What is the concept and meaning of big data?

"Big data" is a data set with a particularly large volume and data categories, and such data sets cannot be captured, managed and processed by traditional database tools. "Big data" first refers to data volumes? Large refers to a large data set, usually in 10TB? However, in practical application, many enterprise users put multiple data sets together, which has formed PB-level data volume; Secondly, it refers to the large variety of data, which comes from a variety of data sources, and the types and formats of data are increasingly rich. It has broken through the previously defined structured data category, including semi-structured and unstructured data. Secondly, the speed of data processing is fast, and the real-time processing of data can be achieved even when the amount of data is huge. The last feature is the high authenticity of data. With the interest of new data sources such as social data, enterprise content, transaction and application data, the limitations of traditional data sources have been broken, and enterprises increasingly need effective information power to ensure their authenticity and security.

Data collection: ETL tools are responsible for extracting data from distributed and heterogeneous data sources, such as relational data and flat data files, into the temporary middle layer, cleaning, converting and integrating them, and finally loading them into data warehouses or data marts, which become the basis of online analysis and data mining.

Access to data: relational database, NOSQL, SQL, etc.

Infrastructure: Cloud storage, distributed file storage, etc.

Data processing: NLP (NaturalLanguageProcessing) is a subject that studies the language problems of human-computer interaction. The key to natural language processing is to make computers "understand" natural language, so natural language processing is also called NLU (NaturalLanguage Understanding), also known as Computational Linguistics. On the one hand, it is a branch of language information processing; on the other hand, it is one of the core topics of artificial intelligence.

Statistics: hypothesis test, significance test, variance analysis, correlation analysis, t-test, variance analysis, chi-square analysis, partial correlation analysis, distance analysis, regression analysis, simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, stepwise regression, regression prediction and residual analysis, ridge regression, logistic regression analysis, curve estimation, factor analysis, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis, fast clustering method and clustering method

Data mining: Classification, Estimation, Prediction, affinity grouping or association rules, Clustering, Description and Visualization, complex data type mining (Text, Web, graphics, video, audio, etc.)

Prediction: prediction model, machine learning, modeling and simulation.

Results: Cloud computing, tag cloud, diagram, etc.

To understand the concept of big data, we should first start with "big", which refers to the data scale. Big data generally refers to the amount of data above 10TB(1TB=1024GB). Big data is different from massive data in the past, and its basic characteristics can be summarized by four V’s (Vol-ume, Variety, Value and Veloc-ity), namely, large volume, diversity, low value density and high speed.

First, the data volume is huge. From TB level to PB level.

Secondly, there are many types of data, such as weblogs, videos, pictures, geographical location information, and so on.

Third, the value density is low. Take video as an example. During continuous monitoring, the data that may be useful is only one or two seconds.

Fourthly, the processing speed is fast. 1 second law. This last point is also fundamentally different from the traditional data mining technology. Internet of Things, cloud computing, mobile Internet, Internet of Vehicles, mobile phones, tablets, PCs, and various sensors all over the globe are all data sources or ways of carrying them.

How much did Zhu Ting actually get when he started his Italian league career with an annual salary of 1.2 million? Numbers are touching.

Of course, this is not all the expenses that Zhu Ting needs to deduct. Zhu Ting also needs to pay 1.5%-3% of the agent fees and some miscellaneous expenses of the players’ union. Moreover, because of the talent cultivation, Zhu Ting also needs to pay part of the salary to the Henan mother team. After a full calculation, Zhu Ting’s 1.2 million euros will actually be deducted by nearly 50%, which means that Zhu Ting actually gets 600,000 euros (equivalent to about RMB 4.2 million). But now Zhu Ting obviously doesn’t care about this. To tell the truth, if she wants to make money, Zhu Ting will stay in China. Her annual salary is at least over $1 million, and her income is more than that of studying abroad. Moreover, at home, Zhu Ting has more time to attend business activities, which is also a large amount of income. But for 28-year-old Zhu Ting, she deserves her last chance to fight for her dream. Zhu Ting also knows that if she wants to lead the China women’s volleyball team out of the trough, she must become.

Or become the "touchstone" of the women’s volleyball team in the World Championships, and four people are worth their money, and these three people are afraid of leaving the team completely.

As the first world competition in the Paris Olympic Games cycle, China women’s volleyball team finished sixth, and once again missed the championship. Fortunately, our ultimate goal is not this year’s World Championships, but the Olympic Games two years later. Therefore, this World Championships can be regarded as an opportunity to train and test the team, discover and cultivate some players through competitions, and lay a solid foundation for the women’s volleyball team to return to the peak in the future! Through this World Women’s Volleyball Championship, four players have played their own value, and they can also lock in a place to stay in the women’s volleyball lineup, while three players may not be able to re-enter the women’s volleyball national team in the future through this World Championship.

First of all, let’s take a look at the four outstanding players. Li Yingying, as the core of the team, will not be mentioned. They are Wang Yun, Diao Linyu, Wang Mengjie and Yang Hanyu! Although Diao Linyu is a veteran in this national team, this world championship is the first one she participated in. Diao Linyu’s performance is also obvious to all, and she completely pushed Ding Xia to the bench. In the future, with the latter gradually fading out of the national team, Diao Linyu is definitely the first choice for the second pass position. Wang Yun’s words can be regarded as the biggest discovery of China women’s volleyball team. After that, even if Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning come back, she can still lock in the position of the fourth main attack of women’s volleyball team.

Last year’s Tokyo Olympic Games had a great influence on Wang Mengjie, and she was almost retired by fans. Fortunately, she persisted in the end, and seized the opportunity again at this year’s World Championships, becoming the first free agent of the women’s volleyball team again! Although young Yang Hanyu didn’t get as many opportunities as the previous three players in the World Championships, she was basically replaced when the team was in the most difficult time. However, even though there are few opportunities, Yang Hanyu has grasped them well, at least during his playing time, and has a very good performance. Coupled with the lack of strength and performance of Wang Yuanyuan, the starting assistant attacker, Yang Hanyu is likely to replace Wang Yuanyuan in future competitions, and become a candidate for the main assistant attacker of the women’s volleyball team.

After this World Championships, the three players who are likely to leave the national women’s volleyball team, perhaps including the aforementioned Wang Yuanyuan, can only "abuse vegetables". Once she meets an opponent who is stronger than herself, it is difficult to play. The other two players are Jin Ye, a major player, and Wang Weiyi, a free agent. These two players have one thing in common: they are not young. Jin Ye, 26, and Wang Weiyi, 27, can’t be used as future training objects of the team. Besides, they didn’t play very well in this World Championships, and their strength is far from the level of playing the World Series. They should leave their positions to younger and more potential players!

The radiology department of Guzhen People’s Hospital has entered a new era of "AI-aided diagnosis of artificial intelligence"!

In order to improve the efficiency of imaging examination and better serve patients, the imaging department of Guzhen County People’s Hospital introduced artificial intelligence AI imaging diagnosis system to assist imaging doctors to provide faster and more accurate examination and diagnosis for the majority of patients.

Recently, the medical imaging department of Guzhen County People’s Hospital has introduced the world’s advanced artificial intelligence (AI) aided diagnosis system (pulmonary nodules, rib fractures, coronary arteries, head and neck vessels, stroke), which means that doctors have joined hands with "AI", and the medical imaging department has officially entered the era of intelligent medical care, providing more accurate, fast and efficient imaging diagnosis for the majority of patients, so that more patients can get timely diagnosis and treatment at an early stage.

AI artificial intelligence, leaving pulmonary nodules nowhere to hide

Early detection and treatment of lung cancer can greatly improve the quality of life and survival rate of patients. As the manifestation of early lung cancer, regular screening of pulmonary nodules is particularly important. Chest CT is the first choice for early screening of lung cancer. A chest CT examination will produce at least 400 CT images, which are great pressure and challenge to doctors’ eyesight, physical strength and endurance. However, naked eye screening is hard to avoid, especially for small pulmonary nodules close to blood vessels, which are prone to missed diagnosis. AI-aided diagnosis system for pulmonary nodules effectively solves this problem. It adopts advanced adaptive network technology and rule algorithm, and incorporates the deep learning and expert experience of a large number of selected cases. It can "carpet screen" every image scanned by chest CT in about 5 seconds, automatically mark suspicious parts, automatically detect the density, size and other related information of nodules, accurately locate the location of nodules and judge the types of nodules. It is highly sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of various pulmonary nodules, greatly improving the detection rate of tiny lesions, and generating a detection guide with one click.

AI artificial intelligence, automatic analysis of cerebral hemorrhage

AI artificial intelligence, sharp eyes detect small aneurysms

At present, the intelligent diagnosis of brain diseases includes cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral atherosclerosis, intracranial aneurysm and carotid vulnerable plaque evaluation. Intracerebral hemorrhage is a refractory disease with high mortality and disability rate in neurosurgery. AI+ head CT, based on machine vision and deep learning technology, bleeding volume, to determine whether there is cerebral hernia.

AI artificial intelligence, hidden fracture is no longer hidden.

AI can have a very high detection rate of rib fractures, especially occult fractures, based on chest CT data, and can accurately mark the accurate location and fracture type interpretation of rib fractures in patients with chest trauma.

AI artificial intelligence helps standardize the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease

Artificial intelligence-assisted coronary CTA has high accuracy and sensitivity. It can automatically identify blood vessels, complete the identification of blood vessel segments, and at the same time, automatically complete the assessment of vascular stenosis and plaque properties, provide suggestions for plaque risk, improve the diagnostic efficiency, and promote the standardization of diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease.

At the same time, in order to actively integrate into the Yangtze River Delta integration and develop medical and health work with high quality, improve the professional quality of medical staff and facilitate residents’ medical treatment in Guzhen, Guzhen County People’s Hospital and Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai set up Guzhen Sub-center of Chen Xingrong Imaging Consultation Center of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, and carried out online and offline face-to-face consultation and remote consultation, opening a one-stop mode from medical treatment, examination, screening, diagnosis to treatment, so that smart medical treatment can enter ordinary people’s lives and empower medical efficiency. Let many patients relieve their troubles.

36Kr Project Report | Providing big data solutions for ecological space, "Morrel Intelligence" develops general artificial intelligence Internet of Things technology.

The word "big data" has appeared 14 times in the draft of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It can be seen that, as an important vane of national economic and social development, the 14th Five-Year Plan has still made important arrangements for the development of big data, and the guidance for the development of big data in the plan has been integrated into all chapters. Big data is no longer an emerging technology industry, but is becoming an element, resource, motive force and concept integrated into various fields of economic and social development.

The 14th Five-Year Big Data Industry Development Plan issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology at the end of 2021 further points out that by 2025, the estimated scale of China’s big data industry will exceed 3 trillion yuan, and a modern big data industry system with strong innovation, high added value and self-control will basically take shape.

Up to now, the domestic ecological space big data is still in a relatively blank state, and the digital industry based on ecological space is still in an undeveloped field, and only has small-scale applications in agriculture and water conservancy.

According to the data provided by IBM Business Value Research Institute, the total scale of ecological space in China is over 800 million hectares, of which the environmental data gap is over 78%. Moreover, the existing technical means are mostly low-frequency data monitoring and display, lacking in-depth and cross-industry data statistics and comprehensive learning ability, and unable to deeply process the collected data.

Morrel intelligent technologyCompany Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Morrel Intelligence") is a data service company that provides solutions for "big data in ecological space". Based on ANN (Artificial Neural Network) architecture, the company combines self-developed patent algorithm and uses AGIoT (Internet of Things with General Artificial Intelligence) technology to ensure the completeness of data from collection to analysis and application.

"We collect distributed real-time data through various sensing devices of AGIoT technology, and combine the deep learning algorithm of ANN architecture to fit, analyze, summarize and re-learn the data of various dimensions, thus forming application data units that can face different industries." Yang Li, founder and CEO of Morrel, introduced to 36Kr: "At present, Morrel’s intelligent ecological space big data solution has been widely used in agriculture, water conservancy, fishery, forest fire prevention, disaster prevention, medical treatment, construction, environmental protection and many other industries and application fields."

Artificial intelligence is entering a new stage of development. Traditional weak artificial intelligence is also called narrow artificial intelligence, which can only cover a single application field. General artificial intelligence is also considered as strong artificial intelligence, which can realize more comprehensive intelligence and self-awareness. From the perspective of industrial development, at present, it is moving towards the stage of general artificial intelligence.

The drive of big data has made a great breakthrough in artificial intelligence. Without data learning, it can make a reasonable response through reasoning, so as to interact with things that have never been seen or learned, and it has developed into a mature system to avoid potential risks.

Intelligently, Morrel believes that ecological space big data can be collected, integrated, stored, analyzed and applied through acoustic sensors, biosensors, chemical sensors, RFD technology, satellite remote sensing, video sensing, optical sensors and manual monitoring, etc. Ecological spatial data are mostly characterized by flow, and real-time continuous observation is particularly important. Only by processing and analyzing these dynamic new data in real time, and combining with the existing historical data, can we dig out useful information, provide scientific decision-making, and have more statistical significance.

The R&D capability of Morel’s intelligent ecological space big data solution comes from the accumulation of Bill Electronics (Bill Laboratories) before, and the core team has been deeply involved in AIoT for more than ten years. With its own equipment, products, data and analysis capabilities, it has formed a closed loop of R&D, a closed loop of products and a closed loop of sales.

Yang Li further introduced: The learning speed of this ecological space big data solution based on neural network and AGIoT is much faster than that of traditional algorithms. Morel Intelligent has both algorithm threshold and moat in application layer and data cycle. We now have five expert teams including water conservancy, environment, agriculture, chemical industry and data. Expert teams in different fields can provide timely information feedback and teach our system to learn and grow.

Morrel’s intelligence has been rooted in the agricultural field for the longest time. According to the introduction, supported by Morrel’s intelligence to provide full growth cycle data, China’s first documentary about rural revitalization, The Melody Ripes, the Till the Fall, has been broadcast on CCTV-17 Agricultural and Rural Channel. Through the real-time monitoring of AGIoT equipment, the study of farmers’ personal planting habits, the formulation of soil improvement programs, the realization of fine planting and scientific management, and finally the goal of reducing pests and diseases, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Moreover, based on its own high-frequency analysis of data collection, Morrel Intelligent can provide customers with a product traceability platform of full-cycle data services and third-party certification.

In addition, Morel’s intelligent ecological space big data solution not only provides real-time environmental monitoring for kindergartens, but also intelligent health management for municipal road lighting, and also provides real-time ground detection of satellite solar panel deployment devices for aerospace fields.

There are two ways for Morrel to acquire customers. One is to absorb the resources of local partners or distributors through localized operation, and jointly expand the localized business; Secondly, through the combination of Industry-University-Research, cooperation with higher education institutions, and participation in vocational training and vocational certification, we can promote targeted marketing to the end market.

At present, Morrel Intelligent has more than 500 customers, providing 55 categories, totaling more than a thousand sets of equipment, with valid data exceeding 200GB, analyzable abnormal data exceeding 2TB, and annual contract amount exceeding 10 million.

According to reports, its project has achieved the global coverage of the domestic market, and has been expanding the markets of ASEAN and the European Union through agents, with fruitful results. Affected by the epidemic, Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia of ASEAN, Germany and Belgium of the European Union will provide localized solutions by agents after the epidemic eases.

Morrel was founded in 2018, and its core team consists of expert teams who have been deeply involved in artificial intelligence, electric lighting, communication engineering, agriculture and forestry science and technology, natural science and other fields for more than ten years. It is a national high-tech enterprise and a national small and medium-sized science and technology enterprise. At present, it owns 17 intellectual property rights and two invention patents are being applied for. It is reported that Morrel Intelligence is starting a new round of financing. The financing funds will be used for equipment investment and R&D investment, and it is cooperating with industrial funds to build its own specialized and intelligent production factory.

Eagle Big Coffee Talk | Professor Tang Shiqi: Retinal image AI helps health risk assessment

Faced with the aging population and the rising prevalence of various chronic diseases, reasonable and scientific health risk assessment and management are helpful to better control personal and overall medical expenses and protect personal health interests to the greatest extent.

In recent years, the advantages of retinal image AI in health risk assessment have been shown. What advantages does it have? What value can it bring to the physical examination center and related departments?

At the Frontier Innovation and Wisdom Forum of the 9th 301 Discussion on Health and the 11th Summit Forum of Directors of National Physical Examination Center,Professor Tang Shiqi, deputy director of Health Management Branch of Chinese Medical Association, president of Hubei Health Management Society and academic leader of Health Management Center of Wuhan University People’s Hospital.Make a wonderful share with the title "Retinal Image AI Helps Health Risk Assessment".

In her speech, she pointed out:"Apart from the loss of life, there is nothing more frightening than the loss of vision. It is suggested that fundus photography should be added to chronic disease screening, eye health should be included in chronic disease system, fundus examination should be paid attention to, and the threshold should be moved forward to realize early detection and diagnosis of chronic diseases. "

The transcript of the speech is edited as follows:

Thank you very much for your introduction. The topic I share with you below is "Retinal Image AI Helps Health Risk Assessment". I will share it with you from four aspects, namely, the current situation of fundus diseases, retina as the best health assessment window, assessment of various diseases through retina, and the application of artificial intelligence products of retinal images.

Present situation of fundus diseases

"The 14th Five-Year National Eye Health Plan" listed fundus diseases as the key eye diseases in the next five years for the first time, and proposed early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment to reduce the blindness rate of diseases.

The burden of fundus diseases is heavy. There are more than 40 million patients with fundus diseases in China, and the distribution of medical resources is still uneven. At present, as the most important blinding eye disease in China, the clinical status of fundus diseases can be said to have a long way to go. This is also the main reason why our country has made fundus diseases a new disease in the National Eye Health Plan of the 14th Five-Year Plan released this year.

our countrydiabetesThe prevalence rate has reached 10%~13%, among which the prevalence rate of diabetic retinopathy in diabetic population is as high as 15%~43%. Then the risk of blindness in diabetic patients is 50~80 times greater than that in non-diabetic patients.

hypertensionIt is a common cardiovascular disease. The incidence rate in China is 5.11%, and about 70% of patients have fundus diseases. With the development of the course of the disease, changes such as hemorrhage, hard exudation, lint spots and the like appear in the fundus, and papilledema may occur in severe cases.

Age-related macular degeneration.For those of us over 50 years old, about one in every six people has macular degeneration. Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration are of great significance to protect central vision and prevent blindness. Therefore, it is recommended that people over 50 years old have a routine eye examination every year.

Fundus lesion caused by high myopia.There are about 70 million people with myopia greater than 600 degrees in China. It is recommended to screen the fundus every six months to one year.

Therefore, we should promote the shift from blindness prevention to universal eye health, move the screening threshold forward, and improve the screening of diseases. At the same time, we should pay attention to the early screening of fundus diseases, expand the screening work and avoid irreversible blindness.

It is the best window for retinal health assessment.

There are very important structures in the fundus, including the optic nerve, retina, retinal arteries and veins, macular area, etc., and this is the area examined by the fundus.

Many fundus diseases have no obvious symptoms in the early stage and are difficult to be detected. However, the early stage is often the right time for treatment. Once missed, the lost vision may not be well recovered. 80%~90% of fundus diseases can be screened by taking a photo of fundus.

In addition, medical practice has proved that in addition to ophthalmic diseases, manyCardiovascular, neurological, endocrineOther diseases have obvious or even characteristic changes in the retina.

Evaluation of various diseases through retina

First of all.Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy by retinal image AI. An SCI article published by Shibei Hospital, Jing ‘an District, Shanghai shows that artificial intelligence has high sensitivity and specificity in detecting sugar webs and proliferative sugar webs (the sensitivity and specificity of detecting sugar webs are 90.79%, 98.5%, AUC=0.946;; The sensitivity and specificity of detecting proliferative sugar net are 91.18%, 98.79%, AUC=0.950). It is feasible to carry out screening of sugar net based on artificial intelligence in community hospital outpatient department.

AI auxiliary diagnosis system for retinal diseases.This article of Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University was published in the sub-issue of The Lancet, and its SCI impact factor was very high, reaching 24.519. Studies have confirmed that this "comprehensive intelligent diagnosis expert of fundus diseases" developed by Eagle Pupil Airdoc can identify 14 common fundus abnormalities, with an average AUC of 0.955, and it performs well in the screening of various fundus abnormalities.

Retinal image AI to judge ischemic cerebrovascular disease.This is also a paper published in Science Bulletin, a journal sponsored by China Academy of Sciences, with an impact factor of 11.78. The results verified by the team of Peking University Medical School and Tongren Hospital show that (the model) plays a positive role in early detection of high-risk groups of cardiovascular diseases, guiding active intervention, monitoring and evaluating the intervention effect.

The traditional evaluation method of ischemic cerebrovascular disease has many collection indexes, so it needs invasive collection. The blood test takes a certain time, 2~4 hours, so the calculation is complicated and it is difficult to popularize. The new evaluation method based on China’s cardiovascular risk prediction model is retinal image +AI deep learning algorithm, which only needs fundus photography, non-invasive collection, and the detection time is 1 minute, and the report can be made directly in about 1 minute.

Retinal image AI can also evaluate Alzheimer’s disease.The retina is a part of our brain tissue. The degeneration of cranial nerves is also reflected in the subtle changes of retina. Taking CAIDE≥10 copies as the classification standard for high-risk groups (CAIDE dementia risk score is a risk assessment tool for the general population), the retinal AI algorithm is superior to the traditional invasive and complex dementia assessment, that is, it can be assessed by taking retinal photographs.

Retinal AI can also evaluate anemia.Retinal photographs of patients with anemia are usually pale or pale in background, pale in optic disc, and mild edema. The veins are pale. According to the model of retinal artificial intelligence, the AUC of anemia is > 0.9.

Application of retinal artificial intelligence products

Eagle Eye’s products are very good. It has multi-dimensional products and services. First of all, their artificial intelligence auxiliary diagnosis software can screen fundus diseases and lesions, make auxiliary diagnosis and assess the health risk of systemic chronic diseases, and has comprehensive qualifications, including the first three types of ophthalmology certificates in China, including the second, third and CE certificates.

Has excellent performance. The accuracy, specificity and sensitivity are leading in the world, and it is suitable for all mainstream fundus cameras in the market, including Canon and Topcom.

In addition, there is an authoritative endorsement. Carry out the world’s largest real-world research, with the results published in The Lancet magazine; Won the Wu Wenjun Prize twice, the highest award of artificial intelligence in China.

Eagle Airdoc’s fundus camera has the advantages of pupil-free, full-automatic, self-help (no operator required) and no professional darkroom. It is a self-developed domestic camera with high cost performance.

But also provide operational support services. Performance support, training support, follow-up of positive cases, and review by superior medical institutions, the Internet and hospitals.

(For the physical examination center), the retina image AI of Eagle Pupil Airdoc has seven values:

First,Upgrade the ability of eye examination.It can be used for auxiliary diagnosis of fundus diseases and risk assessment of systemic chronic diseases.

Second,Improve the standardization of diagnosis and treatment.It is a registered product, with standardized report, stable state, authenticity and reliability.

Third,Increase the efficiency of effective physical examination centers.

Fourth,Improve academic ability.It can quantify and multi-dimensionally empower scientific research, and artificial intelligence can improve the probability of project application, and expand clinical research opportunities of multi-departments and multi-diseases.

Fifth,Make up for the shortage of ophthalmologists.Automatic shooting, without doctor’s operation, AI-assisted diagnosis of liberation ophthalmologist. Nurses can easily operate it, and it is suitable for in-hospital examination and external examination.

Sixth,It is convenient to check in many occasions.The equipment is small, easy to operate, intelligent and fast, and it can be used in the out-of-home medical examination vehicle, which is suitable for large-scale screening.

Seventh,Historical comparison and continuous management.Realize automatic historical comparison of multiple inspections.

To sum up, apart from the loss of life, there is nothing more frightening than the loss of eyesight. It is suggested that fundus photography should be added to chronic disease screening, eye health should be included in chronic disease system, fundus examination should be paid attention, and the threshold should be moved forward to realize early detection and diagnosis of chronic diseases. A photo of the fundus, early knowledge of the disease.

Xunfei Intelligent Recorder: AI empowers the office scene, and treasure productivity tools help people in the workplace to evolve strongly.

If we compare life to a marathon, we will encounter various obstacles on the way:

If you are a journalist, but your patience is worn away by the noise of the city?

If you are a lawyer, but your ideas are disturbed by your client’s argument?

If you are a grassroots livelihood worker, you can’t understand the local dialect when visiting?

If you are a teacher, do you lecture during the day and organize at night?

If you are a student, can’t the typewriters keep up with their brains?


These questions can be answered in the brand-new short film "The Secret Code Behind the Leader" of Xunfei Intelligent Recorder!

Constantly explore users’ needs and give play to the leading spirit.

Many users say that they don’t want the content to be transmitted to the cloud when they participate in important confidential meetings. The offline transcription mode of Xunfei Intelligent Recorder is based on the user’s needs, fully considering the security and stability requirements of users in the financial, legal, journalist and other industries. The first research and implementation of the offline function can enable office workers to realize real-time and efficient transcription even when the network is poor or even offline, ensuring that the privacy content is not leaked, fully demonstrating the innovative spirit of the leader, and constantly bringing more convenience and convenience to users’ life and work.

Test of dialect transcription technology in Xunfei Institute

As a company that engraves artificial intelligence voice technology in its bones, Iflytek is almost strict in its technical requirements and pursuit of innovation. It is necessary to make technology keep pace with the update of users’ needs from a more forward-looking perspective.

Discussion on Optimization of Transcription Function of Xunfei Institute

Empowering office with science and technology, boosting workplace advancement with efficiency advantage

We always want to race against time to move forward, but the fast-paced life is full of many distractions, sometimes overwhelming. Whether it’s the boring city noise during the interview, the incomprehensible dialect or the disturbed meeting minutes, people have to stop. Just like the three users shown in the video, their enthusiasm and patience are gradually exhausted.

The reporter interviewed on the street.

Iflytek is committed to using AI voice technology to help users solve difficult problems and benefit more people’s work and life. The 15-meter long-distance pickup can meet the needs of large-scale conference scenes, and the speaker’s words can be accurately reduced in small-voice discussions. Real-time transcription in business negotiations distinguishes speakers, helping users to obtain information quickly and comprehensively, and refining effective content accurately, without worrying about missing details. Let more people get rid of the vacant arrangement, win the efficiency advantage in the office, and become the leader in their own career.

Grassroots workers are visiting the community.

Leading the formulation of industry norms and promoting the sound development of the industry to the world.

In July, 2022, Iflytek jointly took the lead in compiling the industry standard of intelligent recording pen, which was approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In the future, the recording pen industry will gradually form a mature industry standard, which will guide the benign circular development of the industry. At the same time, this is also the recognition of the technical strength and market influence of Xunfei Intelligent Recorder.

Everyone wants to be a leader, but without these efforts behind it, it is impossible to support this title. Iflytek has always been committed to leading China’s voice technology to the world, always keeping its technological lead and foresight, allowing innovative technologies to land in the form of available products, allowing technologies to be used by consumers, solving problems for users in various scenarios, bringing them tangible gains, and promoting the sound development of the whole industry. This is the significance of a leader.

Gao Jianqing, Vice President of Xunfei Research Institute

As Vice President Gao Jianqing of Xunfei Research Institute said, "Turning the voice technology that can change the world into a tool that can be used by everyone has become a driving force for more people to move forward." Let artificial intelligence voice technology widely benefit daily applications, and help every user to achieve self-transcendence again and again on the career track!

Meta develops multi-functional tactile skin Reskin, which can quickly improve machine sensitivity and tactile sensing accuracy.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence gradually integrates with human senses such as sound and vision, making communication between people more convenient. However, it is still challenging to integrate artificial intelligence with human touch.

To solve this problem, Meta AI and Carnegie Mellon University successfully developed a multifunctional, replaceable and durable tactile skin, and named it ReSkin. It can quickly improve the tactile sensing accuracy and sensitivity of the machine in the application process.

(Source:Proceedings of Machine Learning Research )

Related papers are titled "Multifunctional, Replaceable and Lasting Touch Skin" (ReSkin:versatile,replaceable,lasting tactile skins) published in [1].

Matai visiting researcher Raunaq Buhanlan (Raunaq Bhirangi), Tess Hellebrex, postdoctoral fellow and scientist of Pittsburgh Yuan Artificial Intelligence Research Center (Tess Hellebrekers), Mel Majdi, Professor of Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (Carmel Majidi), Abbina Gupta, Associate Professor of Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (Abhinav Gupta) is the author of the paper.

It is mentioned in the paper that ReSkin relies on machine learning technology and magnetic sensing technology, and has the advantages of being cheap, multifunctional, durable and replaceable. Specifically, ReSkin has low production cost, only 2-3mm thick, and can interact with the machine model more than 50,000 times. In addition, it has a high spatial-temporal resolution with an accuracy of 90%.Figure | ReSkin is the size of a coin and easy to manufacture (Source:PMLR)

Thin and high-precision specifications make it suitable for all kinds of machines, such as robot hands, tactile gloves, arm sleeves, etc. For specific processes, ReSkin can also provide tactile signals (high frequency) for the sliding, throwing, catching and clapping operations of the machine.

When Reskin is applied to different products, a large amount of relevant data will be generated, which can help researchers improve their tactile perception ability in AI systems.

Figure | Frequency changes of sensors applying ReSkin under different magnetic fields (Source:Proceedings of Machine Learning Research)

For example, ReSkin is an elastic sheet that can change its shape and contains magnetic particles. When its shape changes, it will release different magnetic signals. Researchers can use magnetometer to measure these changes, and use data-driven technology to convert the measured data into information such as contact position and applied force.

At present, many tactile sensing experiments are limited to one sensor level. This is because every time ReSkin is replaced, the machine needs to build a new model, which reduces the transmission efficiency.

Moreover, in different scenarios, each sensor needs to be thoroughly calibrated with the initial calibration procedure to match its individual response. This means that the calibration procedure must also adapt to these changes. In addition, as time goes by, soft skin like ReSkin will deform and need to be replaced, so it is difficult to popularize and apply it to different interactive scenarios.

In order to simplify the replacement process of Reskin, the researchers made innovations in three aspects.

Firstly, the researcher separates the internal circuit of the sensor from the passive interface, and does not need to be electrically connected with the traditional measuring electronic equipment. This operation effectively improves the sensitivity of the sensor, and it is as simple as sticking a sticker when replacing worn ReSkin.

Secondly, the researchers use the output data of several sensors to improve the model mapping. Through this operation, researchers can use a higher data diversity training model. This helps the sensor to output more effective and generalized data.

Thirdly, thanks to the self-supervised learning mode of the machine, researchers don’t have to collect calibration data for each new sensor, but use a small amount of unlabeled data to automatically fine-tune the sensor.

It is known that the existing camera-based tactile sensor requires a very small contact distance between the surface and the camera, which leads to a heavier machine. In contrast, ReSkin can cover the hands and arms of humans and robots, which facilitates researchers to develop multifunctional, expandable and inexpensive tactile modules. This is impossible for the existing artificial intelligence tactile system.

In order to highlight the practical value of ReSkin and show its unique charm of promoting the development of artificial intelligence, researchers apply it to different machine scenes. From grasping tiny objects to measuring the force exerted by the dog’s feet, from building a continuous ReSkin with wide coverage to measuring the field contact force, ReSkin has shown its extremely high flexibility and practicality.

Although researchers have demonstrated the technical advantages of ReSkin in contact location and force prediction, ReSkin still has great development potential in the future.

The experiment of this paper is based on the single-point contact of the machine, and the goal of scientists is to further study the application of ReSkin under multi-point contact. Another interesting future development direction is to specifically analyze the influence of external magnetic field and metal objects on ReSkin’s perception ability.

In addition, based on ReSkin’s high time resolution of 400Hz, researchers can make use of this advantage and use dynamic time series data to create better machine models. In a word, scientists believe that ReSkin will promote the machine’s touch perception ability and be able to apply it to practice.


Wonderful Classroom | Shanghai Pudong Vanke Kindergarten makeU Baby Robot Programming officially started.

On October 27th, 2022, makeU Kindergarten, a private Vanke kindergarten in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, officially started its class. It used the mode of "building blocks+physical programming" to bring unprecedented artificial intelligence experience to children.

This is the first class of "Building Block Robot+Physical Programming" in kindergarten. Children can’t wait to open the makeU robot suit in their hands. Under the guidance of the teacher, they build the ideal robot shape step by step, and gradually form the ability of space construction in hands-on practice.

Large-sized blocks are more suitable for teaching in early childhood. In simple block insertion and disassembly, children gradually master the structural knowledge such as interlocking structure and balance structure.

Through the teacher’s lively and interesting explanation, the children have a preliminary understanding of the building block programming robots in their hands: controllers, motors, ultrasonic sensors … In the practice of one interesting project, robots gradually become friends of children, and science and technology are no longer unfamiliar concepts and symbols, so that children can grow up with artificial intelligence from an early age.

When the children are proficient in programming methods, they start a wonderful programming journey with makeU reading pen in their hands.

"Forward, backward, ultrasonic lights on!" Under a series of programming instructions, the robot in the child’s hand "came alive" instantly, and accurately executed the action according to the logical instructions spliced by the child. In this way, the seeds of science and technology are buried in children’s hearts, expecting children to continue watering them with scientific enthusiasm.

The application of artificial intelligence in preschool education is the development trend of future school education reform. Whale robot innovates the form of preschool education activities, adopts the trinity teaching of "play-learn-practice", combines classroom knowledge absorption with challenging activities, fully mobilizes children’s interest, enhances children’s self-confidence, and cultivates children’s ability to solve problems and resist setbacks.

The robot provides products, teaching, training and competition for children’s artificial intelligence education, and the four-in-one comprehensive support is convenient for the kindergarten to carry out teaching activities. The comprehensive toys for children’s programming in Pudong Kindergarten are the ones in the program.

usage scenario

? Literacy promotion class? Special class

program objective

? Cultivate children with core competitiveness.

Curriculum system

Curriculum implementation

? Teach by asking and learn actively.

? CBL(Creation-based Learning) Teaching Method

Core suit

Can meet the requirements of small, middle and large classes in kindergartens,3 years, 6 semestersComprehensive materials.

? Adjustable activity site model

The park used in the package can participate in the officially organized scientific and technological activities and the assessment of children’s artificial intelligence literacy level for free.

Partial product display (makeU 1002)

? Control and electronic components

? Components and auxiliary materials

? Control and electronic components

1. Children’s programming enlightenment toys

usage scenario

? Garden-based courses? Home linkage

2. Artificial intelligence regional games

usage scenario

? Science district? Intelligence area

? Construction area? Programming area

3. Artificial intelligence function room

usage scenario

? 3~6 years old science and technology activities? Game organization

? Show

4. Design of artificial intelligence environment

usage scenario

? Creation of Science and Technology Innovation Environment for Kindergarten in Science District

whalechildEducational robotadvantage

Children’s artificial intelligence enlightenment

The robot will walk with you.

Want to consult children’s artificial intelligence education series products,

Solve problems related to solutions,


1. Call for advice

2. WeChat official account left a message backstage.

We will arrange to answer your questions as soon as possible!

Is it really easy to turn graphics into video?

How many content creators keep up late to cut videos of liver explosion? Have you ever thought that one day we can get rid of this heavy work and be done by AI instead? In fact, judging from the development status of AIGC industry, the above imagination is entirely possible to become a reality, and it may be in the near future.

From the perspective of Xiaobian, the content editing industry will go through three stages of development, and we are currently in the initial state of the second stage.

The first stage: pure manual editing

In the traditional sense, it is the manual editing of staying up late to burst the liver. The quality of editing depends on the level of editors and the time spent. This stage is characterized by "high labor intensity" and "a lot of repetitive work". It is precisely because of this pain point that with the progress of technology, the pain point of "excessive physical labor" was first solved by AI. After all, what AI is best at is simple and repetitive labor.

The second stage: manual +AI collaboration stage

AI is good at simple and repetitive movements, but AI is not only good at simple and repetitive movements. So the development of video editing industry has entered the stage of "manual +AI collaborative editing". From the clipping used in our daily life to some commercial clips in the toB field, we can see that AI smart clips are active among them.

Watson, an artificial intelligence system of IBM, edited the trailer for the sci-fi thriller movie Morgan as early as 2016. The technical team collected 100 thriller movie trailers for Watson to machine learn. Watson’s unique training model tagged the details of these trailers, such as picture, audio, scene connection, sound configuration, etc., decomposed and learned one by one, and assigned them to its own creative model. Finally, Watson successfully used the trained data model to select materials from 90-minute movies, and edited them into a 6-minute trailer, which was successfully put into use for film announcement.

Up to now, this kind of intelligent matching tool platform has evolved to the extreme, and ordinary users can simply use AI function for intelligent editing. On the local AI intelligent graphic-to-video platform, one frame per second is the highest, and the user inputs the edited copy. AI will automatically perform intelligent picture matching from the platform’s powerful online material library, presenting its own intelligent video generation results in seconds, and matching all-round details such as pictures, dubbing, subtitles, etc. in one stop. Users can directly export and use it with simple confirmation, especially in the production of popular science content and simple sharing content with low editing difficulty.

At the same time, AI, as an auxiliary tool of intelligent editing, is also blooming in the development direction. At present, all kinds of AI-enabled editing software emerge in an endless stream, some of which support intelligent graphic-to-video, some of which focus on recording and cutting, and some of which can simulate the voice of the user for dubbing modification and adjustment. The "scoop" can also be quickly corrected through AI. In short, the current AI intelligent editing industry is in a thriving development trend. It can be said that with the progress and integration of technology, AI will be fully involved in the field of intelligent editing, and our video editing work will be greatly released.

The third stage: pure AI editing stage

In the future, AI will run video editing in the whole process, even the currently difficult "audit" work. This is a bold idea put forward by Xiaobian, which has certain subjectivity. The main idea of this view is that the compliance and rigor of AI creation are unmatched by human editing. At present, AI editing is still in the primary stage, so human assistance is needed in content review and sensitive screen screening. However, the speed and capacity of AI learning is far beyond that of human beings. With a large number of legal provisions and review rules being learned by AI, the whole process of video editing will be completed by AI.

AI can even avoid problems such as audit omission caused by human fatigue and negligence. Even, while recording and cutting, real-time synchronization, the completion of shooting is a piece of export, which is not completely impossible. In addition to the research and development of AI automatic editing software, there may be AI shooting intelligent hardware devices, workstations and other products in the future, so as to maximize the convenience of video production. The development of AI technology makes us more daring to imagine its bright future.

In addition, what really makes Xiaobian feel that the intelligent editing industry will eventually rise vigorously is that the existing problems "seem" are not problems, and AI will eventually break them one by one with strong technical strength. When the AI industry was just beginning to develop, we were worried that AI would replace some human jobs. At that time, the prediction given by the technology industry was that "art, creativity and other jobs that need to exert human imagination will not be replaced".

However, at present, AI’s original painting has become a reality, and the field of artistic creativity has become the first industry to be impacted. It can be seen that AI’s "imagination" is far beyond our imagination, and the speed of technology iterative update is much faster than expected. The future is really coming.