long-distance transmission. This means that IOT cards can be applied to a wider range of fields and further promote the development of the Internet of Things.

Second, the application of IOT card

The application scope of IOT card is very wide, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Smart home: IOT card can connect all kinds of smart home devices to the Internet, such as smart door locks, smart lighting, smart home appliances and so on. These devices can realize remote control and data sharing through the Internet, which is convenient for people’s lives.

Smart city: IOT card can connect all kinds of devices in the city to the Internet, such as smart bus, smart parking, smart street lamps and so on. These devices can realize intelligent management through the Internet, and improve the service level of the city and the quality of life of residents.

Intelligent medical care: IOT card can connect all kinds of medical equipment to the Internet, such as telemedicine and health monitoring. These devices can be implemented through the Internet.

Realistic on-site monitoring, telemedicine, etc., to improve the efficiency and quality of medical services.

Intelligent transportation: IOT cards can connect transportation equipment to the Internet, such as intelligent vehicles and intelligent traffic lights. These devices can realize intelligent management through the Internet and improve traffic efficiency and safety.

Intelligent manufacturing: IOT card can connect industrial equipment to the Internet, realize intelligent management of industrial equipment, and improve production efficiency and quality.

Third, the development trend of IOT card

The future development trends of IOT cards mainly include the following points:

Large-scale application: With the gradual popularization of Internet of Things technology, IOT cards will be more widely used, which will further promote the development of Internet of Things.

Industry consolidation: The industrial chain of IOT cards will be gradually integrated, and enterprises in different links will cooperate more closely, thus realizing the standardization and scale of IOT card production.

Improvement of low-power technology: the core technology of IOT card is low-power technology, and the future IOT card will pay more attention to the improvement and application of low-power technology.

Improvement of security: With the increasing application of IOT cards, the security of IOT cards will become an important issue. In the future, the IOT card will strengthen the security guarantee and improve the trust and satisfaction of users.

The combination of AI and IOT card: The combination of artificial intelligence and IOT card will bring more innovative applications, thus further promoting the development of IOT technology.

IV. Conclusion

In a word, as a key component of the Internet of Things, IOT card has a wide range of application scenarios and broad development prospects. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, I believe that IOT cards will be more widely used in smart homes, smart cities, smart medical care, intelligent transportation, intelligent manufacturing and other fields in the future. At the same time, the industry consolidation of IOT card, the improvement of low-power technology, the improvement of security and the combination with artificial intelligence will also become important trends in the future development of IOT card.

[This article was originally issued by the official Qingyi IOT Card, and the source of reprinting needs to be noted]

IDC MarketScape: Baidu Security is the leader in NESaaS market.

Recently, IDC, an authoritative international consulting organization, released the report IDC MarketScape: China Public Cloud Network Edge security-as-a-service (NESaaS) Market (hereinafter referred to as IDC Report). With its leading AI security technology capability, Baidu was in the leading position in the evaluation of China public cloud network edge security-as-a-service market in 2022.

IDC pointed out that based on the summarization and refinement of Baidu’s years of security practices, relying on artificial intelligence and big data, Baidu has terabyte (TB)-level cloud security protection capability under the all-round technical support and escort of Baidu’s security, and the risk of intercepting malicious web pages and user searches exceeds 100 billion times every year. At the same time, Baidu Intelligent Cloud Security is one of Baidu’s five security areas. Combining the technical advantages in AI field and the long-term service experience in cloud computing field, it has gradually established a complete and comprehensive multi-class security product matrix and security solutions to meet various business needs, forming a secure and reliable cloud base, effectively protecting the security of government and enterprise assets.

This is another recommendation after Baidu Security was selected as the recommended manufacturer of IDC’s "China Data Security Technology Development Roadmap, 2022" this year. It shows that Baidu Security has been at the leading level in the industry in AI security, data security, cloud security, business security and mobile security.

In recent years, with the increasing variety, quantity and importance of cloud assets, its allure to network attackers is also increasing. Based on the above network security requirements, IDC put forward the concept of Network Edge security-as-a-service (NESaaS) in 2022 in order to better guide enterprises to solve the network security construction in complex IT environment. IDC believes that NESaaS, as a stack of comprehensive network security capabilities, can naturally and efficiently integrate various security capabilities, thus fully embodying the concept of software-defined security access.

IDC’s report focuses on Baidu’s intelligent threat hunting platform, which is the product of Baidu’s integration of technologies such as deep learning and big data analysis. The platform has six advantages, such as powerful intelligent tracing, three-dimensional API protection, supporting 0day/Nday attack detection, automatic drainage honeypot, abundant attack and defense exercise toolbox, low false alarm and low false alarm, etc. It analyzes the network traffic of customers in the form of gateway, identifies the identity of attackers through powerful intelligent tracing mechanism, and assists customers in advanced security by combining real-time data and intelligent algorithm model.

Baidu’s intelligent threat hunting platform is based on big data intelligence and AI analysis model’s ability of accurate portrait and tracing of attackers, and realizes tracing analysis and blocking of users, equipment and network IP at three levels. It can identify the identity of potential attackers by association analysis combined with intelligence database, completely subverting the passive mode based on IP tracing in the past. Compared with the common honeynet tracing scheme in the industry, the tracing success rate is increased by 2~5 times, and the problem of low tracing success rate and easy circumvention in the industry is solved in a breakthrough.

At present, Baidu’s intelligent threat hunting platform has been widely used in energy, government affairs, transportation, Internet and other industries. With its outstanding AI security capability, it has made outstanding offensive and defensive performance and traceability performance in network offensive and defensive drills and red-blue confrontation actions for head customers such as government, enterprises and energy, and helped government and enterprise organizations win the first place in offensive and defensive drills.

In a project case of an energy company, by virtue of the product’s efficient perception and protection ability to unknown threats, it helps customers to deal with advanced threats such as 0day/Nday and APT attacks more efficiently, realizes rapid detection and response to security threats, and improves the efficiency of security operation and maintenance. It can not only build a complete defense-in-depth system, combine real-time data and artificial intelligence algorithm model, assist customers to make advanced security decisions, empower security operation and maintenance personnel, effectively deal with known and unknown threats, and fight against 0-Day and N-Day. It can identify the identity of attackers through a powerful intelligent traceability system, completely overturn the passive mode based on IP traceability in the past, and efficiently escort key infrastructure systems.

With Baidu’s leading AI security capability fully integrated into all modules of Baidu’s brain and covering all businesses in Baidu AI Cloud, under the unique advantage of "integration of cloud and intelligence", Baidu Security will continue to be innovative and pragmatic in the future, take on the strong demand for security from the market and enterprises, and devote itself to building an intelligent integrated security system based on AI and big data based on the rich technical precipitation of Baidu AI and big data, so as to accelerate the process of enterprise intelligent security integration.

The radiology department of Guzhen People’s Hospital has entered a new era of "AI-aided diagnosis of artificial intelligence"!

In order to improve the efficiency of imaging examination and better serve patients, the imaging department of Guzhen County People’s Hospital introduced artificial intelligence AI imaging diagnosis system to assist imaging doctors to provide faster and more accurate examination and diagnosis for the majority of patients.

Recently, the medical imaging department of Guzhen County People’s Hospital has introduced the world’s advanced artificial intelligence (AI) aided diagnosis system (pulmonary nodules, rib fractures, coronary arteries, head and neck vessels, stroke), which means that doctors have joined hands with "AI", and the medical imaging department has officially entered the era of intelligent medical care, providing more accurate, fast and efficient imaging diagnosis for the majority of patients, so that more patients can get timely diagnosis and treatment at an early stage.

AI artificial intelligence, leaving pulmonary nodules nowhere to hide

Early detection and treatment of lung cancer can greatly improve the quality of life and survival rate of patients. As the manifestation of early lung cancer, regular screening of pulmonary nodules is particularly important. Chest CT is the first choice for early screening of lung cancer. A chest CT examination will produce at least 400 CT images, which are great pressure and challenge to doctors’ eyesight, physical strength and endurance. However, naked eye screening is hard to avoid, especially for small pulmonary nodules close to blood vessels, which are prone to missed diagnosis. AI-aided diagnosis system for pulmonary nodules effectively solves this problem. It adopts advanced adaptive network technology and rule algorithm, and incorporates the deep learning and expert experience of a large number of selected cases. It can "carpet screen" every image scanned by chest CT in about 5 seconds, automatically mark suspicious parts, automatically detect the density, size and other related information of nodules, accurately locate the location of nodules and judge the types of nodules. It is highly sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of various pulmonary nodules, greatly improving the detection rate of tiny lesions, and generating a detection guide with one click.

AI artificial intelligence, automatic analysis of cerebral hemorrhage

AI artificial intelligence, sharp eyes detect small aneurysms

At present, the intelligent diagnosis of brain diseases includes cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral atherosclerosis, intracranial aneurysm and carotid vulnerable plaque evaluation. Intracerebral hemorrhage is a refractory disease with high mortality and disability rate in neurosurgery. AI+ head CT, based on machine vision and deep learning technology, bleeding volume, to determine whether there is cerebral hernia.

AI artificial intelligence, hidden fracture is no longer hidden.

AI can have a very high detection rate of rib fractures, especially occult fractures, based on chest CT data, and can accurately mark the accurate location and fracture type interpretation of rib fractures in patients with chest trauma.

AI artificial intelligence helps standardize the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease

Artificial intelligence-assisted coronary CTA has high accuracy and sensitivity. It can automatically identify blood vessels, complete the identification of blood vessel segments, and at the same time, automatically complete the assessment of vascular stenosis and plaque properties, provide suggestions for plaque risk, improve the diagnostic efficiency, and promote the standardization of diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease.

At the same time, in order to actively integrate into the Yangtze River Delta integration and develop medical and health work with high quality, improve the professional quality of medical staff and facilitate residents’ medical treatment in Guzhen, Guzhen County People’s Hospital and Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai set up Guzhen Sub-center of Chen Xingrong Imaging Consultation Center of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, and carried out online and offline face-to-face consultation and remote consultation, opening a one-stop mode from medical treatment, examination, screening, diagnosis to treatment, so that smart medical treatment can enter ordinary people’s lives and empower medical efficiency. Let many patients relieve their troubles.

Is it really easy to turn graphics into video?

How many content creators keep up late to cut videos of liver explosion? Have you ever thought that one day we can get rid of this heavy work and be done by AI instead? In fact, judging from the development status of AIGC industry, the above imagination is entirely possible to become a reality, and it may be in the near future.

From the perspective of Xiaobian, the content editing industry will go through three stages of development, and we are currently in the initial state of the second stage.

The first stage: pure manual editing

In the traditional sense, it is the manual editing of staying up late to burst the liver. The quality of editing depends on the level of editors and the time spent. This stage is characterized by "high labor intensity" and "a lot of repetitive work". It is precisely because of this pain point that with the progress of technology, the pain point of "excessive physical labor" was first solved by AI. After all, what AI is best at is simple and repetitive labor.

The second stage: manual +AI collaboration stage

AI is good at simple and repetitive movements, but AI is not only good at simple and repetitive movements. So the development of video editing industry has entered the stage of "manual +AI collaborative editing". From the clipping used in our daily life to some commercial clips in the toB field, we can see that AI smart clips are active among them.

Watson, an artificial intelligence system of IBM, edited the trailer for the sci-fi thriller movie Morgan as early as 2016. The technical team collected 100 thriller movie trailers for Watson to machine learn. Watson’s unique training model tagged the details of these trailers, such as picture, audio, scene connection, sound configuration, etc., decomposed and learned one by one, and assigned them to its own creative model. Finally, Watson successfully used the trained data model to select materials from 90-minute movies, and edited them into a 6-minute trailer, which was successfully put into use for film announcement.

Up to now, this kind of intelligent matching tool platform has evolved to the extreme, and ordinary users can simply use AI function for intelligent editing. On the local AI intelligent graphic-to-video platform, one frame per second is the highest, and the user inputs the edited copy. AI will automatically perform intelligent picture matching from the platform’s powerful online material library, presenting its own intelligent video generation results in seconds, and matching all-round details such as pictures, dubbing, subtitles, etc. in one stop. Users can directly export and use it with simple confirmation, especially in the production of popular science content and simple sharing content with low editing difficulty.

At the same time, AI, as an auxiliary tool of intelligent editing, is also blooming in the development direction. At present, all kinds of AI-enabled editing software emerge in an endless stream, some of which support intelligent graphic-to-video, some of which focus on recording and cutting, and some of which can simulate the voice of the user for dubbing modification and adjustment. The "scoop" can also be quickly corrected through AI. In short, the current AI intelligent editing industry is in a thriving development trend. It can be said that with the progress and integration of technology, AI will be fully involved in the field of intelligent editing, and our video editing work will be greatly released.

The third stage: pure AI editing stage

In the future, AI will run video editing in the whole process, even the currently difficult "audit" work. This is a bold idea put forward by Xiaobian, which has certain subjectivity. The main idea of this view is that the compliance and rigor of AI creation are unmatched by human editing. At present, AI editing is still in the primary stage, so human assistance is needed in content review and sensitive screen screening. However, the speed and capacity of AI learning is far beyond that of human beings. With a large number of legal provisions and review rules being learned by AI, the whole process of video editing will be completed by AI.

AI can even avoid problems such as audit omission caused by human fatigue and negligence. Even, while recording and cutting, real-time synchronization, the completion of shooting is a piece of export, which is not completely impossible. In addition to the research and development of AI automatic editing software, there may be AI shooting intelligent hardware devices, workstations and other products in the future, so as to maximize the convenience of video production. The development of AI technology makes us more daring to imagine its bright future.

In addition, what really makes Xiaobian feel that the intelligent editing industry will eventually rise vigorously is that the existing problems "seem" are not problems, and AI will eventually break them one by one with strong technical strength. When the AI industry was just beginning to develop, we were worried that AI would replace some human jobs. At that time, the prediction given by the technology industry was that "art, creativity and other jobs that need to exert human imagination will not be replaced".

However, at present, AI’s original painting has become a reality, and the field of artistic creativity has become the first industry to be impacted. It can be seen that AI’s "imagination" is far beyond our imagination, and the speed of technology iterative update is much faster than expected. The future is really coming.

President china portrait photography society and his party visited Meitu Company for a discussion.

Recently, Mr. Yan Taichang, Chairman of china portrait photography society, Mr. Han Yuezhi, Vice Chairman of china portrait photography society and Chairman of Post-production Professional Committee, Mr. Liang Jiande, Vice Chairman of china portrait photography society and Chairman of Cosmetic Modeling Professional Committee, and their delegation visited Meitu Company for exchange and discussion. Also present at the visit and discussion were Xu Chunsheng, Chairman of Platinum Jue Travel Photography Culture Group Co., Ltd., and Pan Baofu, founder of Extraordinary 6+1 Photography Group. Zheng Minglie, Chairman of Wiener Digital Printing Art Industrial Park, He Songlin, Senior Vice President of Meitu Company, Chen Jianyi, Vice President of Products and Xu Qingquan, Head of Meitu Yunxiu, accompanied him to visit and attend the symposium.

In the exhibition hall of Meitu Company, Chairman Yan Taichang and his party learned about the development history, company strategy, corporate culture, product innovation, core technologies and honors of Meitu Company in detail, and experienced the software and hardware products of Meitu, such as Xiu Xiu, Beauty Camera, Wink, Meitu Skin, etc. On the spot, they paid attention to and recognized the innovative products and leading imaging technologies of Meitu Company. During the introduction of Meitu’s corporate strategy, Chairman Yan Taichang and his party learned deeply that at present, Meitu, based on its image core competence, digs more scenes at the C-end, while focusing on the B-end market with SaaS and related businesses as its main focus. Based on Meitu’s continuous investment in scientific and technological innovation, accumulated grasp of the public’s aesthetics over the years, and understanding of the needs of a large number of users, Meitu Yunxiu, a one-stop intelligent retouching solution for the commercial photography industry, is launched. In this regard, Mr. Yan Taichang said that the imaging technology mastered by Meitu can solve the technical problems existing in the portrait photography industry in a targeted manner, and help photographers, retouchers and enterprises to improve retouching efficiency with the help of artificial intelligence technology, and help the standardization construction and digital transformation of the industry.

At the symposium, the two sides had an in-depth sharing and exchange on the current situation, pain points and future development direction of portrait photography industry. With the consumption upgrade of portrait photography industry, all enterprises are facing new opportunities and challenges. Both sides said that since the formal strategic cooperation was reached, through multi-field and high-level in-depth cooperation, more and more photographers and enterprises actively embraced the digitalization of portrait photography, and jointly explored and developed the digital economy with Meitu Yunxiu. "Technology" and "digitalization" are the key words for the development of portrait photography industry. Focusing on china portrait photography society’s leading role in the industry, Meitu Yunxiu will give full play to its technical advantages in the field of imaging technology, actively promote the continuous deepening of cooperation between the two sides, focus on overcoming the shortcomings of the industry, rely on image AI technology, jointly promote the high-quality development of portrait photography industry, and serve high-quality post-retouching to help portrait photography. Help the upstream and downstream industries to realize all-round digital transformation and upgrading. The head photography brands and later brands who participated in this symposium all said that intelligent retouching technology can actually help enterprises reduce costs and improve efficiency, and imaging technology is playing an increasingly important role in portrait photography ecology. Therefore, we should work together to seize the opportunities of digital development, promote the development of new businesses in various fields of the industry, create new formats, explore new modes, and make greater contributions to the digital transformation of portrait photography.

The person in charge of Meitu Yunxiu said that as one of the important strategies of Meitu’s B-end layout, Meitu Yunxiu is committed to promoting the high-quality development of portrait photography industry and serving high-quality post-retouching. Relying on the continuous breakthrough and innovation of imaging technology, Meitu Yunxiu will launch the first multi-terminal adaptation mode in the industry, flexibly adapt to complex equipment and network environment, and provide better and more convenient intelligent retouching services for enterprises and retouchers, helping enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

Since the two sides reached a strategic cooperation in 2022, based on the multi-dimensional cooperation between online and offline, the two sides have achieved a lot. As a strategic partner of china portrait photography society, Meitu Yunxiu will give full play to its advantages in imaging technology and artificial intelligence, further deepen cooperation with china portrait photography society, promote the digital and intelligent development of portrait photography industry, and comprehensively help accelerate the development of digital economy of portrait photography industry in China.

Britain’s "strongest" humanoid robot was born, and its expression is like a real person. Will Hawking’s prediction come true?

Ever since humans realized the importance of robots to human life, they have been focusing on the development of artificial intelligence technology. In these years, the development speed of artificial intelligence technology has been faster and faster, and now there are not only sweeping robots, but even robot attendants.

According to foreign media reports, the humanoid robot developed by a laboratory in the UK appeared in everyone’s sight again. The humanoid robot made a series of human body movements and even smiled in front of the mirror. As soon as the humanoid robot appeared, it was watched by a large number of friends, and its lifelike expressions and actions were once surprising. It can be called the most advanced humanoid robot in the world, and its every move and smile are strikingly similar to others. Once the news spread, it quickly caused a heated discussion among netizens in Guangfa.

After seeing the photos, many netizens will say that if the robot is dressed and put on a hat, it may really think that it is a human being. More people will say that this robot will produce wisdom, and if he has his own wisdom, it will pose a threat to human society. This is not what we are worried about, but what Hawking, a great scientist, once worried about.

Then the question is, if robots are conscious, will they one day replace humans? Will Zeng Lao’s prophecy come true?

Hawking once said when he was alive that he suggested that human beings should not develop robots too vigorously, or they might eventually be destroyed in the hands of robots.

People are conscious, ecstatic, depressed, grateful to those who have helped them, and reflect on their mistakes. People are thinking all the time, producing emotions and thinking all the time. But the robot is not necessarily. After all, it is only controlled by chip technology, and it still depends on people to research and develop it. Humans have the ability to reproduce, but robots haven’t been able to achieve this function yet. There was a famous professor Zeng Lao who boldly predicted that mankind would be destroyed by science and technology. So is the truth really what he said? It is said that science and technology change our lives. How can human beings be destroyed because of science and technology?

It is understood that this humanoid robot developed in the UK can wiggle its shoulders, blink its eyes, even touch its face in front of the mirror, frown and smile. This is not a human being, and the actions it does are what we often do. In addition, we unexpectedly found that the arm joints of humanoid robots are as flexible as those of human beings. If I hadn’t seen its mechanical arm, I would have thought it was a man waving his arm if I had dressed it! However, the walking and moving function of this humanoid robot has yet to be developed. The reason why its facial expression is so realistic is that it is implanted into the human face.

Now, the latest robot developed in the UK is actually regarded as the top robot level. It is the top robot in the world in terms of materials and mechanical technology. Similarly, Japan is also leading in the development of artificial intelligence. Maybe many people know that Japan introduced a beauty robot some time ago, and it can even help Japanese otaku solve their physiological needs. At that time, what they made was very perfect, but they couldn’t make very delicate movements and expressions.

Although technological innovation will bring us infinite convenience, if we rely too much on robots, we will eventually lose our hands-on ability. Robots are artificially developed, developed to serve people and obey human commands. While vigorously developing artificial intelligence, it must be legal and compliant, and robots should be constrained by systems.

According to the current science and technology, it is completely impossible to create robots that are exactly the same as human beings. Robots of this grade can be destroyed instantly even if they have spirituality. What’s more, they themselves are just not too complicated mechanical structures, and they are unlikely to produce spirituality.

What are the use of face recognition technology?

In recent years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, especially human face recognition technology, is increasingly widely used in daily life. After entering the 21st century, China Electronic Technology has developed rapidly in just decades, and it is inseparable from the promotion of scientific and technological talents. From human beings enter the steam era, then go to the electrical age, human beings have begun to develop rapidly, and science and technology enters the era of large bombings. Technical application makes us live more fast, efficient, intelligent.

Today mainly introduces people’s face recognition technology, face recognition system has a wide range of applications: face recognition, face recognition, banned tarthen system, face recognition monitoring management, face recognition computer security, face recognition photo search , Face recognition, registration, face recognition ATM wit, video alarm system, face recognition prison intelligent alarm system, face recognition RFID intelligent customs clearance system, face recognition public security criminal pursuit of intelligent alarm system and so on. If the Alipay brush is paid, the "safe city" built by the public security is arrested in the escape criminals, brushing the face into the community, etc. is the application of face recognition technology.

Scope of application: park, factory, supermarket, community square, conference center, sports venue, school, hospital, residential area, commercial street, large-scale farm market, etc. Important parts, hotels, restaurants, catering, entertainment venues Monitoring recording purposes for indoor and outdoor surveillance of the lobby entrance, elevator and other major channels.

Face capture and tracking

Face capture refers to a frame in a frame of an image or video stream and separating portraits from the background and saves it automatically. Portrait tracking refers to the use of portrait capture techniques that automatically tracks it when the specified portrait is moving within the range of the camera.

Face recognition alignment

Face recognition is divided into two comparisons and search formulas. The verification is that the portraits of the captured or the specified portrait have been logged in the database. Remember that a certain object is determined to be the same person. Searching comparison means searching for searching for a specified portrait from all portions registered in the database.

Face modeling and search

The system can model the portable data of the library to extract the characteristics of the face and save it into the database (face feature file) to the database. When performing a face search (search formula), the specified portrait is modeled, and it will be identified compared to the templates of all people in the database, and ultimately list the most similar person according to the compared similar value. List.