The application of electronic connectors wins in the era of Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

The new rise of science and technology has also created the heyday of an era. With the growth of the global population, it has promoted the progress and development of industry invisibly based on the need for convenience. The problem of food and clothing for modern people has been basically solved, and the experience brought by science and technology has become people’s spiritual food, bringing more fun and convenience to life.

Looking at the past, no matter from the industrial field or the consumer electronics field, the thinking and manufacturing power of the Internet is relatively backward, and the consumption power is weak, so the application scale of electronic connectors is very different from the present situation. With the opening of the Internet, the new promotion of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things has greatly changed the life around us.

Intuitive changes that can reflect the development of science and technology are constantly being popularized in life, and the application of smart home makes people sigh! Smart refrigerators, smart TVs, smart washing machines, smart speakers, smart lighting, smart air conditioners, smart door locks, intelligent curtain, etc., with the empowerment of the Internet of Things, have the ability to connect to the network, and have gradually become the new focus of the development of the Internet of Things in 2019.

The application of electronic connectors wins in the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

In the field of consumer electronics, whether it is smart home, service robot or smart wear, with the development trend of intelligence, the application of electronic connectors has increased dramatically, showing an unprecedented good trend, which is a new height for the past.

The application of electronic connectors wins in the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

According to authoritative statistics, the development of the Internet of Things is growing at an annual rate of 25%. It is estimated that by 2024, the market scale of the Internet of Things is expected to exceed 2.2 trillion yuan. Secondly, the application of the Internet of Things is more extensive, and it penetrates deeply in many industries such as electric power, transportation, industry, medical care, security and so on. In this new field, it will be a new blue ocean for the electronic connector market!

These are some of Xiaobian’s opinions. Readers can also discuss with Xiaobian what they think later.

After VAR awarded OPE a penalty for Liverpool handball, Salah shot wide and missed the penalty.

Mohamed Salah missed a penalty for OPE against Bournemouth at noon on Saturday.

VAR awarded Liverpool handball

Salah broke the reds’ first goal of the season.

Klopp lost to relegation fighter Bournemouth.

What happened? Liverpool were awarded a penalty for Adam Smith’s handball, which gave them a chance to equalize the score against Bournemouth. Salah stood up for Liverpool’s first penalty of the season and uncharacteristically missed the ball!

The bigger picture: Liverpool hope to take advantage of last week’s 7-0 victory over Manchester United on the South Coast. Philip Bill scored the only goal of the game, and the Red Army fell behind. They thought they had a chance to return to the game before Salah missed the penalty.

Wofeng Technology GaussMind: How strong is the outbound marketing robot?

In the early days of Internet popularization, some people said, "You never know if the computer is a dog." With the development of artificial intelligence, it is hard for you to guess whether the phone is a robot. In daily life, many calls like the above are made automatically by robots. Compared with the mechanical hearing when the keys are guided before, with the iterative update of technology, the voice of outbound marketing robots is getting closer and closer to real people, and even many outbound marketing robots are recorded by real people, which is difficult to distinguish by sound.

Real-life calls are big, and multi-scene applications are effortless.

In order to create a smooth and natural dialogue experience, Wofeng Technology’s AI outbound robot team has made a number of technical adjustments to the robot’s voice:

Special interactive requirements such as interruption, silence, waiting and restatement in the process of communication are configured in a targeted manner to make the dialogue smoother.

03 intelligent noise reduction

By optimizing the ASR acoustic model in various ways, the influence of environmental background sound and channels of different devices on speech recognition in practical application scenarios can be effectively reduced, and the dialogue clarity can be improved.

The technically optimized human outbound robot can be used in various scenarios of enterprises to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency:

01 Intention clue screening

The task of clue screening has the characteristics of high repeatability, high accuracy and difficult training. Wofeng Technology connects the AI outbound robot to the enterprise CRM, and transmits the clues in real time to make outbound calls to help enterprises realize the screening of potential customers. The outbound robot will configure reasonable outbound call time, outbound call strategy and outbound call technique according to the business model to ensure the clue conversion rate.

02 outgoing private domain drainage

According to different business objectives, such as live broadcast and drainage, old customers’ repurchase and promotion, new customers’ operation, etc., different outbound calls are created, carefully polished from sentence length, process connection, tone speed, timbre volume and other aspects, and recorded by real people, so as to strive for humanized user experience and promote drainage marketing.

03 great promotion activity marketing

With the emergence of pain points such as high traffic acquisition cost, low reach range and limited customer precipitation, enterprises seek new solutions. Outbound robots can make batch outbound calls for historical customers or registered members during the promotion period, record user portraits during the outbound call, preset various words, label different people and generate reports, which is convenient for accurate marketing later.

For many enterprises, satisfaction return visit is the key task to reflect their after-sales service, and business opportunities can also be tapped in this process. However, due to the large number of users, the requirements of satisfaction return visit and the difficulty of business opportunity mining speech training, enterprises create work orders through various channels (online/inbound, robot/manual), and after the work order is completed, they automatically create AI outbound call tasks through work order triggers to make a return visit, so as to ensure that user problems are properly solved.

With the development of science and technology, what changes will artificial intelligence bring to our lives?

With the development and application of technology, artificial intelligence has gradually entered people’s lives, and more and more enterprises and organizations have begun to use AI technology in their business. In the future, with the further development of technology, the application prospect of artificial intelligence will be broader and will become an important driving force in the digital age.

At present, artificial intelligence has been widely used in many fields, such as medical care, financial services, transportation, education, entertainment and other fields. For example, in the field of medical care, artificial intelligence can help doctors diagnose and treat diseases quickly and accurately by analyzing and processing a large number of medical data; In the field of financial services, artificial intelligence can provide customers with more personalized financial services by analyzing and processing a large number of financial data; In the field of transportation, artificial intelligence can improve the efficiency and safety of traffic management and reduce the incidence of traffic congestion through vehicle networking technology; In the field of education, artificial intelligence can provide students with more personalized learning services through intelligent teaching systems; In the field of entertainment, artificial intelligence can provide users with entertainment services that are more in line with their needs through the analysis of users’ interests and preferences.

With the continuous development and innovation of artificial intelligence technology, its application prospect will be broader. For example, artificial intelligence will be more and more widely used in smart homes, smart cities, driverless and other fields. Smart home will provide people with a more intelligent, comfortable and safe living environment through the connection and cooperation of intelligent devices; Smart cities will improve the level and efficiency of urban management and services through big data analysis and intelligent management; Unmanned driving will improve traffic safety and reduce traffic congestion through technologies such as automatic driving and intelligent navigation.

Although the application prospect of artificial intelligence is very broad, it also faces some challenges and problems in the application process. For example, issues such as data security, privacy protection, interpretability of algorithms, and the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market require the joint efforts of all parties to promote the further development of technology and applications.

The application prospect of artificial intelligence is very broad and it will play an important role in the future economic and social development. At the same time, we should also note that the application of artificial intelligence technology needs to balance the development of technology and society, taking into account issues such as data security and privacy protection, so that it can be truly used by human beings and promote human development and progress.

All four teams won at home, and Real Madrid continued to follow Barcelona.

Last night and early this morning, there were four rematches in the 25th round of La Liga. The four home teams all scored points-Real Madrid beat the Spaniard 3-1 at home, while elche tied Balado Lide 1-1 at home; Certa beat Vallecano 3-0 at home, while Valencia beat Osasuna 1-0 in Mestalla and escaped from the relegation zone.

In terms of standings, Real Madrid shortened the gap with Barcelona to 6 points. Vallecano and Osasuna both lost and still ranked seventh and eighth; Valencia’s home win pushed Seville and almeria into the relegation zone, and the two teams will also have a direct dialogue in this round.

Real Madrid C.F.




Real Madrid welcomes Spaniards at home. The Spaniard who fought away from home scored in the 8th minute, Ruben Sanchez crossed, and Jose Lu seized the opportunity to score 0-1. In 22 minutes, Venesius hit the right foot in the penalty area to equalize the score, 1-1. In 39 minutes, Chuameni assisted Militao to score a header, and 2-1, Real Madrid took the lead and entered the second half. In the 93rd minute, asensio, who came off the bench, received a pass from Na Qiao and scored another point. Real Madrid won 3-1 at home.


Real Valladolid Club de Fútbol



Elche, which ranks at the bottom, welcomes Balado Lide who has escaped from the relegation zone at home. Four minutes after the opening, Balado Lide was assisted by Olasa to score a goal by Lalin, 0-1. In 16 minutes, Plano hit the door slightly at a small angle. In 34 minutes, Boyer’s header missed. Elche trailed 0-1 in the first half. In 59 minutes, Boyer’s long-range shot was blocked. In 84 minutes, Raul Guti hit the door in the restricted area and was thrown. In 96 minutes, Morent volleyed and scored a tie, 1-1. Since then, Mesa and Hogela have been sent off for the second yellow card in this game. In the end, each side will get one point.

Certa Vigo




Certa, who played at home, took the initiative. In the 5 th minute, Bega’s long-range shot was saved. In 11 minutes, Lejon hit the door slightly higher outside the restricted area. In 41 minutes, aspas missed the goal from the left side of the penalty area. In the first half, the two sides drew a blank. In the 51st minute, Harvey Garland assisted aspas to score a goal from the left in the restricted area, 1-0. Then, carles Perez’s shot caused a Sis own goal, 2-0. In 85 minutes, aspas scored his second goal in this game, and Certa beat Vallecano 3-0.





In the 6th minute, Diaca missed the header. In 11 minutes, Abd shot high. In 33 minutes, Hugo Duro shot in the restricted area and was saved. In the first half, the two sides drew a blank. Easy side fight again, 55 minutes, Avila shot high from the left side of the restricted area. In 74 minutes, Lino assisted Kluivert to score the only goal in the game, 1-0. In 89 minutes, Valencia got a penalty opportunity, and Hugo Duro was saved from the penalty, and the score remained unchanged. In the end, with the goal of Kluiwitt, the Bat Corps, which ranked second to last, won the game 1-0 and gained 3 valuable points.

The next venture outlet direction

According to the current trend and the future development direction of technology, I think the next venture outlet may be:

1. Artificial intelligence: With the continuous development of big data and cloud computing technology, artificial intelligence will gradually become the mainstream technology, and more startups will focus on the research and application of artificial intelligence in the future.

Personally, I think that the future entrepreneurial outlet will be the specific application of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has made remarkable achievements and has been widely used in various fields, such as health care, finance, retail, manufacturing and so on. In the future, with the continuous improvement of technology, artificial intelligence will further penetrate into our daily life and various industries, such as smart homes and smart cities. Therefore, enterprises that will devote themselves to the development and application of artificial intelligence will become the next venture outlet. The application of AI technology will also bring more opportunities and challenges.

2. Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality Technology As a developer of artificial intelligence, I think the next venture outlet will be the specific application of artificial intelligence. Although artificial intelligence technology has been very hot in the past few years, its application field still has a lot of room for expansion. Especially in the era when the Internet of Things and cloud computing are booming, artificial intelligence is widely used in various fields such as operation and management systems, and its application scenarios are becoming more specific and diversified.

For example, in the field of intelligent manufacturing and industrial control, artificial intelligence can help enterprises optimize production processes, improve production efficiency and quality, and reduce costs. In the financial field, artificial intelligence can be applied to risk control, fraud detection, investment decision-making and other aspects, and can achieve high-precision and efficient data analysis. In addition, artificial intelligence also has a wide application prospect in medical care, education, transportation and other fields.

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is the future development trend and new venture outlet. With the advancement and maturity of technology, more and more artificial intelligence startups will emerge in the future. Technology is developing rapidly, and more startups will pay attention to the development and application of virtual reality technology in the future, such as games, education, medical care and other fields.

Application of blockchain technology In today’s digital age, the application of blockchain technology is more and more extensive, which can be used in finance, logistics, medical care and other fields. It has the characteristics of decentralization, high security and high credibility. More enterprises will use and explore it in the future, so the application of blockchain technology is one of the next entrepreneurial outlets.

3. Blockchain: Blockchain is a decentralized technology, which can be applied to various fields, such as finance and supply chain management. In the future, more startups will pay attention to the application of blockchain.

From a technical point of view, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and blockchain all have great potential and market space, but from the current market situation, blockchain is still in its early stage, its application is not extensive enough, and more technical optimization and exploration of application scenarios are needed; The application scene of virtual reality is relatively narrow and the audience is relatively limited; Artificial intelligence has been widely used, but it still needs further development and improvement.

Therefore, I personally think that the next venture outlet may be the development and application of Internet of Things technology. With the rapid development of Internet of Things technology, more and more devices and facilities will have the ability of data collection and transmission, which will give birth to a large number of data analysis and application requirements. At the same time, the Internet of Things will also give birth to a large number of emerging formats, such as smart home, smart city, smart medical care, etc., all of which have great market and commercial value. Therefore, the next few years will be the golden age of Internet of Things entrepreneurship, and various innovative applications based on Internet of Things technology will appear like mushrooms after rain, becoming the next entrepreneurial outlet.

In short, the future entrepreneurial enthusiasm is not limited to the above three areas. With the continuous progress of technology, we can foresee more new entrepreneurial opportunities.

The Frontier of Science and Technology | See how AI doctors crack down on "invisible killers" that endanger the health of teenagers

Cover journalist Tan Yuqing Bian Xue

In recent years, scoliosis has become a common disease that harms teenagers, making it difficult for sick teenagers to straighten their backs. According to statistics, the number of scoliosis among primary and secondary school students in China exceeds 5 million, and it is still increasing at a rate of about 300,000 per year. Scoliosis has become the third major disease that harms the health of children and adolescents after obesity and myopia.

Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are the key points to combat scoliosis, otherwise it may develop into a very serious deformity, which may affect cardiopulmonary function and even lead to paralysis in severe cases.

Scoliosis model

In the past, doctors would diagnose scoliosis by manual measurement and X-ray screening, but with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into medical imaging technology, this step may be further optimized. In the screening stage, it is only necessary to "simply take pictures" to preliminarily determine whether scoliosis occurs, and in the diagnosis stage, the "experienced" AI system can also assist doctors to quickly read films for diagnosis.

Why can taking pictures replace x-rays? How does AI system assist doctors in screening and diagnosing scoliosis? Recently, the cover journalist explored the development of AI+ medical imaging technology.

It only takes a few seconds. Did the AI system tell you about scoliosis?

In the "simulated physical examination room", the reporter saw the hardware part of the spine AIS intelligent screening and diagnosis system (hereinafter referred to as the "system")-a rectangular metal frame about 2 meters high, with a group of small cameras in the center of the top. It looks simple, but the effect is not simple. The reporter’s on-site experience found that it took only a few seconds from detection to obtaining the report results.

The hardware part of the system is the camera.

"As long as the examinee stands in a standard position and poses Adam’s position to expose his back, the system can quickly complete the screening by using an infrared depth camera to collect information on his back." According to Fan Jipeng, the person in charge of the Shuangxin Department of Chengdian Gold Disk, the system will map and transform the image information collected by the camera to get the depth information of multiple posture key points on the back, so as to calculate the back asymmetry index and judge whether the subject may have scoliosis.

Schematic diagram of screening process

He said that this intelligent system will get closer and closer to the level of X-ray diagnosis by constantly learning actual cases and optimizing existing algorithms. While ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of screening, it can also prevent the teenagers being tested from being exposed to X-ray radiation.

This new technology may help to better implement the scoliosis examination project that was included in the physical examination of students in 2022. "We think the greatest significance of the screening system is that it can quickly complete large-scale examinations, so that children with scoliosis who have not yet been discovered will not be delayed."

Interface of scoliosis diagnosis system

In the diagnosis stage, the intelligent system is also a good assistant for doctors. Fan Jipeng explained that in the traditional process, in order to diagnose scoliosis, doctors need to measure the Cobb angle of the spine with a ruler, but this is time-consuming. Different doctors will make some errors when measuring by hand. Doctors with less experience may need to consult for scoliosis with large curvature, and the diagnosis time will be prolonged. However, after deep learning, the artificial intelligence system can accurately read and measure the film within 3~5 seconds, and give diagnosis suggestions.

At present, the system has completed the screening and diagnosis of more than 5,000 cases of scoliosis. "Now we are cooperating with Electronic Science and Technology University Hospital, Zhongshan Pok Oi Hospital and Shenzhen Children’s Scoliosis Center, and this number will be continuously updated."

Training "AI Good Doctor" by "Engraving" Algorithm of Expert Experience

"The accuracy of top doctors’ diagnosis of scoliosis may be 85%~90%, and the overall accuracy of our system will continue to approach this figure." Fan Jipeng said that at present, of course, the accuracy of top experts is higher, but compared with ordinary doctors, the system may have exceeded their basic level.

So, what gives the diagnosis system the ability to catch up with top experts? The answer is the experts themselves.

"When experts mark the angles of thousands of scoliosis cases, the system will learn based on this and solidify the experience of top experts into the algorithm, thus reaching a higher diagnostic level." In Fan Jipeng’s view, although the system is not as good as top experts, it is used to assist ordinary doctors in diagnosis or help improve their medical level.

The marked samples provided by human experts are the "success stories" of artificial intelligence doctors, but Fan Jipeng said that this is also one of the difficulties in the development of AI doctors. Different races, even people in different regions, will have certain differences. If the diagnosis is accurate enough, researchers need to collect as many samples as possible for AI to learn.

At present, the real large-scale landing of the system still faces some difficulties in the process. "How to make the medical examiners go through the inspection process quickly and how to ensure that their Adam posture is standard requires some corresponding training."

Therefore, the system will learn more practical cases, further optimize its algorithm program, continuously improve the diagnostic accuracy, and design detailed operating standards for the system, "for example, what is the standard Adam position, how to do it well, etc."

Salt the wound! Messi was ridiculed by C Ronaldo fans: Is this the best in the world? C Ronaldo is GOAT

Last year’s FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 left a deep impression on everyone. In FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, there is no doubt that the biggest winner is the Argentine team. The Argentine team went all the way back without being optimistic, and finally won the championship in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. After winning the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship, the whole Argentine team was very happy, and Messi was undoubtedly the happiest.

Messi was called the king of the ball by the fans, but he lacked a World Cup champion in his career. Now Messi finally made up for this regret and he became a well-deserved king of the ball. Messi is recognized as the king of the ball, and some fans are definitely uncomfortable in their hearts. These fans are Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans, because Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have been competing for many years. Unexpectedly, Messi defeated Cristiano Ronaldo and became the only king of the ball.

Although Messi has been called the king of the ball, there will be ups and downs in Messi’s performance on the court. Recently, in the Champions League, Bundesliga overlord Bayern Munich beat Paris Saint-Germain 2-0 at home and eliminated Paris 3-0 to advance to the quarter-finals. Paris striker Messi missed the Champions League quarter-finals for three consecutive years and has missed the Champions League honor for eight consecutive seasons. After the game, C Ronaldo fans ran to Messi’s social media to leave a crazy message mocking: Is this the best in the world? C Ronaldo is the GOAT.

Seeing Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans mocking Messi, everyone felt it was unnecessary, because Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are both great football superstars, and they have achieved each other. Although Messi now has one more World Cup champion than Cristiano Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo has never given up. He also hopes to win the World Cup like Messi four years later. It is also because of Messi’s existence that Cristiano Ronaldo can make continuous progress.

Both Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have entered the end of their careers, and how many years they will play in the future is unknown. It is very likely that both of them will choose to retire. Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have left very good memories for everyone. Even if they both retire, fans will miss them and will look at their highlights of the game.

Although Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans are not satisfied with Messi, Messi’s achievements are real, and Messi is now considered as the king of the ball. In this case, Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans should take it easy. I hope Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo’s fans can live in peace, and everyone expects these two fan groups to continue to support their beloved idols and cheer for them.

Love Liverpool! No chance of Bellingham, three reasons for exposure: 115 million, Real Madrid shot.

Liverpool must be alert. There are three factors that will make it more and more difficult to introduce Bellingham. First, both Real Madrid and Manchester City are very interested in Bellingham, and the players seem to be a little moved. Second, the player’s termination fee is very high, and he himself wants a higher salary; Third, the player wants to go to a team with superior strength in the Champions League.

Klopp has made it clear that Liverpool intend to reinforce the midfield this summer. Bellingham is their number one target, but they face competition from Real Madrid and Manchester City. The England international’s contract expires in 2025, and the new club may have to pay more than 100 million pounds to poach him from Dortmund. Liverpool have recently been regarded as the most promising signing for Bellingham, and the Premier League club is "increasingly confident".

However, the German media "Kicker" reported that Bellingham’s father had met with senior officials of Real Madrid many times. If Real Madrid is serious and Liverpool are not ready to make a good offer as soon as possible, it will become more and more difficult for Bellingham to move to Anfield.

It is reported that the meeting between Bellingham’s father and the next team took place not only in England, but also in the Spanish capital the week before. But the important thing is that Bellingham himself has not made a decision, and he has not negotiated with Dortmund. Liverpool are still competing for this talented player, but Real Madrid is becoming more and more popular with players. klopp’s team must submit a sincere offer as soon as possible.

Klopp has admitted: Once it comes to money, I don’t want to talk about it. Having said that, Bellingham’s motivation for transfer is not just money. Dortmund hopes that he will stay with the team after the end of this season, and they hope that he can sign a new contract. However, The Kicker added that Dortmund’s elimination from the Champions League by Chelsea would bring unpleasant consequences. Dortmund’s situation is a bit difficult. Dortmund can’t be compared with Real Madrid and Liverpool in terms of football or salary.

If you lose to Chelsea in the second round, Dortmund will miss the quarter-finals and lose a prize of 10.6 million euros. Dortmund could have used this money to keep Bellingham. Dortmund boss Watzck is considering offering Bellingham an annual salary of 15 million euros. Now it seems that it is difficult for Bellingham to stay in the Bundesliga!

So for this news, fans, do you have anything to say? If you like this article, welcome to pay attention to Beta and chat with the stars and the ball game.

Jin Hyundai: The company has become the first batch of ecological partners of Baidu Wenxin.

Jin Hyundai said,The company has applied NLP (Natural Language Processing), OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and image recognition technologies in some software systems.At present, the specific application scenarios include:1) Automatic labeling of cadre evaluation.NLP technology is used to label all kinds of documents and materials of cadre evaluation automatically, which breaks through the integration of text multi-classification, semantic recognition and rule engine, and the accuracy of labeling is over 95%, which is completely practical.2) Intelligent search of knowledge base documents.Based on NLP technology, word segmentation, entity recognition and text similarity processing are carried out for document titles and contents, and a labeling system is established to label all documents. Under the traditional search strategy of text matching and sorting, intelligent search based on tags and semantic network is realized, and the accuracy of search results is greatly improved, which is closer to the needs of users.3) Text extraction of biomedical equipment report.Using OCR technology, the experimental reports of biomedical equipment (editable PDF and scanned PDF, etc.) are accurately extracted, which avoids the problems of low efficiency and error-prone caused by manual copying, and solves the problems of small font recognition and table breakage recognition.4) Image recognition of live equipment.OCR technology is used to identify and extract the instrument and interface data of power equipment, which greatly improves the efficiency of manual inspection. Compared with the general OCR model, it further solves the problems of identifying special characters (such as ω, μ) in the power field.5) Intelligent pre-examination of project data.Using image recognition and OCR technology, the key information of the project can be automatically recognized from the paper report image, and seals and signatures of different colors, shapes and sizes can be recognized at the same time. With the company’s further research on artificial intelligence technology and the implementation of measures such as the company’s access to Baidu Wenxin Yiyan, the company will have more and more research results and application scenarios in the field of artificial intelligence in the future. At present, similar products of MOSS are not involved.